10 Tips for a Good Menopause

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Transcript of 10 Tips for a Good Menopause

No one likes being out of balance, especially when hot flashes, foggy thinking and mood swings leave us feeling like a pale reflection of our former selves.

Fortunately, we have a lot more control over the ups and downs of menopause than we might think.

Read on to learn the Top 10 Tips for returning to hormone balance and having a GOOD MENOPAUSE.

#1 Determine your own symptoms of hormone imbalance with the ZRT Hormone Checklist

#2 Test your hormones to detect hidden imbalances. We recommend ZRT’s Saliva Profile III or the Female Comprehensive Profile I.

#3 If testing identifies imbalances that require hormone therapy, insist on bio-identical hormones. Made to mimic natural physiology, they’re and safer than synthetic hormone combinations.

Find a natural hormone friendly physician at:www.womeninbalance.org https://myzrt.zrtlab.com/tools/FindProvider

#4 Support your adrenals with optimal C, B-complex, D3 & herbal “adaptogens” such as Dong Quai, Astragalus, Ashwagandha, Maca & Rhodiola that help the adrenal glands adapt to stress

Adrenals are the main source of hormone supplies during this time of life, so supporting them is key to a healthy menopause.

#5 Avoid xenoestrogens by eating “hormone free” foods & using “green” home & personal care products. Heat & store foods in ceramic or glass.

Reject synthetic hormone replacement (HRT) and products with unpronounceable ingredients.

#6 Counteract stress with stretching, deep breathing, yoga, Pilates, walking, swimming.

Exercise outdoors whenever possible.

#7 Strength train to boost anabolic hormones naturally to build & maintain muscle, bone & libido. Work with a trainer to avoid injury.

#8 Get Vitamin Zzzs: Sleep 7-8 hours a night; and if you can’t get it all in, work in a 15-minute power nap

#9 Prioritize ME time: to unwind, enjoy life & soothe stress hormones

#10 Act the way you want to feel: research shows it works!

Read: The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.