10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever

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  • 8/11/2019 10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever


    10 Most Grotesquely Violent VideoGames Ever


    The blockbusters of the contemporary gaming landscape attempt to weave together an intricate

    narrative with balanced, original gameplay mechanics and a roster of sympathetic, compelling characters to create a gaming experience which will astound critics and excite players. They require

    hundreds of man hours and teams full of the finest coders and creative thinkers to create and

    should be held in the same esteem as Oscar winning films and Emmy winning television shows

    when pulled off successfully. Sometimes as gamers we demand something far more base.

    Character development and innovative gameplay elements are fantastic, but there are always

    those occasions when wed rather hop into a game of GTA 5 and run down some pedestrians in a

    garbage truck or pick off neer do wells with our heavy sniper. However, there are several games

    on the market whose stomach churning violence makes that of GTA look like childish horseplay.

    Though games of this ilk have and will always receive a huge amount of criticism in the media for corrupting the populaces youth and may even subsequently receive a national ban, there will

    always be a market for them. Participating in the violent actions depicted in a game in no way

    means you endorse them youre just an ordinary person who doesnt want to be bored by the

    BBCs news at 6. Indeed, endorsing the violence depicted in the 10 games on this list would make

    you a danger to society. Here are the 10 most grotesquely violent video games ever.

    10 Dead Rising 2

  • 8/11/2019 10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever


    While Dead Rising 2 is violent, its the sort of brutality thatmakes sense. Imagine if the area you live in was subject to a zombieoutbreak; youd use whatever you could to kill them because, afterall, we dont all know how to fire a gun and against the undead ammois a very finite commodity. The fact this isnt real life and just avideo game of course makes it all the more fun as you can worry moreabout discovering creative ways to rip the undead apart without theundesirable consequences of being bitten or mauled to death.

    You play as Chuck Greene, who is doing his level best to stop himself(and his daughter) from becoming an animated corpse. This includesusing whatever is at his disposal to kill every zombie foolishenough to cross his path; this time making sure that the job is doneproperly. While hitting a zombies skull with a pipe is shockingenough, you can combine weapons to forge new ones with more brutalkilling power. These combo weapons include mixing a bow and arrowwith some dynamite to create the Blambow, combining the fireaxe and

    the sledgehammer to make the defiler and attaching a chainsaw to akayak paddle to make the paddlesaw. Unsurprisingly the level ofviolence was upped from the original Dead Rising and this helped thegame to get itself banned in Germany and the UAE (though what hasntbeen banned in UAE).

    9 Gears Of War

  • 8/11/2019 10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever


    Epics incredible third person shooter was rightfully praised upon its release as being one of the

    finest Xbox 360 exclusives available to gamers. The game centred on humanitys fight against the

    reptilian Locust who were systematically taking over human settlements. The threat of these

    formidable aliens may have been great, but Epic armed its gamers with the tools needed to aid

    humanity in its last stand. Gears of War implemented a superb cover system which added a rich

    tactical layer to the game. Rather than rushing out and blasting away your enemies as in most

    shooter games, the 2006 title forced you to move between different cover positions while popping

    up to take shots or firing blind to suppress the enemy. It should come as no surprise that the

    creators of Unreal Tournament should also kit their scifi shooter out with a long list of incredible

    weapons. Though the ranged weapons were all suitably potent, the most graphic kills in Gears of

    War came from the close combat options. The games basic weapon, the Lancer Assault rifle, came

    equipped with a ridiculously powerful chainsaw bayonet. If you rushed in on an enemy position

    you could rev up this purveyor of gore and use it to shred a locust in half, blood splattering the

    screen. Similarly, approaching a downed enemy would allow the player to curb stomp them with

    those gigantic armoured feet, making the illfated enemy wish they had died in the first place. Both

    of these highly graphic kills were available in the games excellent online mode.

    8 Painkiller

  • 8/11/2019 10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever


    Painkiller is a 2004 title originally released for the PC. The gamesees you play as Daniel Garner who, along with his girlfriend, hasdied in a car crash. Daniels girlfriend is enjoying life (death)living it up in heaven but poor Daniel is stuck in Purgatory taskedwith fighting off hordes of monsters in different settings. Eachlevel takes place in a different area and the monsters you face arevaried and fittingly terrifying every time. Some of these enemiesinclude mental patients missing limbs, zombies and some extremelysinister clowns.

    To help you commit your genocide of these hellbound monsters, thegame gives you access to a multitude of extravagant weapons. Theseweapons include the stakegun which enables you to shoot stakes atyour enemies and pin them to walls, electrodriver which shootslightning at your opponents and the titular painkiller which is a sawtype weapon used for melee. Painkiller has excessive amounts of bloodand gore but what can you expect from a game inspired by classics

    like Doom and Duke Nukem?

    7 Bulletstorm

  • 8/11/2019 10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever


  • 8/11/2019 10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever


    Isaac Clarke was your run of the mill space ship engineer who went to investigate a distress call

    sent out by his girlfriend, Nicole. Once boarding it quickly becomes apparent that the USG Ishimura

    has been overrun by a swarm of aliens and despite your lack of military training you are the

    man who must fight off these hideous beings. Almost entirely isolated, Isaac must brave the dark,

    alien infested corridors of the Ishimura in the hope of not only surviving himself but also of

    rescuing Nicole. EAs game created a terrifying, incredibly desolate atmosphere which very few

    games have managed to replicate. Indeed, the tagline of Ridley Scotts Alien in space, no one can

    hear you scream has never before rung truer for a video game. Though the atmosphere is

    unnervingly tense throughout, this doesnt mean that the 2008 game is without a huge dosage of

    violence. The Necromorphs (mutated and reanimated corpses) which have invaded the deep space

    ship are far more vulnerable to the loss of limbs than any headshots or body shots on numerous

    occasions throughout the game you will see headless Necromorphs continue to charge at you

    swinging their gigantic scythe like limbs. The game stays traditional to its survival horror routes so

    to conserve what little ammo you have you must use Isaacs arsenal of engineering tools and more

    traditional military weapons to fell his enemies. The game is equally violent if you should prove

    unsuccessful and a Necromorph overwhelms you; you will see them frantically stabbing at the

    corpse of your luckless hero.

    5 Postal 2

  • 8/11/2019 10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever


    You may have heard of the incredibly controversial Postal 2 for allmanner of undesirable reasons. Postal 2 was banned in severalcountries including Australia, Sweden and Malaysia for its graphicdepiction of violence and cruelty so of course it belongs on thislist. The people behind Postal 2 tried to defend the game by sayingthe level of violence is entirely down to the player; this seems alittle dubious as your character is always subject to attacks in someform or other which require a suitably violent counterattack.

    The horrendous levels of violence depicted in Postal 2 are instigatedby your enemies. A group of people who hate books set the library onfire and threaten to murder everyone inside which obviously requiresyou to go postal to save other people. When youre notdismembering bodies you can also engage in one activity which enragedpeople in New Zealand: urinating on the ruined corpses of yourenemies. Apparently the violence wasnt enough for the guys over atRunning with Scissors, Inc. and they just had to continue pushing the

    boundaries they had crossed a long time ago. With all itscontroversy Postal 2 is infamous amongst gamers for being one of themost violent video games of all time; a feat that arguably convincesmore people to play it.

    4 Mortal Kombat 9

  • 8/11/2019 10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever


    Every single gamer, whether they be a casual brain trainer or an ultra hardcore dungeon crawler,

    is familiar with the expression finish him and can give their best impression of the deep voice that

    signifies certain doom. Never one to shy away from violence, Mortal Kombat 9 fully utilised the

    graphics engine at their disposal to make for some truly stomach churning gameplay. Mortal

    Kombat is a fighting game which of course are never without their fair share of violence. However,

    it adds its own brand of unique gore to the fray with special moves you can perform either to turn

    the tide of battle or to put your sorry opponent out of their misery. Each character in Mortal

    Kombat 9 has an xray move which you can perform in battle. This sees you deal an immense

    amount of damage to your opponent through a highly stylised, graphic xray view. Our preferred

    xray move was Strykers use of his trusty police baton to crunch the skull of his enemy you would

    think this would be enough to bump up the violence factor but no; developers NetheRealm would

    still give us those iconic fatalities. The fatalities normally include at least one limb being torn from

    the body of your opponent while others see you split them entirely in half leaving a pile of their

    entrails on the floor, covered in blood. This violence isnt new when it comes to Mortal Kombat,

    however its just far more realistic now than it was in the original back in 1992. With Mortal Kombat

    X on the horizon, get ready to hand out the finishers all over again.

    3 Madworld

  • 8/11/2019 10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever


    Whoever said that the Nintendo Wii was reserved for Mario romps and dreadful dancing titles?

    Developed by Platinum, this intense little beat em up gave its players the chance to run around

    shish kebabing Ninjas to their hearts content. Madworld enables you to act out many of your

    darkest fantasies on Nintendos childrens console. With a deceptively compelling story line,

    extremely satisfying, frantic gameplay and incredible boss battles, Madworld with its many

    grotesque finishing moves is one of the Wiis most memorable titles. At times the violence can

    become so grotesque that it becomes comical. Its at the point where youre using a gigantic, nail

    ridden club to smash enemies at a darts board that you know MadWorld doesnt take itself that

    seriously. All this incredible bloody action is punctuated by the games superb hip hop soundtrack.

    The intense violence and gore of MadWorld is made to seem even more visually arresting by the

    fact that all the action is shown in stark black and white all except for the blood that is. The limited

    colour palette means that MadWorlds improbable supply of blood is foregrounded and intensified.

    Despite the inked lines, Platinum managed to achieve a huge amount of detail in MadWorlds

    environments which would play host to this excessive violence.

    2 God Of War 3

  • 8/11/2019 10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever


    In a way the often disgusting violence of the God of War series can be justified. The world of Greek

    myth is traditionally described as an austere, Darwinists paradise as the strong force their wills on

    the weak and intellectuals may only thrive if theyre as deviously crafty as Odysseus. Whether its

    ramming a gigantic barb through the head of a Hydra, gauging out a Chimeras eyes with its own

    horn or ripping a foot soldier from limb to limb, Kratos is shown to be one of the most zealous

    protagonists in all of gaming who commits so many violent atrocities that on more than one

    occasion we found ourselves cheering against him. The series first outing to utilise the superior

    horsepower of the PS3, God of War 3s gigantic graphical improvements meant that the murderous

    rampages of Kratos were suddenly even more affecting. Particularly gory episodes included the

    ripping off of Helios head with your bare hands, the slaughter of Cronos from the inside and the

    savage beat down of Poseidon. The last of these was particularly gruesome as we were shown the

    action from the ocean gods point of view as he was pummeled to death finally knowing what it

    felt like to be on the receiving end of such violent punishment made us feel somewhat guilty for

    having enjoyed all of Kratos zealous activity till this point. God of War 3 retained the tight gameplay

    and incredible set piece boss battles of the previous titles more than enough for squeamish

    gamers to see past the violence and enjoy SCEs superb game.

    1 Manhunt

  • 8/11/2019 10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever


    Rockstar games are rarely known to be without their many controversies. Whether it is their

    violence, drug use, abrasive characters or the treatment of women, it is hard to think of a Rockstar

    game (other than the hugely playable Table Tennis game) that hasnt caused somewhat of a stir. It

    is not just the intensity of the violence but also the realism which earns Manhunt its place here.

    From beating a hunter over the head with a claw hammer to beheading them with some cheese

    wire, the 2003 games stealth based mechanics leant themselves to these short, intensive flashes

    of grotesque violence. It is hardly surprising that Manhunt should have caused so much controversy

    upon its release. Gone are the relatable characters and redeeming humour of other Rockstar titles,

    to be replaced by the glorification of shocking gore. It may not have the same flamboyance as the

    violence of other games on this list like God of War but it is the stark, realistic portrayal of brutality

    that makes Manhunt shocking. The dull, unadorned sound of the thud of a hammer as it sinks into

    the skull of an enemy gang member is far more horrifying than the mythological roar of Kratos as

    he demolishes the body of a fallen enemy. The games standard difficulty setting being titled fetish

    mode is typical of its bleak attitude towards gore as Rockstar is certainly guilty of the fetishisation

    of extreme violence here.

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  • 8/11/2019 10 Most Grotesquely Violent Video Games Ever
