1 Grain Growth in Protoplanetary Disks: the (Sub)Millimeter Sep 11, 2006 From Dust to Planetesimals,...

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Grain Growth in Protoplanetary Disks:

the (Sub)Millimeter

Sep 11, 2006 From Dust to Planetesimals, Ringberg

David J. WilnerHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics


Relevance of (Sub)Millimeter

• “vibrational” dust emission is dominant mechanism (thermal fluctuations in charge distribution)

• longest observable ’s for dust: 0.35 to 35 mm

• sensitive to cold dust, T<10’s of K

• low opacity, sample emission at all disk depths dependence of opacity diagnostic of dust properties

(e.g. growth to millimeter size)

• no contrast issue with stellar photosphere

• major new facilities under construction: ALMA, eVLA

PPV: Natta, Testi, Calvet, Henning, Waters & Wilner, astro-ph/0602041


ISM Protoplanetary Disks

0.85 mm

Johnstone & Bally 1999

Williams, Andrews, Wilner 2005


• T Tauri, Herbig Ae disks (d≤150 pc, 1-10 Myr)– integrated flux vs. (single dish bolometer)

• observe power law form, F ~ -, 2 < < 3

– spatially resolved brightness (interferometer)

HD169142Dent et al. 2006



(Sub)Millimeter Observables

SMA Raman et al. 2006

300 AU


• mass opacity ( > 0.1 mm) power law form

• normalization, power law index , depend on dust properties:– composition– size distribution– geometry– …

(see Draine 2006)

Basics of “”

Adams et al. 1988, following Draine & Lee 1984



• flux density emitted by an element dA

• if <<1 and h<<kT, then

and simply related to

F ~-(2+)

From to


Beckwith & Sargent (1991)

Disk Dust appears Different

• early (sub)mm obs: disk <>~1 vs. ISM ~1.7 (e.g Weintraub et al. 1989, Adams et al. 1990, Beckwith et al.

1990, Beckwith & Sargent 1991, Mannings & Emerson 1994)


0 1 2


~1 Interpretations

1. changes in dust properties: – grain growth

small, a << /2 =2

large, a >> /2 =0 mm size, ~1

~ -1 due to dust composition particle geometry

2. optically thick emission: – F ~ -2 (in part) > ( - 2)

Pollack et al. 1994 mixture, compact, segregated spheres, n(a) ~ a-q, q=3.5

Calvet & D’Alessio 2001

amax=1 mm

amax=10 cm


Testi et al. (2001)

Dust Properties or Optical Depth?

• e.g. Herbig Ae stars UX Ori, CQ Tau: 1.1-7mm~ 2.0±0.3, 2.65±0.1

~ 0 and large disk? any and small disk?


Resolve Ambiguity

• observe spatial distribution of sub(mm) brightness• arcsecond scales require interferometry

– 1.3, 3 mm: BIMA, OVRO, PdBI, NMA; ATCA, SMA– 7 mm: VLA (thanks to CONACyT, MPIfR, NSF)

longer : lever minimizes uncertainty, probes larger dust; more concern about ionized gas


• combine fluxes, images, improved disk models: – TW Hya– CQ Tau– 7 (2) Herbig Ae stars– 14 (10) Taurus PMS stars– 10 (5) southern PMS stars– 24 (20) Taurus/Oph PMS stars

Interferometer Studies

Calvet et al. 2002

Testi et al. 2003

Natta et al. 2004

Rodmann et al. 2006

Lommen et al. 2006

Andrews & Williams 2007

TBvs. disk radius at 0.4, 3, and 7 mm, from two dust models ofD’Alessio et al. 2001

Calvet & D’Alessio 2001



Calvet et al. 2002

Grain Growth in TW Hya

• irradiated accretion disk model matches SED and VLA (and SMA) intensities from 10’s to Rout~ 200 AU

• shallow (sub)mm slope requires amax >> 1 mm

• observed 7 mm low brightness requires << 1


Many (Barely) Resolved Disks

VLA 7mm Rodmann et al. 2006

ATCA 3mm Lommen et al. 2006


Natta et al. 2004

SMA 0.87/1.3mm Andrews & Williams


• ≤1 for many/most resolved disks

Many More Determinations

solid: Lommen et al. 2006dashed: Rodmann et al. 2006dotted: Natta et al. 2004


is an average, for any dust model– cannot disentangle all properties <1: hard to avoid substantial mass fraction a~O()

Limitations/Complexity of

Natta & Testi 2004






Natta & Testi 2004amax


TW Hya at 3.5 cm?

• disk model underpredicts 3.5 cm emission

• emission mechanism?– ionized protostellar wind

• if FcmdMacc/dt, low by 103x

– spinning dust (Rafikov 2006)

• requires high (unrealistic) C fraction in nanoparticles/PAHs

– synchrotron • X-rays not stellar activity: dense,

cool, and depleted accretion (Stelzer & Schmitt 2004)

– thermal dust, const

F ~ -2.60.1


Weidenschilling 1997 Dullemond & Dominik 2005

Grain Size Evolution

• theory: growth, settling, destruction, … – depart from simple power law size distribution– create midplane population of ~cm size (timescale?)


TW Hya: Pebble Population

toy model: small + ~cm size grains

Wilner et al. 2005

• 3.5 cm disk dust emission 1. not variable: weeks to years

2. resolved at arcsec scale, brightness only ~10 K

3. steep spectrum to 6 cm


• no trend of with stellar luminosity, mass, age• tantalizing trends of with mid-ir growth, settling indicators

Any Correlations?

PPV: Natta et al. 2006 Lommen et al. 2006

Acke et al. 2004



• (sub)mm <1: compelling evidence for growth – most of original dust mass in mm size particles

• no clear trends with stellar properties• mm/cm sizes persist for Myrs

– competition between agglomeration and collisions

• are the disks we can study in the (sub)mm the ones that will never form planets? – probably not: transition disks


Transition Disks: Inner HolesSpitzer IRS implies r~24 AU hole

“... we remain skeptical of the existence of such a large centralgap [5 AU] devoid of dust.” - Chiang & Goldreich (1999)

Calvet et al. 2005

Wilner et al. 2006


Transition Disks: Inner Holesmid-ir implies r~4 AU hole

Calvet et al. 2002

Hughes et al., in prep


Next Generation (Sub)mm Facilities• 10 to 100x better sensitivity, resolution, image quality• dust emission structure at 0.1 to 0.01 arcsec• precision (sub)mm spectral index maps

at the limits of ALMAWolf & D’Angelo 2005

