05 era-reduced filesize brandcafe cex-150608

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 05 era-reduced filesize brandcafe cex-150608

9 juni 2015 erik roscam abbing | zilver innovation

customer experience

customer experience ?

viability feasibility


will they want it?

will we make money?

can we make it?

what’s missing?

will they want it?

will we make money?

can we make it?

should we do it?

will they want it?

will we make money?

can we make it?

does it match our brand?

good customer experience = good business

1. love your customer

2. design solutions

3. nudge the culture

1. love your customer“To understand the man, you must first walk a mile in his moccasin”

North American Indian Proverb

contextueel klant onderzoek


Contextueel klant onderzoek de diepe drijfveren van mensen begrijpen

in hun interacties met diensten en producten door ze als expert te zien van hun eigen ervaringen

ze de tools te bieden om hun eigen gedrag uit te leggen en vruchtbare voedingsbodem voor innovatie en klant beleving

the futurethe past



2. reflections and emotions

3. needs and desires

4. guidelines, principles

and themes1. anecdotes

klanten ‘senzitizen’ om ze te helpen uitdrukking te geven aan hun

motivaties en wensen

klanten thuis bezoeken om ze te laten vertellen en verbeelden wat ze


2. design solutions“Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or

customer gets out of it”

Peter Drucker

nine prototyped initiatives

to design=to prototpye

3. nudge the culture“There is a spiritual aspect to our lives – when we give we receive – when a

business does something good for somebody, that somebody feels good about them!”

Ben Cohen, Ben & Jerry’s

met het team de resultaten bestuderen en bediscussiëren. Insight


personas creëren en valideren

stap 9: de final personas


service design en klantbelevingsworkshops:

nieuwe proposities ontwikkelen

design principles operationaliseren, kwantificeren

en monitoren

1. know your customer 2. design solutions 3. nudge the culture





