0 N 2 qj c 0.3 75

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Transcript of 0 N 2 qj c 0.3 75


0.3 75

c qj

2 N 0

Greetings once again,

So this is the third issue, and by far the best to date. Please notice once again a different address for correspondance etc, at the bottom of the page. I hope you find this issue to be worth the 75 cents, since the price went up at the final moment because of excessive expences. Any amount of money no matter how small is very much appreciated for the production of the magazine. Next issue will probably see a format change, so the expences will be high. Between this issue and the next, some of us will be working on a limited edition type of poetry magazine. Anyoge interested in working on this send in your poems, or support it with cash. This should be out with luck in Feburary.

My apology to those who sent in poems and or articles that didn't get printed. With a new format this will mean more room as well, so they will get printed in the next issue.

Thanx to everyone who worked on, and the people who bought this issue of the magazine. And also thanx to Kick it Over, Outaouais Black Umbrella, AANN, and Bulldozer. No thanx, and a general go to hell to McMaster University in Hamilton cause after looking at the material (after giving us a price) they refused to print the second issue (facists).

TITLES 3, 小 -------------- -Obsessions that Kill (analysis of the

Canadian election) 5----------.----- U.S. intervene and invasion Gm --Don't believe it doesn't happen (cover) 7,8----------.---- United Freedom Front Communique number 10 g--------------- Letter to Reality Now 10,11,12,13----- Amnesty for the Five, and Amnesty for us All quere eres Boycott South African Products, STOP APARTHEID 15-------.------- Ken Deyarmonds' trial l6---------.----- Porcelain Forehead (finally) 下 Wimmins" Rights

. . Send all letters, correspondance, crit- icism, articles, news, communiques, and mail- order bussiness to

REALITY NOW Pox 35 Pinbrook, Ontario Canada LIR- LCI


With the elect- ion over we can now start to see that the old criminals have been replaced by the new. Our only ques- tion being which cri- minals do we want to run our country. Wasn't it a big shoc- ker that after all the promises were ma- de (and after they won the election) that they look at the books and there's so- me ‘hidden’ debt fig- ures. Obviously the government wants its' seat of power, and will do anything to gain their victory. Empty promises and lies seem to be all they ever get done. With the P.C. party you are likely to see more taxes, more mil- itary, less social service, and higher unemployment. Not a bright outlook for the future.

On top of this: the absolute waste of money for the elect- ion, for propaganda reasons, when mean- while people of this country struggle for jobs, food and cloth- ing. Maybe if they would have used the money spent on pro- paganda, on these th- ings, something may have gotten done. But this is not the only case. The only light I can see out of this election is that after the P.C.


Obsessions that kill

reign, towards

maybe people will want a bigger step social change and elect the NoDOP.,

So the question of criminals stays the same, but some are worse than others.

If the Liberals weren't bad enough, and the methods they used to win their elect- ions, (empty lies). But now the tories have done the same. How many more elections will it take for people to realize that their pro- paganda and lies are just methods to gain capitalist power, and that the people with the real power aren't the government officials, (who are elected), but the mighty corporations (who aren't elected). For most corporations the government has no control, for many death war and scandels are just part of the game, The only concern is PROFIT, and they will do ANYTHING to get it. If you are in the way you get killed by it, and if you accept it, you get enslaved.

One possible relief is the fact that Joe Clark has been appointed external affairs minister, for a while it looked like Sinclair Stevens might have gotten it, he was external affairs critic in Mulroneys' shadow cabinet, and had shown us his right wing views in the subject of Central America, he is a strong supporter of U.S. foreign policies which is the same as supporting nazi policy. Mr Ste- vens has been placated with a major economic


portfolio. Clarks' po- sition has been desci- bed as to "be expected to maintain Canadas’ profile on disarmament issues", which is bas- icly tell everyone you want peace and disarm- ament, but leave the bomb factories open, increase the armed for- ces, and let foreign governments test their missles here. Maybe their profile on want- ing disarmament is to let the peace camp stay on parliament hill, but they probably won't.

"Our" (their) new finance minister, Mic- heal Wilson (a former financial analyst) has been described by the media as "slightly ri- ght-leaning", I guess this means he's a lit- tle bit of a facist. And people still won- der how the nazis got support, when all they have to do is look in a mirror.

On Sept/21/84 the papers printed some of what was to be an "in- ternal liberal strategy paper", leaked from the liberal files. The file was entitled 'A Strategy for rebuilding the Liberal party', and marked ‘secret’. From this I found it absolutly ridiculous, but then again. The paper says the liberals have to adopt a new st-


yle "centred on humil- ity rather than 'arro- gance'" and it also mentions something ab- out getting close to the "grass roots". Also they are to build cement solid connect- ions with organized interest groups, wo- mens' and ethnic gro- ups. Grass roots, wo- mens', Labour and eth- nic groups? Maybe they'll start to dis- tribute Reality Now as well. Obviously this stance is merely a desperate attempt to win the next elec- tion. They even star- ted to try and win the next election before even this one. It's obsurd to think that the liberals would carry out these things if elected. They are trying to create a frame they can stand on so that they can make all their lying promises,.and use old tricks to win the ne- xt election.

The first accomp- lishment the P.C.s' are trying to get done is the stupidest of all the promises, UNIFORMS, it makes you wonder if they won on this single issue. The tories think the new uniforms will cost 36 million, but the liberals estimate them

at $100 million, so ch- anging from green to blue is going to cost one hellofalot of mon- ey anyways. Not to mention the promised 3190 million increase on defence spending. If the conservatives proceed with their pl- ans, defence spending will rise to 39.69 bi- llion next year from $8.8 billion this year. Is it a "democracy" when the government wastes massive amounts of money on toys and looking good? When top priority should be food, jobs, and prot- ecting our mother earth.

This farce is just almost too incredible to believe, do the pe- ople who voted P.C. think this is top pri- ority? or was voting P.C. and not the Liber- als just a desperate attempt for social ch- ange? The progressive conservatives were suc- cessful in selling th- emselves to the masses, so now the masses will have to pay. Maybe this will be a hard lesson learnt, maybe next election nobody will vote.


"As part of this mission, aS a Way to provide a shield for democracy and development, we together with our friends are now planning joint training exercises in the Caribbean and Central America...Many of those countries [in Central America] are considered too high a risk for private investment."

1823: Monroe Doctrine signed. U.S. claims Latin i. America as its area of influence.

1833: U.S. troops intervene in Nicaragua. 1833: U.S. troops intervene in Peru. 1834: San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua destroyed to w. avenge an insult to the U.S. minister. 1855: U.S. troops intervene in Uruguay. 1988: U.S. invodes Panama after the Tajada de ai) Sandia incident. B 1858: U.S. troops intervene

1868: U.S. 1868: U.S. 1873: U.S. 1885: U.S. 1888: U.S. 1891: U.S. 19945 U.S. 1893; U.S. 1896: U.S.

troops intervene in Uruguay. troops intervene in Columbia. troops intervene in Columbia. troops intervene in Panama. troops intervene in Haiti. troops intervene in Chile. troops intervene in Nicaragua. troops intervene in Columbia. Marines invade Honduras.

1896: U.S. troops intervene in Nicaragua. 1896: U.S. troops intervene in Nicaragua. 1898: Battleship Maine sunk. U.S. initiates

Spanish-American War. 1898; U.S. troops invade Puerto Rico to ‘liberate’ it

from Spain. 1899: U.S. troops intervene in Nicaragua. 1901: U.S. troops intervene in Columbia. 1992: U.S. troops intervene in Columbia. 1903: U.S. troops intervene in Honduras. 1903: U.S. troops intervene in Dominican Republic. 1983: U.S. troops intervene in Panama. 1984: U.S. troops intervene in Dominican Republic. 1984: U.S. troops intervene in Panama. 1987: U.S. troops intervene in Honduras. 1916: U.S. troops intervene in Nicaragua. 1911: U.S. troops intervene in Honduras. 1912: U S. troops intervene in Cubo. 1913: U.S. troops intervene in Mexico. 1914: U.S. troops intervene in Haiti.

1913: Marines land in Haiti and occupy it until 1934. 1919: U.S. troops intervene in Honduros. 1928: U.S. troops intervene in Guatemala. 1924: U.S. troops intervene in Honduras. 1923: U.S. troops intervene in Honduras. 1923: U.S. troops intervene in Panama. 1926: U.S. troops intervene in Nicaragua. 1928: Banana workers strike in Columbia against

United Fruit Co., 1000 killed. 1932: 3 U.S. and 2 Canadian warships arrive in El

Salvador. 1932: Salvadoran peasants begin mass insurrection;

military retaliates massacring 30,000. 1934: CIA overthrows Arbenz government in

Guatemala. 1938: Panama declares state of seige after 6 are

killed in anti-U.S. riots. 1961: CIA defeated in Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. 1962: U.S. naval blockade of Cuba initiated. 1964: U.S. troops kill student protesters in Panama

Canal zone. 1963: U.S. invades Dominican Republic. 1939: John Foster Dulles approves “thorough

consideration be given to the elimination of Fidel Castro.”

1973: U.S.-sponsored coup in Chile overthrows Popular Unity government, Allende murdered.

1973: 40 students killed at University of El Salvador demonstrating against U.S. intervention.

1983: U.S. Marines invade Grenada


Written by Scott B.

We live in a wo- rld, now, where there has never besn as many wars going on at the same time. Personal as well as political struggles dominate my life and my work bec- ause I don't believe that this world is all we have to hove for. It has gotten to the point where there are hardly any real vic- tors in the push for human justice, -and an end to corruption and exploitation. Being an ideaist, instead of a realist, in many peoples lives seems ludicrous - a pipe dr- eam. Why not. both? The quest for a better life and an end to human suffering has become a bitter memory to so many people. They give up and fight only for what they can Steal from other peo- ple. Their struggle for power increases while the suppressed give up their dreams. So many times I have seen a thing once cal- led compassion repla- ced by distrust. Take forinstance, the cir- cumstances regarding the royal visit.

While living in Bangladesh, I witnes- sed the aftermath of a slaughter done in the name of convenience. I saw a town complet- ely wiped of their


poor and sick because of a royal "hope-rai- sing" parade by the queen to take place there the next day. This was to be filmed and distributed world wide as a show of mon- archy pity for the tr- ampled, the weak, and the hungry, while ir- onically, the people they were talking ab- oat were shipped away with one big swipe of the colonial hand, the ones who were to be helped by this sh- ow of pageantry. I then watched these people being killed and jailed (which ult- imately, in that cou- ntry means death). I heard of children, malnourished and sick, thrown into cells for the night and never emerging, people ple- ading for mercy while being clubbed and th- rown onto a collection truck, a modern scene of concentration camp roundup. Don't beli- eve it doesn't happen, because it does. This was done all so the Queen would not “be in danger of sickness or violent behavior."- a remark stating their fear of the people th- ey suppress. I ask you, is this rational? Have we really come that far? Have we be- come a people? And now here in this coun- try, they expect me to give support to this regime and what it st- ands for when the roy- al visit claimed the headlines. They expe- ct me to show either support (in a possibly

less direct way), or passivity, when the Monarchist League of Canada stands with th- eir flags waving "loy- alty forever". They expect me to take pity on poor ‘uncivilized’ countries of the world by watching masses of people come out and be amused by the 'pomo' and 'oageantry' of &a royal visit? I say - DON’T BE FOOLED. Do- n't be passive and tell me it's not your problem. I don't wa- nt to hear it. Don't be fooled into think- ing a system of repr- ession, when called something else, is ne- ssessarily not that.

This is only one story in many that I have to tell, in many that happen continuo- usly to too many peo- ple who live in supp- ression only because of our fortune. I see a mass of many millio- ns being betrayed, be- aten, starved, and tr- ampled, and the more we compromise and 'pr- ogress', the farther they are left behind. Why were we chosen to live in a place ment- ally jailed from hor- rible acts that go on in the outside world? I appeal to you, don't give in. Don't think it all hoveless, for I speak for many oth- ers when I say you are not alone, you can fi- ght too. You must fi- ght. Give and grow. Do it in a way possi- ble for you, but do it. Live to end the dest- ruction of ourselves. I choose to reach for


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----- WINTER-84/85-----PAGE-NO.-7-----



Tonight, September 26, 1984, in a direct demonstration of solidarity with the People of Azania and against the racist apartheid regime in South Africa, armed units of the United Freedom Front attacked the Union Carbide Corporation research laboratory and engineering complex in Tarrytown, New York, for their complicity and the support of the white minority government of South Africa.

Since August, Azania has been in the midst of the most widespread and serious uprisings since Soweto in 1976. In early September, the People in Sharpeville, Sebokeng and Evaton staged mass demonstrations and rallies. Within a few days other townships rose up including. Soweto. Over sixty People have been killed and hundreds more injured by the bullets, whips and teargas of the South African police and security forces.

The "election" boycott movement put thousands of People in the streets and ef- fectively showed that neither the Asian nor the mixed race (Coloured) People were interested in apartheid's phony schemes. Of the eligible voters in both the Asian and Coloured population only about 18% actually voted. The elections last month were an attempt to give a face lift to the ugly racist system by allowing the Asian and Coloured People to participate in a subservient type of parliament. Meanwhile, twenty-five million Black People - the vast majority of people in South Africa(S.A.)- will have absolutely no rights under the constitution. They cannot vote, hold any government positions or have any control over their lives or their land. Underlining the unrest is the most severe recession since the 1930's. The new Constitution was just morefuel for the fire to be added to subhuman housing on useless land in selected areas, (townships), high unemployment, (in some places more than 50%) the Pass Law and the systematic and brutal oppression of the Azanian People as a whole.

Midst the recent rebellions, Black gold miners went on strike for higher wages and better working conditions. While they were able to win some concessions, seven of them paid with their lives and scores more were left injured in violent clashes with the S.A. pigs. Though, Black miners are amongst the highest paid of Black Workers, theyreforced to live with, at most, $265.00 per month, while their white counterparts are guaranteed the best jobs and can expect to average $1,350.00 per month. This kind of racist disparity has fueled the militant spirit of the Azanian People.

TE WINTER-84/85-----REALITY-NOW-----PAGE-8-----

The People are fed up with apartheid, a degenerative system under which the

huge majority of people have no human or political rights, where severe poverty is

all that most of the Black People live with ín a very rich land abundant in agri-

culture, gold, diamonds and coal. The slightest oppositíon to this systematic

inhumanity, by anyone, children included, is met with the utmost in barbaric vicious-

ness. Death, poverty and starvation are every day realities in the lives of the

Azanian People.

Union Carbide is one of the major U.S. corporations in S.A. engaged in vital

aspects of the S.A. economy including mining,(they are heavily involved with metals,)

and heavy manufacturing. Mining itself earns well over half of all S.A.'s foreign

exchange. This being so, Union Carbide has a major role in sustaining the apartheid

system. In keeping with our Revolutionary duty we are striking at Union Carbide

in support of the Azanian People and attacking a company that is part of the imperial-

ist system which oppresses many peoples in many lands.

We, as Revolutionary Fighters, realize that only through our combined efforts

can ve think ¢c everthrow imperialism, which reaches from U.S. corporate board rooms

to S.A. mines. It survives on the brutal exploitation of other peoples and has no

respect for human life. The capitalists must be attacked on many fronts. While

our Comrades are fighting on their homefront in Azanía, we will strike here in the

belly of the beast on out homefronti? We call on all progressive-minded People

who understandthat the only way to break this death-hold is by physically destroying

it... history has shown that there is no other way to be rid of it. Rise in support

of oppressed Peoples everywhere. Help to end this worldwide domination by striking

at the fascists where it hurts: where they work, play and live. We support and

encourage anti-apartheid activities on all levels: divestment campaigns, public

education, mass protests. against corporations who benefit from and support apartheid

and against U.S. government policies and officials who prop up, direct or apologize

for the SoA. racists. We firmly believe that these efforts must be intensified

and increased to include sabotage and armed actions, The connections between S.A.

apartheid and U.S. racism/imperialism are clear with the same enemy here as is

there. We further our internal struggle when we strike a blow in union with our

Azanian Sisters and Brothers.

---We dedicate this action to 6 year old Thabo Sibeko and all the other brave People

recently murdered by the S.A. fascists... —-

"My blood will nourish the tree which will bear the

fruits of Freedom. Teli my People that I love them and

that they must continue the struggle. Do not worry about

me but about those who are suffering." Solomon Mahlangu

(guerilla fighter executed. April 1979)










On October 4th I was reading the news about the prisoners on a hunger strike -- who number 800 at Al-Jnai8 OD the west end of Nablus, the West Bank. This preison is a former ! vital built in 1266 but never finished because of the Israeli occ ation in 1967. Since that time until June 1984 it was under the trol of Israeli military authorities who ordered this hospital to transformed into a jail for Palestinian political prisoners.

As a former Palestinian prisoner from Nablus and ar next to this new jail, I would like to inform readers about th ditions in the West Bank-Gaza jails.



One, prisoners are locked away in rooms twenty-three hours a day. <

Two, there is no medical treatment available, all that provided is just an aspirin pill for any infection or pain whatsoever; in other words you are left to die there -- over 150 prisoners di there during imprisonment over the last 15 year occupation. Othe prisoners suffer from permanent disabilities which are documented by the International Red Cross bureau in Jerusalem and available to any- body needing further testimony.

Forth, the food is so voor you run away from its smell. prisoners diet is a breakfast of one slice of hard bread -- left-overs from the military compounds, half a pat of margarine and the same o jam. Lunch is one slice of harc bread, 10-15 chick-veas, one tenth a chicken or sometimes pork, even though Arabs tend not to eat pork like the Jews. Supver is the same bread, lentil soup, mainly water, one falafel ball, and 10-15 kidney beans. No eating utensils were available except for a plastic plate, not even a table or chair.

Five, the prison administration doesn't allow books, writing paper, newspaper, magazines, television, radio or even a backgammon game,

Six, no more than one visit a month is allowed and only for half an hour each time even though parents endure difficult trips taking up to ten hours, Prisoners waiting for trial are not granted visits at all even though they may be spending six months or a year in "dead-time".

These are the most important points but there is much mores beatings, interrogations, humiliation, and more still. I myself have permanently impaired hearing and digestive problems resulting from my imprisonment.

Vot all the prisoners are members of the Palestine Liberatio Organization, in fact a majority are not. They are Kids, 15 and 16 years old who have been sentenced 2 and 3 years in jail because they



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Amnesty for the five AND AMNESTY FOR US ALL

WRITTEN BY It should be known to you that a rev- ABIE WEISFELD

olution is happening, it is fought in places such as in Central America as you know, against the State terrorist "dea- th squads" of the Salvadorian military. However what you are not told is that a revolution of varios people, internationally is being fought in many different countries, all o? which have a common motivation; the re- fusal to continue living our lives to satisfy the needs and orders of the Authorities, whether that be in the form of: -- military dictatorship in Chile, -- martial-law in Poland, -- racially-conscious domination in dom- ination in South Africa/Azania, -- governmental totalitarianism in the Phillipines or Indonesia, -- mass expulsions and land seizures of the Pal- estinians by the Zionist movement in the State of Israel, -- the male gen- der"s assumption of superiority over wimmin, -- white-skinned peoples" arrogance towards all non-whites, -- the Christian crusade to control wor- ld reasources and people within the sphere of influence comprising the U.S. empire together with its NATO/NORAD collaborators, -- the family's imprisonment of children, teenagers, wives and daughters, and even the mutual repression and guilt exercised by men and wimmin alike called jeal- osy, -- the "educators" perpetuation of ideological dogma with the inten- tion of molding minds in the vain impulse to duplicate their own collect- ion of dead clic- general the hier- superiority in ich seeks to make will of others from our labour, ity, doing so th- the mistaken the- intelligence whi- logical conclu-

All th- fe are justified rds such as law, realism, and hum- ect "the way it is the way it should be. Mut- universal rights possible even "respectable" au- gned and subsc- Nations Universal Human Rights.

Please thority's first is to survive, ed with an effec- authorities will capture your sup- wer. With that can intimidate people, who are

hes, -- and, in archical notion of all its forms wh- us slaves to the who hope to profit love and creativ- rough a belief in ory of inherited ch has found its sion in Nazism.

ese horrors of li- by the use of wo- morality, order, an nature; in eff- is", as if that will always be and ual respect of is not considered through all the thorities have si- ribe to the United Declaration of

consider that Au- and foremost aim and when confront- tive challange the lie, in order to port for their po- power, authority and coerce other dependent upon th-

eir bosses and parents, into perpetuating their lies in an exercise called credibility. That is the reason why you are being told that the Vancouver Five are terrorists and criminals, that is why L'Action Direct in Paris was accused of killing people at Goldenberg's restaurant during the invas- ion of Lebanon, and that is why you have been led to believe that the bom- bing at the Litton war factory in Toronto was meant to injure people when in fact, the police's radio communication transmitter likely itself set off the explosives earlier than had been warned, while people were still around it, including the cops. And yet the Vancouver Five are charged with "causing an explosion likely to cause injury to life".

Although the young wymin Julie Belmas, charged with the Litton bombing, had made a conciliatory gesture to the court and entered a plea of guilty so as to recieve a quick and fair-minded solution to her confi- nment, “Justice” Samual Toy sentenced her to ten years imprisonment plus an additional ten year sentence merely for a charge of conspiracy. The Judge's real reason for the sentence as Toy stated was to deter others from acts of “anarchy and terrorism", and so the authorities intend to


hold Julie, and the other four, hostage for up to twenty years, to in- timidate others into passive acceptance of the infrastructure being assembled for a war with the Warsaw Pact countries/U.S.S.R.. More in- mediately U.S. strategy hopes to overwhelm any Central American oppos- ition into acceptance of the planned invasion of El-Salvador. They in- tend to kill that revolution before it gives birth. Even if you don't think that these wars may be possible, we intend to be sure it doesn't happen since it is our world and our lives that are in danger.

We cannot, and so will not accept the state of politics we all face and we do not accept the Vancouver 5's sentencing as just, as well. These sentences are neither justice, nor are they effective det- erents, they are merely revenge, a retaliatory act, and therefore a provocation. The life sentence for Ann Hansen, the 22 years for Brent Taylor (still subject to the Litton charge), the 20-year sentence for Julie Belmas, and the six years plus one day for Doug Stewart is ter- rorism. Imprisonment is death. Twenty years of prison is twenty years

of death (or however long"the auth- orities take to grant parole if th- ey do), twenty years is a quarter of a life-time, and there is only one life.

As Canadian citizens we have formed a tribunal of justice based on Common Law, the law of the people and not of the State, natu- ral law. The state is the arm of the crown, a monarchy which survi- ved the great English Revolution of 1650 - 1680 (C.E.). This state, based on the Monarchist principle, is now sufficiently trained that it can operate on its own but it still exists to protect the upper class allies of the powers that be and in Canada today the ruling class of people are the American business-

men and their Canadian collaborators on the boards of Korporate Kana- dah. We judge the U.S. subsidiary Litton Systems Ltd. to be guilty of treason to the people of Canada under section 79 and 52 of the criminal Code for activity undermining our security and survival by manufact- uring the guidance and triggering component of an explosive devise in- tended to carry out mass murder, so perpetuating and escalating the international arms race between the two super powers situated on either side of our land. Furthermore we judge the actions of the government the RCMP/CSIS, the local police forces and the judicial system to be operating in the interests of the U.S.A. and not the people of this co- untry. When various judges refused to accept the laying of a charge against Litton the judicial system proved that it considered Litton innocent and consequently its' protestors guilty, automatically.

The act of sabotage intended to stop the production of this weapon of State-terror, without causing injury to life, is in our op- inion and that of a great number of citizens a noble act which was car- ried out on our behalf, therefore we judge those charged with this ac- tion to be innocent of wrong- doing and deserving amnesty. The attacks made against str- uctures which contribute to- Protect the wards the destrution of our world, our country and our lives, each have their ratio- Earth nale which explain why the 5 would have carried out their actions. The frustration, anger and sense of immediacy which inspire the will to ac- tually stop that which we op- pose is a desirable personal quality giving life to one’s consciousness rather than be- ing content to merely artic- ulate a superior set of eth- ies in some sort of religious

— nal

[REALITY NOW PAGE 12] like campaign. Whether that will is shared with the Van 5 or not is a consequence of one's personal life course which is rarely subject to one's preferences, however that does not divide us from those on the other side of the wall. We are one and we struggle for the same reason and purpose. It is necessary to deny the use of society's reasources for purposes of destroying other peoples’ societies. When considering the relitive social value of property and its' pos- Sible destructive effects then property is less significant then the destruction it may cause. The purpose of action then is to stop _ that which would cause the destruction of life without injuring life doing so. Sufficient precautions were provided by the Direct Action bombing of the Litton facilities to save all the people concerned from harm to indicate that people were not the target of the explo- sives. The police charged the Van 5 in such a way so as to lead us to believe that they were solely responsible for the 7-10 injuries to personnel and police, but citizens who consider the police, polit- ical authorities, or Litton to be responsible are not permitted to lay a charge against them just as when the citizéns" charge of Litton for treason and criminal activity was turned down by various Toronto judges. The judicial system pretends to value life more than property even though the prisons are overcrowded by people charged with anti- property "crimes". Accord- ingly we demand that the re- maining charge against Brent J. WULU Taylor be heard and treated fie


fairly, that the defendent not be regarded and treated as guilty before even being tried, and that these polit- ical prisoners be granted amnesty, or free passage to a land of freedom. No cre- dability should be granted

the "serve and protect" mot- to of police who neglected to evacuate those injured from the blast area in spite of the warnings given which assumed, wrongly, that sec- urity and police would be- have seriously.

The reaction of Canadians in general to the Litton bombing (seems) not unfavourable judgeing from the 18,000 people who gath- ered in Ottawa October 30th of 1983 soon after the at- tack, or the 73 arrested for the largest civil disobedi- ence action to date which blockaded Litton that November llth, 1983, or the 52% majority of the population polled who even oppose the testing of the Cruise missile over Canada, or the 8.5% of youth who consider themselves in favour of revolutionary change, or even the popular Wintario lottery adver- tisements featuring a subliminal bundle of dynamite competatively cal- led "more blast for a buck", and the 85% of Canadians favoring a nu- clear freeze. The anti-war movement has more support than the gov- ernment on the anti-cruise question and now we see even Liberals and Tories promoting their peace image and hinting that they are opposed to the cruise testing on a personal basis.

Meanwhile the principaled partisans of the Left, the Marx- ists, the Trotskyists, the neo-Stalinists and whats left of the Mao- ists have done nothing to aid this struggle, as befits their position.

It may be recalled that during the preparations for the sec- ond European war both Neville Chamberlain and Joseph Stalin made non- ageression pacts with Hitler thus allowing the Nazis to attack whom it pleased them, and consequently the Soviet revotution was again invaded, as it was in 1918 by the Allied armies which included



Canada's. In its' preparations for war, the most extensive and powerful empire in the history of humankind, the United States of America, is Seeking to estabish a nuclear force so superior to that of the USSR's that the U.S. can immobilize it into varalysis while it continues to plunder the wealth of the "Third World" countries, suppressing the rev- olts and revolutions of the people there. The purpose of overwhelming superiority in nuclear armaments even extends to the point of utilizing tactical nuclear weapons in a first strike situation where U.S. strate- gists would believe the U.S.S.R. would not retaliate for fear of an overwhelming U.S. strike-back. The U.S.S.R. and its "sphere of influ- ence", as the strongest and most corrupt of revolutionary forces in the world, is the ultimate target of the U.S. against which even the nuc- lear first strike potential is reserved and planned for in NATO's "AIR- LAND BATTLE 2099" blitzkrieg strategy. The U.S.S.R.'s responce to the continuing escalation of the U.S.; which first developed the nuclear bomb and used it twice, and first developed the multiple warhead -- has been to merely develop the nuclear threat's mirror image, in the Soviet Union, to present the terror of a counter-threat. This is what is calm- ly referred to as Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) and is a strategy that is given the credit of preventing the larger war while allowing more than 100 smaller wars to occur since 1945 and permitting the cur- rent 45 or so wars that are consuming lives at the present time. The arms race itself is a display of the obsolete nature of both the Capit- alist and the Communist systems/ideologies, both of which are bringing the humin species itself towards extinction like the 10 099 plant and animal species which have become extinct this century. If we were to remain spectators to this conversion of our world into a humin slaught- erhouse, then we will be slaughtered. And supporting one set of missi- les against the other as the lesser evil in some religious or idealo- gical ecstasy would make us fools. It is futile to oppose State-terror- ism by presenting it with an image of itself and engaging in a macabre game of contending chess colours.

No system can continue to exist without the collaboration and support of the people who enable it to function, and no system can con- tinue to function when confronted with the resistance of its own people.

In Nazi Germany during 1942/43 the White Rose Society was one group which subverted the Nazi regime in order to end the war, and now the resistance has been reactivated as the Direct Action movement in order to stop the coming war because there is no other recourse, we either help to stop the war preparations or we will not have the choice of op- posing war. Passivity and non-participation amount to acquiescence and a vote in favour of the prevailing norms of war, which are labeled nor- mal. However we consider that self-defence is no offence to the people it is merely insolence towards State-authority.

It was the United States which accepted Hitler's and Mussil- ini's military aid to General Franco's fascist coup which murdered the loyalist popular forces of the Spanish people; it was the U.S. which remianed passive while the Nazis invaded the U.S.S.R. as a second coun-

eee Janurary First Ninety Eighty Four

subsidiaries (Fo- rd) in Germany aided that war against Nazism only when the So- viet people had destroyed the Na- zi army and star- ted to advance on Nazi-occupied Eu- rope; it was the allies that did nothing to save the Jewish and other refugees, or the slave-lab- our/extermination camp inmates; and it was the U.S. which killed two civilian cities with nuclear bo- mbs in order to

proclaim its "superiority" to the world and the U.S.S.R. in varticular so ignighting the nuclear and military arms race, at a cost of $75 million each hour during which 1700 child- ren die of malnutrition.

The world's people are different now. ‘nen the U.S. inter-

vened nilitarily to stop the overthrow of the colonial administration

in south Vietnam in the 60's, the combined forces of the National Lib-

eration Front (NLF), north Vietnam and the international anti-war mo-

vement was capable of forcing a U.S. retreat from South-East Asia and

a peaceful conclusion to that nation's 40-year long war for national

independance. We are now approaching the point where the anti-war mo-

vement internationally is forcing the U.S. to back down from further

pre-nuclear war escalation: in the Netherlands‘, which has refused to

accept the cruise missle so far; New Zealand, which has declared itself

a nuclear free zone; and as an example, in Canada where we have caused

the cancellation of the manufacture of the perfected "stealth" model

of the cruise, and the minimization of the Cruise tests. Together

with the poliferation of Nuclear Free Zones, and Peace camps, the anti-

war movement has demonstarted that we have more general support than

does the governments of Canada, the U.S., England, Palestine, west

Germany, etc.

We are now in a situation of a social and political revolu-

tion developing parallel to the various reactionary State powers.

This dual-reality polarized-situation will continue until power itself

is destroyed, for all power is corruption. We are living in a state

of anarchy now where nt power has control over the coming course of

events. War and revol tion are contesting the future together with

recession, depression nd famine. Life is unpredictable. if we are

careful and serious th:n all power will be destroyed and we live in a

state of mutual and universal self-determination which is anarchism,

the solution to anarchy. We.are now the people, we are not alone.




Do you want your money to uphold an Apartheid (racist, segrega-

ted) system? Did you know that in south Africa, the blacks (72% of

pop.) are not permitted to vote? People of different races are for-

bidden to fraternize and must use seperate public facilities. The

whites own 87% of the nation's territory, yet they are a minority (16%)

Blacks cannot buy or sell land, live or work where they choose, or

move freely. Think about it-do you really need that particular brand of beer

so much? Do you not care? When you buy Apartheid products, you are

funding the white nazis. Many products, though made in Canada, are

companies owned by south African multinationals: E.G. Molson-Carling,

Rothmans. Every little bit helps. Boycotts are effective. The boycott on

Nestle had the desired result-and they lost many millions of $. You

can inform others-this is also crucial. Next time you're in the beer

store with your mates, tell them what isn't ‘kosher’ and WHY. Go toa

protest (see S.E.A.C.for dates), write to your M.P. saying Canada

XXXXupper is continued on page 19XX/XXthe lower is some of the products

FRUIT - Granny Smith Apples/Outspan Oranges and Lemons

CANNED - Fortune Peaches/Pears/Fruit Cocktail//York Apricots//Libby's

canned Peaches//DC Apricots//Golden Reef Apricots/ fruit cocktail//Pan-

try Shelf Pears//Loblaws No Name Apricot halves/Pear slices/Bartlett

Pears/Fruit cocktail//Dominion No Name Sliced Peaches/Apricot Halves///




à FUND 128 Proadway, New York, NY 10038 U.S.A.


In a decision that outraged the Toronto anarchist community, Ken Deyarmond was sentenced to six months in jail for assaulting two cops during a demonstration in September '83 against British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Deyarmond was grabbed by pig Dusko Markovic of 52 Division during the demonstration for allegedly lunging" at Thatcher. Deyarmond was charged with "threatened assault against an Internationally Protected Person." During the resulting fracas as Ken tried to squirm free he was manhandled by three pigs. The end result was that Ken was charged with three counts of assaulting police.

During the trial which began November 14th, the stupidity of the charges were obvious. Markovic, a former Toronto Sunshine Boy, stands 6'4 and weighs over 280 pounds and is in very good shape. Ken is 5'2 and weighs in at 130lbs. Not a very even matchup. Markovic claimed that Ken, from a position two feet in front of him, attempted to leap over his shoulder to get at Thatcher three feet behind, Quite a feat under the best of circum- stances, Markovic claimed that he grabbed Ken out of the air with Deyar- mond's hands in a choking position only two feet from Thatcher whose security people had apparently disappeared momentarily. And so Markovic saved Thatcher, decency, democracy and virtually everything else that is "good" from anarchy and disorder.

Ken was in fact pushed with at least one witness willing to testify on the stand that she saw a man in a blue suit delibertly push him. The defense lawyer choose not to pursue that angle, rather simply implying that Ken had been pushed forward by the general commotion of the demo into the gentle and waiting hands of Markovic.

Dianne Martin as the defense lawyer was excellent in reading the jury and speaking to their prejudices against demonstraters and their bias towards the police. She simply stated that Markovic might have been exaggerating his role in the whole affair and that there was no evidence at all that Ken had delibertly gone for Thatcher. There was plenty of contradictory evidence given by the cops as to where this disturbance had taken place and what had actually happened. The Crown came up with a rather cleaver justification for these discrepancies by saying that it proved that the cops had not collaborated on their stories. The jury obviously felt that Ken should get the benefit of the doubt on the Thatcher charge.

The problem is that obviously the jury had to compromise and find him guilty on the assaulting police in order to do their duty in their own minds. But since the assaulting police charges came after the incident for which Ken was acquitted, there would have been no such charges if he had not been falsely arrested in the first place. An appeal on these grounds is being put in and hopefully Ken will be released on bail. Money will be needed to help pay the costs of his appeal which Legal Aid will not cover. Donations can be sent to the Deyarmond Defense Fund, POB 5052, Stn A, Toronto, Ont.

Not all the news from Toronto is bad though. Charges of procuring an abortion were dropped against Colleen Crosbie on November 14th during a separate court appearance. These charges were laid after the raid on a house at 67 Cambridge in Toronto as part of the harassment directed against the supporters of the Vancouver Five. Crosbie, a nurse and a midwife, was offered a deal whereby her charges would be dropped in exchange for information on the Litton bombing and the political activi- ties of others living in the house. For nearly a year and a half Crosbie has been victimized by these charges. Legal fees have amounted to several thousand dollars. The police gave as a reason for the dropping of the charges that one of the cops in charge of the case had retired. A rather flimsy excuse. We tend to believe that they preferred to drop the charges rather than reveal the information which the cops had to present to the Judge in order to get an authorizing search warrant. This "information" is normally a public document but it was being denied to the defense in this case. The defense has applied for the information anyway and it will be interesting to see what will come of the application.


In 1921, she was 23 walking, dazed...her b Her husband and taby 4 grief She couldn't speak =nglish She couldn't make this known

eing in agony ead, she was sick with

Some policeman came along, she seemed odd She had nowhere to go, she couldn'd make this known, she couldn't speak english she couldn't make this known They put her in a home, They put her in "a home" for half a century, she stayed there, for half a century and thay were sure that she was nuts

One day the papers say, in 1968 Someone spoke to her in her tongue turned out she was Ukranian The state had na- de a grave mis- take For the wa- Ste of life, her



Pruce/Bass Geordie/ Drums Mike/Vocals Chris/Guitar


Monkeys beat th=: shit out of luggage

Luggage not mad- from alligator

time, there would be no compensation

So this being the land of lib- erty of course, she was set free but by then she was an old woman she had nowhere to go except back in


My ego say:"Yean" but there's no pleasure to be had No genuine pleasure it's too much in my head

The candy's under glass and you avoid your reflection The nod gives the okay but it could be an affirmation of life, a celebration

ZET KEL eal ea

PORCELAIN FOREHEAD have there own single Right Now - THE WORLD NEEDS A CLEAR HEAD and they also appear on the compilation albums: “PLENDER MIX" and most recently:"PRIMITIVE AIR-RAID/MONTREAL '84

The for hun- an, nal rights has been a long one and it seems that sometimes the strug- gle isn't worth the time but in fact over the last 29) years quite a lot of accom- »lishments have been Gone. and sach year the struggle seems to get larger anc stron-

but still we have go.

e of the imvortant ruggles is the fig-




w i IH o s] Q € m © ct o


for wimmins rights. s important bec- 2 most neopls don't

realize how sexist our society is, we who don't want to be sexist find it hard because of the con- forming we recieve from day one. The men are supposed to be the strong and unemo- tional, and the vimmin the timic and weak. Not being a womyn my self I find it hard to writs about femin- ism anc equal rights, but I'm also not a Salvadorean, Native Indian, or an animal subjected to vivisec- tion.

Hu oo


Wb E

Wymins rights in Canada have taken a long time to come ab- out, it has only been since the second world war since wimmin in Quebec have had the right to vots, anë si- nee 1041 that tha Que- bec government amended the alt

Bar Act (by a sm- majority) ane in



Rights. 19542 Quebec had ites first two wimmin law- yars.

It took until 1949 for the Ontario government to finally have a womyn in the D crue d And by

A6 there was only ie wimmin holding mun- icival office across Canada, In March 193- 59 wimmins organiza- tions from across Can- ada, including nation- al, union and ethnic groups joined forces to create "The Congr- ess of Canadian Women" some of their goals were: equal work for

equal vay equal education equal professio- al opportunities were all grouned

ee ee


thess been ach aspects Canada, Bart of fe, fron nz ducts, o nornogr. a result istati men proving their power and superiority through rape, viole- nce, and degradation. In places like the army or any armec itary nolice, rane seems to be some sort of fring» benefit. E feel that ly wimmin T every tine down a str

they : aet alons,

ian no inbess ol the Women «

more fear and more oonrsssion than a man “would feel in the sam? situation. The fear of being raped, beaten uv, and humil- iated seems to be so- me sort of torture. ànd then if it does happen it is both »hysically and ina lot of cases more men- tally torture, ana it's something that will never leave the victem. I fon't feal that death is a good eeterent to a rapist, but something equally or worse woule serve its vrovose much bet- ter. Once a man sottan away with fand in a lot of they do or don't get suitable »unishment) then whats soins to ston the assailant from doing it again.

Long before tha era of the suffragists wimmin in Quebec, Nova Scotia and Maw Bruns-

Uberation movement demoastrate outude the

wick were able to vo- te and hold office, but only because in the late 1799's it hadn't occured to any- one to make laws to take away their rights only a few wimmin in Quebec had voted.

In 1828, in Que- bec city a widows' ri- ght to vote was chal- lenged. A petition smyvathetic to her was sent to the legis- lature. It stated: "Petitioners have not learned that there əx- ist any imperfections in the minds of women which place them lower than men in intellec- tual power or which would make it more cangerous to entrust them with the exercise of the numerous other rights which law has already given them... That in resvect of Droverty, taxation and ^uties to the state, the widow, duly qual- ified by our election

~ p. o c

WOO th 3 5 dy D

Parhament buildings


Taking the ion frauds of ye year as an examo wymins exoloita just shows how v2 been o»»res the vast gree.

But does wimmin having a vote matter when there is only oporesive male varties and party policy to vote for? In cases In like Ingland where

3 O93 0

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in the past.

If "freedom" is the struggle then we must realize the bar- riers that divide us, because the struggle will only be victor- ious if there is free- dom for ALL:

aia ae a Le um

(con't from page 6)

a better world, I ha- ve to know, or there would be no reason for me to live. The- re can be a better world. There will be. But first, some thin- gs must happen...

(con't from page 9)

raised their own flag or sang their national anthem, or spary-pain- ted walls with messa- ges. On the other hand a zionist settler terrorist who partic- ipated in the killing of three students at Hebron University and who was also held res- ponsible for the car- bombing of Nablus ma- yor Bassam Shaaka was sentenced to 18 months in a palace-like jail with TV, VCR, radio transmitter-receiver and a two-day pass to celebrate his birth- day. Where Israeli is democracy and jus- tice in the "benevol- ent" occupation of the West Bank-Gaza.

For those who wonder why I was in jail I'11 tell you why. I was imprison- ed not because of participating in the P.L.O. functions, or

carrying out a military operation but just because I was protesting Jewish Defence League (JDL) and Gush-Emunim gangs taking over my father's land to settle American and Soviet zionists. I was in jail for four months, during which time I was in an under- ground cell for 24 days, beaten and humilia- ted, left without food for three days at a time losing 70 pounds of weight. In contrast Myer Kahane, an American zionist settler who wants to expell me and my people, attempting to justify the killings and massacres of my people, gets elected to the Israeli parlia- ment winning immunity from prosecution.

I wish my people will achieve pea- ce and justice, to regain our dignity and freedom, and to rebuild our society in our own independent country. In particular I greet my brothers who are on a hunger strike now in the Al-Jnaid prison and wish them success in their protest.

Ahmad Samih Abou-Ali

NOTICE: Anarchist Historian is looking for donations of books, periodicals, and pamph- lets for the creation of an Anarchist Arch- ives. Those interested in learning more about this project are also encouraged to write. The AA Project, c/o Jerry Kaplan, 46 Tremlett St., Dorchester MA 02124 (U.S.A.

(con't from page 14)

should not do busin- ess with South Afr- ica. Form an Anti- Apartheid group in your school or col- lege. Become invol- ved. Think of your repressed brothers and sisters far away who need your support.


Write to us at

Reality Now Box 35 Binbrook, Ontario Canada LOR 1CO

Soe WINTER-84, 85--REALITY-NOW--PAGE-20-----


NEWS RELEASE September 17, 1984

Contact: (212) 244-4270


In the past week, four people have been served with subpoenas

to testify before political grand juries in Washington, D.C.

and Boston, Massachusettes. All four, who have histories of

anti-war, anti-nazi and anti-klan activities, are refusing to

cooperate with the grand juries and face probable internment.

Cameron Bishop of Dixmont, Maine has been subpoenaed to the

Boston grand jury. This jury appears to be another phase of

the FBI's Operation Western Sweep, a northeast "anti-terrorist"

campaign designed to capture political fugitives and to in-

timidate their families and supporters.

Steven Burke, Christine Rico and Sandra Roland were members of

the John Brown Anti-Klan Committee in Washington, which works

in support of Black human rights struggles and organizes against

the klan and nazis. Steven, Christine and Sandra have been

subpoenaed to the Washington grand jury which claims to be

investigating recent bombings in the Washington area. The

John Brown Anti-Klan Committee has been targeted because of

its work in support of the struggles in Central America which

inciudes distributing public communiques about these bombings.

Both of these grand juries occur in an election year in which

the Reagan Administration has implemented actions and tactics

reminicient of McCarthyism. Part of the current program of U.S.

military escalation in Central America includes repression of

political dissent at home. This is the framework for the "anti-

terrorist" campaigns and for the grand juries which have

subpoenaed these public activists.

Each of the activists has stated that they will not participate

in a witch hunt and will refuse to collaborate with these grand

juries. By taking this stand, they face contempt charges

punishable by imprisonment. In the past three years more than

25 people have been inprisoned for taking this same stand before

political grand juries.

Cameron Bishop, Steven Burke, Christine Rico and Sandra Roland

have histories of opposing the use of grand juries and now .

themselves face probable internment for their political beliefs.

WINTER 84/85

Mailorder section for this issue.

tempt at a mail order service.

iodicals etc...


there are few.

cents and a S.A.S.E..

anti-authoritarian news network P.0.Box 915, Stn. F, Toronto, Ont. MiY 2539, Canada

The Anti-Authoritarian News Network Bulletin is & tri-weekly publication, offering you an alterna- tive perspective of daily life. Compiled in each issue are 'relevant' news clippings, plus news not covered in the dailies, articles and letters from activists, poetry and graphics, political azpeals, events local and voridwide, the Toronto activist trial scene, and reviews of various political pub- dications. Everything in the AANN Bulletin is anti-copyright except where noted, so you may use any material for your own publications or posters.

If anyone wishes to submit material, please doi In exchange for subaissions printed, you'll receive a copy of the Bulletin your submission is in. (Please indicate on news clippings the date and paper, and if your letter, article, etc, is copy- right or not.) If you need information on e par- ticular subject (South Afrika, Vancouver 5, protest actions, etc.) or need certain material or publi- cations, send a detailed Letter and we'll see what we can do.

A subscription to the Anti-Authoritarian News Network is only $10/year, and this will get you the Bulletin, plus any urgent neus mailings that are sent out. Cheques or money orders should be payable to AANN. The Bulletin will exchange with zost news- letters, aagazines, journals, zines, etc. as vell.


The following is going to replace the trials and prisoners More feedback and communication is needed

for Trials and Prisoners if it is to continue. It is intended not to create comp-

etition of any sort, nor are we trying to invade the feild of per- We are merely trying to create a service that

could be of some use to people who 1. want these magazines etc, but are unable to find them and 2. it can be easier to order say 3-4 magazines from us rather than having to mail to each magazine indep- endantly thus more expences in postage etc...

If this is successful then it will continue in future is- If ordering magazines make sure you pay in the form of a

money order, for the time being. For anything 1.00 or over please include .75cents postage, and .25cents'for each additional item. Magazines that are .50cents can be stuffed into an envelope, so send either a S.A.S.E. or the postage costs. the latest issue of a particular periodical, quest it and it will be sent when we get it. Please write for specific details or send sufficent postage.

A few issues of both Reality Now 1 and 2 are left, but Issue 1 is 25cents,

send either a S.A.S.E. for each or postage costs. like to recieve one issue of Reality Now at a time then send 75t


So this is our at-

You may when ordering want if so then just re- For foreign orders

and number 2 is 50cents. Just If you would

——————— M—

AANN is highly recommended, and can be ordered through us as well. We currently have issues 11 (50 cents), 12, 13, and 14, This comes out every 3 weeks. Numbers 12 on are 70 cents, and if ordering seperately then send S.A.S.E.'s. Otherwise just send whats mentioned above, BE a E ME i E EE E

We have Central America Alerts which are 15 cents, or free if request on orders over a dollar. Vol.2 No.5 and 6 are available. Also Outaouais Out- rage can be obtained with orders. This is a bi-weekly that comes out of Ottawa, it tells local news and events, but also very informative and interesting art- icles. Well worth the read. They can be contacted at 442 Cambridge St. S., Ottawa, Ont. KIS 4H7.



ELACK FLAG, is an anarchist newsletter fortnightly, from Sngland. -Rot only Joss this aper have very infornative nws atout mlang but also of- fers excellent international news as well.

Lately the vaper has had alot of news about the on going miners str- ike and the things happening around it. This vaver is available for 50 cents and an S.A.S.Z. or sufficent postage. We recieve these on a regular basis. The back issues we have available at the moment are is- sues number 115, 117, 118, 119, and 129. Well worth reading.

OPEN ROAD, is from = =- Vancouver P.C., anê is

Tips for urban guerillas-page 3 a quarterly (sometimes) issues available are 16 (Spring 85), and 17 "inter 85. Issue 17

also includes the latest issue of Res- istance (number 3) which is also fron Vancouver. The lat- est sue includes Anarchist News, the Vancouver 5, Ameri- can natives, 0.0.4 Swiss Youth and ma- ny other articles as well. The Resista- nce includes, Revol- utionary Cells, Sen- tencing statements of the Five, United Freedom Front Comm- uniques No. 9 & 7. Issue No. 16 is 31, where as No. 17 is 21.50, Or write to them at

OPEN ROAD Box 6135, Sta.G Vancouver, E.C. Canada v6a 4G5

NOTICE: On 3und-y Nov. some" RESISTANCE No.8 s 0. with "links" to the Uni- ted Freedom Front were arrested by heavily arm-

af teams of F.E.I. agents in a suburban middle class area in Cleveland Ohio. Among the weapons seized were seven hand guns, an i- 16 rifle, a 12- gauge shotgun, a 308 semi-automatic rifle and others. Zhe pavers from the states are spending their print about this on the life styles they led and their previous 'criminal' charges thus staying away from the rea- sons for their actions. The people arrested were very well organized and very well blended thus giving the papers something to be astonished at and also of course, it sells papers. RECENT X The volice are now saying that those arrested are members of the United Freedom Front, and will not say how they found those arrested.


THE VANCOUVER FIVE: The material we have on the Vancouver 5 is free upon request with orders as long as the material is still available. The thi- ngs available are:

PRES THE VANCOUVER PIVE DEFENCE issues numbers 8 and ^; are still availatle

LETTER reproductions upon request (small donation i a appreciated for ed are available for

ihe Defence groups address issues numbers 1,2?,3,4,6 and 7. 1S:c59502 Por 826 Issue No. 8 is also available in French.

Fentall Sta. Statenents Of Resistance fron the Fives' Vancouver, P.2. trial are also avaiable upon request. Canada V?X LAE

BULLDOZER: Is a militant prisoner's zine written by anë for North Anerican political orisoners. Jonations are needs? if this excellent waver is to continue.

Tssue nunber 7 is available for a tuck. This nagazine is highly reconmended whether you are a vrisoner or not.

To contact them write:

Pulldozer P.0.Eox 5252, Station A Toronto, Ontario Canada MSW IWG


by Abie Weisfelc | KKK 113 pages SS eee EE

Sabra and Shatila is available for the price of 34:99 (marked 36.99). It is about these two canvs in which Palestinians were relentlessly murdered. This is a non-fiction book of a real human tragedy, which is comparable to that of which the Nazis’ did in WWII. It is a took that dares to tell the truth of which is hid- den by the fact that there are few that know about this tragedy.


KICK IT OVER | crs magazine avail- FFAR OF able for $1.59.

The only issue available is the latest KNOWING which is No.10. A new issue should be

Bulldozer #7 Spring 84

一 一 一 一 一 一 一

out soon. Articles in this issue incl- ude, Grenada: Reguiem for a Revolution, Civilian Insecurity: Fig Prother Under- cover and many others. they can be rea- ched at P.0.Box 5811, Station A, Toronto Ontario, Canada 454 1P2

VER THR mo Lans dts c GE Ut a Mg Ma Cad € Ad ts 40 Aza 0 s bes wo Psy fe Hl 9 THROW agim u © Cro (Oats. Crefora 40m © va ano)

Is a Yip- vie publ- ication fron New York. -Lt : is avail- y z fi f atle for 1 a buck. Issue Vol. ViI,- No.3

is available. This issue includes artic- les: "Oregon “others say: ‘Legalize Pot'", The Dallas, Reagen convention protests, "Litton Loses Cruise", Stop the city, Greenham camp and many other aricles as well. They can be reached by writing; OVERTHROW, P.O.Fox 3322 Canal St. Sta., New york, NY 19913 U.S.A.

SUPSCRIPE TO REALITY NOW diae, | And that way you won't miss a sin-

gle issue, and you'll get it mailed rig- ht to your door. There is a new Reality Now each season. Sub. rates are 34.990 a year Canadian, and $85 (U.S. funds) outside Canada. or | distribute R.N. in your corner of the world, write us for details. i