أعمال الإيمان Works of Faith قدَّم Gave (Offered) خافFeared أطاعObeyed...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of أعمال الإيمان Works of Faith قدَّم Gave (Offered) خافFeared أطاعObeyed...

أعمال أعمال اإليماناإليمان

Works of FaithWorks of Faith

قَّد�مقَّد�مGave (Offered)Gave (Offered)



تغربتغربLived like a Lived like a




أخذت أخذت قَّدرةقَّدرة

Took PowerTook Powerسجَّدسجَّد

Kneeled down Kneeled down in worshipin worship


أبى أبى )رف)رفض(ض(





تشَّددتشَّددBecame strongBecame strong

صنع صنع الفصحالفصحKept the Kept the PassoverPassover

عبر عبر )اجتاز()اجتاز(

Passed throughPassed through









in Action

سجَّدKneeled in Worship

واحَّد” كل بارك موته عنَّد يعقوب بااليمان“. عصاه راس على وسجَّد يوسف ابني من

By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed“(21 : 11عب) each of the sons of Joseph, and worshiped,

leaning on the top of his staff.” )Heb 11: 21(

راس” على اسرائيل فسجَّد له فحلف لي احلف فقالتك.“ ( Then he said, “Swear to me.” And he swore to him. So Israel“)31 : 47السرير

bowed himself on the head of the bed.” )GE 47: 31(


Kneeled in


كلمهم“ ما هذاابوهم به

كل وباركهمبحسب واحَّد

باركهم بركتهوقال واوصاهمانَّضم انا لهم

قومي الىعنَّد ادفنوني

في ابائيالتي المغارة

حقل فيالحثي عفرون

المغارة فيحقل في التيالتي المكفيلةفي ممرا امام

التي كنعان ارضابراهيم اشتراهامن الحقل مع


Jacob’s death

“this is what their father spoke to them. And he blessed them; he blessed each one according to his own blessing. Then he charged them and said to them: “I am to be gathered to my people; bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite, in the cave that is in the field of Machpelah, which is before Mamre in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field of Ephron


Kneeled in


عنَّد يعقوبموته

Jacob’s Death

قبر ملك الحثيدفنوا هناك

وسارة ابراهيمدفنوا هناك امراته

ورفقة اسحقوهناك امراته

شراء ليئة دفنتوالمغارة الحقل

من كان فيه التيفرغ ولما حث بنيتوصية من يعقوبالى رجليه ضم بنيه

واسلم السريرالى انَّضم و الروح

قومه.” (33 - 28 : 49تك)

Jacob’s death

the Hittite as a possession for a burial place. There they buried Abraham and Sarah his wife, there they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wife, and there I buried Leah. The field and the cave that is there were purchased from the sons of Heth.” And when Jacob had finished commanding his sons, he drew his feet up into the bed and breathed his last, and was gathered to his people.” )GE 49: 28-33(


Kneeled in


عنَّد يعقوبموته

Jacob’s Death

ايَّضا“ لتبيتوا ومكان كثير وعلف تبن عنَّدنا له وقالتاله الرب مبارك وقال للرب وسجَّد الرجل فخر

سيَّدي عن وحقه لطفه يمنع لم الذي ابراهيم سيَّدياخوة بيت الى الرب هَّداني الطريق في انا كنت اذ

سيَّدي.” (27 - 25 : 24تك)

“Moreover she said to him, “We have both straw and feed enough, and room to lodge.” Then the man bowed down his head and worshiped the LORD. And he said, “Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham, who has not forsaken His mercy and His truth toward my master. As for me, being on the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master’s brethren.” )GE 24: 25-27(


Kneeled in


الَّدمشقي لعازر( اإلختيار(

Lazarus of Damascus (The Choice)

سيَّدي“ اله الرب وباركت للرب وسجَّدت وخررتاخي ابنة الخذ امين طريق في هَّداني الذي ابراهيم

” . البنه (48 : 24تك) سيَّدي“And I bowed my head and worshiped the LORD, and blessed the LORD God of my master Abraham, who had led me in the way of truth to take the daughter of my master’s brother for his son.” )GE 24: 48(


Kneeled in


الَّدمشقي لعازر( اإلختيار(

Lazarus of Damascus (The Choice)

الرب” قال ثملك انحت لموسى

مثل حجر من لوحينانا فاكتب االولين

اللوحين علىكانت التي الكلمات

اللوحين علىالذين االولينوكن كسرتهماللصباح مستعَّدا

الصباح في واصعَّدوقف سيناء جبل الى

على هناك عنَّديوال الجبل راس

... معك احَّد يصعَّدفي موسى وبكر


And the LORD said to Moses, “Cut two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I will write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke. So be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and present yourself to Me there on the top of the mountain. And no man shall come up with you…Then Moses rose early in


Kneeled in


النبي موسى( الصالة(

Prophet Moses (Prayer)

جبل الى وصعَّدالرب امره كما سيناءلوحي يَّده في واخذالرب فنزل الحجر

فوقف السحاب فيونادى هناك عنَّدهفاجتاز الرب باسمونادى قَّدامه الرب

... فاسرع الربالى وخر موسى

وسجَّد االرض

the morning and went up Mount Sinai, as the LORD had commanded him; and he took in his hand the two tablets of stone. Now the LORD descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD. And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed…So Moses made haste and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshiped.


Kneeled in


النبي موسى( الصالة(

Prophet Moses (Prayer)

وجَّدت ان وقالعينيك في نعمة

فليسر السيَّد ايهاوسطنا في السيَّدصلب شعب فانه

واغفر الرقبةوخطيتنا اثمناملكا واتخذنا

قاطع انا ها فقالجميع قَّدام عهَّدا

افعل شعبكتخلق لم عجائباالرض كل في

االمم جميع وفيجميع فيرى

انت الذي الشعبفعل وسطه فيانا الذي ان الرب

معك فاعلهخر.“ ) - 1 : 34رهيب


Then he said, “If now I have found grace in Your sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray, go among us, even though we are a stiff-necked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us as Your inheritance.”And He said: “Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the LORD. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you. )Exo 34 : 1 - 10(


Kneeled in


النبي موسى( الصالة(

Prophet Moses (Prayer)

ان“ كفاكما لهما وقالوا وهرون موسى على فاجتمعوافما الرب وسطها وفي مقَّدسة باسرها الجماعة كلموسى سمع فلما الرب جماعة على ترتفعان بالكما

( ” . عَّدد وجهه على They gathered together against Moses and Aaron, and said“(4 -3 : 16سقطto them, “You take too much upon yourselves, for all the congregation is holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them. Why then do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the LORD?” So when Moses heard it, he fell on his face” )Num 16: 3-4(


Kneeled in


موسى حياةحل - ) وجهه على وقع

(المشاكلMoses’ Life

(Fell on his face - Problems’ Solving)

جميع“ ارواح اله اللهم وقاال وجهيهما على فخرا . الجماعة كل على فتسخط واحَّد رجل يخطئ هل البشر

)22 : 16عَّدد” (

هذه“ وسط من اطلعا قائال موسى الرب فكلم ” . وجهيهما على فخرا بلحظة افنيهم فاني الجماعة

(45 - 44 : 16عَّدد)

“Then they fell on their faces, and said, “O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin, and You be angry with all the congregation?” )NU 16:22(

“And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Get away from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment.’ And they fell on their faces. ” )NU 16: 44-45(


Kneeled in


حل - وجهه على وقعالمشاكل

Fell on his face - Problems’ Solving

ركبتي“ عنَّد خر ذلك بطرس سمعان راى فلمارجل الني رب يا سفينتي من اخرج قائال يسوع

لو. ” ) (8 : 5خاطئ“When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” )LK 5:8(


Kneeled in


في بطرس( التوبة ( السفينةPeter in the Boat


المجمع“ رئيس وكان جاء قَّد يايرس اسمه رجل اذاالنه بيته يَّدخل ان اليه وطلب يسوع قَّدمي عنَّد فوقعوكانت سنة عشرة اثنتي نحو لها وحيَّدة بنت له كان ” . الجموع زحمته منطلق هو ففيما الموت حال في

(42 - 41 : 8لو) “there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue. And he fell down at Jesus’ feet and begged Him to come to his house, for he had an only daughter about twelve years of age, and she was dying. But as He went, the multitudes thronged Him.” )LK 8: 41-42(


Kneeled in


( اإلحتياج ( يايرسJairus (The Need)

له“ وقال فوجَّده خارجا اخرجوه انهم يسوع سمعسيَّد يا هو من وقال ذاك اجاب الله بابن اتؤمنمعك يتكلم والذي رايته قَّد يسوع له فقال به الومن

( ” . يو له وسجَّد سيَّد يا اومن فقال هو (38 - 35 : 9هو“Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He said to him, “Do you believe in the Son of God?” He answered and said, “Who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?” And Jesus said to him, “You have both seen Him and it is He who is talking with you.” Then he said, “Lord, I believe!” And he worshiped Him. ” )JN 9: 35-38(


Kneeled in


المولود أعمى

The Man Born Blind

في“ ان تقولون وانتم الجبل هذا في سجَّدوا اباؤنالها قال فيه يسجَّد ان ينبغي الذي الموضع اورشليمهذا في ال ساعة تاتي انه صَّدقيني امراة يا يسوعانتم لالب تسجَّدون اورشليم في وال الجبل

لما فنسجَّد نحن اما تعلمون لستم لما تسجَّدوننعلم

“Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship,


Kneeled in


السامريةThe Samaritan


وهي ساعة تاتي ولكن اليهود من هو الخالص النلالب يسجَّدون الحقيقيون الساجَّدون حين االن

الساجَّدين هؤالء مثل طالب االب الن والحق بالروحوالحق فبالروح له يسجَّدون الذين و روح الله له

( ”. يو يسجَّدوا ان (24 - 20 : 4ينبغيfor salvation is of the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” )JN 4: 20-24(


Kneeled in


السامريةThe Samaritan
