» Today will be a success if ˃We understand the Service Program as “The Client Experience”...

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of » Today will be a success if ˃We understand the Service Program as “The Client Experience”...

Delivering the Full Service Program in a Growth Market

Delivering the Client Experience» Today will be a success if

˃ We understand the Service Program as “The Client Experience”˃ Understand how highly satisfied clients positively impact our business˃ Understand and believe how we can create positive experiences for all of

our clients

Delivering The Client Experience» Times, they are a changin’

˃ We must change with them.˃ We have moved into an emotion driven economy

+ Consumers make their choices based not on intellectual foundations, but how they feel.

˃ We must aim to create positive experiences for our clients.

Delivering the Client Experience

The Emotion EconomyDan Hill identifies 5 driving reason emotions are the foundation of today’s

economic model (Emotionomics)

1. Consumers feel before they think, and "feelings happen fast."

2. Emotions are more immediate and act as a gatekeeper, such as to ads.

3. Believability "is based on a gut feeling."

4. Emotional connections help "jump over the fear of being sold to, which is rampant in today's skeptical marketplace."

5. Emotional connections lay the ground work for loyalty

Delivering the Client Experience

A Client has 1 of 3 experiences in every transaction.» Positive » Neutral» Negative

Delivering the Client Experience

A Client’s Perception is Reality» Experiences that create lasting impressions» Experiences that involve the client» Experiences that are personalized

Delivering the Client Experience

The Service Program» 2004 CDI launched the service program, migrating

from customer owned product models. » This was the first step in delivering the client


Delivering the Client Experience» Service Campaign has been successful!

˃ Wide Adoption & Compliance˃ Increase in Retention Rates˃ Steady Closing Rates ˃ Increased Add On Sales˃ Larger Average Order

Delivering the Client Experience» The Service Program is more than

˃ Pro-active service calls˃ Leasing product˃ 1 step billing˃ Reactive Customer Service˃ Decor Install Services

Delivering the Client Experience

The Service Program» 6 Phases of the Experience

˃ Initial Contact˃ Design Consultation˃ Installation˃ In Season Follow Up˃ Display Disassembly˃ Post Season Follow Up

Delivering The Client Experience

» Let’s Review˃ Personal Contact at initial OR REINSTALL˃ Clean professional appearance˃ Accurate Professional Install˃ Post Install Follow Up˃ Complimentary Service Calls˃ 1-2 Pro-Active Courtesy Calls˃ Post Season Satisfaction Follow Up˃ Client Loyalty Incentive (ELF Dollars)˃ Spring Clean-Up

Delivering the Client Experience

Personal Contact» Initial and Reinstall

˃ Personal Contact & Presentation+ Review previous order+ Suggest Upgrades & Add-ons+ Changes+ Design Consult for all new prospects+ Interactive Design- Include the customer

Delivering The Client Experience

+ Man phone during busy periods– 7-9 AM– 11-1 – 5-7 PM

+ Respond to initial inquiry within 1 business day+ Relay complete information to Sales Staff+ Friendly and knowledgeable staff

Deliver The Client Experience» Professional Appearance

˃ All staff in branded uniforms+ Sales in branded professional collared shirt and slacks+ Install in “branded” work clothes

˃ Trucks & Trailers+ Good repair+ Clean+ Branded

Delivering The Client Experience» Professional Install˃ Correct the FIRST TIME1˃Well trained staff

+ Free of defects or cluttered appearance˃ Safe˃ Tailored & Timered˃ Noticeably different than the competition

Delivering The Client Experience

» Post Install/In Season Follow up˃ Contact by phone or in person˃ Ensure install meets expectations

+ Matches initial design+ Functioning+ Clean

˃ Opportunity for upsell˃ Cultivates relationship

Delivering The Client Experience

» Complimentary Service Calls˃ A key attribute of the service program˃ Any trouble calls included*˃ Set response time expectation˃ Document Call- Let customer know resolution˃ Follow up call to ensure satisfaction

Delivering The Client Experience

» Proactive Service Calls˃ 1-2 Proactive Service Calls per customer˃ Every job has room for improvement˃ Notify customer of service performed

+ Leave behind “Elf” door hanger˃ Perform calls daily- route based on area˃ Tailor calls based on customer lifestyle

Deliver The Client Experience» Post Season Follow-Up˃ At or immediately after take-down˃ Ensure satisfaction˃ Approach Renewal˃ Encourage upsells & add-ons˃ Further cultivates customer relationship

+ Delayed Takedowns*

Delivering the Client Experience

» Spring Clean Up˃ Utilize staff in transition to core business˃ Invest ½ hour per customer ˃ Ensure property is free of debris and left behind tools/supplies˃ HUGE differentiation˃ Notify Customer of presence

+ Call tag leave behind

Delivering The Client Experience

» Display Disassembly˃ Don’t underestimate the importance of takedown˃ This is WHERE we earn our keep!˃ Take care of customer’s property and materials˃ Uniformed crews˃ Ensure accurate reinstall via good take down

+ Organized+ Mapped

˃ Provide disassembly in a timely manner by professional crew

Delivering the Client Experience» The Service Program

˃ Aims to create “Highly Satisfied Clients”+ Requires a mindset paradigm shift+ Begins before we know our client’s name, first impressions+ Involves our entire organization+ Focuses on meeting our client’s needs and desires+ Requires us to set expectations and exceed them

Delivering the Client Experience» The Mindset Paradigm Shift

˃ Fundamental concept that our clients are THE ONLY REASON we are in business

+ No matter our business offering, ultimately we server our clients+ Do we view our clients as an asset or a liability?+ What is the internal attitude about clients?+ Are client issues viewed as opportunities or problems?

Delivering the Client Experience

The Mindset Paradigm Shift˃ Serving Clients vs Customer Service

+ A drastic reversal of terms with very different results+ Our business plays a role in our client’s lives+ Every employee has a unique purpose in serving our clients+ Our actions positively or negatively impact our clients

Delivering the Client Experience

Mindset shift, it begins at home» Loyal Employees create loyal clients» Client satisfaction reflects employee satisfaction» If you can’t sell it to your family, you can’t sell it to


Delivering the Client Experience

The First Impression» Perception begins before we ever know our

potential client’s name˃ Our marketing message, does it resound˃ Our image, putting our best foot forward˃ Our reputation, it precedes us good or bad˃ Reality must match our marketing message

Delivering the Client Experience

It takes an entire company to please a client˃ Every employee is an ambassador of our organization

+ Train every employee to handle client interactions+ Train every employee to field client issues+ Formulate how each employee impacts our clients, their purpose in

our organization.

Delivering the Client Experience

+ Field personnel-+ Sales-+ Admin staff-+ Management-+ Ownership-+ Other-

Delivering the Client Experience

Meeting Needs and Desires» Our business is more about desires than needs

˃ Fully understand the client’s desires and why˃ Understand if there are specific needs˃ Our services are a means to an end

Delivering the Client Experience

Set Expectations and Exceed them» Set expectations to satisfy our most demanding

clients˃ Clearly Define what we provide˃ Go above and beyond˃ Treat every client as if they are our only client

Delivering the Client Experience

Delivering a positive experience creates “Highly Satisfied, Frequent User, Promoter” Clients.

But why is that important or valuable?

Delivering the Client Experience

Satisfied vs. Highly Satisfied» The gap between satisfied and highly satisfied is

drastic˃ Highly Satisfied Clients

+ Are more than twice as likely to repeat business+ Are THREE times more likely to recommend business+ Spend nearly 10% more per transaction+ Have an 88% longer life cycle

Delivering the Client ExperienceSettling for Satisfied?

Delivering the Client ExperienceAverage Satisfied Client» $1,479 avg invoice» 4.4 year life span» 0 referred clients=$6,507 lifetime value

Highly Satisfied Client» $1,612 avg invoice» 8.8 year life span» 3 referred clients=$14,187 lifetime value


Delivering the Client Experience

The Bottom Line is the Top Line» Highly Satisfied, Frequent, Promoter Clients

˃ Generate greater revenue˃ Loyal ˃ Deliver new clients˃ Profitable

Delivering the Client Experience

The Experience is our greatest difference» Creates loyalty though tight personal bond» Difficult to mimic or surpass

˃ Takes effort˃ Only the best make this a priority˃ Great clients want this

Delivering the Client Experience

Every Client has “The Experience”» Change our mindset» Deliver the Service Program- all of it» Resounding Marketing with congruent delivery» Incorporate our entire organization» Focus on our clients» Exceed expectations» Give Clients the treatment we would want

» Best Practices˃ Deliver ALL deliverables of the Service Program

+ Emphasis on follow up touches– Consult– In season Follow up– Courtesy Calls– Post Season Follow Up– Spring Clean Up

+ Plan you course of action NOW+ Ask for referrals