Misha Shneerson Senior SDE Microsoft Corporation Andrew Whitechapel Senior PM Microsoft Corporation...

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Transcript of Misha Shneerson Senior SDE Microsoft Corporation Andrew Whitechapel Senior PM Microsoft Corporation...

Under The Hood:Advances In The .NET Type System

Misha ShneersonSenior SDEMicrosoft Corporation

Andrew WhitechapelSenior PMMicrosoft Corporation



Challenges in Enabling Extensibility Solution, Part I – Type Embedding Solution, Part II – Type Equivalence Putting it all together: Loose Type

Coupling and Extensibility Appendix: Improvements in Event

Handling for COM objects

User code Assembly

(50 Kb)

ChallengesDeployment of PIAs

Office 2007 PIA Redist(6.3 Mb)


(1.2 Mb)

Office 14 PIA Redist(6.3+ Mb)


(1.2+ Mb)

COM Interop Assemblies Complex deployment Targeting multiple host versions not supported Inefficiencies

Impact on working set Event helpers implementation

Managed-to-Managed Tight type-coupling Targeting multiple host versions is still hard

Challenges Implementing application extensibility

Type Embedding Key concepts

CLR 4.0 feature Internally we call this feature “NoPIA” Runtime dependency on Interop Assemblies

can be eliminated at compile time using per-reference /link switch

Information required to call into COM objects is embedded into the assembly itself

This information is represented by “local types” which are “partial” copies of types located in the Interop Assembly

IntelliSense,AutoComplete Type Information

Partial Type Information

Type EmbeddingDevelopment experience

Client Assembly

Local Types

VS Code Editor

Primary Interop



Type Embedding For COM Interop Misha Shneerson

Senior SDEVisual Studio BizApps


Type Embedding

Visual Studio option enabling Type Embedding of assembly references

To enable the same behavior from the command line, pass

the reference using /link

Type EmbeddingBasic rules

Only metadata is locally embedded interfaces (must have

ComImport, Guid attributes) delegates simple structs enums But not classes or static methods

Only types from Interop Assemblies can be embedded. Compilers check for these attributes [assembly:Guid(…)] [assembly:ImportedFromTypeLib(…)]

Type EmbeddingLocal types

Compilers create local partial types Local types are marked with

TypeIdentifierAttribute Using local types leads to reduced memory

working set Compilers track “used” methods of the

canonical interface, and only add those methods to the local interface definition _VtblGap pseudo methods are emitted in place

of unused methods to maintain vtable compatibility

Type EmbeddingFull type definition from an Interop Assembly

[ComImport][Guid(“E09335AA-9623-407b-AF63-5767CC6B7730”)]interface IFoo {

void Method1(IBar bar);void Method2();void Method3();void Method4();IBar Method5();void Method6();void Method7();void Method8();void Method9();void Method10();void Method11();void DoWork(void);void Method13();void Method14();


Type EmbeddingEmbedded partial local type

namespace FooLib { [ComImport] [Guid("E09335AA-9623-407b-AF63-5767CC6B7730")] [TypeIdentifier] internal interface IFoo { void _VtblGap1_11(); // Skip 11 v-table slots preceding DoWork void DoWork(); void _VtblGap2_2(); // Skip 2 v-table slots following DoWork }}

Type EmbeddingCustom code emitted for new operator

Instantiation of COM objects Legacy mode

IA contains classes with ComImport, Guid attributesCLR intercepts instantiation of such class and calls COM’s CoCreateInstance

Under NoPIA Problem: Classes can not be embedded Solution: Compiler analyzes the Interop Assembly,

finds the correct GUID and emits the following callActivator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(guid))

Type EmbeddingCustom code emitted for event handling

Events Legacy mode

Registering an event on a COM object is intercepted at runtime by the CLR and forwarded to helper classes embedded in the Interop Assembly

Under NoPIA Compilers recognize when an event handler is

added/removed and emit a call to a new generic COM event handler

COM objects must use late binding to raise events (they usually do)

Type EmbeddingWorking with multiple assemblies

Typical applications use helper libraries Helper libraries also need to embed types Number of separate copies of

the same interop type are created Yes, these all are different types! Can we still use a method returning

a different copy of a type ?

Type Equivalence

Misha ShneersonSenior SDEVisual Studio BizApps


Type EquivalenceKey concepts

CLR 4.0 feature Interfaces with the same GUID

are treated by CLR as equivalent types Casts to an equivalent interface

CLR looks for TypeIdentifier attribute to be present on one of the interfaces

Calls through an equivalent interface COM objects: CLR intercepts the calls and routes them

through COM interop (this is the old behavior) Managed objects: CLR finds an equivalent interface in

the inheritance chain, looks up a method with the same vtable offset, and verifies the signatures match

Type EquivalenceEquivalence of multiple partial local types

Assembly B

IFoo Partial Local Type

Assembly A

IFoo Partial Local Type

Foo : IFoo

void M(IFoo foo) { foo.DoWork(); }

At call time CLR verifies B’s

IFoo.DoWork has matching signature

as A’s IFoo.DoWork() and

invokes Foo.DoWork()

Loose Type Coupling In ActionManaged components in COM-based applications

Extensibility scenario for COM-based apps Write add-in code against any version of host Primary

Interop Assembly *Code must be adaptive to different versions of host

Embed local types using the /link compiler switch Deploy your application to any version of the host

without deploying the PIA Caveat: library assemblies must be:

compatible with the version host NoPIA-enabled

Example: Compile add-in against Excel 2007 PIA Deploy to Excel 2003

Loose Type Coupling In ActionManaged hosts and managed components

Extensibility scenario for managed apps APIs are published as interfaces into a

“programmability” assembly Add-ins embed these interfaces at

compile time Add-ins can be deployed to any version of the

managed host application without the need to deploy the programmability assembly itself *Code must be adaptive to the version of the host *Calling on a non-existing method will cause


Type EquivalenceAnd type safety

Is type safety a concern? It is possible to construct an interface that is

type equivalent to another interface, but which is completely incompatible with that interface

Casts to such an interface will succeed Incompatible calls on such interface will fail:

CLR ensures method signatures are compatible, so an attacker can not construct an illegal call

FullTrust is required for using type equivalence with structs

ConclusionsType embedding

Next version of C# and VB.NET compilers support embedding interface types into the caller assembly Simplifies deployment Simplifies multi-targeting support

when needed Reduces working set size Recompiling existing code should be a breeze

ConclusionsType equivalence

CLR introduces type equivalence support Type-safe Multi-targeting through interfaces Foundation for creating loosely coupled

extensible applications


Advances in .NET type system in CLR 4.0 Both managed-managed scenarios, and native-

managed C# and VB.NET

Interop/programmability types can be embedded Eliminates the dependency on interop assemblies or

programmability assemblies Simplified deployment, reduced working set

Type Equivalence Allows multiple assemblies, each with embedded

types, to communicate with each other Loose Type-Coupling and Extensibility Improvements in Event Handling

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© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market

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Appendix Improvements In Event Handling

COM objects use “Source Interfaces” to raise events

The source interface usually contains multiple methods, each one representing a different event

A COM client must implement the source interface to handle events. Each instance of the implemented source interface is known as an “event sink”

Improvements in Event HandlingEvents in COM-based applications

Issue: “Ghost” Runtime Callable Wrappers When adding an event handler to COM object,

the IA implementation registers an event sink one methods calls user’s delegate all other methods are stubbed

When a COM object calls the stubbed method on the event sink, there is a side-effect to marshal all the parameters, but no user code is called to have a chance to “clean up”. This creates “ghost” RCWs

“Ghost” RCWs interfere with COM’s deterministic life-time management rules by keeping COM objects alive until collected by GC

Improvements in Event HandlingEvents with Interop Assemblies

Performance hit: multiple COM interop transitions Every time you register a delegate to handle an

event, the IA implementation registers a separate COM event sink

The COM object calls all registered event sinks when it raises any event

Each call results in a separate COM Interop transition which negatively affects the performance of the application

Improvements in Event HandlingEvents with Interop Assemblies

User code

IFoo_SinkHelper- Event1- Event2 (stub)

o.Event1 += Event1Handler

IFoo_SinkHelper- Event1 (stub)- Event2

o.Event2 += Event2Handler

Event Sinks – Legacy (PIA) Mode


IFooEvents- Event1- Event2

2. Forward Event1 call

1. Fire Event1

Host PIA

IFooEvents- Event1- Event2

IFoo_SinkHelper- Event1- Event2

Parameters marshalled

Parameters marshalled againand cause “ghost” RCWs

Improvements in Event Handling

// user types thisxlapp.SheetSelectionChange += userDelegate

// compilers analyze IAs and emit thisComEventsHelper.Combine(xlapp, sourceInterfaceIid, methodDispID, userDelegate)

Improvements in Event HandlingEvents with NoPIA

Generic COM event helper System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComEventsHelper When compiling with /link switch, C# and VB compilers

intercept event handler assignments and emit ComEventHelpers.Combine or ComEventHelpers.Remove

At runtime generic event sink is attached only one sink is attached per COM object to avoid multiple

COM interop transitions Assumption: COM servers fire events using late-bound

invocation (i.e. through IDispatch.Invoke) Early bound (aka “vtable”) event invocations are not supported

Parameters are only marshaled if there is a user delegate registered to handle the event to solve “ghost” RCWs

User code

EventHelper sink- Event1

e1 += new Event1_EventHandler

Event Sinks – Under NoPIA


IFoo_Event- Event1- Event2

2. Forward Event1 call

1. Fire Event1

e2 += new Event2_EventHandler

EventHelper sink- Event1- Event2

Related sessions: TL16 Future of C# TL33 Managed Extensibility Framework:

Overview TL 34 Managed/Native Code Interoperability

Blogs: Misha Shneerson:

http://blogs.msdn.com/mshneer Andrew Whitechapel:

http://blogs.msdn.com/andreww VSTO Team: http://blogs.msdn.com/vsto

VSTO Developer Portal: http://msdn.com/vsto

Additional Resources

Session Objectives When is Interop appropriate? Considerations for your interop architecture Choose an Interop Technology Preview of what’s next in interop

Easier P\Invokes Customizing TlbImp PIAs as header files More

Takeaways Interop success starts with knowing when and

how to interoperate, and with choosing the right interop technology.

TL 34 Managed/Native Code Interoperability:Best Practices