~~ Lunar mansion ~~

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Transcript of ~~ Lunar mansion ~~

The Lunar Mansions ( Acquired Fromwww.Google.com)

The 27 Lunar Mansions, each 13 degrees 20’ in length, function on many levels, but at the

deepest level, they tell the story of the Sky Goddess, in her myriad manifestations, as she dances

through the sky, linking the cycles of the Earth with stellar reference points deep in the galaxy, in

fact, as far away as the Center of the Galaxy.

The Lunar Mansions are at least five thousand years old, forming a Sky Goddess backdrop to the

more recent twelve constellations of the zodiac. According to legend, knowledge of them was

given to ancient Vedic astrologers by very advanced extra-terrestrial beings from the constellation

known as the Southern Cross. Of the 27 Lunar Mansions, 4 are primary: Rohini, Purva Phalguni,

Jyestha and Shatabisha. Five thousand years ago, these corresponded to the Spring Equinox,

Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice, respectively.

Rohini is the Queen of the Sky. She is young, unmarried and free: a powerful, erotic, red Goddess.

She dances alone, raising the kundalini to bring forth new life. Purva Phalguni marks the marriage

of the Sky Goddess. Her name means “the sacred marriage bed.” The Lunar Mansion Jyeshtha is

“the eldest Queen” of the Moon God, Soma. This Sky Goddess becomes the wise crone,

ultimately plunging into the abyss of darkness. Finally, Shatabisha marks the cyclical death of the

Sky Goddess, pouring forth the divine nectar of immortality from Her Aquarian pitcher, ensuring

Her inevitable resurrection in the form of Rohini in the Spring.

Rohini (10 degrees 00’ to 23 degrees 20’ Taurus):

Rohini is called “the star of ascent.” This Lunar Mansion combines the energies of the Moon

and Venus. Its animal totem is the male serpent. Its symbol is a chariot or temple. Rohini

embodies the cosmic preparation needed to facilitate the growth and development of our

creative potential. She is the Queen of the Sky and the Queen of the Nakshatras (Lunar

Mansions). She is young, unmarried and free: a powerful, erotic, red Goddess. She dances

alone at the Spring equinox, raising the kundalini to bring forth new life.

Mrigashira (23 degrees 20’ Taurus to 6 degrees 40’ Gemini):

Mrigashira is called “the searching star.” This Lunar Mansion combines the energies of Mars,

Venus and Mercury. Its animal totem is the female serpent. Its presiding deity is Soma, the

Moon God. Mrigashira delineates one of two crossing points of the Solar ecliptic (the Road of

Life) and the Milky Way (the River of Souls). These are the gateways where we go in and out

of incarnation. Mrigashira is the gateway of the Sky Father, Prajapati, the Creator God.

Ardra (6 degrees 40’ Gemini to 20 degrees 00’ Gemini):

Ardra is associated with the fixed star Sirius. It combines the energies of Mercury and Rahu.

The presiding deity is Rudra, a fierce form of Shiva, the Lord of the Storm and God of

Destruction.  Ardra reflects the perception of clarity that comes after a Spring rain storm or

tears of sorrow. Its name means “the moist one.”Its symbol is the teardrop. Its animal totem is a

female dog.

Punarvasu (20 degrees 00’ Gemini to 3 degrees 20’ Cancer):

Punarvasu is called “the star of renewal.” This Lunar Mansion combines the energies of

Jupiter, Mercury and the Moon. It represents the purification of self and return of the light. Its

symbol is the bow and arrow. Its presiding deity is the Mother Goddess Aditi, who tends the

ground on which healthy seeds can eventually bear fruit.

Pushya (3 degrees 20’ Cancer to 16 degrees 40’ Cancer):

Pushya is considered the most auspicious of the Lunar Mansions for spiritual maturity. Its ruling

deity is Prihaspati, the Lord of sacred speech and prayer. Its symbol is a cow’s udder. Its

meaning is “to provide nourishment.” It combines the energies of the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.

Pushya increases our positive effort and good karma through hard work and discipline.

Ashlesha (16 degrees 40’ Cancer to 30 degrees 00’ Cancer):

Ashlesha is associated with the constellation Hydra, the coiled female water snake. It is known

as “the entwiner.” Ashlesha represents the kundalini, or serpent fire, that is coiled at the base

of the spine. Its presiding deity is Agi, the serpent of wisdom. Ashlesha combines the energies

of Mercury and the Moon. This Lunar Mansion is deeply mystical, magnetic and sensual.

Magha (0 degrees 00’ Cancer to 13 degrees 20’ Leo):

Magha means “the mighty one.” Its symbol is the palanquin, the royal seat upon which the King

is carried. It combines the energies of Ketu and the Sun, thus mystical leadership can result.

This Lunar Mansion gives one the power to leave the body. Its ruling deities are the Pitris, the

original progenitors of the human race, who function as guardian angels giving protection in the

event of major calamities on earth.

Purvaphalguni (13 degrees 20’ Leo to 26 degrees 40’ Leo):

In ancient times, this Lunar Mansion occurred at the time of the Summer Solstice. It marked the

marriage of the Sky Goddess. PurvaPhalguni means “the former sacred marriage bed.”Its

symbol is the Shiva lingham. Its presiding deity is Bhaga, the protector of marital happiness

and family prosperity. Bhaga is also the Sanskrit word for the female organ, or yoni. This Lunar

Mansion combines the energies of Venus and the Sun. Purvaphalguni serves as the launching

pad where the descending soul receives its dharmic marching orders before taking birth.

Uttaraphalguni (26 degrees 40’ Leo to 10 degrees 00’ Virgo):

Uttaraphalguni means “the latter sacred marriage bed.” Its symbol is a bed. In this Lunar

Mansion, the Sky Goddess is a newlywed. Its power is the giving of prosperity through

marriage or union. Shiva and Shakti were married in this Lunar Mansion. It combines the

energies of Mercury and the Sun. It is said that one born in this placement is intent upon “going

beyond the world of heaven.” This is the same “going beyond” of the Buddhist Heart Sutra

chant “Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha.” 

Hasta (10 degrees 00’ Virgo to 23 degrees 20’ Virgo):

This Lunar Mansion combines the energies of Mercury and the Moon. It is associated with the

constellation Corvus, which is observed in the sky as an open hand giving blessings to

humanity. For this reason, its symbol is the palm of the hand. The presiding deity is Savitar, the

Sun Goddess who gives life and aids in child birth. Its animal totem is the female buffalo.

Chitra (23 degrees 20’ Virgo to 6 degrees 40’ Libra):

Chitra is called “the star of opportunity.” It means “the brilliant” or “the beautiful.” Its symbol is

the pearl. Its presiding deity is Tvashtar, the celestial architect of the universe. Chitra is one of

the most mystical Lunar Mansions, with a profound desire to explore the caverns of the soul. It

combines the energies of Mars, Mercury and Venus. Its animal totem is the female tiger and it

is sometimes associated with serpents.

Swati (6 degrees 40’ Libra to 20 degrees 00’ Libra):

Swati means “the sword” or “the priest.” It combines the energies of Rahu, Saturn and Venus.

Its animal totem is a male buffalo.  It is called “the self-going star,” reflecting a strong desire for

independence and a restless and adventurous nature. Its presiding deity is Vayu, the demigod

of wind, air, breath and prana.

Visgakha (20 degrees 00’ Libra to 3 degrees 20’ Scorpio):

Vishakha is known as “the star of purpose.” It is sometimes represented by a large tree with

spreading branches providing protection for others, an archway decorated with leaves or a

potter’s wheel. It combines the energies of Jupiter, Venus and Mars. The presiding deities are

Indra, the God of transformation, and Agni, the God of fire. Its animal totem is a male tiger.

Anuradha (3 degrees 20’ Scorpio to 16 degrees 40’ Scorpio):

Anuradha is known as “the star of success.” The primary symbol for this Lunar Mansion is the

lotus flower, which reflects the ability to blossom in the midst of life’s trials and tribulations. It

combines the energies of Saturn and Mars, reflecting the spiritual challenges to be faced in

Anuradha. The residing deity is Radha, the consort of Krishna and the female manifestation of

the divine. Its animal totem is the female deer or hare.

Jyestha (16 degrees 40’ Scorpio to 30 degrees 00’ Scorpio):

Jeshtha means “the eldest Queen” of the Moon God, Soma. She is also known as “the heart of

the Scorpion.” The Sky Goddess becomes the wise crone here at the time of the Autumn

Equinox. She plunges into the abyss of darkness, emerging transformed at the time of the

Spring Equinox. This Lunar Mansion combines the energies of Mars and Mercury. Its chief

diety is Indra, the King of the Gods. Its animal totem is the male deer or hare.

Mula (0 degrees 00’ Sagittarius to 13 degrees 20’ Sagittarius):

Mula is called “the root star.” She represents the gateway, or black hole, at the center of the

Milky Way Galaxy. This is the womb of the Divine Mother, the counterpoint to the Lunar

Mansion Mrigashira, the gateway of the Divine Father. Mula is ruled by Kali and/or Niritti, the

Goddess of Destruction who lives in the kingdom of the dead. This Lunar Mansion combines

the energies of Jupiter and Ketu.

Purvashadha (13 degrees 20’ Sagittarius to 26 degrees 40’ Sagittarius):

Purvashadha means “the former undefeated.”It is called “the invincible star.” It combines the

energies of Venus and Jupiter. The presiding deity of this Lunar Mansion is Apas, representing

the Cosmic Waters, spreading in all directions and giving rise to the affairs of humanity. There

can be flashes of insight in this placement, which provide insight into the workings of divine


Uttarashadha (26 degrees 40’ Sagittarius to 10 degrees 00’ Capricorn):

Uttarashadha means “the latter undefeated.” It combines the energies of Jupiter, Saturn and

the Sun. This Lunar Mansion represents the completely integrated manifestation of God-like

power. It accomplishes this not so much through personal effort, but through the support and

alliances of all the Gods. It is ruled by the Universal Gods of Vishvadevas. Their power is to

grant an unchallengeable victory. Victory depends on a righteous cause that is beneficial to all.

Shravana (10 degrees 00’ Capricorn to 23 degrees 20’ Capricorn):

Shravana means “to hear.” Its symbol is the ear, reflecting the ability to hear the subtle, etheric

realms. It is also connected with the Bodhi tree where Buddha attained enlightenment through

listening to the voice of the divine within. It is called “the star of learning” and is associated with

the Goddess of Learning, Sarasvati. It combines the energies of Saturn and the Moon.

Dhanistha (23 degrees 20’ Capricorn to 6 degrees 40’ Aquarius):

Dhanishtha is called “the star of the symphony.” Its symbol is Lord Shiva’s drum, a musical

instrument of time. The deities of this Lunar Mansion are the eight Vasus, the Solar Gods of

energy and light. It combines the energies of Mars and Saturn. Dhanishtha produces people

who are spiritual warriors. Its animal totem is the female lion.

Shatabisha (6 degrees 40’ Aquarius to 20 degrees 00’ Aquarius):

Shatabisha means “the hundred healers” and is called “the veiling star.” This Lunar Mansion

marks the cyclical death of the Sky Goddess at the Winter Solstice. Shatabisha pours forth the

divine nectar of immortality from its Aquarian pitcher, ensuring that the Sky Goddess will

resurrect at the time of the Spring Equinox and Rohini will again dance free in the sky. It

combines the energies of Saturn and Rahu. This combination typically brings a healing crisis

leading to revitalization. Its animal totem is the female horse.

Purvabhadrapada (20 degrees 00’ Aquarius to 3 degrees 20’ Pisces):

The deity associated with Purvabhadrapada is Aja Ekapada, the unicorn related to Rudra, the

fierce form of Shiva. Like the unicorn, people with this placement are unique, eccentric and

mystical in nature. It is also associated with Agni, the Fire God. This Lunar Mansion combines

the energies of Saturn and Jupiter. Its animal totem is the male lion.

Uttarabhadrapada (3 degrees 20’ Pisces to 16 degrees 40’ Pisces):

Uttarabhadrapada is called “the warrior star.” The deity of this Lunar Mansion is Ahirbudhnya,

“the serpent of the deep sea,” an auspicious naga associated with part of Lord Shiva’s army. It

combines the energies of Saturn and Jupiter. Its animal totem is a female cow. Like the

previous Lunar Mansion, it is also associated with Agni, the Fire God.

Revati (16 degrees 40’ Pisces to 30 degrees 00’ Pisces):

Revati means “the wealthy.” It is the great womb of the Divine Mother, revealing the end as

well as the beginning of time. Its symbol is a drum which is used to mark time. It combines the

energies of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. Its animal totem is the female elephant. Revati

protects the soul in its journey to the next world.

Ashwini (0 degrees 00’ Aries to 13 degrees 20’ Aries):

Ashwini is called “the star of transport.” It combines the energies of Mars, the Sun and Ketu.

This Lunar Mansion is associated with the activation of primordial energies. Its symbol is a

horse’s head. Its animal totem is a male horse. The power and strength of the horse, as well as

its headstrong nature, are found in this placement. Shiva is said to inhabit this Lunar Mansion.

Bharani (13 degrees 20’ Aries to 26 degrees 40’ Aries):

The symbol for Bharani is the yoni, the organ of female reproduction. Shakti is said to reside in

this Lunar Mansion. It is called “the star of restraint.” This restraint is deemed necessary due to

the fact that Bharani combines the sexually intense energies of Mars and Venus.  The deity

associated with this placement is Yama, the God of Death, an agent of Lord Shiva. Bharani has

the power to cleanse and remove impurities.

Krittika (26 degrees 40’ Aries to 10 degrees 00’ Taurus):

The ruling deity for this Lunar Mansion is Agni, the God of Fire and transformation. Its symbol

is a flame, a razor, an ax, or other edged weapons. Krittika represents the power to burn or cut

away negativity to get to the deepest truths. It combines the energies of the Sun, Mars, Venus

and the Moon.

