; 'I This image contains more than one label approved for ...€¦ · 15/04/2002  · /-f -/5· v2...

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Transcript of ; 'I This image contains more than one label approved for ...€¦ · 15/04/2002  · /-f -/5· v2...

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This image contains more than one label approved for this product on this date.


• . ,


f,PR I 5 2002

Al Pastore N Jonas & Co., Inc. 4520 Adams Circle Bensalem, PA 19020


011 Guard 3" Super Chlorinating Tablets EPA Registration No. 3432-61 Notification Per PR Notice 98-10

Dear Mr. Pastore:

This will acknowledge receipt of your notification for an alternate brand name (Pools & Spa Unlimited"Super 3" Chlorinating Tablets '') submitted under the provisions of FIFRA Section 3 (c) 9. Based on a review of the submitted materials the following comments apply.

The alternate brand name is acceptable and has been made a part of the file for this product.

SVM80L·1 1ffP '.

........ _ ...... -...............•.. SURMAN&:

1",jf..····P-'I:"······ .• , ................ ................. DATE "J fJ /(!(./ . .


Wanda Y. Mitchell Product Reviewer - Team 32 Regulatory Management Branch II Antimicrobials Division (7510C)

" lUI co CU IHeE s , .. ~ ........ -..... . _ ............ _ . ............. _ ...... ... _ ... _ ...... -.................. .. ~ .............. •• __ :00 ............... . -.. -.... ~ ... -

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i .PAForm 1320-1 A (1190) PrWtd OIl R.cycled P'p<' OFFICIAL.F

~'""" .,,"" '"".

fJP~ United Stal .. § Registration opp Idonliflo, NloImGo, d£.

Environmental Protection Agency ., Amendment '.oR"· W •• hinglon, DC 20460 -. . C·o py' . Other

Application for Pesticide - Section f ., . 1. CQmpany/Product Number

3432-61 Z. EPA PJoduc. Manag., 3~P'OP~~.lfic.tiQn

'Q NQnt: . r- .1. ~..!i.ri,C~od 4. Company/PrGGuot (Name' . • .. PMI nN r.li;.o~ :~·".lIg.g·r"l ng"lAT1Nr. T~"I.T

5, Nam. and A.ddr ... ot Applicant Ilneludll ZIP Cod.) 8. expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFfIA Section 3(c)(3)

N • JONAS & CO. , INC (bW). my product is similar or Identical In composition and labeling to:

4520. ADAMS .CIRCLE EPA .Rei' No. BENSt:=\MPA. 19,U2·Q .: , :

. . Chock if Ihi$ /.I. now .drit_ Product Name <, Section- 1\ ,

0 Am.ndment .. Explain below. o Fin" printed l.bol. in rep.on .. to · , .. Ag.ncy I.tte, dated

0 Re.ubmiu'on ill r',pon" to A.gency 'onor deted o "M. T •• " Appllqadon. ~ -.

0 NouflGauon .. bplain b.low • o O",",~· !!><ploin below.

.... pliln.tion: u .. IIddiU.noi pag.1111I ....... ,y. (For .. odon I and S.odon lI.) •. ' .


- : .':;,


Section - III ..

,. M ... rioI ThIo" ...... qiwiII ",'''.gad In: .

Child·R.Ii".nt· Pookloglng . Unit p .. klging . w.ter SoIubI. PaokIQIng 2. Type .f Con"; .. ,

ffi~~ , ~

~-@VH V •• - ~ Pluti. X N. llL N. GI ...

o CMtitkiItion mu.t If -Ve,- No. per' If -V •• - No.pIt Pop" Unit PlCklging wg'. oontainer PIIOkIgI W8' _no, Othot ISpod1y1

b • .ubmitted I

1. Loo.uon,.of N"'C;:On"n" Inl.rmation 4. Slul.1 R.";I C.n";n" 6. Looation of LIIbeI Dir.odone

rXl Lab.I:· .'. . 0 Container 5,lO.1'l.?n.41) I'R~ Ei3 ON LABEL 6. MoM .. In Which 1.Ab.1 I. Affi .... t. Product aUthOg,aPh o ou..r .... . ,

Pop:t.UIId S.. . Od

. Section -IV 1. C.ntlct Point'/C<JmpJot.·it.,.,. rlitllCtiy billow for identific.tion of IndMdulli to b. _tacIH.llnuNMJl'!. to proc ... 1hi$ .ppIi .. tkm.}

Nam. ,. <.1 \. . "'\ .... Till. T olophono 1II •• IInciudo Ar .. Cod.l


C.mfic.tion 6. Dati Applloalion

I cortify that the Itetlmontll hal'll' mad, on thi •. form ond,allattacbmenb thoreto ar. tru., AOour.te and oompllto.· .R •• o.ivoQ. I ocknowilldgi ~~y kno",llal!'ly loi .. o. mioillding I .. _nt,may be puni~ by fi .... lmprilOnment •• · · ,,', IStampedj· both undor oppUc II"'. . . . ,

I ". t 1 ., 2.5;8",1"\'\ . . ... ',.,. 3. TlU. • • ...

" \)0/\ • • .. , . ..

I J«.S-- · ...... • . ~-= , I

Il/Ioe • • · .

4. Typlld • Al FASTORE 5. Do'. · · ......... .. z. • •

TE!'HNICAL DIRECTOR .. · ..... J · ... " .. · . ~ ~ ... EPA Form "70-1. (R ••. 3-841 Pro";.u •• diUon •• ro .b.ol.to. WhI ... EPA FIle tGtiy (originel, V .... '" - AppW-t Cop\ · ' ..

J , i

1 , • •

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Mig by: N. Jonas & Co., Inc. • Bensalem, PA 19020

, ,-,//

PRECAlITIONARY STATEMENt'S HAZARDS TO HUMANSAND DOAIES7lC AMMAL.S CORROSIVE: Causes irreversibie eye damage and skin bums. May be fatal if absoIbed through skin. May be fatal if inhaled. Do not breath dust or spray mists. lmtatlng 10 nose and throat. Harmful if swallowed. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Wear gog­gles or face shield, protectivecloltring and n.tlber gloves when handling this product. wash Itlorooghiy with soap and water after handing and before eating, drinking or using tobacco. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT: IF SWAU.OWED: Drink promptly large quantities of water. Do not induce vomiting. Avoid alcohol. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Gall a physician or poison control center immediately. IF IN EYES: Hold eyelids open and fIlSl with a steady, gentle sban of -.,.,ater for 15 minutes. Get medical attention. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water. Get mecicaI attention. IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air. H not breathing, give artificial respiration, preferably, motJth.to-mouth. Get medical atten­tion. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Probable mucosal damage may contraincIicate the use of gastric lavage. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: This pesticide is toxic to fish, 00 not discharge efIIuent contairWlg this product into lakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans or other waIe's trdess in accordance with the I8QUiR!ments of a National PdIutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDESI permit and the pemlitting authority has been notified in writing priOr 10 dscharge. Do not discharge effluent coo­taining this proWct to sewer systems without previously notifyIlg the local sewage treatment plant authority. For guidance contact you' State water 8oa'd or Regional Office of the EPA. PtfYSICAL AND CHEIiICAl. HAZARDS: STRONG OXIDIZING AGENT. Mix only with water. Use cIea1 dry utensils. Do not add this prodlx:I to arrr <i!;pen$ing device contanng remnants of any other prociIct. Such use may cause a violent reacOOn Ieadi1g to fire or explosion. Contanndion with moistufe, aganic matter, or other chemicals may start a chemical reaction, with generation of heat, liberation of ~ gases. and possible generation of fin! and explosion. In case of contamination or decoi.Ip)SiI.iOIl, do not reseal c:or-.: " possible isolate contailer in open ail' or w8I WJJtirsted na. Flood with large vokJmes of ~ if necessary. ","_la_to ..... _ ........ "' ___ ,, ___ ,

DIRECt iONS FOR USE It is a violatiOn of lederallaw to use this proOOct in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. 1 . Before usilg this proWct make U8 that there is a sufficient cI'*lme residual (3.5-5.0 ppm) in the swimming pool by superchIori­nation. Next day add lib. ChIome Stabilizer (Boostef) for each 4,000 gaIons of water. 2. Place approUnaIeIy 1 super tablet for 6800 gals. water per wee« either into a tablet dispenser and float it in the pool or directly intO skimmer basket if one is avaiabIe. In no case shWd tablets be ttrown directty 111:0 or on a vinylli1er as bleaching will result. 3. A good pool water test kit shot*! be used at least ooce a day to check both pH and chlorine levels. pH Should be between 7.2-7.6 and ~ as necessary. Chlorine should be between 1-2 ppm. If chlorine levels is too low, add more tablets until there IS enough to maintain the 1·2 ppm.This product can be used in tJI1'j dispenser that uses Chlorine O::lncemrate tablets or sticks. Should not be lTIixed with any other kind of ChlorIne as an ~ CI)Ijd result. NOTE: During heavy bathing loads, very hot weather, rain, etc. and at least once a week, chlorine ,..... residual should be raised to 3.5-5.0 ppm with granular chIOOne (~. It is preferable to do this after swirnmiog day so that pool will have a chance 10 come back to the 1-2 ppm before swimmers go back in next daY. Reentry into treated swimming pools is prohibited above levels of 3 ppm of chlorine. Super tablets willast approximately 5-7 days depending upon temperature and amount of water flow. A 20 lb. pail will last a 10,000 gal. pool approximately 30 weeks. 30,000 gal pool approximately 10 weeks. Each tablet weighs approximately 7.3 oz. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL; Keep this product dry in a tightly closed container, when not in use. Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area awW{ from heat or open flame. In case of decomposition, isolate container ( it possible) and flood area with large amounts 01 water to dissolve all materials before discarding this container. Do not reuse empty container but place in trash colleCtion. Do not contaminate food or feed by storage, dlsposal. or cleaning of equipment 10 CALCUlATE GAllONAGE: FOr R~tangu\ar Poo\s- Muttlply length 01 pOOl width l average Qeplh \alllIi feet) l 7-5_ " gallOns For Round POOls OIamelet' of pool x dlamelet' of pool x average depth (all In feet) x 5_9_ " gallons 0


" ... ~-, -' ,--~ -


NEXT ""-



• ! . { ,,- . I I '.PA Form 1321).1A (1190) Printed "" R.cycl.d Paper OFFICIAL. FILE COpy

·aEPA. United Stillea 13 Registration opp loontifl.r N",mb ... J:.l Environmental Protection Agency '. Amendment

"Ci;~:Z)-. . Waehington. DC 20460 -. . Other 'I


Application for Pesticide - Section f .- .

1. CQmpanylProduct Numb., 3432-61 2. EPA Product Man.g~r 3:'-P,opOHd.-~.ific.tiQn

'Q Noni . (-- .1. ~~t.r~Q~~ 4. Company/Produot (Namo) . • .. PMI "3l-. nN r.11~Rn ','u ."'P~P"'''' np""TT"~ T~D' ~T 5. Name and Adelr ••• of Applioant (Include ZJP CiJd_J 6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance With FIFRA Section 3(cl(31

N • . JONAS & CO. , (b)(il. my product is similar or identical In composition and labeling

INC to: 4520 ADAMS :CI RCLE EPA Re.II' No. B E N:s'~M P A. 19.02"0- , :

. . ",.<it if 1iIi$.;' • n.w .ddr_ Product Name ,. Sectlon- II ,

0 Amendm,nt .. explain bolow. o fiu printed lab,l, in r'ploRM to . , .. -'

Agoncy lottor doted

0 R .. ubmillion ill ' •• pon •• to A.gency lon,r dated o -Me Too· Appllqadon. ... ~.

0 NoUflGouon· Explain below. 0 Owr ~ ~Iain below.

-"plan_tion: U •• addition-' pogo") if n.G .... cV. (For .. olion land Saodon II.) . . .



Section - III .. .

1. W ... " .. Thlo.".. .. Il.iWW ... P .... 1I"41n:

Child-R.alo",nt· P,o\UIging Unit Packaging Wator Solubl. Packaging 2. Typ. of Container

~Y" t~r" 8 vo •

~~r . - Plude . No" X No No Glu. - t, .'

• C~tion mllst It -v •• - No. pOC' If -v •• - No. par Popar Unit Packaging wgt. oontainer Packago wgt conUiner Ot/Ior (Specifyl

/HI .ubmin«i I

'. L.c.u.n,.o( Not.<;:Qntonto Intormation 4. Siu'"1 Ratail Containor 6. Locetion of Label Dl,action.

Q ubel'· . '. . n Containe, 5,10,15.70.41) Ip.o Ei3 ON LABEL

0 .

6. MoM" in Which lAIIello Alfix~ ,. Product §UthOgraPh Other ..... ' .. Peper P"U~ Stone; Od

Section -IV 1. Contoot Point' /CompJ.toit""" directly boJow fo, idonriflcotion of IndivirlUIIJ r. bo contacted.lln",,_wy. to prOD_ th/$ ~plic.tJon.)

Name •• ',j , ., ...... -, Tide Totaph.nelIIo. (lncludo Ar .. Cod.l


C.rtification 6. Ca .. Applio.t1""

I oef1ify that the atatom.nttl he .... mad. on thil,form and,allattachmlnta theroto ar. trul. lOowatl and oomplet •• · , "'~o.Iv04.

I acknowl"'go tII'~~ knowliAgilv t .... o. mialolOding OI.'~nt·may b. puniohoble by fin. or ImprllOMIOnur' .< ,

"IStamped)' both under),ppUcm w.

'. 2. Signature "fA)"\) ~ ... .... I 3. TlU. • . . • • • •

(~ Ut--1- · • • . . . ,'. .. · .. · • . .

4. Typ~ Nome 1'1 "~~Tf"ll):'

5.Cate~)~)() L-,'~ , hvl, '\'''' .. · ..

T:':H~!1Cl~L C~P::C~(,;R • · ... -, . · ..... . . EPA F .... 8570-1. (Rev. 3-$41 Pr.lllouo adl.on. or. oblol.to . WhI .. • EPA FII. Copy (",glnal) •. ''follow - ApplioM\ Copy

0510 JRelax-Super3 M Tab-Blank


ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: TrichloJ'Oo-s~ Triazinetrione ........ . 99% OTHER INGREDIENT ........... 1%

TOTAL 100% Approximately 90% available chlorine

EPA Est. No. 3432-PA-l EPA Reg. No. 3432-61


v~.::'~ :~ .. ~: ... : ',"": and skin burns. May be fatal if absorbed through skin. May be falal if inhaled. 00 nol breath dust or I Do not gel in eyes. on skin. or on clothing: Wear goggles or face shield, protective clothing and

Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking or using tobacco. Remove contaminat·

i vomiting

PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL HAZARDS: STRONG OXIDIZING AGENT. Mix on~ wIIh water. Use cloan dty utensils. Do not odd ihls proclJct 10 "'Y dOpenS"9 device containing remnants of any other product. Such use may cause a violent reaction leading to fire or explosion. ContamilatIon with moisture, organic matter, or ethel chemicals may start a chemical reaction, with generation of heat, liberation of hazardous gases, snd posable generation of fire and explosion. In case of contamination or decomposition, do not reseal container. If possible isolate container in open ail' or weN ventilated area. Flood with large voh.mes of water, if nec· esSary. fhIs product Is moant to help keep bacteria and alga. undor control In swimming pools. DlREcnONS FOR USE It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. , . Before using Chlorinating Tablets make sura lhere Is sufficient chlorine residual (3.5-5.0 ppm) In the swinmlng pool by superchlorination. Next day add 1 lb. Chlorile StabilizE{ (Booster) for each 4,000 gallons of water. 2. Place approximately 1 super tablet for 6.600 gaHons of water per week either into a tablel dispenser and fIoal it in the pool or directly into a skimmer basket if one is available. In no case should tablets be thrown directly Into or on a Yinyliiner as bleaching will resun, 3. A good pool water lest kit should be used atienl once a day 10 check both pH and chlorine levels. pH should be between 7.2-7.6 and adjusled as necessary. Chlome should be between 1-2 ppm. If chlorine level is 100 low, add mora tablets lJltillhere is enough 10 mai"ltail the 1-2 ppm. This product can be used in any dispenser thai uses Chlorine Concentrate tablets or sticks. Should not be mixed with err; other kind of chlorine as an explosion could result. NOTE: During heavy bathing loads, very hoi weather, rain, etc. and at least once a week, chlorine residual should be raised to 3.5-5.0 ppm with granular chlorine (superchlorinated). It is preferable to do this after swimming day so that pool will have a chance to come back to the 1-2 ppm befora swimmers go back in next day. Reentry into treated swimming pools is prohibited above levels of 3 ppm of chlorine. Super tablets win last approximately 5-7 days depending upon temperature and amount of water flow. A 20 lb. pail will last a 10,000 gal. pool approxmately 30 weeks; 30,000 gal. pool approxinItety 10 weeks. Each tablet weighs approxi­mately 7.3 oz. STORAGE AND DISPOSAL: Keep this product dry in a lightly closed oontallar, when 'lOt in use. Stora in a cool, dry, wall ventilated area away from heal or open flame. In case of decomposition. isolate container ( if possible) and flood area with large amoUlts of water to dissolve all material before discarding this container. Do not reuse empty container but place In trash coilectlOf1. Do not contaminate lood ct lead by st0f8.ge, disposal, Of deanl~ of equipment.

, • • • •



• , • • • ,

, , ,. .. ,

- ...•••......... -----" ... ' - ,-"'.'

NEXT .. -

- .



Al Pastore N. Jonas & Co., Inc. 4520 Adams Circle Bensalem, P A 19020

P.PR I 5 2002

Subject: On Guard 3" Super Chlorinating Tablets EPA Registration No. 3432-61· Notification Per PR Notice 98-10

Dear Mr. Pastore:

This will acknowledge receipt of your notification for an alternate brand name (Choice Pool & Spa "Super 3" Chlorinating Tablets '') submitted under the provisions ofFIFRA Section 3 (c) 9. Based on a review of the submitted materials the following comments apply.

The alternate brand name is acceptable and has been made a part of the file for this product.

SYM80L·l ~SIOC .

-·r'·h.··"! ............... - ...............•.. SURNAME 'V ,. , ..... It...~ ..... DATE . ,

.. , ................ ................. 4- fl.-c)""


Wanda Y. Mitchell Product Reviewer - Team 32 Regulatory Management Branch II Antimicrobials Division (751 OC)


... , ........... _ .. . .......... _ ... _. . ... ~.~.~ ........ ................ -

................... ..•.•....•...•••• ..... l" ............... .-.. -.... , .... -..... - .......... . ................

, PA Form 132()'IA (1190) PriN<d 011 Recycled Pap" OFFICIAL. FILE COpy


1. Company/Product Number

United Stat ••

Environmental Protection Agency Wuhington. DC 204~


§ Registration Amendment

. Other

Of'P IQont<lior Numb.r

Application for Pesticide - Section f

3432-61 2. EPA Product Manag.r 3-:--P,opOMd.....~.ific.tion

Q NQn~ 'I-~ .1. ~~iric~~

5. N*,,- and Acid, ••• of Applicant (Include ZIP CDd.J

N. JONAS & CO .• INC 4520 ADAMS CIRCLE BEN:s'~MPA_ 19.0.20-

6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFflA Section 3(c)(3) (bHiI. my product is similar or identical in composition and labelinQ to: EPA Rell. No. __________ ~ ___ _

, , . LJ C/lolIk if th# ill • now .ddt_ Product Name

Section- It

o o fX]

o final printed laboll in replon .. to A.gency I,tter dat,d ___________ _ o -Me Too· Appliqadon. a •• ",bmiaaion iO Jllpon •• to Agoncy lotto' dated _____ _

~. ~ . Nolifi"adon a Explain balow. o Other ~ ~I.in bolow.

~plan.tion: u •• addition.a pag.") if n.c •••• ry. (For •• Quon I and SleUan II,)



Section - III ,. M.terial ThIo.I'r~W.u ".1' ...... 4 In:

Child-R .. I.tant· P ..... UinU Unit Packaging o Yo.

.watar Soluble Pack.oC!inu 2. Typo of Container -. ei _ . X '(II

. ~o·· I, : 0 No

If .y.,- No. por

8 :. It "V.,-

Gt ••• Papor

Unit Packaging wgt. container " .. ouo wgt No. por container ~

~:'~c Other (Spocifyl _______ 1


"'. i..Gc$lion,.o( N,s.CQntlnt, lnformation

/Xl Label' ", n Container

4. Slze(o) Rotall Container

5.10 Pi ?O U~ f RC

6. L.ooetion of Label Direction.

E!3 ON LABEL 6. hMM.r In Whloh LAbel il Affixod to Product ...... § Uthograph 0

Pap.r gluod Oilier __________________ --------


Section -IV .

Name .. 'oj '., • •• ..... .. Tillo Telephone No. (lncludo Ar •• Code)


-, o.rtify tMt tho It_tomlnta I have mad. on thi •. form .nd,allattachmonta theroto .r. UUI, oocurato end complet •. I ackAOWlodg. thot any knowUAgily , .... o. mialoadlnu It._nt.may bo puni.hobl. by fin. or imprllorvnent or . both undar applicobl ~ w.

3. Titi.

4. Typod Nom. 5.0ato

EPA Form "70-1. tR.v. 3-84) Pr ..... ou. edition •• r. ob.olet •. White - EPA Filo Copy (oflUlnol)

8. 0,,, Applio.UW1 "o._vlll. {Stamp_d)·

y.&low - ...,pliMnt CO!

r;~~"';i~-:-;:;;;-Ei. coPy2!9/02 925¢r-p~gel " , "

HOICE The Only Clear


Mfg, by: N. JONAS & CO., INC .• Bensalem, PA 19020 EPA Est. No. 3432-PA-1 • EPA Reg. No. 3432-61-



tabs SIb. LABEL copy 2/9/02 Page 2

PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESnc ANIMALS CORROSIVE: Causes Irreverlble eye damage and sldn burna. May be fatal If absorbed through aldn. ~e fatalllinhalecl. Do not breath dUst or spray mI81:8. IrTIIatIng to note and throat. Hanntullf swallOWed. 00 not gat In eye •• on skin, or on Clot . Wear gogglal or lace shield, pro-tective clOthing and rubber gloves when handling this product. Wash thOroughly with soap and waler aftar ling and before eating. drinking or using tobaCCO. RemOve contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT: IF SWALLOWED: Drink prorT1)tIy large quantltlel 01 water. 00 oot Induce vomiting. Avoid alCohol. Never gIVe anything by mouth 10 an uncon­sciOus parlOn. can a physiCian or polson control center immediately. IF iN EYES: Hold eyelids open and HUSh wIltIa steady, gemla stream 01 water lor 15 minutes. Gel medICal attentiOn. IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty 01 soap and water. Gel medical attentIOn. IF INHALED: Remove victim to lreah air. II not breathing. give artlflcial rasplratlOn, preferably. mouth·to-mouth. Get medical attention. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Probable mucosal damage may contralndlcal8 the use 01 gastriC lavage. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS: TNa prodUct illOxiC to IiIn. 00 not dllctwae effluent containing this product Into 1akeI, 1Il'Nm8, ponds, estu· arIeS. oceans or other water. L.IlIeaa In aooordanoe wilI\ the requirements of a National Pollutant DiIchIJVI Elimination System (N'p()ES) permit and the permitting authority has been notified In writing prior to dISCharge. Do not dl8cl\arga etftuent conIIInIng ttlls product to sewer ayatems without previously notifying the IOcaIIew&ge treatment planl authority. For guidance contact yoLI' State Water Board or Regk)naI OffIce Of the EPA. PHYSICAL AND CHEIaCAL HAZARDS: STRONG OXIDIZING AGENT. Mix only wttn water. Use Clean dry utensils. Do not add this product 10 any dispensing deVIce containing rermantl Of any other product. SUCh use may cause a vIOlent reaction leading to fire or apIoeIon. Contamination With motatute, organIC matter, Or other ChemlCala may atart a chemiCal reaction, with generation of heat, IbenltIDn 01 hazardous gases. and poasible ganel8t1On 01 flte and explOSion. In cue of contamination or decorTlIOaltlon, do not raual eontaher, II poulble IsOlate c0n­tainer In open air or well ventUated area. Flood with large voklmea of water, " necessary,

Thla product Ie mu.nt to h"p keep bacteria and alpa under control In awlmmlng poole.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE It IS a violatiOn 01 ted8rat law to use this product In a manner lnoonslltent wttn Ita labeling. 1. Before using thIS product make sure lhere iI.utfIcIent chlorine resIdUal (3.5-5.0 ppmlln tI'Ie SWimming pool by .~IOrInaIIon. Nex! day add 1 lb. ChlOrine Slabm18r (Boot18r) lOr eacn 4,000 galena Of water. 2. PIIlc8 approximately 1 super tablet for 6.800 gallons Of water per weak althar into a tablet dISpenser and IIoat tlln the pool or direcUy Into a skimmer basket If one Is available. In no case ahOuld tabIeta be IhrOwn directty Into or on a vinyl liner aa bleaching will reaut!. 3. A good pool watar l8at kit ahOuld be used at least once a day to check bottI pH and ChlOrine levels. pH should be between 7.2-7.6 and adjusted u neoeas.ry. Chlorine shOuld be between ,-2 ppm. tr chlorine level is too low, add morelabiel8 untli there IS enough to malntain the 1·2 ppm.ThIs product can be uHd In any die­penser thai uses Chlorine Concentra1e tab .... or aticka. Should not be mbted wtttl any other kind of chIorfnt .. an exploalon could reault NOTE: During heavy bathing Ioed$, very hot weathar, rain, e1c. and 81 least once a weak, ChlOrIne residual shOUld be raiaed to 3.5-5.0 ppm Yrith granUlar Chlorine (superchlorinated). tt .. preferat»a to do thIS ._swim­ming day 10 1hIt pool 'NIl have • Chance to coma back to the 1-2 ppm belont IWimmaI'l go back in next day, Reenlry IOto treated swimming paola Is pJOhbited above levels of 3 ppm 01 chlorine. Super tablata wiliasl approxlmall8ly 5-7 days clapandng upon temperature and amount 01 water !low. A20 It pail wiD lasl a 10.000 gal. pool approximately 30 weelI:;. 30,000 gal. pool approximately 10 weeks. Each tablet ...... "Pp"""na",, 7.3 .,. STORAGE: AND DlSPOSAL: Keep thla product dry In a lighlly clOsed contalner, when not In use, Store In a COOl. dry. waH ven1i1ated aNa away from heat or open lilme. In cue of decomposItIOn, Isolate conalner (It posSible) and llood area with large amounts of walar 10 dlStolve aM material belo4'8 discarding thla conlalnat. 00 nolNuse errpty container but placa In trash collecllon. 00 not contaminate food or feed by .torage, dis· posal. 0( cleaning 01 equipment




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