· Created Date: 12/27/2017 5:16:36 PM

Post on 25-Jan-2019

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Transcript of · Created Date: 12/27/2017 5:16:36 PM

Chandi garh AdministrationHome Department

NotificationDated, the l$t111

No.6/1/lJH(l)-2017l 38S?t It is hereby notified that the Holidays enumerated

in the Schedule below shall be observed as Public Holidays in all Govt. oflices under

the Chandigarh Administration during the calendar year 2018:-

1. All Suadalrs2. All SaturdaJrs

Other Holldays

Sr.にNaEe of theHolidays

Date onwhich theyfall

Saka― Era1939‐40

Day of theweek

1 Sri Curu GobindSingh ll BirthdaF

January-05 Pa■lsa-15 Fridav

2 Republic Day Januarv-26 心4agha-06「


3 Sri Guru Ravidas jiBirthdav

January-31 Magha- l I Wcdncsdav

4 Maha Shivratri Februarv- 14 Magha-25 ,VC,n,p壺0 Holi March-02 Phal卿ュna ll Friday6 Mahavir Jayanti March-29 Chaitra-08 Thursday7 Good Friday ヽ

`arch-30Chaitra-09 Frida`

8 Id‐ul Fitr June-16 上壺墨堕 :望 Saturday9 Independence Dav Aumユ St 15 Sravana 2 + Wednesdav10 Id‐ ul Zuha(Bakrid) Aueust-22 Sarvana-31 Wednesdav11 Janmashtami September-03 Bhadra-12 Mondal

一 Mahatma Gandhi'sBirthday

October-02 Asvina- 10 Tuesdav

13 Dussehra October- 19 Asvina-27 Fridav

14 lヽaharishi

Valmiki's BirthdavOctober-24 Kartika-02 Wednesday

15 Diwali November'-07 Kartika-16 Wednesday16 Sri Guru Ncnak

Dev ii BirthdayNovember-23 Agrahayana-


17 Christmas Day December-25 Pausa 04 Tuesdav

Besides the above holidays each employee will also be permitted during the

calendar yea, 2018 to avail himself/herself any of two (2) holidays to be chosen by

him/her out of Rest cted Holidays mentioned belowi-


NoName ofHolidays

thc Date or1which theyfall

Saka‐ Era1939‐40

Day of theWeek

1 Makar Sankranti January-14 Pausha 24 Sundav2 Basant Panchami Jalr-uary-22 3/1attha-02 Monday3 H01ikをt Dahan 4ヽarch-01 Phzrlsuna-10 Thursdav4 Ram Navami March-25 Chaitra-04 Sundav5 Easter Sunday Apri1 0 1 Chaitra-11 Sunday6 Hazarat Ali's

BirthdayApril-01 Chaitra-11 Sunday

7 Vaisakhi Apri卜 14 Chaitra-24 Sat■lrdaF

8 Budha Purnima Apri1 30 Vaisakha-10 Monday9 Raksha Bandhan Ausust-26 Bhadra-04 Sundav10 Ganesh Chaturthi Septpttbcr-13 Bhadra‐ 22 ThursdaV _11 Muharram Septcmber-21 Bhadra-30 Frida`

12 Karva Choutl'r October-27 Kartika-05 Saturday13 Goverdhan Puia November 08 Kartika-17 Thursdat,14 Bhai Dui November-09 Кartika-18 Friday



Chandigarh,datcd ulcll 12 2017

Anurag Agarwal, IASHome Secretary,Chandigarh Administration.

15 Id― E´Milad(Birthdayof ProphctMohammad)

November-21 Kartika-30 Wedne stlal'

16 Sri Guru TegBahadur jiMartaydom Dal

November-24 Agrahayana-o3


17 Christmas Eve December-24 Pausha-03 Mondat'18 Jor Mcla Fatchgarh

SahibDecember-25 Pausha-04 T\resday

19 ―do― December-26 Pausha-05 Wednesday20 ―do― December-27 Pausha-06 Thursday

| =


Chandigarh AdministrationHome DePa.rtrnent

Notification Dated. the rrl-t )a t

No.6/1/f-lH(l)-2o17l ltS?t lt is hereby notified that the Holidavs enumerated

in the Schedule below shall be observed as Public Holidays in the Union Territory of

ChandigaJh during the calendar yeal 2018 within ttrc meaning of Section 25 of the

Negotiabte lnstiument Act' l88l:-

1. All sunday3

2. Every 2"d & 4tr Saturday

Other Holldaya


Day OftheweekName of the

HolidaysDate onwhich thCyfall




Pausa-15 Frid答sn curu Gobindsinσh ii Birthdav



-January-262 WednesdaYJanuary-31 Magha- I I3 もri Curu Ravidasji

ЬlrtnclayMagha-25 WednesdaY

4 Maha bnlvlatll型 Frl■ 8v5 Holi March―υZ

Nlarch-29 Chaitra-08 Thursdal'6 M^hAvir Ja√antl FridayMarch-307 Good FridaY

Chaitra-11 SundaY8

Sing Of

Bank AccOuntS


WednesdaYSraT ana-249 Sa″ana-3110 員 、.17,,卜 ■rRAkridヽ Auql■ st ZZ

September-03 Bhadra-12 MOndav11 Tuesdayoctobcr-02 Asvina- 1012 Mahatma CandhlS

RirfhrlЯ v-Asvina-27

FridavOctObCr 1913NovembCr-OZ て,rti kA-16 wcdncs02■

14 Frida,November-23 Agrahavana02 ___15 Sri


Gurtl Nanakli Birthda■_ Pausa 04 TuesdaY

16 chHstma彙 DcCCm ocr― zυ

chandlgarh,datcd thell 12 2017


Anurag AganVal,IAS


for Home SecletarY'Chandigarh Administratiol

Endsr.No.6/r/r-rHlD-2or7/.-)8rs?l *" 3il:i:d:".i.*lt't?, l, .,^,."A copy is forwardeo, ^rr-;i. tdr rnrormauon.

o*"r"t*",ii3'".i"'"'i1l"i"l''ia*i"r"ti"to" of I"di'' for inrormation'

for Home Secretary,Chaadigarh,tdministration'

Endst.No.6/l/l r]{lr) 20171 LESV\ dated, t]ne I q-/)) )tA copy is forwarded to thc Director Public Relations, Uniorl Tcrritory,

Chandigarh, for wide publicity through Press, Radro and Television.


-.t:_.q"L-{.1Su peri-ntelHElTrFfome- I .

for Home Secretary,Chandigarh Administral ioI.I._

Endsr.No.6/l/l lH(l)-2O171 i-tslll dated, the lt4)7.tT t+-

A copy is forwarded to the Controller, Printing and Stationery. UnionTerritory, Chandigar'h with the lequest that the Notifications may please bepubtshed in the Chandigarh Adr[inistrahon Gazette.2. l0 copies ofthe Notification may be supplied for record in tllis Secreta-riat.

Chandigarh Adminisuatiop.Endsr. No. 6trllrHfi-2}L7l els?S dated. the ,9-l!-/)

A copy is forwarded to all Heads of Depaitments/Offrces/Institutions/Boards/Corporation, Union Territory, Chandigarh, for information andnecessa.ry action.



supedrttt!&EtTrome- I,

./1'-4cSuperintendent Home-Lfor Home Secretary,Chandigarh Administiation.


Endst.No. 6/ 1/ lJHlrl'2ot7 I ttS+t



dated, tie l\-,)47

A copy is forwaided for iniormation to the:-i. ' "",t-, HrBh Court of Punjab and Haryana' Chandql!

^2. All Heads oi Departments/Oflices/lnstrtutions in Union Territory'

Cha-ndigarh Administration, Chandigarh.Commis-sioner, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh'Post Master General, Punjab Circle Ambala.Deputy Registra.r General, Punjab University, Chandigarh'coirnil""ioi".t for Income Tax, Punjab, Haryana, J&K, Himachal

Pradesh and chandigarh, Patiala.Station Director, All india Radio, Chandigarh/Jalardhar'Chief Administrative Officer, Northern Railway, Delhi'The Director Ceneral of Posts and Telephones' New Delhi'Diiecto!, Small tndustries Services, Ministry of Comrnetce &lndustries. 56 Sunder Nagar, New Delhi.

11. Secretary, Indian Chambe, of Commerce, Ambala Cantt'12. Registrar, Punjabi University, Patiala'13. Registrar, Guru Nanak Dev University, Ludhiana'14. Registrar, Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana'is. Se;etaiy to ttie G;. of India, Ministry of Commerce, New Delhi'io. Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi'17. Field Controller of Military Accounts, Ambala Carrtt'18. Controller of Military Accounts, Western Command, Meerut'

19. Unde! Secretary, Eiection Coomission of India Aurangzeb Road New

Delhi.20. Income Tax ofllcer, Chandigarhit. Administtative Ofncer, O{lice of t}re Collector of Customs and Central

Excise, Chandigarh.22. Deputy Directoi, Bakwar'l Classes welfare (Northem ne)' 1oa3/21-







Sector- I 9, Chaltdigarh.Administrative Oficer, Survey of India, Northern Westem Circle'Sector-32, Chandigarh.Food Corporation

-of India, Punjab National Bank BT ilding, Sector-l7'Chandigarh.Assist;t Station Directo!, All India Radio, Chandigarh'Post Master, Ceneral Post Oflice. Sector-17, ChandigaJh'S..."tuty, Northern India, Charnber of Conlmerce and IndustriesK.No.1295. Sector- 18, ChardigarhManager State Bank of tndia, Sector- l7/22, Chandigarh


l,,Iana!er, State Balk of Patiala, Sector- 17 122' Char.digarh'Manaler, Punjab National Bank, Sector-17, ChandigarhManaler, Allahabad Bank, Sector 17, ChandigarhIlarlaier Unrted Commercial Bank. Sector' 17. ChandigarhManaier, Central Ba.nk of lndia Sector- 17. Charrdigarh'Manaier, Reserve gank of India, Sector-17, Chandigarh'ifr. S""".o"ty General PH Chamber of Commelce arld lndustry RHD

Ho,."., t"p-ar Floor 4/2 Si lnstitutional Area (Behind Hauz Khas)

C, Chandigarh.Dt':':tor Post Graduate I:lstituteSEctor- 1 l], Chandigarh.

of Medical education and Research,

Assistant Regional Director, EBployees State Insurance CorPoiation,

New Delhi.Divisional Manager,chandigath.

Life lnsurance Corporation' Sector-I7,

Secreta-ry General Govt. High power Welfare Committee, H.No l/ f 8,



chandigarh.agri""li"t" Corporatron, Jeevan Decp Buitding' sector-l7'Chandigarh.Puniablinancial Corporation, Sector-17. Chaadigah'Harvana Financial Coiporation. Sector-17, Chandigarh

Maaager Canara Bank, Sector-22, Chandigarhnehi-Fina.rlcial Corporatlon, Connaught Palace, NeI^r Delhi'I\lanaser Dena BaIk, Sector-T ChandigaJh'Manaier, Andhra Bank, Seclor-17. Chandigarh'Manager, Bank of India, Sector-17-E}, Chandigarh'61"i"i6".f f"fut

"g"t, Punjab National Bank, Sector- 17, chandigarh'

Manaser. Bank ;f Baroda, Sector- t7' Chandigarh'Punjai State Cooperative BanI(, Sector-I7, Chandigarh



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