[ Content Creators Mag ] 1rst Edition

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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This is the 1rst Edition of the [ Content Creators Mag ], hope that you enjoy it.

Transcript of [ Content Creators Mag ] 1rst Edition

[ Content Creators Mag ] [ First Edition ]


SEFD SECRET PROGJECT HINTED INSIDE. Refer to the bottom of Page 15!

So What’s inside?

Interview with Donovan Strain

Interview with Treezy Some nice plugs Future PROG Co. Plans And much more!


Looking for new content to support, follow and or

connect with? Then this is the Magazine for you!

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[ Table Of Contents ] PROG Co.net Advert Page 3 Creators Corner Mag Intro Page 4 PROG Games Advert Page 5 Donovan Strain Page 6 Donovan Strain Interview Page 7 Treezy Page 8 Treezy Interview Page 9 PSA Page 10 SEFD: Facebook Page 11 Bojangles Photography Page 12 David Nguyen Page 13 PROG Co. Page 14 PROG Co. Highlights Page 15 SEFD Hint Page 16 SEFD Hint [ Cont. ] Page 17

Zombie Mass Event Page 18 Our Thanks & Notes Page 19

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[ So What is Content Creators Mag? ]

A better question to ask would be, “So What is Creativity? What is Content?” Content is an item, or anything that has meaning or value. Your favorite stuffed animal is content, the jewelry that you wear everyday is content, tattoos, posters, videos, magazines, apparel, poems, automobiles, guaranteed if you just open your eyes and look around you, you are guaranteed to have your eyes filled with content, this magazine is here to highlight the creators of the wide variety of content. Creativity is the ability to produce valued outcomes in a new way, it is a context of three components:

• Originality [ Unique Ideas ] • Fluency [ A lot Of Ideas ] • Flexibility [ Shifting Easily Among Ideas ]

There are many variables that affect creativity, but ones to highlight are:

• Intellectual Ability • Knowledge • Personality • Motivation • Environment

This is why content from Charlie Chapman to Beethoven, to Leonardo Da Venci, to Stephen Spielsberg classify them all as Content Creators. In this day and age, there is a rise of Content Creators, and this Online Magazine is here to serve both sides of the transmission. Rather if you are a Content Creator yourself, or a Content Consumer, Content Creators Mag will do it’s best to highlight worthy Content and their Creators for both Consumers and Creators alike to be able to check out, network, and most of all, support. Now WELCOME, to [ Content Creators Mag ]

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New PROG Game on the way.

“You might be wondering something

along the lines of this, “guns!? gReen!? Why is theRe so much gReen!?” Well if you play this game when it releases,

you will find out!”

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Donovan Strain

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The Genius behind MURKAVENUE.com

Can you tell us what is the meaning behind Murk Avenue and how you came about to create it? Its jus a personal video blog of mine. for the following 8 months after i left theberrics i was still gettin support from people online or in person at skateparks, daily someone would tell me they enjoyed videos i created asked if i would start up again and the ammount of support sorta inspired me to wanna make videos for them again. this time no deadlines or stress and i can work on my own laptop so i could have fun again making videos. im having alot of fun this time around just creating things as i go whatever dumb stuff i think about. My homie Tony Vitello up in SF gave me the opportunity again by hooking me up with this laptop for me to edit on and helped build my site, anything i needed to get my program runnin he was down to helpout and i cant thank him enough. Hes one of the major reasons im back making videos. "Murk Avenue" is jus a name i thought of a while ago, its not place its a state of mind, no halfassing just handeling things that you want to do. For me its making videos, so maybe it might be more then a week for one to be finished but when it is im fully confident its the finished product and what i wanted to create, Murk Avenue delivers things im finished with and are solid, before i regreted alot of my old videos cuz they lacked so much i wished i could have finished but due to lack of resources and time limits most the things i gave were halfassed.

What are some future creations that you are looking forward to create rather if they are currently in progress, or possibly still in thought? aside from just my random vids on my site im currently working on "Triflin Toons The Movie". I started Triflin Toons series about 3 years ago, my first one was start stop animation drawing every frame on notebook paper. but over time id figure out better ways to animate and after the response on my latest one seen in "Murk Avenue Episode 14" I asked my followers on twitter and facebook if i were to put in the work to make a full length Triflin Toons movie would they be into it and the response for that sealed the deal. So I wrote the whole thing out, and curently animating the movie with my next step in animating processes thats a little bit of everything ive done before with some newer things added that youll be able to tell the difference between this movie and every triflin toon i made before, im hyped to finish this. Im spendin every effort on detail.

What are some of your influences to Create? What keeps you going? The support. I mean I always had to find creative outlets as a kid, art is a way i can express myself or just get out little dumb ideas i have, turning a thought into reality to share is fun itself, but the support from all the people that write to me online or holler at me when im out an about skating gets me hyped to make something better next time for them, my influence is the support, thats what got me to come back and thats what keeps me goin every day. and its appreciated to the fullest.

If someone wants to start creating content and they are starting from scratch, what would be your words of wisdom for them? 1.not only dont copy by try to not TRY to be like anything, if your style is similar to something then that is just how things are but if you try to be a certain style or be the next "so and so" with what you do you wont beable to be YOU, and your content will lack the most important part. 2.dont force anything thats pretty much it.

If people wanted to reach you, where would they go? http://MurkAvenue.com or http://Twitter.com/DonovanStrain or http://Facebook.com/MurkAvenue or http://YouTube.com/MurkAvenue

Do you have any last words or want to say or mention anything that hasn't been already? um...no "last words" i guess. rest in peace ODB and follow me on twitter? haha

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Treezy Owner of Dualshock nexus

Can you tell us all of the things that Treezy as a Content Creator does? Well for the most part I currently make gaming related videos concerning recent events in gaming culture and occaisionally make gaming skits. I also make music and share them with everyone who supports my channel. We know that you are the owner of Dualshock Nexus, tell us what brought you to create DSN and what the plan for it is? Well I started Dualshock Nexus after the fallout with one of the Ironstar staff memebers mostly because I wanted a way to get into events without having to depend on other people. I also enjoy talking about video games and keeping people updated on gaming news that currently interests me. I look at DSN as a way to keep people informed on relevant gaming news that I don't cover on my show. Also there aren't really big plans for DSN as of now since we are pretty fresh on the block. Can you tell us what future creations that you are looking forward to create, rather if they are currently in progress or still in thought? Well currently I have over 12 songs for a mixtape I plan on releasing called "Bellzebub's Broken Chords" Several of the songs are finished, but unfortunately the studio I record all my work at is going through remodeling at the moment so it's put all my plans for the tape on hold. I also plan on doing more sketches for the show, but those usually come at random moments. You recently collabed with Drewsdays to make a Dear Playstation commercial, can you talk about that for us? It was fun and a very simple concept really, Drewsdays and I planned on doing more gaming skits and we were discussing what type of sketch we should do. As you know Drewsdays is well known for his Dear PlayStation parodies, so we decided to run with that. I came up with the idea that we should address the PSN fiasco since it was pretty fresh at that time, ordered a Guy Fawkes mask and Voila shooting on my part was done in about two minutes. If the readers wanted to reach you, what should they turn to? If readers wanted to reach me they can tune into my show @ http://www.youtube.com/treezy504 or check out the blog @ http://www.dualshocknexus.com

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Got Content?

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SEFD: Facebook

“omg, this is fucking hilarious !! XD”


“Hahaha, funny shizznat”


“Love you guys, Made me laugh so much. Never stop!”


Watch it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzL7ldx_PQE

“when is all this shit gonna be on TV ..? cuz it needs to be”


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David Nguyen, the head of the Bojangles Photography snake, is your go-to guy if

you are looking for photography in San Diego. Though you will run into a

lot of his car photo uploads, don’t let that fool you! This

guy is all an around photographer! Check out his

Flickr page at http://www.flickr.com/phot


Fun Fact: The Front and Back

Cover photos are credited to David.

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[ Fan Art from Jabril Ashe haha ]

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[ PROG Co. PROGjects ]

So your wondering what we are working on over here at PROG Laboratories? We are

quite glad that you asked. Well as you see, we are going to be releasing the [ Content

Creators Mag ] when ever we can. As much as we would love to release monthly, we will try,

but expect a new edition to be released at anytime.

We also just started to dabble into the world

of flash games. If you have been to the games page

on PROGCo.net, then you know that the first game

their was really horrible, well we are glad to inform

you that, as we promised, the PROGjects are already

getting better. If you seen page 5, then you know

what game is coming next, but with that nearing it’s

end, we began PROGress on a new game.

We are also working on some Action Shorts, but can’t say for sure when those will

be released. They are being edited slowly yet delicately, so just keep an eye out for those

on PROGCo.net. Look at the stills below and decide if they are antagonizing enough for

you to wait.

Finally, if you read the cover page and wanted to know the SEFD Super Secret, we are not

going to say, but these image are hints. Just know that it is coming soon. But while we are

still on the topic of SEFD, they recently started up a forum. So if you enjoy the videos, it

would be nice of you to go sign up and join the chat, it only takes a second. But without

further ado, the next two pages are your hints to the secret, just remember that it is still a

work in progress and what you see may be subject to change.

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Are You In San Diego?

Do You Want to live your dream as taking role as a Zombie in a Zombie Horde? Well now you can!

Please not that all info is subject to change, but you can find this event on facebook on

the link below:


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THANKS to all of you who took the time out to read the first edition

of the [ Content Creators Mag ]. We hope that you enjoyed it and

look forward to future [ CCM ]s and our journey as we scour the

creative pipeline and transmit our findings to your eyes. Feel free to

CONTACT US at anytime about questions, comments, or anything

you may have at info@progco.net. If you have any interest to help

out and JOIN THE [ CCM ]’s creative process, just shoot us an email at

info@progco.net, we definitely could use anything you have to offer.

How you can contribute? You can interview creators, write content

reviews, assemble the Magazines, and more, contact us today.

WANT TO BE FEATURED IN [ CCM ]? Send us some of your content to

info@progco.net and we may have a spot for you in the next


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Yummmm…… Red Velvet.

Well, it’s been fun, see you next Edition!