acid- ac(bitter) id(related to) acrid- acr(sharp) id(related to)

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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Transcript of acid- ac(bitter) id(related to) acrid- acr(sharp) id(related to)

acid- ac(bitter) id(related to)

acrid- acr(sharp) id(related to)

amble- ambl(walk) perambulate-

per(through) ambl(walk) ate(make)

*to walk through, as to inspect

aquatic- aqu(water) ic(having characteristics


aquarium- aqu(water) iu(place)

beneficial- bene(good) fic(make,do) al(relaled to)

benediction- bene(good) dict(speak) ion(act of)

biology- bio(life) logy(study)

biography- bio(life) graph(write) y(result of)

cacophony- caco(bad) phon(sound) y(result of)

unpleasing sound cacography-caco(bad)

graph(write) y(result of) bad handwriting

precede-pre(before) ced(go)

exceed-ex(out) ceed(go) procession-pro(forward)

cess(go) ion(act on)

democracy-dem(people) crac(rule) y(result of)

epidemic-epi(upon,over) dem(people)

ic(having char.)

equal- equ(same) al(related to)

equilateral-equ(same) later(side)

al(related to)

flexible-flex(bend) ible(able to)

deflect-de(down) flect(bend)

generate-gen(start) ate(make)

genocide-gen(race) cid(kill)

genealogy-gen(birth,family) logy(study of)

polygon- poly(many) gon(angle)

diagonal-dia(across) gon(angle) al(related to)

pentagon-penta(five) gon(angle)

telegram-tele(far,distant) gram(write)

phonograph-phon(sound) graph(write)

pediatrics-ped(child) iatr(cure) ics(science of)

geriatrics-geri(old) iatr(cure) ics(science of)

psychatrist-psyc(mind) iatr(cure) ist(one who)

reject-re(back) ject(throw) projectile-pro(forward)

ject(throw) ile(related to) deject-de(down)


kinetic-kin(move) ic(related to)

kinesiology-kin(move) logy(study of) study of muscles and their movement

magnify-magn(large) fy(make)

magnitude-magn(large) tude(state of)

neonatal-neo(new) nat(birth) al(related to)

nativity-nat(birth) ity(state or condition of)

parallel-par(equal) ali(other)

repel-re(back) pel(drive) propel-pro(forward)

pel(drive) pulsate-puls(beat)


science-sci(know) ence(state or condition of)

conscious-con(with) sci(know) ious(full of)

omniscient-omni(all) sci(know) ent(full of)

tension-tens(stretch) ion(act of)

tendon-tend(stretch) extend-ex(out) tend(stretch)

theology-theo(god) logy(study of)

atheist-a(without) theo(god) ist(one who)

theocracy-theo(god) crac(rule) y(result of)

prevent-pre(before) vent(come)

convention-con(together) vent(come) ion(act of)

evoke-e(out) vok(call) vocation-voc(call) tion(act
