أثر استخدام استراتيجية التعلم البنائي...

Post on 29-Dec-2019

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Transcript of أثر استخدام استراتيجية التعلم البنائي...

أثر استخدام اسرتاتيجية التعلم البهائي االجتماعي على اجتاهات

حنو مادة الرياضيات تالميذ السهة الجانية متوسط

The impact of the strategy of social constructionist learning on attitudes

towards Mathematics in second year middle school pupils

Salim HAMMI*

Algeria (2)University, Algeria


This study aimed to detect the impact of the strategy of social constructionist learning on attitudes

towards Mathematics in second year middle school pupils in Khalifa Ben Hacen, Ghemar, city of El

Oued. The study sample consisted of (35) male and female pupils were selected randomly, pupils in

the second year of middle school for the academic year 2016/2017; where they were taught using

strategy of social constructionist learning. Attitudes towards Mathematics questionnaire designed by

the researcher Akil Ben Saci, University of Ouargla, was administered. The results of the study

showed improvement in pupils' attitudes towards Mathematics, with statistically significant

differences in attitudes toward Mathematics according to gender in favor of males .Amongst the most

important suggestions of the study, was the importance of improving teachers and pupils' attitudes

towards Mathematics and other study modules.

Keywords: Social constructionist learning strategy; Attitudes towards Mathematics.

* E. Mail salimhammi39@gmail.com





Lev Vygotsky Somanivic




(Ernest,1994, 62)






1(ZPD)(Harland,2003, 265)

4 (ZPD)








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Ernest(1994). Social Constructivism and the Psychology of Mathematics Education. In: P.

Ernest.(Ed). Constructing Mathematical Knowledge. Epistemology and Mathematics Education. London: Flamer Press. 62-72.

Harland, Tony(2003). Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development and Problem-based

Learning: linking a theoretical concept with practice through action research. Teaching

in higher education. 8(2). 263 – 272.

Wertsch, J(1979). The concept of Activity in Soviet Psychology: An Introduction. In J.

Wertsch(Ed.). The concept of Activity in Soviet Psychology. Armonk. New York: M.E.

Sharpe. Inc.