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Zonta and the Council of EuropeAnne Kraus, Council of Europe Committee

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Zonta International envisions a world in which women's rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able

to achieve her full potential.

In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision

making positions on an equal basis with men.

In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.

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The Council of Europe (CoE)is Europe’s

leading human rights organization

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The Council of Europe (CoE) is NOT an institution from the European Union! (EU)

Separate organizations

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The CoE has 47 member statesand 6 observer states, such as Canada, Holy See, Israel, Japan, Mexico and United States of America

It represents more than 820 million citizens

Hereunder more than 400 million women and girls

28 member states are also members of the EU

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European Convention on Human Rights

All 47 member states have signed the treaty

A treaty designed to protect human rights, democracy, and the

rule of law

The European Court of Human Rights oversees implementation in

the member states

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Where does the CoE hold its meetings?

Strasbourg, France

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Global cooperation

The Council of Europe co-operates with: • the United Nations (UN) • the Organization for Security and

Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

The Council of Europe works with the European Union (EU)

The Council of Europe co-operates with countries worldwide

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Take time to watch the Corporate Film – “Inside the Council of


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Within the structures of the Council of Europe there are several bodies. • The Committee of Ministers (decision-making body) • The Parliamentary Assembly • The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities • The Conference of INGOs

• The European Court of Human Rights

• The Commissioner for Human Rights

Council of Europe structure

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The Conference of International Non-governmental Organizations (INGOs) is recognized as an institution of the CoE

The Conference is one of the four institutional pillars of the Council of Europe “quadrilogue” and is composed of about 400 INGOs

The Conference is the chief body representing INGOs with participatory status, the official voice of Europe’s civil society

The Conference of INGOs

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Member of the Conference of INGOs

Zonta is one of about 400 INGOs enjoying “participatory status” with the CoE

These very different INGOs discuss and work together as partners

Zonta’s representative is officially invited to speak out

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Added value to ZI through its participatory status

Visibility and trustContributes directly to debates, resolutions or


Part of the consultation processes

Participates in international conferences, seminars and

projectsParticipates in the World

Forum of Democracy

Introduces specific themes to be raised/discussed at INGO


Votes and influences decisions

Actively supports gender equality issues amongst the

most important representatives of Europe’s

civil society

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The work of the Conference of INGOs

The Conference of INGOs

identifies the general

action needed to

organize its participation

helps to affirm the

political role of civil

society at the CoE

decides on policy lines and defines and adopts

action programs

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Who represents Zonta?

ZI Council of Europe


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Zonta’s participatory status at CoEZonta

has the right to approach and

work “individually”

with all bodies of the CoE

Zontaparticipates in meetings of

the Parliamentary

Assembly Committee


Zontacan approach

directly Parliamentarians

and make our issues known to


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Further information or questions

Karin Nordmeyer, Chairman, D 30Zonta Club of Freiburg-Schauinsland, [email protected] Irma Ertman, Vice-Chairman, D 20Zonta Club of Helsinki II, [email protected] Frieda Demey, Member, D 27Zonta Club of Brussel Zavel, Belgium [email protected] Anne Kraus, Member, D 27Zonta Club of Luxembourg- Multiculturel, [email protected] Anita Schnetzer-Spranger, D 28 Zonta Club of Mainz, [email protected]