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ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA - February 9, 2014 1. Welcome 2. Opening devotions 3. Adoption of agenda 4. Adoption of minutes of the Annual meeting of 2013.

4.1. Business arising from the minutes. 5. Appointment of scrutineers 6. Reports

6.1. President 6.2. Pastors, Staff, Music Coordinator, Youth Director 6.3. Deacons, Trustees and Committees

6.3.1. Deacons Report 6.3.2. Trustees Report 6.3.3. Committees Worship Mutual Ministry Hostess Archive Outreach Student Aid Sunday School Parish Life PACE ELW ELW Financial Statement Nominating Committee Youth and Family

6.4. Parish Report 6.5. Forward Planning Committee Report 6.6. Report from Treasurer 6.7. Auditors Report 6.8. Appointment of Auditor

7. Nominating committee Report 7.1. Elections to council

Nominees: Further nominations from the floor

7.2. Elections to Nominating Committee (Bylaws: there shall be 5 members, 3 elected at Ann. Mtg., 2 appointed by council from within its membership) Further nominations from the floor

8. 15TH Biennial Saskatchewan Synod Convention – May 2-4, 2013 at Queensbury Convention Centre, Regina. Theme: TOGETHER for the Love of the World. Zion is eligible to send 4 lay delegates. Nominees:

9. Announcements March19th 7:00 pm - Lenten Service 8:00 pm - First New Council Meeting

10. Adjournment and Closing Devotions

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Zion Annual Meeting Minutes: Zion Lutheran Church / February 10, 2013

Meeting Attendance: 53 Zion Members President: Albert Barth and Chair Call to Order at 1:00 pm

1. Welcome: Albert Barth

2. Prayer: Pr. Randy Meissner

3. Adoption of the Agenda: Approved

4. Adoption of the Annual Meeting minutes of 2012: Approved 4.1 Business arising from the minutes: Constitutional change has been ratified

5. Appointment of Scrutineers: Gary Rusu and Wes Froese 6. Reports:

-Ask for any questions or revisions to the following reports: none 6.1 Presidents Report: 6.2 Pastors, Staff, Music Coordinator: 6.3 Deacons, Trustees and Committees:

.1 Deacons Report

.2 Trustees Report

.3 Committees Report - Worship - Mutual Ministry - Hostess - Archive - Outreach - Student Aid - Sunday School - Christmas Hampers - Parish Life - ELW - ELW Financial Statement - Nominating Committee - Youth and Family

6.4 Parish Report 6.5 Report from Treasurer 6.6 Auditor Report Motion: “To accept the report.” MSC by show of hands

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Zion Annual Meeting Minutes: Zion Lutheran Church / February 10, 2013 (Continued)

6.7 Appointment of Auditor: Motion: “To have council ask Orlo Drewitz to carry on as Auditor.” MSC by show of hands 7. Nominating Committee Report:

7.1 Nominations for Council Nominees: Hans Baumfeld, Liona Anderson, Mat Kindt and Shirley Kasdorf will let their names stand.

Further nominations from the floor: None -Those named are elected

Motion: “To accept the new council members.” MSC by show of hands 7.2 Elections for Nominating Committee:

(Bylaws:There shall be 5 members, 3 elected at Ann. Mtg. 2 appointed by council from within it’s membership.)

Nominees: Marjorie Rusu, Elaine Wilkinson will let their names stand. Further nominations from the floor: None

Motion: “To accept the names of the Nominating Committee.” 8. ELCIC National Convention Ottawa, July 3-7 2013

- Joe and Connie Abrook will let their names stand as delegates - Ruthe Olson will stand as an alternate

Motion: “To approve the delegates.” MSC by show of hands 9. Announcements:

March 20th, 2013 is the next Council Meeting *No meeting for Council on Feb. 20th -There will be a 6:00 pm dinner followed by 7:30 pm Lenten Service and at 8:30 pm the new Council meeting.

10. Closing devotions and Adjournment Devotions: Intern Pastor Sara Dymund

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Council President’s Report In thinking about the past year I am very grateful for the many people of Zion who serve. When one stops to think about it, there are a lot of people at work here, including our pastor, our office and custodial staff, a new youth worker, music coordinator, Sunday School teachers, executive, trustees and deacons, the many who serve on committees (including a new forward planning committee), praise band, soundboard and projection people, choir, ushers, readers, communion helpers, altar guild and likely others I’ve missed. I think I can safely say we have an active congregation, thanks be to God!

After consideration of a possible move to a new place and then deciding to stay where we are planted in 2012, we re-evaluated our ministry and mission. New priorities were established and initiated. This past year, at our annual planning day, we considered the needs for physical restoration of our church building. From our childhood we learn that the church is not a building, the church is not a steeple, the church is a people. Indeed, there is very little if any emphasis in the scriptures that we should build ‘houses’ for God. Instead, the emphasis is on the people, e.g., “You also like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” 1 Peter 2:5. Perhaps it’s because God knows that our human natures may be more inclined to put up buildings and less to building our spiritual lives. Nevertheless, throughout the ages people have put immense efforts into building great churches and temples for gathering the community to worship God. In recent years, with dwindling church attendance, it has become more common to find musty church buildings in various states of disrepair as congregations struggle to keep the doors open. We recognize that the structural soundness and appearance of our building is very important. Rightly or wrongly, people are likely to sense a ‘sinking ship’ if a building is not well maintained and may hesitate to be a part of such a congregation. If we are to maintain our church attendance, and hopefully grow also, an inviting physical facility is essential.

We are very blest to have a beautiful sanctuary and otherwise very functional facility, which, by the

way, also generates a great deal of revenue annually from rentals. Despite the built-in revenue, in the past decade our financial status has been weak and building maintenance has deteriorated. Our rental revenue is easily enough for annual maintenance expenses, however, it would appear we use it a great deal to finance programs and salaries. Other churches must function without this kind of income boost. In the past year, spurred on by the very generous donation of one of our members, we have been able to turn our focus to property restoration. Some of the priorities identified at our fall annual planning day included upgrading flooring in the entry, narthex, altar area and fellowship hall, making the North entry physically more welcoming, improving lighting, and improving the functionality and appearance of the narthex. It is unlikely that we can achieve all of these priorities and there were many other good ideas that also should be pursued. Perhaps we should consider fund raising as a next step toward completing the upgrade of our property.

Let us continue to ask God for guidance and blessing for all of the work of the congregation and for wisdom in how we use the gifts he gives us.

In Christ, Albert Barth Zion Members of Council 2013: President: Albert Barth; Vice-President: Gerald Agrey; Secretary: Nathan Grundahl; Board of Deacons: Chair: Jenn Ewles; Recording Secretary: Leona Anderson; Alice Olson, Ruthe Olson, Shirley Kasdorf, Hans Baumfeld, Michele Tatlow; Board of Trustees: Chair: Dean Kindt, Recording Secretary: Jim Hopkins, Matthew Kindt, Lorne Baun, David Kinloch.

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Pastor’s Report

Fear of the future is a growing cancer in Christian churches in North America. Times are not easy for most denominations, finances plummet, attendance has fallen dramatically for all kinds of reasons; the Church’s opinions matter less and less in society. For many congregations, a sense of mission in their community and their world fades. Mere survival becomes the only strategic plan they can muster. Saskatoon’s own, Dr. Cam Harder, in his book “Discovering the Other”, calls this ‘a palliative care mindset ‘. He explains, “A vicious circle is at work here, of course. Churches that become isolated from their communities, and their mission in the process, tend to lose their members. Few want to stay in, and even fewer want to join, an enterprise that is rudderless, self-focused, and preoccupied with the fear of death… Church judicatories spend much time and money devising ways to revitalize these congregations. But in a sense, bringing them back to life isn’t the point; giving them a reason to live is.” (p.47) He then refers to another pastor, Erwin McManus, who reminds us that there is no promise in the Bible that ensures the survival of churches. Their purpose is to witness and to serve their communities as long as they have breath. Witness, is the same word as martyr in New Testament Greek. McManus also points out that “Christian families, tribes and communities have been persecuted and brutally killed for their faith. They didn’t survive. Yet they left a witness. The purpose of the church cannot be to survive or ever to thrive but to serve. And sometimes servants die in the process.” (An Unstoppable Force: Daring to Become the Church God Had in Mind p. 23) Dr. Harder then aptly concludes “Perhaps the task of Christian leadership is to lead churches out of palliative care back into the world. Strong enough or not, congregations are called to serve as long as God gives them life.” (Discovering the Other, p. 47) This is all very liberating reading as I sit down to write my Annual Report, particularly, Harder’s last line “ Strong enough or not, congregations are called to serve as long as God gives them life.” Words like these free us from t he oppressive burden of looking back over our shoulders at what once was; as well as the anxious fear of what may be. We know, Zion, that God gives us life: NOW. We know that our very existence as a congregation is not our own doing, but is a gracious gift from the hand of God’s Holy Spirit. This is equally true for a mega-church of thousands, or a tiny cluster or 20 or so faithful. I also resonate with the phrase, ‘we are not called to survive or thrive, but to serve’. And I am certainly hopeful about this, as I look back on this year at Zion. Here are a few examples of what I mean: 1. Our building. We have a big building! On the one hand, much bigger than we need. But, on the other hand, it is often booked solid, and sadly, we must turn people with good causes away because of this. Although some bookings are income generators, many of our groups are community based, support groups. With and through this grand old building: we serve. 2. Stephen Ministries is back. Training is underway in this tried and tested ministry which offers long term care and support to our brothers and sisters in crisis. As caring Christians: we serve 3. Peru Mission Exposure Trip. Preparing for this journey which begins in only a few days has been a pure joy. Zion, your support has been nothing short of spectacular. We have been ‘buoyed up’ by your love. Probably the biggest project our Youth and Family have ever taken on, we hope that we will not only have a fascinating journey to Peru, but come back renewed in our commitment to mission in the world, as

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we build a friendship and partnership in the gospel with the congregation of San Juan in Lima. As we travel: we also serve. 4. Financial Servanthood. We are a generous congregation. Our budget reflects that. We have been able to increase this year our financial support of city, Synod and world mission. Gifts come in a regular, budgeted way, but also this year, there have been enthusiastic, spontaneous acts of giving in response to God’s blessings to Zion. As we share: we serve. Challenges for 2014? Of course. We are financially stable. We have a building that, with some TLC and regular upkeep, can serve us well for many years to come. There is an overall sense of spiritual health and well being among us. The biggest challenge I see for the near future is leadership. Many of you have served Zion faithfully for many years as councilors, committee chairs, volunteers. Recruiting the next generation will be a challenge. How will we meet the need? Of course, I hope that some will hear the call of the Spirit to lead when asked. We may however, also need to rethink and rework how our congregational /council structures serve us. We do not have the membership we once had. Do our leadership systems need to change to reflect this new reality? Zion, we are called to serve as long as God gives us life. I am thankful for the life God gives us as we continue to serve our city and our world. Our pulse remains strong. God gives us life for this new year! I am thankful for the privilege and joy of serving as your pastor and immensely grateful for our partnership in the gospel. I look forward to the life God will give us in 2014 and ask you to keep me in your prayers. Blessings, Pastor Randy

Music Coordinator's Report

The past year has been another busy one for musical events at Zion. I continue to play for most 9 am services, as well as supporting the musicians for 11 am, and playing or leading singing once or twice a month. I coordinate the Worship Band schedule for the teams that lead worship, as well as choose hymns for the 9 am service and songs for the 11 am service, unless the band leader prefers to. The Zion choir was active from September to April, and the Handbell group performed for Easter and Christmas services under the direction of Alice Barth Some of my highlights for 2013 were the solo recitals of Christine Gerhardt, Jared Tehse and Olaf Lokken in April, the Reformation Hymn Festival on October and attending a Hymn Sing and workshop with Dr. James Abbington in Edmonton in August. I appreciate the support and help of the Worship Committee, and the 11 am planning group. The musical life at Zion is very rich and diverse. It is a joy for me to serve in the various capacities that I have as Music Coordinator. Respectfully submitted by: Diane Bestvater

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Youth Director Report Hello, my name is Michelle Sorenson, and I have been the youth and family director here at Zion

for the better part of five months. I consider it a huge privilege and honour to be trusted with this position and to work with and alongside the youth and the larger congregation of Zion. My job contains many different aspects from leading Sr. Youth Sunday School, organizing Junior and Senior Youth events, participating in a cooperative group with other ELCIC churches in Saskatoon to have joint youth group activities, as well as being involved with the confirmation classes, and even having the opportunity to be part of the leadership going to Peru.

As I look back at my childhood, and into my teen years, it is quite evident that I grew and changed a lot in those years. It is also evident as I think back to the ways I changed and grew (which I am still very much doing), that the people around me played a significant part in how I grew. One of my great joys in youth ministry is the ability to come alongside the youth during a period of many transitions, of identity finding and making. This is seen in confirmation class as we look at and later affirm the promises made to us in our baptism, as well as in discussions with the senior youth about who God is and who we are as children of God. It is truly an amazing gift to be let into these journeys, and I would like to thank Zion for allowing me to be part of them.

Our year, thus far, has had many focuses. For both the Junior and Senior Youth group we have been, and will continue, to explore the theme of water, which is the focus for the ELCIC national youth project for 2013-14. In particular, we have come together as ELCIC churches in Saskatoon, to work cooperatively to have a joint senior youth night every two months or so, which has just recently become known as Lutheran Youth Connect. This helps to foster a sense to community and cooperation amongst the churches, and in particular amongst our youth. As this group prepares for our time at CLAY (Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth Gathering) in August 2014, we have chosen to weave this theme of water throughout each of our events, considering creation, stewardship and baptism. As a more consistent and regular part of Zion’s youth ministry, the Junior Youth and Senior Youth meet separately twice a month. This consistency has allowed us to build a sense of community, and given me a chance to get to know them both as individuals and as a group. We have had the opportunity to do a lot of fun things together, from making Jesse Trees during advent, to running around the church playing games, to learning about world sanitation through celebrating World Toilet day, to duck tape competitions. We have also had the opportunity to have reflective times of discussion and study as we are challenged by God’s word and the world around us. We have started and will be getting deeper into some thought provoking videos/studies put out by Augsburg Fortress in the New Year. Another major theme of my time at Zion has been preparations for the very quickly approaching mission exposure trip to Peru. It has been encouraging and exciting to see this community come together, to endeavor on this journey to learn about the people of Peru, and to see how God is at work in and amongst those we will visit. It is also incredible to see how God is at work with us, changing us and leading us, both as a community, a congregation and as individuals. From the group as a whole, we cannot thank the Zion congregation enough for it’s leadership and support, encouragement and prayers, that have been at the heart of making this trip possible. Now as I look into the unknown future of these next few months at Zion, there are still so many things I am excited to do and be part of. With this said, I know that Erik (my husband), and I will be on a new journey come fall. Erik will be beginning his seminary internship, which is likely to be in Alberta, and so already we are so aware that we are just a few months away from saying our goodbyes. Still I am

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encouraged to know that there is such a passionate and competent youth and family committee that will be in search of a new person to fill this role come fall. Again, thank you for welcoming me into your community and supporting the youth ministry as a whole. It is exciting to envision what is possible within such a richly gifted congregation, and to have the opportunity to be part of it, if even for just a short time.

Board of Deacons Each Deacon is responsible for sitting on or liaising with one or more committees or programs running at Zion. These committees and programs include the Missions Committee, Christmas Hampers, Food Bank Drives, Student Aid, Lutheran Campus Ministry, Lutheran Student Centre, Inner-City Council of Churches, Healing Service, Sunday School, Youth and Family, Pace, Library, Bible Study Groups, Confirmation, Parish Life, Worship, ELW, Esthetics and Ladies Night Out. These groups and subgroups are flexible with some changes and sharing of responsibilities occurring as needed. The Deacons are working members of these groups whenever possible and report back to the Deacons meeting. Our aim is to increase communication between committees, share ideas and keep council aware of the ongoing programs at Zion. We also want and try to generate enthusiasm from the members of Zion and continue to involve as many members, of all ages, as possible in the programs of our church. The members of the Board of Deacons for 2012 are Leona Anderson (Secretary), Ruthe Olson, Shirley Kasdorf, Alice Olson, Hans Baumfeld, Michele Tatlow and Jenn Ewles (Chair). Thank you all for your dedication to Zion and your continued faithfulness. Respectfully submitted by: Jenn Ewles

Board of Trustees

Zion’s trustees for the year 2013 were: Lorne Baun, Matthew Kindt, Dean Kindt, Dave Kinloch, and Jim Hopkins. Staff members, Terry Afseth, Darlene Wilson, and Donna Hume joined the trustees for our regular monthly meetings. Zion’s trustees appreciate the input of our capable staff members in dealing with issues that arise during the year. Thanks to Hans Baumfeld for assistance in lock-up when no trustee was available. Also thanks to Henry Wichert for his willingness to help with the many and varied jobs that occur from time to time. Work done in and around the church this year include: Sweeping the parking lot in the spring and painting new parking lines.

Trimming the huge tree to the southwest of the church building.

Installing a new outdoor light (LED) on the southwest entrance of the church.

Shingling the old church and doing some patchwork on the flat roof portion of the church.

Dealing with a water leak in the library area of the church. Some problems still exist so other solutions will be sought.

An electrical upgrade was done in the area of the furnace room of the old church which also provided a 40 Amp circuit for the new dishwasher installed in Heritage hall.

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A new dishwasher was installed in Heritage Hall. This installation required some modification to the cupboards and new counter tops were put in place. Two new kitchen faucets were also installed.

There was enough arborite left over from the Heritage Hall kitchen project to cover over the old counter top in the Cedar Room. A new faucet for the sink was installed.

A new snow blower was purchased.

Support rails were installed in the bathrooms of the new church.

A number of chairs were tightened up and/or repaired.

New security monitors are ordered and will be coming soon.

A new hearing enhancement system is now available in our church. (Two headphones and two receivers) Other trustee responsibilities: Preparation of the annual budget. Review of the job description of our caretaker. Dealing with the sewer backup and associated problems. Hopefully the last time. (Thanks Dean!!) The trustees have had a busy year and next year looks challenging as well. One of the little jobs that is a problem for us is the lockup of the building following the 11:00 o’clock service. It would be nice to have a list of volunteers who attend this service and would be willing to lockup for a month. Should you be one of those, please let one of the trustees know or phone Donna at the church and she will inform us. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the trustees by: Jim Hopkins

Mutual Ministry Zion's Mutual Ministry Committee meets quarterly with Pastor Randy, and on request. The committee's purpose is to offer a confidential environment for feedback and group reflection and conversation about Pastor Randy's work at Zion. The Committee members are: Dean Kindt, Gary Rusu, Dorine Mintzler and Jan Peterson. You are most welcome to convey questions, concerns or feedback about Pastor Randy's ministry to any member of this committee. Pastor Randy Meissner

Worship Committee Report

“Come and worship! Come and worship! Worship Christ our newborn King!” This refrain is from an old Christmas carol. We at Zion are so blessed to have many opportunities to worship, and we hope and pray that we are welcoming and inviting others to join the song with us. We were happy to have a new set of green paraments made by Cindy Hoppe of Biggar. We are in the process of investigating white paraments to replace our old ones. In November we heard of a baby grand piano that was available from the Hague congregation for the cost of moving it. We are happy that we were able to get it, and once the piano tuner has made some adjustments to it and tuned it, it will be a wonderful addition to our Heritage Hall.

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Many thanks to Connie and Joe Abrook for their years of service to our committee, most recently as conveners of the Altar Guild. We appreciate all the work they have done on our behalf. We are thankful that Jan Peterson has agreed to take over from them. We have many volunteers who give of their time and talents to our worship at Zion. We are very thankful for each one of them, and pray that God will continue to bless us as we work together. The members of the Worship Committee are: Alice Barth - chairperson, Jan Peterson - Altar Guild, Hans Baumfeld - council representative, Dennis Temple and Margaret Fast – members at large, Pastor Randy, Diane Bestvater – music coordinator. We welcome your communication through email to [email protected], phone call 653-2442, or leave a signed note in the mailbox of any on our committee. Respectfully Submitted, Alice Barth, committee chair

Hostess Report

The Hostess Committee looks after serving lunches at funerals held at Zion. The family provides the food and we provide the beverages, set up the tables for the funeral and serve the lunch. There is no charge for this, but any donations received are put in the “Kitchen Fund” and with the consent of Trustees, money from this fund is used to upgrade and purchase needed items for the 3 kitchens in the church. In 2013 the committee served lunch at five funerals of congregation members, and one other: Rudy Strom – Jan. 24 Irene Seierstad – Mar.22 Douglas Anderson – May 16 Geraldine Klassen – July 11 Rey Dahlen, Sr. – Oct. 26 Brenda Anderson – Dec. 27 Many thanks to those who so willingly helped when called upon. Respectfully Submitted, Alice Barth

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Archive Committee Report

December 11th, 2013 our committee met in the Archive Room to do some “catch-up” sorting and filing of material that had been gathered over the past year. We also did some exploring of a closet off the kitchen in Fellowship Hall. We had been informed that this closet may contain material that might belong in the Archives. It proved to be an interesting adventure as we found valuable pictures plus boxes that we were unable to move and/or examine that day. The decision was made to approach Church Council and get permission to remove and examine the contents of this room. December 18th, 2013 a presentation was made to Church Council and the Archive Committee asked for permission to: - remove the boxes so the contents could be examined - hang the historical pictures in Heritage Hall - clean/sort and preserve anything of importance to the Archives - give an itemized list of contents that do not belong in the Archive Room to Church Council - discard anything we know is worthless - re-install the kitchen cupboard doors that were found stored in the closet The Archive Committee was given permission to carry out the above proposals. Submitted by Sonja Freiermuth, Karen Hopkins, Marlene Wichert

Outreach Report Outreach at Zion is responsible for attending the Saskatoon Inner-City Council of Churches monthly meetings & contributing Zion’s perspective in discussions. We attend core community events & grand openings. Outreach is responsible for the Healing Service on the first Monday of every month. Although our numbers are not high, we do have people who come every month & we do seem to be making a difference to those people. This year we have continued with our program to send a Christmas card to every tenant at the Lighthouse. Again the Youth decided they would take on the project & they added a new feature with a reindeer candy cane attached to every card (190 cards in total). Outreach is also responsible for liaising with church members who are responsible for running some of our yearly outreach programs like the Christmas hampers. Respectfully Submitted, Jenn Ewles

Student Aid Committee The Student Aid Program was established by the congregation of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in 1985 with the mandate of assisting Lutheran young men and women to attend ELCIC affiliated schools, Bible colleges and seminaries. Assistance comes in the form of recognition and support of students through prayer, encouragement and financial aid. Zion members and friends contribute through voluntary contributions plus three endowments that have been established by members of Zion. Only the interest earned by the endowments can be used. In 2013, with thanks for funds donated by Zion’s members and friends, we were able to award two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) to a seminary student who will be graduating this year. The three endowments were established by Evelyn Olson, Irene Seierstad, and an anonymous donor who wished it to be used only for seminary students, thus known as LTS endowment. Terms of reference for Olson endowment states it may also be used for music education. Thus, four hundred and fifty dollars ($450.00) was awarded to Olaf Lokken who is studying organ performance.

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We interview applicants before awards are made and again approximately mid way through the term. We assure them of our prayer support and our interest in them. We ask Zion people to remember these students in prayer. Thank you for your support of this mission of Zion. It means a great deal to persons receiving assistance and support and indirectly we are also supporting our ELCIC affiliated schools and seminary. Respectfully submitted by Student Aid Committee: Bishop Allan Grundahl (retired), Karen Hopkins, Gerald Agrey, Muriel Jarvis (Chair).

Sunday School Report Sunday school this year started with a welcome back Sunday. We introduced one another and shared cake. We celebrate baptism birthdays on the first Sunday of each month and are blessed to have Pastor Randy join us at our birthday celebrations. This is a great opportunity for the Sunday School children to interact with our church leader. Michelle Sorenson and Patrick Kelly have blessed us with their musical talents. Wes Froese once again blessed us with his musical and script writing talents for our Christmas Concert. We hope to be able to convince him to do so again next Christmas. We have started out the New Year with "a make your own waffle breakfast" organized by Andrea and again celebrated our baptism birthdays. We welcome the new year and are blessed with about 17 regular students. Blessings, Tracy Tucker and Andrea Cameron

Parish Life Committee Report

Mission Statement: “To foster the renewal of Parish Life and build community among all church members and promote community through social activities for the benefit of all”. Duties:

-One meeting a month is held September to May -Plan an event each month September to May coordinating with groups and/or special event days i.e. fall kick off, Sunday school concert -arrange advertising -ensure setup and cleanup is done -host a tea for new members -order name tags

During 2013 we planned and hosted the following events: January 14th -Soup and Bun Lunch followed by a tribute to Fran Schmidt February 15th -Valentines Family Dinner March no Parish Life event April 14th -Talent and Dessert Afternoon May 12th -Mothers’ Day Strawberry Tea June 9th-Texas Scramble at Holiday Park Golf course

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September 8th -Fall Kick off October 13th -Thanksgiving Mini Brunch November 17th -Pot Luck and Silent Auction; $1,308.50 was raised for the Christmas Hamper fund. December 15th -Pot Luck after the Sunday school Christmas Concert

Book Club: The books discussed in 2013 are:

- "Love Wins", by Rob Bell

- "Life Together", by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

- "How God Became King", by N.T. Wright

Attendance for these discussions has been good - between a dozen and 20 or so...and usually with a refreshment-visiting time afterwards. We have gathered on either Wednesday or Tuesday afternoons at Zion, though we did try a coffee-shop setting once. Pastor Randy led the discussion of "Life Together" and Allan Grundahl did the other two. Respectfully submitted by Parish Life Committee: Marlene Wichert (Chair), Joan Anderson, Margaret Baun, Shirley Kasdorf (council rep) and Charlotte Hahn

Parish Adult Christian Education Parish Adult Christian Education (PACE) is a regular series of presentations scheduled for the hour between the first and second Sunday Worship Services. Those attending provide suggestions for presenters both from inside and outside of the Church and for topics of common spiritual interest. During the hour there often is time for input from those attending so a discussion can broaden out with a variety of observations and points of view. Shared ideas can lead to a better understanding of God, of the ministry of the Church and of one another. Without your faithful attendance and your suggestions for presenters PACE would not succeed. Zion’s PACE Committee includes Rudy Bowen, Charlotte Hahn, Alice Olson, Ruthe Olson and Don Schenk who plan and arrange mostly for speakers and Bible study leaders. Vibs Paulsen has retired from this Committee and we wish to thank her for her many years of service. Respectfully submitted by Don Schenk

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Evangelical Lutheran Women Zion ELW met in October, 2013 with ten members present. Our ELW includes 2 Bible study groups, Naomi/Ruth Circle and Squircle, which meet monthly September through June.

For a number of years the ELW has also handed out Bibles to Grade 3 Sunday School students, overseen the Mitten Tree during Christmas, and been involved in sending out cards to members who are celebrating special birthdays/anniversaries as well as Cradle Roll. We are now in the process of disbanding (the National ELW group disbanded about 5 years ago). As part of this process we decided to donate money to the following groups: $500 each to LCBI - Kinasao - Lutheran Theological Seminary and Lutheran Care Society. We have met with Pastor Meissner to ensure that the Bibles continue to be given to Grade 3 students and to be sure that Cradle Roll is taken care of within the structure of the Sunday School. Our Cheer Convenor, Muriel Jarvis sent cards as follows this year: Birthday (80+) 72 Get Well 27 Sympathy 21 Cheer 5 Wedding Anniversary 60th (2) 70th (1) Confirmation 5 Total cards sent - 132 Zion Cradle Roll Report - There are 12 children in Cradle Roll On a child's 3rd birthday they are eligible for Sunday School When a child is baptized they are given a card and memory book "The Day I was Baptized" 5 cards/books were given this past year. 3 children were sent a 1st or 2nd anniversary card of baptism 20 birthday cards were sent to those celebrating a 1st, 2nd or 3rd birthday. 6 Bibles were given to Grade 3 students in November. Prayerfully submitted - Connie Abrook, President

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Zion ELW Revenue & Expenses to August 31, 2013

Receipts Grace Gifts 1,603.31Praise Gifts 391.00

Total Receipts 1,994.31

Disbursments Grace Gifts 0.00

Friendship Inn 275.00Campership 150.00Kinasao 150.00

Praise Gifts 391.00Cradle Roll 12.72Cheer Cards & Stamps 44.00Grade 3 Bibles 165.71CLWR 0.00Designated from 2012 Annual Meeting

Bethany Home for Girls 200.00Lutheran Care Society 400.00Kinasao Campership 200.00

Bank Charges 0.00

Total Disbursements 1,988.43

Net Income 5.88

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Saskatchewan Synod – 2013 in Review

“Inspiring ministry – upholding God’s people” Prepared by Saskatchewan Synod for rostered ministers and specialized ministries

& for publication in Congregational Annual Reports

Congregations, rostered ministers and specialized ministries look to each other, the synod and the wider church to inspire clear, strong and effective witness to the gospel in word, sacraments, service, study and fellowship. The synod’s primary goal is the support of God’s people in mission and ministry in 123 congregations across our territory. Our support depends on partnering with others sharing resources and goals to complement those of Sask Synod. Our support also depends on generous benevolence offerings from all 26,000 members and every congregation. With gratitude for the prayers and offerings from our members, we are pleased to share this Annual Report for 2013.

Groups of congregations and ministries gather with the dean and rostered leaders to plan Area Ministries in order to strengthen all communities in faith and share the resources of leadership and ideas. Mission Coordinator Rev Fran Schmidt can help your area to gather, discern and plan. Youth Coordinator Deacon Gretchen Peterson can help you organize youth ministry.



Every week God’s faithful gather for worship, fellowship and study in congregations across our synod. Sask Synod is cooperating with the ELCIC to ensure that faithful Word and Sacrament Ministry is available in under-served communities. Watch for a Study Guide for response to be published by the ELCIC in 2014.

Saskatchewan Synod is in partnership with Luther College, Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute, Indian Metis Christian Fellowship, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hospital Chaplaincies, Camps, etc. to extend congregational outreach, witness and service to others. Accountant Darlene Wilson forwards your financial support as directed.


In 2013 Bishop Cindy Halmarson ordained three new pastors for service in the ELCIC. The CTEL Committee will launch a new “It’s Your Call” program in 2014. Nine Sask Synod rostered ministers have taken part in the First Call Program since its inception in 2010.



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Consequences of lower benevolence from congregations:

o Reduced support for national church ministries

o Loss of Assistant to the Bishop, reduced services to congregations and rostered ministers

o Loss of funding to campus ministries

o Reduction of funding to hospital chaplaincies and Lutheran Theological Seminary

o Limited staff services in communications, website, newsletter and other support

o Reduction in programs for treasurers, council members and other lay leaders

We can turn the tables! Increased giving can result in: Quicker response and follow-

through to congregational requests for support

Active committees and task forces Financial assistance to seminary

students Redeveloped website and more

effective communications Increased staffing for mission,

youth ministry and stewardship Stronger witness through social

justice and action A new mission start

In eight annual issues Canada Lutheran Sask Synod Insert tells the stories of young leaders,

creative mission, acts of kindness, nurturing faith and more. Sk Synod Editor Anno Bell welcomes

your articles and photos at [email protected].


Synod Council is preparing the 2014 Synod Convention with input from the DREAM TEAM consulting process – What is God’s future for our church as we live and work “TOGETHER for the love of the world.” Administrative Assistant Shirley Schultz and Convention Manager Karen Linsley are preparing for over 200 delegates and visitors.

Synod Convention May 2-4, 2014

in Regina

Thank you for your partnership in mission and ministry throughout 2013. Saskatchewan Synod staff and council look forward to faithful service in Christ’s name in 2014… Bishop Cindy Halmarson. [email protected] or [email protected] or ph. 306-244-2474

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Zion’s Forward Planning Committee On November 21, 2012, Zion Church Council approved the establishment of The Forward Planning Committee. The following Terms of Reference outline this committee’s mandate:

1) Purpose: To vision and explore new ideas that affect the future of Zion Lutheran church.

2) Role: To review, study and make recommendations on issues referred by Zion Church Council.

3) Reporting: Reports to Zion Church Council with recommendations. The committee shall submit an annual report to the congregation summarizing the past year’s efforts and progress.

4) Frequency of meetings: When deemed expedient and as often as required. Although off to a slow start, in the earlier months of 2013, our committee spent some time and discussion on our Vision and/or Mission Statement. We have yet to establish a Vision Statement which is intended to be a clear and challenging picture of the future of a ministry as you believe that it can and must be. The purpose of the vision is to inspire us to get there. The Mission Statement on the other hand involves the activities of doing or accomplishing the ministries future; whereas the vision involves seeing in one’s mind that same future.

ZION”S MISSION STATEMENT as revisited in January 2010 states the following:

We are called by the great Commission to baptize and make disciples of all nations.

To baptise means to make a part of the community of God’s people.

To make disciples means to give people a part in our growing together in service and worship.

Zion’s welcome is a welcome for all to be part of a congregation where we celebrate our difference, worshipping and serving in diverse ways to be transformed by the presence of God and grow in discipleship of Jesus Christ. We recognize, develop and engage our wide variety of talents; acting on opportunities within our church and community as the guidance of the Holy Spirit opens the way

So, the question remains: what is the picture we see in our minds for Zion. Where will Zion be in the next 5, 10,15 & 20 years from now. What is it that we need to do to fulfill our Mission Statement. We will continue to wrestle and prayerfully develop a Vision Statement that portrays a picture for our future.

In mid-2013, as a result of significant gift given to Zion, Council asked our committee for our input and recommendations as to how this gift could be best used keeping in mind the wish list from Zion Planning Day.

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Our discussions included:

• Move glass wall so it is even with the balcony so as to provide further space for a more welcoming environment

• Install new carpet tiles in expanded narthex • Rather than replace carpet in sanctuary, have it professionally cleaned • Install vinyl tile in Fellowship Hall (installation to be done by volunteers) • Adapt mail boxes to hang from wall. Suggested location to be on southeast wall approximately where

library display currently exist. • Install a refreshment counter in narthex area with water and electrical outlets. • Re-organize narthex area-too many tack boards-too many large tables • Install electric fireplace in a suitable sitting area (donor has come forward to provide for purchase of

fireplace up to $2,000.00 • Install collapsible folding gate at south end of narthex at top of stairs to provide for added security • Hang Tapestry received from congregation in Rosthern (The Last Supper) in library area. • Install hardwood in the altar area. Hardwood flooring will mimic altar railing with edges of each step

stained darker to provide contrast and assist in depth perception. Kneeling pads to be considered with this alteration.

Tender for cost estimates for materials & installation have been received and as of the writing of this report, Zion Council has approved the installation of the tile in Fellowship Hall along with the installation of the hardwood in altar area. We expect installation to begin within the next 30 – 60 days.

Our committee is not only about spending money and improving the look of the church. Our focus will continue to be on the overall ministry and spiritual life here at Zion. As the name suggests, this committee will be focused on the long term future of Zion, wherever that might take us.

Committee Members: Gerald Agrey, Bishop Allan Grundahl, Velma Neumann, Jackie Smith, Gary Rusu

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Church Services

1. Worship Services held at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. – 37 Sundays

2. Summer Worship Services held at 10 a.m. – 14 Sundays (June 2 through September 1 inclusive)

3. Single Services were held on Dec. 25, Dec. 29.

4. Evening Healing Worship Services were held Jan. 7, Feb. 4, Mar. 4, Apr. 1, May 6, June 3, July 3, Aug. 12, Sept. 2, Oct. 7, Nov. 4, Dec. 2.

5. Special Sunday Gatherings: January 13 ----------------- Soup & Sandwich Luncheon February 10 ---------------- Annual Congregation Meeting March 3 -------------------- Organ recital March 10 -------------------- Lutheran Campus Ministry Fundraising Dinner March 17 -------------------- Lutheran Care Society Musical Mosaic March 24--------------------Youth Event March 31 -------------------- Easter Brunch April 14----------------------Talent & Dessert Afternoon --------------------------------Youth Event April 28-----------------------Volunteer Appreciation Tea May 5 ------------------------ Congregational Budget Mtg. May 12 ---------------------- Strawberry Tea May 26 -----------------------Congregational Worship and picnic in Friendship Park September 8 --------------- Fall Kickoff BBQ for Sunday School and 2 worship services resume October 13 ----------------- Thanksgiving Bruch October 27 ----------------- Confirmation Sunday & Tea -------------------------------- Hymnfest November 17----------------Potluck and Silent Auction December 1 -------------- Norwegian Christmas Worship and Fellowship December 8----------------- Cecilian Singers Concert December 15 -------------- Sunday School Christmas Program -------------------------------- Potluck -------------------------------- Jr. & Sr. Youth Christmas Event

6. Mid-week services and meetings of the congregation: January 9-30----------------Book Study January 11 & 12------------Youth Sleepover February 12 -----------------Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper February 13 -----------------Ash Wednesday Worship February 15 ---------------- Valentine Dinner March 4------------------------Future of LCBI mtg. March 20 -------------------- Midweek Lenten Service at Zion March 28 -------------------- Maundy Thursday Worship March 29 -------------------- Good Friday Worship April 10-May 15 ----------- Book Study May 10------------------------Lutheran Seminary Graduation May 29------------------------Women’s Night Out July 16 ------------------------ELW Joint Bible Study Oct. 1-Nov. 5----------------Book Club

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Oct. 4 & 5---------------- --- Confirmation Retreat @ LCBI October 17 ----------------- Poverty Awareness Event – Hands Across the Water Nov. 1 & 2 ------------------2121Youth Retreat @ Kinasao Nov. 15-----------------------Sr. Youth Retreat Dec. 13-----------------------Sunday School Rehearsal for Christmas Concert & Pizza Supper Dec. 24-----------------------Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship 5:30 & 7 p.m. Hilltoppers meets regularly throughout the year on the 2nd Friday of the month Squircle meets regularly throughout the year on the 3rd Monday of the month Naomi Circle meets regularly throughout of year on the 3rd Mondayof the month (All groups take a hiatus during the months of July and August)

7. Holy Communion was served 64 times throughout the year.

8. Received through Holy Baptism: Kyah Seckinger, Luke Peters.

Received through Adult Baptism: Robert Brown

9. Received through Confirmation: Avry Derksen, Nynkuer Dut, Kendra Farmer, Nicole Vaillant. 10. Received through Transfer: Roger & Andrea Nostbakken, Boyd Molder, Ken Finnestad.

11. Removed through transfer to other ELCIC:

12. Removed by Request:

13. Removed through Death: Rudy Strom, Jennie Lang, Irene Seierstad, Albert Freiermuth, Emil Dahl, Doug Anderson, Ray Dahlen, Sr., Brenda Anderson.

14. Marriages – couples married through Zion: Chantel Vance & Drew Schroeder, Dwayne Olson & Annette Thiessen, Dahlea Hovdestad & Daran Kohle, Hannah Tastad & Landon Hermanson, Michael Wilson & Kristine Ferraro, Ken Finnestad & Fern Anderson.

15. Funerals held through Zion: Rudy Strom, Jennie Lang, Irene Seierstad, Albert Freiermuth, Emil Dahl, Doug Anderson, Gertie Klassen, Ray Dahlen, Sr., Brenda Anderson.

16. Zion Membership (2013)

Baptized Members 776 Confirmed Members 422 Active Non-Members 42

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Treasurer’s Report The financial operations for Zion in 2012-2013 have very encouraging. The Audited Financial Statements ending August 31, 2012 will be available as a hand out. 2013 Financial Results Operating income was $339,350 which was a bit over budget. As a result we have been able to do some necessary building repairs. Roof repairs of $12,000; upgraded the electrical panel in Fellowship Hall; paid down the line of credit by $9,000. Fund II expenditures were: installing a dishwasher in Heritage Hall kitchen, and purchasing new & used paraments $4,000 was set up in reserves to cover future maintenance costs. Mission outreach was $51,000 and designated local outreach at $11,637. As the congregation of Zion goes forth into 2014, I trust that the main focus will be on Mission, with finances only acting as the tools to make that possible. Respectfully submitted, Darlene Wilson Accounting Assistant January, 2014

50/50 Goals



GOAL 50.00% 25.00% 25.00% 100.00%

2004 68.37% 12.978% 18.64% 400801

2005 74.54% 13.03% 12.43% 399265

2006 72.02% 20.07% 7.91% 347758

2007 78.75% 17.73% 3.52% 376948

2008 80.15% 16.35% 3.50% 408580

2009 76.10% 22.28% 1.62% 294355

2010 78.86% 11.24% 9.9% 308839

2011 79.74% 11.33% 8.93% 306338

2012 74.29% 9.15% 16.56% 356018

2013 69.66% 14.87% 15.46% 303245

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Zion Attendance

Year Lit@9 a.m. Info@11 a.m. Summer Other AVG per Sun. 2002 106 166 153 264 2003 103 165 157 240 2004 96 152 145 221 2005 91 151 124 208 2006 86 128 113 182 2007 82 117 98 173 2008 96 76 104 390* 180 2009 59 124 79 189* 141 2010 55 94 93 87* 128 2011 54 106 86 66 128 2012 54 100 95 80 134 2013 54 91 83 89 128

• * includes Chinese worship service attendance totals + evening, 10 a.m., 9:45 a.m. worship

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2013 Memorials January 2013 Memorial Fund Donor In memory of Norma Dalen Mildred Kerber In memory of Rudy Strom Mildred Kerber Gordon & Illa Knudsen February 2013 Memorial Fund In memory of Rudy Strom Allan Grundahl March 2013 Memorial Fund In memory of Albert Freiermuth Gene & Esther Grant Ernest & Eileen Sonstellie Don & Doris Antill Garry & Sharon Buckingham Lorne & Margaret Baun Jim & Karen Hopkins June 2013 Memorial Fund In memory of Albert Freiermuth Henry & Marlene Wichert In memory of Doug Anderson Henry & Marlene Wichert July 2013 Memorial Fund In honor of Art & Eileen Friesen’s 50th Anniversary Lorne & Margaret Baun October 2013 Memorial Fund In honor of Aaron & Edith Froese’s 60th Anniversary Mildred Kerber Lorne & Margaret Baun In memory of Ray Dahlen, Sr. Gene & Esther Grant Jim & Karen Hopkins Lorne & Margaret Baun November 2013 Memorial Fund In memory of Ray Dahlen, Sr. Mildred Kerber Gordon & Illa Knudsen December 2013 Memorial Fund In memory of Ray Dahlen, Sr. Allan Grundahl Walter & Muriel Tastad Carole Dahlen Organ Fund In memory of Oscar Fenner Sandra MacKay Memorial Fund In honor of Gordon & Illa Knudsen’s 35th anniversary Gordon & Illa Knudsen

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Memorial Fund In memory of Alfred Schabang Mildred Kerber Kitchen Fund In memory of Elsie Fenner Sandra MacKay Organ Fund In memory of Oscar Fenner Bill & Gloria Steckler Kitchen Fund In memory of Elsie Fenner Bill & Gloria Steckler