Download - Zero was a big round number.

Page 1: Zero was a big round number.
Page 2: Zero was a big round number.

Zero was a big round number.


Page 3: Zero was a big round number.

When she looked at her reflection, she just saw a hole… right in her center.


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Every day she watched the numbers

line up.

670 She wanted to count


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But how could a number worth nothing become something?

0Zero felt empty


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She watched One having fun with the others.


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One was solid and strong with bold strokes and squared corners.


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0Zero was big and round with no corners at all.

“If I were like One, then I could count too!” she thought.

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She pushed and pulled.

She stretched and straightened.

She flipped and turned and finally


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0Z e r o

She sighed. Becoming like One, was too much of a stretch.

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Eight and Nine rolled into the scene.

8 90

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“If you doubled yourself up,

you’d be like me!” said Eight.

8 9So Zero twisted and

turned to try to be Eight

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“Or you could be a nine with a longer line!” said


8 9So Zero pinched and

puckered to try to be like Nine.

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0But Zero could only be Zero.

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“We’re on our way to join the others!” said Nine.

89“Come count with us!” said Eight.

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Zero felt deflated.

890Eight and Nine

were numbers with value.

Of course they’d count. How could

they know how she felt?

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00Zero had a new thought...

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0If she could impress the other

numbers, that would give her value.

Sh’e leap, she’d soar, she’d sizzle, she’d shine.

She’d make a grand entrance and floor them all!.

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0Zero began to spin.

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0And then spin faster.

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0And faster.

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0And faster.

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0And then she leaped into the


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…right into One,

who knocked over Two,

…where they all ended up in a big pile on Nine!

who crashed into Seven and Eighttoppling over Five and Six,

who fell into Three and Four,

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9012345All of the numbers were bent out of


6 78

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“It’s no use trying,” sobbed Zero. “I’ll never have value.

I’ll never be part of the count,” she said.


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“It’s what’s inside that counts most” pointed out

Seven.07Zero looked at herself.

“But… what if I don’t have anything inside?”

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07“Every number has value,” said

Seven.“Be open. You’ll find a way.”

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0Suddenly Zero saw herself in a

new light.

I’m not empty inside. I’m open!

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Zero rolled up to the other numbers.

670 I thought of a way

for us to count even more,” she said.


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“Count more?”, asked Four


89“Woo hoo!”, said Two

“That sounds great!” exclaimed Eight

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12345“Everyone counts!”

the numbers shouted.



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Zero jumped in. Then she leaped up high and

said.“Here’s something we

can try!If we help each other

soar, we can count even more! “ 67


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And what’s next?20








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10,000100 1,000

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1,000,000“We do count more!”

the numbers cheered.

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Zer o and the numbers explored and had fun, bringing more value

to everone!

56040230 7080900502600



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0And this time when Zero looked

at herself,

She felt whole… right in her center!

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