Download - YLTP - Friedrich Ebert · 2007-08-27 · The trainees graduated with their certificates in December 2005. For

Page 1: YLTP - Friedrich Ebert · 2007-08-27 · The trainees graduated with their certificates in December 2005. For

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Dear Reader(s)Once again I welcome you to our

second issue of the YLTP Newsletterpublished by the FES-Tanzania office. Theproduction of this second issueunderscores our commitment and promiseto keep you ever updated about the YLTPand any other developments taking placehere at FES and Tanzania in general.

Since I last communicated to you in theprevious issue many changes/things havetaken place here at the FES and Tanzania ingeneral. There were a number ofmilestones and I am sure you will enjoyreading some of these developments in thepages that follow in this issue.

The YLTP IV, which started in January2005, has been progressing very well andas planned. The trainees graduated withtheir certificates in December 2005. Forthose who successfully completed thecourse, I say congratulations and wish you

Message from the Editor

A word from the YLTPCoordinator

FES-Operations/YLTPTrainees perspectives

YLTP trainees perspectives

Graphical presentations

A word from theResident Director






Issue of

If you have any views to sharewith us please write to:

The EditorYouth Leadership Training

Programme NewsletterP.O Box 4472, Dar es Salaam

TanzaniaEmail: [email protected]

Designed and Printed byMedia Express, Tel: 2183982







YLTP V - 2006

Who is Who in the YLTP8

Page 2: YLTP - Friedrich Ebert · 2007-08-27 · The trainees graduated with their certificates in December 2005. For

prosperity and luck in your careers asleaders.

There were national politicaldevelopments in Tanzania and my homecountry Germany that may be of relevanceto mention in my communication to you.In Tanzania we witnessed a generalelection during which Tanzanians(Mainland and Zanzibar) elected theirPresident, members of parliament andcouncilors. I was particularly veryimpressed seeing Tanzanians go out to thepolls and exercising their right to choosetheir leaders. For the trainees this wasdefinitely an example and demonstrationof how leadership is acquired in anydemocratic society.

The FES and YLTP team of trainers andtutors were very gratified to see some of itsYLTP former trainees taking part in theelections as candidates. For those whosucceeded, congratulations! But for thosewho were not lucky to sail through, I saynever despair because there is alwaysanother time.

In Germany there was a generalelection that changed the politicallandscape and we saw the first ever femaleChancellor elected to our country’s highestpolitical office. Her name is Mrs. AngelaMerkel. Because of the almost equalParliament seats between the ConservativeCDU and the Social Democratic Party SPD,the former government, Mrs. Merkel wasforced to form a great coalition. This is oneof the recommended solutions in resolvingpolitical differences. Probably in the nextissue I will have chance to share with youmore about German’s political andleadership developments. As a startingpoint, we have included in this issue a briefnote of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)and its objectives in Tanzania. I am sure;

this will give you an idea of what we are asa foundation and probably motivate youinto seeking more knowledge and possibleareas of collaboration with the foundation.

The new YLTP V will be kicking off inJanuary 2006. For those institutions andorganizations who are interested in joiningthe programme please apply as soon aspossible. To facilitate your applicationprocess we have included our contactaddress in this Newsletter.

Once again I am very glad about thededication of our staff at FES , especiallythe trainers and tutors of YLTP.

I wish you a Happy New Year 2006

Reinhold EinloftResident Director

Dear Readers

Welcome again to our second issue ofthe YLTP Newsletter

On behalf of the Editorial Committee, Iam indeed grateful for the support andcomments that we have continued toreceive since our first issue. We encourageyou to keep writing.

I am sure you will find this issueanother interesting one. Once again, webring you the voices of the YLTP trainees asthey write and speak out on their vision forthe youth. You will hear George Kahangwaon what it takes to be in the leadershipbattle field, how young people need topush out of the cocoon. In another articleyou will read from George Omondi and hisnew philosophy for the youth in the EastAfrican Region.

Also in response to your requests andrecommendations, we will graduallyexpand the number of columns andarticles, published by the YLTP Newsletteras resources allow. We thus encourage theYTLP graduates to be at the vanguard ofthis expansion by contributing shortarticles and stories. The contributions couldbe a short succinct article about the YLTPand yourself or your institution. Or it couldbe a personal account of some of theleadership challenges that you are facingafter graduating from the YLTP.

It may even be a short story of anexemplary leadership and problem solvinginitiative in your local neighbourhood thatyou think could go for a ‘best practice’ thatcould be replicated in other areas orinstitutions.

The articles or stories do not have to besophisticated. What we want are justsimple precise short interesting articles!Please send them to us and we will nibblethem down word by word into an excitingarticle or testimony for our readers. Wewant the world to hear you!


Message fromthe Editor

Prof. Mwajabu Possi stressing apoint during the Youth LeadershipTraining Programme (YLTP IV)second summer school held atBadeco Hotel, Bagamoyo – Coast Region


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Mr. Damas Ndumbaro fromMaleta & Ndumbaro Advocates

stressing a point during hispresentation on Administrative

Law at Badeco Hotel, Bagamoyo

A word from theYLTP Coordinator


Dear Readers,Following the inaugural Newsletter of

the Youth Leadership Training Programme(YLTP) I am very pleased to invite ourreaders to its second issue in which wewould like to emphasize two points.

The first point is to acknowledge thegeneral appreciation the first and foundingissue received from around the Region andelsewhere. For us in the YLTP this is anencouraging development in so far that theNewsletter has served one of the basicgoals for which it was founded, that is, toserve as a platform for exchange ofexperiences by the former graduates aswell as an information outlet about theactivities of YLTP to the larger public. Wetherefore invite the readers and audiencesto this forum to contribute whichevermaterials that will take the newsletter to

higher grounds of informationdissemination on issues of commoninterest. We also exhort the previousgraduates in particular to exploit thisplatform and use it as an “alumniframework” where they seek to commenton the application of their training at theircurrent sites. Few and short sentence,anecdotes and reminisces about theirexperiences will be immensely welcome.They will serve as binding bonds in ourcommon endeavour towards energizedefforts at excellence in leadership forTanzania.

Secondly we would like to share withour readers the highlights of YLTP IV. Thefirst is with regard to the conduct of theprogramme. Based on the previous wellthought out programmes, this year’sattracted many applicants including thosefrom previously least known but verystrong and enterprising Civil Societygroups. This factor added the number ofthe potential team of viable future leadersand partners to the sponsoring foundation,the FES and to the entire program itself.Alongside that development, the quality oftrainees presently has also considerablygrown better. For example the academicqualifications of the trainees in the currentyear included graduates, some pursuingtheir post graduate programmes atuniversities, yet others with already postgraduate degrees in various disciplines. Forus this trend not only was symptomatic ofthe high regard the programme is given bythe applicants and their supportinginstitutions, but also provides a challengeto the trainers and tutors to meet theexpectations of such group of participants.

Dear readers, our Newsletter, isgrowing strong, we are unique, we aredifferent, please keep reading!

Moses KulabaYLTP News Letter Editor

In this regard it is worth noting that theblending of regular end of the monthsessions, two confined one week SummerSchool and study visits to leadershippractice sites in Arusha were highlyappreciated as unique learning approacheswhich only the YLTP offers. During thesefield excursions, the trainees came face toface with the problems and leadershipchallenges facing Tanzania and the EastAfrican Region in general. We are stillexpanding the curriculum to suit therecommendations of our trainees and theinstitutions they come from. For examplethis year’s curriculum (2005) we included asubtopic on Administrative Law. This was inresponse to the recommendations made byour trainees in the previous sessions. Theobjective is the YLTP flexible andcomprehensive and relevant to thetrainees.

The second highlight is that YLTP IVtook place in a major elections year. It isrefreshing to note that both previous andcurrent trainees exploited the eventfulspace to assume varied elective leadershippositions while others took hind seats tocounsel, advice and encourage contestingcandidates. We congratulate them upontaking such bold steps and demonstratingthat the seed and spirit acquired at duringthe YLTP did not land on the rock!

Finally, I am grateful to the core teamof trainers, the programmes administrativesecretary and the guest speakers who veryably and with immense commitment,steered the programme to this conclusion.Besides their inputs on their areas ofcompetences, their individual and personaltestimonies on various leadership

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Hon. Ditopile Mzuzuri (centre),Regional Commissioner, CoastRegion making the openingremarks at the first summerschool held in Njuweni Hotel,Kibaha, Coast Region. On his leftis Prof. Max Mmuya the YLTPCoordinator and Mr Mchomvufrom the Institute of SocialWelfare.

experiences added a touch of relevanceand inspiration on the areas they addressedthemselves to before the trainees.

I would like to conclude, as I did in thefirst issue of the Newsletter by underliningthe point that in all these efforts, the FESin Dar es Salaam, has demonstrablytranslated the much cherished goal ofworking in partnership by providing,material, financial and good will support tothe programme.

I wish you a Happy New Year 2006

Prof. Max MmuyaCoordinator-YLTP

As you might all be aware, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) is a German non-governmental political foundation whichworks as a private, non profit, culturalinstitution. The organization adheres to theprinciples and basic values of socialdemocracy. FES has been operating inTanzania for more than 30 years duringwhich it has been co-operating with manydifferent partner organizations.

The strongest emphasis of our work hasbeen laid in the development andstabilization of democratic structures.Therefore our main objectives are tosupport:Ø New Economic StrategiesØ Trade Liberalization and Customs

UnionØ Regional IntegrationØ Democratic Institutions

As a step towards achieving the aboveobjectives, the foundation has beenundertaking different activities such as


YLTP IV: Comes to an endwith an AcademicBash in BagamoyoThe YLTP IV which commenced this

February 2005 progressed with out anymajor impediment and came to an endwith a graduation ceremony in December2005. During the YLTP IV a total of 22trainees were selected out of which 2dropped out of the programme leaving atotal of 20 who lined up for graduation inDecember 2005 after completing their oneyear course.

Like in the previous YLTP where besidesthe regular class sessions there are summerschools conducted out side Dar es Salaam,the YLTP IV trainees’ second summer schooltook place in Bagamoyo. This was yetanother opportunity for the trainees tomake intensive consultations with theirtrainers and tutors on a wide range ofsubjects covered during the regular YLTPsessions. By any standards, the Bagamoyosummer school session was unique and itwas no wonder that the trainees describedit fondly as an ‘Academic Beach Bash’.

This was because of the pristine andserene nature of the training venue whichwas located adjacent to the Indian Ocean.During the class interludes, the traineesoften broke off from the routine classroomto take a cool bash into the Indian Ocean.

YLTP traineesperspectives

Already in the line of duty:Youth liberation depends on


It is now a year since I andseveral other youthsgraduated from the YouthLeadership TrainingProgramme (YLTP) IIIorganized by the Fredrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES). Onemay wonder where the

former YLTP trainees are and whether theyare currently applying the knowledge andskills acquired from the programme.

The answer obviously is; we weretrained to lead, the youth in particular andI am already doing that. Any former YTLPtrainee, who is currently practicingleadership, can be described as one alreadyin the ‘battle field! Of course, like thosewho graduate from a military academy, onebecomes a soldier unless one’s training wasa mis–use of resources.

Thanks to the YLTP that molded me intowhat I am today. Soon after completingthe YLTP programe I was electedChairperson of the National Youth Wing ofthe NCCR-Mageuzi.

As though the training was a forecast,all the duties I execute as a National YouthChairperson relate to the topics wecovered. Quite often I am obliged to makedecisions, act and speak on behalf of theyouths. In all these responsibilities I havehad confidence and performed my dutieswith due diligence, thanks to theknowledge and skills that I acquired fromthe YLTP training.


trainings, workshops, conferences,consultancies, research, internationalwork-stays, publications and politicaleducation.

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Moderation and FacilitationSkills: One of the YLTP IV trainees

expressing his presentation skillsduring one of the YLTP IV

sessions. Trainees are usuallyavailed a chance to practically

exhibit what they have graspedduring the course.

The young people under my leadershiphave little to worry when it comes todemocracy and conflict resolution since meas their Chairperson was trained by Prof.Max Mmuya in this area. Similarly, Gendermainstreaming has taken a top notch slotin the party’s youth wing because I wasnurtured on these issues during the YLTP byMs. Maria Binti Shaba. Besides, for thefirst time in the party’s history, the youthwing is implementing some developmentalprojects. This is mainly attributed to theskills acquired after being trained by Mr.Wilhelm Ngasamiaku. I have also beenable to practice my communication skillsthrough TV and the various Radioprogrammes in which I had to speak onbehalf of the Tanzanian youths.

Moreover, YTLP equipped me with someuseful techniques that I have beenapplying as a Civic education facilitator atAgenda Participation 2000 (AP2000).AP2000 is a national Non GovernmentalOrganisation which promotes and teachesdemocracy and Civic education inTanzania. AP 2000’s Civic educationprogramme targets youth and using theskills acquired during the YLTP I have beenable to skillfully handle this enthusiasticsocial group whenever sent onassignments.

My story of the YLTP can not becomplete without sharing a uniqueexperience that I went through during oneof the East African Regional Conferenceorganized by the FES in August 2005 inArusha. The conference was aimed atreflecting on the political developments inthe East African Region and here I sat andshared views with delegates from the EastAfrican Region: these includeddistinguished academicians and politicalpractitioners.

I was proud and discussed issues withconfidence because I felt at home in anyFES function. I had been trained and in thepresence of Prof. Max Mmuya, coordinatorof YLTP who was also coordinating theregional conference I had to demonstratethat what I had learnt during the one yearYLTP course was not lost!.

Nevertheless, life after YLTP has notbeen smooth all through. Indeed it cannever be! Leadership is like in the battlefield where there ‘sugar crystals’ whichcome along with victory, there are also‘bitter pills to swallow’ which may comewith the pains of defeat. The challenges ofleadership can be summed up in this oldwar passage which reads:

In the real battle fieldthere are ups and downswhen there are opportunitiesnot failing them is all one has to dowhen there is no readymade weaponscreativity proves usefulwhen moving forward seems verydifficult commitment keeps you goingwhen the enemy has an equivalentweapona better trained mind determines thewinner andwhen victory is attainedyou remember where you came fromand the colleagues you have beenworking with

This passage echoes myacknowledgement of the precious treasurethat FES has placed in my hands. Secondly,it is a reminder to all former YTLP traineesthat if we were trained as soldiers (leaders)we should not take pride in simply knowingthe war techniques but in going to the

leadership frontline and liberating theyouth from the contemporary socio-economic problems like HIV/AIDS,ignorance, drug abuse, corruption,unemployment etc..,

Someone has to assure the youthsvictory against such impediments. That‘someone’ is none other than you and me.Indeed it is quite wrong to bury a talentgiven to you like the third ‘gentleman’ inthe famous Jesus’ parable.

Mr George Kahangwa is also currentlyan MA student at UDSM

By George KahangwaYLYP III Trainee

For theincumbent politicaland civil societyleaders in East Africa,the best strategy forcontaining the‘noises’ of the younggeneration has beento adopt a quasi

policy which I could describe as‘accommodation.

The principle of ‘accommodation’ couldbe described as a deliberate strategy ofmaking someone comfortable within thelimited means and space. Under‘accommodation’ as a strategy anindividual is placed in an invisible cagethat restrains his/her movements. Thisstrategy survives on manipulation andpseudo rewards which ensure that theindividual and youth for this matter are

Purposeful action is requiredfor East African youth, says



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kept in the ‘waiting’ for quite sometime.Over the years this has been a strategy

which has been adopted and practiced bysome leaders in the civil and politicalcircles of the region. As a consequence theyoung people have been not able to engageactively in the transformation of the EastAfrican region.

I think that up to this point enough isenough! Young activists in the region mustrethink their role in the region and whatcontribution they can make towardsdeveloping the region. We must reawakenand rally back our young colleagues whohave fallen victims to this strategy ofaccommodation and thus conformed to thestatus quo.

My argument is that the currentpolitical and civil society leadership shouldcreate an enabling environment in whichyoung people freely live and excel torealize their full potentials. The youth need


To acquire leadership skillsknowledge needs a high degree ofcomprehension and concentrationas exhibited by these two traineesduring one of the YLTP IVsessions.

to have a strong presence in the leadershipcircles of all sectors. This therefore calls foryoung people to build a pool of competentyouth who are capable of taking overleadership from the current generation. Iknow this may be quite distasteful to theolder generation but it’s the appropriateway forward. The youth must be able to actcollectively to ensure that this line ofthinking is progressively pursued.

This new niche of youth of engagementis what I could describe as ‘atransformation strategy’ driven by‘collective’ action for a common purpose oftaking roles in the leadership of our people.This cause must be spearheaded by a breedof young cadres who have a generallyacceptable set of credentials to drive theregion forward. The YLTP provides anopportunity for producing young people ofthis calibre.

As young people, we must beunwavering in our resolve to push forchange and be part of it at every stage ofthe journey. Often, we will need to renewour commitment and re-energize ourselvesby reviewing our ideological lineages andseeking new partnerships where necessary.

Of course in pursuit of this objective,we will continue to draw from the wealthof knowledge and experiences of the oldergeneration. This is because their knowledgeand experience is useful in advancing ourcourse. I believe it is only then that weshall make progress in transforming theEast African society. This has to happentoday and tomorrow may be too late!

By Omondi George -YLTP II Trainee

Mr. George Omondi is currently a seniorprogramme officer with the Centre forDirect Democracy (CDD) an NGO based inNairobi, Kenya.

YLTP V-2006The Youth Leadership Training Programme(YLTP) V will commence in January 2006. Inresponse to the overwhelming demandfrom institutions dealing with youthmatters wishing to participate in thisexciting programme, we have included ourcontact address at the end of thisNewsletter. Kindly write to us and don’tforget to attach your organizations’ profile.

We wish you good luck!

Next Issue:In the next issue we will continue bringing you exciting stories andarticles, including beautiful colour pictures from the graduationceremony of the YLTP IV and inside stories of the best trainees. You willhear their stories as they reminisce with pride about the secret to theirsuccess.

We will also take you to Bagamoyo for an extra ordinary story on theKusinga Custom and why it left the trainees captivated and talkingabout it, what is it? How was it practiced and by who and on who? Wasit an African expression of passion and love or another form of genderdiscrimination and male domination? Keep reading through these pages.

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Some of the YLTP IV trainees in ajovial mood after the completion

of summer school I held atNjuweni Hotel, Kibaha- Coast


YLTP IV Institutional Representation Overview-2005


129 9




11 9




















YLTP Graduands from 2000 to 2005

Males Females Total

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Editorial BoardMr. Reinhold Einloft; Resident Director

Prof. Max Mmuya; Programme CoordinatorMr. Amon Petro; YLTP Secretary

Mr. Moses Kulaba; Editor







Prof. Max MmuyaYLTP Coordinator/Trainer

Prof. Mwajabu Possi YLTP Trainer

Ms. Halima OmariYLTP Tutor

Mr. Wilman KapenjamaYLTP Tutor


Kawawa Road, Plot No. 397P. O. Box 4472, Dar es Salaam

Tel. 255 22 2668575, 2668786, Fax: 2668669E-mail: [email protected],


Amon PetroYLTP Secretary

Mr. Reinhold EinloftFES Resident Director

Ms. Marie ShabaYLTP Trainer

Mr. Moses KulabaYLTP Tutor

Mr. Wilhelm NgasamiakuYLTP Trainer

Mrs. Esther RiwaYLTP Tutor

Who is Who in the YLTP