Download - Year 3 Homework Term Week 3 Name

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Year 3 Homework Term Week 3 Name:_________________________

List Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Word Family A Word Family A Word Family A Word Family A Word Family A






Word Family B Word Family B Word Family B Word Family B Word Family B






Sight Words Sight Words Sight Words Sight Words Sight Words






Spelling Rule Spelling Rule Spelling Rule Spelling Rule Spelling Rule






Theme Words Theme Words Theme Words Theme Words Theme Words






Challenging Words Challenging Words Challenging Words Challenging Words Challenging Words






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Spelling Rule: Prefixes ( at the beginning of a word) can give clues to the meaning of the word. Example: bilingual = two languages

Tell me what the following prefixes mean:

triangle = 3

unicorn =

quintuplets =

century =

millennium =

hexagonal =

kilogram =

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Monday Continued…

Place the following words in alphabetical order.

mutt 1

putt 2

nutty 3

batty 4

motto 5

better 6

litter 7

attic 8

bottle 9

pattern 10

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Choose 5 words from your spelling list and write 5 different sentences. Underline the words you use. I.e There was a bicycle in the old attic. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Choose 5 of your spelling words and find the definition of each word. Word 1: Definition:

Word 2: Definition: Word 3: Definition: Word 4: Definition: Word 5: Definition:

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Thursday Synonyms: Find similar words to your spelling words and write in a list. i.e nice-friendly. The first two have been suggested for you.

Number Word Synonym

1 litter rubbish

2 attic loft










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Create a Find-a-Word using the boxes provided and at least 10 of your spelling words. Challenge a member of your family to complete it! I have put two words in to get you started.

Words: 1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 10

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Greyfriar’s BobbyFrom Scotland comes the true story of a little dog called ‘Bobby’.

Many years ago, a shepherd named Jock Gray tended his sheep in the hills beyond Edinburgh (Ed-in-burra). Every day, at one o’clock, Jock made his way to the local inn with his little dog, Bobby. While Jock ate his lunch, the little terrier chewed on a bone at his feet.

This went on for many years, until one day, old Jock died. His faithful little dog watched as they buried his master in Greyfriar’s churchyard.

A few days later, Bobby arrived at the inn at exactly one o’clock and begged for a bone. The innkeeper felt sorry for him and gave him a bun and a bone. This happened the next day and the next. On the fourth day, the innkeeper followed the little dog through the town to the churchyard. There the little dog lay down on his master’s tombstone.

For the next fourteen years, day and night, rain or shine, Bobby lived on top of his master’s grave. He only left the grave to visit the innkeeper and the sexton, who had built a shelter for him at the churchyard.

Over those years many people came to see the faithful little dog lying on his master’s grave. He became known as Greyfriar’s Bobby. When he died, the townspeople buried him beside his master and erected a statue in his honour. Bobby still stands watch over his master’s grave to this very day.

Read the text and shade a bubble or write an answer to each question.

1 In what country is Edinburgh? making connections

Australia Scotland

England Ireland

2 What breed of dog was Bobby? monitoring

terrier wolfhound

corgi poodle

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3 Why do you think Bobby arrived at the inn at exactly one o’clock? making connections

he knew the innkeeper would give him a bone he got hungry at that time he heard the clock strike one he and Jock had been doing that for years

4 Why do you think the innkeeper continued to feed Bobby? predicting

he had plenty of scraps to give him he had promised old Jock he felt sorry for him he wanted the dog to stay with him

5 Explain what rain or shine means. making connections

6 Mark any reasons you think Bobby stayed at the grave. summarising

Jock was his only friend he missed his master he was frightened of other people he didn’t want to live with anyone else

7 A sexton is: monitoring

a carpenter a policeman a gardener a person who looks after a


8 Why did Bobby become famous? questioning

9 Mark the statements that are probably true. The townspeople erected a statue of Bobby because: summarising

he was known and loved by everyone they thought it would attract tourists everyone admired Bobby for his loyalty they felt sad

10 Which word best describes Bobby? summarising

trusty faithful friendly tired

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Behind the old farmhouse stands a tall windmill, sails whirling in the strong breeze. It pumps water from deep below the ground sending it spurting and gushing into a rusty, old tank.

One afternoon, Bill and Stan go out to the windmill paddock to kick the football. “Let’s see who can hit the tank stand first,” challenges Bill. Stan nods and places the ball on a small mound of soil. He takes a long run-up and kicks the ball hard.

High into the air it goes, straight as an arrow. It passes high above the tank stand. “Oh no,” groans Stan as the ball hits the sails of the windmill with a loud thud. The sails send the ball spinning like a leaf in the wind into the paddock beyond.

“Did you have to kick it so hard!” grumbles Bill. “Now you’ll have to go and fetch it.”

Reluctantly, Stan crawls under the wire fence. He combs through the long grass until, quite suddenly, he spots the football in a patch of thistles. “Just my luck!” he grumbles, picking his way gingerly towards the ball. He holds it up in disbelief. It has been sliced almost in two and is flat as a pancake. “Bill’s gonna kill me!” he mutters.

Suddenly, there is a roar behind him. A black bull is thundering towards him. Stan takes off at speed towards the windmill paddock. He can hear Bill shouting encouragement. The bull is right on his heels. He turns and throws the ball. It glances off the bull’s horns. The bull hesitates. Stan grabs his chance and dives under the fence. The wire rips the seat of his pants as Bill hauls him upright on the other side of the fence. The bull comes to a halt, snorting and bellowing.

Bill eyes Stan up and down, taking in the scratches on his hands and the blood on his legs.

“Well, you look like you’ve had fun!” he quips.

Read the text and shade a bubble or write an answer to each question.

1 The best title for this story is: summarising

The Black Bull A Brush with a Bull A Close Shave Panic!

2 The water pumped by the windmill is: making connections

rain water tank water tap water bore water

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3 Bill challenges Stan. This means: predicting

he wants to change places with him he invites him to compete in a test of skill he chats to him he thinks Stan isn’t good with a football

4 Stan places the football on a mound. This is: monitoring

a mushroom a patch of moss a small hollow a small heap

5 What happens to the ball when Stan kicks it? summarising

6 The word, reluctantly, tells us that Stan: making connections

acts without thinking doesn’t really want to go is willing to go and get the ball is very careful and particular

7 Stan combs through the grass. This means that he: making connections

searches thoroughly pushes his hair back from his face zigzags across the paddock rakes his fingers through the grass

8 Why do you think Stan says just my luck!? questioning

he has better luck than Bill he is always lucky the ball is in a patch of thistles he has found the football

9 Stan says, Bill’s gonna kill me! Is this a fact or an opinion? Give a reason for your answer. questioning

10 Place the events in order from 1 – 4. summarising

The bull chases Stan out of the paddock.

Stan kicks the ball and hits the windmill.

The ball spins into the next paddock.

Stan and Bill play football in the windmill paddock.

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WHAT HAPPENED NEXT?Continue the story in your own words.

Following the winding path through the serene forest, the sun began to set, and the sky lit up with brilliant shades of purple and pink.

As the family approached their house, they noticed the front door was wide open. Father Bear wanted to protect his family, so he stepped ahead of them and went to look inside the house. What he discovered made him sad. Someone had been in the house and broken their three chairs! Father Bear, Mother Bear and Baby Bear’s special chairs were broken and lay in pieces on the floor.

“What are we going to do?” said Baby Bear. “Where will we sit?”

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Healthy, Safe and Active Lifestyles Learning Intention:

◦ We are learning how to identify safe road safety behaviours, and the importance of them

Think about the last time you travelled to school or another destination On the worksheet, recount the decisions that you made on this journey,


◦ Holding hands when crossing the road

◦ Entering/exiting the car safely

◦ Using a seatbelt

◦ Sitting quietly in the car

◦ Using crossings

◦ Staying behind the yellow line on a platform, etc.

After school, or during your next work break, take a short walk with a parent or responsible person

On your walk, identify all the things that have been put in place to make your journey safer, for example:

◦ Crossings, lights, signs, etc. Write these down on the worksheet

When you return from your walk, on the worksheet provided, write

down how each of these can make you safer on your journey. Answer the following questions:

◦ Why are road safety rules out in place?

◦ What would it be like if there were no safety rules?

◦ What could be done to improve road safety in my area?

Visit the following website:

◦ Rate each risk as you see fit

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Phone: 1300 653 779 PO Box 1472

E-Mail [email protected] Lane Cove NSW 1595 Page | 1

Road Safety

What safe decisions did I make on my journey?

Safety aspects identified in my area How they affect my safety

What improvements could be made to make my area safer?

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Poetry — Worksheet


Colour Poem Purpose A colour poem presents images that represent a particular colour.

Structure Colour poems have no formal structure. Usually, each line in a

colour poems contains an image which describes the colour using the five senses.

Rhythm Colour poems do not usually follow a rhythm pattern.

Rhyming Pattern Colour poems do not usually rhyme.

Example Here is an example colour poem about the colour yellow.

YellowYellow is the sight of blossoming daffodils in Springtime.Yellow is the sound of birds twittering in the treetops.Yellow is the smell of ripe lemons bursting with juice.Yellow is the gentle touch of the sun on my cheeks. Yellow is the taste of pineapples, passionfruits and mangos.Yellow is joyous.


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Poetry — Worksheet


Writing a Colour PoemStep 1Choose a colour for your colour poem.

Step 2Brainstorm as many images as possible that relate to your colour. Remember to cover all five senses.

Step 3

Write your colour poem using the example structure provided.

(your colour)








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Year 3 Art Week 5

Project: Olympic Rings Abstract Art If you don’t have a roll of sticky tape use lids from containers & replace crayons & watercolours with coloured pencils to add colour to your artwork. 1. Use the packing tape to trace three circles toward the top centre of your paper. Use your pinky

finger to space out the rings. Trace the inside and outside of the tape roll. There are 3 rings on the top and 2 rings on the bottom.

2. Underneath the first two rings, place the tape roll so it is overlapping the rings and trace the tape

roll. Move the roll so it overlaps the middle and last ring and trace it. 3. Use the Sharpie to draw 5-7 gently curving lines that overlap the rings and some overlapping each


4. Use crayons to colour in the rings, pay close attention to the placement of the colours.

5. Using watercolours, paint each shape with a different colour.

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Name Description Picture

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Name Description Picture Topographic


Political Map

Road Map

Thematic Map

Physical Map

Climate Map

Cut these out and glue them in the correct space on the other sheet.

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