Download - Year 11 RE Religion & Life...The FOUR main stages of the Big Bang theory… directly from a supreme Ori 2. The value of the world Essential information: Christians and Jews believe

Page 2: Year 11 RE Religion & Life...The FOUR main stages of the Big Bang theory… directly from a supreme Ori 2. The value of the world Essential information: Christians and Jews believe


1. The origins of life

Essential information:

Christians and Jews use the creation stories to explain the origins of the

universe which, which they believe was created by God.

The Big Bang theory suggests there was a massive expansion of space that set

creation of the universe in motion. This theory is accepted by most Christians

and Jews.

Christian and Jewish beliefs about the creation of the universe

According to Genesis 1, God created the universe in 6 days and rested on the 7:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

Day 7

Key terms:

Universe means…

The Big Bang means

Page 3: Year 11 RE Religion & Life...The FOUR main stages of the Big Bang theory… directly from a supreme Ori 2. The value of the world Essential information: Christians and Jews believe

Some Fundamentalist Christians believe that the creation story ………………………………..




On the other hand Liberal Christians believe that the creation story …………………………




The Big Bang theory

Many Christians and Jews accept the Big Bang

theory, but unlike atheists, they believe the Big

Bang was caused by God and that the universe came

about by design, not by accident.

It is possible to accept the Big Bang theory and the

Genesis creation story if the story is not

interpreted literally, and each ‘day’ in the story is

taken to mean a much longer period of time.

Give TWO contrasting ways in which people interpret the Genesis story…………………………………….



Some Orthodox Jews believe that

the creation stories are…. On the other hand, Reform Jews believe

that the creation stories are….

Page 4: Year 11 RE Religion & Life...The FOUR main stages of the Big Bang theory… directly from a supreme Ori 2. The value of the world Essential information: Christians and Jews believe

The FOUR main stages of the Big Bang theory…

2. The value of the world

Essential information:

Christians and Jews believe the earth to be valuable because God created it

Christians and Jews believe that people have a duty to protect and care for the

earth and its environment; this is known as stewardship

Cover the key terms up and see if you can write

down their meaning without looking…



Responsibility …

Stewardship …

Dominion …

The universe started as a tiny,

dense, hot ‘point’, which then began

to expand very quickly

As the universe expanded and

cooled, matter became separated

by great distances

The universe has continued to expand

over billions of years to form the

cosmos as we know it today

Gravity grouped the matter into

stars and galaxies

“Creation continued for …millennia… until it became which we know today,

precisely because God is not … a conjurer, but the Creator who gives being to all

things. The beginning of the world is not the work of chaos … but derives

directly from a supreme Origin that creates out of love. The Big Bang…does not

contradict the divine act of creating, but rather requires it. The evolution of

nature does not contrast with the idea of Creation, as evolution presupposes

the creation of beings that evolve” Pope Francis 2014

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Stewardship and dominion

Christian beliefs… Jewish beliefs… “The Lord God took man (Adam) and put

him in the Garden of Eden to work it and

take care of it.” (Genesis 2;15)

What does this mean for Christians?

What do Christians do to show that

they are being stewards?

“See to it that you do not spoil and

destroy My world; for if you do, there

will be no one else to repair it.”

(Ecclesiastes 7;13) [Tenakh]

What does this mean for Jews?

What do Jews do to show that they

are being stewards?

What are the reasons for Christians

saying that the world is valuable?

What are the reasons for Jews saying

that the world is valuable?

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“…fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the

sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” (Genesis 1;28)

How might some Christians and Jews interpret the quote above?



The use of natural resources…

What are the non-renewable natural resources?

Why do Christians and Jews teach that people need

to look after the natural resources (sustainable


Page 7: Year 11 RE Religion & Life...The FOUR main stages of the Big Bang theory… directly from a supreme Ori 2. The value of the world Essential information: Christians and Jews believe

3. The use and abuse of the environment, and pollution

Essential information:

Air, land and water pollution (making something dirty and contaminated,

especially the environment) are a major threat to life on earth.

Christians and Jews show their concern by taking action to help protect the

earth against abuse – misuse of the world and the environment.

The main types of pollution:



Cause Possible

problems caused




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Christian and Jewish beliefs

Christians and Jews want to prevent misuse of the environment. They might base

their views on the following teachings:

What do Christians and Jews do about the environment?

Christian teachings

The world is on loan to humans,

who have been given the

responsibility by God to look

after it (Genesis 1;28)

The Parable of the Talents

(Matthew 25;14 – 30) warns

that God will be the final judge

about how responsible humans

have been in looking after the


Pollution is not loving towards

others – Jesus teaches

Christians to ‘love your

neighbour’ (Luke 10;27)

Jewish teachings

Humans are responsible to God

how they look after the earth.

“You have made him master over

your handiwork, laying the world at

his feet.” (Psalm 8;7 [Tenakh)

The Torah instructed Jews to

rest the land every SEVEN years

to help protect it and allow it to

regain fertility. (Leviticus 25;4-5)

Jews are instructed not to

destroy trees in Deuteronomy 20;


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle…

The Assisi and Ohito Conferences/Meetings…

What did Pope Francis say about pollution?

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4. The use and abuse of animals

Essential information:

Christians and Jews believe that God made all living creatures and that they

should treat them well.

There are different Christian and Jewish views about the animal

experimentation and using animals for food.

Key terms:


Vegetarian …

What does this passage mean?

What do these

passages suggest

about the treatment

of animals?

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Summarise Christian and Jewish views about the use of animals for food

Christian views on animal experimentation.

Some Christians agree with this because….

Some Christians are against it because …

Christian views… Jewish views…

Jewish views on animal experimentation.

Some Jews agree with this because….

Some Jews are against it because …

Page 11: Year 11 RE Religion & Life...The FOUR main stages of the Big Bang theory… directly from a supreme Ori 2. The value of the world Essential information: Christians and Jews believe

5. The origins of human life

Essential information:

Religion and science both attempt to explain the origins of human life

Many Christians and Jews think it is possible to believe in both the creation

story and the theory of evolution

“The Lord God formed man from the dust of the Earth. He

blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a

living being.” (Genesis 2;7) [Tenakh]

The creation story in Genesis 2 is very different from the

one in Genesis 1. Can you pick out the differences?


does this




does this



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Using the passage on the previous page, highlight the following:

a. Why did God create Eve?

b. The main task for Adam and what he was told not to do.

c. The intention of God in creating both Adam and Eve.

d. How different Christians interpret this story.

e. Why are humans special to God?

The Theory of Evolution

In 1859, Charles Darwin wrote a book called On the Origins of

Species by Means of Natural Selection. In this book, he put forward

the theory of evolution, suggesting that as the earth cooled, conditions

became right to support life. Simple organisms then evolved over many

years into other species. Those that adapted to their surroundings

survived, those that didn’t, died (survival for the fittest)

Life started with

single celled

creatures in the sea

Over a long period of

time they evolved

(changed) into

creatures capable of

living on land

Humans started

evolving around

2.5 million years


They developed into

humans with the same

anatomy as us about

200,000 years ago

Religious debate on evolution

How might Christians and Jews respond to these views

of Darwin about evolution? Can a Christian or Jew

believe in both Genesis stories and evolution theory?

Christian views on evolution:

Some Christians believe that…

Other Christians on the hand believe that…

Jewish views on evolution:

Some Jews believe that…

Other Jews on the hand believe


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6. Abortion

Essential information:

Abortion is the deliberate removal of a foetus from the womb in

order to end a pregnancy

Abortion is legal in the UK provided doctors agree it meets certain


Christians and Jews believe in the sanctity of life

However, when considering the issue of abortion, many people will also

consider quality of life

How might these passages be

interpreted when considering the

issues of abortion?

What are the criteria for a legal abortion in the







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Christian views on abortion

Some Christians believe abortion is wrong because…

Other Christians believe abortion can be right because…

Jewish views on abortion

Some Jews believe abortion is wrong because…

Other Jews believe abortion can be right because…

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7. Euthanasia

Essential information:

Euthanasia means ‘a good or gentle death’, and involves painlessly ending the

life of someone who is dying.

Christians and Jews generally oppose euthanasia, although some may agree with

it when it seems to be the most loving action.

Types of euthanasia

Forms of euthanasia

Non-religious views for and against euthanasia

For… Against…

Active euthanasia means…

Voluntary euthanasia means…

Involuntary euthanasia means… Non-voluntary euthanasia means…

Passive euthanasia means…

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What do you think about this case? Was the right decision taken?

Christian views on euthanasia

For … Against…

Make sure you refer to teachings from the Bible like “Sanctity of life” and

“Love your neighbour” or the teaching of the Catholic Church.

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Jewish views on euthanasia

For… Against…

Refer to scripture – the Tenakh and Torah that might be used to show that

euthanasia is acceptable or not acceptable…

8. Death and the afterlife

Essential information:

Both Christians and Jews believe that death is not the end but the beginning

of an afterlife

Both believe that God will judge everyone (both believers and non-believers) on

how they have lived their lives on earth

God’s judgement will determine what happens to people after death

Key term: Eternity – a state that comes after death and never ends

Christian views about the afterlife

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How does this painting of the

Last Judgement by

Michelangelo show Christian

beliefs about the afterlife?

“I tell you that in the same way there will be more

rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than

over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to

repent.” (Luke 15;7)

What is purgatory? ……………………………………………………….


Heaven …

Hell …

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Jewish beliefs about the afterlife

Sheol means …

Gan Eden means…

Why do both Christians and Jews believe that death is not the end?

The value of human life

All religions emphasise that everyone is accountable for their actions on earth

and all actions have consequences, good or bad. Both Christians and Jews

believe that God gives guidance about how to live their lives, but God also gives

humans free will to choose between doing right or wrong

Doing the right thing involves resisting temptation to stray from God’s path.

These decisions have important consequences for eternal life after death – if

you do right, you will be with God, if you don’t, then you will go to hell/sheol.

Jewish beliefs … Christian beliefs …

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Exam Practice questions…

Give two religious reasons for reducing pollution (2marks)

Give two religious beliefs about heaven (2marks)

Explain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society about abortion. In

your answer you should refer to the main religious tradition of Great Britain and one

or more other religious traditions (4marks)

Explain two ways in which belief in the afterlife influences religious believers in

contemporary British society. In your answer you should refer to the main religious

tradition of Great Britain and one or more other religious traditions (4marks)

Explain two similar religious beliefs about animal experimentation. In your answer, you

must refer to one or more religious traditions. (4marks)

Explain two contrasting religious beliefs about the use of natural resources. In your

answer, you must refer to one or more religious traditions. (4marks)

Explain two religious beliefs about what happens when a person dies. Refer to sacred

writings or another source of religious belief and teaching in your answer. (5marks)

Explain two religious beliefs about abortion. Refer to sacred writings or another

source of religious belief and teaching in your answer. (5marks)

Explain two religious beliefs about euthanasia. Refer to sacred writings or another

source of religious belief and teaching in your answer. (5marks)

Explain two religious beliefs about the duty of human beings to protect the earth.

Refer to sacred writings or another source of religious belief and teaching in your

answer. (5marks)

‘The law on euthanasia should be changed.’ Evaluate this statement (12marks)

‘Religious believers should not eat meat’ Evaluate this statement. (12marks)

In your answer you:

Should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement

Should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view

Should refer to religious arguments

May refer to non-religious arguments

Should reach a justified conclusion