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  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Welcome back to the

    Yazoo Family


    Here you can see mygen two heiress Little

    has come home from

    University and is

    marrying CSquareds

    simself. He goes by

    Chris which is mucheasier and is the

    author of the WYD

    challenge. Welcome

    to the madhouse!

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Oh yeah Chris is going

    to fit in here just fine.

    You see he has a slight

    obsessionhis wife.

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  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    But then again

    Littles still more

    than just a wee

    bit addicted to

    the bubble


    I hope that

    doesnt have an

    affect on the


  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Hmmm I wonder

    who could be

    responsible for

    teaching Little

    about the bubble


    Yeah this house

    is a zoo. All of the

    sims except

    Chris arePleasure sims

    and Chris runs

    around the house

    heart-farting over

    his wife.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    And if they arent

    blowing bubbles

    theyre dancing.

    But Jo is the truest

    pleasure sim since

    shes now danced in

    her undies in the

    dead of winter,

    danced in the

    bathroom, and now

    shes taken to

    dancing on the

    sidewalk in her PJs

    freaking out random


  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    But then our house

    lost one of its

    pleasure sims when

    my founder Chunky

    entered the greatbeyond.

    Im going to miss

    you Chunky! No sim

    but you can wear

    the mohawk. Youll

    be missed.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Jo and Oktoc

    drowned their

    sorrows in


  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Gem danced

    her blues

    away. She

    actually took

    Chunkysdeath about

    as hard as Jo.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    We didnt have to

    wait long for the

    next potential

    pleasure sim to

    join the family.Actually we ended

    up with 2. Yep


    Jo for goodnesssakes Im sure the

    kids will look fine.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Chris: My wifes

    hot when shes

    giving birth to


    Okay seriously

    when are you


    congratulating her

    on that.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    So Lil gives birth to

    twins and immediately

    puts them on the floor

    so she can run off to

    play her handheld.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Oh you want to

    know the babies

    names. Well we

    had one boy and

    one girl. And Jo,

    they both got your


    I named the girl

    Okolona and the

    boy is Onward.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    It didnt take long for

    the next pregnancy

    to get under way. But

    come on the way Lil

    and Chris stalk each

    otherhow could

    this not happen?

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Uh Chris, thats not

    your wife. *snerk*

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Get out!

    But grandma I need

    to take a shower.

    I said get out!

    Wow Jos getting a

    little cranky lately.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Maybe its got

    something to with the

    fact that her grandchild

    and her husband spend

    more time blowing

    bubbles and flirting

    than with their twins.

    Actually, they havent

    interacted with the

    twins at all since they

    were born. And sinceOktoc and Gem are

    busy working on their

    LTWs guess who has

    to take care of the


  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Yep, Jo. But really I

    dont think she minds

    too much. Onward

    here adores her. He

    follows her around


    And you know what

    Chris? I think hes


  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    But dont think for

    one second that I

    dont think Okolona

    isnt cute too. They

    both are.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    If Onwards not with

    Jo hes playing with

    the toy bunny head

    which gives Jo a

    little break.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    But I guess that

    wasnt enough

    because Jo rolled the

    want to adopt a dog

    and we got Benny. Ididnt realize he was

    an elder, but

    everyone seems to

    love him so were

    keeping him.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    I mean look at that

    face? How can you

    not want to keep


  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Poor Okolona.

    She spends so

    much time by

    herself. She

    crawls around thehouse just trying

    to get a grown-up

    to pay attention to

    her. She crawls

    out to the curb

    every morningwhen Oktoc and

    Gem head off to

    their jobs, and

    stares at the

    street for 10

    minutes beforeheading inside.

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    Speaking of my

    resident pirate and

    ninja. They aged up

    and I think they both

    look lovely.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Okay Im starting

    to feel really bad

    for little Okolona.

    I mean shes

    having to sleep inBennys bed


  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    But grandpa Oktoc

    is to the rescue.

    Hes got 3 days off

    work so he spends

    some quality time

    with his grand-

    daughter. Maybe

    shell grow up to be

    a pirate.

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  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Do you two do

    anything besides


  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Chris: I clean the


    Lil I play video

    games and blow


  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    I even showed

    Chris how great

    bubbles are!

    Isnt it great

    now we canspend every



    Yeah, but whatabout your


    Chris and Lil:

    We havekids?

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Yes! Though your

    poor daughter

    probably thinks the

    dog is her parent,

    given that hesspent more time

    with her than either

    of you.

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  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    And now you

    have a second

    daughter named

    Pearlwho again

    has Jos eyes.

    Ive never had a

    set of eyes be so

    dominant before.

    Its funny. Almost

    makes me wish Icould keep going

    to see how long it

    would take to get

    rid of them.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Hi! Im Onward!

    And Im all grown

    up now! You think

    Mama Jo will still

    wanna play with


    Are you kidding?

    You are adorable.

    If she doesnt;

    come over to thesimself house and

    Ill play with you.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    So Okolona, you

    sure you dont want

    to be a princess? Or a

    ninja? Or maybe a


    No way! Im a


  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Hi! Im Onward

    Yazoo! Wow we look

    a lot alike. Whats

    your name?

    Thats our Father,


    You are? Wow I

    didnt know we had

    a daddy! Are youand Mama Jo


    Uhactually kid Im

    married to yourmother Little.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Now that Littles

    older the elders

    dont work so

    much and are able

    to spend more

    time doting on thegrandkids.

    Oh the kitten on

    the floor? Yeah

    Okolona wanted

    him, and well I feltsorry for her so I

    had Oktoc adopt

    him for her. His

    name is Dragon.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Okolona spends

    most of her time with

    the animals in the

    house more than she

    does the people. Butthen again they

    pretty much left this

    kid to fend for herself

    since the day she

    was born.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    *head desk* Chris

    are you sure your

    simself is a family

    sim? I swear these

    two are the worstparents Ive ever

    had in my game.

    Poor Pearl spent

    every day of her

    young life on the


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    My wifes hot.

    Yes we

    knowwe know.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Okay look Chris.

    Im going to die in

    a few days and

    you and my

    grandchild donthave a relationship

    with your children.

    Your daughter

    even dislikes you.

    And for goodness

    sakes she spendsmore time talking

    to animals than

    people. And bless

    little Onwards

    heart he actually

    still thinks Im hismother.

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    I wish I didnt have to

    leave yet. It doesnt

    look like my talk with

    Chris did much good.

    I know. I wish you

    didnt have to leave

    either Jo. But I need

    the space for the last

    baby and *sniff*

    O d Wh

  • 8/7/2019 Yazoo Family OWBC Chapter 9


    Onward: Whys

    everybody crying? Oh

    hi mamma you goin on

    a trip? Okay well Ill

    see you when you get

    back. Dont cry sis, itllonly be for a couple of


    Jo: Oh come on Grim.

    Cant I stay just a littlewhile longer? That

    poor kid doesnt stand

    a chance by himself.

    Grim: Sorry lady.Rules are the rules.

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