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B Y J O H N M . P O I R I E R

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Copyright © 2010 by John M. Poirier

ISBN: 978-1-936447-90-9

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and

retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in review.

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Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Chapter 1: Thy Word Is Truth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Chapter 2: History Is Prophecy Revealed . . . . . . . . . . 7

Chapter 3: They Know My Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Chapter 4: The More Sure Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Chapter 5: Knock, Seek, and Ask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Chapter 6: The 2300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Chapter 7: The Jubilee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Chapter 8: The Feasts of the Lord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Chapter 9: The Counting of Weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Chapter 10: Jesus Speaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Chapter 11: Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

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The information in this book is not a complete study of prophecy contained in the Bible . I say that from my understanding of the many gifts within the body of Christ, and with the certainty that no one individual is given the entire understanding of prophecy .

In 1st Corinthians Chapter 12, verses 4-11, we are taught that there are various kinds of gifts from the same Spirit . And there are different admin-istrations, but the same Lord . The gifts are given to us by the Holy Spirit for the benefit of all . The list of some of these gifts starts in verse 8 . The gifts mentioned are as follows:

1 . The word of wisdom 5 . The working of miracles

2 . The word of knowledge 6 . Prophecy

3 . Faith 7 . Discerning of spirits

4 . Healing 8 . Different kinds of tongues (languages)

I feel it necessary to clarify something, and that is, even though the Holy Spirit gives gifts to us as He will, there is no guarantee that we will use or de-velop them for the purposes they were given for . Ephesians 2:10: “For we are His Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before Ordained, that we should walk in them.” (King James Version)

It may help if we look at the gift as an ability to easily learn the gift . For ex-ample, say I have the gift of music . If I never take the time to learn to play an instrument or develop my voice, then my gift is worthless, that is, I will never be able to use it to benefit anyone, including myself . Almost always there is an effort required for skillful and productive use of the gift given .

That being said, my intent is to share with you the gift of prophecy given me

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by the Holy Spirit . Also, it is my earnest desire that this book enhances and enables you to use your gift to help prepare the brethren for the days ahead and to bring increase to our Lord’s kingdom .

We need to heed the words of Jesus when he said that “many will be de-ceived” (Matthew 24:5), and, having been deceived, that they “shall deceive many .” Jesus said this in reference to the three questions the disciples asked him in Matthew Chapter 24 before answering those questions about the end and the timing of the end . He revealed to us that within the professing church there would be false teachers who had been taught things that were not scriptural and that they were deceived and would deceive many . There are several things that these teachers and the deceived have in common: First, they don’t know that they are deceived; second, they do not have the Holy Spirit; and third, they have not diligently studied the subjects in scrip-ture as the Bereans did, when Paul approached them with what was a new revelation of who Christ was . (Acts 17:11) . In any case, they have been de-ceived, and propagate those deceptions through non scriptural teachings .

I am not going to cover the counterfeit teachings in detail, but what the Word of God really says concerning the time of the end, and specifically that there is a counting of days in prophecy that is neglected by religious teachers today .

To begin this study we must shift our paradigm to a Jewish perspective be-cause those of us who are not Jews by birth or culture may not understand the simplest things in plain sight .


John Chapter 1 describes Jesus as the Word of God and says that all things were created by Him and through Him, and nothing that was created, was created without Him . Therefore we must agree as Christians that the Word of God is perfect .

It is important that we measure every doctrine or proclaimed truth with the only known perfect truth: the Bible . Anyone who does not believe that the Bible is truth will err concerning faith as they accept the traditions of men, logic, and wisdom apart from God’s word. Proverbs 21:30: “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord.”

God’s word clearly points out that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom and knowledge . Proverbs 1:7: “The fear of the Lord is the begin-ning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” If there is any wisdom that is not in the Word of God, it is earthly, sensual, or demonic .

From this point forward accept no teaching in Christianity that is not proven out in scripture . The doctrines of the church concerning the return of the Lord must be examined from the Biblical perspective . If you have been per-suaded that the Lord comes upon the church as a thief in the night, I chal-lenge you to read this scripture: Revelation 3:3: “Remember therefore how you have received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore you shall not watch, I will come on you as a thief, and you shall not know the hour I will come on you.”

Throughout history men have tried to search out God’s hidden message about when Jesus will return . In Daniel Chapter 12: 9, the angel tells Daniel that the visions are sealed until the time of the end – so until the time of the end they could not be understood. Amos 3:7 says: “Surely the Lord God shall do nothing, he but reveal His secret unto His servants the prophets.” This includes anyone with the Holy Spirit who is diligently seeking the truth in God’s word .

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The Bible is the most incredible book ever written, and it was not only a pre-cise historical account as we read it today, but was a precise foretelling of the history to come . Through the angels, God revealed to His prophets the events that would take place . The renowned men of God then wrote them down to preserve them for us.

2 Peter, 1:19--21 states: “We also have a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: Knowing this, first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private inter-pretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of men: But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”

The prophecies that are as yet unfulfilled speak of unrighteous dominion in religion and politics, persecution, signs, and the coming rule of Christ in the near future . The prophecies are being revealed to all that are born again who have the Holy Spirit and are diligently seeking the truth of God’s word . Common to all these people is their faith in God’s word rather than the teachings of men .

I urge you to begin your journey, in God’s prophetic word, in prayer asking God to reveal His secrets to you . God has told us that if we seek Him we will find Him . God loves a humble heart in those who don’t exalt themselves over His word .


People have questioned whether written history is an accurate account of events . Most view written history has the winner’s side of the story, but there have been some objective truth seekers in the balance, people of moral conscience who had no agenda in the events of the past or the out-come of the future . This is where we find objective truth . There are many books that are full of opinion and suggesting the most unlikely scenarios . Their authors opine as if they had a crystal ball . Some critics of written his-tory are very selective in what they believe to be of value . The Bible is one of those sources of ancient writings that have been in question . Opponents of the Bible go so far as to question the very existence of Israel in the land of “Palestine .” These historians reject written history and prophetic events that were fulfilled, even though there are historical writings in the secular realm that confirm what the Bible says .

Prophecy is both historical and predictive in nature . But fulfilled prophecy is impossible to authenticate in the eyes of anyone who accepts a version of history other than the one written in the Bible .

The book of Daniel is an historically accurate account of the transfer of power and ruling authority from the fourth century B .C . to the twentieth century, foretold through wars and deaths . The prophecy was, and is, so accurate that the only defense against it is to claim it was written after the events happened .

When people refuse to believe the accuracy of the Bible’s account of his-tory, it is impossible to make them believe the idea that the prophecies were written prior to the events . But there is a more sinister form of doubt which is my concern . That is, that people who claim faith in Jesus and claim to believe the Bible is historically accurate still don’t believe that the unful-filled prophecies are as exact as the history . In addition, they do not believe that we can know and rely on the interpretation of prophecies prior to the events happening .

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It is God’s intent that we do know these things before they happen . To all others I simply refer to Matthew 13:10-11 and question whether you can know these things .


“Surely the Lord shall do nothing, but He revealeth His secrets unto His servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7

In the age prior to the first coming of the Lord, Christ Jesus, there was an established religious system with many doctrines . These doctrines were contrived by men from the interpretation of the Torah and the historical writings of the scribes . Jesus describes the hearts of these men as straining a gnat and swallowing a camel, or tithing the mint and cumin, but leaving out the weightier matters . They loved their preeminence among the peo-ple . It became about knowledge and power, and trying to uphold egotistic images with eloquent public prayer . I describe it as prideful Gnosticism that defends a lie for so long that they would die, or put others to death, before admitting they were wrong .

Simply stated, it was pride that kept the men of that time from knowing what God intended for them . Today, people still compete with each other for money and pride in the race to write more books that try to explain the Bible . Here is man (in the universal sense) once again trying to replace God as the source of our learning .

In addition to the doctrines of the law, there probably were some doc-trines concerning the 300-plus prophecies of the Messiah’s coming, much as there is today concerning the second coming . Before Yashua was born, there were some who believed that when He came, He would put the world in order and in subjection to His rule . They based this on the scriptures of Isaiah 61:1: “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and opening of the prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and [the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn].” At approximately the age of thirty, Jesus was in the temple and read from Isaiah 61:1 . This is recorded in Luke 4:18, where Jesus declared that the day

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had come describing His first coming . He then stopped short of reading the whole scripture of verse 2, which spoke of the day of vengeance of God, and did not read the rest of the scriptures that foretold the second coming, when Jesus and all believers would rule with power and dominion here on earth .

Not all were blinded with greed and lust for power . There were some who, having searched the scriptures, saw that they were, indeed, in the time foretold by the prophets . In Luke 2:25, Simeon has not only read the proph-ecies concerning the signs, but in prayer was told by God that he would not pass away before setting eyes on the Messiah . Simeon realized the time had come, and that the Messiah had been born . Simeon went to the temple ceremony on the eighth day after Jesus’ birth and declared His coming was fulfilled .

Not only did the scriptures explain in detail the conditions of Jesus’ birth and lineage, but also His death and resurrection . But few people had actu-ally read the scriptures and studied them that they might know what God intended them to know . Religious men of that time rejected the possibility that they could know the timing of Christ’s coming .

At the beginning of the first century A .D ., Rome had appointed a king over Israel named Herod . When he heard that the sign of the star in the east would signal the birth of the King of the Jews, it troubled him so greatly that he assembled the scribes and the priests, and asked where this king was to be born . They told Herod that the scriptures foretold the king of Israel was to be born in Bethlehem of Judea -- as recorded in Micah 5:2: “But thou, Bethlehem Ephrata, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be the ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting.”

Herod believed the written prophecy and knew that the king had been born who would rule over Israel . I imagine it was that fear of losing his domin-ion which caused him to decree that every male child two years of age or younger should be killed (Matthew 2:16) .

The scriptures in Matthew 2:1-16 reveal that the religious men of Israel knew where the Christ was to be born, and yet they delivered every male child of that region to be put to death, possibly even the Messiah . They, Like Herod, didn’t want to lose their earthly dominion .

The next few verses of Matthew 2:17-23 detail the events and the results

and future promise as the prophecy of Jeremiah foretold . Jeremiah 31:15-17: (15) “Thus saith the Lord; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be com-forted for her children, because they were not. (16) Thus saith the Lord; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord; and they shall come again from the land of(?) the enemy. (17) And there is hope in thine end saith the Lord: that thy children shall come again to their own border.”

God reveals the importance of showing us the fulfillment by inspiring the writer to record it in the New Testament book of Matthew, and even refer-ences what would appear to be obscure prophetic passages foretelling this horrible event . God is encouraging us to know and use the more sure word of prophecy to understand who, what, and when .

Throughout the chapters of this book I intend to show you what we can know about the Word of God in regards to prophecy, and how to properly walk in faith concerning the details of it .

Many have set out to understand the fine details of prophecy, and even though they were men of God, the words were sealed until the time of the end . Paul knew that hidden within the Word of God was a prophetic story that was going to unfold in time . “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the Sab-bath days: [Which are a shadow of the things to come]; but the body is of Christ.” Colossians 2:16, 17

There is a pervasive teaching proclaimed in the church that you cannot know the time of the Lord’s return . The problem with this is that it contra-dicts the written examples of people having read the prophetic scriptures and known about key events before they occurred, such as those described in Micah 5:2 and Luke 2:25 .

I will further state that no single person can have all the answers for the church today . The Word tells us in Ephesians Chapter 4 that it is a body of gifts that work together edifying the entire body (church) .

Does a pastor of the church today replace all the gifts of the body and work miracles? I ask you, who is your head and who is your teacher? How can you know what God has really said if you do not search out the scriptures as the Bereans did?

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“For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord.” 2 Peter 1:16 (KJV)

“We have also a more sure word of Prophecy whereunto you do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn and the daystar arise in your hearts.” 2 Peter 1:19 (KJV)

The Holy Scriptures in the original language are precise in word and rev-elation . God’s word grafted into your soul is able to save you . James 1:21: “Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and re-ceive the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.” John 15 tells us that if Jesus’ words abide in you, He abides in you . From this we can see that those who are true believers believe in the Word of God, and that God is able to preserve the Word and its meaning . In Luke 21:33, Jesus said that “heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be over charged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and the cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.”

Two things can be drawn from these scriptures . First, once we hear the Word and believe, we are saved; and second, the Word brings a change in you to be like Christ .

We can assuredly accept that prophecy is an important part of our Christian knowledge . It was not intended for us to view from an historical perspective alone, but that we might know the future and be prepared, having read it and believed . When the Lord said “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6), the undertone is that His word is sufficient, and that in the future there will be a famine of the hearing of it (Amos 8:11) . The Word reveals that it will not be the majority of people who are listening or seeking the truth contained in the Bible, but only Spirit-filled believers who are called .

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Today we have history that reveals the truth of prophecy past to those who believe and are of the household of faith in Christ . All others, those who do not believe, are simply outside true faith . I am not speaking to them, for they cannot understand even though they hear . Those who are in Christ Jesus will understand, because Jesus said in Matthew 13:10-17 that the mysteries of the kingdom are revealed to them . Now you know that I’m speaking to the Elect of God (1 Peter 1:2), who are being prepared, prepar-ing, and watching for the things written in scripture . You will understand, and many will hate and revile you for what you believe and teach .

I ask: Can you be a Christian and not believe that God gave us prophecy that we should understand it? How foolish is it to think that God did not give us the means to understand it? So I suggest that for those who do not understand prophecy, it is because of these things: They are not true be-lievers even though they say they are born again and filled with the Spirit . They have created, or simply support, doctrines that are based on other people’s studies, or esteem these people almost to the point of worship . Simply stated, they are lazy and would rather believe what they’ve been taught than study for themselves what the Word of God says .

The “wisdom” that comes from twisting and wresting scriptures to fit some scenario in part – but not in the whole of what the Bible says – is earthly, sensual, and demonic, and does not come from the Holy Spirit .

We who are of true faith are born of the Spirit and have no need that oth-ers discern for us what the truth is, but the Holy Spirit does this for us . There are three that bear witness in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one . They are in agreement . We have the Holy Spirit in us if we believe in our hearts on the Son of God (1 John 5:6-13) .

Did God give us teachers? Yes, that they would speak nothing other than scripture . These teachers teach the Word and the Spirit bears witness . There are no antinomies in the Bible: that is, two or more apparent truths that contradict each other . Spirit-filled men of God who are led by the Holy Spirit will never teach something that contradicts the whole of scripture and prophecy . They will never tell you that you cannot know all things con-tained in scripture . This knowledge does not come to one person, but will come through the many gifted parts of the body . 2 Peter 1:20: “Knowing first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” The scripture tells us that when He (the Holy Spirit) comes, He will teach you all things . It is the devil and his prideful workers who tell you that you cannot know what is written . You must apply yourself to this task of studying His

Word and be part of the body of Christ .

The milk of the Word is the beginning of faith . If God had not sent a preach-er to preach, then the hearer would not have heard of Christ and would not have believed . As we grow in Christ, our knowledge of Christ grows . Milk is for babies in Christ, which in times past we all were . Colossians 3:10: “And have put on the new man, which is renewed in the knowledge after the image of him that created him.” The mature have the mind of Christ – a renewed mind which in time is able to understand the meat of the Word . Hebrews 5:12-14: “For in the time that you ought to be teacher, you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not meat. For ev-eryone that uses milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

We have peace knowing that God, having foreknown His elect, is working in us his righteousness that we will not perish . Romans 8:29-31 says: “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glori-fied.” We never need to try to convince or force what we know upon others once we truly understand this . God’s elect, the truly saved, will eventually come to understand the prophecy of God’s Word if they are in fact filled with the Holy Spirit and pursuing Christ . The others will not . Mark 13:22, 23: “For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible the very Elect. But take heed, behold, I have foretold you all things.”

The teachers who are not God’s teachers will have a few common traits: They love the preeminence in the title and positions they hold . They will reject any teachings that question their beliefs, before they hear them out . They will reject God’s prophetic gifts in “their churches,” under the guise of protecting the sheep . The problem is not the protecting of the sheep, but the rejecting of the gifts by not listening to the “body,” and thereby remov-ing the gifts .

Prophecy is God’s Word and should be treated as such . The messengers are God’s messengers if they speak what the Word of God says in total, without gaps or contradictions . What often appear to be contradictions in prophecy

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are not necessarily contradictions, as we shall see .

The problem is usually the paradigm from which you begin your interpre-tation . For the Elect of God, I do not need to create a systematic study to prove what the prophecies of the Bible reveal and that they are there for us to understand . They know this, and rejoice in what God is revealing to us in these last days .


“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liber-ally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1:5

For 15 years I have studied the Book of Daniel and the Revelation of Jesus Christ . I was compelled to ask: Why did God give us prophecies that have a counting of days, weeks, months, and years in context to the return of the Lord? These hard-to-understand prophecies all have a few things in com-mon: They have descriptive and historically obvious events that begin the counting, and they share a common date of completion in the end .

I have already covered that it is God’s intent for His elect to know prophecy and understand it . In Matthew 24:4, 5, Jesus warns us: “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name saying I am Christ; and deceive many. [And again in verse 11]: . . . many false prophets shall arise and shall deceive many.” Prophecy is in scripture for us so that we can pur-sue the meaning and know it, so that we will not be deceived by half-truths and partially fulfilled prophecies .

What I am going to explain now is how God revealed it to me, and that He will do the same for you if you ask . Though I had read the same passages a hundred times, and I recognized that there was a counting of days to the end, I could not reconcile the teaching in mainstream churches, that “no man knows the day or hour,” as stated in Matthew 25:13 . That was in total contradiction to what the Spirit was revealing to me, and what was in writ-ten scripture, and yet I knew that I could not definitively say God had told me it was July 4th or any other day . So I made a break from the traditional teachings and asked God himself to reveal the intended meaning .

There is no substitute for prayer and diligently seeking the truth . His Word is truth and all else is fodder . Looking through pages of someone else’s writing is still just fodder unless you can prove it out in scripture . It is God’s intent that you get the meaning from the Word of God and the Holy Spirit will

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confirm it . These are not cunningly devised fables . God is faithful and will give you what He promises if you ask .

First pray, and ask God to help you know the truth, that you would not be deceived . Forget all things you have been taught because there is no room for both God’s wisdom and man’s wisdom . The Holy Spirit is going to give you what you need so don’t get ahead of Him, no matter how excited you get when you realize that God is talking to you .

Pick a prophecy that contains a counting of time, and references the time of the end . I’ve chosen Daniel Chapter 8 . Open your Bible and keep your concordance handy . Go to Daniel and read Chapter 8 all the way through a couple of times so you are familiar with the text .

Now note that verses 1-22 bring you through Daniel’s vision of the four kingdoms of the earth until the four notable ones stand up in the place of the goat mentioned in verse 4 .

I noted earlier that we have the benefit of past prophecy fulfilled in history, and that is how we will know who the characters are that are depicted . As you read backwards from the last verse in the chapter, you will come to a place where the return of the Lord is depicted, or the text says something like “the end,” “the time of the end,” “in the latter time,” or “the last days of the kingdom,” etc . When this is present in the text, we have an ending point . In this case, specific events are spoken of, and it is the time just prior to the return of the Lord, as the remaining verses of the chapter reveal .

Here is what historically fits this vision given to Daniel about the kingdoms of power to come . It begins with Daniel serving the king Belshazzar . In this vision, Daniel sees Media-Persia as the ram with two horns conquering the Assyrians and becoming the dominant power of Babylon . Then Daniel sees the rough goat with a notable horn (king) (Alexander the Great) become great . He, Alexander (the great horn), is broken (dies) . Four notable ones (his Generals) stand up in his place for the nation, but do not have his power (Daniel 8: 22), meaning that they do not become kings of Greece . It is re-ported that when Alexander was asked by his friends, “To whom do you leave the kingdom?” and he replied, “To the strongest,” 1 he added, and these were his last words, that all of his leading friends would stage a vast contest in honour of his funeral .2

1 . So also in Arrian. 7.26.3 . In Book 18 .1 .4, Diodorus says “To the best,” agreeing with the

“optimus” of Curtius 10.5.5, and the “dignissimus” of Justin 12.15.8 . It is true, of course, that

κράτιστος may mean “best” as well as “most powerful .” (Diodorus Siculus . Diodorus of Sicily

in twelve volumes with an English translation by C . H . Oldfather . Vol . 4-8 . Cambridge, Mass .:

Harvard University Press, 1989; London: William Heinemann, Ltd ., 1989 .)

2 . Curtius 10.5.5; Arrian. 7.26.3 . (Ibid .)

The four generals fought for the kingdom, and one of these generals, Seleu-cus 1 Nicator, overcomes the remaining three – to the south, the east, and the “pleasant land .” This kingdom waxed great even to the host of heav-en (God) and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the ground, and stamped on them .

This kingdom of Seleucus 1 Nicator ended at his death, and his son became the first Roman Emperor in 283 B .C . – which would appear to fulfill the prophecy in Daniel 8:11 as the one (Roman) who magnifies himself against Christ, the sacrifice, and the temple in 70 A .D . The verse that says “the one who waxed great and his kingdom” is important because there is a time frame given in context to this whole prophecy . This is one example of the counting of days I mentioned earlier .

Verse 13 begins with two saints speaking of how long this time frame should be: concerning the Daily Sacrifice and the Transgression of Desolations, and to give both the Sanctuary and the Host to be trodden under foot . In the Preterist view, this has supposedly already happened, but there is a problem with the time frame because neither the crucifixion of Christ nor the destruction of the temple fits the prophetic time of 2300 days, weeks, months, or years, etc ., mentioned in the verse .

Here is the time frame in the context of this prophecy: It is 2300 evenings and mornings, which is 6 .4 years . In Genesis, God declared that one day consisted of an evening and a morning, meaning that a “day” begins in the evening at sundown and continues to the following sundown . This is impor-tant information and we have gone to the very beginning of the Bible to find the explanation .

Now here is something deeper for you to consider: The 2300 evenings and mornings first mentioned are for the vision concerning the little horn that came from one of the four notable ones in Daniel 8:9 .

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As you read on, the time frame will be described, as well as the events that will take place . There is a problem because the next time the 2300 is men-tioned in verse 14 it does not say evenings and mornings, and the Hebrew text does not have the word “days” here . When you put the time frame of 2300 days over this apparent fulfillment, it does not fulfill the prophecy, but does describe an historical account . There is an underlying prophecy which must account for the time frame in days . The time frame in verse 14 does not have to be days, and might indicate a second prophecy entirely. This is when modernist church scholars depart from true faith in what God’s Word says . They do not feel it is necessary to know the true meaning and how it fits in the time frame declared by God through His prophets . In a sense, they throw the baby out with the bath water . All else fits, but because they can’t make sense of the precise time frame given, they don’t use it, or they count it irreconcilable .

I think you will see that there are two time frames here and neither ends in the first century .

It is time to knock, seek, and ask the Lord for wisdom, and we will find the answer to the riddle that we have created in our own minds . If all prophecy has an ending point in common, then all counting of time in these prophe-cies, whether in days, weeks, months, years, feasts, or jubilees, will perfect-ly fit together without a flaw and conclude on the same date . So, if they all state different time periods, some of which begin in the third century B .C ., we should be able to find a date, and all descriptions of events and people will fit . When the Lord reveals the truth of the Word, it is easily understood as it was intended to be .

Now that you have prayed, read verse 23 again and you will see that the time is definitively the time of the end . Read verse 22 again and notice that it is described in the past tense and the intent is to know that there will be four nations which stand up for it (Greece) . Then it goes on to tell us that these four kingdoms will not stand in his (Alexander the Great’s) power . This is a dual prophecy, because in verses 17 and 19 the two men (saints) tell Daniel that the timing for this vision is in the end .

The Preterist view of the prophecy as being fulfilled appears to be correct, whereas the four generals stood up for Greece when Alexander died, but not in the prophetic time frame which accounts for the days/years . We can expect that there will be a mirror fulfillment in the correct time frame in the end, as the two saints have told us .

Verse 23 begins with “and” in the latter time of the transgressors . I believe that this is the time prior to the end and our introduction to the man of sin/antichrist, and a description of what he does .

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In the last chapter we looked at how the prophecy of Daniel Chapter 8 has a time frame that it must fit, and that the generally accepted interpretations do not fit that time frame . What follows is the result of my study along with other people’s interpretations and interjections to my study .

I believe Daniel 8:14 is explaining to us that there will be a period of 2300 days and the sanctuary will be cleansed . I also perceive that this 2300 pe-riod is possibly not just days but years as well . What is interesting is that we know that there were more than 2300 days in the time frame from Al-exander’s General Seleucus 1 Nicator to the Roman Empire’s crucifixion of Christ, and the destruction of the temple in 70 A .D . We also know that it was not the time of the end, and that the final “cleansing of the sanctuary” has also not happened .

The word “days” in the “2300 days” of Daniel in the scripture’s original text does not exist . The word was added because of the reference to “evenings and mornings” in verse 26 . In this context, the word “days” can be correctly applied because God said the vision was true and would be 2300 evenings and mornings .

I believe this prophecy has more than one time frame . God shows us the things to come from the things of the past, and how perfect the Word of God is, and the depth to which his people can trust Isaiah (46:9-12) . Ac-cording to 2 Peter chapter 1, God’s prophetic word is better than Peter’s eyewitness of Christ’s ascension . My point is simple: If God said that there is a time between “this and that,” He meant it, and we should trust what prophecy tells us .

There have been numerous interpretations offered, but they are not rec-onciled with the time frames . This is where many people say that anyone could make the prophecies fit any time in history . In fact, many have tried this, but they fall short of making all the prophecies, time frames, and

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events fit together .

The other end-time prophecies that share these events or timelines must fulfill both, and end on the same date, and that is the “Day of the Lord .”

In verse 12 we see that the sacrifice ends because of a “transgression .” The one who causes the transgression continues to practice and prosper . So verses 12 and 13 are related in that they share an end date, but they also show elements of the duality of this prophecy . In 70 A .D ., the Romans de-stroyed the temple and caused the sacrifice to cease, but they did not con-tinue to practice and prosper to the end . The time frame stated for all this to happen is 2300, and then the sanctuary will be cleansed . This we know did not fulfill the prophecy, because it is not the end, the temple has not been cleansed, and it was not 2300 days .

I believe that the “nation” spoken of is the key here . This nation is gone and so are its rulers, but the land and the descendants are still there . The Greeks were not defeated and neither were the Romans . They died by attri-tion . This land is going to be ruled by a group of nations loosely fit together as represented in Daniel’s vision of the feet made of “miry clay and iron” (Daniel 2:34) .

So let’s apply the time in years to the one who came from the four notable ones, as it states in verse 8 . He is Seleucus 1 Nicator, the one who stood up in Alexander the Great’s place, and his descendant waxed great to the south, to the east, and to the pleasant land . We begin the count when the general died and his son became ruler in 283 B .C . Now subtract the 283 years from 2300 and we have a speculative date of 2017 .

Having compared it to the timeline of historical accounts and the vast amount of time having passed, you can see it fulfills both the time frame and the beginning point written in the prophecy . Note: We still must match this end-time date with every other prophecy .

283 B .C . 2300 years 2017

In addition to my study, the author of the “Daniel’s Time Line” video, Dewey Bruton, pointed out in a letter to me that from Alexander the Great’s rule of the Greek Empire, which began in 333 B .C . (presumed to be a jubilee year) to 1967 is 2300 years exactly .

333 B .C .__________________ 2300 years________________________1967

Any event that is claimed to have fulfilled this prophecy did not culminate with the return of the Lord . Dewey Bruton also gave me another counting of days in this prophecy which is still to be proven out, namely that there are precisely 2300 days from the Shavuot of May 2010 until the fall feast of 2016, which is the beginning of the high Holy Days and the Jewish New Year (2017) .

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Previously I have mentioned that there is a common date shared in proph-ecy: the Day of the Lord .

I have asked you to forget all that you think you know and begin building on the Word of the Lord from a different paradigm . That paradigm is from the Jewish perspective . The reasoning behind this is that we as gentiles are the wild branch grafted onto the faith of the Jews through our faith in Christ . Simply put, the gentile church that claims faith in Christ knows very little about the faith it claims to be part of; in fact, it still celebrates pagan holi-days thinking they are Christian . I will explain this and why it is so important to understand prophecy of the Word as a whole, and I will remind all those who claim the name of Jesus to read Proverbs 18:13: “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is a folly and a shame unto him.”

What is a jubilee and where is it first described? In Leviticus 25:9, we see the declaration of it by the blowing of the trumpet which happens on the 10th day of the 7th month (Tishri) of every 50th year . Prior to the 50th year, there are 7 sets of 7 years to be counted and then the next year is the jubi-lee . This mirrors the six days of creation and the seventh day on which God rested . It also is representative of the six days we labor and the seventh day that we rest (on the Sabbath) .

The jubilee year is a time that the Lord has given to everyone . It is for us a blessing of liberty and freedom, that we should give every man his posses-sions, forgive debts, and set slaves free . During this year no one shall work the fields or gather from that which sowed itself, nor gather fruit of the trees or vines .

In the 48th year God promises to bless the inhabitants of the land with an increase – three years’ worth of food, because the 49th year is also the 7th (sabbatical) year in which God commands that all the fields go fallow, and you may not work the fields or the vineyard .

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The jubilee can be said to be an example of God’s mercy and a requirement to trust Him during a period of time in a fallen world . It reveals many things, as you will discover as you think about the hidden meanings . The Word says that He will provide three years’ worth of food, and that it shall be enough for the 49th, 50th, and the first year that you go back to work the fields . It is a glimpse into the future of his plan for provision, where all things are rec-onciled and all things are forgiven .

This example in prophecy is showing us how God will forgive His people who have faith, who believe what He has said in His Word and who practice forgiveness .

When viewed in the prophetic context, we can see that the Jubilee of all jubilees is the beginning of the Millennial Reign . This will happen when the 6000 years from the creation of the world to the fulfillment of all things foretold in the prophetic scriptures of the Bible come to pass . Consider this: A day = a thousand years, and a thousand years = a day . God created the earth in six days, and on the seventh day He rested . The Millennial Reign is the seventh day, or in this case, the period from the end of the 6000th year to the end of the 7000th year . This is another example of how God’s plan is going to conclude on the same date at the time of His return .

Where else does God mention a time for man? In Genesis 6:1-3, God says that it came to pass that people began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them; and further, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair, and took them as wives . Evidently God was displeased with this and said that His spirit would not strive with man forever, for he also is flesh “yet his days shall be 120 years .”

This is a most difficult passage to understand with things like the sons of God and daughters of men (and even giants), but it is not really . I am not going to attempt to explain it here, because I used this passage simply to show you the time frame in context regarding how long God will strive with man . Many have said that this time frame refers to the lifespan of a person in the flesh on earth, but it is not, because that contradicts Psalm 90:10, which says that a man’s years shall be 70 and 80 “strong labored .”

In the previous passages, it is recorded that Noah is 500 and he then has three sons and builds the Ark . Noah enters the Ark at 602 and his sons are approximately 100 . The 120-year prophecy does not fit the time that it took to build the Ark and the flood that destroyed the inhabitants of the earth, because it only took approximately 100 years to build the Ark, and then the

flood came . Where does the 120 years fit into this context of the flood? It doesn’t!

With that said, we must look at what it really says here . Is God telling us that His Spirit will not strive with man in his current state for more than a hundred and twenty years? That cannot be true because more time than that has passed, and God continues to strive with us .

So let’s look at the 120 years as 120 jubilees . That means that we would multiply 120 by 50 years = 6000 years . Then at the time of the final Jubilee, God will restore all things and we shall be restored to the state prior to the fall of man . There is only one problem with this prophetic timeline: What year is a jubilee year and where do we find it in history?

God being faithful and always fulfilling His promises, even when we are not faithful, is what I would like to show you now . If God has declared that every fifty years is a restoration of all things, where in written history do we find this?

Here is a small list:

1867 The emancipation of the Jews in Hungary .

1917 The end of Ottoman rule in Palestine .

1967 The reunification of the Jewish people in Jerusalem .

I believe from this we can see that God is trying to reveal to us when a jubi-lee is, and when we will see the next one – 2017 .

The jubilee = 50 years

333 B .C .____________1867________1917_______1967______2016-2017

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The feasts of the Lord are prophetic, and from the past fulfilled prophe-cies, we can see that the unfulfilled prophecies will be fulfilled on the days appointed for them . The Bible tells us that God gave us seven feasts to cel-ebrate, and that they are His feasts even Holy Convocations (Leviticus Chap-ter 23) .

These feasts are celebrated for both remembrance of what the Lord has done and for what he has promised to do . They represent His mercy, good-ness, and promises . Prophetically, the first four feasts symbolized God’s redemptive plan of the Messiah to come: His death, His burial, His resur-rection, and the gift of the Holy Spirit . The prophecies within the first four feasts foretold future events, and from history we can see how accurately these prophecies were fulfilled . Every aspect of the Lord’s feasts is prophet-ic, and the final feast will point to the same end date as all the prophecies in the Bible .

The feasts of the Lord that are fulfilled:

Passover: The sacrifice for sin – Jesus crucified on the cross .

Unleavened Bread/purity without sin: There was no sin found in Jesus .

First Fruits: The resurrection of the Lord Jesus (on the third day) .

Shavuot or Pentecost: The gift of God’s Spirit to those who believe .

14th morning of Nisan 15th eve 16th eve 17th eve 17th morning 49 +1 =50 days


Crucifixion + buried before sundown 3 days and nights Resurrection of Christ Shavuot/Pentecost

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The first feast is Passover, which is the feast that people of faith practice in remembrance of God’s mercy as he passed over the first-born of Israel and killed every first-born Egyptian male in the last of the ten plagues brought upon Pharaoh . The Passover is celebrated to remind the generations to come that God delivered the Jews from the hands of their enemies . In God’s plan to bring Israel out of Egypt, he sent a prophet named Moses to deal with Pharaoh . As a result of Pharaoh rejecting Moses’s final plea to free the people, God brought death upon every first-born male of Egypt . When the people of Israel followed the instruction to place the blood of the lamb on their door lintels, God passed over them and did not harm the first-born male of their houses . This is an example for us all that God is capable of keeping his people from harm in the future .

Hidden within the formal ritual of this feast is an overview of the redemp-tive plan of God through the sacrifice of the spotless lamb . According to scripture, the feast is to begin on the eve of the 14th dayat sundown .

Here are two of many significant things prophetically within this feast of Passover: The first is the spotless lamb that was to be the sacrifice for sin . This lamb was to be without blemish and the finest lamb in the flock . This lamb represents the Lamb of God: His son Jesus . The second is that, ac-cording to scripture, every person born of man is tainted with original sin through Adam . Here is where we understand the necessity of the virgin birth of Christ . The father of Jesus is the Holy Ghost and God cannot and does not pass sin on to His son . Therefore, Jesus is able to be the lamb with-out blemish, and the holy sacrifice for the sins of those who believe upon the Son of God .

The point I would like to stress is that the feast was not just representative of Christ’s role as the Lamb of God, or His virgin birth, but that the practice of the feast happened at the same time on a certain day every year based on the cycle of the new moon, and the counting of 14 days from it . The ful-fillment of the prophecy in its entirety would require that it happen on the very day that the feast was suppose to be celebrated . This is exactly what happened when Jesus was killed on the cross .

The Feast of Unleavened Bread continues during the week of Passover . It represents the need for purity as symbolized in the making and eating of bread without leavening (yeast) . This represents the life of Christ and our desire and need to be like Him by removing the sin (leavening) from our lives . The feast of unleavened bread approximately mirrors Christ’s sinless life, and three days in the tomb .

The Feast of the First Fruits is about the first harvest of barley in the spring . It represents the bodily resurrection of Christ after having been in the tomb . He is the first fruit of many to come .

The Feast of Weeks -- Shavuot, or Pentecost, was originally celebrated as a reminder of the time when the Israelites waited for the Torah as Moses went to the mountain . It is related to the Passover by a counting of seven weeks and then, on the day following, is the day that Israel received the Torah .

From scripture we know that Jesus commanded the disciples to remain in Jerusalem certain days (Acts 2:4) . Here is the blueprint of the jubilee once again . Those certain days were to be until the gift of the Holy Spirit came, on that day of the Feast of Weeks: Shavuot, now known to Christians as Pentecost, meaning fifty . The first revelation from God was the Torah given to Moses for the people of Israel . The second was the giving of the Holy Spirit that bears witness to the Word of Truth . These two events happened on the same day of the year, and it was the Shavuot/Pentecost; which is 50 days from Passover .

Let us consider that the Ark of the Covenant contained the tablets of the law and the Spirit of the Lord . When the Holy Spirit came, no longer was the Ark of the Covenant the place where God’s Spirit resided, but it came instead to reside in every person of faith in Christ . And the law was now written on the fleshly tablets of our hearts and minds (2 Corinthians 3:3) .

Again we see the spiritual significance of this feast and that the fulfillment of the hidden prophecy occurred on the very day of the feast . There is more hidden prophecy contained in the counting of days/weeks . This blueprint-ing of things of the past is showing us things to come, and we can anticipate the fulfillment .

These are the three feasts that are yet to be fulfilled:

Feast of Trumpets: Tishri 7/1, the fall feast of harvest .

Feast of Atonement (Yom Kippur): Tishri 7/10, the Day of Atonement, the judgment seat of Christ .

Feast of Sukkoth: Tishri 7/15-21, the wedding feast for the bride of Christ .

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2009 2013 2016 Oct 2-3 Oct 11-12 Oct 16-21


The abomination of desolations

As I have said, the historical fulfillment of the first four feasts can be seen in detail though the death of Christ, His burial, His resurrection, and the day of Pentecost . I haven’t explained these in detail because it was my intent only to show that the timing of the Feasts of the Lord in the past were all fulfilled on the days that they are celebrated .

Many books have already been written on the Feasts of the Lord and their hidden meanings . I am not an expert on this subject, and I suggest you re-flect on them as you study God’s Word for a more scholarly portrayal . Our focus is on the symbolism and the timing of the feasts yet to be fulfilled .

The Feast of Trumpets begins with the blowing of the shofar on the evening of the first sign of the new moon in the month of Tishri . The first day of the feast of trumpets is called Rosh Hashanah, or “the day that no man knows .”

The purpose of the day is to focus on repentance . There are then ten days of repentance concluding on Yom Kippur . These are considered the high holy days, also known as “the days of awe .” According to Jewish tradition in the Talmud, on Rosh Hashanah, God inscribes each person’s fate for the coming year – the wicked, the righteous, and the undetermined – into one of three books . They then wait until Yom Kippur to “seal” the verdict . During the days of awe, a Jew tries to make reconciliation for his or her behavior, and seeks forgiveness for wrongs done against God and against other peo-ple . The evening and day of Yom Kippur are set aside for repentance done both publicly and privately through confessions of guilt . At the end of Yom Kippur, one considers oneself absolved by God .

There are many beliefs associated with this feast, including that it is the be-ginning of the creation of the world, and that it is the actual time of Christ’s birth . I personally feel that it is the time of Christ’s return, and that it is also the days in the future when all of Israel will have a literal time to repent . In the book of Revelation Chapter 11, during the time when the two witnesses are raised from the dead and ascend into Heaven, the remnant of Jerusa-lem will give glory to the God of Heaven . Zechariah 13:8 and 9 also testifies of Israel’s repentance in the future .

The Feast of Atonement – Yom Kippur – is the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people; it is a day for fasting and seeking forgiveness through

“Teshuvah,” which means to return or repent . This day in the future will be a literal day when all of the righteous, the wicked, and the indeterminate will face the consequences of their decisions and actions of the past . This day will be the judgment seat of Christ .

The Feast of Sukkoth, or “Booths,” is to remind all future people of Israel that God made the early people of Israel live in booths as they wandered in the desert for forty years . At the end of their forty years in the wilderness, the Lord brought them into the “promised land .” The Sukkoth is also known as the wedding feast, and it has been suggested that it symbolizes the wed-ding feast of the bride of Christ . The Bride of Christ is the church .

* * *

The prophecies of the first four feasts are fulfilled exactly as they were writ-ten . Their fulfillment on the exact dates of the feasts is remarkable . I would like to point out that in the video “Daniel’s Time Line,” by Dewey Bruton, his calculations are so exact that he can reveal the actual day of the week that each of the events took place .

In God’s commandment to keep the feasts, we see his intent that the Jews and all people grafted into the Jewish faith should practice the feasts in re-membrance of His past faithfulness, the future promises of forgiveness, and the redemption that is to come through Christ Jesus . I believe that it is also to show us that we can know the timing of the return of the Lord .

There will be seven trumps (trumpets) as described in Revelation 8:2 . The seventh trump is found in Revelation 10:7 and reads as follows: “But in the days of the seventh angle when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets .” This is when the sign of the return of the Lord appears in the sky (1 Corinthians 15:52) . That day will be a great and terrible day of the Lord for some, but for the elect it will be a blessed day because we who are like Him will go with Him . I believe that the seventh trumpet is the great trump, and the final trump . I also believe that this will happen after the sixth trump, as stated in Revelation 6:12 . We know the dead in Christ will rise first, and I believe that we see them in Revelation 6:9-11, receiving their white robes and be-ing told to wait a little longer for fellow servants and brethren that should be killed . I speculate that this blowing of the trumpets will coincide with the Feast of Trumpets, and will happen – just as all the other feasts did – on the days of celebration .

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“Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city to [restrain] the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make rec-onciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. Know there-fore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the messiah the prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again and the wall even in troublous times. After threescore and two weeks the mes-siah will be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be a flood, and unto the end of war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the over spreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” Daniel 9:24-27

The study of these few verses will open your eyes to what the whole of God’s prophecy is pointing to . At the same time it will put you on a path to be forever watching for specific events . I begin to explain this prophetic timeline of Daniel Chapter 9 with a definition of the word “weeks .” In Eng-lish Bible translations of Daniel, the writers were inspired to use the word “weeks .” This has meaning, but not in the context of actual time meaning seven days . It is prophetic and therefore can and does, in this case, have more than one meaning .

The word “weeks” is translated from the Hebrew word “shabuwa,” which has a few meanings: sevens, sevened, a week of years = heptad = 7, a Feast of Weeks – Shavuot, or Pentecost . (The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance: Thomas Nelson Publishers, bibleinsight .com The Interlinear NIV Hebrew-English Old Testament, written by John R . Kohlenberger III .)

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The 70 “weeks” of Daniel are 70 x 7 = a period of 490 years . Sixty-nine of the 70 weeks of years are past fulfilled prophecy, as I will explain in part here by using a study by Sir Robert Anderson .

In the text, time frames of 7 weeks and 62 weeks are specifically stated as being separate from the 70 . Separation of the weeks in this manner is a hint that they are separate aspects of time to be applied to this multilayered prophecy . I would suggest that it has had a different meaning for every gen-eration since it was written .

When the 7 and 62 weeks are added together, they equal 69 weeks . We need to look at the partially fulfilled prophecy of Daniel Chapter 9 that ap-pears to include the crucifixion of Christ .

Sixty-nine weeks of years

The time frame begins with the commandment to restore Israel . The 69 weeks of years are past fulfilled prophecy that concluded with the crucifix-ion of our Lord Jesus .

Here is a counting of the 69 weeks of years done by Sir Robert Anderson in his book The Coming Prince:

“The Julian date of the first of Nisan in the 20th year of Artaxeres is the 14th of March 445 B .C . Between that date from the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem to the public advent of ‘Messiah the Prince‘ was 173,880 days, or exactly 7 times 69 prophetic years of 360 days (483 years) from the decree to build Jerusalem . The time must be reckoned with a lunar calendar year of 360 days rather than a solar year of approximately 365 1/4 days . “The time from 445 B .C . to 32 A .D . is 476 years which = 173,740 days, but there are 116 leap-year days . From the 14th of March to the 6th of April is 24 days for a total of 173,880 days . “Sixty-nine weeks of years (173,880 days) = the same number of days fig-ured by solar years .”

Sir Robert Anderson is correct in the time frame of approximately 69 weeks, but his calculations, correcting the time frame based on leap years is not necessary . The Hebrew calendar is based on the lunar cycle consisting of 360 days a year, which is twelve months of 30 days each . The lunar year is shorter than the Julian calendar year by 4 .25 days . So to reconcile the difference, the Hebrew lunar calendar has a thirteenth month (2 Adar), ap-

proximately within every seven years . From this we can see that the in-terpretation of the prophecy, using either the lunar calendar or the Julian calendar, does not need any adjustments . The counting of days in a lunar month begins with the two witnesses on the temple mount watching for the new moon, and then a counting of thirty days . This keeps spring in Adar and fall in Tishri . Otherwise there would be a rotating of seasons, which has never happened .

Here is the second prophecy that has been partially fulfilled:

Daniel 9:23-24 says that when the commandment goes forth to restore Je-rusalem, there will be 70 shabuwa to the end .

Please note again that it didn’t happen in 32 A .D . or in 70 A .D . This proph-ecy has multiple projections and applications . They all seem to be fulfilled in part, but not in whole, where the main prophecy clearly begins with a 70-shabuwa period of time, with a certain event that ends the unrighteous rule of Satan and his followers when the Lord returns .

The beginning of this time frame happened on November 29, 1947, when United Nations resolution #181 declared Israel to be a nation within Pal-estine . In the decree put forth by the UN, there are three parts that are pertinent to the prophecy:


The City of Jerusalem shall be established as a corpus separatum under a special international regime and shall be administered by the United Nations . The Trusteeship Council shall be designated to discharge the responsibilities of the Administering Authority on behalf of the United Nations .

[2] Chapter I: Holy Places, Religious Buildings and Sites

Existing rights in respect of Holy Places and re-ligious buildings or sites shall not be denied or impaired .

In so far as Holy Places are concerned, the liberty of access, visit, and transit shall

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be guaranteed, in conformity with exist-ing rights, to all residents and citizen of the other State and of the City of Jerusalem, as well as to aliens, without distinction as to nationality, subject to requirements of na-tional security, public order and decorum . Similarly, freedom of worship shall be guaran-teed in conformity with existing rights, subject to the maintenance of public order and deco-rum .

[3] Governor and Administrative staff . A Governor of the City of Jerusalem shall be appointed by the Trusteeship Council and shall be responsible to it . He shall be selected on the ba-sis of special qualifications and without regard to nationality . He shall not, however, be a citizen of either State in Palestine . The Governor shall represent the United Nations in the City and shall exercise on their behalf all powers of administration, includ-ing the conduct of external affairs . He shall be assisted by an ad-ministrative staff classed as international officers in the meaning of Article 100 of the Charter and chosen whenever practicable from the residents of the city and of the rest of Palestine on a non-discriminatory basis . A detailed plan for the organization of the administration of the city shall be submitted by the Governor to the Trusteeship Council and duly approved by it . (Scanned from mideastweb .org .htm/#181 .)

In my correspondence with Dewey Bruton, he graciously instructed me that the counting of weeks in this prophecy began in 1947 and will conclude be-fore 70 Shavuots/Pentecosts = 70 years to the end . There will be two time frames that break up the 70 years, and they are stated in Daniel 9: 25 to be 62 years and 7 years . The counting of 62 years from 1947 brings us to 2009 and the last shabuwa (period of seven) brings us to 2016 .

It is one thing to be able to add numbers and see that they fit, but what else is confirming that this is the time? Remember that all things must fit the time and the specific events, and all prophecy must conclude at the same end date to be correct .

The scripture in Daniel 9:25 says that there will be 69 weeks (interpreted as sevens of years) until the Messiah comes . This, like the prophecy in Isaiah Chapter 61, speaks of the first coming in one part of the paragraph, and

in the next line speaks of the second coming and His rule to come . This is a dual prophecy because it is not just stating 69 years of sevens, but also states that it will be 7 and 62 shabuwa . Where it states the latter, we have applied it to the commandment of the one world government (United Na-tions) that restored Israel to Palestine and established Jerusalem as an in-ternational city, restoring it physically and restoring access for all peoples in 1947 .

Secondly, this mirrors the first fulfillment of Christ being cut off in that the preaching of Jesus as the Messiah in Israel has been made illegal .

Thirdly, it speaks of an invasion in Israel by some group of people . If this is following the pattern of double meanings, these invaders (as the Romans did in 70 A .D .) will possibly come by the year 2013 or sooner, because Daniel 9:27 says that “he will confirm a covenant with many for one week” (shabu-wa = 7 years) . And in the midst of the seven, he (the antichrist) will cause the sacrifice to cease for an over spreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation and that determined (judgment) shall be poured upon the desolate . Jerusalem has not been made desolate, and from what I understand, the wrath of God has not been poured out onto the desolate . I would say that this prophecy is not yet fulfilled .

Missing shabuwa

There is one shabuwa (period of seven) that is missing, as only 69 are ac-counted for out of the 70 described above . The missing shabuwa must fit into a time line to fulfill this prophecy . I suggest it is both the last seven years as stated in Daniel 9:25 and it is by definition a heptad (7 x 7 years = 49 years) . I believe that this “missing” shabuwa begins with the 1967 war in Israel, and looks like this:

1967 War_1974_ _1981 _ 1988 _1995 _ 2002 _ 2009___2016 = 49 years

The confirmation of this shabuwa as being a seven-year period is found in Daniel 9:25 . The time frame of seven years in this prophecy begins after the period of 62 years from the commandment to restore Israel .

Note that Daniel 9:27 says that in the midst of this seven, there is a trans-gressor who causes the sacrifice and offering to cease, and a breaking of a covenant . This transgressor then sets up the abomination .

2009__________________ (the abomination)_______________2016

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To be in true faith we must believe the Lord’s words . There is no decision to be made about what we believe to be true and what is not true . The Bible and the message is all truth or it is all lies . Do you believe in a God who cre-ated all things that exist, and yet is impotent in His ability to preserve His Word?

The focus is going to be on what Jesus said to us in Matthew Chapter 24, and how it will bring all of the prophecies to one point in time . I will begin with Matthew 13:10-17, as stated earlier, to give us the background as to who may understand what is written . All others are simply without, because His sheep “know his voice and another they will not follow .” (John 10:4) .

V.10. and the Disciples came unto him [Jesus], [asking], “Why speakest thou unto them in parables?”

11. He answered and said unto them, “Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but unto them it is not given.

12. For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.

13. Therefore I speak to them in parables: because seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not, neither do they understand.

14. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah [6:9], which saith by hearing ye shall hear and shall not understand: and seeing ye shall see and not perceive:

15. for this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hear-ing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at anytime they should see with

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their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

16. Blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

17. For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which you see, and have not seen them, and to hear those things which you hear and have not heard them.”

The key to understanding the meaning and need for this passage is multi-layered . First, it is clear that those who have rejected Christ and faith will hear, but not understand spiritual things . Second, renowned men of God in the past prophesied of Christ and the things to come, but did not get to see those things . Third, some who hear the words of the parables, because of their pride, will not understand the spiritual things contained within them . They have become dull of hearing because they exalt themselves in their own wisdom, and over the people as the Pharisees (unrighteous dominion) .

A good example of this is when you are studying God’s word and the Holy Spirit reveals the deeper layer of a parable concerning the future, and you go to your pastor excitedly and tell them about it . Their response is: “There is no private interpretation of scripture . It has all been figured out long ago by greater men than you, and there is nothing you could possibly add to the understanding of Christianity .”

So the pastor crushes your desire to believe that God speaks to you, or that the Holy Spirit can reveal spiritual things to you . They deny the power of the Holy Spirit . Many a prophet has been burned at the stake for this presump-tuous sin of new revelations . So count your blessings and seek the Lord’s truth in His Word, and the Holy Spirit will teach you .

It is important that I back up what I say with scripture, so I will give you this example of where Jesus told every believer to learn the parable of Matthew 24:32: “Now learn this parable of the fig tree: when his branch is yet ten-der, and putteth forth leaves, you know the summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”

What in the world was He talking about? Why should we learn this? This is a parable isn’t it? So who are the fig tree and the branch of the fig tree? The

summer is near when I see the leaves? What do leaves mean? When and what am I supposed to know, that is at the door?

If you are wondering why I chose this passage, it is because it will take the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of what is contained here . God gave us power and authority, and we who would have will understand and instruct many in the truth .

First in context to the entire passage of Matthew Chapter 24, Jesus is telling us about the three questions asked in the beginning of the chapter (verse 3) . The disciples ask:

1 . When shall these things be?

2 . And what shall be the sign of thy coming?

3 . And of the end of the world?

The first question refers to the destruction of the temple . The second refers to the coming of the Lord . The third refers to the end of the world as we know it .

Before I explain these answers using scripture, I will go to what Jesus said first: “Take heed that no man deceives you” (Matthew 24:4). Why did He say this? I believe that He said it because He knew what was in the heart of man, and it was wicked and deceitful above all things . The heart of man in his natural state is to exalt themselves above God and His Word, to do what the Pharisees and the Nicolations did; that was rule over the people . They made the people subject to them and their teachings . We know historically that the Pharisees rejected Christ and who he was and what he taught, even though it was clearly proscribed in scripture . They did not see Christ for who He was .

God has said that if any man be a minister, he must be a servant, but this is contrary to the nature of man . Jesus further tells us in verses 5 and 11 that many false prophets and false Christs will arise .

* * *

I have come to the understanding that Jesus was God because He said, “I am the Alpha (Greek for “first”) and the Omega (Greek for “last”), the be-ginning and the end, the first and the last,” in Revelation 22:13 . In the Old

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Testament, God declares Himself to be “the first and the last” (Isaiah 41:4) . With that declaration of being the first and the last, I believe that Jesus was God and knew all things . He spoke in parables so that not all could under-stand, but Spirit-filled Christians would understand – those who have God residing in them in the form of the Holy Spirit .

Jesus says that He has revealed all things (Mark 13:23) . He then tells us the things which must come to pass before his return . These are the things that He called the beginning of sorrows (Matthew 24:8), and were written for all believers in Christ . Modern church pastors would have you believe that these things are for the Jews only, and that the “church” is Raptured (taken away) pretribulation . This lie does not inspire people to know what the signs are and in what order they will come . Many people have told me they don’t need to know these things because they will no longer be here when they happen .

Verse 13 of Matthew 24 says that “he that shall endure to the end, the same shall be saved . And the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the en-tire world for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the end come .” It is being preached right up to the end by Spirit-filled Christians .

Jesus then refers to the abomination of desolations spoken by the proph-et Daniel, standing in the Holy place, “whosoever readeth let him under-stand” (Matthew 24:15) . The next verses warn Judea that “great tribulation should come . And except that those days were shortened no flesh should be saved . But for the elect’s chosen, born-again believers, and chosen Jews] sake those days shall be shortened” (Matthew 24:22) . Jesus then speaks of the miracles the antichrist does (Matthew 24:24) . Scripture further states in context that they are so spectacular that if it were possible, that the very Elect of God might be deceived . Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2:10, “. . . and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; be-cause they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they believe a lie: That they might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

The lie refers to the false prophets and false Christs, and the false proph-ets’ performances of miracles and wonders . At this juncture it should be ob-vious that Jesus is explaining this to us Christians who are watching, obey-ing, and witnessing . We find this in Revelation 12:17: “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ .” Jesus

then tells us in Matthew 24:29 that “immediately after the tribulation of those days [all the things mentioned up to this point], then shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of Heaven shall be shaken: And then shall appear the Son of Man in Heaven. The tribes of the Earth shall mourn and the angels of God will gather His Elect from the four winds, one end of Heaven to the other.”

These signs are written in the books of Revelation, Mark 13, and Matthew 24, and describe the events of the return of the Lord .

Now that we know what Jesus and the Word of God say, we must make a decision on who we believe . Do we believe in a Rapture that happens be-fore the tribulation and the abomination of desolations? Or do we believe in Christ and His Word?

Now back to the verse where it says that no man knows the day or hour, no, not the angels in Heaven, but only the Father . What is this answering? Some have said that it refers to the Rapture, pretribulation, but that precept is not scriptural . I do believe that we won’t know “the day or hour .” I further point to the reason (as already stated), that from the Jewish perspective, we can-not know the day until the moon gives her light on the first day of Tishri . Jesus explains that after the tribulation of those days the sun does not shine and the moon does not give her light . Therefore no man can know that day, because there is no sign in heaven; but the Word tells us that we will know the season . In Matthew 16:2-4, Jesus speaks to the religious leaders and rebukes them because they could discern the weather from the sky’s color, but they could not discern the time . I imagine that He was referring to the fact that they had the Word of God in hand and in their presence, and yet they could not perceive who He was from the written word or the miracles He performed .

We know from scripture that when Jesus comes back and we are trans-formed, that we will rule, and reign with him for a thousand years here on earth (Revelation 20:6) . Then the earth and heaven pass away, and there shall be a New Heaven, and a New Earth (Revelation 21:1, Matthew 24:35) .

I believe that the Word of God says in context to the return of the Lord, we will know the time if we are watching . There are no contradictions in the Bible . Revelation 3:3 says: “Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast and repent . If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will

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come upon thee .” I believe this means that those who are watching are not caught unaware of the things revealed in scripture, and the Lord will not come upon them as a thief in the night . The simple reason is that they knew what the Bible really said about the last days: they understood the shadow of things to come from the feasts, Sabbaths, new moons, jubilees, and the events and their timing .

Now that we have some background, we can go on to discern the hidden meaning of Jesus’ words in the fig tree parable .

We need a reference point in time in order to begin the counting of the time period stated: It is for those who are watching for the Lord’s return . Let’s look at Daniel 9:23-24, which says that when the commandment goes forth to restore Jerusalem, there will be 70 shabuwa to the end .

The beginning of this time frame happened in November of 1947, as stated in a previous chapter, when the UN declared Israel to be a nation within Palestine .

November 29, 1947___+ 62 = 2009____+ 7 = November 2016

The fig tree is Israel, and it was not a country until 1948; so this parable could not have meaning until it became a nation .

In the spring of 1967 Israel went to war and gained land: It put forth leaves . The war was only six days long, and ended in the morning of the day that the Sabbath began .

As to the reference of being tender: According to Jewish tradition, the ten-der years of a man are until he is twenty years of age . Matthew’s parable of the fig tree would then show:

1947__ Tender years = 20_____1967 _________November 2016

(70 years inclusive)

The Israelis put forth leaves, when they took back land that was originally given to them by God . They did this in the first 20 years of their existence as a nation (after not existing as a nation for nearly 2000 years), as was proph-esied in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, as well as in other major and minor prophets .

“Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled” (Matthew 24:34). Seventy years is a generation found in Psalms 90:10 . Because Jesus references this generation, I believe the time frame to be 70 years . Jesus also references Daniel’s passage of 70 years (Daniel 9:23-27), and we can see the correlation . Many have said that a generation is 40 years, but the children born since 1947 will still not all pass away within the allotted time of 70 years in this prophecy .

Now that we have the background to the time frame and what this parable means, let us look at the dates a little more closely . The rebirth of Israel and Jerusalem, and the time frame of that generation, began in 1947 .

The putting forth of the leaves in the summer of 1967 is clearly seen in Is-rael’s taking back the land that originally belonged to it . These lands are the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights . This was accomplished in the first 20 “tender” years, as we have seen .

The blueprint of overall prophecy that I spoke of earlier in this book is now being applied here .

Remember the purpose for the jubilee every 50 years, and how to count it? It is the restitution of all things to their original owners .

There are 7 x 7 - year periods and then the jubilee year: 1967 + 49 years = 2016 + 1 = 2017 . The last jubilee was in 1967 .

1947----- 20 years -----1967---------- 49 years -----------2016+ 1 = 2017

|______________________70 years_________________________|

From this we can see that the prophecies in Daniel and Matthew both line up in the 70-year period, and that the overall prophetic picture is pointing to 70 years .

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I would like to conclude with many thanks to our faithful brethren who helped with their research and encouragement . I thank my brother in Christ, Dewey Bruton, for his dedicated service to the Lord and His Word, that we might all have a better understanding of what the Lord our God wants us to know, for it was He who gave us a counting of days, weeks, years, and ju-bilees . I thank Robert Wilkinson: www .getyourselfsaved .com . Who gave of his time and knowledge to help edit the scriptural references of this book .

I recommend you all search out the “Daniel’s Time Line” video online and buy it . I watched it first on Youtube, and then bought a copy . It will give you an even more in-depth understanding of how perfect God’s word is in prophecy . There is nothing in the Word of God that does not have a pur-pose, as Dewey Bruton points out and the Holy Spirit bears witness to .

* * *

We have covered many ideas of what Bible prophecies point to . Though they all share an end date of 2016, and a jubilee year to follow, we must realize that God’s Word clearly tells us that if the days were not shortened for the sake of the elect, no flesh would survive (Mathew 24:22) . Therefore it must be that: either the days were shortened from the 6000 years, and that 2016 is the appointed time spoken of in Daniel, or the days will be shortened from the 2016 date . Either way, the scriptures and all prophecies point to the im-minent return of the Lord . The conclusion of all prophecy that fits all time frames has 2016 in common, and then the year of restoration in 2017.

* * *

I do not believe that when the scripture verses of 2 Peter Chapter 3:10-17 speak of a return of Christ as a thief, that they are referring to Spirit-filled Christians who are watching, but rather to those who have believed the twisted teachings of latter-day church leaders .

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Again I ask you all: Why has God given us a counting of days, months, weeks, years, and feasts to the end? Do you believe what Jesus said in Mark 13:23-27? “But take heed; behold I have foretold you all things. But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his Elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.”

I have an impetuous spirit when it comes to realizing that the Lord is about to return . I want to tell everyone that you need to repent and be thinking of what Jesus wants for you . I see so many people who need to hear about Christ and God’s plan of redemption through faith in Christ, that His blood was shed for your sins . I see too many Christians warming pews and never doing the great commission given us by Jesus .

Remember: All will suffer persecution, even those who are living Godly lives in Christ Jesus . Have you ever suffered persecution for Jesus’ name? Do you witness? Did you ever disciple anyone? Are you just waiting for the Rapture?

“I pray now and ask our Father in Heaven, “Bring these people who claim Your Name, the Holy Spirit of fire and power, to know that there is an ap-pointed time, and that we can know that that time is here now. Lord, I pray that, as I preach and all others preach, you would open the doors in the hearts of men and women everywhere to listen to this message of your soon return. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

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