Download - Y~ E - Library1 Y~" UITITY E IPClli.\1.ICTUEY! "OIIB D:YHJE : mn.~ E1Yil~'/Y: Oi.·1· ~ ',/J\R: - the smashin'"; of Hitlerism. rrhat is the nolicy of the Cor1.r-1.unist ~arty been.use

Page 1: Y~ E - Library1 Y~" UITITY E IPClli.\1.ICTUEY! "OIIB D:YHJE : mn.~ E1Yil~'/Y: Oi.·1· ~ ',/J\R: - the smashin'"; of Hitlerism. rrhat is the nolicy of the Cor1.r-1.unist ~arty been.use

! 1 Y~" UITITY IPClli. \1.ICTUEY!

E "OIIB D:YHJE : mn.~ E1Yil~'/Y : Oi.·1· ~ ',/J\R : - the smashin'"; of Hitlerism. "

rrhat is the nolicy of the Cor1.r-1.unist ~arty been.use it is the most 'dr.u6ial iri....,ec1ir,te necessity if tre cause of ·the worl::i:i1~ neoD1exx of li.ustrel·i~ 2:na of all countries is to r,;o forv.ra.rd .

i th the fe~,cist arr1ies besei:-;in.s the 3oviet' s ereat citiesxx no or vlOman in t .11is iNorla can be cor.i:-J lacent . SuoVJort for the Soviet economic system is not the issue: it is the pl&in and ob ­vious fact that only B:ri tPin and the Soviet stand betvireen YOUxxx

nC v:orl 0 :Z'' ism nt this morrient . · ilor t 11e smPshing of IIitle:-ite Gernany ,< t'1e utmost unity of the

_ .. ustrali'3.n 1'.)eo·')le is nn ur0 ont necessity . .... hat unity can oorriexxx only. f:---ori the :most corimlete , e~fect:. ve 1)rosecut i.on of the vrar . xxx Insof::-i.r-Bs-t"lie" ·curt ·::.n- Gov8TTu-:"Tent~ d-oes--nrosecute the V/8.r cthe- .Com­rnur: ist ?arty vrill SU-'Yoort it to the full . Insofar e_s that , Gov- xx ernment !fails to orosecute the wA.r , fails to seek the unity ofxxx the -peonle , fails to attack t 110se monouolios who are hold_inc; upxx the ,w-r effort for nrivate gnin , the Con111.unist Party will exnosex it relentlessly . ·

There B.l"'G friends of Hitler in the labor movement . They rnustx be ex11osed rnd rooted out . Those 1 _,10 split the vrorl:in~ class are cloi:ic-~ Hitler's work , fox- vrorkin.c; cl=iss unity is the surest basisx of national unity , of unity for vie tory . That is v:hy the Comrt1111- x lst -'F.rty vvill co,.,tinue to make 11ro1)osals for unity to the Labor Fnrty ; vril 7 continue to do its utmost to bring ebout a unitedxxx workin;i; class effort ari:ainst Hitler .

Tho most urgent na.tion~l -oroblen1 is increase,- ~oroduction of2..JC war rrte.terials . \\That is 1-ioldinp_; it up? I:onopolists' profi teering:k

nc1 their cost - ;1lus system . If the nononolies sabotav,e vv~r nro - x auction in tJ·is 1Hay , the vrorkers must denana - find ta!rn - a grea­ter nrirt in t' 1 e control of , '"lS in Dri tain . This is notxx n issue for 194~; it is an issue ~0~ today , and every hour counts .

If the Lo.bill:'_ =-Goverrnnent_ ln_t_e_110._s __ t~o_J'_j_c;ht __ the v\rrtr r..~a inst Hit ­ler to tl'e ut:?'ilost , it v.rill j_~,'!'1?11ea if' tely li:f0 the brn on the Com- xx ·~>Hrty . The CoHr~·ur!ist Party hes 01nosed fa:-rnism since itxx first fftY-;eared .

rl1 he Con.,..,~unint Party is v,e -,;arty of Dini trov , wh_o ex )osed thex Nn zis &t t :i.e I.'.eic hster; :tt1i:ce Trial, ±»

It is the pqrty v1l-1ich riost loyally su~)r ,orte , the 3oa.nish peo -1')le flt;Rinst the attack of Ger1Jmn an( Ttc.lian fasc isri .

It j_s t11e ~)~rty o:· btc.lin - -the uc.rty ·which is thexxx rled ,,n'lly in its mighty r0s i.stnnce to :u tler .

:1ile the ·.comnunist ·Party is su·)•iressec , tl1e Governnent is ex­)Oseei ris faili::1[!; to uoe aJ 1 tr.e ;O mlar 1 A__,"urces r1vailohle toxx

fj_ ~rt _ti tle:r . ~'reed , the arty v;j_ll ar c1 yet r1ore stren~t/·1 to thex s tru.c:ri;le for the overthro,1 of Iii tler fascism .

LL ~\IB ri10 11F.L ~mP1.jrJ. r •\:D UOVL :'11 PEO >us l

~ LI"F'l' ~L1~L~ H.~ r OJ, ' C 01 ,_t· l.lI-..I~Jt.1•1 P, 1.Hr11Y t

) :ur11LE; tidI ;· J:!· 01 {: ;v. ~i~? ... ,.

Page 2: Y~ E - Library1 Y~" UITITY E IPClli.\1.ICTUEY! "OIIB D:YHJE : mn.~ E1Yil~'/Y: Oi.·1· ~ ',/J\R: - the smashin'"; of Hitlerism. rrhat is the nolicy of the Cor1.r-1.unist ~arty been.use

8~e 2

1·.-, ,Jr~ .s;.,. ·;o- ,~-J'~' ; '}J..R -;~G .. s.n·:;r} JiE~Li£H !

Because t1·,e ·~ovic.t tmion is e 'HorJ.;:er9' st[ts , it vr+luer1 t',e livesx of t)·o v1orkll..,~ [:-:e:a of t.' 1 e ... ~oc1 1'..rn-:,r above all else: it ,Hill so.orifice er!.:rtrling - the Dneiper D0.1 ,even J.:oscovr if th.e hitter c:1oice has to:cr be rt1nde - rather t11.r .. n sFcri_f'lce ·:rar-tonJ.y the arny fiP,'"tin~ 1a tler.

nec;iune it is a socialist stLto ,controllec1 by \'J'Or}:i"1:": ' )80:)le , th_ex Joviet cnn 1'1i:-::,:e tbose croices l;--itelJ i .~ently , guict ;d only by t"1.e defeat of tvie enern.y,the :final victory of' the --)eonle . T1ac5.r.r; r-ttaclc , ~ t:i..e Joviet ·,eo~11e are as one . r:.:1l1ere is no "Y)ro:f.'iteerin )' ,:"'')r tho neo-ix: -,1e 's state ov,111.s ti,,e fflctories; no s 1ec i~· 1 cor1'f'orts fo1 a fe;," , x for t11.ere are no soclc.l classes in t:1e Jovict ,only ..,_.,or!-:-ers :-:.P.d_ :r~r,·ri­ers y;11-o s l~ETe co:1trol of' ·Lho countrv an( its bene:"i ts.

In cour.tries vrhe1--e ~, ")rj_vpte '"'linori t;r ov·n t~1e ~rictories , thev vrill so.crifico soH1 iers to save th-em even if it j_s not tl'ic 1)est courc-ie to win final victorv . They cho~se 1ro~erty - not the lives of the 7eo-x ')le . 50 ri1il1ion is needec1 for P d0r.r1.1.P te _[\_. t~ . P. in Aust.rr lia; t:1isxxx

oes J.n n1·0:f'i ts . -tA •ir--i va·te a.r-.r;..omen-t; --5::-rrs'"'t-e"'t·(:i...-- ----~--- - ..--~---?he Co:ti1. 1:Jart.y a e~i12 nr s tho:t r nd .Lus traJ.ia W[\r;e axx~~x

"'Jeo ... )le 's vrar . It clem:::ma s the-'--sacrifio.e- o.f p r ice'"Bt:id pri vileri;e- forxxx the cefeat of Hitler fRscism . Every nenny of 'lrofitecrinr; sabotcg0sx t1.e vmr aP;ains~ ~Iitler 2.n{ stanrls in tt1e way of the final victory of the British , .ust:-alian e.P.rl Soviet ·0eo'1les over fascism.

nuNTIIt?l1HIB1f1\B~D Fi:101?1:J:S tt RED OFFIC.1~ . .-i'. INTj~HVIEtED IN R71' li'I°H:IJ)

HNo-taxo.tion-on-undistributed J. ... ..!...J J.:.I is one of the r;loringxx Tl-ie courao;e Rnd determinationxx scf~nd~ls. of .captta.list. f'inan.ce .x, of. Red L,r:my ,ricn,as they fj_ght _axxx Th is skuldur.;0;e:c·v 1rorks this way : peo·;; le' s war , 1(noi.'1ina; what they are they Govermnent sts.tes ·vvhat rate fig11ting for , \.ras shov,.rn in lillcd.nte:r of nrofi t a co:r-rr·1any nay earnxxxx vruevr-· crv.ert Moscov: :;;-?.ad io vfi th Lieut . wit~out extra taxation . The com-x 2etrof'f,in co~nand ~fa f'ortifiedx J112ny stril;:es e. f i viclend rate of , ern.nlace:1ent co'1.'1letely cut offxx:x:x: say , 6% , then soc}::s thousands ofxx f, om.- the Ree .. rl11y by the GermP-ns . x pouncl s 1.ore into nunC istributedx Some _ of the re.0 io- tele".>hone con-xx ·orofi tsn. This -phrase whatx versation was : , i_t says '"'."_ th~ ..:.1.ro_f_it.s_aI·.en.!..tx.x.xx.---+--,-- CRe1)o:rter : How hns bein,ri;·- O'l.Tt··· pfi' distribut.ec1. ~Chey lie to t1.e corn : r-i.ffected you anc' your r1en? ne.nv's credit until e.fter thex:z:x ?etroff : We ere cut. off fTomxxx v-mr'; t'.1.en they're taken out qui-x , our peo1)le but we :reel closer toxx etly ?.ncl c:.istri buted anonR; thexx ' theri tl"'l_fln eV8T before . sh2.reholc.ers . ,._,_ 3.e-') . : Lo you hr.v0 enou~h foodxx

rr1r is -r)rofi teerinr; ruse enabl- anc arr1.,runi tion? ed t11.e Baillieus to 0ra3 a for- x Pet .: ne 've had enou~h bulletsx tur1e out of :i:J .H. r . Pfter thexxxx for the fas<i.ists u--o to noY.7 , Fnd. wex last war . The sarne Bi o; Businessxx crn last a. lot longer . We only hP,dx "lrofi teers ~)lan t':' ::::-1~:e ""notherx o. biscu-tt each yesterday , but wexxx cotn out of this war . sent out 2 scouts ni-i;ht ;theyx

TJenzies--,ana Ee.ddent hed_d ··'up:a:k got through the enemy lines andxxx t:1.e war effort by a.llm"!inP.; thisx brought back ~'')lenty to eat . I think rs cket to continue •. Curtin arnJxx they had to s~1.oot R fev\r fas«ists . the Labor Goverm·nent nust s-ri.:ahx Rep .: Who has distinsuishedxk±!xr it . hinself ·oarticularly in fi~hting?

While the Co:mr-•mnist ·-;arty re.;:.--xxx mains i -lJ:ega-1 there __ grea terx financial dj_fficulties t 11.nnxxxxx othervvise. Contribute to thexxxx r:>erson v.rho gave you. this nar>er:x it will go to tl-,e UNITY FOR VIC ­TORY fund .

~" .;,V ~ D~{;:,

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~jet .: You cannot choose am.ongxx them .All the men here are a ctingxx in c1ei'ence of their 001.mtry . i-lllx:1...:x figh.t - &.s one -: not- one man but allx . d 0 I·• • 1 d are is·cin,<:;u.1s11e •

Moscm·1 Rac1 j_o encJ eel by re 11orting the.t,efter 10 days' sei3,e , Lieut . xx Petroff ' s ~e.rrison vms relieved. by Red. counter-8ttacks.