Download - XXI. Descriptions of the Mus Bursarius and Tubularia Magnifica; from Drawings communicated by Major-General Thomas Davies, F.R.S. & L.S.


X XI, D$r$iions of ibe Mus Bit far-ius and Tubularia Magttgca ; from Drawing$ communicated by Major-General Thornax Davies, F, R.S. W L.S. By George Sbaw, M.D. F.R.S. V.P.L.S.

HE Mus burjarius belongs to a particular divilion in the genus, T containing fuch fpecies as are furniihed with cheek-pouchea for the temporary reception of their food. It feems not to have been yet defcribed, or at leafi not fo diitinaly as to be eaGIy afcer- taiiied. it approaches however to one or two €pecies mentioned by Dr. Pallas, Mr. Pennant, and others; but differs in fize, being much larger, as well as in the appearance of the fore-feet, which have claws differently formed from auy of the pouched fpecim hitherto defcribed.

In order to f m r e its knowledge among Naturalifis, it may be proper to form for it a fpecific charaEter, viz.

Mug cinereus, csuda" fewti brmi fibnu&, gmis faccatis, unguihus pol- tzm~ima maximis JoJoriiA

Ah-coloured rat, with flmt round nearly naked tail, pouched cheeks, and the claws of the fore-fect very large, formed for biirrowing in the ground.

T h e cheek-pouches are far larger in proportion to the animal than in any other of this tribe, and therefore have given occafion for the Cl'ecific name.

G S Z This

This quadruped was taken by Come Indian hunters in the upper It is now in parts of Interior Canada, and lent down to @ebec.

thc poKefion of Governor Yrelcot.

TAB. VIII. exhibits the Mus bur-riur of its natural fize.

THE Tubuluria magnfua mutl be confidered as by far the largefi ipccies of its genus yet difcovered. I t is found in various parts cd the coait of Jamaica, adheriag to the rocks. I t is very fhy, and on txing approachcd initantIy recedes within its elafiic tube, which on a farther alarm alfo retires into the rock, and fpeciinens can be ob- tained only by brcaking off i'uch parts of the ftone as contain them. Thefe, being put into tubs of fca-water, may be kept for months in perfeA order ; and' from one of them fo preferved this drawing w a s made.

T h e fpexific cheraCter may be thus g i v e x .

T o d u L A R 1 A tuboJ'mtZici aZbido,,~ent~Fi. nurncroJflmis albo rubrogue

Tubularia with a fimple whitiih-tube, .and very numerous tenta-

var iah.

cula variegated with red and white.

I t is neceifary to obfcrve, that, in. tha form of its body; a t leafi as far as can be judgcd from the pait reprefented in the back view of the animal, it lcems to make an approach to the genus Ampbitdr, and may be confidered as in fane degreeconneAing thefe two genera.

I t may perhaps be doubted whether fome of the fmaller figures, fuppofed to be the young animals, may not in reality belong to foma fpecies of Actiniua

Mur Buyadus nnd Tubuhia Magn$ca, 229

TAB, IX. Fig. I. h e w s the back of the Tubularia rnagnljCca, when expanded, of its natural h e . I. The front.

3. The animal expanding from the tube. - 4. The fame retreating when diiturbed. 5. Entirely withdrawn into the tube. 6. Suppofed young ones of the fame fpecies,