Download - xi! Ndrss/ EW-CITY HAU- |L » I |0 R H G H W i P O T · voli xi! ndrss/ eleventh'year. ' tw in falls. tw in faces coumty,

Page 1: xi! Ndrss/ EW-CITY HAU- |L » I |0 R H G H W i P O T · voli xi! ndrss/ eleventh'year. ' tw in falls. tw in faces coumty,

V O L i xi! Ndrss/ E L E V E N T H 'Y E A R . ' T W I N F A L L S . T W I N F A C E S C O U M T Y , I D A H O . T O E S D A Y . A P R I L 18. 1916. S U B S C R t P T I O N *Z.OO P E R Y E A R ^

W L l l l n u ^ t l o n

fURNITURE STOCKVincent T p i t i i r e C o p n y o f 0


M r. L a re r ln ? Floda T h w tro Tokee ^ — A ir t t rT l in e -T J u i t - i ie r - l i i is r in - i t* - “

H anagem enC ............ ...............^ .................

Tho V lnccnt F um llu rc c9mpttny of MonlpoUor, yoalorday took charge of tho Layering P urn lluro company Block And buBlncoB, w hich waa pu#chBacd *;« la s t w eek -b y ^A ;-H . -VJnc«nt,-of. the. f ir s t nam ed f lm , who la now horo and Jn dinrgc. Mr. V lnccnt aoya Umt tho f* p o l ic ro f tho company will ho to kcop « Jl thoroughly up-to-date stock ol' a ll “j

• Knes'Of fu m Jtu rc and flcll It-afc roa- sonablo prlcoa lo tho people. D. I t Young,, w ho hoa hocn an employe of “ Mr. LayorlDg, w ill bo retained aa os- jilctnnt m anager. - i"

Mr. L avcring aays th a t his reason for aolllng is th a t hla cnUro tlmo w tll “ hereafter bo U k e n up w ith tho num - “} 4TOUB show s th a t aro already being. bllied for tho nex t year’B soason, and ^ tho conduct o f the houao during tho

TOBtof thl8 B«aB0n;“ Wben a m a n camo -f* along w ho w os looking for a firs t- « los8 bualneaa In tbo fum lturo line, ho sold. Tho following story of tho tran s- action told In tho Montpelier Exam- Iner, Indlcatoo the standing of Uie now "J jnanogcr In Uic community which ho la iMvlnir-

“A . H , . VJncoot ro tum od Baiuruay Iro m T w in Falla, whore he purchaaed ™ tho E. C. LaTorlng alocH.of furntluro.

"W hoa'Tio l o f f h c r o - th o - f l r s t - o f - l t t s t M week ho h ad no Uiought. o l InvoaUag Ic ln ,*<fi»r» ltj»»^tor« in .X «la .P^U «,.tbe . B nbjcct of h la trip being to look o w a al •40*acro t r a c f o f land he owns a o a r n H aiclton . • H aving never vlalted th e p, Magic City no a r tho m ighty Snako rlv- ci or, ho concluded to lako a run ovor tc thoro a fte r having InBpeclod h is land, h TVhUo In lho clly ho naturally callcd w upon Uio d iffe ren t furn iture dealers, and wbllo In convoraaUon w llh Mr. ri Layering, tho la tte r Incldentiilly ra -

-3&arkod-that4Ua.plcturo.Bhow.bUBlncaa _ i-waa.mqu lrin g wn muCll ot hlfl tlmO th a t fj.

ho bad decided to dlapdac of.hrs furnT- tu re Btoro. Afler carefully looking

—ovcLlho Block and acquolnUng hImaoU wlUi condlUons of Mr. U voring'B bus- InOBS-and tho cfty In genoral, Mr. V ln- ^ cen t c lO B c a 't l ie 'd o a n o rth o parchase - o f .th o stock . He will re turn to Twin F a lls tom orrow a id take charge o t tho buBlneas n e x t M ondaym om lng. •• ' '

"Mra. V lnccnt w ill rem ain ^loro fer a couplo o f weeks and Uion go to Rlpon, W l«,, £oc-a.Bhort.Tlfllt .wlUi h e r ^

~ p a r e n u b 'o iofo 'JoTnlng 'l.n-rvinccnt-lir f , th ^ n o w - R o m o ,- . -

------la h n tu raU uro b'u8lT><?pn In Mon^pel;. „Ior w ill conUnuo to bo conducted by L. „ C. Vincent. Ho will bo UBsisted by A. H.-Dorn*g>'W ho-win arrive from -M o- „ nett, Mo., In about two weoka. In ad- dition to being aiL.cxperiimc(Kl fu ro l- „ lu re m an, Mr. D om lg la a licensed cm balm er, a a d In the fu ture tUo firm „ w lll.b e ab le to promptly handle any . caxo of ombiilminK..lhal may bo re- qtilrcd. ‘ ' . ti

"Dy tho' romovol of M r a n d ' Mra; t Vlnccnt from . WotpeJfor, IJio camatiia- p ity loBCfl a n csUmablu couplc. A rthu r q has boon cpnncctcd wltli the V incent F u m ltu ro cam pany for the p ast aevcn c years, nnd is recognized aa one of tho uubfltantlal bualneaa men of Mont- fi poller. W hile wo regret Ihelr depart- n nre. wo bollovo Uiat Mr. V lnccnt waa « forlunaio In being oble to purchaHC an- -q cBlabliahcd buulncos In Twin Fnlla. for j, th a t c ityT s“deaUned to bccomo one of li UiQ g rea t commorcUl ccnters o t South- |, e m Idaho ." a


Allan a. Ford ClnlmH T hat He Wn.i n Dnmiigcd to E xtent of $.’»1SJI by r U'liler Hhortiih'c. f

Alhm S. Ford Munilny bro iieh t-uu lt iin tlH! (liulricl courl for Die mini of l; Sr.isa. fo r ilnmiiKc tvllcRCd by lilin toh!iv.' rt-suUcd lo hlH oropu hy reaiion ,]of tho fiilUiro of .tlio (lorondiinl, Uio i

. r«-Jn Fa»H Sorlh iM o Iwin.J & ;Wivlercompany, to furnish the ttiuounl of iv:.. ,.ilw<;cl !1» linvo been .aiim liitcd lIn the c o n trac t wlUi him. Ho cliilnia jtlii'.l I.y of biieli ullCKi;(l fnlUiro. o111'. - ropii wirro in‘rlonsIy r<-diiroj|- In rflutintliy and hia land Brcntly rcducod tlu v a lu e . .............. ................... ...............t

■ l \E \v ][^u 7 .1 ^s 'r .rfiV HUM |AUTH'I.ES OF IVCOlll'OKATION '

- Articlcii o f hRorpdriillon w ere filed \Monday hy lho nalclK fe-Stafford com- t

w ith QU nuU iorlrrd ' cap lw l of ,|:'C,000 . fo r tJio purpo«c of cohducting ,|u Kt^iiorul to id unUi^u businesu In th is ^eity Tho IncorporntorB aro AlboM D. jS tafford, U d a G. Stafford. Ooneva M. ,Stiiflord of thla city. and-.Charfcs A. , Uiilcllffo. und Lola A. Ralcliftc. o f[ Chonoy, W aahlngton. * '


iiindl Authorizes Ciiy Attorney Oi — t o - D r a f t - O r d i f f c e ^ ^ -ILL BE EKECTED ON CORNEB W BKCOVD s ;r . a n d SEC0?#I> a v e .

ayo r Bwedey I teco m a endH' T hU i Also B etter LfgbUng "and'I>ouM e W ate r System.

Follow ing Uio receip t of a moBBage om Mayor E. M. Swocloy. favoring pc0 adopUon of a double w aterw orks rc ■stcm and- tho aecu rlng 'o f. on expert w: ' d d to rm lho lhd b est courao fo r tfio ar ty to adopt to secure puro w ater, m iking -for-tiio .im provem ents-.of..our ;h tln g by Uie extension of a ayalom th l .c lu a to t ligh ts/auggcfltlng U io 'aur^ jil; clng of lho four m ain a rtc rica for o\ ilranco to tho city aa fa r aa the. w! ty llm lta and strongly urging tho pt acQodlate nood of a c ity building or -r th e otllclat needs of Twin FaJls, Oj 10 council la s t nigh t o rdered the hi •atUng of an ordinanco for a bond Ui ocUon for a new city hall lo coal a ;>proxlmatoly M0,000. rOQUcated tho hi ivorol areh ltccts to aubm lt rough a letchea of.BUch hall, to ,bo erected to » tbo city lo ts a t Uio co m er of Sec- tli Id s tree t and Second avonuo north , cc Id Inform ally agreed on looking up n<1 export fo r Uie w ater syatem. Tho ai e a .lB lo erect, a city hulldlrig tw o tc erloB high and strong enough to ro i r m l t ^ i o building of two moro al ayteaHgWie—o ther .m a ttf fa . .rccnm-» in ended wore token under adylscm cnt pi R olatlvo to tho rocomraendallon ot

iayor -Swoclcy_ lhat_U io_ lib ra ry , bo_ ^ tcatod in tho city hall, Councilmnn " o H e r ja l 'd Ui^t Uioro wonyi bo.pppo;^ « lUoa to th is, a» m any w an ted -a Car* V CRlo Ubrary. To th is tho m ayor rc- f tied th a t’ all. th a t bo had heard (ils- iB8 tho Carnegie lib ra ry was oppoaed> I f Mr. Bobler aald tho t oll tho t f d h ad heard ta lk about It favored It, t ■hlch In d c d the Incldcnt.T ho messaBC of M ayor Sweeley

sads a s followa:"Tw in FWl»,'riIabo, A rrll l i l l i . ISM. ,

-Q cntlem cn-of-'the -C ouncil,-C ity-of — 'w ln-PellaHidobo;—The-flm t-blg-atop- -- m a rd the eoluUon of ou r w ate r dlf- cuUles has been succcBBfully taken; u t thlB la only tho foundation. Thero omains the supplying to the c ity of ^ '« ta r-o f- ft auoJJty boyond question „ n d 'ln sufficient quanUly for tho do- _ icaUc needa of ou r c ltlrenB ,and thla 1 - th o -aho rtca t- p racU cable . space, of , [me. I wlah lo u rge upon you the SDportance- o t speedy acUon along Ills Itne, first, because th o 'se a so n 'o f .cavx_useJfl_d t>8e:B t'hand ,-,w lU i^n j :s nttendant-dirticulU oa,-and. aecond. ^ ecauae ou r city Is' so rapidly tak ing

ro cannot afford to have hanging gvcr us the big question m ark of an _nBaUBfnciory-wator'Buppiy: 1 would -uggca t th a t the sorvlcos of a capablo ,nglneerlng export bo prompUy ob- ^dined, o r th a t auch tcala bo entered nPOD as w ill probably dlncloae li aatlb- jactpry source for such a ayatem, and g h a t steps be- prompUy- token looking0 tho lnBtaUaU6a.of-o-domcaUc-iIls- _rlbutlon syslom, wlilch could bo sup- .Hed. tem porarily a t lca«t, from woli* ^ nd pumps already In aorvicc. .••It seems c lear to roy mind th a t our j

ondlUoris hero Indlcalo a double aya-sm, ono for Uio oupplylng o t w a te r ^o r law n nnd s treo t uae, sew er and jtre e t flushing and fire prolecUon, tho ^f lre r fo r puroiy domestic scrvlco, the .1ia#go for which InUer aervlco ohould ,,0 a s sm all as ,U-possibly can bo and .o ' seir-auBlnlnlng. If ^ am. corrccUy j,nformed, tho imo of w a te r d u r in g 'lln r „um m er m onths for all purposes ex- ,ocda five nillHoii RollonB per dny. To _iroperly hnndlo lliis am ount o t w ater . hrouRh filler bods and ohtuin aaUa-actory rcQullfl Is a huRC undortnklng, i,osUy and. for th e g rea t bulk of the ^m ic r used, entirely unnecesanry. If ,k'«i mieumo «;iir p resen t populaUon' .8 ten thouannd, nnd the daily , de-iii'ind per caplin for dome»tlc uhc nu ^(flj- gnUonw, n very llhcrnl ostlm.itc, , h la would menn uomewhul Iosh than cn per ccnl of thu totnl w ater uaen which quality Ih Uin aupreine ro* .lUiromcnt. I npproclnln llii* obylou-i 1 liHndvnntaKCs of ii dmililc Hyntftn. Iml lolievo our iiltunlion horo dcmnndii IL

’•Our clly J.H u o t kceplns jiiicc wllh ho ciiriiiniid for improvcmi.'nl.s iniKhUiiK. I t 111 n o t ft qiifintlon of o>ni- . larlson with o U h t ctllln.i, rntlior one >f wlinl \yf) iuBlly owe lo oumolvon. ind 1 L'arncsily ri-TOiiun»;n<l tlm l you like iiucli un v ill rciiult In rx- cndlnB iiur rliiiitor iiyi-Trnr to InrluilPiiir buiiliiwiii (Jliitrli'l. o r by i-onio c iln 'r ''ilpnnTT flUTiplr.H^n- lllnmlnntiftn •wc- are- -J-i ro m n T r’cnniicrriTT--------------------------••

•■There Ih n I'hiln noeil fo r a city fmlldlnp. Tliff nrquisltloii o( the wa- 'crworltn. the formntlon oTTTTh rm - Jiloynipnt liurniu. nnd tlic o tlicrt city 'loprtrtmonta roquiro nff/co room. nnd. ^tsidc from tho neceoanry room to ‘iroperly offlco .the city 'a d,epartmcnts. “vo need an audllorluni. open for Uie ^(cneral uao o t tho public foi; tho dis- ^

;. (Continued On Pago 5.) ' i

» I | 0 R H G HD E l A Y S p D E P O T

regpn Short lin e 'ca n n o l Grt A " M e ir t o l i i i l f R 'c ig h m o t is f - -IILL CONSULT TWIN FALLS CON. C


cw 'SecUoM nou n cB for Thla C lb "« i'd fi lIoUlBter-l*refle&t F r tlg b t D ^ O o Be Moved Back.

Tho building o t the now fre igh t dc- o t.u t thia c lly Is being hold back by b eason o t tho unbounded proaperlty ci <hlcb-the. poM lo. aro-now _cnJoylng . tl nd which maK08 lflm poB8lblo-to--scl o ion to do Uie work, according to A. B. b rtarcnBon_gdncral,BUpcrintcn,dont.of > ho Oregon S hort Line, .who sp en t a u ho rt Umo In th^a c ity F riday looking tl vo'r Uio situation. Workiadn e»15ry- b rhoro aro now employed ahd th e com- n any flnda It Impoaalblo to g a th e r up c nough of them lo p u t up tho depot- h in the othcr.lm nd th e grow ing-freigh t ti ualneas o t tho city m akea i t deslm blc » hat groator focIllUos bo furnished. As o

resu lt Mr. Slovenson onnounccd- on b la v isit th a t be oxpccted to re tu rn In c . few days and consult the con trac to rs s 0 see WheUier i t w ill bo poaalble to r 1: hem to handle th e -«ltualIon. —TOo l- ompany Intenda to divide th e section i low conaUtuUng Uio HolUater b ranch n nd put one socUon h o u se 'a t 1101118- li or. b u t by reason o t the abortago of :: aen for constm cU on work, th is w ill v ilso be lot by contract. A now tfocttoii v■n..«n fnr rnn tfltn . ^liatcd. r,

I t Is believed th a t tho fre igh t house tvlll bo moved caat on tho l o t ' t h a t It rjow-occuploB-nnd th e »10.000 aToilftble cvlll bc expended In addltlona a n ^ lm * 1 prOTomenta Ih order t h l t thti^ifiOBfta 1}f Twin F a lls can • bo expedlUousIy 1Handled. '


' . ' (Hany M atter* Como Bcfcfrc Body— i-L ljrh tu TGranlod- for Streets U nriny 1-C onyentlon .--------- ' ' ---------- *

. - - - - - - - - - • i!W ater, ligh t and city ball miillcra

Look up tho groator part of thu Umc c3t tho city council, which met in buny cicaBfon-Iast n ig h t - T h o riRJit of. tlio J;public utUiUcs commlflfllon to nxcrcla;^; Isontrol over the municipal water- tworks eystem was denied, aud fol- ^lowing th e reccip l o e mcHunec of iMayor Sweeley. tho council dccidcd Jto invoBtlgato the.rela tive mcriul of a «rnterteff-:fiy«teiar.iiflic9mpflrcd iw ltb a- 1double- B yatem -of watorworkB, - oao 1for ono j

sionor P o rte r, In ’behalf ot hImHCif I nod .P lrfl-C lilcf -Carlaon. reported J n fa ro r o t they installailon of nix fire plugs a t places needed for Hpriokling J convenience and g rea te r protection. The m a tte r was tem porarily laid over.In the caso of a residence in the new • School addlUon which wanted w.iler connccUona, -It—wbb—determined to Rxant^the extension; provided ilini the oxpenaca should bo paid by Uio owner,OS undor th e old system. The recoift. mendaUon th a t a aback belonging to ,1. P. K avanaugh on lota 11 ond 12. block 56, b'o declared a nuisance wna referred to the prooor conimlltco. The . 11% ac rcs of a lfa ita land osvnod hy , tho city WBB ren ted to a Mr. Conley , f0 r .|1 3 on acre. Tho ordinance add- , Ing to Uie sprink ling d istricts was j Daased, pubjoct to roviaion after tho , hearing of protoata, also the original , aprinkllng ordinance. An ordlnnnco , wna also passed m aking clear tho , m atter .o f w ate r rcn ls for rcHidencos , and Imposing a fine for Impropnr uw.

City Clork ■Williams reported Umt • ho wns doing a rousing buslnosB aa employment agent nnd oBked for in- Rtructionn rolaUvo to cortaln dutalla, , which w ere given.

I t waa determ ined to comply with n rcnuost o t the Commerrinl rlul* thnt , the Ptrcctn bo lllum lnatpd during Uic convcnUon. , ,


Reliimlni? From T n in I'a lls Auto : Sh(Mv-Xone A rc Badly H urt In H h-


I,nut F riday ftveninj:, whllo re ta rn ln r home froin the aiKn nJiow ui, T»lr. Fiillfl. .Mr..- It.-. C ^4luUday-oL-lUiperj_ h ad -th e -m lflfo rtune^o -h lt-B -cH lvm _ Mra. S. Cnrutlicra. ono of the party WUK thrgw n lo the top of tlin car wli’ toniiidorablo force and stru ck on Jlif bowji w ith auch force tb n t her Jio' ‘ wn« broken ond h e r face brujxcd. Mr- Adnms. m other of Mra. H oliday/ waa also throw iungalnnl a bow o t Uio to, nnd hor faco admowhat cut:

Tho accident occurrod Junt beyoni Hazolton and medical aid could not h aocured unUl the p arty rcathod home.

! P U B « C « O ^ T y A R R IV E T O M O l O W

ivance Guard U n ir C h a ir D m l - t a - & a n s = { x p c c t c d .- ^ —


g (tonTcnUon W lll-B e-H eld F riday li o t ‘ Lavp-rliig ‘ T h lfliir—Jfany Flo- quent Speakers ExpecteiL

The trum pet of tho elephant- will• heard In Twin Fallii tom orrow , *1 .llUiR tho herd to moet T liuraddy tor ti ,e HClocUon of dclegnlea. lho paH»lng u

resoluU ona-and for "auch - o thor r lalncsu aa moy como- bctorp it.” p ost ot tho delegates a re cxpeot^d h hiorruw and will rumble through* 9 10 place whero tho Junglew used lo t r ftH gucstA bf Uic Twin Fnlls Com - b crclnl club and the pcoplo o t the g ty. All so rts of autos will be on p »nd and lho country will be uliown g >-U io~nien-rrom 'ouior-pautt-of^ tbo q ate. Au excursion to Bubl Ib one » ' tho events planned. W hile ll Is r iliovcd th a t tho conveiftion will bc j illcd to order Thursday morning. Uic | lecch o t welcome delivered by Mayor ( . M. Swccley. Uio reply m ade by ( vuii Rvona-lD-boholt of tho dolegatoa, l ic keynoto sounded-and comnilttccH > Dpolnted. i t Is posRlblo th a t Uio m eet- t Ig will n o t actually take placo unUl o ’clock, which will throw tho con-

onUon work back unUl Friday. This , III flDolly bo setUcd by Uic sU tc j linlrm an-en-lila-arriral- tomo rru w. -A- •; unibor of brilliant orntors a rc rondy , ) expatiate on the glories of Rc- , ubllcanlsnr. laying parU cular s tre ss , n -e lther-p ro tcc tlon -o r proparodnosH. . 1 accordancQ with Uic im preasion ot hiTiipeaker as to the respecUvo ih e r- la o t Judgo Hughes or Colohcl Roose- e lt aa tho m ost available second. . holcc a fte r Senator Boroh os presi* ‘ enllill condldolo. ,The ntrecta will bc Illum inated by ,

trlngs of elcctrlc llghta, thero w ill , (1 wolcomc slgna all over. Miller 1 ;vnn!i will aing nbout lho ''M istakes , f the Modern Moses." tho band will lay. Jind everyhody but tho Ropub- j canB-w lll-forgot -partU aaoh lp -fo r-a . | jw-^daya—nnd—woloome—tli«i-dl«lln-- ■ uiplied clUzenn tb "our m idst.” Chairman Aahton of the committee

n nocturnal accommddaUon Is atill n a bed hunt, and saya th a t he now as hopes o t chasing enough couches ) thoir la ir to tako cafo o t tUd mul- itude. H e Inid h is case boforo Uio 'wentleUi Century club Uds afternoon nd received much c'ncQuragement. ,11 tho oUi'cr chairm en declare them - clcvcs in a stato of completo pro* arednosa-and -ready for-Uio welcome i'vnsidn’.r “ Pocatello" lB ~ co u iin f 'w ith• apecial tra in and a band on a i r a d e xourslop, pa- e rs of th a t city, though no inform a- lon Jo Uial effect has been received rdre. ■ American Fa^ls Is' earfcctcd to oIn tho -Pocat'clloans. '


Ll! R rady for L otting 'C on tract, .Ex- copl FIpol' r i a n s Which A re Being B raftcd.

Tho achool board la st week received . deed for the William Ashton corncr, >n which the new .building will be reeled, and Is now awalUng the final ilans being draw n by Uio architect, Jurlon E. Morse, wblch, ll la oxpccted, k'lll bo completed Uil.1 Week. Tho nejnhcrs of tho board dcclnrc that ho silo sclocUid, facing Shoahono iroo t, w ill provo porU cularly a l- raeUve.---------- --------


Dr. John E. White, aged 58 years, lied F riday moniliig u t the bomo o t lls son-in-law . Fre«l S, Male, in Uiia ■ifV. nnd Wiin burled from the Cronby :linpel Sundny nfternoon, the hitvIcch Jclng condiiltcd liy Itev. I>, U. Franck.- mMor of tlio ICptscopiil eh u rd i. Dr. ►Virile wnu born In Uio blate of .Nev.-

If.- u w 'id tu .Mk'hljpn when a l p^oung mnn nnd began the prnctlce o f ' iicd ldnc, hi which profcaslon lie con- Inued in 'th a l ntntc unUl bo wnu Urickcn with parulyiilii ii(x yearn ;iko. : when ho and hiu wlfo to Twin ''alia nnd iiiiido Ih.'lr Imm^- with Uiolr dnughter. Mni. Halo, ilc- way u na'in- ber. uf Uio lIpiMcopal church.-- . — ~—

F or several ycam . (h<^re havo bcm lircn John R Whlto.-i IIvUik iti :lty, tw o a t them doctorH. 'i'li/T lot.ttLftU jelulciLlo. oiMvnnoilior............

ffH T U T N SAOroS'TlIVF.R ■ ■ " E E SER V O m U E A n ir.S 20.1) IT .

Oolning 3.4 foot during the week, n d lh 'g 'A p ril IGlh, the w nler In liie Salm on. rlvor reservoir Is uUll riulng I t a rap id , rato, and w ith continued warm w oalber a largo run-oft la luok-

'. . iiu.' Ui; tho next few weeks. On ho Ifitjr thcro was 31,530 acre fcot ot

wotor -Avallablo for irrigation , a gain 3f 6,780 ocro tcc t during tho woek.

W i P O T -O f T H E G O V E R N O R

ledares That V W r o w Wilson — Is-T tu H effcrso n ia n —OUNB !*«{'■ OK i - '■ "H E N T ’B ; t : : 'n 'f ; t i . . i - ' -.h i .a t - --

icm ocratic—B ecirint -K ^pnnndfd . hi iJoyernor'“A lcxnF dcr^ lit “ Ji-iTi?r»iin' Club Smoker.

Declaring Umt tbo pr!i-ciples of 'homaii Jcrfcruon a rc for Uic (Irst time ORinning lo rocclvo th o ir full upp jin i' lon under thc.udmlnlBlrntton of \v . od- ow W ilson;-that tho prcsont^purloi ul roapcrily is tho re su lt o f lho currciii-\ Ul enacted by a DcmocraUc bouso unJ cnato, prompted by th e president.*; bat thia prosperity, uQllko the occn- lonolrayff-of-sunshine-pcnetrB tlD pthe :loom of Republican depression and lanic, will bo lasting ; Umt pcacc and ;ood will among all m en, nationally .nd-lntem aU onally-w lll-ovontually-re- u lt trom WIluon’H policies, apd that u ral c red its 'and o th e r S im ilar legls- nUon will- atill fu rther*cnhnncir-thc leneflccnl rcsulUi of DemocraUc rule, lov. Moses A lexander predicted lho ixtensloD of governm ent rollroadu. the julldlng of-n m erchant m arine and 'the raBt Incrcasc of IntcrnaU onal trodo. In I speech a t Uic Jefferson club smoker riiuruduy n igh t

Qovornor A lexander began bia nd- IresB by paying a high tribulo lo tho :»Uicr..o.LPj;iao.cracYi whom ho-dcKlac:. :d lo bavo been the In stiga to r of nn h tcrnaU unal.m ovem ent. tow ard better thlnga and toward th e doclrlno of equality bcforo Uio law , w hich ho ad- vtWitcar ■ "W hcn-"many"of‘;ih c“ihlngH tha t wo bollovo now aro p ast nnd for- RoWon,*' hd Bold, "Uid w drdtf-of Uio Declaration o t lodopondonco th a t al men arc created c(jaal wJJl bo an In- cpiratloD to the pcoplo of tho world m d v/ill remind men Uiat tbc lr bro­thers. howover hum ble, a re enUUed lo ojuul consideration bcforo the Inw. Tliorcfofc;' It ■ li! n d f m ere ly ' a s Demo- crnts. proud of being m em bers of the pnrty founded by Thom as Jcfforaon but aa American citlzcns. th a t wc do honor to th is statcsm air.— Woodrow w iiB on-iB 'tho 'proaucrofT noinas-Jcf-'- forson. Undci' tho adm lnistraUon of Woodrow W ilson, the princip les of Uio founder of Uie Dem ocratic p arty have for tl\p firs t Umo been applied la Uiclr fulness lo 0ur--iLffalrs_,And-b0cau80 of th is fnct, wo aro now enjoying in this country an om of prosperity such as wo have, never hnd before. .Two yoars ago4-to ld n mf»Ktlnf nf hnnjf^rg boro that the passage of tho currency bill would bring abou t Uiis very re su lt Ihem ia u g li^ .a i .m d a ad most of ihom-dld n ot bcUovo jnc, b u t w hnt I prcdltilcd then haa como to p a s s . ' The R opnbltcans- had -lonK- i e euKuiztnl the- need of komo such cu rrency legislation a nd had.praml8Q( Jn.thclr.plaUQnD8, but had tailed to keep U id r promises. Tho rcsulU/Qf Uils g re a t a c t of the Wilaon admlnlBtraUon aro Just begin­ning lo be realized, b u t thoy have .al­ready assumed v ast proporUonq, Land values. al\»ays a n index o t prosperity, already arrived, tiro golng up rapidly, as you on tho Tw in F a lls t r a a fully realize, and as' you w ill realize sUll moro ia tho noar fu tu re . The nallon is rolling In wenUh. M ills a rc cvtfry- whoro open In Uio oast' and tho great lumbor m ills o t tbe coast country ,aro now opening' up to supp ly Uio dcm'and for lumbor wlUi w hich to build homes and bualncsB housoB. L abor Ib comi- Ing into Its own. Tiie ro lum ne o t bus­iness is voBlly g re a te r Umn o t any previous time In ou r coun try 's history. L ast woek business clcarlngB roachcd Uio enormous sum o f $4-600.000.000. while lhe la rgest c lcorlng for ony week In nny previous prosporous em w as $3,000,000,000, nn Increase of BD per c c n t Why g reo t results? UccauHO under tho clastic currency syHtrni entahllshcd- under the admlnls- trntlon of Woodrow Wiluon, ou r cur­rency has expanded from *3r> per capi­ta whore It wns wHcrv W ilson took of­fice. to $43 per cap lla . to meet the »e<“ds of buHlucau, uud-bocnune-m cn can conflilenUy expand the ir bualne.'ia und fr thill syulcin w ithout, llio 'foar ol

In HtriniTunry i\t a Umc when money Is liiioM no"d<'U. Somo Kciiulilicunii will lull .you Ihnl all Uic proupcrity baf OGino aboul nn a conscquonco of Uic 'viir. Tbia I;; un true, f.ook n t Un: toMK tin.-:, of beaded frelKlit rn rs . that nro «rnilnf: Into y ou r rity nnd lo Uir

jnoigliborliig lown of Kimberly nnd tc ,-iUI-Ua‘_QthL'LtOwnH imil cIUch oIoub thlK tn irt., W T j r ^ lT o T T c T lT I c n r thinun Ih cmpUjylng cnpllnl and labor blit ibr.oo i>rf><Jurl« nro not w ar mu«l- .llnin, Tli..v a r il n e t IhjijitiS'Utnl- .kill-! 'nybo ib '._ T licx -j:o m e 'J itic7 ia jtiiiiByou •y.lU....-rmrc,pl8 and ••n rn 'ss itlA Tlioy. lire till' lliln'jH- lh a l aro iiinkinc .this i-onuiry prn!iperoo.i. I 'lie lrc.ublt Iiuh hfp.n " I 'f r f tc 'o re Ihnt a f te r 'y o m crop was raised you (ound th a t ther< W( 9 no money to move It until Nc'a Vork hnd boen conuultcd lo .f/lid.oul wheihor UieVe requ ired currency woi forUimnilng. - Now you know nnd th«

. (Continuod on Hoga 4.i -

M O N E T O T H E - R I N f i— A G R E A 1 [ S U C C E S S

[ h o a S s Crowd the Streets f - - o f - B u h l l a s t - S a t u r d a y - - ~ =

v \ltU » K WITH HUNBREDS ----- j i r Xt lu S IN L IN E .-------------------

•;iori»rnl Snr^rhcs CloBc Jo jo n s Occo* ' -" i.i- iir iu - |n< aar-o f T enth 'B lrthdar® *— —

ru> .

About 300'' poople were preaent la nuiil Satarduy 10 wllnesu oud parUcl- linio spli'ndid program ou thejccnultM o n h u culebratiuD o t Uie tenthulrUiday QL.-thc-WCBl_eitdicity.; -T h e ------Ghllly w ind did nul deter tlif lon^liikC Jt au tos and floala from following tbo long line mapped oul aud tbo g rea t . crowds tim t pncked tlie Mldowulks nnd extcQdod-lat4>-U]o-e&ntor of th e s tree ts dieercd a» u particularly niiproprialo* - _ :ioat paased along. Tbo old ploncora- • ivho w ere on tho troc t a dccudo andiic -n o w .pionecrfl-,.wiio_.artlw;d_.tblB____renr. Joined tn sp irit’ nnd socmcd to lay "B olter threo monUis in Buhl Uian X-cycle-Id Cathay.'* It waa a really A-ondcrful cclobration and Uie efforla 3f lho Hpcakors a l the tabornaclo to paint tho vision In glowing colorrf. clo-tiuent-though they-were,-seemed buw a------fccbio e ffo r t to givo voice to the s e n - ' , tlm cnt In th e bronats o t Uioso who had watched Uic wIlderncHa grow to a ' thing of beauty under Uiclr guidance and Uirough Uiclr labor.

Tho tuatlvitlcB began in the nxom' m g n n iT tio - im ucic- wlih-t l rg-f iriugr-o f— a aalalc. im m cd ja lc ly following thcro was'fv conccrt by the Buhl band which lasted unU l tho a rriva l of tho TwinFaUs-bandr'& bout^oa’hour-lator, w hca__ ..lh a t organizaUon took iip the musical program which continued uaUl nooa. - In tho mconUmo the pioneers woro ^ coming In to reg is te r a t tho opera ^ houso and bringing w ith thom big, loaded baskcU Uiot woro an* ouenU al tooturo o t lho fcsUvlUca. M nooa these baske ts wero opened and spread upon-tho long tables ond.tho mulUtudo_ invited to partake o t tho famous yel­low, legged roosters and ta t bed! and , roaatc'd p ig and grcoc rolls.m odo fromflour.produccd.oa,the.tract.aD d.flolads___

In fflylotf. Bnd gardon___truck and pics ond cakes w ithout end. Coffee w aa served by lho pioaoor.w o- ' men and g irls and when the moal waa over tho ro was no longer a hungry man, w om an o r child In Bubl. • _ 'T h e n cam o 'IhO 'po radorloa 'IJT ^W H s-^

liam C unningham aa morahaU o t t}io - doy. Tho Twin Falla ta n d followed, • ;a fte r w hich ca m e 'th e TnUttary-com------p an j '-a n d -th e n th e '-flcb eo l'-eh lld ren-----wiUi flags; led by'U io Buhl band. The b u c k aro o B a n d buckaroo g lrla tollfl.W;_ _ed. T h e leading auto coht^nod-O ov------eraor-M oses A lexaader,-D r.'7 l>^.£^ ;^-4i^ bee>..whQ ■waa_Biihl!fl_flrst mayor, an d , , }>^yor E . M. Swooley o t Tw in F a l ls . ' A n^auto bearing Engineer John.N ew - to n r^ h o ten-^yearrbotore had b r o B g b t^ tho f i r s t tra ia to Twin F alls, came tn ' >. tho noxt auto. In a macfalno b eariac - / Uio b an n e r "F irs t Couplo M arried in Buhl,’’, wero the happy conple them - - ' Bolves, Mr. and Mre, • T . Roy Allen. Tbe brido on tho hU toric-occasion, was Mlas Lnlu Barstow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H D. L . ' B arstow ,-o f Buhl. T ho ceremony was. B o rfo n n ^ Jan u a ry 27, 1907. by tho lato R o t , ' John GourlojsjiaB tor of the P resby ter- , lon -chu rch of Twin F alls. • Mr. A llen . and W. S . H arris b u ilt the f irs t bual- ness house in Uie in fan t city, - .

T h o . Consolidated Wagon & Ma- ' cb lae company had a flno d l s p l ^ . ' follow ing Uio loaders, aa did also the'.’ S iorling Creamery company. Peck's- V grocery w aa on hand with a h andaom e^u rig . Bonner B rothers, wool buyers, -.'I had a rig fixed up with aheep on top. > Tho B uhl Tranafor, In everyday at^ V'.; Urc. b rough t applause. The f l n t ta ra i: in B uhl, by John Jacob/, wnu began ■'' tilling tho BOll-AacIjJ., 1906. nearly..^.- tlirco 'weeks boforo lift town •’waa 'i iiom , w as frcpresontod by a typical.. "i claim ahack and trimm'lng*. Ragcbnish around tho odgea. Thla w ai-.'^ followed shorlly in line by th e ijnicoUiV '' Produco comiiany'a claim shack oa an auto. T ills ahack'wa8 maae'"dt g u n n y ':^ sack ing ond the open doors showcfl'T.r nmny utrnHlla of tho early dayal Moigg 'J.’i & Mnya had a good display os did also lho Reynolds B rothers lIardwaso.cdm--'.,J pany. Mnny au tos boro tho nam es of>:^/ the p rop rie to rs p t the p laces^ t-b ti 's l-^ } o f Uiulr owfters. and m any dlffor^.*.ji unt m ukca ot au tos woro ro p M san ted .'^

Tho catns Uio famous' FalrchlW^ffi fam ily, •‘lho olu man. woman and l l t - '^ n t‘ fimli-ft- n f . l l i rlil ld r c n .. :O n -U i^ ^ tro n t, wagon o t thla c lw waa wum te n t with .pioneer a c c o u trc 'm e n ^ '^ U16 8. Fairchild. Sr., eftting'; o n : th tfMmjlnlrtn l»laYl"K " ww lifQ » Q w m g rth \a ^ ~ B H > ji^ e h ^ behind a ll Uf6 boys driving t n e ^ T M ^ H Ot cQursb. 8poclaUaxenUon':^niit-t^ B glvon th e float d tU e 'domueralkV’c l a S f l which, waa a H h lo ro t< f tr t , 'Q a m 'S tfM 9who b o fo re h6r> leM t'tozL ti?fflrtK i™ B Ewas Mlas Ulll'o r L l a d e t r o ^ n ^ | f l rc rn lly .f; > t . , her.: f e e t sh ield. TTldch- bore, thb h i w ^ f i r ^ S m .recelve^bomage^ j ; i r a b u t e j & ^ ^

(Continuod, o n 'P j g a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

Page 2: xi! Ndrss/ EW-CITY HAU- |L » I |0 R H G H W i P O T · voli xi! ndrss/ eleventh'year. ' tw in falls. tw in faces coumty,

> A Q E TWO * ■ » ' TWIOE.A.WEEK TWIN PALLS TTMys, TUESDAY. APBH. 18,1916 > _ _

C O N TA a MINERS « A R E E N M lA S T IC i_ ■ ro

Prom inent Engineer Tells Story “ . o f RcccdI Development i;

______ wtc

j s A y y m s K S .u ;nE/ii>Y p j i o d i t - tcIX ttd-AUGK AMOUNTS OV OUI!. “{

_ _ _ _ tc----------------------------------------------------- _ ' _ «t

K«w mnchlJHTj- lo Hc ln»(«Ued~by — itftinnn_tn.pi).. From (’luni) Arc

Bc/iiff ImjiTOTcd. Tj

T lm t tlicrc w ill bc lliroc lurKo tOjlp- pcr» of oro from Contncl In llic near

. fu lu ro la Ui_ejjtai(’mt!Ut of H. K, L«cc, law yer Hna inlfilnB onRlnccrr'wlio wn« * Jn Ulla d ty Tliun'iiluy nlRht on lila way trom ,C on tncl to Suit l.^ko und'Don*

_ vyr. for tlw pur&oac ol buyln* a lljrco d rill coniprcHBor lo r unjTJeinno-mlntrr — which Jin« nn lnjmen«e body of higii Rrnilc oro on hand Uiut doea n o l Imvu ,,, to bo sorted. The Dulimo fn now Hhfp- ,,,

.Ding two car lOiidu Of ore a week, but ,,i tills will HhorUy be Kfcatly Incrciwcd;

_ M r Luco waa occonipanlcd by Winiiim, ,,, McArdVc, UnnnrRCBrlndlvlihtal-hold*:^ 'j;, In tJit5 d ia lrlc t iimi «>wnor of thu ZcUu fu

■^Blanolmrd-wUiclL,promlacH,Att.d-!Vclpx» ni Ihto ono o t Uju bJBRt-jfl propcrtit's iJi' j , Nevada. Thoy rcpu ri thnt Hlainc Hank und U'lllltifn Ktilnc-y urc Jii«klr?K pre- pnratlonH lo open the UOHton which ,i, cnrrloH frne koUI In unknown qui£htl- ,i,

A O V E m siX C ~

C H E W S W E E T , 5L U S C I O U S {'

“ S P E A R H E A D ” i;■■■ ■*;----------

Y o u ’l l L ik e I t F a r B e t t e r T h a i / i

A n y O t h e r C h e w i n g

T o b a c c o M a d e - £________ d(

loI f y o u ’re a lread y a c licw cr y o u {"

o u g h t to t r y , S p e a r H e a d . I t w ill .si, au a lto g c iiic r n c W id c n -o f-

b o w d e lic ious an d saiisfy ing; a pr c licw c a n be.

H y o u ’re n o t y e t a chcw cr, y o u “ 1o u g h t’to t r y S p e a r H e a d ju s t th e 'sam e . Y o u ’ll l)c su rjiriscd a n d dc- k lig h te d to sec bow m ucli m orec o m fo rt a n d en joym en t you g e t wo u t o f to b acco w lic ty th e lu scious, lu w h o le so m e ju icc s in a S’p c a r H eadp lu g co m c in to d irc c t c o n ta c t w itli fr

: : : : ___ ■ _ ».spear Head is especially dc-

licious because it is made bnly tbc choicest rcd^Burlcy lca?~ \>[

—sweet, ripe. _mcllovr‘and fd f of j,' fruity, appetizing flavor. , ”

Get a cut of this supremely k ■ “ g^tod'tobacco- and 4ry- it."_ In , 5c ,

and IOC cuts'i

j Made in 1

I a s u i

! Y O I I M E A S

i ■- W vt ' ^ -


I . . . . . . K 1 'I : T H E T ;

I From $30.00 I 1 1 6 1 - 2 N o .

I ' . , U p s .

3fl. C. Lr ERRttnan and K tl'W alie rsr f Uo leaso one of th e Smith propcrllca. I IVO already uhlppcd two cara of o re id havo Bcvcn m oro In s ig h t H arry iiUh. tho wull-known m anugcr of the ■“ ovada Copper M ining, MIlllnR and uwor compjiny,; la maUlnK arraiiRo- ( oQttf to rcuum c operatlonH on the old luo B ird, from which already many tna o f fJno o re Jmvo bo«i> lakcn.V. A. MarHhail, proHldiint o t th e Scul- (5-Conutct C ofJifcrfom jiany. alHo wwjt irouKh Th-uradfty n ls lit on hia way lo “ eatUc, w here He waa culic'cl by lhe “ IncHB of htll wife. l ie waa aupcrln- R ndlnR road Iniiirovomcntti, p rcpara- P try to Uie jiuuliiR on of a tTno of mod- h •a. truQkH, which would Inereniie the ti ilpm unta of hla cumiiiiny ahont six t' dii. T his linprovcQicnt la going oD P cadDy in h)» nbacncc w llh the inn- ?n^dmBW-ju»t-recolvod, andilUc-lruck. T ac will aoon bo In operation. ^

_____________ - V


— ^otiil ror rJU '-^IonthK Abnnt l>o«^)lc ^ th^A Tcrngfl Vcur nnd a^.TItlrd More 'r im n Any O ther. . i;

DeClartng (liat llm unow tm the Sal- lon river drulnuKe la ntUI iiulle deep id iiolld, Uiut ll hail drifted to a coa- derab le ex ten t and th n t It InereancK v 1 depth from -four tout ut-Uouum ’-a In < ;vcn feet on the lilBlier Hunimllii. the t low fnll-bu llrtln for Uie-ldaho KccUon f Uie m onlh o f March aNnuujiceu tha t t oriLflaovc^'^VUlwrliiK th a i period than t jr tn g a n y pVcvloiJK"^r«rt'!»“ ror'nJni? >arn, wlilch nm'UeH a lo ta l 'f o r five ontha o f about doublo the ftrcrnRe, id m ore tlial! .v th ird grcalor than iirlnR uny prcvloifH ffve-niontha * I'riod.-' W ith refpr(;u>?c lo the Koherul r jndltlon In the alate. ll aiiytt: *■'WJiJle. the Hiiowfall durlnj: Miircli »

aa.cQ U H ldc.rubly, llghU.‘r th a n du rln KIfi th ree m ontha preeedlhK, It w a s 1' aovo n o r ia u l . . particu larly , a t ihe » IkIict IcvcJs , n n d wnH tlic' heavJeat ;<;<irdcd la Miircli ,in the laal n in e ‘ara, Tlifn'"Hnowruft, ac?ff»?<1 w ilir^ Tjce .aniounta th a t fell In Noveiiiher.<•(:( inlHT. jn n iK iry lux l f-V hruary, <> a k e a t n j i j th a l_ la a lm o s t d o iih l f a ic n iin i lf lV ftT n o u n r^ n r 'th r- f lv p .m o n tf i- d -rin d U nit (>xci'<:<l;; by o n e -tl ilrd tin - " •(■ritrst .v in n i in i cv .:r ri'Cord<'d in a H )'In r~ pcrlD d - b e fo re . —T h e r e -w as u ;ijld m i l l i n g a t ilii% lo w .'r lovc ln d u r - K th e m o ti ih . 5(nd,<‘,';,<7 i "I tliv I ilf rh rr K yelM _lhg_deplU iiccri'a;iei'l'"i- ';m ew lial, » i t In th e la t le r . c a f ic 'l i ie * ih r re au f ' hi fi •pill w an m o re d u e to ;-''ttU nK llm u b

a c lu a l losHOS. T h e i;now la t-oni- U ic t. w ltli a hh^h \. 'i i le r fo iitm it, and

driflc<l more; H um u s u a l , w h ile iihvi liiivo b e en rc la llv o ly I tif re q u c n l HI ahundant nml wcll-nniitiilni-.l now w.-iN-r };j u ll III-' p n u r t ^ r

II hlreiimn of tlif Btato during th e 11 ■inlUK Hi'rinon, and {li<> ftrcifrrcfK-c (if period o t abnorm ally high feniprTa-re during lh e aprlng m ight cause iiu .•erflow In aome of them."

------------------------- VASTKIl WKKK OB.SKnVKl) HY

AUXIIJAKY TO (’. \y. II. M.The auxiliary to the C, W. R .11,III obaervo the l-'asler w<'iit df •ayer ou T hursday , Kridu'y and Sal- •diiy afluriiootis. April 20. i’l and -1!.

Uie parlora of Uic ChriHUiin church om 4 lo n o’clock. 'Mra.'ICvnna will have d inrgo of-Hhe ^ tf l ln g -T h u rsd a y aflcrDOouJ»ud_the , Jh35rct~mr-tnt?-Tlar-vrtH~hf(-'JJeruKU^ r m—the'H (7mo W ork—Tivln KiiJhi." !' F riday aflcrnoon Mra. I larrlm an will ' • the Icad tr und the topic, chtJHcn b ^ Sam aria—State and National W ork— lalio nnd the Ualted Staten." "On Batiirday nflernoon-tlio .subJeuL 111 ho "The L’tlrrnioHt 1‘a r l of the ' a r th —FiirclKU W ork," with'" Mra. olllngMWorlh a» loader.

Tim es w nnl ade bring renulis. ||

'win Falls +;- - - - - - I ’T T O IL IR i; U R E I

' + !


U L O R . | i

' 4-

I t o $ 6 0 .0 0 t l

M a i n A v e . | J

. d i r b ,

P O T A T O - p W N T I f i r - - = = - _ DEMONSTRATION :OiyE«Couiifj and SfafcTX ^irfH TcJl Famt>

c rs About Ilow In Select tOitl F la a tScedV ............ .

Countv Agricult.iriHl W. N. n irch ii|ul K. I* Taylor, li’jrilculturlH l o t Uio univerHliy exlonHlon departm ent, aro slving n neriea of .dcmonBtfatlonB to potato pJanterfl imd olbera In torcstcd la Ihln county. wlUi a view of educat­ing the peoplo In regard to U n se lec­tion, prcaurvatlon and planUng o[ seed [lotaloea,

The firs t o f Uichc dem onstraUons in Twin t'allH counly was held on E. T . SaiVdnicyor‘n~Tilacc— tiear— ltu h l,U h is iveok, and demouHlratlonB a re achod- ulc«l-for—I ho— foUoudug— plnrta_nnd. ia lc s :• TJiur«dny, April 10 a. ni.—H. B. MuHiier, lwo inilou west of n i c r .

Thursdny, April .20. 2 p. ni.—Oeorgo ,\. E rhard t. three mllen northw est of FJIer. ■ - - V. .. Vrlday, April 'I ’l . 10 n, m.—J. C.

UcaUy. two nillcH northw est o f T.wl^i l-'allB.J 'l r i d a ^ ^ p r i l 21. 2 p. tu .-A . C. Ilulfi-’ erford. fli?ec-iiirT{i!rcnBt-of-‘lhrln--F«H8r • DU Kltnhi'rly road.

ill addition to these, ddtuM^atrntlonB win he held In Uie Haniien and M ur- tatigli diKtrictH,‘the .dates nnd plnccfllo be announced la ter. ___.

Tlic fanners will be given tho b'eab- t lt of practical Infitnicllon In Uie aelco- Lion o t K(’fd potatoes of tlio fiost typca’axi^b'-lO-ibe grown. _

The loading polato dliieaaus wlll'liO ' oxlilblted and explained, and a f te r 'th e elimination of all posHlblo defcclu In tile soed tin; J> will bo dipped tn c o r­rosive sublim ate or form aldehyde. Hoth of thesf ire.-ilnienta will bo idiown.

The treated .will he ‘‘greened" In fuimti cases and-plimied lii.careru llyHeleclcd Heed plots. These seed p lots w ill-lie Vrogued'' of a tiy -tu lx lu ro 'of viirleiy whea the potatoes 'liro In b lo o m ,-- ^

Tlie Irrignlldu. rotation and-eultur«.' tf {he denionjiir.’iDon plat will bo along ipjirovcd Iilleil for the producilon of tl'i('rMi i-^rc'*_“''e d .._ Tlic dl.4eased bjll.'i will be rcaioved aiid a “ i'.irf?rut-“ hlll- H-lccUoii". o f th e . seed plot w llj bo dib'glai; In the faU.

Tiione dcmouslralioun a re the be*, cinnliigs toward a system o t po tato feed ccrllftcailon, kucIi »:i la In vogue (n U’lKroHjjln. ah d .lj; 'o b<- of g rea t Di'ucrii to pntiito vccd crow ers nnd ;he JdnJio pofato Ifiduiilry In genoniJ.

These -qiotaio siH'eiiillstH prom ise ‘ome valiiatili: anil praeUcal Iwfornia- •ioii to all will) can allend,

StlRArHiGtl-SeHOOl-- - - - - - -I S M I Y M

I'nipiiMMj (ll lucltidc Kfgitt D istricts Wltli an Asse-^M-d Valiiatiun of -Vbnifr

A declnlon h;i:i been received frciin Dr. K. (), Sli';ion. I'ommiusion of eiin.-,-.- lon. la whlrh he niates lha t lhe fotiiui- .lou of u ru ra l high scliooUdlslrii'i In tad atioiit I-'Jlrr wJJl be entire ly l>'):;il- riiW nieuas tha l the wny la now i'l< ;ir ror-tb*' orgaiilzaUori of a high lli llf im irV fD m T m tultT ^hlch-w ill-ua- In keepiiiK wllh llie fiilure o f (lie i;ouniry. Aa slated In la s t week’s Jou r­nal. llie jdaa wlilcU has been prtipoHrd nud wliii'li lias mcl wllh tnucU favor- uldc cnmmeat In lo form a school dls- i r ie r r ro r ' h lg ln jchoo l purposoB - only, nf llic elglil nchool d ls in c ls adjoin- lag tliln (wiiniuaity. These dU trlets a re : Maron.-Curry,-Kinvwood, Wash'- InKtnn. Fil<‘r.--Thomi:iai. Ccdar_ Draw and I’olar lllll. ~

A levy ,of twn m ills on tli<rlr (oial valuation of would prodticca yearly fund of.allghtly over t'i.'iOO for till' iiialntoaanee of tlic acluad. A board,of six members, elected Trnm iiic hlgli .’ulio/)} dljitrlct a t large, would control Uie uehool. ’ ,

A bidldliig of Jl’ft.OoO woald fortuhly house Uiis new hlgli -iicliool. TIk' levy of two milln m entioned ahevo, would inaiataiii the ordinary running expr0 !*es (if till! school with sIx te;ich- ers. lu addlUon lo this. tli<- liuHdlng w-iiiild afford spare to tho»e es;U'ailnl elcnu'MtK In every cnlhusia:<ilc liiliool —draniatlci!. musle and aih l'tlics; tlic force;! all olher.s thjil will J;cepyour ’boy and girl a t liouu' and lu nchool at the «nmc tline.

n i , i ; u M.\>- OKTS (’A L L K IM J^OKKKIt I'O ltv iiim : t)F IlOO

J a k e l iu r k e t t o w n s a f in e lliU e Spttr. d i'i; t l i a t re fu se s to In' hand led by an y o n e. K now ing ih ls Jak<- jo k - liiKly to ld o n e o f th e c re w w o rid n g on Uie itta te h ighw ay th a t w a a a d m lr- Itiif Uh- dog !ind p lay liij; w ith lilm . In rc.'ijionse to "how m uch Wdulil li" la k o fcir h im ." h e cou ld liiiv i' h im If ho < <iiild pick h im lip an il t;ik<- lilm In.iuei J;d[>' luid no Idea o f p a r t in g w ith lilm ,. hut <Hi| o u t U iltik II fK).'i.“IWc fo r iiny - (llle to p ic k ttiu dog up- 'I 'h e T-'llOW I)l.l;e(l Uie doh' Up. hUl g o t h it il COU- jile o f thiK-s. hu t nuiuHKpd in t;e t n v . ' f ' iiro u ii 'l th e dog ’s ne ck ju) hi- cou ld h .im lle lilm . a n d s ta r te d o f f w ith Ui(v ■ sa iiie . Ju k e c a lle d to tlie mini to {ii:( t b r d o g dow n b n t h e k*‘; i i nn g o - Ir.j; iiud lo o k th e dog to tin ; c 'um p n e a r t'lV I! T lie fo llo w in g d a j ' J a k e re;)Jov- (Iied lh e dog in J iis lle e c o u r t , am i g o t |.ri;i.-rs'.li)n o f lilm . I 'a p e r s w<'n- filed unit th e t r ia l sc l fo r lh e I s t l i . T h la (illl n u t s u i t th e m a n w ho plcKcd-.UD lln - dug, a n d h e u rg e d Im n ie ilis tc t r ia l , a'- h e . w as le av in g to w n M oin liy , bo ,hi/|(.i- l i ip le y .•'UKgcsted th iu the m o;i ge t to g c llie r a n d se lU e th e c n a tro - c crsy . ThiM th i'y d id , J a k e r>-'iylng lh o cosin of th e s u i t luid g iv in g th e utraOB- cr fT.r.O 111 fu ll i^cKlciiienL .Si> cii'dcd w h a t p ro itiis i'd - to h i^ 'a io n g d r i ’iv n 'o n t s a i l fo r ll ie .p o ic e s s fo n o f llig c inc lU - tin S jiltr ,


(Jeorgc Dow and V. 11. Karis. p ro ­prie tors of lhe Klectrlcal llDspltnJ, have utarted construcllon on a one- st<iry hrlck hiillilhig ou Second ;ivcnuo Sorlli liefwccn Shoshone ami Second i'trPciK. and will be ready to <iccupy It tiy May-1. T here w ill be a (ll»|ilay and t::i'.eM rcinu In front a n d 'a wi>rk shop In the rear. ------

■ . Eai----- ^d'Oyory.QP.e .wili w ant jo b t

is offcriag more a ttractive a ioo. This will be a wcok ol cxclufiivo; yet in good tasto, i ful assortment of now Sprinfi

. A D i s p l a y o f U n u s u a l

D r e s s e s f o r S j p r i n j

d u in ty a ty lc s in DrosHCH, in ( 'h ines, PtisHy 'W il lo w Tnf!

■f'clte.s, C h iffo n s , l in c e Net«,- < t ie r lu l a r r u y .o f ;iew :8tyle.4 . S

' iiil(; y o u in o n e j)C th e se K' deis. U v 'u ry ^ g u n n c u t .slrowi

___iniiTi>i_<‘_ x c lu s iv ^ ^ y U > fftu tu rojtiid a y re i i t r a n g e o f c iilo rii fro m —

$ 1 5 t o $ 3£W U t e C i u n c i i i i l a C

$ 1 3 . 5 0•Insl a r r iv e d , n nhipnioYit o f ( 'h /h i'iiiJia ( 'n n tx , niudi^ it) s .slyle offfe t.s . Y o u ’l l f in d tlic v u lu cs lo b e iinil u t Up

------Ull above. WJ i i te ^ p a j - s a r e id(.iiliv td iv t* iji .sty le « iid inoro i jiriee, a t ^il:{.r)l). S e c tli'eiti.

S p r i n g S u i t s f r o m $ 1(h ir ilispJiiy o f s u i t s tliis w a s aiivatieu o f a n y iire v io n s d i

1 siv les u re h e t le r u m l tln> p V o u ’ll f in d .slyie iun-c to s u i t idiial I n s le ; K arine iU s Ih n t art!

I and e x e h ts ivt; in .style.. n n d ,a o f s ty l e s t o ' — f f - j Ie)»pj«tjjj*» Ijuyjjij; n Sjn-in^ S do well i f yiiti o n ly le i u s slio atU 'iie livo n ly le s l ic fu re y o u hn


in 'I’u r n ,1’u m p s in

K id , l iro iiz e ‘ l'*ate(i{ a txl

.Mat ICid, in iln* im w

_Gy[isy cu t, u -itli eo.viTeil

hc<'!.s t«j'jniiYe}j.' ■ PneeTI a f iji-t.OU.

\ - _________________________

■ PS i l k s G a l o r e

J A s w c k n o w , t h e r e is a sh o rt- ' itl siik.H, /im l th<* m n rk e t ■ i ir f c o iis it le ra b ly hit;l>-

- r 01’ n o w th a n . th e y jv .c r / ' .H'nnc t im e iluek , Im t y o u wiM fitid t lm t th e prie.OH h a v e n o t atl- v n n e c d iin y e t a l th e I . 1),, am ! o u r a r r a y o f^p a t- i r n w aD il' d if fe re n V Icind.'J'of faUrii'H w ert! n e v e r g re a te r th a n lit th e p r e s e n t tim e , h a t n o w i.s fh e l im e to b u y — la tttr on p r ie e s e » tn » ) t l i e l |) b u t ad-

- v a n c o . - .

V - ____ • _____ — ■

s t e r W i l l S o o n B e H

5 -a ttire d in tb c l r b e s t—e v e r y dep i ^ i M ran a~ B ettcr“ ff lw cb an d i8 e -th aa !"«vger b u y in g . 5 I f o p p o r r « a r n t^ a n d w e f e e l t b a t y o u w ill p ositive] ' M erc h a n d ise w e h a v e o n d is p la y

l y P r e t t y

[ W e a r . , ,

_ _ _ L ’ .'C re p e D c

tc ln s , G eor- /in w on- A i ^ ^ t

tire ly w e c a n ^ • beofiiiiig m o- ....../ nrr enihol'Jie.'j8. A ll size s /igs: P r ic c d ------ / / a « K '

5- I

o a t s a t

..............w i , i .o p L / / / / - ■ ■

cveriii new . i N I ' :se eoa ta t l ie I Ii> p riee (luo t- i t ' - ^ L 'J a l ; th e y a r e l i ^ ‘ i t t r a e t iv e in

i 5 t o $ 3 5 \on is f a r in \ J / / I sp lay .- T h e \ ( / \ \ricCs lt)w er. \e v e ry im llr - \ .f in e ly m a d e ' • p r e a t r a n ^ e „ •’on~7rre-CTm*------------ ^ u it . y o u w ill w y o ii’th e sc • ••y- '


Jil l ’« tc n t a n d G n n ^^(!lal, J l u r y Juuci! a u t i 'S t r a p S lip p e rs — 5 to 8 t i l $1.00 to $1..7(); 8 1-2 to n n t $1.:55Ha .$ 2 .0 0 ; 11 1-2 to 2 ,

^ H t $ l . ' ) 0 \ o $ 2 .2 5 ; a lsoj ) « r y .Jiuio-s m g iW lIT g ----- -g ir la a t $2.00 to $2,50.

~ ~ T l i i s i s - D r e s s - n p T i

' \ M e n ’ s S p r i n g 1

A n d D o m ie rc w ill y o u f in d I .D . S to re .. O u r s to c k o f i

• is now . e o n ip le to in ev c rjV _ Y n i ju p M e n a n e.<ipe(7i«})y j

S u m m e r— th e “ K o o l-K lo lh ? ’I’h is is a sc rv icab lc - u s wolL ^ fiixoH-iimt d i f f e r e n t - lu o d d i ] | . slioTi^itig II w id e r a n g o o f ] V d a rk s t r ip e s p re d o m in a t in g

P r i c e d f r o i

B o y s ’ S u i t s f o r E a sIn a m a g n if ic e n t d i s p la y o£ lo w p ric e s . •. T h e l i t t l e felloe so u — th e n ew “ K o o l KI — th e y a r e a t t n i e t i v c in Kty w)jo ile.sire to h a v e th e Ji

. .styles sh o w n in a g e s u p t< s ty le s a n d p a t te r n s . W e ar'

• i>air'pH»t,s ,snit.s a t $ 5 .00 a; $4,ri0 to $10.50.

S p r i n g N e c k w e a r

a t 7 5 c

See th e a l lu r in g p a t te r n s w e a r c sh o w in g in thin Jiyw lo t o f n o e k w e a r fo r S p r in g w e a r , l l t iw m ueh a w e ll 8(?lected ti« a d d s to - Jt m a n ’.v a p p e a r a n r c ! W o 4 iavo a n a lm o s t u n lim ite d Kcleetion o f p a t te r n s . Look th em over.

S n t n m e r U n d e r w e a r

^ ' n th o flim o tis “ ^ llu n sin g W e a r .” X o g a rm e n ts a rc ’ b e t te r n u ide o r h'Jive b e l te r

- l i l t i n g , iiu u litie s . ,,___W(:,^ikr_e sh o w in g a gt^eal rlu ig e o f ' s ty le s . In V .esis th e new hiitid to p is {M>j>nhtr, a!,s» in th e U n io n S u its , l-^nvelojie s ty le u n io n suit.s, uh w e ll as tJie r e g u la r s ty le s - l*riees

. r a n g e fro m -'lOe to $1.2,'i per, f l u e n t .

. ■■ ■ ■■■• \ j '

e r e

.rtmont. thronghout the store -most-atorflfl. at-lower prices, .>y-l/»ft]ring-for-tttyIivft_thn.t ftm. “ y be ploaaed with the wonder-

M ’ m :/ / / ' V ■U ^ = L = __________ •

■■ ■ ■ . -


With ]liih)>er Soles, for Women and Children,Pumps and Emmy Tan

^?nmpfl.- -:A11-Tii35e«?=pricedr:r —- - -from $1.25 to $2.00-— - V

m e -

i u i t s $ 1 5 t o $ 3 0 ,

better values t)mn here a t tho uits for Men aud Young Men leiiiiL., Wc .are' featuring; for ttraclivy snit for-Sprijig and—-- - '-’-garmenlft7-prieod-at-$12.50.___ _is a stylish suit. Comea in all

In_U»e other linG.s ive are atterns and styles, greys'^tihd

Let ns show you.

1 $ 1 5 t o $ 3 0

t e r

attractive styles a t unu.suaZJy '’8 were not forgotten this sea- )th” suits-iu ages 2 to C years cs and will appeal to mothers tie tots well dressed. Other '16 years in many attractive ,

! featuringthe all ftivored two id ^ -95 , Others priced from

S h i r t s i n E v e r y

-----------P o s s i b l e S t y l e

Sec the display of J len ’s and Young Jfen's Sport Shirts, iji all the new eol- oringa and effects. Some with lies-to matclu Otiier styles in every po.9siblo pattern a t a rango of jTrices to kuit all—$1.25 to $1.75.

A p r o n s A r e ^ H e r e

In a grcHt," variety of styles,"The Hungnlow,” wade of good ((Uality Scout Percales and many other styles. In jlrtet -we enn -h I io w -yoH-flDy— - desired style in nuuiy differ- *'nl pattern effects. See thcso Apron.s. Yotj’Jl ho sijrprised at the fow priees when you consider the ipnility of them

iHutertHJs. ’ C’hlJdr«»’« luatcrialN. Childn-n’s nprons, loo. Prices: rtjnge y5e to

t^ ^S S S S S m S S m S m m S S m S ^S S S m m m S ^ '"

Page 3: xi! Ndrss/ EW-CITY HAU- |L » I |0 R H G H W i P O T · voli xi! ndrss/ eleventh'year. ' tw in falls. tw in faces coumty,


, I ■ If .YourSalai— 1------- ' Modes!

Ki' *Ujll • —Don't w all un lll you have i - I | o u t your Hliuro o t 'l i .

WM r~ "Your Blmrc" ly tho amwSl fu ture wUli. FolkB-’wlm -wiJlflN b e f o r e BiivlDK any alw ays finh n clam oring for every d o lla r

t Iw incomc.------jlHL—______________ _JlaTP_a Twin Fa

|W . Company S ari



M ore ^ h a n Twicio a s Moch Being........-P ln n to d - a n - T h e r e - Wiw' h i th e

W ost £ n d Lant Year.

■ I t la CBllmatcd b y Ihoso who aro In a position to koow th a t tbo acrctEO ot

__,<orn jvb leh w!1l_bojlftntcdJn Uio Buhlc o u n try U iii year will bo moro than double th a t of liuit year, o r o t any p re rio u o ro a r , to y s tbo B ub l Herald. I t w as eald ait ono timfi th a t corn could

A B argain

T his elx-room modern houso for snlc ------h f ~ r rni tn— Art.lrPBg-antrfith~TP’fttif---------

I H i a u t o - '

^ l e ^ s P E i 1 (Prices Advancot

C O M E O; Hero i t is. The Biggest.I evory wny tlie Best motorcycli

<‘h in e iC y c d r a h c iid oT Ih c in iu i forc-put in a raotorcyclcr Eve

; ♦ to moclianiRal aud practical pci ; : HEKE ABE SOME OF Tl

OONBID!;; , JJltra Power Twin Motor v ' . Silenced Valve Action,] Entirely Enclosed Motoi ; JIcchRnism,■I SinfJo Lover GeJjr Shift h

nt£d by tlie clutch arm witb no ' ; to break, stretch o r loosen., I These arc a few of the no 1; bejippreciotcd.I ; Wo iavito most critical ii

‘ and'ovcry man •who wants a n service.'

: -W hen a Better Motorcycle is


138 2 n d A v e . S o u th .


f. ' ; P

j ^ B p i P ^ | r jjll 8


y I s O n l y a <

F O n e = = = = ; = =I big Halnry before holding | J

' I ? 'ount you keep to build ^ ! iU--lO-Bet n - lo t of n io n c y - - lA • lls Uiclr unrcBlrnlnod ncedrt ffl i ".. no jniittcr how big the 1 |

t I 'OlaJttnnk.*. T n i s i ................ I _ _ 'Dffs Account. I ■ ^


not bo grown In th is country, but men oro changing ih c lr opinion on that point, and Ihoro w ill bc a BubstanUal IncrottBo' ovor la s t yeor.

Tho Inrgost ncroago th a t will bo planted by a n y ono Individual, io to be planted by Jacob Schafcr. who will tiayo lOO-ncrca of-yollow dent; 0 . F. L lobbart w ill p lan t com again Uiiu year, and a num bor o t others aro jlon tlng i t fo r o th e r than siiago focil. Mr, Llobhart had about C.600 pounds ot jwUow d en t seed corn earlier In Uio jefta<3n._cnoHgh_Jo__plant__abom. 700 iicrcs. and m oal o t l l has boon sold tor seed this aprlng. N ow allos aro being plaaoed by tiio ,dolfymon..gnd {liot.wlll account for a p iirt o t tho fncrcnsu a'crcago of corn, yet Uioro will bo many acros grown to r other than silagoteed. ____ .1 • . •SlTKETieS O W E ll TO SETTLE '

W ITH STATE FOB «110,000 BOISE. Ida.—Tho National Surety

company, su re ty on tho bonds o t 0 . V.- Allen and Frcd Coloman. defaulting " trcasurdr and" UoputyT reapeettveiy, o f Idaho, made a proposal today to set- Uq a ll claim s ag a lne t I t fo r $110,000. Allen and Coleman embezzled $93,000 lu cash, b u t thu s ta to iu o u i Uioueands m oro on Intoreat, tho klUng ot chccka and juggling o t bondH.

Jamea 8 . B ogard, export cxamlnor, placed Uio total Tobb to Uiu stato a t $133,608.82. and i t w as fo r th a t am ount Uio BUte .b rough t, su it in tho courts. Thu proposal for a sotUooicnt Is being sorlously consldored by Uio depository b M r iL __________ ___________________

ALWAYS la th e m arkot for good alfalfa hay. baled. John P ln^e, Phoof,

" : .......:___ r-Ad?

l s i o d ’ICYCLE I N . I

ID, $290.00 :I April 1st $15,001

N B O Y S !Most Powerrul, Fastest and in ;I ever put on-the road. A nm-_ itc , with n e w ft'JiturcH iio v w be-' i ry one of'them Cully developed' I •fcction.ffi FEATUEES FOR YOUE EBATION , • ■?ith Enlar;{cd ValTcs','-' ;

r Chain, eiutcb and Clutch^

■ith Automatic Shift Lock oper* wires or other intervening parta

(V features that must be seen to

lapcction of every niot^ircyvJist i notorcycle for hard, depcndnblo ;

Bunt, I t W ai Be An Eicalaior. :

i n B r o s . ,aAHOt a o e n t s -

r . PHON* 706 :

i f lU R T I I w m u

•fsgran i fo Be P isa issed at M ertingofC lubN extH onday .


I)c«lrc to Got Jn Touch -With Bemands of Pooplo- In Ordci’ to G hc Wliat Ih 'n 'lm tc ^

The qiioBUon of a program for the celebration on Ju ly *, w ill come bo- fore tho com nierciat club / o r d c ^ r -

25. a t w hich tlmo tho prelim inary slopu ' wUl bo tak cp . nnd committees prob­ably appointed. The club has docldcd to mako I t b igger and bcUor .Uian ever th is year and for tJiis purpose will *»- troduce now foatures Into the progm ni a s woll aa elaborate fluch old foaturen au havo proven uliUBtactory. 'In order to got Uio beat Uiought of tho coni- munlty on Uio aubjcct. It had boon dc- ctded to in v U o 'tho BUgg«titloaa-M£j

-rt^mniTin /if nii nnil pvnrvono who hnn a plan w htch ho .th inks w ouii'a 'tlil'ro ' Uie Royety of Uib occajilon. o r 'servL- to Incrunao Uio patrloUc character of Uie program , l l la asaumed tha t many wfio wltnoasod the c n to ru iQ ^ o t . Intit year saw points on which they Thought Im provem ent could bo m ad o elthcr byaddlUon o r e llm ln aU o n .......................

Those who did aro no t only invited bu t-aro-nrged-to-com m unloaU i-U iclr- opinfons to Jam as McMiilao. secretary of the club, who will lay tho maUer before tho proper commltteo for con- sldoraUon. A fow m lnutos tlmo and a poiitftgo Htrttnp may bo tho meana of grcaUy enhancing tho enjoyment of tho people, as tho ctub agrees n o t lo pvcrlook any suggoBtloB------

• * ' ’ m E B h a p p e n in o b '^ ^ •

{From Tho F ile r Jo n m o lj We understand thiat a t tho loceUng

of Uie v illage trustooa Monday night a very IntercsU ng seaaloa was hold. A QucsUon aroBo a s to w hether lho Gem Siolo L um ber Co. sbould bo allowed to go’ ah ead J in d , c rcct iR ; fromo shed in. Uio firo lim its of tho village. In order to gej a round Uio.propdslUon Uiat p art of tho ordinanco th a t affectcd tho lom on w hich tho sheds w ero to bo built was repealed . Tho repealing of any p a r t o f. a « ro ordlnnnco. If It can be done, w ill be a grave mtstako. as It Ik lho only aafoguard wo havo fo r brick or stono s truc tu res . An inJuncUon hm boon H'iiCUrcfl“ on-U nj lupeaH ng-ot-i portion o f tho ordlnnnce, and Qio cum will bo taken lo Uio court? to r tlnu adjudlcaUon. '

A week, ago SunjPftsMarBhall All^i WU3 called by A rt Hudson to como over to hlH hoUBO und look a tte r n stranKu lioK tb n t wns having fits. TheA nar- Khall huitUcd over m a shot tho dog. Hc cu t off hlK head and Rent I t to DoIhc. Monday he rpcclvcd a wlro Uiat tho dog had hydrophobia nnd negntlvo mentnglUa. Tlio^ order rciiulring all dogs to bo muzzled had nbout run Its courao7T)UfDB"rflCCipt o t UilB'tclesraiir Uio au tho rities ordered the nmrsliul to onforco the order to the IcUor. whlcb

- i s now-bM bg donc.----- Tho A nto shovrat-T w ln FhUh wns a

groa t Buccefls in every pnrUeuJnr. Lots• o t c a rs wore sold, nml n (;uod lime all• a round was had. Some Hiikndiil cars I w ere exhibited and people learned > moro nbout ca rs than Uicy couUl Imvc• tinder any other plan. The larKo Mar- ; tnnn c n r Ujat a ttrac ted b JiUon-• Uon, wati purchaaed by Mr. llrnckcn- r ridge of the Tw ln-Falls Mllilni; H Ele- t v a to r ' Co. ’ '[ A’ ftuppoalUUous report con<:ernlng [ an nllcgod baaoball Ramc Ima Thurs.-- day is balng cIrculatcJ. J t Ju-aniicrtcd

th a t tho F ile r baseball team uml S up t■ B racken Journeyed on thnt dnic to the _ h rp o th o u ca l town of Klniberjy. Thla

rep o rt hus proved dlfn'cuU lo coiirtmi, as n il the people mentlonetiy ubovc seem vory reUcent on t ie auw't-L 11 you don 't^c llovD • It Tisk U^cni >hc score. -

Tho M aroa W om anV ^ub nii'l ut Uic achool houBO T h u ts iw ’ aflernoon. Mcs- dam es Oullck, Lconhcr anil Onmbrel w ore hostCHBCB. Twenty u'ercpreaent. After the buslncsH m e ting d program was given In tho auiHlorium.

, Mlaa H o te l Glasglow gave n iilano hoIo and M rs. Evans n whjHUhiK HclecUon w hich w as g reatly 'npjireclalcd. A da in ty luncheon was-' Hcrix-ii hy the

I hoatcBuoa.Sam Taylor waa In town yoKlordny

from his fnrm near Huhl looking utter tho now houso he' la buildlnK on Ya­kim a avcnuo. Sam only comca to lowr whon I t ra in s hard cnougti to keep him o u t o t the Held.

Wm. Prico and family rclurnod T h u rsd ay from Texas where Uioy spen t a year. No more Texas to i •"Billy" o r-a n y of'tho-fftm lly. I f N B ingham , fa ther of-Mr«. i’rfca. Tctura- ed wlUi them and will make this his

' homo. Mr. Prico will build a home on hlfl tw en ty n t tho edgo of lown.

Tho now housoa of S. D. Tnylor and John B lass a re now under construc­Uon nnd when completed will bo a valuable addition to ou r village.


H. O. Corfleld. form erly nn employe of tho M llner-Porrlno Limiber com-

■ pany . re tu rned la s t week from Eng­land w ith hlB bride. Mr. Corfleld won! to th e old country for- tho purpoHO. ol cnllsU ng In th.o arm y ot his couniry bu t w as n o t accopt«d on nccount ol defectlvo .bearing , which cnme In fol­low ing M operation some years ago F ind ing tbftt ho could not get Into th( govem m ont service. Mr. Corfleld lol hl(}_fancy_llKhtly tu rn etc.. with ‘natnrai-rO TnTtr4ltf »l}^■^ottJ6■up■w)^^< business affairs In this, country, aftci w hlcb ho will go to Canada to live T b ree o t tho Corfleld brothers former-

' ly liv ed In Buhl. A t the bcglnnlnr- ol ; th e w a r two o f USem wont back afa<:

jo lsed th e BrlUab arm y la which tbej a re now offtcers. H. O. CocUcId waU

I ed to se ttle up th e ir affairs for then w beo, be too. re tn n e d to England.

K I N G 8

’ i -■ p S to c k -C t

T h e c a r | ;

r » , - r i o p cra tio :R . 6 § r G t S su p re m e

l l Buc| i , m a d e a

- -ii.'-!:’ ' p e rfo rm .

■;— -----------------------f t ----------th e -c a r - ’

I I A lb io n t

N o T e s t 11; ' ooodmg

i s t o o I I " Dm

f o r t h e p c

K i n g s _ i

v ^ l'N e l- ■ « I ®

5 P a s s . L - i | ..................

$ 1 1 5 0 I ...... ..

7 P a s s .

$ 1 3 5 0 I Y O l

— ^ O r - 6 — g - — ----------

D e t r o i t


(From' tho Bobl llem id )C. F. Llebhnrt.,who lives three mlleB

jmrUi_o£.JIuhi..-flCQt_tWO_buflhcI^ of seed corn to Carl John, form erly with the unlverHlty extension departm ent.

pf tbo Corn-munlty Farm nt Mountain Home. The fleed wan y ellow 'den t variety , large cvCQ.kernelfl, and It had nil bcnn hnnil picked. Mr. Johnson will uBO tho Back tb 'p la n t about 1C acres of corn UiIh spring. Mr. Johniton learned of the com raised by Mr. L lobhart while working In the B uhl-country la s t Bum- mer. Many of tho farm ers nro person­ally ncQunlnted wlUi Mr. Johnson and will bo Interested to learn th a t hc bat aocurcd-hlH seed com from the Buh! country. I t was of excepUonally hlgl (luallty .,' J /A . Sinclair, a partn e r tn th e Buhl Departm ent store,' the- HuccoRBorH tc Swunncr'B. waH In town on Sundny. 11< waB pleasureably su rprisod-w bcn—t p a rty of Uio employees of the Idaho Do partm ent Storp In Twin F a lls nnd Homi friends c o m c .p w hiLauto, and liuntet him “ up" to see th e ’new storo nni tender their beat wishes for. h is sac COBH. All were of tho opinion th n l nf te r building up a lilg huslncHn in thi Idaho Department Store of Twin l^llH he would mnke rapid atrlden In Quhl The following pooplo woro in .the p a r ty: Miss Bertha Noel. Mlsii Sural Shearer. MIhb P. Fullenwlder. MIhi Vi lla Urlnghnm. MIhb Ju lia Smith. Ml»i Olivo Leonny, Mrs. Furbush, Mr. 1311 W right aiid Mr. Stanley Leency.

Tho CaaUeford grado on Uio wua aldo ot Uio Salmon river JUHt west o Castlcford store, was reim llt by Kranl H artwell and John Calhoun, undor thi supervision of tbo county con>mi/)slon ers 0.' E. Carlson and T. E. Mooro Tho cost was about |550.- Tho road bed w as changed nnd put on tho oppo site Bide ot tho stream th a t ru n s dowi .tho.filopo. Practically 900 feet o t nev eraHa was put la. and tlic ^ rado le fa: be tte r thnn It was fonhorly. A 'iw o foot plpo was laid beside lho road t< ca rry tho water In case of suddei moUIng of snow, or lieavy ahowere which will provent washouts In Uie tu ta re .

F iro which was s tarted by two li t tie boys. C lark and R ichard Provina soTcn and flvo years of ago. re'apoc U'^ely. grandsons of E. A. M llncr. bum cd about 11.000 worth o t propert; Thursday nfternoon Jncludlaar tbe E A. Mllnor sheep uheda, and a ba rn fo: Miss Hlnklcy. and was chocked fron spreading to tho flurrounding bunding: by tho Buhl fire d ep artm en t Tho boy: w ere playing wllh m atchca on-sthel grandfa ther’s ranch n e a r the BrfrJw; co m er of Buhl.'nnd they lit a slrav flhed-whlcli soon tanned into a mas: ot blaxo. ■ *

R alph ' Hopo and 'Miss F rancis Nc ■TtU^wnro-marrled.nt F-Qcatello. Tuen

W l U i


r r o i—--^ = = s = ^ = = = :

ip ril 3, Mayor Swccjpy sealed in hi, irs. On April, 17, the seal was rc m

it to have been unbroken.

=14^yB-the’seahntTnrd“lo c k c d -^ a on high gear, and its poHorma: test of car efficiency.

:Mng rain and mud, and avoiding t 291-mile trip last week that brea!< anco. Lc»ving. Twin Falls a t 8;30; WQB-4riv^ OnkleyTirOaklcv t o B0 Bwleyr-Burloy to Euptirt. Ha.zcl

'Wcadcli, Hagerman, Buhl, Filer a

ing this run tho car was' never hitc ;he way on its own power.


I s o n A u t o IDI8TEIBUT0ES “ KD

;hoshon€ St., Twin Falls.PhoheT.

i ’ l l L i k e ■;“ I T ’S 'S l l E S U

day. and they havo gone to house keeping on Uie W. H. Harvey rancl: Both of the young ncoplo wtrc stu denbi in tho Denver hlgli/VChooI. com Ing to Bubl n Short U ^o n^o. Mi Hope had boon working a t the llarvc; ranch, and-ho-wcat_to r.ocatcllo-whcr he mot MIbb F rancis Mclvlllo. who wa on her wny from Denver.' After th marriage.2klr. Hopo. re tu rned lo Uub with hln bfldc, nnd tliey nro llrlng oj thc'_Harvey rnhcli’ eaul of town.

^■1—P - * -

F a r mL . > - - - ■ ......................... .> .. O n in. a t t r a c t iv e on

" ! I T ^ ME X N S ~ M1 'I , ■

m b tR ea l E sta te , Rei

m S l i o s h1 T •i 4 - »s ~_____________________I ................................ ............

t Y O U N{

I Z E Nf • F or th a t bothersom^ !. .................Z e n s a l a n d M o i s t Z■ ; t in c t ty p e s of E c re :I P h arm acy .I.- * i n i i i i i i i | i t n i i | i | i f n

; J. H. McMIC: — iiS cH - ‘ ...---------S

I - Transfer 8c Ci' , R e c t s o n


l E E f f |:h e e a r o ne o f o u r re jru la r ■

3vc4 .^after th e M a y o r h a d

K Q 8 " -'w ns4 n -c o n H n m ra s ----------—

ice is a d m it te d to bc th o

■ ■ ! ' ■0 h ills o n th e ru n , th is c a r ip }: '

3 a l l re c o rd s f o r a s im ila r c t

i lo n d a y m o m iiig , A p r il 10, ^

ar l e y —B n rl< ^ t o A lb io n — t t

;on a n d Jc ro m o , 'Shoshone,

n d T w in FaU a. ^

tic 'd 'on to , a n d m a d e e v c ry - p t j -

Jaies G o . |fIQ 8 . " ' I S

C o n 9 th & G rove, B o ise . ‘T j r P h o n e 35. $ | S

rhe King Ix :a t ?’’—

REST BOOM BENEFIT.The Federation of Country Women’s

• club will glvo a d inner on Thursday,• April 20,1916; In tho Odd Fellow ’s hall.. Every one coriic and enjoy a good■ homo cooked dinner, beginning a t 11 1- o ’clock.__1 —! H ighest m arket p rico 'pa id fo r baled L a lfa lfa Jigy tfle year ronniL— J o h n _ I Finko, Twin Falla. Idaho. Telephone

708-W.----------- ----------

L o a n se y e a r p a y m e n t b a s is . _ .


r S . HiUita ls a n d In s u ra n c e m e S t . N o r t h

■ , I I 4


S A Le S k i n T r o u b l e . D r y - SQsa} f o r t h e t w o d i s - _ ■ n a . S O c t h e . j a r i C i t y

H O LS & GO.INE 200 ’ • "

irbage Hauled at ible Prices

R. T . L o d X N ■ . I w in F a lls P ia tip T u n p r : V- '^ 1 Locao Muaic Cb. P ^ n e M (tr |'^

Page 4: xi! Ndrss/ EW-CITY HAU- |L » I |0 R H G H W i P O T · voli xi! ndrss/ eleventh'year. ' tw in falls. tw in faces coumty,

- i p A O E T O P E ' __________________ . • , T W I Q g - A .W E E g r W i y F A L I . S J l M B B , T g E S P A Y . A P g n . 1 8 . 1&18 ' ‘ _ _ _ _ _

TWIOE-J ^bU ahed Tuesdays

i lM K "p r in t in g & PUBTHE aOVERNOB AND C

T h o fu ilu ro o f G o v e rn o r A lcx i c o n f ro n t in g ^ icyoriil Idu liu (.'iirf.v ii

~ - '-o f-the 8 tn tfl’R -n iahulin jiiisU ;atio . i s a la rm H ifr n o 2j i» h Ik t » f pi'i

a n d o lherw isi? . n n d w h o iI io u k Iu I w a s a jnfln w ho w ouUl nioiiHure iii t h e ta n R le s ; i)i* w h o w o u ld , n t h'liHt, su g g e s t io n s in n n o ffic ia l c iip n c ity

T h e re fn u h c nn .siirj)rLsc t ln i t 1___ b o a rd , \v itli w h o m . th b g o v n rn o r i

th e p o in t o f v iew o f llu'> iin fo rtn iia t» ih q u es tio n , ns th o s f n jem hers w ith o u t ' re a so n , hy tlm se w ho Im) t h i s b o a rd , w i th in a rk o d sy n ip iitl na rop re .so n lcd b y jIu ; p ro n io lc rs . c p n s id e rn lio ii M-hnloy«',r o£ llm w u lfi in to th e p u r c h n s i n ^ o f landH Witl m iH ropn!SL 'ntutiiins of-.staU^ o ffic ia l

I t h a s ahviiVH hccMi tjio cnntiMil t h e ln n d h o a rd — ni»l w o a ro ob liged t h a t th e s tn to Ih iu n o w n y re sp o r w h o w oro d u p e d in thirsc n iii l lc rs , r w a s o n e o f th e (M intranting i ia r t ic s ; (

: t h o su p o rv is iim o f th o c n n s trn r l io t— o f la n d s HJiil of-HlI o ti ip r m u tte rs - j;

o u - th c -s t rm ig th p f th e Ktute'.s>^.s.sur w e ro co lon ized . - )

G ovin 'iio r AlL’S iuu ii'r to o k occi ~ d c m i r t i R ■ ire rion 'o f-n^ f 'p rtn in -p ro ii

t io n o d lh o ln n d honr«i ftir f u n d s co m p e l th e T w in F u lls -S a lm o n Lu su c c e sso rs , to u u rry {>ut th e i r i;«nti l e t te r , a t li 'a s t in s u h s la iu 'f . l l w t h o n p h t th r s c TUfn lm d p c rp p lru lo i

_ m n k h ig th is r i‘c{tccs(- -- T h R 'tjp v e n ip r 'H sqlntioTi i'n irt) :so m e tim e ay o nm i a 'lnp lifiod iu li d a y , is th a t J-lio jje tlle rs a g re e to uc. o f w a t e r - ( i T H . v v o - H i i d tljr*

■ prov»de<! In Jh c r<iHlpnr;y’.s a w a r d e d hy tins fe d e ra l c o u r t . I G o v e rn o r^ 'p ro v i t ic s n w a y w h i 'r “ E q u ita b ie a tl ju s tm e n ls m u s t In; i th o e n t r y i iu n w ht) a r c to he c u t t w Jm *Jn)f) ono M-ili n d f i’-i'xcijp tio j), h a l f a t tlic I 'x iicnsc o f tlio com bat cn trym en_. if tlu! f lo v c rn o r 's suggc.

Inafiiiiucli a s tlro 'D V lg lnn l-fn ii q u a r te r s a c re fee t, th e ( j i tv e rn o r w a s th a t th e s e t t l e r s wonUI uctu j f e e t c a lle d fo r b y liis p lun. T h e as w a s t h a t Ihe t r a i 't slinu ld he rci

— <>iiLrin(;LT h ;is iilrc a tlv ru n th is u p to ■ 8000 a e r e s ^ s t a t e InndTTor w liich : of A T T IIK JM IKSKNT TI.M E. Tin \v o u ld n o t he so ld ir«.‘fori! i t w us i: o n e -q u a r te r a tire f e e t o f w u tc r AY.OULD liU Y T111-:M.. T h e l5o\^ e v o n tu u lly tb o se ltlu rn w o u ld he w at(fr, a n d th a t th e a c re a g e o f Ihe j t e n thonsan< l-neros o r so.

I n th e w h o le p ro jio sitJon th i‘r( to tb e s e t t le r s n s h c in g a h su lu tc ly tie w o u ld he lied u p lo piiy m o re fo r l h a t th e y w oulcl linvc j u s t ns, nn

— aU ow uiu :u -o f_w atii£ ju i.U iey cv<:r im...............i'or-it4_part._'ri-Li:.TIMK??/hu

n ie n t in g u p o n lh e O o v c rn o r ’s p ro p . Wus n o t su re l h a l i t n iu le rs to o d lh

pr;-sc/iee o f - se v e ra l nieii, in c lu d in g o f th e T w ill K nlls-Suliuon K iv c r La a b o u t us fo llo w s:

‘•T IIH U K I X . i r S T ON K ; ' TO D O — FIfJU K K U P YOT^


' T O A N Y T llIX O KhSlC. AY ■ " - ^ L O O D K D liU S lN U S a I'H C

— t En. vi — /->

s p e c i a l w iinN A X O i: n o . isa .A n ordinance declaring iiUon-

tlon of Uic City of Twin FuUh to Bprinklc cortaln ntrcol» nnd avenues nnd p arts, *or Btrci'U rind avcnuca wJlhln tlic ‘«nld City, tlio expcn;<u Ihcrco t to he palil by URHOHKmeiitH in bo levied ORnlnHl lliu nbutUnR, udiacuut, j contlRUOUH nud tribu ta ry proijcrty. lot cstabllHh for tlia l ptirpn;i|' Mii-provcm cnt D Islrlct No. 24 in said Clty^' and fixing Uio Umo when p ^ tc s ta ■will be rdcolvcd aKiurmt inc oith e Bald Improvement.

Bc ll rcatilvcd l>y lliu Mayor aiiij Council o f llic Clly o t Twin Fiills, Idoho:

SccUon 1. T hv Clly ot Tivln F,-i1Jh, Idalio. Uoe;i li<ircliy ilocluro Uh Inteii- Uon to sprinkle with wntcr Uin roail- way i)f ceritiln mrciota anil avirnufs and parlH of strccln aiul uvenuey In nnld Clly. as licrelnatii.T jipccifleil. and for th a t purpouc lo create uail estab lish In nald City U .u l Improvu- m cnt DUilrUt No. 24.

Said slrtiji!} find avpnuiMi iiml [inrtji of slri'i'tn nnd avoniic:< iti be tiprlnUli'il u otorcsaid a re an follows;

, ' Addliipn avenue from the InterHi'C- tlon of' .Main avenue N'orlli und G>'iii S troot to u po in t where imrth anil

f fiouUi Hoc hclwocn- Lots Twenty-llir-'e ' (23) anil Twenty-four (114) In lhe D<‘-

IxiuK Adilliliin. eitlwniU’d. would cross Hald Addison Avenue.

Tdfn l S treet HVkI fx-Mvcen J'VjurtJi nml FlfUi AvenucM West.

SIxUi S treet South lietwoon Main A venue South and Sucond Awnui- Soulh.

F a ir Avonuo hetwc«*n Ulue I.aUe.s B oulevard am) D c«ey Stroot.

Section 1!. Salil d is lrlc l Is to In­clude all of the lols and lands front- Idk o r ahutllnR on. coallKuoun and

.trib u ta ry lo. eald HlrectH and avenues -^» n a -p flriii* o f-^ fltr» « t« -^ ad ^ v cn u u i-ia .

. bo Hp'rinkled. aa'hert;lill>efore nniiKd, and extcndlni; lo th e dintanre liaeu from tho snld s tree t or. avemn'. if plBltod ln blocks, to .the c en te r t;f tlio block: If plaited In lolii. only to tho cen te r of lo ta ; and . If not j)laitei|. to th e dlstnnco of ono hun.dreil arnl twcnly*ffvo fccC *

SocUon 2. Tlio KOtieral crinrati'-r o f Uio said Improvem ent shall be tli.r BpritiklloR wltli w ater“of the roadway o f tho BtrectB and nvmue;i nnd partu o f Btrcctfl- and uvcnucu na Jierolnbe.

Z a : L L S - ~ X iM £ &lU W ia sK .

a n d F r id a y s b y tb e

i L l S H l N G C O M P A N Y , L t d .

lA R E Y A C T P R O B L E M S

ii id e r to co m p reh en d t h e p ro b le m s e t p ro je c ts l l ia t h a p p e n , b y re^ison ( be iiLU..iu<wt d e jilp rn b lc co n d itio n , )j)!e wJio a r e in te re s te d , f in a n e lu lly w o y e a rs ago th a t M r. A le x a n d e r p t o tb e ta sk of s t r a ig b te n in g o u t , be a b le to o ffe r .some iro iis lru c liv e

.he o th e r n iom hers o f t h e s ta te la n d H H sspeiated , sh o u ld f i i i l - lo - g n isp ‘ s i 't t l e r s on a n y o ne o f t h e p ro je e ts .•rally h av e been ered itiM '. a n d nol ;o w a tc h e d closely th e a i;tio n s of ly to w a rd s lh e r ig h ts o f eu p ita l , o f th o se .p ro jec ts , n s n g a in s l any iTe. o£ th e pcoplc-w lio W ere 'm isle iitl I b o g u s w u te r r ig h ts t h r o u g h th e s a u d p ro m o te rs ,lion o f th e R c p n h lie a u n iPnib(*rs'of I t o e ro d i t th em w ith e o n a is te iie y — iBiblo. lc g a lly o r m o ra l ly , to tlipsc ■egnnTlcssTif th e ia e t H in t thc> s ta te lh a t i t w as th e s ta te t h a t n m le r to o k I o£ th e ir r ig a t io n w o rk s , tht* sale le r ta in iu g -to th e p ro jeu L ; alid - th a t ■uncoa u u d su iJe ry is io u e se la n d s

isj^on w h ile h e re la s t wec^k to eoir- ;p '-n f ‘ h rin -p n ll!T T ^‘’npln-w hn-T ieti-- I ill*, u sed in l i l ig a tip n (.iesigiie(t_(n n d a n d "W ater c o m p a n y , o r th o i t • ae ts w ith tli'o e n l r y m o u ; if n o t iii a s p la in lo see th a t t h e ( lo v c rn o r 1 a n o u tr iig e on t h e la n d h o a rd in

ie7SnlTnon; r iv o r 't r p i ib lp , .p u b l i s h e d iis . eo n v e rsu tio n w ith u s th u o th e r c e p t tw'o a n d o n o -q n n rto r a c re fee t

H<!r<‘-f< 'cti tiitt-u tiio iiiil e t w ith Ihi; Jind th e JUiioilJil n n d tlilio n to a c c e p t in g less , tlu; e b y ' t h e s e tt le r s c a n ])ay iiiori-. itia s ie ." s a y s th e O ovi^ruor. ‘‘ w ith i f f tlur p ro je c t” ; a p ro p n s iliu ti lo

Thi.s m r jiis tm c n t is tt) lu* m ad e ly a n d h a lf a l th e ex |)i-iisc (>f th e s tio n s p rev a il.iTrn(it.'?"'enllp(l-fnr 1 ^rn - nnd M h ree . w a s a sk e d w h a l assiira iuH ! then* '

i l ly g ttl 'tlu ! tw o a n d o n e - iju a r te r s i ira iic c th a t th e G o i'tf rn o r o ffe re d liie ed t(i <10,(100 i i e r J s - t h e s ta le {;{.()()() a c re s— w hieh w o u ld iiieh u le no w a te r i-n,nil~\Wrrd'lT(rTli'Kp.')K(!.h ; G o v e rn o r s a id th e se sch o o l la n d s ip p a re n l :t l ia t th e r e w a s tw o am i f o r tliem U K U A L'SK N O B O n Y

e rn o r ex p re ssed h is o p in io n th a t abb* to gel. a lo n g w i th ev1?^i less )ruj<!ct m ig h t he in c re a sc tl a n o th e r

< u r e j n s l tw o th in g s t h a t a p p ea l r ta in . T h t; ,f irs t is th n t th e s e l l le r s

l l i e i r w a te r rig h ts . T h e .s e c o n d , ,ieb tro u b le g e t t in g th e i r s c a n ty d . ' -S Ji_ere_fort7fe rl»ri^lm ' ^ ' ~ rn > tn 'eo tjr-~o s itio n , ow in g to th e f a e t th a t it e a t t i tu d e o f th e n m n w ho, in th e

t lm ^ T i t e r , s a id .to th e in u n a g c r n d funl 'W 'iifcr t'o n ip tin y , j n w o rd s

T H IN G F O R Y O U F O L K S R L O S S E S A N I) PO CICK T K T O g i v e T if f iS K -S E T - • :D T 0 . I ’L L X O T L IS T K N . ’ r r j i I t a c :o L i ) . (P O S IT IO N '.- '^ .- - .

forft-namoU, du rln s tb o flscal yearla n j. ->lieu and in sucli jiiuiincr uh uhall be rciiulred lo lay and keep down Uiu iluHt on Hucli ulreoty and ftvrnucs aud part.n of strcctu and avc-

Seclion 4. Th<rco8t and expeUHe of tlie said luipruvemont {» to bo an- HoiiseU upon, alt tho lotii and lands in the aald distrlot, cach lot ulid p a r­cel ot land lliereln belnK separaloly nssQsacd for ihc full cxpcnso o f eald iiuprovcnivni in proporuun to tuo num ber o t tcol b t cacb rcspocUvo lot and parcel of land fron ting and abut- lln g on said lilrcota and avenuea und pa rts of itlreets and aveiiueii und In proporUon to tho bcneflLi derived to the said properly by rcaaon of tho Huld liiiproveuiont; i'rovlded, tha t the eoitt of hiieh Improveniciit hi the space formed by tho Junction of two ur more Htreei.-^. or wherein oiiu miuu mreot tennlniltes in or crossCH another uialn lilrcel, bliivll be paid hy Uic City of Twin F a lls , '

Setlion 'i. Till' lo lal cost of mukJiiK llie ?iald liiiprovi-ineiit. iieeordin« tu lhe esllii’ati; i)f Uie Klreel Cguinils- KlfjKT, Is th.r liuni ot 5'l5-.uO,.dlvid.jil an toilow;(;

Street fniiUaKe, Jl-I7.n0. ■*Inier;iectloiiii. $&.0U.S.'.-ll-.n i;. The "n<l -,lny of Mav;

19l(>. Ill elKhl o’clock p. 111.. Is iH-r.'hy deslKnalr.-d an the dal<‘ on \y)il<li lh" Muyor an<l Cpimcll o f the -Hald (’Uy will ri'ec'lvi! und enli-?inln pnit<'sis io:ainst llu- niaUlnc of ili- mild Ini- provi’nieiit. and all perilous affeeled hy Mii-li Iniprov. tnenl ;ir*- l icn 'b y uo- tlfi. d U. tile their ohJo.:t!i;nK In writ- iilK wllh (ll,. City C lerk oa o r before lh .' siiid time. '>•

r.-ir-iiil hy ilif- Couiu-ff o f Uie iifiM City of Twin Falls, th is 17lh day <it April, IWfi,

Approved \>y t!,e Mayor of lhe s;ild C lti-.o I.Jw lll J’ulix, tlihi 17tl day of

-ATrttnttlR:— ----------------—----- — ------ ^r.Scal.) K. M, RWJO/CLJvy. .Mayor. .•\lli,-st: lUCKKK .M, W1I,I,IAMS,

Clly Clerk,

W,\NTKI)_I>i.slllon. l.y expcrleueed Klrl jn prIvHt.- family. Adiiress S. M. .1.. -Mrr 'j l.MK.S, • •

I.O ST-A n old ro ld eliain und la- vi'lllnre wIilj >oral iieillnf:. Finder, leave ul r<iouriC Kiri.l NaUonal U.iu.C huihlhm. ■ / '


(ConUnued trom pago L )’’

men who buy from you know, th a t our currcncy system is sufflclontly olaaUc. HO thivt If 'th lnga Uir'wtcn to Ughton.. l t win expand an d you-wtli bo tn no don- guf of ha rd timoa. nnd tho mon who purchase w ill bo in no danger of hard times, and so. boing nblo to cnlciilatc oa tho fu tu re , Uicy buy ond you arc enabled to pu rchase -what you w ant and HO p rosperity beconicjf general. W« liavo somo Republican sheep owners who predicted thuit .w ool would bo worUi only 10 ccnts undor a Demo­cratic admlnlHtraUon, tlicy a re getting

.ao or 32-cenlK a pound. fo r It, and 1 ttin >lad Uiat they arc , for th e more they Rot. Uio moro-Wo w IlL gct.lron iJJic tii. Dofore. y ou r ou g a r m lll - ls conlpletcd the price of uugnr-w lll have gono up ns a re su lt o t demnnd fo r It and as a result of Uio general prosperity . I tell you th a t Uio period of ha rd Umcs la past and th a t we arc iirst on Uio verge of a grout upw ard inuvomcnt lo far hiKher prosperity-.Uian we now have. We have bccomo tho g rea t credit^na­tion of lhe w orld. Iniilcad'of changing our money Into pounds. tihllllngK and peiu'L' «H won lorm criy the cuho, In for­eign exclinnpcs, •they changed thoir money ln tt> dtillu rs und een lB, We aro not only flnauHnK llie w orlTnow , Tiui wo will do 110 in llic* future. ISngland and F rance ifnd Hiinsla und Jupnn nnd Uiu countries of SouUi America ore nlrendy couiinK lo dinanclal aid.,Wlmt would hav_e been Uio coudlUon of this eouiilry if the fltnmeial legisla­tion ennctod liy 'Woodrow ‘WIlBOn'imtl a Democra tic conKrcim hud not been In eHeJt when Uic war hroke’out? 'Wltiri' fn 10 duyii a fte r tfie wnr Hfnrtod, every bank In Kuropo had suspended pay- nieiit. The hankers nnd flnanelora In this eountry were. In .a sta te of con­sternation. Quielly Information waa rnnveycd to 'thcm -U iu t they »hould-go abc.’id Jind loan lo tbelr cunlomcrs nnd llinl-HUtfloJent-amoant of-uew-lhfl-cur- roncy w o u ld 'b o le t o u f to 'U f lc tlicm'

Four hundrt’d-mllllnn dollars of-money wjiA-^IuloUy-pla^d.ln-Uiu diannelB of trnde, lho Rrealest panic In Uie history of the country wiis nverticd, nnd a found'Uioii laid (of th is splendid or.a of proi-.pcrlly t l ia fw c nro now cnjoy- Ini;, llow d ifferent from tho condi* tlon of o u r financial leKlslatlon n l Uio UunutJii;n lhi!_l>anie of 1007 came upuu, the rountry .’ . Voti «-/Jl never bcnr much more about tbe hiKh protective tariffs th u l used lo he talked, nbout.

W \

II '

— -

f e

^ 'a 0 . . S

□ ^ ■

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All access S B _ _ _ _ _ S I

k A : iQ y

n — ^

There wiU never ac tia . be « hls^i t a rIff auch as form erly oxlBtod, wnoro < jm ftlL M rt .P t tha PooPlo-could- cp p rea tlie re s t ^y-m aklng pricoa high on i few things whllo Uto prloos fo r tho ros were dopresscd. Wo w ill haTO a ta r Itt commission to ascorUUn tac ta abou lhe mib]oct, but tbo dny of jopprcsslvi tarlttH Is over. B ut thoro ]s othei legislation com ing Uibt w ill sUll t a r lher:cxtcnil.. tho iip rin slp lcazo tiJonpr son. Wo a rc going to havo ru i’al oro dits, so th a t the farm ers can got mon­ey Uirough Uie aasiatanco of tho naUot nnd the nlate.. J!W o .aro going to have .a_morch:m m arine Uirough DomocraUc loglBlatlon ■\Vc are going to extend Uio prlnolplt of governm ent bcm fwypotaolnupolio the lino begun In Alnska. I seo Vc reason why If a governm ent ra ilroa t is Kood in Alnska, a govcrnm oht rtlll: roud should not bu good In Idaho. Th( diiy will cuine when the govommoni .wunjuiia.'iU A tToaa-Trdm -rrw JirFnii* to Wells, Nev.. ns a post road, without waiting for the Oregon S hort Lino oi lhe W estern Puclfic to do-It. And b> Uie co-operation of tho nation and 'the flf.iJe we «'}]] jjnvo a comploto syfltem ot hlcliwai^i, DO thnt when you travel you can g rN n your owti g a s car. 11 you re-elect Woodrow Wilson an4, vote In Democratic prosperity agntn, lt 'will net he long until every Den^ocrat In Twill FallK COunty can .afford a car, Pcrliaps some ot.Uicm will n o l bo.ablo to sta rt o u t w ith a b ig gnp. IjktT. Uio postm aster rltlcs a ro u n d '111. b u t •will Imve to huy a Ford and w ait tor Uic prcicess of evoluUon to lu rn It into a blK car. _ - . .... "Some.of.our_Rcpubllcan.<rlonds.nrc talUlni: nbout wnr. Wlio w an ts war'! I f tlie nepubjlcana w a h flt, why do not Bome of th e Republican ocnntors in­troduce a resoluUon declaring w ar on Cermnny,' or^ England.- o t MoxIco-qi pome o ther n a tio n . ' Nobody w ants war, We huve the American soldlors In Ml'.xIco nnd th n t country Ih going to bc as «iulet a s l t is poaslblo fo r Um( sort of pooplo to bo. But wb will nol huv,I w ar U ioro .-W o-aro .go ing-to gel rill ot the I'h lllpplne istanda. Tho'Ro- pubUcuurt bouglit-Uicm nt-<2:BO-nplocc ■fliid'Kot stuck. Tiiey are' a lck 'o f Uielr burKaln now and a lol o f Uiem arc iuixlouB-lo le t Uiem go. Wo ahould do thiii. '.In the tjrst^placo., theoo j)Copk are cnlltte(f"t6 govern themoclvea In lli.'lr own way. T ha t ia tho Jefferaon- Inn principle. Wc cnnnot asstm llnlo thom In o u r Anglo-Saxon clvlllaatlon. Wo are th row ing nway n lot o f money tryini; to niako them over into a utoplo wUli AnKlo-Saxon ideals. This can- noi bo done and ;3jo m oney Uiat wo are losing in thlsMvny ought to bo spent on o u r roads and o th e r Internal

i o Annoui

F I N A L— — f


E A Suits, Coats

t h a t n

S t y l e , qi d i s t i n c t i o n a

h e f o r e m o s t d e s i g i

amplete shipment and exquisite ble

daily, from

Each of th Cof garments i

ear de'partment is erent design and


ory departments )arkling w ith nev

• Im srovem onu. Thoa ia case c t mI they vo u ld 'b o a w oalm eas.' I t -wool s .tako.a'voBt.iim oim t iflniiSB'fi'fitTtoBintnnHjpio ■ tooo toHit from th is countly. I bolleiro that- bUl for.Phillpp tno Indoposdeace w] t peas w ithla Uio noxt six wooks. As B wo-oro going to havo reasonable pr r parodnesa,- b u t -wp apo golng^ t o ' 1 . p repared through govom m ont ammi -|nlU oij_aD d arm or plato t a ctorloa i - t h a t wd cannot bb Eoia up .by mon'o^< > Hats In tho hour of nood.I I “ 1 m ight oontlnuo a ll n i g h t t b

line, rocounUng tho g roa t -ttHng^doiI by Woodrow Wilson_nnU Uio posalbll ; t if ls 'o rm o ’oxtonBloa'brtho'Jotrorfloi , lan prlnclplOB Oa w hich lio Is acUn, 1 J2ltt I havo aald enough to show yo , why I am proud ton ight th a t I<nm I Democrat and why you ahould voto t . re tu rn , Woodrow W ilson to tho proa . dency <&r anoUier term . Wo do. n<■ need Uio off/cce. I t m attora Jlttlo wlii l- ind lv ldual-as-auch .hoIda.a .p laco_B i ; wo do wnnt DemocraUc loglalaUon,-W• have accomplished m oro than haa boe . dono In hnlf a cen tury previously InI lltUo more Uian throo years, and coul ! afford lo stop o u t and Ict these prlnc

pics dtivSlop from the applications ( ' tl4;m already mado, assu red Umt the! , good work would go on cxpontilng i

lho future. .B ut Uicro ia m oro to I done, and Idaho, rock-ribbed Ilopul Mean though sho Is. sU^uld got awn

' from old-time reaction nnd lino up fo WU«Qn>-prQfiroyft'nnd-proBporltjeal-Ui next elecUon.”

I Before the Introduction of the npeaV , er nn clccUon of officers wns held, n

suiting in tlio solectlon o t Judge La« rcnco Hansen a s preaJdont, F. II. Kaj

, lo r-ns-flrsl vice prMldcntr-H.-0.-MuE yon as second vlco prosldont, and A. I

; Hicks ns Bocrolary nnd troaaurer,. I Introducing Judgo Hanaen for rc-otc(

; UDn.JSditor_J„W_a:amicE_nf-Ui(i_FIk Journal, pnld iflr eloquent tributo I

’ him ns A mnn and a Dem ocrat. ', Following UielipcaklnB a lunch wr

aerved nnd cigars pnssetl arnuni : T here woro nbout 200 proRcnt, a nun ' bor of Republlcnns accepting tho inv ; tatloif to attend.'----- - - ........— -

r —PO R -R B N T -^-room furnlBhcd lmi , galow. W. M. Denton. Twin Falls.

'1; r ________________ . _ _

Chnrt/c Cbnplln in a two-rool Hcroiitn, lo> gcJJior witli n flTi)-rool

. fcatnrc, “Tho Jlonso of- T ears”- - s

' -A t Uip -

I l is T b e a tre , W eH. a n d T h u n ,

ncement bth e

R U S Ha t : ---------------------------------

r Priced

, T 1 Hand Dress

laintain laiity and s interpreted by ners of this countr

" ^ silk dresses, su )uses have been a: N ew York. ‘

le hundreds n our ready-to- of exclusive and

may be had for oi Lo\;y;J*riGes.

for your Easter r and dainty arrlv

- I g o o d

n v i u i B v i i i i i i i i \ A m v ,


e - - T H E J f f lE i i T W O . - - - - - Black F ace Comedy.0 ______

K l tA F A N I A K b « S E T 8 ~ " 800 and 09 P ounds o t Com«dy

I . an d Mualc

-I- • -F O T O -P L A T S - - ----- - -“TUB SECBET ^

II A Thrilling D ram a I n '2 P arts a --------- '“ “ SEEING AMERICA” .” Tho Mutual -Traveler W ill Show I Yoii tho In d u stries of Chicago.

t - “ KEBPITHih U P —W ITH T H E -B ......... - --JONESES". , --------:-------J • Ca,rtoon Comedy.

^LDCKY LARRY’S LADY ; • . LOVE”J. Comedy. 3

' PrOjjrjuns 'o f-C leariV E n J ^ a ln - lilg Variety—Always Yonr Money’s W ortli.

[ COWliNG-.-Thnrfldoy,' F riday tind - S u f t tfd a y - i‘riu- n ] 3 y - T O l t e - ~ with, Itoscoe A rbncble and Mubel N o rm an ^ ontlUod— -

. . - » r i iE D K id iiT l i ia i iT S ” '

». [• ' . — _____ ■"— ; — ~r— '

Jloiinil.Iripl;oSlipslionefi . Twenty-.Five Cents■- ::April-18:torZ2;:incluslve

: T*in'Falls Electric Bailread

F O R s a l e ;I lia tc 21 Hn6 b reed ’ 8ILVER-

LArKI) HAMKUKG Iicns. nnd ono cockercl iro itli io , 'W m soil Uie bnncb a t-u ,bu rgn ln ff (nfcen n n m c o .

D ll. ATHERTON ‘^ 0 4tU Atc; E . Phono m



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dif-i r H b -

. ^ S|outfit, are

ds. ______ ;

STHAT^, . ‘ B S

» sting/ • j ^ 'S S lO H / ’ '

Page 5: xi! Ndrss/ EW-CITY HAU- |L » I |0 R H G H W i P O T · voli xi! ndrss/ eleventh'year. ' tw in falls. tw in faces coumty,

^ N u r e e q i r

General Assortmen

START a LocuHt Qrovo on y ou r j--•for;8tock,-and-an-:excellentlplBcfl

Kuch a srovo funiiahos {(bsts of purpoBos. •

1 have talcon tivo tbouaond fcnco iioU Isctwocn four o r flvo Uiouaand n HuppllcB longucB fo r wagons, corrugnU

, ' Talk thli) m a tto r over wlOi mo.

-• --------------------------------- - P R I C E S K]

J A M E S A . 1’ ^ H O N ’E S04-A 1 ____ - - ,

toeahanPfifsonalfeF. II. W lnlcra wft8.up.Irom Duhl Sal- ..

urilny. P r--- ' —:--------------■ ■ ..................ho

Mr. mid Mra. J . J^olono of Portlund.- arrived In thia d ty Snturdny to mnko thoir home.

fc---------------- ------------------ --------- :— .wl\G corB O Monroo Is npcndlng tho a t

w ith friends here , coming up A ifroW H ollister. • nn

PoHlmaster C. V. Diggs of Dulil, wnu In llic city T liursdsy to a ttend the Jcf- fcruon..club_mcctIng................

________■ - .. . . hoKny V.-Moyos and-Ml8«.Nclu'o -Wal- ">1

ton, w ere m arried F riday by Junttcc of llie I’eiico W. J. SmIUi. vjj

Dr. K.'D. Joldorsm n and Quy Peter- non woro lijpro e a r ly ,In Uio woek on W buHlness from Rogci;Bon.

MIhh DeBBlo Joyco of Chicago is tho i— RiioHl of Mlas Carm en Cox, a r r lv in s , , ^ in Twin FalU la s t I'hurHday,

MIhbcb Thom as and A lfontc, w ent to Duhl F riday to aBsist In Oio musical ciitortuiumont of v leitora on Pioneer diiy. ' ~

Tho M erchants' osaociatlon has en- Uorucd tho Idea of Uio m alntennnco of prlcen fixed by m anufacturora when refold.

— 'Phe-Country W om en'irdfnner-Thttra— - (Inv, April 20, In Odd FellowB hall, liuKlnR a t i l o’clock. T ho procooda go to ihy*rcflt room.

county poor farm w as ■*J K k to J. W. E p le r fo r ?100 an Brhoro wero six blddora. Tho farm ^ n t a l n a 40 acres.

Mr. nnd-M rs. Qamblo re turned F ri­day from C alifornia, w hero they spen t tlie w inter. C. W. H itchcock of San Diego, accompalned them . ,

John tlng lo b ach brough t action Monday agdlnat F red Dnchus, Fred

-O lvor-nnd-€;-l85-Young-nn<l-thoNovRda- -Land company, TPr ID47.07. '

. Rrv. J. D. KoltTiX'ol'Holllfltcr passed -« V hrough hero Thuraday on his re tu rn _

Durley, w hore ho hnd boon to u \H p r in B mooting o f tho Twin F a lls p rJ^ y te ry .

_Dr, U P^.Albco,Jtlrat m nyor of Duhl, but now a rcsldODt of Rock Creok, ^ went to tho w est end c ity Frldny lo bo * ready fo r his add ress a t Uio plonccr ^ asaodatlon Saturday. - - D

. Tnylor Cummins haa bccomo liVtio-"J*—clat{Hl-wltb-Uie-l&«-(irnMt-LoaKlo):-£;. i i

W alters and bas moved b la offlco from B Uie Twin F alls B onk & T ru s t buildingto th o 'F lra t NaUonal-bank-bulldlng. -

■ ---------------------- — . iiJohn K. M iller thla week filed foro- c:

d os^ro proceedings ag a in a t I. D. P e r- grloQ on a m ortgage fo r flC.OOO on fiproperty locatcd In b lock 102 In tho itcity and in aecUon 33-9-17, outside tho od ty . 0

----- ------------ dJam es D cckham ,-wbo was arrested -a

IfiKt week for bringing whisky to Kim- Uherly, waived bla prelim ioary tb ls o wcok and la aw aiting tr ia l In tbo dla-irliit court, to w hich ho wns bound novor. ' • d

1 1 , t . * , ► , I 1 1 -

F l o w e r s a i

\ F o r EAn e l k o a n t ' a s s o :

CUT FLOWERS nnd P 4 - ulwaya bo seen at our

Wo Imndlo Flowcrs^an n u tb iu g cIkc." N o ah o p w o


T w i n F a l l s• 135 Main A

i-hono w r. / Orders

t’ - * ♦ 4 I » I I

S t o c k I— — - ........ — ............... .................. •' ; “ ?

it for Family Usei„ ‘ ' tur

• • Saijlnce. Besides being Invalunblo '.fo r th e growUi-of -t>luo-sroflB,--, good lasting quoIIUco to r all

Jposta 'from my Uiree-'ncro grovo, ' lore could be cu t now. I t alao • ■)rs, etc. Qu

• - • '■ ' ' ani,, tui

--------------------------------------------- ------------ r jo i[GHT------------------------ :------------------' -P-O'

• ’ EU


'7 - t w i n f a l l s ' ' dlt' ■ ' ' Su

J t t * h i>;

Mr. nud Mrs. I . -A. A ppeU -nm l re “lulfell—<iloyHt«lf>—motored--tt)~*DHns~ ‘co n.liiy, • - atl; ------------------------ CnDr. C. C. DnbbldRO, pnHtor o f t h o f;" CHhyterinn church n t Dellevue, Ida- ;, wns vlalUng with D r. J . F. Shop- rd .th c la tte r parl-o f Uio w ook.........

■ ijrTho Royal. Ndgliborn o t Am crica lir ll--hold-tliolr-D<‘Xt-'reR«lnT^raeetlnG‘- ch the I. 0 . 0 . P. hnll F riduy ovenlng, L.

iril 21, n t 8 o’clock. A ll vlF\|Ung di ambers welcome. , T '

Dr. J . F . Siiophenl; pnsto r of the prHt PrcBliytcrlnn church, haii been Inorcd wlth-tho appolntm ont of com- jInHlnnor to tho_gonorhl nHiirmbly of |0 P reabyterlan d iu rc b , iv h lch 'co n - nca n t Atlnntix: Cily Uio Ifjth o f Cl ly. Dr. Shepherd In alBo a nicmhor ■jho .Homo Mission council /£?r.tIio nod of Idaho, which w ill hold aea- ot m s a t Uio anmo Umo. In

W E H A V E P L E O T T O L O A N O N a


S E E U S B E F O E I A N Y .A E E A M

F O E A f a e :

" S a n g e r R e a l t y a n d143 M ain A v

Judgft Babcock Inst wook sentenced sim ca Malloy to servo U>roo'monUia V1 Jail and pay a flno o f $100 for bav- h ig whlakey on hia peraon. Divorcea d oro g m a ttd - to -B d n a Joyal —from 1 r a n k Joyo!, Dessio K ath erin e D el- p oilor from W illiam H. D etw eller; i o lla Schooler from C harles W. r choolcr, and C larissa C. Hcdrlcka p •ora^-Chwlcs-T.-Hendrlcka.- -Tho o ub- •£ id r of tho chlldron In oach coso wos r Iven to tho m otner. t

A n orroneoua.accouB t o f a roscuo . ic ident In which I. H. B ra sh e r of th is « lly w as a principal p a rU d p an t. w as ' Iven publicity , Uirough dlapatchos J rom Loa Angolea laat w eek , In w hich ‘ . w aa statisd th a t Mr. B raah e r a tarted i u l to rcacuo a drow ning g ir l and not n ly-failed to*rcach h e r b u l ■was w ith I I f f lc u l^ rcacued him self: whon a s n ' la t te r of fac t Mr. B ra sh e r did rescue j ho g ir l and wns n o t exhausted in tho « f fo r t Tho girl waa M iss F lorence Colly, who was sw im m ing Ih lho so rf j t Long Doacb, and floated beyond hor opth. ^

* « ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ; , 1

' (

i d P l a n t s !i

I ■ . --------- - ' : 1: a s t e r : !_____ ' ' ' '

. , I■ . I

R T M E N T o f F R E S H ^ ,O T T E D P L A N T S c a n | l o w e r S to re .

d P l a n t s o x c lu s iv c ly — ' ,r n f lo w e rs in o u r s h o p . i

: A M D ‘ b e a t j t i f u i . ! i

F l o r a l C o . ;VC. 'SVtat.O h eo C sr«fal AitenlioD

■ I « i I I

i . A . w a u r s reran ioa e sro roay u m n uii Ihl, whoro ho haa superrlsod th e I I ic ing of treo keodllnga on tho M. irw oim im n nM r m i -Tiiitfe. Thirty - — rc- hundred—block ■ locust aoedlings )ro sot out, doaigned os wlndbreaka r buildings- and pastures. ”

------------------- ^ fivMiaa ftnybello ’C ore' le f t Monfldi' Ui( Dmlng for Ogden, Utah, whero sho wo 111 vlalt -her-ndcorM ra.-O.-S. S trunk, on r th e .n o x t two weeks. Before to- pr< m ing home. Miss Colo w ill go to fiv in Francisco, Calif., to v is it her <ln! other, B. Jerom o Colo, who la a t- ac< Qdjng Uio^U. S..oavtil tra in ing a ta - to >n u t'T u b e rT lu m a Ia1ana,"Callf. “ ~ '

---------------------— shlA pnrty of Buhl people conalBting of P r r. and Mrs. Russ W. Allred, Mr. and 19 rs. W. H. Harvey and Mias N d l Mc- "O tiown. cnmo up Friday; to m e c tli lr . in id Mra. Ross Elison^ who w ere rc- boi irnlng from>a wedding trip to Call- Sii irnln— .Mrn-Trilotvn- ittnp- 55]5il_ fnr..6oycrftl_dnyB_nt_pnkloy^ _Uio nu jcsta of tho groom's parenta, while TT< 1 tlie ir wny. homo, Mrs. EllBon Is a tu: lughter of Mr. nod Mra. Allred.' Cn

------------;------------ - fo:Edwnrd Ndnon Buck, iigcd 4G yenrH. ,'l5

led F riday In tho PhyflicinnH and „ urgeonn! lioapitnl. In th is ..c ity , nf tieimionln. Mr. Buek was a veteran I the nowBpnper gnme nnd vras wide- ’ known ns n mngazlnn w riter, editor, ‘porte r nnd twct. ht« • c m ericn ccti itcstIRk a num ber of yenrs in mnny , * :atoH. He was founder of tho Idaho nil a t Kimberly nnd of Uio Sundny "J" all. which ran for n aho rt timo in "! lln clly. He. WIIH recently cnRaRcd I compllInK u hlHlory.of Twin F alls. ounty nnd' Its roHources^ He lenvcH 'niotli'hr In Union S tir , and 'a j, ' roUier in Nevnda, The 'funornl wJu’ i. ' nld thla nftornooti from lho Crosby £? hapcl-and"wan .conthioleii by“Itcv. C. « I. Dent, pastor of tlie Epiflcopnl hiircli. HIh .body wnn Interred In the ‘win FnllRicemetery.

The-Tfieatres 51................. .. ' _____________; ____ . , , J tn

:n A u i.iS c i iA r i .ix a n d ' t h e ’ * uHOUSK OF TKAHS" AT THE ISIS

Em ily StovcHW. n-Jio I.9 tho ocnBOtlon plf tho BciiBon on tha flpenklng atngo pi1 New YorTc city. In her m arvelous cr------------------------------------------------------ --Ic

■ — -------- - - Id' I I I

C(- .................................... In

- ^ . th>_ w

. ------------5

ry OF MONEY '. 01300D FAEM •'lU K lT Y . Q--------^ ^ ________ . - i i

B. Y O U M A K E -S G E M E N T S ' \ M L O A N . -

* ^ r


- HF

i I n v e s t m e n t C o . ^,-enue E a ^ j


- — I 1- - m - J

sta rrin g rolo in “Tho U nchastened Woman," witl bo scon on tho screen , liero n t the s|alH theatre pn W cdnes- , day nnd Thursday* evenings in "The . H ouso-of ■Tears,” a . w ondorful five- , pnrt featuro 'produced by Rolfe Photo , Plnys, Inc., for release In tho M etro | program . This- is tho th ird ' Metro plcturo m asterpiece In ' w hich ^ I l s s i S tevons.bus beon s ta rred , and aho. has .] repeated her auccess In "DesUny, o r , the Soul ot u-W om an“- tm d - ''C o ra ,’-’- -] her tw o form er screen trium phs._Mjss Stovenft.ia.8upported by .an cx - j

cellen t cast In "Tho Houso of T ears ," , which Includes Henri Dergmnn. the , woll-known dram&Uc artla t, - W altor H itchcock, Madge Tprono and o ther prom inent players.

In addiUon to (IiIb excellent pro­gram , CharUo-Chaplln-»ppoar»-la. o&c o^ hla funnleat two-reel comedies,' “A N ig h t 'a t Uio Show." I t Is a acrcom from a ta r t to finish,


"Tho DatUo Cry of Peaco," which la com ing to tho lals in the n e a r fu ture , deals w ith tho subject w hich Is today s e a ro s t lho heart of ovory American cllUen--^tho problem of Am erica’s un- proparednesa.

U po rtrays tho defensolosB condlUon of o u r country ; the consoquences to- w h lc h 'th ls conditioD m ay load; and th e w ay to avoid thoso con'seQUoncos.

Tho d ty . o t Now, York is a ttacked by a pow erful foreign foe.» You a re oa eye-witness. You sco tho enemy ap ­proaching, Uio poworloasness o f tho city, tho Inadequacy o r i G 'f o r t s and defenses. You aee tbe havoc w rought by tho enemy's crulsora; Its aubm a- rlnoa. Its olrahlpa—by Its shells, shorpool, b o m b s .Y & u S60 th e .m ost beauUful sky-line In th e World In flam es; tho m etrcpolls o t Uio w estem hem isphere dovastodv

You soe Now York fa ll Inte the hands of tho enemy; and tho dosecra- Uon th a t follows.

T hea you nro ahown t h o '^ i j r th a t such a calam ity can be avoldod—the one way. Y ou-aro shown Uio way: to poftce—tho peaco for w hich A m erica so oam esUy proys-rtho pcaco with honor. Tho B aulo Cry of Pcacc was w ritten by J . S tuart Dlackton and Vlt- agm phed under bis personal superri- j io n on R.Hcale ncTJLftcforo-fttteiaiiicl

. Acknowledgment Is mado to Hudson Maxim, Intom ationsl au tho rity bn a rm s a n ^ ammunlUon, for fac ts con­ta ined In h ls ''Defenaoless Am erica," and to a score o t prom inent A m eri­cans in arm y, navy and admlfilatrsUvtt circ les fo r co-oporaUon 'and advice. Among Its aponsora aro th e forem ost

:naxnM In -c u r rc n t ' A m erloon-history.: Porsonages o t -naUAsal and- in tem 'a- Uonal Imporlanco appear .personally

' (n th e pm u cU o n .


— - A i B H T i l l £ € f S S -.(Continnftrt from Page L)

1 g rea te s t InduHtrlos of earth . Of m Is tny proaperlty." On h e r righ t I a yonng woman, who boro a gold- ah ldd .lnflcribed . “Our homes—the duc t o f lh e tribute paid by our J g rea t InduBtrlen—iiRriculturo, rylng, livestock, hortlcullpro and dn." K neeling and offering tribute Queen B uhl were flvo young wo- n.-typ ify lng thcno induHtrletf, .Tlioir elda w ore: '‘Agriculture—1916— iducUons, V.;,f;oo.OOO": '‘Dnlrylng—5—D airy ProductB, »250,000’’; jh l Cow TcBtlnK.ABHodnUon—F irst Idnho, Twenly-SIx Herdn Repre- ited—GOO " Cowh—Two RcKlHterod es" : "LlvcHtock~19ir.—Shlpmenta, lO.OOO; Sheep. noO.QOi) Fed Horn An- H ly r^ ‘Wool ainpnicniH, ( f?b73D0™ g'Shlpmontnrl230;000.*‘ : ’'irort1cul-- o—Shipmentii. 19ir>. Thirty-Five ra: W e Pny Trlbuio to No Country ■ F ru i t" ’'SdcI—ISIG—Clover. Al- c. A lfalfa—Slilpmentfl, J050.00." u r SchoolB—<Diily Such n Country Oura. W ith G reat DIvorHlfled Llve- ick-nnd A grlf|iltwrnl ActivlUcn^7Cnn ,ve Such SchoolM hh Ourn.". '^n tho fore piirt of the float of the )Vor.-Lciif., Clu.'cse factory. ...waa.. n. ld-rot-flnB©-hrnHh-*unl-«uiinlinK-Jn-lt- s a banner'licariiiK Uic (Into F d iru - r, 1909. Tli<r ri'Ht of Uie float cnr- d n huge pryainiil o f Bulil rhoone, ilch boro Uio liiKi;rli>tlon. ' ‘Uuhl ccao; wo maUo and*Hold In 19ir. 2-18,) pounda."rhe-foIowlnK iirix(m-w(‘n) nwardod: lit Indy rldo r nnd liucKiiroo girl.- ■B. tloyd 'O IIv(T ; lic-it ninii rider, onk ...Luhani:.. bcul ..dccoratcd...autu,

K unze, typical o f pioneer jdtiyB:)8t un ique Stryniour ranch,Ul claim Bhavk nnd I'arly day Hur- iindlnga.Following tlHMiarade, which wa» <en' in a l l ' IIm detail!! by a moving :tu ro luan , tin- rn.w d divided. Hoine- Ing over 1200 crowding Into-the-blR- liennacle, w)ill<‘ ImndrodH more went 860 K im borly IjiU.i a ba«o hnll gamo }m Duhl. to thu tunc of 13 to one. Tho Bpeaking related largely to the jnoors nnd t)te u-orlt. Frod Nlfiart dslded an d Introduced tlio speak- 11. Fo llowiiiK llin HhiKlng d t Anier- i, Rpv.--7t \V7^J^imoii pronounced tho vocdUon. In a few tim ely worda, lyor H orm an Irnde lhe vlHltora wel- mo. M ayor Swcele>-brought grcet- BB from T w in FalU . Ho uuggcstcd a t in o lder communitlea, peoplo )uld bo surprlned to hcnr of a com- unlty b u t 10 ycnrK old holding a oneor-celebm tlon:— H o-nald -thn t-it- 18 approprla lo hero becauae the act­ors had In' a ilocnde done tho work

n cen tury . Ti'n yeara ago the as- aaed vnluo oC ticraonnl property in h n l Is now Twin Fulls county, wnn :cording to tlu' bust cHllmatcH ob- Imihlc.jinly-jdmuLj::SflO>-nQW It cx- >ods $20,000,000. /Tho d ia lrm an In Introducing Dr. A l­io, tho f ir s t mayor of Halil, referred I hlH work" la upbuilding tho d ty , tying tlm t h cJiad callod out the fln it )ad buildorik^to connlrucl n bridge :roaa Uie'Salnibn, th is being tho flra l o rk of lho kind ever dono In tho junly. On nccount of the public j lr l t abow'n on all o'ccnBiona, the peo- lo liad tielecteil him for Uielr f irs t inyor and Uiough no longer. wlUi len), lie w as loved ns ono of Uiem.Dr; Albee spoko brleny , of enrly

ayii In Buhl and of the work of lho ra t council, conslBtIng of Ruaa W. J lre d. J W. F n rla . neo rco Evqleth nd A. J. Milner. A t tlm t timo hc aald icy muHtered b u t fow to thcJtr moet- iRK and had llttlo idea th a t In 10 cncu JL..would Jia-poaalh lo-lo . m iu tc r. uch n vmit concourse of people.A le tte r wns read from form er Qov-

rno r JnmoH Hawley In which ho ox- Inlned IiIh tnnbillty lo be prosen t nnd aid an eloquent tribu te to tho new loneer- w lio-foughl th® obataeles-of- a tu re an the old pioneer had fought' ho hoBtlfe Indian,.The .doflinc, aOdrcss- w as .dollvercd

ly Governor A lexander, who said th a t IC" b ro u g h t-g ree tin g s-trim tho o ther lartB of the s ta te to this, tho m ost o m o u a T rr lg B tc in je lt ' In Uio 'w orld. lo declnred th n l today Uie experts of .11 nnUonV-looUne::for.aa cxam plo.ot ucceaaful IrrlgaUon, tu rned their lyea to Uie Twin F a l ls , south .side rac t. which In ex ten t and forUlIty hnd 10 rival on earth except tho D elta of ho Nlle^ Ho painted a benuUfuI plc- uro of the financial,‘m oral and sp lr- tun l-opportunH les of the people -of h o trac t, and asked Uiem to help their ess fortunato brothore In tho solution )f tho problema w llh which they m ust )o confronted In tho fuluro? .- S ecretary J. M .-Bradley of th e Bnhl !k>mmcrclnl ctub, whO' kept closo tab >n tho nutos. sa id a t tho cIcho thnt :hero wore approxlm ntely 300 in line, rh e v isito rs camo from all parte of :hn north and souUi aldo trac ts and lum bered about 3000 In tho opinion of ihoBO who kep t track of the grow th of tho crowd.

M C l l Y l A i r ^

TO B t PROPOSED(Continued trom Page 1.;

cusnlon of public m atters, apnco and equipm enl for a lib rary , a drill- and rccrentlnn floor, - nnd . safe atorage spaco of am plo slse for c ity records nnd n.roperty. -Aa It now Is, people desiring tq_doaI w ith tho city o r Its officers nro compelled to v is it a num ­ber o f d iffe ren t ijlacos, m ore or loas widely separated , w hich 'condlU on Is not a t a ll ono In keeping w ith Uio Dp-to-dato class of o u r citizens.

"One o lhcr m a ile r haa boen 'urged aa deslrBble—Ul© surfacing of tho four m ain a rte rie s o t tra ffic trom the end o f Uio paving te tho clly lim its. T raffic a l c e rta in soasons la now so heavy th a t tho soil o t onr str<***t'» win Dot stand up on d e r tho w ear. A t««&ty-'fooi-8lrlp-4>t-hard-eurfMO-from the- TWvlBff-»mlte--<»-:<h»-<>ty-4im its would In largo m easure take r a re of tho traffic , sim plify th e p ro b le ^ keeiilng th o se 's tree ts in condlUon. and bo o f m nD lfes t benefit, to o u r flro eys- tem. R osnectlnlly subntttecT.

; "E . M. SW E B I^Y , Mayor."

i> n . P . G BBBBE ‘ • D e n ib t

C e n t r a f ^ ^ d J n g ; - Phoaa 40S.

___!__ F j M k J j s e y i t - C r iB P ia

“The Housethe gifted ei

EMILY SI in the Stellar Roll


- S C L H t rRQH-THE-HqySE-Cir.TWRS-.

Five Compelling Act* of that Stirs the I*

“A Niglit at- A Two-Reel Coi

F u n n i e s t




R e d u c e dF or a F«w

W E want you to liccdmc assorted stocl: of


. I TJicso reductions do not iiielii coal make this impossible.

M R S . M . EA R T

t . • 2 ^ 5 M a in

42350 buys one of the fm ott n sleopinj; porcb. #T00 the-balanco wjU make tenant.

_____ 1__ 1___ Coll and wc wil

A i i t o L i v e r y

f a n d D ram m tic S t o r y ________

of Tears"lotional a c tre sa ----------1— —EVENS \ :!, Supported by RGMAN


Intensely Human Drapxa. j^art and Soul

the Show’ledy Featuring

^ ^ ^ nlinnoos




i s a t I

P r i c e s ;Weeks Only . - , :acquainted w ith our carofbl^y k



Je TbTmd, as large advances J o > -

.. ROBERTSG O O D S \ V c n u 0 E a H t

ROOSr-MODERN H05IES. with :nsh aiid mnnthly payments on you an inrtcad o f u •

1 gladly sbow yoiL : . ^ .

I P O T A T O E S I“ Seed ftr JjOa. I

- & CL-«ILLEliAlrD::n ‘ t:

- • t .

Page 6: xi! Ndrss/ EW-CITY HAU- |L » I |0 R H G H W i P O T · voli xi! ndrss/ eleventh'year. ' tw in falls. tw in faces coumty,

' V____ . - TWIO&A-WBgKTWlMrAU,BTIMEa,Ttn8BDAY,AKtIt.l8,me' ' . .A

■ U s e T h i s C l e a r S o a p F o r a Cleairer S k i n »

j A P R o s E ;;— _ _ S O A E _ ^ L

. i s w o n d e r f u l j y p u r e . T h e J '

’ b S h e r a b s o r b s t h a t " d i r t y ” «'

f a d i n g a n d i n s t i l l s a d e l i g h t - :

f o l ^ e s h n c s s . - [I

U ncx^cd-/orSbainpocv Bath m - - a n d -G fn e ra i- to i le t -Use. -- U'

" ~ B 4 ^ F a r - ¥ o a r O i l y - S k m ~ i><

R e \ v' r '^ 'F o r t h e r e t u r n o f .

m o n t h s o l d , a n s w e r i r C a l l o f a d d r e s s ^

; Auto Su]T w in

T h e G r e a t A ie- F a l l i a l i n e w i

s m o k e r s o f t h e r o o

t h a t ’s b e e n a n A n i o

; D u r h a m - T h c _ r i c h ,

, n a t i o n a l s p i r i t o f g e

i “ B u l l ” i s t h e f r e s h e :


“ R o l l y o u r o \

\ ' 1 - ' A * k f o r F R E Ej S paeUase o f p a p t r t "\)g with each 5c aach.

; I i B m K' 1


rofcsHor E. J . FjrJHtcd Sa^R ^^'canlng lc( Time Is CrlUcal 'I 'c rlod I ' n Smnll tli Torkors. ' - „ • \y

- m T hat Uio w eaning time for plKU Ib a•itical -porJod - in - tlio -producUoa o l tnark. tlia t tlio trunaitloti period Htioflld jn• cliiiracterlscd by tlio Ktcnlcst caro d, fccdlDR and tlicn Hkimmcd millc uud

aall quanlilloa o t grain conutUuto a tliimblnutlon- that-lH - hard . to_bcnt, Ib Jq10 eubatanco of tlio ndvIco"Rlvon to cc5K rnliiora by B. J. KJclotcd, field nnl- cral huabandmnn of the Untv«rulty ot aialio, |Q « s ta tem en t l»BUcd thi» week. p( 10 HtatcDienl rondn hh followB:"Probaljly tJio moBl critlcnl period, Qioni nn economical pork production m undpolnt, o ccurs u l tliu tlmu of wean-1 it] B the plR8 trom tbolr dama. I t the j cc cti aro taken from, tlielr motliorH nnd ' ,il•c UHed to hb cJhctm lralcil or~biilli>’' a'jedb otlicr, tliun wFi’a t .n atu re pro- m(li‘H tlium through lhelr dam'H hillk, m id placcd upon aolld.feeds a -stop tu10 KrowUi of the anim al la auro to u;’Hult Such an a b ru p t change In jneding condltlona w ilt tnko trom one tlI twp weeks to rcadJUBt and ll wtll gji found Uial vory amall galna aru i)<ado during th is Umo. OUier than (}'>1r lho ta rn jc r-w ill bo raUicr.aure.oC. .•alng a per cen t o f lila litte r from the h(»Ullfl-ot----■llBauUvn_.trotihlt'H Tlii>crj* beal-Cccdoro nnd breodora all jo proo thn l profitab le pork Is producedlly when Uio an im als nro m aking ti- 3 -------- :------------ :— bA- J — pl

.............. -• a^ ' P

. ------------------- o ............ ............... . , g' . Cl

a r d ^- ------------------- J,ll

■ ' r.

A i r d a l e - d o g , 18;— i ig n a m e o f S t y l i s h . ! r

pply Co. IFall. ____________ ]


lerican Smoke— “ It i l l i u n d r e d s o f t K d u s a r i 3 j

d o l d - U . S . A . S m o k e i Ik

r i c a n i n s t i t u t i o n f o r t h r e e g r e l i s h y , s t a r r s p a n g l e d t a s t e

t - u p - ^ d - h u s t l e i n t o y o u r h o

5t, s f S p p i e s t , l i v e l i e s t , o f s m (

& E N U I N E

S M O K I N G T O B A C Cv n " w i l K “ B u l l ” D u r h a m i

- g r e a t e r s a l i s f a c l i o n i n y

y o u c v c r . - d i t l b e f o r e . ^

m i l d e s t l e a f g r o w n . “ B i

m e l l o w - s w e e t f l a v o r f

t o b a c c o . * A n d i t s a r o n

i s u p r e m e l y u n i q u e . ’ M e n

i | c i g a r e t t e s b e f o r e a r e n o w

t l w i t h “ B u l l ” D u r h a m .

/ i “i | t . T -I An IlluotratedI ' ~ ~ H Boqldet.»ho*r.

to "Roll Your Own" Cieareiic*,nncto (‘ocltnseof eigi'reito pnperst

I? will Lotli be m ailecl./r«. to anyi ^ a l l \n l Bcldrea. in U .S .on fcqueit. Ad- U ^ M j DuihKn,' DuiUatn.

2 5 5 ^ TUB jjiB U C iirioaicco 00.

bod ** liia -tro m :tix e-U m o 'th « y w o -•xrrow^d AintU-thoy-.aro cen t lo Uio i larkoL Any s to p -in Uio growth of [ ti«80 onlmolB Is mado In evorj' caao a t [ lo oxpcnRo of w»npr- Tbifl does _£ 5t-m «an-U iB t~th«r-ftnl»iftl-m ust~bc- r cp l In a m arkotablo condition a t a ll n Imoa, b u t haa r«foronV to wlial m ay |j 0 term ed a good growing condition, a n illo Uio animal.48-Rrowliig is'u a rc |j lo s t Intoreatcd In building o t a u rbwUiy fram e th a t w ill liu u b lo 'to G ako caro-of-U io^-fottcnlnr feivla and- -C lako prolltablo ro turn in cprk pro- [] ucUon, . „ , C“A g rea t numbor of o u r piK« recolvo |

hoir flrBt 'stop* a t lho trunHltion per- r Jd .from_'WconlnK to a pmiturc and r onconlrato"fcedlng"«ynt<'m , rind -Uils' 'p nn easily bo provcntod by following t feeding syatem th a t w ill. »» near na

oBBlblo, replace n a tu ra l conditlonii. i “Skim m ilk stands a t tlie hcud of '

liQ IlaL-ot.fcoda a s a aublTlitiiie for thn illk th a t Uio young p ig rccelvca from

moUier. This contalnu lilgh pur- en ts o t protein and llnio In an eaully IgOBtoblo form, and them; njiil'irliilH , TO very” nceesBniy 7 o r tfu: i)o^a-~li1» r ~j nuBclc building of Uio dovoloplag nnl- » nnl.

"Kxporimenta havo .c li »rly , iihown i: ha t It Ib not good' cconomy to fei'il argo qunnttUea of aklni without ho ad d ition ‘Of sm all aniounla of t a-ain.- Tho, beat rcBultu aro obtained " ly giving one pound o t praiu to every hroo pQunds of ekJm ziilllf f>''l. .-..■!Groal.sumbcra-oC-t&rmur^i. arc not0 fo rtunato as to havu any niiantity if-ftktm-mlllc^Tn thla ovcnt,.^<U'»L»»^. .1 ook to aomo oUior growing fc'.<:<li'. and h o .o a ta seem to fit the ciihi' butter im a any other. BlngiQ-gratn. a com- J ilnatlon o t 3 parts roll< il <>r Kround t intB.and ono part ground whent niaket) I I'splondld focd -fo rtho Bmail srow lnjf )lgs. I f ground oata a re ted. It la_ft. _ ;;m,through u . lourHo alovo, Uiub rem oving u largo lorcont o f the liulls th a t only aerve aa in Irre tan t for tho dlgcHtiv? traeu ■

“QotUng the pigs to cat Ukihc feeda t }cforc weaning Is .lho Imiiortaat fac- ar .' I f a crccp is m ade «llo\vlnB tJin ItUo fellqwB to find u (coding floor i iway from.Uiclr dama and tlnding thla j ;omblnaUon of grain Uiero. thc aklm n llk In tho trougb,ror boUi, thc.prolii. _ lom .will bo solved. I f anch an a r ­rangem ent iB mado. the plga will n t J LWO o r Uirco weeks of uko boglii to i jiko_am an amDUfttfl_of llipclfjiil-.1 teeda, anil-U w ill bo fbunil’Tliat n l 8 ;o 10 wooks the w eaning will be done i wlUt no apparent losa to lhe litter. ,

' I

W eO evslsiim Sain im hck l B t \ ,yViH skiM M IIlnhrgim nl B S n '

lSchrainm-i/a/insan\\\[ KODAK’KRArr- BAtTUAKECJTXjJ

|i |

B u ll” l

3 o f r e d - b l o o d e d " ^

e c i g a r e t t e t o b a c c o

r e n e r a t i o n s — “ B u l l ’*; o f " B u U ” p u t s t h e

a n d - r o l l e d c i g a r e t t e ,

o k e s .

a n d y o u ’l l f i n d f a r j

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f o u n d i l l n o o t h e r I n a t i c - f r a i f r a n c e . i s i

1 w h o n e v e r s m o k ^ I ~ V “ ro llin g theTr ow n** * I .

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I TURMOIL I[ ..................A N i ^ ^ _____ . _ I j1 BOOTH T A R K IN G T O N " |

I • Authorof S ^

I Mon*i«ir Beauctifo,** **Tbe a ,- r - - - C o w i \ i « « --------a -,

1 “ Peaiod,” et& ' S ' ,

gasasasBsasssasBszsaszsBsgsaszSa <O m \m ta i.b rB M ivM *B nam a i

e v N D P a ia . j

C IIA P T B R I -S h e r ld d n 's a ttem p t to | Mke a buaioess m an o t hln aon Olbbs by ,

reck. . ■ _ ^

C H A P T E n I l - O n hla re tu rn Dlbba la ‘ >«i a t tlio Btatlon by hla ulBtor.EdUh. jC llA P T C n U I- H o na<3« hlmaeir an In- J laalilortible and uoconsldercd flKuro In i le “Now ito u aa" o f Hio Bberldiuia. Ho \ :oi M ury V crtn b a loukinc » t blm from . Buminor houae nux l door. . . ;CH A PTER IV -T lio VertrecBes, old town , in lly u d Im poverished, call on the hertiians.'new ly-rich. ond afieriiiftrd Uls- j u tliciD. U a r y /p u ts ’ in to words h e r < iirenia' Uanpoken w ish t l ia t ah o 'm a rryW 'o f-lhB -flhn ltlaa -bera.------— — — — -1CH^VPTER V -A l Uie Sheridan houao- • ormJaft banquet Uherldon aoraada him - | iir,—Mary.traak>x-«Dcouracea.Jlni.Sl>ttrl-. nn's a tten tion , a n d Blblxi hears be ia to i c se n t back to th e m achine shop. ' :

CHAPTER-VI.------- ------------1

-MrH.-Vcrtroea '‘sa t u p '-fo r her daugh-' ;r. i l r . Verlreea having retired a fte r a ;ntlesa ovcnlug, not much soothed by le soclcty o t hla Landseers. B ut Mra. ertrcea bad a long vlgl'l of I t 8bo unt tbroagb lho sJott olgbt bovra

I a Htltf llltio chair under tbo gaslight I her own room, w hld i w as diroctly vcr th e '“fron t'lin ll. '’ • There', book Id‘ nnar'Bbo*employcdr:tlio-tlnio-in-Jicr - wn remlulscences, though It w as hor. cllef th a t slic w as reading Madame de;onm ijJ’s.__ ____________ - _________i i c r thoughts w en t backw ard into

cr llfo uud Into her husband 's; and !ic deeper Into tho p ast they went, tho rlghtcr thc 'p lcturca tfiey brought her -an d there la tragedy.. Like her hua- and. ahe thought backw ard bccause lie a id not dnre th ink forw ard dcDoltc- r. U'liat th ink ing forw ard tlila troa- led couple ventured took tbo form of “Slender hope wlilch neither of Kliem ould bavo borno to hear p u t In words, mt yut tbey hnd talked I t over, doy fter day, from the very hour when hoy heard Sherldnn waa to build bla lew houso n ex t dopr. Tor—sS quick- r nny iiif>nWf Inininn Iwlinvlor . iccome an n n tlq n e ^ th c ir youtli waa of hc Itiiioceiil old days, so dcnd! ot •breodlDg” nnd “gcnUlliy,'' nud no r r l f t hurt been m oro-atraltly trained ipon them Umn tbnt o f talking nbout hlnga without m entioning Uiem. Ucrc* n w ns inn rted Iho m ost vital differ- inco between^ Mr. nnd Mrs. Vertrcos ind their big new nolKbbor. Sheridan. Jioiigh hls youth ivaa of tbc siime >poch. knew* nothing of such matters. He hail been chopping wood for tlie momluK Ore In tla* country grocery ivhllc they w ere aUIl (lancing.

nfior ono o'clock when Mra. Vcrtrei-H heard atepa and the delicate tlltiltltitf of the key In Uio lock, and tlieii, with the opening of tlie door, U ary’S lauKli nuil, "Y w —I f ybu 'a ren 'l afraid—loniorrow!"

The door closed, .and ahe ruahed-up*'. tlalrn, bringing w ith lier a breath of cold and bracing air Inlo her mother’s ■wm. '‘Ytfs,"' ahe snld, .before 'M rs. ’ortrccfl could speak, “hc brought me

lo m c r . _ ^She lot her cloak fall upon the bod,

und, draw ing nn old rcd-vclvet rocHug chair fon\’nrd, liat bc8lde_hcj; mothor, nfter giving her a light p o t upon the] shoulder an^ a hearty klaa upon tbo j chcck.

“ Mnmmal” -Mary «icUilmod, when, Mrs. Verlreea had expressed n hope


th a t she had enjoyed tho evening am ^ n f l n t t r cnosht cold. “ Wliy don 't yot ask nioV"

Thia Inquiry obviously made hei mother uncom fortable. “1 don 't—” shi Caltored.. "A sk you wlw t, M ary r’

“How I got along and w hat he’i like.”

" M a r r r ' ■**01), It Isn 't d U tre sa la g r aald U aiy

“A nd I c o t «long .Bhe tjoik'

n r to ts o w e r a n in n o .T H B n , "Bn< liftti.tbb jir* i.X tJU Jt.oL co?iM es. (7e a n In a hurry, a ren 't w e r ’

”My deaf, I doh’t know w h a t to—" - “ W httt-te -ia8ke-«J-en fth ln iP !-M ar^ Iht8h6d'n>r1ier:“ " 8 (r tb a f8 -a ll-r lg h tl !^ow r u tell yon alt about l t I t w a i rorgcona and deafening and teetotal. Wo could h aro .liv ed , a year on It. I h ln k -the orchids alone would have asted t u a cotiple of monthi. There J io y ^ w e , -beforo-me, -b u t-I couldn^t itcal ’em and sell ’em. and so—well, bo'[ did w h a t I could I'’

,8be leaned back and laughed rcas^ jnrlogly to h e r troubled ibother. “ I t jeemcd to b e a ;8Dccet5e—w hat I could,’:’ lhe aald. ctasplog her bauds behind le r nock a n d a tirrlng tho rockcr to mo* Jon a s a rhy thm ic accompaniment to le r narraU vc. ."The girl Edith and be t ilBtcr-ln-lnw, M rs.’ Roscoo Sheridan, ivcre.too anxious about the offcct o( dilngs on mc. The fathcr'a w orth a iiDsbcl o f txith o f them. If he know- I t ETo’s 'w h a t^ h b ~ lB .-^ 'lIk o . hlm r'" Sho liauscd rcflecUvcly,' . continuing, ‘Editb'a ‘Interested’ In that.L am honx twy; he’s good-looking and not atupld, but I th ink bo 's—" She Interrupted ttersolf-w ith a ch o oryou tcry : '‘Oh, tm u s tn 'f b o -c a l l in g -h im : namDat--W lie’s try ing to-m ako E dith like blm I ought to respcct b lm 'i^ a collcagne."

“ I d o n 't-u n d o ra tan d -a -th in g you’ro talking about," Mrs. Vortrecs com-

“All the bettorl , W olj!^e’s a bnd lot, that Lam bom boy; everybody’s alw aya known ~ thB t,'bu t -tho'Sberidana don’t know the everybodlca th a t know. H e la t betw een E dith and Mrs. - Roscoe Sheridan. She's llko thoae pcoplo.yon w ondered-about-atthe-tboater-4be-taat Umo w c w en t—dressed In ballgowna; bound to show tS o lrdo thea and Jewels somowhercl She flaltora lhe father, and so d id I , fo r Uiat m atto r—b ut no) tb a t way. I treated Wm oatragconalyr’

’’M aryl'’/ “T hat’s w h a t flattered him. A fter d inner he 'm ad e the whole reg im ent of ua follow h lm all o v c rth e houae,-whllo ho lecturcd like a guide bn th e P a la ­tine. H e gavo dimensions ond cbatg, an d tim whole b'ilin* o f ’’em itotcncd aa If they ' thought iio Intended tn m nW them 0 p resen t o f tbc houso. W hnt i o w as p>oodes^of was tho p lum blng/(nd th a t Bny o f Naples panoramn In the hall. Ho m ade ua look a t nil tho plumbing—bathrooms ond cverywhcto elso—and then ho mode, us look a t the Bay o f Napios. H e saiti it w as a hun­dred and eleven feet long, b u t I th ink It’s more. A nd Ub 1 ^ us a ll Into the roady-mado library ,to seo a poem E dith hnd taken a prise w ith a t schooh They'd h ad It printed in gold letters and fram ed In mother-of-pearl. But tb<y poem Itself w as ra ther slmplo and .^Vlatful, a n d nloo—he rond I t to us. th.ottgb E dith tried to stop him. She w os m odest about it, and said she’d never w rltfen anyUilng clae. A nd.then, a f te r a while, M rs. Roscoo Sheridan naked mn to come acrosa tho s tro c t It her houHC w ith them—her husband and Edith and M r. Lamhom and J im Short, dan—"— MrS;__3:ortrccB wob ehockcd. "Jim!" she cxcIalmcd. ^'Mnry, please—*'

“Of courae,’’ said Mary. " I 'll make I t a s enay. fo r you ns I cnn, m amma Mr. JnmoH Sherldnn, Jr . Wc w en t ovei therr, nnd M rs. Koseoe explained Uiai ‘the men were- dying for a drink, though 1 noUccd tha t Mr. J.4iuihon w as the only one ncnr death'a d o o ro i th a t nccoun t Edith and Mra. Itoscoi Tald th’e y l f n c w r d D e c n 'b o rc d 'a f tht <Ilnner. They were olijectlonuhly opolo

-g e tie T a l> o u t^ lt;-Q Iid } ^ tlie rd 8 C « n i^ K th ink now wo were going to havo i •good tim e’ 'to mnko up fo r I t B u t 1 hndn 't heoii b b re ir 'h t 'th e 'd lu tic r , i'( been nniUHOd; and tho 'good tim e’ a .Mra.-Itoacoe’a wiiB horribly, horrlbl; Btupld.”

“ Hut. .Mnt7 ,” _her tnothcr began, “I —1»—" A nd '^ e aecmcd unable t completc UlC Qucatlou.'

“Never mind, ninmnia, Vii any I t I •Mr. Jam es Sherldnn, Jr., atupld? I 'r Buro he's not n t ull atupld about baa: ni'tia. Othcnvlflc— Oh, -whnt rlgli have I to bc calling people ‘ijtupld' b< rauflu they 're not exactly iny k’ltid On Uio b ig dinner tnble they had etioi mous Icing niodela of the Sherlda bulldliig—".

••Oh no!^' Mrs. Vertreea cried. '“Sun ly not!"

••Ycil,* and two other thlngB of thti . kind—I d on 't know' what. But. a fti

all, I wondered If they w ere bo bni Vi\>ll. then, mumina, I managed not I feel Hupcrlor to Mr. Jam ea Sbcridai Jr., becauao ho didu't*nco^unyUilng ot of place Ul tbe Sherldnn building I augnr."

Mm. Vertreea' cxprcsBion bad- loi nono of-Its anxiety and she ahook h< .head gravely. “My dear, dear child, Bhc Bald, "It Hcems to me— I t looka- I 'm a fra id —’’

"Say aa much of I t ns you ca 'tnaminn," aald ilari*, encouraging ly .' can get It, I t you'll Jual glvo mo oi keyword.'* '

“Every th ing you aay," M rs. Ve treca-bcgau , tiiuldly. “seems to hn the a ir o f— I t ia aa t t you w ere see lug to—to m ake yourself—"

••Oh, I ace! You mean I sound oa I w ere trj-lng to force myaelf to 111 him."

"Not crnclly , ainry. TI»«t wnwr quite w h a t 1 meant,” said Mra. Vc

-trcca^ .apcaklngjlJrcctjm iru tlnrtttrp f feet uncoiisciouaneBB. '•But you Ba tha t—th a t you , found the. la tte r pu of Uie even ing -n t young Mra. Bliei dali'a unentertalniiig—"

I / • ' .^ d na Sir. Jamea Shorldnn wj L Ifttcrc..nad-I.mLW .jnurc-of ,hlm 'Ui«g_

dinner, nnd had u horrlljly atupld titi f in ap lte o f th a t you think I—" At » tlieu It w aa Mnry who le ft the dcdu

tion unflulahed. ^ rI Mra. Vertreea nodded;, and thouj

both the mothoV nntf tho daughter u deratood, Mary felt It be tte r to mai

• Uie undcrstaudlng dcQulte- I “W all." aho asked, grayely, ’la the

Mtiyffilng else I ciln QOT v X oa.M a pap> \ don’t w an t do.apyUitDg t h a f f l t o - ^ Q ® a ^ V H n i tT O r * r t i l * - i* - tb r o t i9 r ~ “thing to be doho, I t aoema i f a QP t o ^ e not to lot I t illatreaa * e . . ' T 2 ia ty iuai'cro' la ah6U n t r l » P t - t t r — :— r -----------~ ‘*Bu'r~noth1 nir“ M S t-^ l8 trc a a -y o u r the moUier c r i c d y / \ ^

"T h at’s w ^ I s a y r’ said M arr, chbortully .' "A nd sb - lt 'd o c a n ’t - I f a - nil r ig h t” She roso tfnd took h er cloak oTor. hcr.arm ,_fls.lf_to_go to_bo^ow n room. But on th'o w ay tb ''tho door sbe stopped, ond atood leaning agalnat Uio foot o f the bed, contem plating a th read . . ba re rug a t her-fcot. -MoUier, you've tbjd m e jt thousand Umcs th a t I t d « s n ’ _ ’r'dally 'm atter'w hom -a 'g lfrm arrrea.” '

'•■No, nol” Mra. Vortrccs protested, “ r nover nnid KUch a —"

•’No, not In wdrda; I menn w hat you moun(. I t 's true. Isn’t I t th a t mnrrlago really la ‘not a bed of roses, but a Held of battle’? To get righ t down to I t a ' girl could ilglit It out w ith anybody, _ ?ouldn 'raho7 Oho man^ntfTvcll na a n ^ - oU ier?". / ,

"M nry ..I 'c n n 't benr for you to ta lk like t h a t ' ' ' And Mn*. Vertrecs -llfted— pleading eyea to hur d n u g h tc r-^y es thn t bcgKCil to bc spared. “ I t s J l^ d s

M ary caught tho appeal, came to h c ^ l a d klaaed hor gnyly. “^Jevcr f r c t ^ ^ dear! - I ’m -uot-llkcly-to do an j'th ln g -I «( don’t w a n t to—r’vo nlways bee'tf too4horoughigolng a llttlc.plg."______________

She gave her mother a ilnal klaa and w en t gayly all the wny to Uio d oo fth ia Umcr paoalng for-her. po«tacrlpt w ith - her band on tbo knob. “Ob, tbc one l h a t caught mc looktng in tho w indow ,- - • mamma, tho youngest ono—’’

— ’D ld 'h ra p e a k •o M tr’- M n r -V e r tr c e y ^ aaked. apprehensively. /. "No. H o d id n 't apeak a t all, OiA .l

saw , to anyone. I didn’t mcctraliQ . B ut he lan 't Insane, i'm auro; o r i f bo la, ho hna long.intervals when he’a hot.Mr. Jam ea Sheridan menUoned th a t he llvod a t homo when ho- waa 'w ell enough'; and it may be he's only a n In*v a iid r” m ” iodka~drw ianiiir:-iii—b t i r ~he haa pleM ant eyes, and It struck me th a t I f ^ l f one were In. th e Shorldaa fa m lly i^ lw -lau B b o d -ft-liltlo -ru e fo ily --; - " h e n»i#*T"lie“ lnlerc'Btlflg to ta lK 'to a p m e ^ c s , whon there w aa too tuucb BmclM and bonda. 1 d idn 't bco him a f t­er dinner."

“Thore m ust bo aomethlng w rong w ith hlm.” .Bald Mrs. Vertreea.-“T h ry ’d - - have Introduced him if thero w eren’t ’’

" I don’t kiiow. Hla father apoko o f tending h im .b ack to '.a madil(ic_Bbop of aome so rt; glanced a t blm Just then and be w as pathcUc-looklng enough beforo thnt, but tho moat tragic change camo over him.. Ho seemed Just to die, r igh t there a t the table!”

"M r. Sherldnn m ust be very unfecl-------- !--------- -- ---------- T -----------------

"No." said JIary, tiiouglitirully, " I ' don’t thinlc ho ts ; b u t he m ighlibe un- eouiprchcnding. and certainly iV a tho kind of m an to do anyUiing b f ^ n c e se ts out to do. B u t I wlah I bndn’t n ^ n looking a t th a t poor boy Juat t l ^ ^ I’m ,afraid I 'll keep rc tpem bering -”

VI w ouldn't." Mra. Vertreea s tn llc ^ ^ faintly , and lu her amllc Uiero wiia the. rem otest ghoat o f a genteel roguish- ncsa. " I 'd kcop my mind on pleasanter Uilngs. M ary." . .

Mary laugV d and nodded, "yes. In­deed! P le n ^ pleasant enougli. nndprobahlyrlf-all-werc-kiKiwnrtoo good------even for mo!". Aud Avhen abo hnd gone Mnj. V c r^

-treea-drrw -a-long-breath.-an-lf a b u ^ - den w ere off- her mind, and, atuiUog. bog&n to undrcaa_lnji,.£ont[q rev ttflt

(To bo coatinued.) /


All 'p ersons Booking employment ahould reg is te r 'wlUi tho em ploym ent agcn trflfo fflco No.118 WcBt'Shoshono etroot, Borrlno bulldtng.

A ll^ b ra o n s seeking ' cmployccB or holp OT nnyk lB d ahould rogiator their requests a t tho office, w here every ef­fo r t w ill hc mado to furn ish auch help,

‘ . REESE M. -WILLIAMS,■ Adv— Employment Agent.

A repeUUoa of your w aui ad la o tu n I wiuo—whon U’a Im portant to find the

m ost deairatrle tenau.i - _

I , •r -

' W e a r e a v e r y X

H u m a n O u t f i t . Nr '

I t followH t l ia t w c r a t h e r e n ­jo y th e Bensation. w h ic h w e

J e x p e r ie n c e th e se 'd a y s n s o u r g c u s to m e rs com m ence to f i j id j

o u t t i i a t w e a ro m a k in g g o o d ^ r :• iu o u r e f lo rU to b c m o jy0 - se rv ic e a b le . . . -

" ' ' f W e K ta rled a co u p le o f y e a rs URO in th is d ire c tib n , a n d wo a re g o iu g a l i t t le f a s te r e v e ry

•t duy . ^_________ -—

O n r b ig boss, th o p u b lic , 19 'l .show ing a p p ro v a l in u v e ry

- .su b s ta n tia l w ay . O u r .Qffice is b e c o m in g h e a d q u a r te r s fo r b iiild in i¥ id eas an<l su g g es-

t ' tio»»- ~ Out* a e rv ic e - in y o u rs P a n y 'm in u te y o u a s k f o r >[ ' d

1 aM STm iU K B ER C O .n .L . A € 8 T n f , . M a B a g e r , /N ^

, Twla F tlla , l ia h o . T

Page 7: xi! Ndrss/ EW-CITY HAU- |L » I |0 R H G H W i P O T · voli xi! ndrss/ eleventh'year. ' tw in falls. tw in faces coumty,

■ TW IO B-A :W BB gTW m FA LI,B liM M ,jroBB PA y,A PR lI.18,1916 ' ' P A O E a K W

A eonTcnlentlT elM sItled D in e .ton r of re liab le people irbo

— w m -« p p te « ta te _ jo iir . pftlron._.; ag e ; g lre good eerrlce and e&. i i r e BatlsfaeUon.

H A TES-TW IC E.A -W B EK- r M o n ! y ^ . ,p e J L ^ t _ ^ ^ .

F o r th is D irectory , TH E TIMES soU dta only tbe adTerUse. m entJ of peraum enUy eslab-! llsbed bnsloegs boasea ' Abd

{irofeBsJeoAl peoples I t tb e r ^ oro qnotes no o tb e r ra te s for

Its d irec to ry th an tbose o r a ■-aenUily-bafllg, - .......... ..........


■ 8W ESLE:7'& SWESLEJT, MEMBHRS Twliy F a lls Commorclal Cluh. P rac- t l c j^ n a ll C obrta .. om ccs: f 'lrs t Na-

r t y M n ^ a n V HSUg: '— - — ---------------

y ^ S H B R B.- T/ILSON, PRACTICH IN Y all courts. Room 14 la t NnL Bonk B ids.

'■ GU TH RIE & BOWEN •W. I\^Q u t] |r lo^

• i . II. W ISE. OPPICB ROOMS G AND-?; Twin F a l ls .B a n k & T ru s t Co.. Bldg.

- B . nr. T O tF B : OFFICE 1^ 1; Di BLtJO;

------ -E X P fiB T AQCODNTAKT----------

\ J . H. RADCLIFFB c \ i r t A ccountaat, A uditor and 8ys- ( c t ^ z c r . Room 4, Pow or DufJdfoer.

c l a s s if ie d AbVERfiSING RATES

1 InH trtlon, per iro rd ............. J e

All ttda m u s t be ordered for a Htiitcd leng th of time.

Ucad y o n c -ad -tb e -U rB t- tlm e J t— uiipcars und notify nn Immed* Julcly If a n e rro r appears.

Call o r m all jo n r reqalromcatfl o r ’ phono

Hinlm nm to ta l charge to be so t less th an 2&c. . .

One > Best Buy

80 acrca, all under high stato Qt>'cuiUvntlon aDd Inclovod w ltb • woVcn w iro fenco.

I’r lc t t fo r quick ta le , $IOu per acre . T erm s easy.

■ GEO. H. DARROWFhone M7.-

A CCTIOli SALES k w in c le rk_yoar a a lp p jm d caah A yoar notoa a t tho fotlow lng dfacoaat,

^ m onths notosi G po r c c n t ; '8 m onths (totes, 4 p e r cont------------- — — ....

10 acros o t Twlo" Palls-'dpatE .S ido ' w ater r ig h t l o r aalo.. W arner Bros. Twin F a lls . Idaho.

___________ B A I*

FO R 8ALE>^A . ..m odom . B-room bungalow, good location, p len ty shade. etc. Addrosa .Ow utfi caro Ttmea.

FOR SALB—Owner leaving tho d ty . 6-room bungalow bome. Address X, care Times.____________________

FOR SALB OF T R A D B -F o r lot, Bocond handed car. Call 472 8tli Avo. HUBt/_________. .

FOR SALE—Oood driving horBO,- bnggy and ham ose, reosonablo. Ad- droBB 3C2 7tb AVO. B. rh o n o 614-J. ,


> W o . havo stored in w aro-houso a t ^ i n Folia, a s tric tly high grado p l^ o ,

y v h lc h w4U-' be sold trem endously y cheop. L iberal tcrm a. W rlto T H E C DENVER MUSIC COMPANY, a t D en­

ver, Colo., fo r portlculors. ‘

FORSALE— I hovo a fow of the beat torm a Ir th e Bolso valley ; well im ­proved .'in sizes to auit, from $110 to jllG per ac re . W rite mo for in form a­tion. J . R. C lark. Box 2B2. Meridian, Ida, __________

• FOR SAI.B—12x10 DTlvato garage

\ building, now. Can' bo moved easily. Apply 339 T h ird Avo. W.

POR ^ L E > ^ Slngle-comb R hode (B la n d Rod cgga; 16 eggs, SOc; 100 eggs, $3. E lsie I'lDWOrdow. ■


nO TiC E FOB p u b l i c a t io n ;S erial Nos. 011438-01C697.

D epartm en t o f th e In te rio r.TJ. S. Land ' Offlco a t Hailey. Idaho.M arch 23. lOlC. ....................NoUco ia hereby given th a t H arko

Kttnm. 'o f A m sterdam , .Idaho, w ho. oa May 27, 1012. mode Homestead Bs^ry No. O jlis r . fo r SW^4-NE«iirNH-BB>4i

— Hn t i u e ..nnd on Ju n e 10. 1914. mado additional Hom estead E n try No. 01G597. to r B B ^

: S % F A R M L O i

. illlll BHSINESSVOCAL 1N8TR^JCT■0^■ . .



a A. M ^N ~ B U IL D E R . ESTIMATES ^m ian iju . Ofllce ond Shop n ea r Poat- » )fDco. Phono Zl. “

B. MORGAN NISDET. ARCHITECT C Hoom.a, Twin Folia T ru s t Building. '

H08FITALS.____________ -

W HITE CROSS HOSPITAL. OPEN for Medical and Maternity cnaes. Reo- Bonoblo torma. 802 2nd Avo. WoaL ( PhoDo 80-W. —- -------------------- -i

~ l> 8 ~ T E W A fH ~ 7 ~ 5~ DR, EMMA C. CROSSLAND .

McCornick Bldg. Phono 13B [tca.-21G 3rd Avo. No. Phono 347-J 1


DRS. ATHERTON AND ATHERTON. ' Chlroproctic and Sanitarium Troot- mOQia.'" Chronic DlfldasSa a 'S p o c Ia lly I Phono 296. 0nie^:_220 4tZi Ave. B.

. UKDERTAKER 3 _____•

THB CROSBY COMPANY. FUNBUAL , D iroctors ond EmbaJoiorB. C. J . Cros- by, Rlantteer.-Cororer's O m ce.-Tcl. 408 j

----- :---------- — F B IC T IN ^ - —

TIMES ERWTINQ & P'UtiLISHlNG Co, • All claas of p rin ting . Quality irorfc- Prom pt sorvico. -• ■.

s e i l T RKNTj nOY X^ EXCHANGE: SECURE % J ----- H ELPrPO SlTIO N SrETC . " — ^

—POIt-SALC—A -sn a p .- . fo u r - <W-foot lo ts and amoU houso, closf? In. Will sell chcap. Box 48G, City.

POR SAL15—Homo JYido raage . |18. 430 4th Avo. B. ________________

- FOR SALB—40 acren cloae Inrcheop- • if taken a t once. Sylvester Lowiron, Box 170, Twin Falla._________ ’

— FOR SALE—L ight gen tle driving team, chenp. Box 3GG, Tw in P alls.

FOR SA L B -D ahlla bulbs. MrB. Oco. BriBtol. two miles no rth of w est ond Main Avo. Phono 203-J-G.

FOR SALE—Jew ett piano. almoBl n ow. cxcclIcnt tono. rnotifro Wcatnpi Union.

, .F O R SALE—Olio or tw o acres , on Dluo Lakea boulevard fo r leas than lol In tow n; eaay lernis, Qeorgo H. D ar­row . phono C47.

- FOR SA LB ^W hite P e a r l a n d E arly E ureka, nood potatoea. L. W. Voor- hees, 2 ^ m iles trOm C u rry siding;

IRRIGATION .'I IP B -A ll clrosTfrom % -lnch to 4-l:.c;i. aec-md-hand. In good a s n b v c ndltlon 'o r m oat pur­poses, and can -iclI a t p rices tlia t will aave you tO pei cen t to 75 po r c c n t All s tra igh t. rktL:eadoiL ap d titled -irilh-teoupnngBv-mOBt'aav-Quantlty-lB. stock. Also BOlI sacks, po tato and grain. Phone, w iito o r coU. Idaho Junk-H ouse,-CoU -b, Id a Phono-CiO,

FDR SA L B -Seed jiotatoos. S. 0 . O lllelandr Phono 694-W____ _ ____

- BUICK ROADSTER fo r sa le , |27G. R. T .L o g n n .,P h o n o 108. , . . . .

NICB -C-ROOM juodero bungalow, ju s t now ; w ill sell and tak e a pay­m ent o t $500 and m onthly paymenU on tho bnlanco. N, care ' o t TIMES!

FOR SALE— Soed pbiato'oa, Rurnls. Joha Troendly, HolUater, Ida.

FOR SALE—A nsco 'fo ld ing camera, postal card siie . Call a t P e te rs Broa. Shoo Shop. ShoBhono S tree t South.

FOB B E T ? ~

FOR RfeNT—Three-room house, pa rtly t uralshed. 461 2nd W. _____

FOR RENT—Njcdly tum lBhcd tro n t room. 401 2nd ave. w e s t

FOR RENT—F um lslied room for gentleman. 430 4th Avo. E.

POR RENT—Two room a partly tum lshod. House m odern. COI 4tl»Avo. W.__________________ ____________________ TO BENT.______________

RENT or on p a rt paym ent. 5 acres about 6 miles trom Tw in FallB. Ad- drCBB H. H., care TIMES._________ _

TO RENT—Five or six-room modom cottage;/ m ust bo pIooBaatly located, w ith garage. Will •leaae to r ono or two y ears If owner D tefers. Phono SB2-W. K.

FOR EXCHANGE._________

FOR TRADE—H om estead relln- qulahm ent w ith IGOO.OO improvomonta. Also $500.00 grocery-Involco. E ither one to r good second hand automobile. Inquire 440 4th Avo. North. • -

NWU. Nb W SW%. 8W !4 SB% . Sec­tion 28. Township 13 South. Rango 16 East, Boiso Meridian, h a s tiled noUce o f intontloa to ma1co F^nal Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land abovo S c r ib e d , boforo C. C Slggl-i*'. U. S. ^m m iss lo n o r , a t T w la Palis, Idahri, on. tho 18th d ay o t May. lOl**.

C lahnant nam es a s w ltnessos: George-Vrlellng, Sam uel L ako . stoffen T$M8rP6ptorVanBykenraiH><-Ameter. dam. Idaho.

BBN Rj ORAV. Register.

I Twin Fj

iTI .i I — ■v


: EDWIN N. DAY—Phone 313—I. D

• ' ........................ -FBATEBNAL SOCIETIES

--------------------------------------------------------M. W. A. CAMP. No. 10890.' meetf

2nd and 4Ui Thursday , a t Mooae hall H. C. Scranton. Consul. Paul* Smith Slerk.- Tele. 3C9-J and G:?4.



Leave > LeaveO. S. L. Depot _ Shoshoae.FaIlr7:30 tt._m,...,__ !_______ _:„....8 :00 a. mIVOO’I). m ^-.............m3:46 p. m ........ ............... .............0:00 p. m

Sunday0:30 a, m.__ _____ tu m1:00 p. m_________________1:46 p m4:30 p. m........................ ..........;G:00 p. tn. -Spccial rato o t 2G 'cents round t r l t will be made cach Saturday on al) tribs.. SepL 13, 191G. In effect un til tar- ther notice.__________ • R. R. SPAFFORD, Sec*y

- IDAHO SOUTHERN RAILROAD Tim o'Tabie—EffM tlvo Jon.‘ lOriOie:

No; 2 Dally : S taUon No. 1 Dolly 8:30 a.m. Lv.. Gooding ..Ar 12:C0p.m 8:65 a.m. Lv.. Bennutt P..Ar 12:25 p.'m 9:15 a.m. Lv_. W endell ,j^ r 12:10 p jn 9 ;3Sra;m -Lr-A rdm ore-F-A 9:45 a.m. Ar.. Jerom e ..Lv 11:45 a.m

•• J. H. RADCLIFFE,General ■PoHiiuUKCr AgCQt,

Twin Falla, Idaho.

> V A N T S ^----------P O SIT IO N S-^yA M ^P.

BY VOUNG MAN hiivlng experience and tUcarellciil knowledBC of f^ult- Krowlng (alno iioinu gurduulng) ^ ’ork. AdilreaH K, M . gonorol deliver}', poat- offlco.

“ W ANT£u=\Vldow with 2 chndroif wanta poalUon iis houaukucper; m ust be roBpcctnblo. Box 37, R. No: 2, Filer, Idaho, o r phonu-G4G-Ji------- --------------

_________ H E L P WANTED.

W ANTED-DiBhwnsher, man o r wo- man. H erbst & Rambo.

WANTED. __________

W AN?E1>—Boilrd m priTntu-fnmil r r 457 4Ui Avo.______________________ _

WANTED-*Small furniHhed houac or rooma for houaeKuvplng. AiWruiiH B. F . H.. caro TImoH. ..__________ ^

WANT TO SELL 80 acres; nice lo­caUon; w ill eonaider amall payment down. Mention tho amount ot caah you wish to pay w hen onawering'thla. Address M, caro o t TIMES.

WANT TO BUY a good 80 -or ICO acres, e ither on tho Soulh Side or North Side trac t. ' Can poy reasonable am oant o t cash down. L, care of

■ WANTED—Second-hand ' Bagobrusfi grubber, in good shape. B.,H. SIcvcbb, Murtaugfi7

■ - - LOST

LOST—Team of b lack mules, weight about 1100 IbB. each ; n o ’brond. Ono had 'w ire c»Il in r ig h t front fooL Manca

toils clipped . L<»t som ew hers on North Side. R ew ard $20.00. Blaine Ferguson, Eden. Idaho.______________

. .LOST—A a- autom obile -Ure. size 32x3%. and Iron rim , between Twin FallB and w here th e hlg li line and low lin e canals divide. F inder leavo at Times ortlce, and rcco ivo 'rew ard .^

................. FOUND

TO WORK ON SHARES, to ren t or take caro ot an orchard of G or IQ acres w ithin 10 m iles o t city. Ad- dress No. 2G, core TIMES.

W IIJ. T H E PARTY th a t found the black velvet gate top purse In Uic la-

r boratory In tho G uibcrt huildlngj oo Saturday P. M.. A pril IGUi, pleaac

■ loavo It a t the TIM ES o ftlcc ., ___


• FREE EMPLOYMB,*^rr AGENCY to room ers and b oarders a t tho Wavcrly

• hctol and C o'rcoraa rooms. H. M.• Holler, p rop rie to r. ___________

' DRESSMAKING and plain sowiagMrs. W. B. Palm er, D enver ave.,

I Moorman'fl add._____________________

• HEMSTITCHING—10c per yard, in J any color; w ill pny parcel post one

wny. Mlnii Louise Ijlnsonnette. 1U(• F ranklin St.. Boise. Ida. ___________

• WHO w ill g iv o 'n a elderly m an i■ home for h is sorvlcos! -Insldo worl . prctcrrod. Box 168, Rogersqn, Idaho

If yon~are in xloed o t anytam g. t Time* .Want Ad. w ill fill y o a r w m L

NOTICE F O E PTOLiCATION., Serial Noa. .Oiac«8-017S05.

D epartm ent o f 'th e In te rio r.’ U. S. Land Office a i Halloy. Idaho r March S3. JM8.1 NoUce la h ereby given th a t Samae

Lako, of A m sterdam r-Idaho, -who. ei L Jnnoary 2f. 1 9 1 3 . 'm ade Homestw* ; B ntty No. 012608. fo r SW?4 SB%, Se- : 27; NH NW%. N W it NB%. Sec. 31 1 T. 18. a R. 1« B ., and on Novembo: .-~i^arTC—niniAn—ntftflHoHil-Homeafaent ^ E n t iT No. 017806, fo NW%

NBK N B K , 8 % . NE)4. Section 34

ills Tide & AbHotei Perrine Bmldi

, ^ M J ^ ^ T I U H S F E B S ^ , . I ’‘ro m ~ taT « a iiy iT oH B cH pt-w nrlesy 1 -Tw ltt-FalU -X IU o A-AbBtmct Ce.-<- - J . F. MarUn to W. T. HlBglnbotham,

7800; SBi4 NW^i, 17-10-lC.P . Taylor to S. I). Taylor. ICOO; lotn 1

, 10, 11, 12, h lk a x l-'Ucr. - N. E. Brackett, to A. F. McClualty, i

i0 ;-lo t-13 ..b lk C8. B uhl.,C. E; Lay to E. H omlbrook. $1800; ■

Jt 9, h lk G3, T w in FttJla.Anna J . Flocknn to W. J. Emery, '

1; SEVi S E ^ , :m-11-1G.P, S. D arnell lo C. 11. McQuown, $1; 1

}t 30, b lk 85, Itiilil.M. T. J. OrchnnI Co, to 1C. Ucrgiiutn. 1

1G48.30, lo t 9, block M. T. Jo u rn a l idd. >

M. T. J. 0 . Co. Uo K Frankm au, 1000, lol 4, block ,4. M. T. J . Add.M,-T. J. Orchard C o , to C. L, Diii-

,crt $12G4.D0. lol i:i. block 5. M. T. ' .A d d .- .M. T. j . Orcbiinl Co, to W. Hand,

1325nor« rb lock -l7 M rT .-J-A dit;--------M. 'T. J . Orclmrd Co, so G, noiiduii.

■ 1050, lot 6. hli>c'.k ^. M. T. J. A dd.M. T. J . Otcliard Co. Ui .S. P . Mcdr

lury, $1225, lol 7, block 4. M. T. J. idd. •-C _C ._ Colwell to iV. S. Thicttcn,

1100, SB NW. O-H-17.' •W. II. Penbertby to.L. Kinf?, J l , lo l '

.3, b lock '28, T w in FhUii.E. B. HIcka tu 10 Ditnnniui $1 p a r t

>W NE,-20-S-H,,

r o w n s i i ip ^ 's m m i , uhijko lU EmTc7' jolao Moridlan, luoi tiled notlco of in- .cntlan.-to Final .Throo Y?ur[’roof, to CBtabliiili claim ' to lhe lim 1 ibove described, before C. C. SiRKinB, J._8.-Conunitiuloner^ a t T w iu FuiU, Idaho, on the IStli day of -Miiy, 1 1-

C laimant- nainon aa witnoflflo.i; 3obrB(rTrlcl1nfrrStofron'T3osarT<ii)ko' ^'anDykon, Ilarku Klnun. nil of Am­sterdam, Idaho.

BEN. It. GUAV, ReglHlor. NOTICK KOK r n i l ’ttTAl’ION.

Serial Nos. OID.SiW-Ol 1010. Departm ent ot ilio In terior. U. S.

Land Office a l iliillcy, Idohb, March 30.1916.:-NotlcoHs-hprnby Rtvcn llm l W lh d iu Hoopa,- ot- Hniilntpr, Idnho; who, on March IGi 191^, made houiciileud en try ' Horlol No. 0108:!'J tor tbo SE«4 NWV4, rnrSW%7BCCtlon-27rnnrf-NK«4 NW%. Sec. 34, T. 12 S.. U. 17 E., and who on March 2nd. 13L1, made addlUoniil homeatead entry, aerial .No. 014610, for the SW ’A SW'^T S K ‘A SI-j»^, ooctlon ^7, hnd.NWV* noctlon 34, town­ship 12 Houtli, ran^o 17, caat BoIhc nvcrldtanrhtm fllod notlco or im cnilon to mnko final three year proof, to ca- Inbllah claim to tliu land uhbvc dea- crlbcd. before !\1aurlce Ouheen. U. S. cbmmisBlonor. a t iroIlfiitorTTiIaliorou' the 29lh day of May. 101C.

C laim ant nani<':i aa w ltncan: Daniel E. Regan, of T\vln^I''alla, idiilio; Gua- lav Dahloff, of Holllaler, Idaho; John B, Burrows, oM lollliiter. Idnho; Ma­thilda Loo, .o filo llla te r . Idnho, __________ BE.V R. OttAV, RcglHtcr.

NoUcc of Aniiiml MceUnjr of Stock- holdom ot Twin FuU^-ShoHhonn I'unal Com|inny.

Nolictt Ifl Jicrehy bIvcu Uuil tho an­nual meeting of tho Htockholdors of flio Twin Falls-SboBhono Canal Com­pany, will be held a t,th e offlco of tho Company in Twin Falla, Twin Fnlls County. Idaho, on tbe la l day of May, 191C, nt 10 o’clock A. M., fo r the pur- poae of elecUng directora and Irana- ncllng any nnd ai! oUier imaincBB tha t mny iirojiorly como bcforo the m eet­ing, luctudlng 'tho approval and ra ll-ficftUon_QL tbo -procccdlngfl__ot__ theI'onrd nnd the acts of tho Officers of the Cc'mpany slnco the la s t Annuol mct'tlirg, r onaldorlng arncndmcnts_ or mmffflcaUohs of "tfie by-law s ^ r ”Chb ndop^'on of now-by-laws, nnd general­ly tor the' purposo of considering Uic Dff.ilra of tho company and tak ing any nctlnn competent for stockholders lo lako ulUi respect thereto a t a a annual meclinR of the atockholdorB.

By urdor of the B oard o t D irectors, duted tbia Cth day ot ApMl, 1916.

W. H. LONO, P ro sld en t AltoBt: F. R. LANDUS. Secretary . (SEAL)


NoUce of S herifrs Sale on Fo reclo sun . e fJ tto rtg ag e . . .

WcHtcrn Loan and B uilding Com­pany. a CorporaUon. PlalnUff, vs. Guj J. Pctera, L«tzzlo P e te rs, B ank o t Rog- eraon, a C orporaU on,' and Hollanil RvaUy_nnd. Invo8tm ent^Com paay,_n Corporation, Defendants.

Undor and by v irtue o t nn .o rder ol sale .nnd decree of forocloaure. ioauet out of tbc d is tric t cou rt of tho Fonrtl Judicial dlatrict, Btate of Idaho, In am for tbc counly Af Tw in F alls, on the 12th dny o t April, 1916, in Uie abov( entitled acUon. w herein W eatern Loar ond Building Company, a Corporation and aliovc«namod plainUff. obtained ( decrcc ngainst Guy J . Poteni, Lizzli I’ctera, Bank of Rogerson, a Corpora

tlon, nnd Holland R ealty & Invoatmen' Compnny. a CorporaUon, defcndanta on Uie l l lh day o t M arch. 191G, whlcl aold dccrcQ wma. on tho llU i day o March, 1916. recorded in Judgmen book 4 of said court, n t page C5.1 an commnnded to ae ll.a ll th a t certa in lot piece or parcel of land situated In Ui< county of Twin Falla, a tato o t Idaho and bounded and described as followa to-wlt: Lota ono (1) and two (2) h .block ten (IO)..ot tho tow nsltc o t Ama tordam, w im all and s in g u la r tho tene mcnts, appnrtonoaces and hercdltn mcnts Uicreniito bolonghig.

NoUce is hcroby ^ v e n , tha t on th IGUi day of May, 1916. a t 10 o’clock sA M. of lha t day. In tro n t o f Uio cour houso door in the city o f Twin Fallt county of Twin Falls.’ Idaho, I will i: obedJenco to said o rd e r b f sa le an dccrce of torebloBure. sell tho above deacrlbcd proporty. o r so m ach thcrec aa mny bo nocoBsary to saUsty plalc U ffs decree w ith In to rest tbercon an

, costr. to tho h lgbcst b idder fo r casl lawful money of the U nited su ites.

By W. G.'t HOMPSON. Deputj

stract Compan]ng, Twin Falls, Idaho

S. Mcllolo to W. H. Bevorcombo. $1, WH NB. 18-11-14.

Q. B. H arlan to J. E. Brndloy, $000, ^ ti, black b. Jouea A d d . r — — -8, - J - Olloa- to-.W .:p.-JonoB,-$l. S ^

'h'B W , 36-10-18. - B. Thompson to P. M cAliuter, $114.37

^art SB NB. 19-P-lQ.T. B. D II . C. R andall, $2400.

ol 2. 6-11-20. •P. F . 'H e rtz lo A. N. Houac, $1500,

>JW SW, 12-11-lC.- ----------------------- —J. J. Bracken to Boyd Corporation,

H, pn rt WV<s SB, 2M -14.J. Theobald to W. H anlon, $1150,

part N E BW & port SB SW. 32-lO-IC.0. I. Millor to A. A. 'M iller. $6,000,

N'H SE SB. 7-10-lC.T. Mcbolaon to J. F .'B a rn o lt. $2000,

lot 2, block 1. I.Incoln School nddltlon. xTwIn Fulla Umd & W titer Co, to A.

L. Swim. |1‘, SE NW, 14-9-1'!,•C. L. Morrlaon lo J. II. W alker. $1C,-

]0U. NI2, 29-9-14, j


Few motoriHlH hiivc fcU confUlonl thn l th e governm ent'could keep down the price o f Rnaollnu. Another loni;' chap te r of litlRntlon 'nilKhl hi: bCKun. But w hctlier tlila would cu t thla price Ih 'another " qucaUon. T he comhlnu mlKhl Uecidu tbnt Che conaiimer niiKbl to bo a«8CHHcd another advance tw pay for thu com ot tbo a u i t 'M o re hopeful la the re p o rt ttm tinito-

m.ohllo pim ufaeturInK__IntnroHtu aren io v in ^ o form nn liHlopemlont com­pany, to |)roducc BUHollne on tbolr own account.

Tho mnnutaclurera of motor., cnra could hnrdly lol Die price co much htflher wlUiout ucrlouu loau to 'th e jr hualncBfl. The coata of ruiinlnK un automobile .uru nlrendy high. WiUi a .'iO-ccnC~pYico'bii“ gffH<)liiU:~inflny!ir- tondlQg. pu tchnsers 'w o u ld ..«;oncluiIc thnl Uto wiilhlnir woulil Se very tlihi nununor. Alno the rallroada nnd tho trolly cora gel you to your deaU- nntion iiuito pronipUy. T he mnniitac- turerH m ust protect tliu public that uiics their product, o r uec their buid- noBB drop. ■ - ...............- -----------------

T lm cflw ant nas ajifflgrrcBUlts.' •

' ' ' SKEELSI’ THE r e :J _____________________________ .

40 Ftt

. 3 1-2 miles from Fil( { M sold during March v I: $1500 cash, balance tj

20 ifor $115 and south “ room shack. All hog-

J For..«J^by-oinier» Il! ' or any Twin Fall* reald

r —^

r, limitedC l

A o t o L i v e r i fEd A. MlaDerly-^BogeraoD n « (d <

PHONE 84 NIGILT tO - j r

GLASS-GLASSAll Sizes Carried

In Stock. ;

E. A. MOON IShop near P. O .


- t - - N O W . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T e le p h o n e 4 5 a n d 1 w iU

g iv e y o u a n e s t im a te

Geo. E. Bemiller2 3 0 Second A ve . E -

LEY D R U G C O .:ai. u st o r e

>r Saler, 3-4 mile from Peavey. ill take $115.00 per acrew _ftuit. O r will sell north 20 for $125 per a tre . Z ight fenced. SEE THISL

. B. Ripley* Filer, Idahc^___esM e man.

athly Pajrmenl ITY LOANS

Page 8: xi! Ndrss/ EW-CITY HAU- |L » I |0 R H G H W i P O T · voli xi! ndrss/ eleventh'year. ' tw in falls. tw in faces coumty,

................... ...................... IW IM FA IX 8 T M M ,C T ito A Y . A r a n i ■ . 3

1 : _ _ ^ M^ F resh new goods, but bo

% JUnder-muslins9 V e are Sbowtns tbe Latert ^ U »

X -------- ..................... - - ....... '-L A D IE S ^ i:2 3ll»wliii, w iila r i i l l le , 3 ro w s tu J L K Jam bric , w id e i-m hroidery ,. 4 rY C r e p e , IC iiiukcrbocker HtylcJ, r ib '

2 O m L D B E N ’E^ I 'y s liu , IncD o r 'o in b ro id c ry . tr i tn

J AIuHliri, DirtfK 'r KtyJc. Jace tr w u

Y - -^Kmcketbockcr stylc.-al-.-5-.> - - : j f “ D E » E V 9 1 S E ' ^ O o o d nuulilN-, c o r re c t f i l l i n g . . -

.^ — i lT hp Jnlmltablo come- tc

dlan, Chnrlio CbapHn, u< Id a two-rftcl plcturc,“A NIGHT AT T IIE aiSIIO ^F— 1,

9 m . ai


Special at Vafney’s

*3 9 Main W e S T ^

^ i. ^

-® - W } f ^ \ \ \'■M w f r \V■® f jK ■& - / _

<m X / ■ M l

y • i

® ) l «

1 c a n ’t h a v e a n e ^

# l o w p r i c e a t w h

W h i l e u s u a l l y m o d e■ I

y o u t o i n s p e c t t h e s e

q u a l i t y a n d t h e p n c i

r e a l i z e d .

- ‘i J T h e s i g n - o f c o r r e c t

p r i c e s i s l h e R e d f c r

I 4 I ___ a f e g u a r a a t e a j t o a

- 1 W a t c h OJ ■ . j e n :

' i M o i B i r N

N - U N D e r w e a :]ught year, enabling us = _ = s= = c o m p ared with prei

“Dove Brand” advertised in the leac store.

— r^'Dove-Brand’L materials, reinforced

lEAWEES-------------------------------L -lu iii:.......................23 Oontao w s tucking..................... 45 Oeiitalion trim inca................48 Oonts; D R A W E R Sm<!<l___________2 f o r 2 5 C e n tsjhnJ........................... 2 f o r 2 5 C en tac r y tr im iu R tl; - . . . .-.-.-r.2 6 C e n ts .— . . . .35 , 45, 49 M d 6 9 C e n ts ,

- B R A S S n J B E S .......... SO C enta , $1.00 a n d $1.50


Councllmon l’a rro t\ introduced tbo j, >)Jowlng rcBOlvtlon nnd m oved llu „ lop tlon : ' ClIJI3 IT RESOLVED, by tho Mayor n

3d Council of UiQ Clly of Twin Fnlls, o Iftho, Umt Uio foJlowlng ruloH bo, c. id UlC Bitijic arc hereby adopted rov- b -ntnfc tliQ WaterwortcH departm ent of c 10 City. . pU U U ! 1.—Application to W ater- p o rk s Clerk fo r Sorvlco. W henever 1,

" i( ll abU

. V


This W e e k O nly ,----- - - I B

1 W h y o f C

Z Z S e e d Z a ™ ^

^ o r D r e s s {

E ^ S

\ T h e w o m e n

^ p r e t t y n e w r a i

| 2 s> M o r n i s a d m i r e

S o m e r a i m e n t

K s i v e t h a n o th e i

^ n o e x c u s e w h

V C o a t , S u i t , D r e s s

i c h w e a r e o f f e r i n g

; s t i n o u r c l a i m s w e t a k e

o f f e r i n g s , b e a r i n g i n

s . W e f e e l s u r e y o u r

. A 's t y l i n g , ( [ u a l i l y , W ( t k m a

n l a b e l o n a g a r m p a i t a n (

i v c .s.-ili s f a c l o r v - w c a r . ^ .

u r W i n d o w s A l K I N S & C O M P .

R S A L E T H I S V1 to offer them a t prices that s sent high prices.

U n d e r m u s l i n s , w e l l a n c

d i n g m a g a z i n e s , c a n b e

ieatures, Jatest .styles,^ac armholesi

' ____________ l A p n s j j GS o f t F in ish Cnni1»ri<-. iaci! n iu l i:i

- - a t . . r r : . .............T rr : . ';G ood (jH ulity nm .slin, e x ln i s i z e . .

LADIES'. BHSSES’ AND (Irifiinls'lbhg 'Blciris at . . ^. . .'.T . V CIiiUIren'H cambric body Kkirt«..

■Cliildreifi’H extra'qiTaHty rriii'cOiiH _.lIiHac8i_canibric_cinbrpi(ii*ry riiffl

Ladies’ cnmbrie, lui-c trimmed Qliildren’s W hite . Satcon Bloon

m y peraon desires to.obtQlit a s u p p lr < Jf w uter from . Uio City W 'alcrworks : lie lihaU jiiako application ihcrofor, d/rnin? on nffrocmcnt Uiat hc w ilt l)u ;overned by such ruk-H unU ro(;utn- 1 ,lon8 BO may be preacrlhed fo r tho 1 ;on tro l'-ef Uio w ater luipply. Applt- 1 :an t m uat s ta te Uio locaUon, k ind of ) ju tld ln s .numbor of ruonix und the 1 2nUro a rea of Uio Brouml to be sup­plied, and fully and truly Hlato the 1 purpoBOS for v h lc h Uio w ater Ib to : 30 usod.

RULE 2.—Stop Cock. To each aorv- 1 CO plpo there sh a ll bo utuidicd_at.U io. . iDsldo line of tho curb a ntop cock 1 m d key box. w hich ahall hc- paid for ' uy Uto w ater consum er, and lio under Jio oxcluslvo control of Uie Water* , works Inspector. '

Tho property ow ner mu»l p u t In u id mufntaln a t hie own expense all

box and wlUiln h is proniluon and put' In a slop cock by wlilcli tbo w ater may bo shut otf w ithin hts promlaea for purpoacs o t repair.

llULhi 8.—P erm it -ftir. Bitonslontt. No extension o fp lp e n .o r Incrooao of baUi tubs, to ile ts or oUior fixtui'es slinll bo mado within any prcmSaes

b o u r s e Y o u |

Coatj'Suif I-----------------

f o r _ : I

w h o B a s o n 1

i m e n t O n E l a s t e r ®

5(1 b y e v e r y b o d y . ®

. ®is m o r e e x p e n - ®

r s , b u t t h e r e i s ^

ly m o s t a n y o n e f

s o r S k i r t a t t h e f

t h e m . ; I

2 o c c a s s i o n t o i n v i t e %

m i n d a l w a y s s l y ! e , ®

c o n c e p t i o n w i l l ' b e ^

'Ia n f h i p a n d m o d e r a l e ®

d r e m e m b e r l h a t t h e y

■ g

II t h e T i m e ' | A N Y ' ■ I

^ E E K I;em wonderfully cheap

I favorably known, ^ found only at this ❖

curafelt.high^rade V

o jro s ; . ............ oib ro id o ry J^ rim in ed , full cut. »

. . 7 . .......... 69 XJentS ' A........................... . . .7 5 Cents *


35, 49, 59 and 69 Cftittta"V ................ ...............60 Centa «

s i i i ) s : : .T r r . '7 T :T “ 7 9 ; o S t s ‘7 S ir >L-'- !L- • -I” : 4 9 '0 » t s _ AlouM co............ ..........98 Cents Xcrs............................ 49 Cents Y

inUl a perm it has f ir s t been obtitabd rom tbo W aterw orks Clerk, and any ilunibor or o ther person n a k lu s such ixtcnslons o r putU ng In addlUonai Ixtures wlUiout f ir s t obtalulnB such tormlt shall bo deemed guilty of a nlademeonor. Tho plum ber o r olhor lorson m aking such oxtenslons or In- reaso In fix tu res shall report In iTlUng to Uio'^Watcrworks C lerk th e inturo of such extensions o r Increases n fixtures, which repo rt 'tibnll bo nndo wllJjln tw enly-four hou rs a f te r ompletlnR snmo.. RULE 4 —Uaors. Liable for Vlola- lon. W hero two o r more parUcs or iromlscs aro supplied by th e samo lervlco plpo, tbo fa ilu re on th e p a r t if cltlier pnrty to comply w ith Uiose utCH shall w a rra n t Uie W atonvorks nspector la w ithholding a supply of vater through said servico pipe un til nropirrntrBCFrvtcc-pipc-wittrHtop-cack- md Itey box lu p u t In for each cod- lumer. • If nny wntor consum or ahall jcrm lt any person from other prom- inen. o r any unauU iorlted persoa, to Lino o r obtain w a te r from -hln prom­ises o r w ator fixtures, wheUior lasldo 3f outsldo of h is building, tho supply ]f such person mny bo cut off.

R U L E -.B .-N q W ater-W aatcd . , If m y w ate r-u se r sball wnsto walor or nllow It to be wasted by im pcrfcet w ater slops, valves, leaky joints, pipes or fixtures, o r shall run It Uirough baalna or otJior apparatus, o r uho it for any other purposes than Uioro [QC-WlildL,tliey_havc-piilil,..oc.. ujie-lL In VlolaUon of tho rules controlling Uio wnter ^ p p ly , th e wator _piQX be r u f o ff 'f ro n i such w ater usora and all poymcnts forfeited, un less such persons shall prom ptly pay .for such ftddltionnl^ rcnsonnW c-chnrgcB-ns-inny bo charged therefor by tho W ater” works Inspector.- HULR 6.—No Tam pering Perm itted.

Any person who, .by hlm Bclf.'liunlly. servants o r agents, shall uao w ater coming Uirough tho malnB without firs t paying thorofor, as horolaoftor proviaed,, o r -shall, wlUiout' auUiQrtty. open any stop cock, valvo o r o thy ; fixture attached to th e system ot wa­te r Bupply,--or'8nairin flay w ay Injure dofaco or im pair any p a rt o r nppurte- nance of Uir W aterw orks, o r after U>e w ater has been, tu rned off from his prem ises on nccount of npn-payment o f ra tes, o r o ther VlolaUons of the rules and regulations pertalnlnR to tho wntor supply, shall tu rn on or use o r perm it Uic w nler to bo used. wJUi- out auUiQrity.ZDljnll be deemed guilty of a nilHdemUnnor.

RULE 7.—Sprinkling Shall Conac During- Fire. Fountains nnd oprlnk- ilng for lawns, yard s or gardens Hhall not bc oporateil during o r after anj alnrm of fire unUl signal Is given thai tho fire Ik out, Sprink lers for law ns gardens nnd yard n iust only ho uncc for tho purposes paid for. No nozzle for Htirlnkllng shnll lie larger tliar one-fourlh o t nn InCli In dlnmoter No sprinkling of lawn or garden aftoiII p. ni.

RULE 8.—InspecUon b y W ater w orks Insppclor. Free nccnss n t al reasonable hours shall be nllowcil thi W aterw orks Innpotcor, Mnyor, W ater works Clork or commlUco frnm Cit: CouncU to all placPH suppllptl will water, lo exam ine lho npparntUB, th amouiit u-’Cd anil tho mnnnur ot usln; snmo, and any w ater unor vloliUln. I'iiv of t!w> nilc'n nnd rcRulntinnH cun trolling tho w ater supifly shall forfcl a ll {}uyi»L>utii iii.'iJc; m iJ Uic tll'"’ (jf- Wlitcrr.

I i r r .K • I',— « '|(y ' Nlll l.lablc! T o S liorliigr'. T Im! C ity r.luill n o t l>f' lln Ith; fo r .Tny Uaiuat'i.' to i>ny w;itc-r uvc I'V riTv t>ii nf ;i iilopplino o r nllu.T li: tc r r u p lln n o f h is w a te r I'-njiiily, r : ii i n' I.y rc i.r i 'l ty <;t w iilr r . iH cM -P t I '.Mir'i-i (ir iiK'.lti;;, :i1i i t ;i iIi)Iis , mliHlloii rcpalrH o r f ro m o tln 'r uti;ivi)lilal)l

"u Im 'k i n - ,\iiv p.rr.on vlnlM jnany nt tin- iirovlnlon;! of llif' ;ilir<Tulati«nti iihull lie (Iccnu.'d i;u!lly c nu anil upon coiivU'tion tli<'ri

L of - ‘•'.H ........I lu anv mini iiot_o;ti'ctlUiK o n e huticlri'il tli)iliir;i'l'!bn,<)t)

I M oiitin \va;i i^cH'OJidiMl 1) . C‘'U ticl I iiii;ii IlDlilcT. iiliil. iM’lni: to vi)l

t> " l l i i j ^’;o■lll:. :;ll Iil'niliiTK o f II ■ O iiiiic ll VJtlcil In Itii fav o r . W Iic t' ; upon th e M ayor ilcc lu rc il ihn r*'iinli

1 '111 (Itil.v [lai'iK'il a n d Ui« ruli ' ndopted .' Approved April 1,7,'lOir., (Htul.) E, SWIir:LIi:V, M nyor.

K. M. W ll .a x M ii.tJ lly C lcrli.


DevelopinefltSteadyWllitote^^^ Aitivity in Sight


Boad IIoH Been Snrreycd ond Cost of E ight UUon Needed EsUmated a t «1DOO i:$ r H lle. •

—T hor«_la_a-8oocrfll_icclljic_of_opj: Umlsm in tho camp, and Uic.bollcf Ib proTalont UiaJ UiIs sum m or w ill bo tho m oat active aeaaon th a t Uio dis­tric t has oxporlencod. Slnco Uio orig­inal boom and tho consequent dls- aetroug fallurea, which noarly knock­ed tlio camp out o t oxlatonco, thoro hos...bocn a B koop' tho-dls- tr ic t allvo, and only by Uio m ost in- dofaU gablo^lftbor-«s'd-per8onttl-hard- shlpa t ia a tho dovolopTnont o t Uie m ines boon carried forw ard. A logltl; mato and hoalthy growUi of Uio m in­ing cam p bos boon tho roault and theru tu r ijp ro B P C c ts n r rb r ig h t-------

I t is confldonUy oxpectod Uiat sev­eral m llla w ill bo tu rn ing o u t bullion th lr-w n m n o r;' B om oof'thb-m lttefl-m ay OTOntuallT provo to bo of more than medloero- also- and volub.-—Tb6re_aro moro m en - a t w ork than thoro has boea. fo r sovoral yoarB, an d a fow more a ro bolng a^dod to Uio payroUa now tmdT thOn. b u t thoro aro s till a o u a b o r o t.m o a wbo o ro .waJUng foi-th o -cbaoco -lo -go -lo -w ork__________

Thcro a ro six sm all m llla In the comp and a proapoct o t ono o r two moro. .. TUcro .aro abo u t 200 mca and only ab o u t' 70 of these a ro worSTng fo r wages.. Tho m ines Uiat aro being worked a re looking fino and Uiero a rt many good proapocta walUng dovol- opmoQt Tho chancoa for ama(( cap­ital In hero a re flno; w hat tho camp needs la money nnd energy .backed by m oro monoy. Tho avcrngo valuet of tho oro Ib from (^0 to $20 per ton In gold wlUi a lltUo ailver: tho minei can bo worked economically by tun. nels f o r ' Bovcrnl - h n n d rcd - -feot--in depth; tho oro chutes a rc of fall

"Wbrkablo sizo.Tho vein haa been cu t In Uio No

A ■ tunnel on tho Long Hlko, whlcli proves tho ore chuto to a depth ol about SOO fcot, and, w ith tho aliowlns already mado in Uio o ther th rco tuO' net levels o f width and longUi of the oro chute, thla m ay bo callcd a von good mlno.

has been worked undor bond all w in­ter, havo- been aufflclently aallsfac tory to w arran t tho m aking of a pay m ont of 2G per ccn t o t tho purchaai price. Also tho- w ork ing forco hai been sligh tly Increased. *'

Dotwecn Uio 0 . K. and tho Flaxlo li Uio S ta rligh t ground, w hich la boIn( worked under leave by C harles M ar tin nnd W illiam Rowland. Horo Uioj hnve opened 0 very prom ising vcli wlUi four feet of oro U iat pans wcl in gold. This Is tho b est dlscovor; m ade for aomo Ume, nnd, being s it ualed in a good aecUon, gives promls' o f m aking ano ther mlno.

— Jn B t-o n B tr^ - t ln j-S tn r l l8 h r - l r - th i LeglUmate, which Is m aking a gooi showing In-both d r lfts -fro m Iho-tun nol. ■ ^

Tho Dlusto?' has opened now or bodlofl, both no rth aniL -ao u U i^ lu n n c l. and to, tlTo no rlh bavo raise to m ake connecUons wltH ono b t tli

1 A Q

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I C U TI I F L O ^

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‘• I ■ -

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' S H E R B S T

i i x .

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JJ ' S p e c i a l A t t

'“ I M A I L

rannoiB in u h uuua. .■souUi a -now chut« ot pro hM Idovoloped which, ihow# large jn o e s I

T«Jne.—T h lrcom pftny -o*poo t* -*oop-to^ | begin w ork on too • cyanide addlUon I to Uso mill and w ill probably p u t in I a sm all-pow er p la n t on U ie .r lw r , I

The Twin. P a lls road -la- open .fo r. I auto travel ag a in ., Tho flra t au to 10 I arrivo in cam p w as C harles uoblnson I la-hiB Dodger from - H ogo-Sprlngfl. o n - I March SO. Mo brough t In aomo p u - I Bongera and w ont back th a t evening. I On April 10, J . F . F leU hcr o t OlonnB I Forry canfo In h is 80 horsepow er I Cadlllaff, haVlng'w lUi bim M. O. Saclt- rldor of O looas F o rry and O. E. Blobm 1 and A. M. Br.ockloy of H ill City. W a .. I They w ill spend a fow daya looking / over tho d is t r ic t • I

Jack Creighton, of E lko -was In a > Bhort Umo and w as very busy tolk- ; Ing with tho x)wncrB o t aevornl clalma. 1 Mr. Crolgbton waa Instrum ental In .. do 'v oIopInfL ^d ' bontflfig - »ho Long • H ike m la i^ w iifc h Is ^ t coming to th o -tra |i t-« » -o n o -o f - tb o -b e B t- la - th o _ cam p.T - • .— Tlio anow- Is ta a t dhiappearlng and prospocUng \york Is 'bc lng started. It I^ confidently cxpoctcd th a t much dc- j volopment w ork w ill bo dono tb n ^ o a - 1 aon and Uiat m o ro . prom lalng .pKB - , pc'cta w ill bo discovered. \--T ho Burroy p lan s and cattmatOB J \ 1 tbo now road down tho rlvor to U it^ J riot"sprlnga“ liaa boen subm itted to “ tho county com raisslonors o f Elko. Twin FallB a n d Owyhco counUes. Tho I tw?h<ormcr a ro disposed to build tho I, ro a d _ i^ s o o n ..aa_j}oaflIblo..,KliHo. th o. I la tte r -is- yot- to-- be . hoarU -trom , —I b i s . now soctlOQ o f road will bo 1114 znlloa , Innir and can bo buUt a t an average !cost'o f"$1000~ p ^ 'm l l o 7 “ T t Ia” l i m t ^ la Nevada and ha lf In Idaho. T l i o ^ ro flfl 'w liro U m ln a to T ill-h ea iT -g ro d a f^? dangerous po in ts and bad s n o w d ^ ts I botweon Ja rb idgo and Hot S p m g s . |- I t should reduco t r c lg h t . ra tow from Hogerson abotit 20 per cont aqrf m ake I an auto tr ip from Twin P alls to Ja r - l bldgo~a“ ploa8an.f“ ono“ o f-8 o v e a ~ o r- olght houra.

Thla now road w ill alao be a grodt

tlemen botwebn Jarbidgo and th a B ru - neau. Tho county comlmsslonors aro oxpoctod to-m eot In Jarb ldge soon and ^ 0 over tho proposed rou to with tho engineer and contractor. f


Twin Fnlls peopie ore astonished dt 4110 INSTANT action o t slmplo buck- tllo rn 'barkrg ly«crine,-elc .. a s mlxod-In - Adler-l-ka. ONB SPOONFUL removes auch su rp rising foul-m attor It rellovcs alm ost ANY CASE consUpatlon. sour stomach o r gas. Becauso Adler-lka acts on BOTH low er Und upper bowel, a tow doses often relieve o r prevent appendlclUs. A sh o rt treatm ent helps chronic stom ach troublo. The Bedford- P islier D rug Co.—Adv.

WANTEDi CHO ffK irKAT AVIMAT.B _ Wo w m ‘pay Uie highest m arket

prices fo r tho b est Vrodo o t stock that Is fat and in prlm cvcondlU onw r kill Ing. WE W A N T.K O O T O & W especially w an t fo r tho nozL teB rfay all kinds of F o n l t^ . Toarllnir .pood Vool and F a t CotUo. W h e n ^ ^ aro roady to sell Inform ua and o n o ^ J ^ our buyors w ill call on you. IM eai^J rem em ber U iat wo can n o t uso any but 1 tho beat, so do n o t havo us go out lo ( see anyth ing n o t In prim e condition. 1

^O D R B N PACKING CO.Pbone 8S0.

Offlco a t M odem ‘M arket. Corner Sho­shone St. and 2nd Avo. South,

-A Jlvr------Tw ip-TallB rldflho.

FOR RENT—Two rooms, Jurnlshcil^ for llg h t' hbuaok'eoplogi V acant'

, 1. Apply 403 Second avenue n o r t j | |^

;• — «r repciu iou or-Your^-want-afl;jlftli» courso of -your-qu«at-for-a-oo<X -ina7

BOod pDllrw /

- 1 ” ^ ■_______ - s

l U E S " jN D - - ; I

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A ? E R S lI

k R A M B O ’S St

; n t i o n G i v e n t o t '

O R D E R S ^