Download - Xen in the Cloud

Page 1: Xen in the Cloud Xen in the CloudMarco [email protected]

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Who is the

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In a globalized world, one needs to brave new routes, break through frontiers, fly in

search of new horizons.

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More about us‣ Internet branch of the Globo Organizations, the

largest Latin America media conglomerate and 4th in the world

‣ World record owner in internet votes on reality-show

‣ Largest audience for video streaming in the country

‣ Considered benchmark for high-volume web distribution

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The leads the Brazilian internet audience in the main segments

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Are 11 yearsbuilding systems to support millions of users

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Our statement about Xen

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‣ High performance hypervisor

‣ Security and reliability build-in and strong isolation

‣ Ready to cloud, standard-based API

‣ Proven technology and credibility

‣ Fully-engaged and global developer community

‣ Many leader technology vendors commited

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Economic advantages

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Power consumption

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Stand-alone Server (250 w/h) Virtualized Server (20 w/h)

Power consumption average

Energy save in the cloud

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Data Center space

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Data Center occupation Occupied space in percent







Stand-alone Server Virtualized Server

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‣ Cooling reduce

‣ Fast provisioning

‣ Resource consolidation

‣ Reduced Data Center TCO

‣ Increased ROI of projects

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Authorization service

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‣ Defines the polices to system access

‣ Each profile has a specific dashboard to:

‣ Physical resources management

‣ Business resources management

‣ Network resources management

‣ VM administration segmented per project

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User requests

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‣ Sync calls are used to get informations about:

‣ VMs and Hosts

‣ RRDs to create the performance graphs

‣ Async calls are used to request actions like:

‣ VM creation, shutdown, start, stop

‣ Add host and pool creation

‣ Interact with NetAPI to set LBs and Switches

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Queuing engine

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‣ Used to async processes

‣ The subscribers work in paralleling process to instance resources in the cloud

‣ The users receive real-time information about the queue consumption

‣ The users can manage the queue stopping, resuming and removing tasks

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‣ Used to manage network physical resources

‣ Include VLANs in the switch port trunk

‣ Apply ACLs

‣ VIP and reals creation

‣ Maintain the relationship between server and switch ports

‣ Pluggable and vendor agnostic

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XAPI Integration

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‣ Layer to contact XCP servers

‣ Expose a VNC proxy with SSL and dynamic token authentication to hosts and VMs consoles

‣ Translates all rest-full calls to XML-RPC using

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‣ Multi-datacenter support

‣ Integrate with OpenStack project

‣ Expose an API to integrate with internal PaaS and Data Center management system (Energy, Cooling, etc)

‣ Multi storage repository support

‣ Dynamic live-migration and host shutdown/start based in consumption

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XCP evolution

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‣ Better velocity in XAPI requests

‣ Today, doing many requests in a pool, the performance is harmed

‣ Pool ejection without restart the Host

‣ Inter-pool migration and storage repository shared between pools

‣ Link the object uuid to the task in an async call (need a new field to connect the objects)

‣ Ex: Async.VM.clean_shutdown(vm)

‣ In this case, the task for the async call, has a field with the Vm uuid

‣ Master recover decision enabled in XCP

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Open Source

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‣ All components used in project orquestra are open source

‣ After executing the roadmap, migrate the project to OpenStack and turn it open source

‣ Help the OpenStack project with our development force

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ThanksMarco Sinhoreli

[email protected]