Download - Xcom Full Conversion for Savage Worlds


Savage X-Com Updates/Conversions

Modern Weapons

Name, Range, Rate of Fire, Damage, Cost, Shots, Minimum Strength, Notes

Assault Rifles: 24/48/96, 3, 2D8, -, 30, D6 (Auto Only), AP2, Auto, 3RB.

Sniper Rifles: 50/100/200, 1, 2D10, 10, 10, D8, AP4, Snapfire, Heavy Weapon

Sub Machine Guns: 12/24/48, 3, 2D6+1, -, 50, -, AP1, Auto, CQB

Shotguns: 12/24/48, 1, 1-3D6, -, 12, D6, CQB

Heavy Weapons: 50/100/200, 4, 2D10, -, 200, D8, AP 4, Auto, Heavy Weapon, May Not Move

Missile Weapons: 100/200/400, 1, 4D8, 5, 1, D6,AP 30, Heavy Weapon, Snapfire

Pistols: 12/24/48, 1, 2D6, -, 12, -, AP1, Semi-Auto, CQB

Laser Weapons

Assault Rifles: 24/48//96, 3, 3D6+1,10, -, D6 (Auto Only), AP1, Auto, 3RB, Laser

Sniper Rifles: 50/100/200, 1, 3D8+1, 15, -, D8, AP4, Snapfire, Heavy Weapon, Laser

Sub Machine Guns: 12/24/48, 3, 2D6+1, 8, -, -, AP1, Auto, CQB, Laser

Shotguns: 12/24/48, 1, 1-3D6+1, 12, -, D6, CQB, Laser

Heavy Weapons: 50/100/200, 4, 3D8+1, 15, -, D8, AP 4, Auto, Heavy Weapon, May Not Move, Laser

Pistols: 12/24/48, 1, 2D6+1, 6, -, -, AP1, Semi-Auto, CQB, Laser

Plasma Weapons

Assault Rifles: 30/60/120, 3, 4D6+1, -, 30, D6 (Auto Only), AP2, Auto,

Sniper Rifles: 50/100/200, 1, 4D8+1, -, 10, D8, AP4, Snapfire, Heavy Weapon

Sub Machine Guns: 12/24/48, 3, 3D6+1, -, 50, -, AP1, Auto, CQB

Shotguns: 12/24/48, 1, 2-4D6 +1, -, 12, D6, CQB

Heavy Weapons: 50/100/200, 4, 4D8+1, -, 200, D8, AP 4, Auto, Heavy Weapon, May Not Move

Missile Weapons: 100/200/400, 1, 6D8+1, -, 1, D6,AP 30, Heavy Weapon, Snapfire

Pistols: 12/24/48, 1, 3D6+1, -, 12, -, AP1, CQB, Semi-Auto

Mechtrooper Weapons

Minigun: 50/100/200, 4, 3D8+1, -, 2000, D8, AP4, Auto, Heavy Weapon

Rail Gun: 50/100/200, 1, 4D8+1, -, 200, D8, AP 6, Auto, Heavy Weapon

Particle Cannon: 50/100/200, 1, 5D8+1, -, 200, D8, AP 12, Auto, Heavy Weapon

Xcom Perks

Assault Class Edges

Novice Perk: Run and Gun: An assault class unit treats all non-heavy weapons as CQB weapons.

Seasoned Perk: Lead from the Front: Gain a +1 to damage for every enemy within 4'' of you

Veteran Perk: Close Combat Specialist: + 1 to Shooting and Fighting against enemies within 4'' of you.

Heroic Perk: Fortune Favors the Bold: When targeted with a ranged attack by enemies that started their turn within 4'' of you, the target number is increased by two.

Legendary Perk: Never tell me the Odds: When you are outnumbered, you only need three over a target number to achieve a raise.

Heavy Weapons Class Edges

All Heavy Gunner Edges require a heavy weapon to use except Will to Survive.

Novice Perk: Suppressing Fire: While on Overwatch, the heavy receives a +2 to opposed Agility rolls.

Seasoned Perk: Rapid Reaction: When on Overwatch, you may take two reaction shots, rather than one.

Veteran Perk: Combined Fire: When you attack an enemy with a ranged weapon, allies gain a +1 bonus to shooting rolls against that target until your next turn.

Heroic Perk: Will to Survive: Gain a +2 to toughness

Legendary Perk: Rippling Biceps: You take no penalties to attack when you fire a weapon on full auto.

Sniper Class Edges

All Sniper Class edges require a Sniper Rifle to use.

Novice: Headshot: No penalty to called shots

Seasoned: Squadsight: Enemy cover is calculated based on the ally with the best positioning on the target.

Veteran: Dead Shot: Enemies without cover take two extra damage from your attacks

Heroic: Executioner: +2 to Shooting against injured or shaken targets.

Legendary: In the Zone: When you kill an enemy, you gain a free attack.

Support Class Edges:

Novice: Adept Healer: Gain a +2 to healing rolls to heal wounds, and Incapacitated heroes under your care are automatically stabilized.

Seasoned: Preternatural Awareness: You gain a +2 to notice checks and are never treated as surprised.

Veteran: Revival: When a you heal an incapacitated ally, you heal them an additional wound.

Heroic: Savior: Once per combat, you gain a reaction shot on an enemy that declares an attack on an ally within 10'' of you. This can be declared after the attack hits, but before damage is dealt. If the enemy is wounded or shaken by the reaction shot, their attack automatically misses.

Legendary: Defy the Reaper: You can attempt to resuscitate an ally who has died within the last round by making a Healing check at -4. If you succeed, they are rendered incapacitated instead of dead.

Mechtrooper Details

Augmented: Rank Requirement: Seasoned, bought by Xcom Command. Effect: You can equip a MEC-1, MEC-2 or MEC-3 Cybersuits. In addition, you gain +2 Toughness. Costs 20 REC, comes with a MEC-1 Warden Suit.

MEC-1 Warden Equipment: The unit gains +1 wound, immunity to poison, +4 Armor, and you ignore the first raise on any attack roll against you due to your suits hardened systems.The suit has an integrated Kinetic Strike Module that adds 2 dice to your strength and functions as a d8 melee weapon, as well as an arm mounted flamethrower that deals 3d6 damage in a cone.

MEC-2 Sentinel Equipment: The unit gains +2 wounds, immunity to poison, +8 Armor, and you ignore the first raise on any attack roll against you due to your suits hardened systems. It contains the previous suits gear as well as two more pieces of gear: An integrated, right shoulder mounted grenade launcher that fires whatever grenades are loaded into it. It has a range of 12/24/48, and a plasma ablative field generator that raises the target number of ranged attacks by two. Costs 30 REC.

MEC-3 Paladin Equipment: The unit gains +3 wounds, immunity to poison, +12 Armor, and you ignore the first raise on any attack roll against you due to your suits hardened systems. It contains the previous suits gear as well as two more pieces of gear: A Rail Gun mounted on the left shoulder that deals 3d10+2 damage, AP 8, Heavy Weapon, with a range of 100/200/400. This is upgraded to 4d10+4 damage, AP10, Heavy Weapon once Xcom researches Plasma Weapons. The last piece of gear is an Electrical Pulse Unit, which deals 3d8 stun damage in a 5'' radius around the Mectrooper. Costs 40 REC.

Augmented Edges:

All Augmented Edges require you to have the Augmented Edge.

Seasoned Edges

Automated Fire Control: Gain a +2 to shooting and opposed agility rolls while on Overwatch.

Automated Threat Assessment: The target number to hit you in melee or ranged attacks is increased by two while you are on overwatch.

Vital Point Targeting: Gain a +2 to damage against Humans and Alien Types Xcom has previously killed.

Veteran Edges

Vital Point Targeting: Gain a +2 to damage against Humans and Alien Types Xcom has previously killed.

Damage Control: When you roll to soak a wound, you soak one wound automatically.

Heroic Edges

Repair Servos: Two times per encounter, your Mec gains a free soak roll. This effect triggers Damage Control if you have it.

Overdrive: Increase the rate of fire of your primary weapon by one, and cause them all to function as CQB weapons.

Legendary Edges

Absorbtion Fields: Any hit that deals more than two wounds to the MEC only deals two wounds. This is calculated after all soak rolls are made.

Reactive Targeting Sensors: The MEC gets a free shot back at the first enemy who attacks the MEC each turn, provided there's enough ammo to do so.

X-Com Gene Mod Edges

These Edges are bought by X-Com Command and applied to an X-Com operative. Once bought, it stays in the X-Com bank of supplies until applied, at which point it is removed until another is bought. These perks can only be applied to an X-Com Operative who has not received the Augmented Perk. If a Unit with a Gene Mod Edge becomes Augmented, that Unit loses all Gene Mod Edges. Furthermore, a Unit can only hold one Gene Mod in each effected area of the body.

Brain ModsNeural Feedback: Novice, Gene Mod, Requires a Sectoid Commander Corpse to have been recovered by X-Com: When attacked with a Psy Power, you immediately render the attacker Shaken and they lose 5 PP. If they have less than 5 PP, they take a Wound with no save. Costs 25 REC

Neural Damping: Novice, Gene Mod, Requires a Berserker Corpse to have been recovered by X-Com, Unit cannot be (or ever become), psionicly active: The Target Number for Psy Powers used against you is raised by two. If you are mind controlled, the control is immediately ended and you are rendered shaken instead. If you are already shaken, you gain a level of Fatigue instead. Costs 20 REC

Eye ModsHyper Reactive Pupils: Novice, Gene Mod: Every attack on the same target grants a cumulative +1 to shooting, to a max of +4. Costs 20 REC

Telescopic Eyesight: Novice, Gene Mod: No Penalty to firing at medium or long range as long as you do not move. Costs 25 REC

Body ModsAdrenal Pump: Novice, Gene Mod, Requires a Muton Corpse to have been recovered by X-Com: When you kill or disable a target, the Adrenal Pump raises Pace by 2, Increases Toughness by 1 for three rounds. This effect doesnt stack, but its duration does. Costs 20 REC

Secondary Heart: Novice, Gene Mod, Requires a Cyberdisk Corpse to have been recovered by X-Com: Unless the operative is killed with a called shot to the head, they are instead bleeding out. In addition, the operatives bleed out in vigor plus two rounds, rather than vigor. Costs 30 REC

Skin ModsBioelectric Skin: Novice, Gene Mod, Requires a Chryssalid Corpse to have been recovered by X-Com: Gain +2 Notice, and you can see anything within 3 tiles, even if line of sight is blocked or they are cloaked. Costs 25 REC

Mimetic Skin: Novice, Gene Mod, Requires a Seeker Corpse to have been recovered by X-Com: Gain a +2 to Stealth and, while in cover increase the target number to hit the Operative with ranged weapons by two. Costs 30 REC

Leg ModsMuscle Fiber Density: Novice, Gene Mod, Requires a Thin Man Corpse to have been recovered by X-Com: Can jump and fall 4 times the distance of a normal human without damage or a die roll, and gain +1 Toughness. Costs 25 REC

Elastic Tendons: Novice, Gene Mod: Can jump and fall 4 times the distance of a normal human without damage or a die roll, and gain +2 Pace. Costs 25 REC

Armor Plating - Limit one unless specified.

Ceramic Plates 3pt- Adds +1 Toughness.Alloy Vest 6 pt- Adds +2 Toughness.Reinforced Armor- 8 Pt- Adds +1 Toughness and base shooting DC is now 5 against you.Ghillie Suit- 4 pt - +2 to Stealth Bonuses in Chosen environment. Respirator Implant - 5 Pt - 4 hour emergency oxygen supply. Upon disruption of airflow, automatically activates. Prevents damage from strangulation, +2 equipment bonus against toxic attacks. Can Stack with other Protections.

XCOM Armorer- All Soldiers are issued XCOM Tactical Gear, standard.Tactical Gear -Phalanx Armor Design 5pt - (+3/+5)'Initial Testing into designing armor inspired this prototype. Whilst Outdated with Viktors Designs, this model is cheap to produce, Lightweight and holds a special place in the hearts of the Silver Knights.'Kestrel Armor 10pt - (+3)'An armor focused on mobility and speed. Similar to a tactical vest in design, it is far lighter then any armor made to date and yet just as protective as 5 inches of steel. Whilst forgoing total body coverage, it comes equipped with a grappling hook that can shoot up to 5 stories and still has room for a plate.' Carapace 15pt- (+5)

Special Ammo- (Machine Guns Double Point Values) (Key- B- Ballistic/Gauss L- Laser/Pulse, P-Plasma)(B)Extra Ammo 2pt Per 3 Clips, (L) 2pt Per Clip- Never a situation where 'too much' ammo was a bad thing. (B)Extra Rocket 3 pt Per Rocket (Up to 4.) - Badda Boom.(B)Shredder Rockets 4 Pt Per Rocket (Up to 4) - Applies the Shred Effect on organic targets (Mechanical require a raise).(B)High Cap Mag Replacement 3pt for Pistols, 5 Pt For Standard Arms, 10 pt. for Machine Guns- Doubles Ammo Capacity of selected weapon.Full Metal Jacket Rounds 4 pt Per Clip- Adds +2 Armor Piercing to weaponReaper Rounds 4 Pt per Clip - Halves effective range, but reduces raise counts by 1 against organic targets.Shatter Alloy Rounds 4 Pt Per Clip - Negates Natural Mechanical CoverRubber Bullets 3 pt Per Clip - Does strict Fatigue damage. Reduces weapon damage by a dice.

Weapon AttachmentsLaser Aiming Module 5pt- You can now move and Aim, but you cannot take a shot.Fore-grip 5pt- When Firing from a stable position, it reduces recoil penalties by 1.Vital Targeting Module 5pt - Called shot penalties are reduced by 1.Alien Trophy 3pt - Reduces alien fear factor by 1Kantrael Laser Weapon Pattern 5pt - Reduces Weight of Laser weapon by 75%. Becomes a 50 shot weapon with 3 clips (1 in rifle, 2 back up.)Crystalline Focus Optics 10pt - Laser Weapon does an extra dice of damage

XCOM Tactical Support (RSR - Requires to be in Support Radius) New Guy 10 pt - Invest Resources into public recruiting. Aquire new rookie from Dossiers compiled post mission.Conscription 20 pt - Invest resources into hand picking candidates. Write up New Character Post Mission.(RSR)Supply Drop 15 Pt- Three crates of supplies are dropped off at the Yellow Smoke.(RSR)Precision Air strike 20 pt - Place 3 Large Blast Templates. Make attacks at these zones with Missile damage.