Download - X628-C · Advanced Biometric Solution X628-C Multi-media Fingerprint Time Attendance Terminal Introduction X628-C is an innovative biometric fingerprint reader for Time & Attendance

Page 1: X628-C · Advanced Biometric Solution X628-C Multi-media Fingerprint Time Attendance Terminal Introduction X628-C is an innovative biometric fingerprint reader for Time & Attendance

RONALD JACKAdvanced Biometric Solution

X628-CMulti-media Fingerprint Time Attendance Terminal

IntroductionX628-C is an innovative biometric fingerprint reader for Time & Attendance applications, offering unparalleled performance using an advanced algorithm for reliability, precision and excellent matching speed. The X628-C features the fastest commercial-basedfingerprint matching algorithm and Ronald Jack high-performance, high-image quality optical fingerprint sensor. The 3 inch TFT can display more information vividly, including fingerprint image quality and verification result etc. TCP/IP communication is standard and make sure the data transmission between terminal and PC can be easily done within several seconds.

Time & Attendance Software development by Wise Eye

Distribution by Minh Nhan Co.,Ltd.

Page 2: X628-C · Advanced Biometric Solution X628-C Multi-media Fingerprint Time Attendance Terminal Introduction X628-C is an innovative biometric fingerprint reader for Time & Attendance

· Color TFT screen with GUI Interface for ease of use.· Optical Sensor.· 1 touch a-second user recognition.· Stores 3,000 templates and 100,000 transactions.· Reads Fingerprint and/or PINs..· Built-in Serial and Ethernet ports.· Language: English and Vietnam· Built in bell scheduling· Real-time 1-touch data export 3rd party hosted & non-hosted applications· Audio-Visual indications for acceptance and rejection of valid/invalid fingers· Wise Eye Time & Attendance software.

Fingerprint Capacity



Transaction Capacity

Hardware Platform

: 3000 Templates

10000 :

: ZEM510

Sensor : Optical Sensor

Algorithm Version : Finger VX9.0 & VX10.0 : RS232/RS485, TCP/IP : TFT 3 Inch Screen : 5V DC 2A : 0 C - 45 C



Power Supply

Operating Temperature

Operating Humidity : 20% - 80%




Weight :

Standard functions : Workcode, SMS, Scheduled Bell,Selt Service Query, Automatic Status Swicth

190 x 142 x 53 mm


...X628-C X628-C X628-C





Page 3: X628-C · Advanced Biometric Solution X628-C Multi-media Fingerprint Time Attendance Terminal Introduction X628-C is an innovative biometric fingerprint reader for Time & Attendance

Time & Attendance Software

WISE EYE 2010 V1


Caùc tính naêng:1. Wise Eye 2010 V1 quaûn lyù döõ lieäu theû, döõ lieäu vaân tay cuûa nhaân vieân. Chuùng ta coù theå download döõ lieäu

vaân tay, döõ lieäu theû veà maùy tính vaø upload döõ lieäu naøy leân maùy chaám coâng.

2. Phaàm meàm quaûn lyù coâng döïa vaøo thôøi gian ñöôïc ghi nhaän töø maùy chaám coâng vaø theo maõ cuûa nhaân vieân.

3. Döõ lieäu quaûn lyù cuûa phaàn meàm laø döõ lieäu MS Access 2000, SQL.

4. WISE EYE 2010 phaân tích vaø toång hôïp coâng haønh chaùnh, coâng theo ca, coâng taêng ca, coâng ngaøy

Chuû Nhaät, coâng ngaøy nghæ Leã , ca ñeâm, phuï caáp ñeâm, giôø coâng taùc, ñi laøm treã, ñi veà sôùm, vaéng…

5. Caùo baùo caùo :

a. Baùo bieåu chi tieát

b. Baùo bieåu toång coâng.

c. Baùo bieåu treã, sôùm

d. Baùo bieåu thoáng keâ theo kí hieäu, theo giôø.

e. Döõ lieäu toång hôïp coù theå xuaát ra Excel.

6. WISE EYE 2010 ñöôïc thieát keá caùc tham soá giuùp chuùng ta khai baùo caùch tính coâng tuøy theo yeâu caàu

cuûa töøng coâng ty. Noù giuùp chuùng ta khai baùo luaät chaám coâng chung (khai baùo caùc heä soá chaám coâng ngaøy

Chuû nhaät, ngaøy leã, ca ñeâm…) vaø laäp thaønh caùc lòch trình, moãi lòch trình chöùa ñöïng töø 1 ñeán 20 ca laøm vieäc.

Caùc lòch trình vaø ca laøm vieäc ñöôïc saép xeáp cho töøng nhaân vieân theo töøng ngaøy trong chu kyø haøng tuaàn.

Time & Attendance Software development by Wise Eye

Distribution by Minh Nhan Co.,Ltd.