Download - Overview Why? How? Key findings –Job creation –Rights at work –Social Protection –Social Dialogue –The multilateral system Impact? A decent.



• Why? • How? • Key findings

– Job creation – Rights at work – Social Protection – Social Dialogue– The multilateral system

• Impact?

A decent job? DFID and Decent Work


Decent Work is: • “something we’re already doing”• “not relevant for the poorest” • “too vague”But Decent Work is also facing: • “a very large deficit” under the MDGs

A decent job? DFID and Decent Work


• Developed 14 criteria based on the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda

• Each graded on a scale of 1 to 4• Survey of DFID staff, desk research• Follow-up interviews with DFID staff• Latest research making case for each


A decent job? DFID and Decent Work

14 Criteria

A decent job? DFID and Decent Work

Decent Work in the multilateral system

13. Support for the ILO 14. Other key actors

How do we score?

Score Key

0 - No work done

1 - Unsatisfactory A sole project or sporadic country-level work

2 - Weak Broader range of activities but with significant gaps

3 - Good Department wide work with some room for improvement

4 - Strong Department-wide commitment and action

A decent job? DFID and Decent Work

DFID’s score 25/56

A decent job? DFID and Decent Work

Pass mark

Job creation (6/16)

• No overall Decent work MDG target (1)

• Some promising country-level work (3)

• Private sector support not linked to decent jobs (2)

A decent job? DFID and Decent Work

Rights at work (5/12)

• Patchy work on corporate responsibility (2)

• Allergic to supporting labour administrations (1)

• Little on tackling discrimination or child labour (2)

A decent job? DFID and Decent Work

Social protection

• Supporting “social protection” in 17 countries (3)

• Limited linkages with work and public services (2)

• Contradictory work on tax collection capacity (2)

A decent job? DFID and Decent Work

Social dialogue (4/12)

• “We do not recognise the concept of social dialogue” (1)

• Almost no support for trade unions (1)• Limited union role in “holding governments to

account” (2)

A decent job? DFID and Decent Work

Decent work in the multilateral system (3/8)

• DFID ranks 22 out of 23 in levels of development cooperation support to the ILO (1)

• Support for non-binding labour standards in trade deals etc (2)

A decent job? DFID and Decent Work

What impact?

• Minister “surprised and disappointed”• Labour party “excellent contribution” (?!?) • Some take-up from union affiliates• Debate in the development community • The global union movement?

A decent job? DFID and Decent Work

For more information

Blog: Is DFID allergic to Decent Work?

The full report:

Ben Moxham: [email protected] international officer

A decent job? DFID and Decent Work