Download - SV Groundwater Use Efficiency: Water Conservation ‘Off the Grid’ Carrie Pollard Principal Water Programs Specialist [email protected].


SV Groundwater Use Efficiency: Water Conservation ‘Off the Grid’

Carrie PollardPrincipal Water Programs


[email protected]


• Explore possible water conservation programs for unserved population

• Partnership with:• Sonoma Valley County Sanitation

Dist.• City of Sonoma• Valley of the Moon Water District• Sonoma Valley Basin Advisory

Panel• Grant funding – $25,000 from NBWA

and in-kind services from partners


• Conduct residential and agricultural water use assessments

• Develop educational/outreach materials

• Investigate feasibility of targeted public outreach meetings and events

• Develop a report summarizing the findings and recommendations

Residential Site Assessments

• Completed 15 assessments through the Water Smart Home Program (WSHP)

• Limited participation by well users

• Small sample size may not reflect all well users


• 48 toilets measured

• 3.2 toilets per home

• 29% do not meet current 1992 standard of 1.6 gpf

• AB715: Toilets sold must be ≤ 1.28 gpf by 2014

• SB407: All residential properties must have low- flow fixtures by 2014


• 43 showerheads measured• Average flow rate of 2.08 gpm• 7% do not meet 1992 2.5 gpm standard• 93% had a flow rate of

2.0 gpm• Sonoma, VOM, Agency

have been providing free 2.0 gpm for years, now only 1.5 gpm


• 54 faucets measured• Average flow rate of 1.8

gpm, median of 1.5 gpm• 15% do not meet 1992

2.2 gpm standard• Sonoma, VOM, Agency

provide free 2.0 gpm kitchen and 1.5 gpm bathroom aerators

Clothes Washers

• All homes had washers• 47% did not have newer

EnergyStar rated washers• 22% of indoor use is for

clothes washing• Most efficient washer

uses 60% less water than old top load washers

Water Softeners

• 2 homes had water softeners (13%)

• Not a common appliance in Sonoma County

• Only 2.8% of homes through the WSHP had them installed

Landscape Irrigation

• 73% of homes had an automatic irrigation system

• 64% of the systems were adjusted by staff to reduce water waste

• Homeowners generally do not know how to irrigate efficiently

Recommendations for Residential

• Promote high-efficiency clothes washers as nearly half are inefficient

• Focus on replacing the remaining water guzzling toilets

• Educate homeowners about water efficient landscape irrigation and practices

Agricultural Site Assessments

• 3 vineyards• 6 dairies• Difficult to get

participants due to proprietary concerns

• Generally efficient, but always room to improve

Vineyard Water Use

• Water use is monitored and controlled for quality of crops

• Cooperative towards conserving water, but requested to not reveal water use

• Irrigated with drip systems

Vineyard Recommendations

• Improve drip system to increase root zone

• Modify irrigation frequency and duration to fit soil profile

• Begin irrigation as late as possible – after shoot tip growth slows or stops

• Use multiple methods to monitor plant water status

Dairy Water Use

• Majority of water use is for drinking by cows

Dairy Water Use

• Average water use falls within industry average of 25 to 40 gpd per cow

• No correlation between size of dairy and efficiency

Dairy Name OrganicNumber ofMilk Cows

Water Use(gpd)

Water Use(1)

(gpd per Cow)Dairy #1 Yes 400 13,121 29.46

Dairy #2 Yes 215 7,640 29.51Dairy #3 Yes 200 5,115 23.47Dairy #4 Yes 850 30,482 29.69Dairy #5 No 260 12,008 38.88Dairy #6 No 300 11,830 34.99Average 371 13,366 31.00

Average Dairy Water Use

Efficiency Opportunities

• Onsite reuse for barn wash down• Water for cooling

(energy savings)• Equipment cleaning

water• Capture rain water

from barn roofs

Water Conservation Outreach

• Existing programs already available• Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper • Eco Friendly Garden Tour• Bay Friendly Landscaping• 350 Garden Challenge• Green Business Program


• Currently drafting report• Draft will be released February 24• Comments accepted through March 10• Final report will be distributed

SV Groundwater Use Efficiency: Water Conservation ‘Off the Grid’

Carrie PollardPrincipal Water Programs


[email protected]