Download - Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Page 1: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of ProtectionGlen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy)

Stella Mullane (Associate and Court of Protection Practitioner)

Wednesday 28th November 2012

Page 2: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

- Introduction to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (“MCA”) and the tests of capacity

- Property and Financial Matters

- Health and Welfare Matters


Page 3: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Mental Capacity Act 2005

- Passed in 2005 in the run up to the General Election

- Came into force on 1st October 2007

- Statutory basis for capacity issues and consolidated law

- 5 Guiding Principles paramount

Page 4: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Mental Capacity Act 2005

- Key presumption of capacity – MCA only comes into effect if a person is shown to lack capacity

- Capacity is decision specific – meaning a person may have capacity to make some decisions but not others

- Applies to all financial, health and personal welfare decisions of those temporarily or permanently lacking in capacity to make the relevant decision

- Any decision taken must comply with the Act, Code of Practice and Best Interests test

Page 5: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Mental Capacity Act 2005

5 Guiding Principles of the Act:- Presumption of capacity - lack of capacity must be proved- Support individual - facilitate decision making by person- Unwise decisions - are our right and not by itself evidence- Best Interests - any act or decision must be made with the

best interests of the person in mind- Least restrictive option - examine if an outcome can be

achieved in an alternative and less restrictive way

The MCA and Code of Practice sets out factors and tests.

Page 6: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

What are the options in managing our affairs?



Lasting Power of Attorney(Financial or Health) or

General PofA (Financial only)

If LPA fails or GPA capacity lost


Court of Protectionappointed Deputy

NB: appointees

Page 7: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

What are the options in managing our affairs?

Client without significant assets (informal approach) DWP / NHS / LA Appointee OR any of below Client with significant assets (formal approach) If has capacity within Mental Capacity Act 2005 definition

General or Lasting Power of Attorney option If lacking / fluctuating capacity formal application to Court of

Protection for appointment of Deputy

Page 8: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Two types – cover health or finances (can have both)

Very long documents with notes and additional pages (around 15 pages on average)

Very flexible – limits of power, giving of guidance and imposition of restrictions all possible

Have to be registered at Office of the Public Guardian before they can be used (£130 Court Fee per PofA)

Minimal supervision by the Public Guardian

Good balance between cost, flexibility and protection

Page 9: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Court of Protection (Financial Deputies)

Only used if lack of capacity and no less restrictive option available and no valid EPA / LPA in place

Requires formal application to Court of Protection

Anyone can apply

Application must contain full financial and family details of “P”

Must contain medical evidence in prescribed form

Covered by Code of Conduct under Mental Capacity Act 2005

Page 10: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Proceedings in the Court of Protection

- Formal process of appointing deputy to make decisions where urgent authority required or prolonged incapacity

- Requires form COP3 Medical Certificate for the Court to consider granting authority or authorising an act

- More likely to have a financial deputy appointed rather than health and welfare

- Health and welfare decisions are more likely to be single acts rather than general authority except in more severe cases

Page 11: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Proceedings in the Court of Protection

- Financial deputies have to give security to cover their actions

- Governed by all principles of MCA and Code of Practice- Authority set out by Court order, may be wide or restricted- Professionally regulated deputies likely to be granted wider

authority than lay deputies- Further authorities / applications may need further or

specific medical evidence (statutory wills, gifts etc)- An order does not prevent individual making decisions

Page 12: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Proceedings in the Court of Protection

Key points for consideration:- What decision is to be made and what test applies- Work with fellow professionals to establish capacity- If capacity is lacking choice of deputy is important and

nature of order- Deputyship is an on going process and will require

considerable administration especially where significant assets or compensation are involved

Page 13: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Tips and Traps

Do not leave it too long to start the process rolling – court applications 3-4 months

LPAs are “insurance” policies

Make the most of your legal adviser- Avoid crisis point by getting advice- Appointeeship – quick and easy in short term- PI Trusts- Budget

Page 14: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Tips and traps cont’d

Consider financial implications for the person injured AND dependants- Benefits- Debts- Mortgages- Pensions- Wills

Separate finances

Page 15: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Health and Welfare Matters – the basics

Key points to remember for Health & Welfare Matters: -

“P” is assumed to have capacity unless shown otherwise It is the decision makers responsibility to show the lack of capacity Capacity is decision specific Support should be provided for “P” to facilitate a decision A decision can only be made if “P” lacks capacity

Page 16: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Health and Welfare Matters – the options

What are the options for someone wishing to make provision for their future care or treatment? Make an Advanced Decision Make a Health and Welfare Power of Attorney Rely on next of kin / Healthcare professionals (including DOLS) Apply to the Court of Protection for a direction, decision or for the

appointment of a Deputy s5 MCA protection

Page 17: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Assessing Capacity – medical / health / welfare

- The test is the statutory test laid out in the MCA- The case law pre MCA remains valid in applying the MCA


Practical points:- record reasons for doubts over capacity in medical records- detail the assessment process and outcomes- the significance of the decision dictates the formality- follow the MCA Code of Practice and to see if further opinion

is required

Page 18: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Health and Welfare Matters – advanced decisions

No prescribed format / form (can be oral or in writing) As such no certification or safe guard concerning undue

influence, capacity or such issues and is not registered at OPG If in writing and witnessed an AD can cover life sustaining

treatment but needs to be specific and MCA 2005 compliant No consultation if effective – has to be adhered to Negative is lack of flexibility and human touch – black and white

document or if oral open to challenge / misinterpretation Emergencies (note s5 MCA protections)

Page 19: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Health and Welfare Matters – Lasting Powers of Attorney

• Form registered with the Office of the Public Guardian with appropriate legal safeguards and certificates

• Can extend to life sustaining treatment decisions

• Can only be used where incapacity applies (as with an AD)

• Can name people to be consulted and duty to consult

• Medical staff covered by best interests rule

• Advantage of the human touch, end of life care and residence

• Problem of emergencies remains

Page 20: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Health and Welfare Matters – Court of Protection role

• Rulings on applicability or validity of advanced decisions

• Rulings on validity of LPAs

• Best interests declarations

• Single decisions (often headline cases)

• Appointments of Deputies for a decision, treatment or long term (although the latter is rare)

• Emergency situations remain problematic

• Cost is significant and general rule is parties pay their own costs

Page 21: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Health and Welfare Matters – Court of Protection role

Page 22: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Proceedings in the Court of Protection

Further information can be found at the following sources: -

Page 23: Dealing with Capacity and issues surrounding the Court of Protection Glen Miles (Partner and Court of Protection Deputy) Stella Mullane.

Proceedings in the Court of Protection

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