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In the late 1800's, many European nations began seeking _______ in Africa and Asia.

This is called _______________ and was one of the major causes of conflict between European nations.

The unification of ___________ and ___________ upset the balance of power in Europe.

_______________ had the most powerful navy in the world, but became nervous at the speed in which ______________ began to build ships.

____________________ was a major trade monopoly for Great Britain and one of the reasons they often supported the _____________ Empire.

Great Britain was a ________________ nation, like the US and France.

Great Britain became part of the ________________ before the war and fought on the side of the _______________ in the war.

______________ hated Germany because of the Franco-Prussian War.

They had lost valuable territory, __________________, to Germany.

To protect themselves against German aggression, France made an alliance with _____________ and _______________.

The French had important ________________ in northern Africa.

Otto von ___________led the German people to unification.

He was known as the ____________ chancellor.

The Emperor of Germany, from the House of Hohenzollern, was the Kaiser __________________.

He was the ___________ of Queen Victoria and the cousin of _____________ in Russia.

Germany planned a railroad from ___________ to ____________.

Germany supported its' southern neighbor, ________________ against the Balkan nationalists.

Russia had become isolated from Europe because of these five reaons:






The most important of these is probably the lack of a ________________.

The Russian ruler was called a _____________.

Russia supported independence in the _______________ because many slavs lived there and shared a common background with Russians.

When war broke out between Austria and Serbia, _______________ decided to _______________ his army along the German border, provoking Germany into declaring war.

World War I in Europe was mostly a ___________ because of trench warfare.

The area between trenches was called _______________.

Many new weapons were invented, such as ___________to use in trench warfare and the armored car, called a ________________.

____________ were used mainly for reconnaissance.

Most historians believe that World War I was caused by the following systems:

_________________ or glorification of armed strength;

_________________ or extreme patriotism;

_________________ or colonization;

_________________, which caused a chain reaction.

The US tried to remain ___________ at the beginning of the War.

The sinking of the ________________ and the discovery of the _____________ note changed the minds of US people.

The president during the war, ________________, ran for re-election on the promise to strengthen the US navy.

After the War, the leaders of the winning nations, called ____________ met to negotiate the peace.

Wilson had a plan of ___________ points to prevent war.

The US senate opposed Wilson and the US never joined the _____________, point number 14.

_____________________ punished Germany by forcing them to admit to ______________ and pay huge ________________.

The name of the person that shot the archduke was ___________________________.

The Archduke was shot while visiting the city of _________________, which was the capital of ___________________.

Austria-Hungary blamed the assassination on _______________.

World War I began ______________ after the assassination.

Gavrilo Princip was just a _____________ boy who was not acting alone but was part of a group called __________________.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the world appeared to be on the brink of ____________________.

Some signs of international cooperation were the formation of the _____________ and the reviving of the __________________.

Fill in the quote from Bismarck,

Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided - - but by _________________ and _______________.








Another way to say conscription is the _______________.

A person who is gassed is ________________.

The Krupp Iron Works Factory manufactured big German guns and was owned by __________________

The Eleventh Hour means _____________________.

The U in U-boat means ____________________

In 1907, England and Russia agreed to divide ___________ into two "spheres of influence", north and south.

__________ went to war with Prussia in 1870 and lost. As a result, the nation of Germany was created.

When can their glory fade?O the wild charge they made!All the world wondered.Honor the charge they made,Honor the Light Brigade,Noble six hundred.These words were written by Alfred Tennyson in a Poem called __________________This famous battle was part of the ____________________ War.

A British possession at the southern end of the Malay peninsula was ________________________

An independent Balkan state that wanted independent nations in the Balkan region

_____ and ______ fought over Manchuria.