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  • 8/6/2019 Writing Measurable Objectives 2


  • 8/6/2019 Writing Measurable Objectives 2


    Goalsofthis Presentation2

    yAppreciate the value ofwriting clear andmeasurablebehavioralobjectives.

    y Re-evaluate objectives you have written andwork to enhance them.

    y Make additional efforts to enhance thecongruencyof: Objectives, Individual

    Professional Activities (PD, IPDPs)---YourOwn Action Items, and/or School &Department Goals/Mission Statement.

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    Goalsand Objectives

    What are objectives?y Objectives are NOT goals. Goals are broad, objectives are


    y An objective is a foreseen end that gives direction to an

    activity (John Dewey, 1977)

    y An objective is an end toward which action is oriented, acondition or state of being to be reached. It reflects how thesituation will be changed, improved or maintained. (Boyle)


    An objective is a statement which specifies, inmeasurable terms, the changes we expect in ourtarget audiences as a result of our programs.


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    y Definition

    A statement in specific and measurable terms thatdescribes what the learner will know or be able to do.

    y Example Students will be able to construct a five paragraph essay

    that follows the guidelines of the Florida Writes rubricwithin a 45-minute timed writing session in English class

    and explain the components in their essay that warrantthe highest score.

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    Orienting Question

    How do you tell a good objective

    from a bad one?

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    Elements of Strong Objectives

    y Target audience (who)

    y Criteria for coverage

    y Outcome (what)

    y Criteria for outcome


    y Personal actions to achieve

    desired outcomes are SMMART (more later)

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    Partsofan Objective7

    y Measurable verb



    y Criteria

    5 paragraphs

    Within 45-minutes

    y Conditions

    In their English class

    EXAMPLE: Students will be able to construct a five paragraph essay

    that follows the guidelines of the Florida Writes rubric within a 45-

    minute timed writing session in English class and explain the

    components in their essay that warrant the highest score.

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  • 8/6/2019 Writing Measurable Objectives 2


    Strong & Weak Verbs for Objectives

    Strong:y to increase (what

    by how much)y to adopt (what

    resource/practice,by what timeline)

    y to present or todemonstrate (whattopics to whom,when)

    Weaky to promotey

    to encouragey to understandy to become awarey to work with

    y to support

  • 8/6/2019 Writing Measurable Objectives 2


    Writing Useful Objectives

    y Use strong verbs


    State only one purpose or aim per objective

    y Specify a single end-product or result


    Specify a time frame for achieving results

    y May relate to taxonomies, schemata or frameworks

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    Depth of Knowledge

    y Adapted from the model used by Norman Webb, University of

    Wisconsin, to align standards with assessments


    Used by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) forassessment alignment in more than ten states

    Focuses on content standard in order to successfully complete an

    assessment/standard task

    Descriptive, not a taxonomy---Not the same as difficulty

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    Why Depth of Knowledge?

    y No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requires assessmentsto measure the depth and breadth of the stateacademic content standards for a given grade level

    (U.S. Department of Education, 2003, p. 12y Mechanism to ensure that the intent of the

    standard and the level of student demonstrationrequired by that standard matches the assessment

    items (required under NC


    y Provides cognitive processing ceiling (highest levelstudents can be assessed) for item development

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  • 8/6/2019 Writing Measurable Objectives 2


    Blooms Taxonomy14

    y LevelsofCognition

    Knowledge (verbal recall)

    Comprehension Application






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    Applying Blooms

    y Knowledge List the items used by Goldilocks whileshe was in the Bears house.

    y Comprehension Explain why Goldilocks liked Baby

    Bears chair the best.y Application Demonstrate what Goldilocks would use

    if she came to your house.

    y Analysis Compare this story to reality. What eventscould not really happen.

    y Synthesis Propose how the story would be different ifit were Goldilocks and the Three Fish.

    y Evaluation Judge whether Goldilocks was good orbad. Defend your opinion.

    Using the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears

  • 8/6/2019 Writing Measurable Objectives 2


    Depth ofKnowledge vs. Blooms Taxonomy

    Level 1 (Recall) Knowledge


    Level 2 (Skill/Concept) Application

    Level 3 (Strategic Thinking) Analysis

    Level 4 (Extended Thinking) Synthesis


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    LevelsofEvidenceby Claude Bennett(from lowest level 1 of evidence that program is effective to highest level 7)

    y Level 1 Inputs

    y Level 2 Activities

    y Level 3 People Involvement

    y Level 4 People Reactionsy Level 5 Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills,

    Aspirations Change (KASA)

    y Level 6 Behavior Change

    y Level 7 End Result (SEEC-Social, Economic,Environmental, Civic)

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    Levels of Objectives


    *Reactions*Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills & Aspirations

    (Behavioral intentions)*Behavioral or Practice Change*Social, Economic & Environmental Conditions

  • 8/6/2019 Writing Measurable Objectives 2


    Outcome (aka: Educational ) Objectives focus on:

    y Knowledge change (Level 5)

    y Skill change (Level 5)

    y Attitude change or Reactions (Level 5)

    y Aspirations changes (Level 5)y Short-term, mid-range and long-term incremental

    behavior change (Level 6)

    y May also include policy changes, decisions made, etc.

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    Program Objectives focus on:

    y Resources or Inputs (Level 1)

    y Activities (Level 2)

    y Participation of target audience (Level 3)y Meets micro needs

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    Examples of Measurable Objectives

    Objective: 35 Young Men of Tomorrow members will practice

    communication skills in relationships with parents or peersduring the week of Sept. 15 as documented by theirsponsors communication logs.

    Objective: 100% of science teachers who attended my science safetyworkshop will implement recommended safety practices allof the time after completing the program, as documentedby district safety inspector.

    Objective: Half of the teachers attending my math workshops willimplement at least one manipulative method for introducing

    a math concept this year as evidenced by lesson plans,observation, and follow-up on MLP.

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    General Format

    To (increase/decrease) (what) by(% number)among (whom) by (when) as measured by (how

    do you know).

    Note: Under certain extreme conditions, in theshort-term, you may want to maintain (not

    increase/decrease) a problem at a certain level thathas been steadily getting worse.

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    Measurable: A Technique

    yWho will change? Assigned audience/s

    yWhat specific change will take place as a result ofyour program? Specific target

    yWhen will the change take place? Timedy How will you know the change has taken place?

    Measurable. What standard or method will you useto know that the condition has changed.

    y Meaningful and Realistic are taken into account atevery step of objectives development

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    Some Things To Remember About WritingOutcome Objectives

    y Objectives evolve from Goals and are tied to theassessment process.

    y Objectives are Future Focused.

    y Remember, outcome objectives relate to outcomes andnot processes. For example, OCSD is planning a new program for recently

    arrived ELLs.

    y The objective is not "to provide information" but rather

    "to reduce the rate of retention among ELLs. A specificpercentage increase would be needed, too.

    y Providing information is an activity (strategy) to enablethe objective to be achieved.

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    Common Errors inWriting Goals and Objectives

    y Too specific to be meaningful

    y Too broad to be measurable

    y Too many to be manageable

    y Too few to be comprehensive

    y Too arbitrary to be relevant

    y Too boilerplate or cookie-cutterto be individualized

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    y Goal

    Students will gain an appreciation and understanding ofthe value of applying the Florida Writes rubric to theirown writing.

    y Objective

    Students will be able to construct a five paragraph essaythat follows the guidelines of the Florida Writes rubric

    within a 45-minute timed writing session in their English

    class and explain the components in their essay thatwarrant the highest score.

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    Purposes of Objectives

    y Address the needs ofyour target public

    y Provide direction to yourprogram or activity

    y Useful in selectinglearning experiences andprogram methods

    y Communicate theexpected or predictedresults or changes to keystakeholders

    y Forms the basis for theevaluation if it is writtenin measurable terms

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    yWhat is the levelofthisobjective?

    Participants will be able to name the three parts of abehavioral objective.

    yWhat is the levelofthisobjective?

    Participants will be able to write a behavioral objectivethat contains a measurable verb, condition, andcriteria.

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    Specificityand Level29

    y Not So Specific: The learner will be able to: orally discuss the elements of

    a story

    y More Specific:

    The learner will be able to: orally present a short storysparts in a logical sequence (Setting, Characters, Conflict,Resolution), chronologically develop the elements,summarize the actions of the protagonist and antagonist,

    as well as highlight any details that may have beeninfluenced by the authors background or experiences.

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    Good Objectives are SMMART

    y Specific- tells what change is going to occur. Has aclear focus

    y Meaningful relates to identified needs

    y Measurable- definite means to measure to see ifchange occurred. Can observe it empirically

    yAssigned to a specific target audience


    Realistic- can be accomplishedy Timed- specific time to be achieved by

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    Measurable and Observable

    y Can look back and tell whether you achieved youraim

    y Typically associated with quantifiable information,but can be qualitative

    y Ex: Expected level of improvement in math for anacademic enrichment program as evidenced by preand post program math test scores

  • 8/6/2019 Writing Measurable Objectives 2


    Using the SMMART Process

    y When writing goals and objectives, keep themSMMART:y . Specific. Use specific rather than generalized

    language: Clearly state the issue, the target group, the time and place of

    the program. Poorly stated goal : The districts Title I program will reduce the

    number of ELLs retained. Clearer goal : As a strategy for reducing retention rates, ELLs

    will participate in an intensive supplementary instructionalafter-school program which will focus on supplementaryinstruction on grade level benchmarks using effective ESOLstrategies.

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    Using the SMMART Process

    y Meaningful. Relates to identified needs.

    Example ofa non-meaningfulobjective:

    Tosupport allofour schools in their effortsforsuccess

    Example ofa more meaningfulobjective:

    To personally provide writing workshops in 10 ofourschools that are aligned with a need reflected in theirdisaggregated school data which will result in a 5%

    overall increase in Level 6 writing scores in thoseschools.

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    Using the SMMART Process

    y Measurable.Be clear in the objective about whatwillbe changed and by howmuch. Setting thisclearlyat the startmakes it easier to evaluate:

    y Example of a non-measurable objective To raise awareness of the low literacy rate of parents of ELLs.

    y Example of a measurable objective Within 6 weeks of running an evening family literacy program

    in each of the districts 6 high schools, the attendance rate ofparticipants will increase by5% and survey results will indicatea 50% increase in the number of families that haveimplemented reading strategies at home as evidenced byreading logs.

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    Using The SMMART Process

    yAchievable. Be realistic about what theprogram can achieve in termsofthe

    scale/scope ofwhat isbeing done, the timeand resourcesavailable:

    y Unrealistic: The percent of ELLs scoring at Level 1will be reduced 50% at the end of the project period.

    y Realistic: When compared to the baseline, there willbe a statistically significant reduction (5%) in thenumber and percent of ELLs scoring at Levels 1 & 2in reading.

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    Using the SMMART Process

    y Relevant: Objectives need to relate toand berelevant to the goals. Remember objectivesarethe building blocks/steps toward meeting the

    goals:y Not Very relevant: 80% of the middle school students who received supplementary

    services funded by this project will gain at least one level asmeasured by the FCAT in reading.

    y More relevant An analysis of end of the year reading scores for ELLs will

    demonstrate that at least 80% of the middle school students willgain at least one level as measured by the FCAT in reading.

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    Using the SMMART Process

    y Time Specific. Be clear in the objectivesaboutthe timeframe in which theprogram/activities, as wellas expected

    changes, will take place:y At the conclusion of the program, there will be a 7%

    (statistically significant) increase, when compared tobaseline data, in the proportion of ELLs who have

    mastered listening, speaking, reading & writing inEnglish.

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    What is a Goal?

    A Goal is a general statement of a desired statetoward which a program is directed.

    see Rossi et al., 2004:98

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    y Definition

    A statement that describes inbroad termswhat thelearner will do.

    y Example Students will gain an appreciation and understanding of

    the value of applying the Florida Writes rubric to theirown writing.

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    Goal Writing

    y Good goal writing takes into account thelong-range vision and states it in short-range


    y Good goal writing is essentially the samechallenge regardless of the form.

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    Articulate measurable goals

    y Goals must be directly related to the student needsas identified in the present level data.

    y Goals are positive statements of student or teacherperformance.

    y Goals must address reasonable, broader outcomes.

    y Goals provide the logical connection betweenstudent needs and service implications.

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    Sample Goal Objective Strategy

    y Your Goal is to ensure that middle school students getthe adequate career information on a weekly basis.


    Your SMMART Objective might be: By5


    1/09, 90% ofmiddle schools in OCSD will have implemented careerinformation units for their middle school students.

    y One of your Strategies might be: By 1/15/09, create &distribute packets to middle school principals educating

    them about the benefits of career information units formiddle school students.

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    ExamplesMake them better43

    y Adam will get better with adding andsubtracting two digit numbers.

    Change this to a SMMART Report

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    SMMART Report44

    Adam will be able to add two digit numbers with re-grouping with 80% accuracy. He will also be able tosubtract two digit numbers without re-grouping with

    70% accuracy. We will continue to work onsubtraction with and without borrowing. Pleasecontinue to practice the basic subtraction facts with


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    Some Things To Remember About WritingObjectives

    y Objectives Maybe Long-term (Impact):

    Long-term but still realistic Based on expected achievements of program or actions Deals with determinants of proficiency that

    can be measured (ex. level of understanding of math/science,speaking, reading & writing)

    Deals with determinants of academic achievement thatcan be measured (FCAT Levels)

    Do not happen immediately-measured after many months Dependent upon some action (strategies) personally undertaken

    to improve student achievement SMMART!

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    y Guion, Lisa A., Baugh, E. & Marcus, J.(2006). Writing SMMART objectives.EDIS.Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Universityof Florida. Publication # FY824

    y Impact Statements, Michigan AgriculturalExperiment Station, available at


    Rockwell, K & Bennett, C (1995) TargetingOutcomesofPrograms, available at

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