Download - Would like to recognize the 2017 top giving churches from · Lakelands Baptist Leader Jesus Christ was with God the Father before

Page 1: Would like to recognize the 2017 top giving churches from · Lakelands Baptist Leader Jesus Christ was with God the Father before



Volume 39

Issue 5



s Lea


We’re bringing back the


Men’s Ministry Rally

July 31st at 7pm

South Side Baptist Church

505 W. Greenwood Street in Abbeville, SC

Speaker: TBA

Menu: Catfish, yellow grits, hush puppies, and

french fries

Connie Maxwell Children’s Home

Would like to recognize the 2017 top giving churches from the Lakelands Baptist Association

These churches are Harris, South Main,

Abbeville First, and First Mount Moriah.

Page 2: Would like to recognize the 2017 top giving churches from · Lakelands Baptist Leader Jesus Christ was with God the Father before


Walnut Grove VBS!

June 3rd

Kickoff with games, inflatables, and

refreshments from 2-4pm

June 4th - 8th from 6pm-8:30pm

Galactic Starveyors VBS

230 W. Morgan Rd, Hodges, SC

Southern Baptist Convention

Phoenix, AZ

June 13th & 14th

LBA Mission Trip to West Virginia

June 18th - 23rd

Please be in prayer for our team going to

WV to minister to those folks there by way

of construction, evangelism, good news

club, and a block party. We have 41 going

on this mission trip.


Office Closed

July 4th

In observance of Independence Day.

Senior Adult Team Meeting

July 11th at 10am


This purpose of this meeting is to discuss plans

for the Fall Senior Adult Rally.

Prayer Intercessors Meeting

July 13th at 10:30am


Positions at First Baptist of Calhoun Falls

Music ministry position for a pianist who can also help

get a choir started in the near future. This position will

start out paying $100 per week. We currently only meet

on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.

We also are in need of a pianist to fill in for 4 to 8 weeks

as our organist will have foot surgery. This need will

begin on Sunday, June 18th.

If interested please contact Rev. Scott Bernshausen at

[email protected] or the church office

at 864-418-8011.


The Association office has a wall FULL of

various VHS tapes for all ages. If anyone is

interested in seeing what we have please

stop by during office hours and take a look!

310 Panola Avenue, Greenwood

Turkey Creek Baptist Church

Looking for an instrumentalist, preferably a pianist,

to help with their Sunday morning worship service.

Please contact their pastor, Rev. Dean Bowling at

864-980-3207 if you are interested.

Hispanic VBS


If you are interested in helping with the Hispanic

church’s VBS in areas of music, crafts, food,

recreation, etc. please contact the Association

office as soon as possible at 864-223-6261.

Page 3: Would like to recognize the 2017 top giving churches from · Lakelands Baptist Leader Jesus Christ was with God the Father before


Three Women!

It seems as I was growing up there was a book that had been writ-

ten years before and titled “Three Women.” This book was penned

around 1869 and became wildly popular in its day. Still today, it is

read and debated as it reflects on the early years of the author

growing up with her three sisters and themed with choosing virtue

over wealth, or something akin to that, according to a Google

search on the matter. Now, the reason I recall the book is because I

was supposed to read it in college. But, since I am a more visual

learner and had too many better things to do in life than sit and

read a book about three women written in the 1800’s, I decided to

go and watch a play based on the book, which to my good fortune

was being produced at the same time that I was supposed to read

the book. So I went, and to my surprise, I actually loved the play.

See, even backwoods boys can blend into the scenery at high-

falut’n events like Broadway type plays and come out somewhat

more cultured than when they went in. Okay, so maybe not, but it

sounds good anyway!

Speaking of culture, I have a niece named Amy, who by all

stretches of the imagination, is absolutely nothing like her Uncle

David…uh, that’d be me, which would be a good thing. You see,

Amy is a real cultured Southern belle type. I mean, she was raised

in a family with gobs of musical talent. Amy went off to college

and got a degree in music, as did her brother Seth. Now when peo-

ple see Amy and me together, they can scarcely believe we hail

from the same grandparents. Why? Well it’s pretty easy to under-

stand actually! You see, Amy learned how to sing real good…so

good that she sings in one of them funny things called an “Opera.”

Now, you’d think that if she was related to me by blood, which

she is, that it’d be natural to assume that she’d use her great musi-

cal skills in more productive ways than singing in a foreign lan-

guage, hitting and holding high notes so long the average deep-

dive swimmer would lose consciousness, all while correctly grasp-

ing her hands together properly at the waist…you get the picture.

Yep, talent like that ought to be singing in the “Grand Ole Opry,”

not the Atlanta Opera. I think she loves me, but honestly I can’t

tell if she loves me or my BUTTRBN’s BBQ more. She compli-

ments me every time she comes to the house at Thanksgiving by

always say’n how good it is to be back at the Redneck Plantation,

where for Thanksgiving fun after the turkey and dressing, the kin-

folks go out and shoot guns and ride four-wheelers. Anyways,

whether it is an intended compliment or not, I take her calling our

home the Redneck Plantation as a compliment for sure and wear

that terminology as a badge of honor.

Anyways, back to speaking of “Three Women,” I have had the joy

of being able to walk three women down the aisle in the last five

months. Yep, I got two daughters married off, one in January and

one in May. It near bout’s killed me walking them two beautiful,

Godly girls of mine down the aisle, just so I could give them

away, but I did it, albeit with more than a few tears in my eyes.

Now, I ain’t saying that I cried, cause I did not cry. But, I did get a

little misty eyed, or maybe a lot misty eyed, but I never cried…not

even once…no sir, I did not cry. But, it is a special thing only a

dad gets to do…you know, to walk your daughter down the aisle

at her wedding. And then, to stand at the front of the church and

give them away to a couple of fellars that think they love them

girls more than I do, well, it’s kind of a hard thing, to say the least.

But it’s all part of life I suppose. I try to console myself that Kim

and I did not lose two daughters; instead we gained two great son-

in-laws. Yep, it’s been that kind of year so far!

And yes, I did say that I walked “three” girls down the aisle. One

was Lacy, one was Emily, and the third was Lettie Anne. You see,

at two years of age, she didn’t quite get the concept of being a

flower girl, you know, the whole thing about walking down the

aisle dropping flower petals ahead of the bride and all. Well, she

understood the dropping the flower petal part, just not the walking

part. So, before I walked Emily down the aisle, I had to first walk

Lettie Anne down the aisle in impromptu fashion, which for me

was perfect. I mean, I have now walked two daughters and one

grand-daughter down the aisle! Yep, it’s been that kind of year!

Again, speaking of three women, if I were asked to name the three

most often spoken of women in the Bible, I would name them this

way. First, Eve is probably one of the best known women in the

Bible because she gave us sin. The next best known woman in the

Bible would be Mary, who gave us Jesus, who would deliver us

from the sin that Eve gave us. And the last most well known wom-

an in the Bible who remains nameless and is referred to so often is

found in the book of Proverbs in the 31st chapter. We simply refer

to her as the virtuous wife. She is the quintessential wife (yeah,

you see that big word Amy…see I got me some culture and up-

bringing too), that every wife and mother is compared to through

the ages. I mean, this virtuous mother and wife in Proverbs is like

nearly perfect, flawless, strong yet gentle, the epitome of industri-

ousness and grace.

Well, most men wish they had a wife like that…and some of us

actually do. But did you ever notice that there is no opposite de-

scription of a perfect man, a perfectly virtuous husband and father

in Scripture. Not a single description of one that I can recall.

Umm! Wonder why? Maybe God thought it was pointless to de-

scribe something that doesn’t exist…a perfect man…just saying.

Well, bottom line is this, if you have at least three great women in

your life, like a “great” grandma, a “great” wife and three “great”

daughters like me…then you, my friend, are blessed indeed!

Page 4: Would like to recognize the 2017 top giving churches from · Lakelands Baptist Leader Jesus Christ was with God the Father before

Jesus Christ was with God the Father before the world was created. He

became human and lived among humanity as Jesus of Nazareth. He came to

show us what God the Father is like. He lived a sinless life, showing us how

to live, and He died on a cross to pay for our sins. God raised Him from the

dead. Jesus is the source of eternal life. Jesus wants to be the doorway of new

life for you. In the Bible, He was called “Lamb of God” (John 1:29). In the

Old Testament, sacrifices were made for the sins of the people. Jesus became

the sacrificial Lamb offered for our sin. Jesus said, “I am the way and the

truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John

14:6). He is waiting for you now.

Admit to God that you are a sinner. Repent, turning away from your sin.

By faith, receive Jesus Christ as God’s Son and accept Jesus’ gift of

forgiveness by dying on the cross.

Confess your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

You may pray a silent prayer similar to this as you call on God to save you.

“Dear God, I know that You love me. I confess my sin and need of salvation. I

turn away from my sin and place my faith in Jesus as my Savior and Lord. In

Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.” After you have received Jesus Christ into your

life, tell a pastor or another Christian about your decision. Show others your

faith in Christ by asking for a baptism by immersion in your local church as a

public expression of your faith.

The Holy Bible, Book of Romans 10:9-13

Lakelands Baptist Leader June/July 2017


Lakelands Baptist Association Periodical Paid At

David W. Little, Associational Missionary

Greenwood, SC 29649-9998

[email protected] USPS 391-110

[email protected] (Financial Secretary)

[email protected] (Administrative Assistant)


Telephone: (864) 227-6261

310 Panola Avenue

Greenwood, South Carolina 29646-4562