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WAC on Track

Women‟s Activity Club

Winterthurerstrasse 18

8610 Uster

043 305 9250

Volume 16, Issue 5 September 2011

The Club is a multifunctional organisa-

tion whose purpose is to meet the

social, educational and personal needs

of its members. The Club is designed

to encourage international friendship,

support and sharing.

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WAC Board of Directors

Editor‟s Note Editor‟s Note Nancy DoddsNancy Dodds

The “WAC on Track” is also a means for members communication. If you have a story to

share, a fun experience, a recommendation, a joke, or anything else you would like to share

with other members, please email it to

[email protected]

Y o u c a n a l s o p l a c e a d s , c l a s s i f i e d s a n d u s e t h e W A C

notice board (free one line ad for WAC members) in the WAC on Track.

Deadline for the September 2011 edition is August 20th 2010.

“WAC on Track” Deadlines and Contributions“WAC on Track” Deadlines and Contributions

Full page ad: 150 SFr

Half page ad: 80 SFr

Quarter page ad: 50 SFr

Inserts: 150 SFr

WAC Notice board

(one month / max. A5 / members: free*

Advertising RatesAdvertising Rates


Carol Conzelmann 044 940 02 93

[email protected]

Vice President

April Koller 078 839 01 62


Susan Junod 043 266 92 89


Susan Keller 044 822 3246

Activities Chairperson

Heike Adler 044 793 13 80

Marketing Chairperson

Angie Menendez 079 258 53 18

Membership Chairperson

Ana Wyman 055 534 00 58

[email protected]

WAC Office

Club Office Manager 043 305 9250

Jennifer Langkjaer [email protected]

office hours: Mon, Wed & Fri: 9:15-12:15

Learning Tree School

School Director 043 305 9250

Ida Imbach [email protected] or

[email protected]

office hours: Mon - Thurs: 9:00 - 12:00

Good communication between the board

members and the membership of the WAC is

important for the continued growth and

improvement of the club. If you have any

concerns or questions, please feel free to contact

Dear Reader,

Welcome back. Every new school year, the same feeling

overcome me as I walk into the WAC: Comfort. The

comfort of a well worn sweater. The front garden is nothing

but ordinary. However, with kids of all ages playing together

round the tree and the billboard post, whilst mothers are sat

on the bench catching up with each other lives. There is

something positively comforting about the place. The banner

& balloons welcoming you in are just another proof of the

care and warmth of our WAC..

This edition is all about the wonderful projects that an

amazing group of volunteers have put together for

us. Noticeable are the new Men sport group( p8) , Zumba

and a new younger Girls club group ( p10 ). Boys are not left

out as their club is still in full swing. So how about giving it a

try? Our playgroup coordinator, Dana Levy Hoffmann, has

sensibly thought of the perfect craft project to occupy your

younger ones on a wet day (p19). Speaking of wet days, what

about a big fall clear out and joining us at our Kid's flea

market? Every year, I am on the lookout for budding writers

to contribute to our newsletter, so be inspired and join our

wonderful team. Speaking of team, the WAC has its own team

running this Sunday at the Pink Ribbon charity race.

All these wonderful activities are all well within your reach,

just check the notices board and sign up for what take your

fancy. Happy reading.

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President’s NotePresident’s Note Carol ConzelmannCarol Conzelmann


You can join The WAC Group on Facebook. Just look us up, and send a request to be added!

Dear fellow WAC members,

Welcome back to the WAC, and to a new

school term!

The summer holidays flew by - I hope

you all had as good a summer as we did. Now we’re busy getting settled into a

new rhythm - and if anyone can tell me why kids wake up early during the holi-

days, but as soon as school starts need to be dragged out of bed every morning,

please do let me know!

Thanks to the fabulous WAC board la-

dies, the WAC looked bright and welcom-ing as we came back. We met on the

Saturday before term started to put up a

fantastic banner, made by Angie and some of the budding artists at the Thurs-

day playgroup, a poster created by Susan and her twins Thomas & Mathilda,

and lots of colorful balloons from April. A special thanks also to Ana who climbed

out on to the upstairs roof to hang out the banner!

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our new members - we

hope you feel quickly at home at the WAC. And of course it’s great to see the

familiar faces of our regular members as well.

New this term are Zumba classes for

adults, run by Ana Wyman. As yet, sign up is a bit thin which is a great shame,

as Ana tells me that Zumba is all about dancing, having fun and doing your own

thing - it sounds like fun. We plan to start the course but need more partici-

pants to keep it going, so if you’re inter-ested to have a free trial class please let

us know.

A big thank you is owed to Angie Me-

nendez, our Marketing Board member, who has created a fun and colorful photo

board of the WAC board and chairper-sons. Come and take a look, and see

what inspirational words we all came up


Last but certainly not least, my husband

Stefan will be leading the first men’s sports morning on Saturday, September

24th. Originally he planned an evening event, but as the nights are already get-

ting darker he thought a quick burst of sport, once a month on a Saturday

morning, would be a good starting point. Further details are in an advert in this

month’s WOT. So come on gentlemen, it’s your club too - come and have some


Hope to see you at the WAC soon.

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School NewsSchool News Ida ImbachIda Imbach

Welcome Back! Together with all the teachers, we welcome you to our ‚new‟ schoolyear.

The teachers and I have missed all of you and we are looking forward to seeing you all again. We extend a very special warm welcome to all the newcomers in our school.

We have been working hard the past school year in developing our curriculum and looking for ways to improve even more. This new school year we have some changes.

We now have 3 ESL (English as a second language) classes – from level 1 -3. ESL 2 and 3 are offered on Wednesday afternoons.

Would you like to know more? Well, the teachers and I will be here on September 21 for an information evening. You will meet the teachers and get to see the classrooms and resources that we will be using. We will let you know what our plans are for the year ahead.

Another successful „venture‟ is our Lunch Club. It runs on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are still spaces available and if you are interested, please contact Jennifer at [email protected] or me.

Our PTA (Parent Teacher Association)needs new members! Gwen, who has headed the PTA this past school year can only be with us until the end of this year. If anyone is interested in taking over from her, just joining the PTA or if you need more information please contact Gwen at [email protected] or me.

Lastly, I would like to thank all the teachers for coming in over the holidays to prepare the classrooms, school and lessons for the incoming school year. They are incredible!

So, we wish you all a fun year with us at the LTCS – a happy place to learn!

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Giving You a Head Start with Getting Settled in Zurich

Corporate and Public Seminars, Private Consultations

by Tracey Keenan


It was very odd last week not taking my chil-

dren to the WAC. When I look back, we have

been going there since the year 2000 - starting

with the Friday morning playgroup!

Arriving in Switzerland during the Summer of

2000, I was having panic attacks about how I

was going to make friends and meet people.

Although I was not new to relocating, this time

was different - I was expecting my first baby

and not going to meet my friends through work

or sport as I had done so before. I picked up

the book “Living in Switzerland” and looked at

the long list of clubs available and noticed

there was one nearby in Volketswil called the

Women‟s Activity Club. To be honest, I was put

off by the name, what on earth could that be?

No website in those days, I made the phone

call and arranged to drop by during the Friday

morning Moms n Tots playgroup - the only

playgroup running at the WAC in those days! I

was welcomed with open arms in the “little

green hut” although I had no “Tot” to bring to

the playgroup, just a big bump! I continued to

go to the playgroup with bump and as soon as

Thomas was born - in November 2000 - I intro-

duced him in person to the WAC. It was perfect

for me and I soon became the Friday play-

group leader, taking over from somebody who

had relocated. Conor was born soon after in

January 2002 and he instantly became a WAC

member whether he liked it or not, making his

debut as well at the Friday morning playgroup.

Even now when we drive to Volketswil past the

place where the WAC‟s “little green hut” used

to be, I reminisce and the boys have no idea

what I am going on about! Do you know why I

still reverse park into the WAC parking spaces

even today? This was a requirement at the

“little green hut” in Volketswil so that you could

be careful of the little ones when leaving, can

you imagine asking that of the Migros shoppers

now in the Uster car park?!

My children naturally went through the pre-

school programme - Bambis, Butterflies, Owls -

and even up until July when I would collect

Conor from the R/W class, I would chat with

Yvonne outside her classroom and we would

laugh as we reminisced how Thomas (then 2)

used to break down in tears not only when I left

him at the Bambi class with her but also when I

returned to pick him up! Now Thomas (10) is

the same height as her!

We are now about to relocate - not far, down

the road to Lausanne - and I wanted to say a

big thank you to Ida, Yvonne, Mahjabeen and

Sangeeta for having provided such a wonderful

programme for my boys. I am and have always

been impressed to see how many teachers are

there as long as we have been - a good sign

for any school.

I will always remember the WAC as a place

where I met my good friends. Although a few of

them have since moved on, my good friends

who I am leaving behind are friends I made at

the Friday morning playgroup way back in the

years 2000-2003.

With best wishes - Tracey Keenan

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READERS GONE WACky Alice Knöpfel


Celebrate Another Year


Good Books And Good


In July, members of the Readers Gone WACky met at the Triangel Restaurant in Zumikon to celebrate another good year of reading. We enjoyed getting to know each other even better over a delicious meal. The next scheduled book club meetings are:

September 7 The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver October When the Killing’s Done by T.C. Boyle November Cleopatra – A Life by Stacy Schiff December Half Broke Horses by Jeanette Walls

New members welcome! Please call Alice Knoepfel (044 9122326) [email protected] or Ursula Berger (043 833 9883) [email protected] for

more information.

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GIRLS„ CLUB NEWS Nilsa Stettler-Padilla

Girls Club First Meeting

Sept 10th 9:30 – 12 at the WAC

Girls 5 years and older are invited to join us.

The proposed Dates are as follows:

Sept 10th Open House and first meeting for the Girls Club: New groups to form; (5-7, 8-10

and 10+ -12 year olds) History, Goals, Plans. Parents participate first 30 minutes.

Snack provided 6 SFR non-members 12 SFR

Oct. 1st

Nov 12th

Dec 3rd

Dec 11th is the WAC Christmas event.

It may read and sound overrated to have fun while learning so let me put it this way:

The Girls Club is an opportunity to deepen friendships, put into practice fair play, truly benefit from

intercultural experiences and increase the English vocabulary; girls growing into teens into young

women. Interested? Join us on Sept 10th

Nilsa Stettler and Jana Parkin

[email protected]

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LIBRARY NEWS Judy Burckhardt

Dear WAC Members,

Welcome back! Hope your summer vaca-

tion went well. The Library is open again for

an hour most mornings & all Wednesday af-


New DVD's:

Arctic Tale (follows the birth to ado-

lescent of a couple of Arctic animals)

National Geographic Super

Pride (about Lions)

Prehistoric Park (BBC Production

about extinct animals --- very good for


interested in dinosaurs, sabertooths,

mammoths, etc.

Remember the Titans (football story

telling the real life story of how some

blacks &

whites learned to work together to be-

come champions)

New Children’s Books:

The Warlord's Beads ---- Math Story

that tells about counting in tens & has a

nice craft project at the end.

The Warlord's Kite ---- Another

Math Story to teach about finding the

area of squares & rectangles. Also cute

craft at the end.

Alex Rider Crocodile Tears --- The

latest in the teenage super-spy Alex

Rider series

Moongobble Series ---- Fantasy sto-

ries with wonderful illustra-

tions. (Slightly harder than Magic Tree

House books)

Remember again that you must be a current

WAC Member in order to borrow from the

Library. (So sorry, your friends & extended

family may not borrow from the library.)

And if at all possible, please borrow your

DVD’s from us --- because it is the only way

the WAC Library gets funds for buying more

books & DVD’s.

If you wish to become a Library Volunteer,

feel free to contact me:

[email protected]. The Li-

brary can always use more volunteers to keep

it open as much as possible for our members.

Right now we cannot open on Tuesday &

Wednesday mornings because of a shortage

of man/woman-power.

Thank you for your support. Hope to see you

at the library some day.

Warm Regards,

J Judy

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Membership Fees* (non-refundable): please tick the appropriate box:

WAC Full Membership WHOLE year (1st January— 31st December) SFr. 160.-

WAC Full Membership HALF year (Jan—June, OR July—Dec) SFr.


WAC Associate Membership full year (Library use only) SFr. 90.-

*Note: The Membership fees are neither prorated nor refundable. A payment slip (Einzahlungsschein) will be sent to you. Please use this, as it

allows our data system to accurately identify your payment. Membership is automatically renewed unless a written

cancellation is received.

Cancellation or queries must be received by 10th December, via email to our Club Office Manager [email protected]. If no

cancellation is received by this date, your membership will be automatically renewed for the following year.

Cancellation from the school is not an automatic cancellation from the Club.

Contact [email protected] or write to:

Women’s Activity Club

Winterthurerstr. 18

8610 Uster Tel.# 043 305 9250

Membership at the WAC allows for:

participation in our club activities ranging from a Preschool, Reading and Writing after

school programs to kids social as well as educational programs. Depending on member requests and staffing, there are also adult education, social events and community ac-


Newsletter 10 X year

Rental of designated club rooms

*The fees for such activities are posted in our newsletter, on our communication board, website or available

from our Club Office Manager. No-show cancellation policy applies to events with posted deadlines. Social events and extracurricular courses are available to non-members at double the posted fee. Use of WAC prem-ises is at your own risk, refer to WAC Handbook for details.

How did you hear about the WAC? ____________________________________________



Personal Information

Your Last Name __________________________ Partner’s Last Name __________________________

Your First Name __________________________ Partner’s First Name __________________________

Your Nationality __________________________ Partner’s Nationality __________________________

Current/Previous Occupation ________________ Partner’s Occupation __________________________

Children: Their Last Name: _________________

First Name: __________________ Birth date_________ First Name: _______________ Birth date__________

First Name: __________________ Birth date_________ First Name: _______________ Birth date__________

Street Address ___________________________________________________________________________

Postal Code _________ Town _________________Phone# __________________ Fax# ________________

Cell phone __________________________ Email ______________________________________________

Hobbies and talents that you may like to share with other members _________________________________


Welcome to the WAC.. You have indicated a desire to be a member of this cooperative club

which provides families with social and educational outlets. Please fill out the entire form .



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Disclaimer: Members, their families and guests are

reminded that participation in WAC activities is entirely

on their own discretion and/or risk. Neither the

Women‟s Activity Club nor its representatives shall be

held responsible for damage, injury or loss incurred by

the use of Club property or participation in club events.

Cancellation Policy: WAC's goal is to provide as

many cost conscientious events and courses to our

members as possible without incurring financial losses.

Except where specifically stated, a No-Show Policy is in

effect for all courses and events at the WAC. Please

observe the deadline and cut-off dates before canceling

or withdrawing from such activities. Cancellations after

the deadline will be charged in full.

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Disclaimer: Members, their families and guests are

reminded that participation in WAC activities is

entirely on their own discretion and/or risk. Neither

the Women‟s Activity Club nor its representatives

shall be held responsible for damage, injury or loss

incurred by the use of Club property or participation

in club events.

Cancellation Policy: WAC's goal is to provide as many cost

conscientious events and courses to our members as possible

without incurring financial losses. Except where specifically stated,

a No-Show Policy is in effect for all courses and events at the

WAC. Please observe the deadline and cut-off dates before

canceling or withdrawing from such activities. Cancellations after

the deadline will be charged in full.

Welcome Breakfast for New Members

If you have recently joined the WAC, and want to

know more about our programs, I invite you for

breakfast to be announced on board from 9 to

11 am.

Please come and share a moment with me, and

meet some of the members.

Confirm to me (Ana Wymann ) at : [email protected] or call me 055 534 00

58 .



A home-made cake, made by the baking talents of the WAC will be

placed in the WAC kitchen on a weekly basis.

Everyone can enjoy the nice taste of home-made baking for a very

reasonable price while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea any time you

are at the WAC and feel like it. Come and try it yourself. If you want, you can even take

some home so your family can enjoy a taste too. Fresh cakes will be placed in the WAC

Kitchen every Wednesday afternoon from 2:00 - 4:00pm.


If you like baking and know some good recipes, please

contact Helen Mylius 044 915 4962.

The cost of baking will be reimbursed. Thank you in advance!

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Courses @ the WAC

English Belly Dancing Swimming Ballet/ Tap

For Info on Swimming contact Debbie at [email protected]

For other Info contact Jennifer at [email protected] or 043 305 9250

Disclaimer: Members, their families and guests are reminded that participation in WAC activities is entirely on their own discretion and/or risk. Neither the WAC nor its represen-tatives shall be held responsible for damage, injury or loss incurred by the use of Club prop-erty or participation in club events.

Cancellation Policy: WAC‟s goal is to provide as many cost conscientious events and courses to our members as possible without incurring financial losses. Except where specifically stated, a No-Show Policy is in effect for all courses and events at the WAC. Please read the terms and conditions of your contract and only sign if you agree to them.

For Current


check the WOT


Ladies Kids 3 – ca. 10 yrs old Kids

Beginner / Intermediate


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For all those excursions around

Zurich and beyond, don„t forget

the revised WAC Excursion

Book, listing great days out in

and around the Zurich ar ea.

Available from the office or library for just 15




information on renting the WAC„s facilities,

please contact:


043 305 9250

[email protected]

English children„s books at very

affordable prices. See the brochures

in the clubroom. Orders are

processed on the 10th of every

month. All orders help us get free

books and learning material for our


All enquires to Helen Mylius

044 915 4962

[email protected]

Mothering Matters

is a non-profit, bi-monthly journal for English-

speaking parents living in Switzerland with articles

and information on child-rearing topics, suggestions

and practical tips for child-related activities.

A year‟s subscription costs SFr. 33.

For more information, or to subscribe, go to

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Where parents buy & sell

Sunday, September 25th from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

This year‟s Kid‟s Flea Market will be hosted here at the WAC.

A chance to buy used items cheaply in a casual and comfortable setting. There will

be lots of baby and children‟s items, clothes, toys, books, DVDs, games etc.

Or take part as a stallholder and sell your outgrown children's goods. Interested

see the WAC notice board for more info and sign up.

Contact Maria Kralj, 079-532-0475, 043-466-9014,

[email protected]

Both members and non-members are welcome to participate!

Interior/ExteriorInterior/Exterior Maria WightmanMaria Wightman


The summer holidays are truly over - even if we

only just got the summer weather! The start of a

new school year means that It's time for most of

us to establish a new routine at home - and also

at the WAC. As part of organising the Interior /

Exterior running at the WAC I have had to bid a

fond farewell to a few of my fantastic helpers who

have moved on to other things and some to

other countries. Special thanks for all their help

goes to Kate Taylor for recycling and towel

washing and Elke Schmahl for weekly cleaning of

the coffee machine - best wishes for the future to

you both!

This leaves me with a gap in helpers and I am

looking to find a couple of volunteers willing to

take just a few minutes each week to help out with these tasks. Sign up sheets are in place on the

main Notice Board, take a look and perhaps a few of you will consider helping out just a little,

cumulatively the effects can be great!

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Playgroup CoordinatorPlaygroup Coordinator Dana Levy HoffmannDana Levy Hoffmann

A Great Rainy Day Activity

How often do you wake up to a rainy day, and

have no idea how to keep your little ones busy at

home? Well, all that may change once you try

homemade slime. It will keep both you and your

whole family busy for hours, and if used correctly,

could actually clean your bath tub! It will turn solid

when you grab it, and become slime when let go. I

must admit, I could play with this stuff for hours,

and all you need is cornstarch and some water.

Here‟s what you do:

Materials: 1 1/2 cup Cornstarch

1/2 cup Tap Water

Food Coloring (optional)

Liquid Extracts (optional)

Empty Container


1. Mix: Add cornstarch and water to container of

choice. Empty food containers (yogurt, sour cream,

food storage containers) work great. Stir super-

gently with a fork, the mixture will come together,

but if you stir too quickly, the cornstarch will make

things difficult (think quick-sand) and the water

won't fully absorb. Mixture should be firm when

mixed quickly with a fork and will crumble, while

liquid when a finger is pushed slowly to the surface.

2. Stir In Additives: If you'd like, you may add in

a few drops of food coloring or baking extracts to

make things a little more colorful and smelly. (they

may also be added to the water before mixing, but

truth be told, we always forget)

3. Ready, Set, Play!: "Clean Slime" is a great

outdoor or bathtub activity. If less is made (or

smaller portions are used... think Dixie cup size),

it's easily played with on any sealed piece of

furniture. The mixture simply wipes up when

finished.. Our favorite place to turn kids loose with

it, however, is the bathroom. Plunk a kid down in

an empty bathtub and let them go to town hitting,

slapping and picking up the slime to watch it melt

between their fingers and return to liquid. When

finished, simply rinse off!

4. Store: This mixture keeps in an airtight

container forever. If it dries out, simply add a little

extra water and stir to combine.

Additional Notes This mixture can be "eyeballed" in any amount. If

you'd like to only make a super small amount,

simply add a few tablespoons of cornstarch and

add water a few drops at a time! If it's too wet, add

more cornstarch, too dry, add more water — it's

as easy as that! Thinner mixtures can also be used

as liquid sidewalk chalk paint!

One important note: rather than tossing it down

the sink, leave in the container and let warm water

run on it for a while, that way you won‟t clog your

sink. Oh, and if you do decide to let little ones help

you clean the bath tub, make sure they play with it

when there is no water in the tub, otherwise you

might have a hard time pulling them out of there.

Enjoy those rainy days!

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BOYS‘ CLUB Time: Saturday, about once a month, probably in the morning eg 9.30-12am Place: mostly outside, in the woods, area Uster/ Wetzikon Ideas: We basically want to integrate the boys‟ and your ideas. These could be: playing in the woods, building huts, dam the stream, climb, get dirty, go for minigolf/ bowling/…, go for an outing, etc. Age range: about 7-10 years (increases with

the age of the current members!) Only conditions: be a boy , love being outside and speak English Responsible adults: Mirjam&Thomas Egli-Rohr or other helpers Costs to cover the expenses: Fr. 6.- Are you interested? Please send an e-mail so you‟ll get the necessary information for our ac-tivities. Mirjam Egli-Rohr: [email protected] Newcomers are welcome, though we‟ll try not to have more than 10 boys for each activity.

RecipeRecipe Nancy DoddsNancy Dodds

A seasonal quick light supper along a nice mixed

leaves salad. Zucchini Fritters

Ingredients 4 small or 2 medium zuc-

chinis (about 350g)

1 tbsp plain flour

2 eggs, beaten

1 tbsp finely chopped herbs

(mint and chives or thyme)

The zest of 1 lemon

1 clove of garlic, finely


2 spring onions, peeled and


Olive oil


Grate the zucchinis coarsely. If you have time, salt

and leave them to drain in a colander. Take a clean

tea towel and place the zucchinis pulp in the mid-

dle. Wring the tea towel out over the sink. The pulp

should collect in a fat bulb, and a surprising amount

of water will come out. Place the flour in a bowl

and add the beaten eggs, herbs, lemon

zest, garlic, spring onions and zuc-

chinis. Season with sea salt and pep-


Heat a large frying-pan with a couple

of tablespoons of olive oil. When the

oil is hot, take a heaped tablespoon of

the zucchinis mixture and drop it into

the pan, flattening it out slightly with

the back of the spoon. Don’t muck

about with it until the bottom is golden

brown (a couple of minutes) or the

whole thing will disintegrate. Flip it over with a

spatula and give each fritter a couple of minutes

before draining on a plate lined with paper towel .

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9.30-11.30 am




9.30-11.30 am



10-11 am






3-9 years old



6.30-7.30 pm



9.30-11.30 am





@ 8pm



9.30-11.30 am


9.15-10.45 am



9.30-11.30 am




10-11 am

11 12


3-9 years old



6.30-7.30 pm



9.30-11.30 am






9.30-11.30 am


9.15-10.45 am



9.30-11.30 am



10-11 am

18 19


3-9 years old



6.30-7.30 pm



9.30-11.30 am








9.30-11.30 am


9.15-10.45 am



9.30-11.30 am



10-11 am




10-1 am



3-9 years old



6.30-7.30 pm



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9.30-11.30 am


9.15-10.45 am



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2 3


3-9 years old



6.30-7.30 pm



9.30-11.30 am





@ 8pm



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9.15-10.45 am



9.30-11.30 am


9 10 11

12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24


3-9 years old



9.30-11.30 am






9.30-11.30 am


9.15-10.45 am



9.30-11.30 am



10-11 am






3-9 years old



6.30-7.30 pm