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Worse than AIDS

Nodding Disease in Uganda, Sudan and Tanzania

A guide to the most important videos on Nodding Disease.

Are we at the beginning of a global pandemic?

Mysterious Disease Devastating Families

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An outbreak of nodding disease is devastating families in northern Uganda. CNN’s David McKenzie reports.

Uganda Nodding Disease

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A Ugandan opposition politician is accusing the government of not declaring parts of Northern Uganda affected by the Nodding Disease as disaster areas. VOA's Paul Ndiho reports.

Nodding disease: Cure unknown

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The Ministry of Health and Members of Parliament from Northern Uganda are in the Northern region on a fact finding mission investigating the possible causes of the mysterious Nodding disease that has killed dozens over the past few months. The Health officials and the Acholi members of parliament today visited several areas in Kitgum which are most affected. Resolutions have been made but no mention of a cure as the cause of the disease still remains unclear.

East African children dying from mysterious disease

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A mysterious disease is killing thousands of children in Uganda, Sudan and Tanzania. Malcolm Webb reports from northern Uganda.

South Sudan's incurable child disease

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Hundreds of children in southern Sudan have died from a mysterious illness that they have called the "nodding disease".

The mentally and physically disabling disease, which has no cure yet and affects only children, first emerged in Sudan in 1980s.

Many in the region accuse the country's government of neglecting the problem. Hundreds of children in southern Sudan have died from a mysterious illness that they have called the "nodding disease".

The mentally and physically disabling disease, which has no cure yet and affects only children, first emerged in Sudan in 1980s.

Many in the region accuse the government of neglecting the problem, which mainly affects those living in remote areas.

Haru Mutasa reports from Western Equatoria State in southern Sudan.

Nodding disease baffles experts

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No cure yet for mystery Ugandan

'nodding disease'

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Patrick is one of more than 3,000 children in northern Uganda who are suffering from a mystery ailment known as "nodding disease". For several years, scientists have tried- and failed- to determine the cause of the disease that has claimed at least 200 young lives in the area.

Disabling Nodding disease high in

Northern districts

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Nodding disease or nodding syndrome is a relatively unknown illness which is causing particular concern in Northern districts. The latest cases have made it impossible for pupils to attend classes in Pader. It is a fatal, mentally and physically disabling disease that affects young children 5 and 15. The leaders in the area say they feel neglected by the lack of government action in helping them with this epidemic whose cure is unknown.

CDC Responds to Nodding Disease in Uganda

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A team of CDC experts joined the Ministry of Health and of government, nonprofit, and health officials in Uganda to conduct a multifaceted investigation in Kitgum District, northern Uganda. Listen as Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer, Dr. Jennifer Foltz, tells the story about Nodding Disease, a neurologic syndrome which is devastating to afflicted children.!

Is it possible that "nodding disease" is coming from carrier pigs infected with a new chronic or subacute strain of African

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Swine Fever Virus? African Swine Fever has been a serious problem in Uganda. Scientists often quickly dismiss the notion of a human epidemic of African Swine Fever Virus because they think African Swine Fever Virus does not infect people. But that may not be the case. Sick or ASFV-infected pigs in places like Gulu, Anaka, Arua, Kitgum, Masindi, and Pader may be the source of a "nodding disease" zoonotic virus. Even if the pigs are not overtly sick, they could be carriers of a strain of this very insidious virus. African Swine Fever Virus infects many parts of the pig's body, including the brain. It causes serious neurological damage. It is also interesting that in some epidemics of African Swine Fever, it is mainly the young piglets that are affected which would be a strong parallel to "nodding disease." The ASFV-infected piglets suffer from ataxia, wasting, stunted growth, blindness, increased salivation, and opportunistic infections, just like the children with Nodding Disease.

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Nodding Disease and African Swine Fever

Virus in Uganda

Cause or Coincidence?For more information about Nodding Disease and African Swine Fever: