Download - World War Two Under the Shadow of the Swastika



January 27, 1932. Dusseldorf, Germany.

Adolf Hitler, a rising political fi gure with Germany’s Nazi party,

addresses some of Germany’s elite.

The superiority of the aryan race!

A consciousness of right which was rooted solely in the conviction of the superiority and

therefore of the right of the aryan race.

Just in the same way Cortez or Pizarro

annexed Central America and the northern states

of South America…

…not on the basis of any claim of right, but

from the absolute inborn feeling of the superiority

of the aryan race.

We have the so-called aryan race

which…has created for itself a privileged position

in the world.

England did not conquer India by the way of justice and

of law.

She conquered India without regard to

the wishes of the natives… and with the most brutal


More than a year later. May 10, 1933. Berlin, Germany.

A few years ago, the Nazi party had little support

in Germany.

And now Hitler has been Chancellor of Germany since January. And then

this? ...How?!

See, Leah. You didn’t believe me when

I told you I saw our classmates burning

books and--

...spouting Hitler’s racist ideas. I didn’t want to believe

you, Isaak.

Burn them all!!!

We must protect the purity of the aryan race!

Heil Hitler!!!®

I heard that a lot of

Jews are fl eeing the country.

Did you hear that rumor,



It’s far worse than boycotts,

Isaak. People are being arrested.

Writers, teachers…anyone opposing Hitler…

they’re being sent to some sort of prison


Did I tell you, how last month

Nazi thugs stood outside my uncle’s


They were shouting at his regular customers,

telling them not to buy bread from him just because he’s Jewish.

The economy’s a shambles. People are desperate for work, and Hitler’s convinced them he can improve life in Germany.

At what cost? He’s blaming all of Germany’s problems on--

...the Jews! Hitler will purify

Germany! Hitler will restore Germany to its former glory!®

I love you, Isaak. I don’t want

to lose you!

You won’t lose me, Leah. Things will change.

Things can’t stay like this for long, can they? Germany can’t remain

like this, can it?

Come with me, Isaak.

Leah… M-my family. They

can’t leave. My father’s shop…

My parents need me… I…

I…I didn’t know how to tell you, Isaak... b-b-but my family is

leaving too.

Leaving? Leaving where?

Not Berlin?!

Leaving Germany. Tomorrow. My parents

are terrifi ed about what’s happening and think it’ll

only get worse.

We have cousins in Holland. We’ll

go there.®

‘Things will get better.’

People won’t blindly follow Hitler.

They won’t.

Things will get better. They

have to.®


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World War Two offi cially began with Germany’s invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. In reality, it had been building up for years before that as Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party came to power in Germany. Hitler’s fanatical lust for power drew the entire world into confl ict, killed millions of people in combat and in the Holocaust, and saw pain and suffering on a scale not seen before.Witness the major events of World War Two as we follow the fates of some offi cers, soldiers, journalists, and ordinary families caught up in the whirlwind of horror few could even comprehend or control in this graphic novel adaptation of the war, with specifi c focus on the action in Europe and Africa.

How could we have made this book bett er?
