Download - WORLD NEWS November 6, 2016 5 WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange · The protest, the largest anti-government demonstration

Page 1: WORLD NEWS November 6, 2016 5 WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange · The protest, the largest anti-government demonstration

WORLD NEWS 5November 6, 2016

SRINAGAR, India (AP) — At least 30 people were injured in Indian-controlled Kashmir on Saturday after government forces fired shotgun pellets and tear gas as a funeral procession for a teenager turned into a protest against Indian rule.

Police and paramilitary soldiers intercepted the mourners carrying the body of the teenage boy who his family alleges died of police torture in Srinagar, the main city of the disputed region.

Witnesses said hundreds of young men participating in the funeral hurled rocks at the troops as tear gas shells exploded near the boy’s coffin, while another group of mourners changed route to bury him.

Government forces fired pellets, warning shots and tear gas, fearing the procession could become a larger rally seeking an end of Indian

rule in the Himalayan region, said a police officer, speaking on condition of anonymity in keeping with department policy.

The injured, including two women, were hospitalized as clashes erupted at several entry points at Srinagar’s main Martyr’s Graveyard.

The boy died in a hospital overnight

after he was found unconscious a day after he went missing on Oct. 27.

His family said he was tortured and poisoned by the police. Police denied it, saying the boy had consumed poison on his own.

Kashmir is experiencing its largest protests against Indian rule in recent years, sparked by the killing in July of a popular rebel commander. The protests, separatist-sponsored strikes and a sweeping military crackdown have all but paralyzed life in the region.

At least 90 civilians have been killed and thousands injured, with hundreds among them blinded and maimed, mostly by government forces firing bullets and pellets at rock-throwing protesters. Two policemen have also been killed and hundreds of government forces injured in the clashes.

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan, but claimed by both in its entirety. Most people in the Indian-controlled portion favor independence or a merger with Pakistan. A militant uprising and subsequent Indian military crackdown since 1989 have killed more than 68,000 people.

LONDON (Daily Star) - Clinton has been at the center of a controversy for months after thousands of her own private emails were leaked to the public.

But just a few days ahead of U.S. election day, the founder of WikiLeaks, Assange has revealed that the most damning email is about to come out.

Assange claimed that the email proves the Saudi Arabian government fund both Daesh and Clinton’s campaign foundation.

In an interview with Russia Today from the Embassy of Ecuador in London, Assange said: “There’s an early 2014 email, from very early on, so not so long after she left secretary of state to her campaign manager John Podesta.

“It states that terrorist group of Daesh is funded by Saudi Arabia and

Qatar - the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

“I think this is the most significant email in the whole collection.”

John Pilger, who was interviewing Assange, asked if this meant the same people who funded Daesh were funding Hillary Clinton.

The 45-year-old replied: “Yes”.He added: “All serious analysts

know, and even the U.S. government has agreed, that some Saudi figures have been supporting Daesh and funding the terrorist group, but the dodge has always been that it is some ‘rogue’ princes using their oil money to do whatever they like, but actually the government disapproves.

“But that email says that it is the government of Saudi Arabia, and the government of Qatar that have been funding Daesh.”

Assange went on, that Clinton has lied to Americans and the world about the United States’ Middle East allies support of the terrorist animals.

Despite the incredible upcoming revelation, and three releases of Clinton’s emails, Assange claimed he was not trying to get Trump into the White House.

But he claimed that Trump will not be allowed to win.

He explained: “Trump would not be permitted to win. Because he has had every establishment off his side. Trump does not have one establishment.

“Banks, intelligence, arms companies, foreign money etc. is all united behind Hillary Clinton, and the media as well.

“Media owners and even journalists themselves.”

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange:

Hillary Clinton Is Funded by Daesh Supporters

NEW YORK (AP) — A police sergeant was shot and killed and a second one was wounded in a gunfight on a street with an armed man who had broken into his estranged wife’s home, officials said.The gunman also was killed in the

exchange of shots that took the life of Sgt. Paul Tuozzolo, a 19-year veteran of the New York Police Department and the father of two young children.“The city is in mourning, and the

family of the NYPD is in mourning,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference held at a Bronx hospital. ������������������������������������������ MELBOURNE (Reuters) � A

United Nations official said Australia would probably be in breach of the Refugee Convention if it enacted a proposal for a permanent visa�ban for asylum seekers who attempted to reach the country by boat, Fairfax media reported on Saturday.Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

proposed last Sunday that asylum seekers sent to the county’s offshore processing center’s would be prevented for applying for any visa to Australia, even if they had been classified as refugees or resettled in another country. ������������������������������������������ ATHENS (Reuters) -Greek Prime

Minister Alexis Tsipras promised “brighter days” on Saturday after a cabinet reshuffle aimed at speeding up reforms Athens has agreed to implement under its latest international bailout deal and to shore up his government’s popularity.But Tsipras signaled he would

stick to the fiscal course agreed with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund by keeping Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos in his post.Greece wants to wrap up a review

on labor reforms and fiscal issues swiftly to qualify for more debt relief and for inclusion in the European Central Bank’s bond buying program. ������������������������������������������ BUENOS AIRES (press TV) �

Hundreds of Argentinian farmers have staged a protest march in the nation’s capital of Buenos Aires, demanding better working conditions and more governmental assistance.People attending the protest

rally outside the Casa Rosada government house also voiced concern about a range of other issues, including hunger and lack of labor flexibility for production, land, housing and small and medium producers.The protesting farmers, who

donated vegetables to highlight their poor working conditions and demand help from the government, are reportedly seeking to bring their demands to several ministerial delegations and secretariats. ������������������������������������������ BERLIN (Dispatches) - Germany

has warned Britain against further stalling the process of leaving the European Union, commonly referred to as Brexit.“We need to ensure that the talks

begin quickly ... Further delay isn’t in anyone’s interests,” Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said.The German minister told British

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who is on his first visit to Berlin as Britain’s foreign secretary, that preliminary negotiations were not required for the Brexit talks, reiterating that the “negotiations should start as soon as possible.”

Kashmir Teenager’s Death Sparks Fresh Anti-India Protests

SEOUL, South Korea (Washington Post) — Tens of thousands of South Koreans poured into the streets of downtown Seoul on Saturday, using words including “treason” and “criminal” to demand that President Park Geun-hye step down amid an explosive political scandal.

The protest, the largest anti-government demonstration in the capital in nearly a year, came a day after Park apologized on live television amid rising suspicion that she allowed a mysterious confidante to manipulate power from the shadows.

Holding banners, candles and colorful signs that read “Park Geun-hye out” and “Treason by a secret government,” a sea of demonstrators filled a large square in front of an old palace gate and the nearby streets, singing and thunderously applauding speeches calling for the ouster of the increasingly unpopular president.

They then shifted into a slow march in streets around City Hall, shouting “Arrest Park Geun-hye,” ‘’Step down, criminal” and “We can’t take this any longer,” before moving back to the square and cheering on more speeches that

continued into the night.“Park should squarely face the

prosecution’s investigation and step down herself. If she doesn’t, politicians should move to impeach her,” said Kim Seo-yeon, one of the many college students who participated in the protest.

“She absolutely lost all authority as president over the past few weeks,” he said.

Earlier in the week, prosecutors arrested Choi Soon-sil, the daughter of a late cult leader and a longtime friend of Park, and detained two former presidential aides over allegations that they pressured businesses into giving $70 million to two foundations Choi controlled.

There are also allegations that Choi, despite having no government job, regularly received classified information and meddled in various state affairs, including the appointment of ministers and policy decisions.

“I came out today because this is not the country I want to pass on to my children,” said another demonstrator, Choi Kyung-ha, a mother of three. “My kids have asked me who Choi Soon-sil was and whether she’s the real president, and I couldn’t provide an answer.”

KUALA LUMPUR (Press TV) - Hundreds of pro-government protesters in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur have rallied against a media group, demanding its closure over reports of being funded by a firm linked to U.S. billionaire George Soros.

The protesters affiliated with a largely Malay group calling itself “Red Shirts” gathered outside the offices of popular Malaysiakini news portal on Saturday, alleging that foreign funding of the outlet was intended to influence the next general election with the objective of toppling Prime Minister Najib Razak’s government, Reuters reported.

The controversy broke out after whistle-blower site DC leaks revealed documents showing that Soros-founded organization, Open Society Foundations (OSF), was financing local institutions to manipulate the outcome of Malaysia’s next general election scheduled to be called by 2018.

Malaysiakini and other organizations such as Bersih have been linked to funds received from the OSF. This is while

Malaysiakini has claimed that the OSF funds were only used to produce more stories on the Malaysian state of Sarawak, and constituted a tiny portion of its revenue.

Dressed in red shirts, the protester chanted “close down, close down! close down Malaysiakini!”

“We don’t want outside interference in our country,” said Red Shirts leader Jamal Yunos, who is also a member of the ruling United Malays National Organization (UMNO) party.

More than 100 riot police officers were deployed in and around the Malaysiakini offices.

According to the report, however, Saturday’s protest rally is expected to be overshadowed by another massive rally planned by purported pro-democracy group Bersih on November 19, which will demand the ouster of Najib over corruption allegations.

Najib’s administration has cracked down on the nation’s media in a reported attempt to silence criticism over his involvement in a money-laundering scandal at state investment fund 1MDB.

Malaysians Protest U.S. Funds in Local Media

Tens of Thousands Call on South Korea’s President to Quit

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange claims Hillary Clinton is funded by ISIS supporters

South Korean protestors shout slogan during a rally calling for South Korean President Park Geun�hye to step down in downtown Seoul,

South Korea, Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016.

A Kashmiri woman, left, yells at Indian forces as mourners carry body of Qaiser Sofi, during his funeral procession in Srinagar, Indian

controlled Kashmir, Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016.