Download - World Journal of Surgical Oncology...Giovanni Ramacciato 1, Giuseppe R Nigri* , Paolo Aurello1, Francesco D'Angelo 1, Francesca Pezzoli1, Simone Rossi , Emanuela Pilozzi2, Giorgio

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World Journal of Surgical Oncology


Open AcceCase reportGiant hepatic adenoma with bone marrow metaplasia not associated with oral contraceptive intakeGiovanni Ramacciato1, Giuseppe R Nigri*1, Paolo Aurello1, Francesco D'Angelo1, Francesca Pezzoli1, Simone Rossi1, Emanuela Pilozzi2, Giorgio Ercolani3 and Matteo Ravaioli3

Address: 1Hepatobiliary-pancreatic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Rome "La Sapienza", II School of Medicine, St. Andrea Hospital, Rome, Italy, 2Department of Pathology, University of Rome "La Sapienza", II School of Medicine, St. Andrea Hospital, Rome, Italy and 3Liver and Multivisceral Transplantation Unit, University of Bologna, St. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna, Italy

Email: Giovanni Ramacciato - [email protected]; Giuseppe R Nigri* - [email protected]; Paolo Aurello - [email protected]; Francesco D'Angelo - [email protected]; Francesca Pezzoli - [email protected]; Simone Rossi - [email protected]; Emanuela Pilozzi - [email protected]; Giorgio Ercolani - [email protected]; Matteo Ravaioli - [email protected]

* Corresponding author

AbstractBackground: Hepatocellular adenomas are the most common benign liver tumors. They areusually related to oral contraceptive intake.

Case presentation: This case describes a 58-year-old woman admitted to our institution for ahepatic mass incidentally discovered during a routine examination. The patient, who was never onoral contraceptives, was asymptomatic upon admission. She underwent a thorough diagnosticevaluation and then a hepatic right trisegmentectomy. The histologic evaluation of the mass showedthat it was a hepatocellular adenoma with areas of bone marrow metaplasia.

Conclusion: Bone marrow metaplasia has rarely been found associated to liver tumors. Thepresence of marrow-derived hepatic progenitor cells might be the source of both adenomahepatocytes and bone marrow differentiated cells. To our knowledge, this is only the second casein the English literature in which areas of bone marrow metaplasia were found in a hepatocellularadenoma.

BackgroundHepatocellular adenomas are considered the most com-mon benign liver tumors. They are proliferative lesionsarising from hepatocyte. They occur primarily in womenbetween 20 to 40 years of age and are usually related tooral contraceptive intake. Even though the hepatic ade-noma is not a malignant tumor, surgical intervention maybe required to establish a histological diagnosis of the

liver mass or if sudden massive bleeding or liver failureoccurs. In the present case, the microscopic observation ofthe surgical specimen showed areas of bone marrowmetaplasia within the lesion. To our knowledge, this is thesecond case in the English literature in which areas ofbone marrow metaplasia were found in a hepatocellularadenoma. We, therefore, attempted to give an explanationto this observation.

Published: 25 August 2006

World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2006, 4:58 doi:10.1186/1477-7819-4-58

Received: 17 May 2006Accepted: 25 August 2006

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© 2006 Ramacciato et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2006, 4:58

Case presentationAn asymptomatic 58 year-old woman was referred to thisinstitution for a liver mass detected by abdominal ultra-sonography (US) during a routine examination. The USshowed a hypoechoic mass with calcifications and multi-ple non-homogeneous areas in the right hepatic lobe. Herpast medical history was unremarkable. The menarchewas at the age of 13, menstrual periods were regular. Phys-iologic menopause occurred when she was 49 years old.She had no history of drug or alcohol abuse. Physicalexamination was unremarkable.

Liver function tests and urine analysis were within normallimits. Hepatitis B surface antigen, anti-HBs antibody andanti-hepatitis C virus antibody were negative. Serumtumor markers (CEA, CA 19–9 and α-fetoprotein) werealso negative. Moreover, laboratory and serology dataruled out liver abscess, amebae or hydatid cyst.

Abdominal computer tomography (CT) showed a volu-minous lesion measuring 142 × 126 × 132 mm and local-ized in the IV, VII, and VIII hepatic segments Figure 1); italso showed the presence of multicystic areas with calcifi-cations (Figure 2). The lesion was well defined,hypodense and with a hyperdense rim. The arterial phaseexhibited significant enhancement during the arterialphase, decreasing during the portal phase, until becomingisodense relative to the liver in delayed scans. CT findingswere characteristic for a giant hepatic adenoma. Since thediagnostic work-up supported the hypothesis of a hepaticadenoma, the surgical treatment was advocated. In thiscase surgery was the only therapeutic option. In fact,hepatic adenomas larger than 5 cm should be surgicallyremoved due to the risk of hemorrhage and/or malignant

transformation. No pre-operative biopsy was performedsince its outcome would not have influenced the surgicaltreatment.

The patient was brought to the OR and a bilateral subcos-tal incision was performed. A voluminous hepatic lesioninvolving IV, VII and IVb segments was found. There wasa first attempt to enucleate the mass from the surroundingliver parenchyma. However, since the mass was closelyadherent to the right and middle hepatic veins, a liverresection was carried out. After performing the Pringlemaneuver, parenchymal dissection was accomplishedusing the cavitational ultrasonic surgical aspirator.Hemostasis was achieved using argon beam coagulator,bipolar forceps and suture ligatures.

The specimen measured 19 × 15 × 7 cm. The massappeared as a well circumscribed green-brown coloredtumour with hemorrhagic areas and a cyst of 6 cm indiameter, with macroscopic calcification within. The sur-rounding liver tissue was normal.

Microscopically, the lesion was composed of maturehepatocytes organized in sheets, mainly 2 cells thick. Thecells had large cytoplasms and round nuclei with incon-spicuous nucleoli. Some bi-nucleated cells were present.Gomori's staining showed that reticulin production waspreserved within the proliferation. No vascular invasionwas present. Large areas of hemorrhage and focal dilata-tion of peliosis-like sinusoid were present. A cystic forma-tion with fibrotic and focally calcified wall was foundwithin the lesion. Histologically, in the context of thewall, lamellar bone forming trabeculae intermingled with

Contrast-enhanced CT scanFigure 2Contrast-enhanced CT scan. A: adenoma; RHV: right hepatic vein; MHV: middle hepatic vein (portal venous phase).

Contrast-enhanced CT scanFigure 1Contrast-enhanced CT scan. A: adenoma; Cy: cyst; C: calcifi-cations within the cystic lesion (arterial phase);.

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World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2006, 4:58

fat tissue containing myeloid and erythroid cells (bonemarrow metaplasia) were found (Figure 3 and 4). CD 34immunostaining was negative. Therefore, a diagnosis ofhepatocellular adenoma was established.

The patient started oral intake on 4th postoperative day,with a carbohydrate-based diet. No signs of liver failurewere recorded and the patient was discharged on day 13post-op, after removing the J-P drains.

DiscussionAmong benign tumors of the liver, the hepatocellular ade-noma is the most common. Its annual incidence is onecase for 1 million persons per year. Three cases for100,000 people per year occur among women who havehad exposure to oral contraceptives. Risk increases withlength of exposure to oral contraceptive[1,2]. Withdrawalof oral contraceptives is reported to induce the regressionof the tumor, although this may take several months[3].Another risk group for hepatic adenoma includes patientswith glycogen storage disease: the prevalence is 50% inpatients with type I glycogen storage disease and 25%with type III disease. In these patients, adenomas are alsomore likely to be multiple and to undergo malignanttransformation [4]. Adenomas can also be found in asso-ciation with other conditions such as diabetes mellitus,pregnancy, anabolic steroids, Fanconi anemia, Hurler dis-ease, familial adenomatous polyposis and tyrosinemia.

Most of these tumors are detected incidentally by ultra-sound or other scanning techniques. Others are discov-ered because of hepatomegaly, right upper quadrantdiscomfort, or intraperitoneal hemorrhage and the diag-nosis is sometimes established only at laparotomy. Liver

function tests are usually normal or only slightly elevated[5]. Ultrasound, CT scan and MRI can be employed asimaging techniques. In particular CT scan can show a wellcircumscribed and often encapsulated mass that has a lowdensity on non-contrast phase, a marked centripetal pat-tern of enhancement on arterial phase and a centralnecrotic area or calcifications[6].

At gross examination, hepatic adenoma is typically a wellcircumscribed and encapsulated tumor with soft consist-ency and a size ranging from less than 1 cm to over 20 cmin diameter[7].

Microscopically, the hallmark of adenomas is the normalappearance of the hepatocytes. These are arranged insheets and have no malignant features; these cells tend tobe larger than normal hepatocytes and their cytoplasmoften contain fat or glycogen. Areas of thrombosis and inf-arction may be observed.

In this case the unusual characteristic of the tumor was thepresence of bone marrow metaplasia. The presence ofbone marrow metaplasia could be explained by the effortof the liver to regenerate damaged hepatic tissue[8]. It hasalready been demonstrated that marrow-derived stemcells could be attracted by the damaged liver tissue uponreleasing of cytokines and migration factors. At that point,stem cell could differentiate into hepatic progenitor cellsand then into mature hepatocytes. Hepatic progenitorcells have been found in hepatic adenomas, as well as inhepatocellular carcinoma, hepatitis B virus induced cir-rhosis, focal nodular hyperplasia, in small cell dysplastic

Optical microscopy (20×)Figure 4Optical microscopy (20×). Bone marrow metaplasia: lamellar bone forming a trabecula (L), adipose tissue (AT), and hemo-poietic cells (*). Osteocytes are evident in the lacunae (>).

Optical microscopy (20×)Figure 3Optical microscopy (20×). Lamellar bone (L) found in the context of the fibrotic wall of a cyst present within the ade-noma. Osteoclast (o – multinucleated cells) can be observed on the border of the trabeculae.

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World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2006, 4:58

foci and dysplastic nodules[9]. These observations indi-cate that hepatic progenitor cells may play a role inhuman liver tumor development. In conclusions, in ourcase it is possible to speculate that the presence of mar-row-derived hepatic progenitor cells might be the sourceof both adenoma hepatocytes and bone marrow differen-tiated cells.

To our knowledge, this is the second case in the literaturethat bone marrow metaplasia has been associated with ahepatocellular adenoma. The first time it was discoveredin a glycogen-storage disease-associated hepatic ade-noma[10].

Differentiation of hepatocellular adenoma from high-grade hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) can be difficult,and sometimes impossible. Adenoma tends to lack malig-nant-appearing mitotic structures and no cellular invasioninto the capsule or surrounding liver parenchyma occurs.Unfortunately, these features may be absent in HCC, espe-cially if it is well differentiated[7]. The diagnosis ofhepatic adenoma is usually made when findings of malig-nancy are absent.

Even though the hepatic adenoma is not a malignanttumor, surgical intervention may be required to establisha histological diagnosis of the liver mass or if sudden mas-sive bleeding or liver failure occur[11,12]. Because liversurgery had historically been associated with high rates ofmorbidity and mortality, non-operative management ofbenign liver lesions was commonplace. However,advances in anesthesia, surgical technique and post-oper-ative care have produced dramatically improved out-comes after hepatic resection, allowing the routineinclusion of surgery as a therapeutic option[11,12]. Con-troversy remains only for hepatic adenomas smaller than5 cm in diameter. In the present case surgical treatmentwas the only therapeutic option, considering that thisvoluminous adenoma could easily lead to massive hem-orrhage or malignant transformation.

ConclusionIt has been demonstrated that marrow-derived stem cellscould be attracted by the damaged liver tissue upon releas-ing of cytokines and migration factors In conclusions, inour case it is possible to speculate that the presence ofmarrow-derived hepatic progenitor cells might be thesource of both adenoma hepatocytes and bone marrowdifferentiated cells.

Conflict of interestThe author(s) declare that they have no competing inter-ests.

Authors' contributionsGR designed the study and participated in the writingprocess

GN designed the study, carried out the data and pictureacquisition as well as bibliographic research, drafted andrevised the manuscript.

PA, FA participated in manuscript revision process.

EP performed histological assessment of the lesion andobserved the presence of bone marrow metaplasia, pro-vided the photomicrographs

FP, SR, GE, and MR they participated in the editing proc-ess.

All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

AcknowledgementsWritten consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report.

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