Download - World Climatic Regions

Page 1: World Climatic Regions

Study the map above carefully

Page 2: World Climatic Regions

In the following slides…In the following slides…

You will link images to certain climatic regions (Polar, You will link images to certain climatic regions (Polar, Tundra, Desert, Mediterranean or Chaparral, Savanna Tundra, Desert, Mediterranean or Chaparral, Savanna Grassland and rainforest)Grassland and rainforest)

You will compare and contrast the characteristics of You will compare and contrast the characteristics of these climatic regionsthese climatic regions

You will study writers quotes to determine further the You will study writers quotes to determine further the characteristics of the regionscharacteristics of the regions

You will locate images and quotes on a world mapYou will locate images and quotes on a world map

Page 3: World Climatic Regions

Which of the images here show deserts?

1 2

3 4

Page 4: World Climatic Regions


1) Hot Desert-Death Valley1) Hot Desert-Death Valley 2) Cold Desert Tundra-Canada2) Cold Desert Tundra-Canada 3) Cold Desert Polar-Antarctica3) Cold Desert Polar-Antarctica 4) Hot Desert- Sahara4) Hot Desert- Sahara

Why is the Valley floor in Death Valley Why is the Valley floor in Death Valley white?white?

Page 5: World Climatic Regions

1 2

3 4

Which of these images are rainforest and why?

Page 6: World Climatic Regions


1 and 4 are rainforest. What are your reasons?1 and 4 are rainforest. What are your reasons? What might 2 be? What might 2 be? Think about the mapThink about the map.. 2 is savannah-the region closest to rainforest2 is savannah-the region closest to rainforest Where do you think image 3 is from? (This one Where do you think image 3 is from? (This one

is harder…)is harder…) 3 is Tundra-proving that some really diverse 3 is Tundra-proving that some really diverse

plants can grow even in the coldest climatesplants can grow even in the coldest climates

Page 7: World Climatic Regions

1) From the pictures only, describe a typical Mediterranean landscape

2) Again, using only the pictures, describe a typical Mediterranean climate

Page 8: World Climatic Regions

1 2

3 4

Use a little of what you’ve learned-name that climatic region!

Page 9: World Climatic Regions


1) Polar- Dry Valleys in McMurdo, 1) Polar- Dry Valleys in McMurdo, AntarcticaAntarctica

2) Savanna- Serengeti Plain, Africa2) Savanna- Serengeti Plain, Africa 3) Desert-Mojave, USA3) Desert-Mojave, USA 4) Tundra-No location given4) Tundra-No location given

Page 10: World Climatic Regions

The top images are Savannah, while the bottom are of rainforest. Using the images,list what you think the main differences between these climatic regions might be

Page 11: World Climatic Regions


• “If there is a hell, this is the place, and the sleeping bags are worse than hell” Ernest Shackleton

• "If (it) were music it would be Mozart. Art, and it would be Michelangelo. Literature, and it would be Shakespeare. And yet it is something even greater; the only place on earth that is still as it should be. May we never tame it." Denton

• “4 p.m. I lie on a thin grubby mattress in my room. The air is unmoving. The thermometer shows ninety-eight Fahrenheit, but it's dry heat, just bearable. Flies settle on my mouth and nostrils” Palin

• “We are moored up for the night and the air is stagnant, muggy and lifeless. I have doused myself in so many layers of insect repellent that my skin feels like fly-paper. Open the cabin window as far as it will go and wait for the bat food to start buzzing round me. And this was supposed to be the comfortable part of the journey.” Palin

• “We have said some terrible things! When I say we, I mean I identify myself with environmentalists and ecologists. We have said terrible things, like, in

10 years there will be (none) left” Attenborough