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RP151Volume 1








MARCH 2003

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Page No.

List of Abbreviations UsedList of Annex li

1.0 THE PROJECT AND ITS OBJECTIVES AND RESETTLEMENT 1IMPLICATIONS1.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement Needs 11.3 Resettlement Action Plan for the First Phase Works 21.4 Minimizing Land Acquisition and Resettlement Needs 2

2.0 LAND ACQUISITION AND THE RELATED IMPACTS 321 Census of the Project Affected Persons 32.2 Brief Socio-economic Profile of the Project Affected Households 32.3 Impacts of Land Acquisition 4






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BSES Baseline Socio-economic SurveyCi Corrugated IronCo Community OrganizerCUL Compensation-Under-LawDC Deputy CommissionerDLAC District Land Acquisition CommitteeDS District SociologistDSM Design, Supervision & MonitoringDSMC Design, Supervision & Monitonng ConsultantsEP Entitled PersonsES Executive SummaryFRB Feeder Road Type-BGOB Government of BangladeshGRC Grievance Redress CommitteeHHH House Hold HeadsHCG House Construction GrantHTG House Transfer GrantIDA International Development AgencyJIV Joint Inventory VerificationJIVT Joint Inventory Verification TeamLA Land AcquisitionLAO Land Acquisition OfficerLAP Land Acquisition PlanLGED Local Government Engineering DepartmentMOLGRDC Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & CooperativesNGO Non-government OrganizationOP Operational PolicyPAH Project Affected HouseholdPAP Project Affected PersonPD Project DirectorPlO Project Implementation OfficePMU Project Management UnitRAP Resettlement Action PlanRB Requiring BodyRBPP River Bank Protection ProjectRCC Rod Cement & ConcreteRF Resettlement FrameworkROR Record of RightsRR Rent ReceiptRR-1 Rural Roads-1RRMIMP-11 Rural Roads & Markets Improvement and Maintenance Project i1RTIP Rural Transport Improvement ProjectSIA Social Impact AssessmentSRRMP-II Second Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project-IlTOR Terms of ReferenceTRRMP-IlI Third Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project-lIlUE Upazilla EngineerUNO Upazilla Nirbahi OfficerUP Union ParishadUSD Dollar (American)V&NR Vested and Non-residentVP Vested PropertiesXEN Executive Engineer

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Annex-1 Summary of Census Results 17Annex-2 Land Acquisition and Affected Landowners (Changeable during Joint 20

On-Site Verification)Annex-3 Houses/Structures Affected on Private Lands (Changeable during Joint 21

On-Site Verification)Annex-4 Houses/Structures Affected on Public Lands (Changeable dunng Joint 22

On-Slte Venfication)Annex-5 Trees Affected on Private and Public Lands (Changeable during Joint 23

On-Site Venfication)Annex-6 Selected Socioeconomic Information (Changeable dunng Joint On-Slte 24

Verification)Annex-7 Occupations/lincome Sources of the PAPs (Changeable during Joint 25

On-Site Venfication)Annex-8 Distribution of Landowners and lost Lands In different Holding Size 26

Groups (Changeable during Joint On-Slte Venfication)Annex-9 Mejor Income Source Frequency Distribution (Changeable during 27

Joint On-Site Verification)Annex-10 Selected Demographic and Other Information (Changeable dunng 28

Joint On-Site Verification)Annex-11 Timetable for Land Acquisition, and RAP Preparation and 29

Implementation for first year ProgrammeAnnex-12 Table-1 Suggested Format for Monitoring Progress in the 32

Legal Land Acquisition ProcessAnnex-13 Table-2 Monitoring Progress in CUL Payment by DCs, by 33

Land Acquisition Cases (LAC) and DistrictAnnex-14 Table-3 Summary Information on Compensation Payment for 34

Private Lands and Other Assets by Deputy Commissioner(DCs) By Contract and Mouza

Annex-15 Table-4 Summary Information on Compensation (Top-UP) 35Payment for Private Lands and Other Assets by LGEDBy Contract and Mouza

Annex-16 Table-5: Summary Information on Grant Payment by LGED to 35Legal Owners of Affected Properties By Contract and Mouza

Annex-17 Table-6. Summary Information on Grant Payment by LGED to 36Squatter and Other Public Lands Users, By Contract and EP Groups

Annex-18 Table-7: Information on Grievance Redress Activities, By Contract to 37Squatter and Other Public Lands Users, By Contract and Mouza.

Annex-19 Monitoring Progress in the Processing of Land Acquisition By 38LGED/Consultants

Annex-20 Monitoring Progress In The Land Acquisition Process 40

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Local Government Engineering Department




The Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) under the Ministryof Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives (MOLGRDC),Government of Bangladesh, will implement the proposed Rural TransportImprovement Project (RTIP) with financial assistance from the World BankThe project will variously improve 1,122.00 kilometers of Feeder Road-B and500 kilometers of Rural Roads-1; 150 Growth Center Markets, 45 RiverJetties and 34 bridges of length about 1,500 00 meters The Project covers21 districts and will be implemented in five phases over a period of fiveyears It is expected that successful implementation of this project will helpto reduce rural poverty by enhancing productivity and access to innovationsand more gainful marketing facilities to the people and communities throughimprovements of physical infrastructures and rural road networks To thisend, the project's physical components, such as the roads, markets and riverjetties will be yielded better transportation and socioeconomic networks toallow for maximum intra-rural as well as rural-urban interactions

Table-1: Project Components

Project Components

0 .c . z-

I fL. a. 0..L X

Feeder Roads-B(Kms) 1122 270 480 372 X

Rural Roads-1 (Kms) 500 - 170 170 1601 -|Markets (Nos ) 150 - 40 40 40 1 30River Jetties (Nos) 45 L - 15 15 15 -

Bridges (Meters) 1490 - 1175 315 -

1.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement Needs

Notwithstanding the expected benefits, it is evident that the project will causecertain adverse impacts due to land acquisition. Instead of public land,private owned land also be acquired for the improvements of Growth CenterMarkets, River Jetties and Bridges which will be constructed on the existing

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lands and facilities, those on the FRBs and RR1s. Yet the magnitude ofacquisition is expected to be modest, as most of the improvements, such aswidening of the existing road alignments in general, will be carried out onLGED's own lands along the roads. With a view to minimizing the adverseimpact of the project resulting from the land acquisition it is determined thatacquisition, wherever required, will generally be in narrow strips, which isexpected to affect a large number of landowners with the loss of smallamount of land. It is also likely that the acquisition will displace householdsand businesses that may have been squatting on LGED or other publiclands These are sparsely located small roadside establishments in clustersat small market places and road junctions, generally operated by peopleliving by the roads and often serve a known clientele in the vicinity Thedetails and magnitude of the impacts of the project as a whole are not allknown at this stage, because selection and design of the physicalcomponents will be carried out fn phases

1.3 Resettlement Action Plan for the First Phase

As stated in Resettlement Framework (RF), the project triggers the WorldBank's Operation Policies 4.12 on Involuntary Resettlement, and theadverse impacts are to be mitigated in accordance with the principles andguidelines contained in this Operational Policies As the impacts of theentire project are still not known, LGED has prepared a ResettlementFramework (RF) which will apply to the project as a whole, instead of astandard Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). The legal framework, themitigation principles and policies, as well as the planning process andimplementation mechanisms proposed in that RF are to be followed for theentire project With the Resettlement Framework, separate Phase-wiseRAPs are to be prepared in keeping with the selection and design of thephysical components. LGED has accordingly prepared this RAP to deal withthe adverse impacts that would be caused by the land acquisition anddisplacement under the first phase works The proposed RAP presents abrief socio-economic profile of the affected people/households. The processfollowed to prepare the RAP, pertinent mitigation measures as proposed inthe RF which includes the budget for the first phase resettlement, animplementation schedule, and a framework for monitoring implementation ofthe resettlement activities (A computerized database contains details of theimpact that required for implementation of the specific mitigation measures)

1.4 Minimizing Land Acquisition and Resettlement Needs

The participatory approach used for selection of the roads and other physicalcomponents, has been extended to prepare the Resettlement Action Plan(RAP) LGED organized public consultations at the Union Parishad andcommunity levels, with various types of participants such as local UPChairman, member, community leader, school teachers, religious leader andspecially with the Project Affected Persons (PAPs) The inputs from theseconsultation meetings were utilized to minimize land acquisition anddisplacement Some of the efforts made in this regard are as follows

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(i) Considered alternative designs to minimize the use of private lands;

(6i) Utilization of public lands as much as possible;

(iii) Minimized acquisition of homesteads, buildings and other facilitiesused for permanent business and commercial activities; and

(iv) Avoided acquiring community facilities like educational institution,places of worship, cemeteries, cremation grounds and structures ofhistorical/cultural heritage and significance

Further efforts will also be made during implementation of the civil works Allpossible adjustments will be made in road alignments and widths to minimizeacquisition and displacement


The first phase works do not include Rural Roads Type-I (RR-1); landacquisition is required for only the FRBs. In this phase, a total of 34 FRBscomprising of about 270 kms, on an average 8 kms per road will beimproved in 15 districts. According to the detailed engineering designs,acquisition of private lands amounts to a total of 55.32 hectors (equivalent to136.644 acres), or an average of .51 acres per kilometer of the 34 roads'

2.1 Census of the Project Affected Persons

LGED has taken census of the Project Affected Persons (PAPs) and theaffected assets, including a brief account of the households' present socio-economic characteristics. The information on land includes name of thepresent ownership, area of land and types of the land i e agricultural,homestead, ponds etc The census raw data have been computerized, ofwhich the information on the losses of the PAPs that will be verified duringOn-Site Joint Inventory & Verification (JIV) in order to calculate the category-wise compensation for the individual PAPs with a view to prepare theentitlement files The summary data in terms of the roads are provided inthe Annex-I A brief account of socio-economic profile of the affectedhouseholds and the major losses identified by the census are mentionedbelow.

2.2 Brief Socio-economic Profile of the Project Affected Households

LGED will conduct a more structured socio-economic baseline samplesurvey of the Project Affected Persons to evaluate the efficacy of theresettlement policies during and after implementation of the project Duringthis survey, the census has nevertheless gathered information on a number

The amount of land under acquisition is subject to further documentary verification by theDeputy Commissioners (DCs) during the legal acquisition process The overall amountmay slightly increase or decrease The amount also differs with the census reportbecause certain percentage of PAPs were not available at the time of Census mostly onthe ground of absentee land ownership and in some cases unwillingness to givenecessary information to the in numerators

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of demographic and socio-economic aspects of each project affectedhousehold. Annex-2 to Annex-10 to this RAP contains the data relating to anumber socio-economic aspects, which have been summarized in terms ofthe selected roads (The raw data have been computerized).

Household Size (Annex-6): The census data indicates that affectedhouseholds are in general much larger than the national average of thehousehold size (7.98 compared to the national average of 4.8 found in the2001 census). Road-wise, the average household size varies from 4 84persons on Sreenagar-Tantar road and more than 12 03 on Sealkola-BohuliHat

Household Heads and Schooling Level (Annex-6): Nearly 93% ofhouseholds are headed by the male members who are on average 51 yearsold, many of whom have very- little or no formal schooling. The other 7% ofthe households are headed by women who are mainly widows and are, onan average 39 years old.

Occupation (Annex-7): Agriculture is the primary income source of the69 48% of households, and a considerable proportion of them appear tohave a secondary source of income Business/trading, salaried employmentand wage labor are respectively the other primary income sources for10.24%, 7.22% and 3 07% of the affected households. Remaining 10% fallsunder the other sources (fishing, Riksha puller, Hacker etc ) of occupation asa primary sources of income. About 22% of households are also reported tohave income from secondary source of which business/trading accountingfor 36 06%, agriculture 21.43% and others 42.51%. The households thatsales labour and engage in business/trading as a occupation of secondarysource of income are likely to be those who are unable to live only onagricultural income

According to the census, it is revealed that each household contains anaverage of 1 52 income earners of whom very insignificant number is womenwhich accounts for merely 3 15% of total income earners. Even though NGOactivities exist in many of FRB areas, but only 2.98% of the affectedhouseholds are reported to have membership with NGO.

2.3 Impacts of Land Acquisition

Lands and Households Affected (Annex-2): According to the census,land acquisition process affects about a total of 11,480 landowners, eachone losing on an average of 0.84 decimal. The number of householdsbeing affected by the acquisition is more or less 5000 On an average, theloss amounting to 0.73% of the total land holdings of which the loss ofagricultural land amounting to 0 46%, homestead 0 24%, and other lands0.02%.

Structures Affected on Public Lands (Annex-4): The census alsoindicates that resumption of the LGED's and other public lands affects 167residential and 45 commercial structures on 13 roads out of the 34 which

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belongs to 172 squatters. Affected average floor areas for residential andcommercial are 162.32 and 96.10 sft respectively.

Loss of Lands in different holding size groups ( Annex-8): Annexure-8depicts that among the total land owners ofl 1480 only 8 land owners arelosing more than 80% of total land holdings which accounts only 0.07% oftotal affected land owners. While 20 owners are losing land more than 50%but less than 80% of their total lands which accounts only 0.17% of totalaffected land owners. 91 owners are losing more than 20% but less than50% of their total lands which accounts only 0.79% of total affected landowners. 161 land owners fall under the category of losing land more than10% but less than 20% of their total lands which accounts only 1 40% of totalaffected land owners. Thus total number of 280 owners accout 2 44% of totalaffected land owners have become vulnerable as per OP 4 12 but theremight be little gap of information about land holding ownership during thisstage which will be cleared at the time of field verification by LGED/DSMC atthe time of RAP implementation process.

Houses/Structures Affected (Annex-3): It is appeared from the surveythat the number of affected private residential structures are 392 whichbelong to 355 owners and the number of commercial structures are 147belong to 172 owners Survey report indicates that overall adverse impact isnot tangible due to the land acquisition

Trees Affected on Private and Public Lands (Annex-5): The other majorloss category is trees grown on private and public lands. The total numbersof trees on private lands are 36376, and on public lands are 2501 On anaverage about 402 trees per acre of the acquired lands. The trees areclassified as large, medium, small and plant. There may be some changed ofthe number of trees of the present survey but which will be verified againduring the on-site JIV, for compensation assessment


As noted earlier, the accurate number of the landowners losing lands aresubject to verification by the Deputy Commissioners (DCs) of the 1 5 districtswhere works will be implemented in the lst Phase The DCs, the head of theacquisition body, will investigate the ownership records to identify the legaltitleholders to the lands and other assets under acquisition As such, thetotal number of persons who claimed to be legal owners in the census maybe changed Similarly, the number of squatters may also be changed duringthe on-site joint inventory & verification by LGED.

At this stage, the total number of affected landowners reported to be affectedby the first phase acquisition are about 11480 with loss of some 96 807acres of land and other assets situated on them. As of now there are 172squatters who are being displaced from the LGED's and other Public LandsDuring JOINT ON-SITE VERIFICATION other losses, if any, which mighthave been missed by the present census, will also be identified through the

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grievance redress procedure. Adverse impacts as identified by the presentsurvey, as well as those that might be identified during JlVverification will bemitigated by following the principles and guidelines proposed in theResettlement Framework (RF). The Entitlement Policy Matrix below, whichis also proposed in the RF, is provided for easy reference to the losscategories with the definition of the entitled persons and entitlements, as wellas the application guidelines.



Entitlement Entitled Person

1 CUL, which includes 50% premium, 1. Legal owner(s), including mortgagors,or replacement value, whichever is as determined by DC during CULgreater payment, or by court in case of legal

2. Stamp duties on replacement lands disputes.purchased by the EPs 2. Co-sharers/ mortgagors to be

3 For Vested and Non-Resident determined by title deeds andproperties which are designated mortgage documentsduring this acquisition. 3. Current users of Vested Properties.

Application Guidelines Implementation Issues

1. For stamp duty refund, replacement 1 LGED/MoLGRD to form JIV andlands are to be purchased within six instruct respective DCs to extendmonths of compensation payment support to the JIV Team

2. Mutation record is required for 2 PAPs to be informed of the details ofreceiving stamp duty refunds. compensation policies, including

3. Current market prices of land provision for stamp duty refund, afterdetermined by JIV Team to be the issuance of Notice-3basis for determining replacement 3. Landowners to be assisted by LGEDvalue and top-up payment. to procure required legal documents

4. Advance notice to be issued in time after Notice-3 is servedto harvest standing crops. If not 4. Mouza-wise current market prices ofpossible, the value of crop at full lands to be determined, consideringharvest value is to be paid their quality in terms of number and

5. Vested & non-resident (V&NR) types of crops produced a year,properties: Three times the flooding, irrigation facilities,estimated value of all crops accessibility and other factorsproduced in the acquired land in the influencing market pricesyear or preceding year of 5 The project will not be used toacquisition collect outstanding dues or taxes on

6. Persons using V&NR properties the acquired or other landsunder lease will be treated as per 6. Current users of V&NR propertieslease agreement, and will not qualify are to be recorded indicatingfor project grant claimed relationship with the owner

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1.LGED for overall execution and coordination, ensuring GOB's support andtimely financial disbursements.

2. DC to pay CUL to all legal owners, and those with the legal evidence ofinterest in the lands.

3.LGED/DSMC to inform PAPs of RAP policies, assist in updating records,pay difference between CUL and replacement value, if any, and stamp dutieswhen applicable, and monitor and report on implementation.


Entitlement Entitled Person

1 CUL which includes 50% premium, 1 Legal owner(s), including mortgagors,or replacement value, whichever is as determined by DC during CULgreater payment, or by court in case of legal

2. Stamp duties on purchase of disputesreplacement homestead lands 2 Co-sharers/ mortgagers to bepurchased by the PAPs determined by title deeds and

3 Vested Property Owner/User mortgage documents.

Application Guidelines Implementation ResponsibilityIssues

1. Applicable Guidelines 1, 2, and 3 Issues. Nos. 1, 2, As in Nos 1, 2recommended for Loss of 3, 4, and 5 as and 3 indicated forAgricultural Lands identified for Loss Loss of Agricult-

2 EPs pay for replacement lands, of Agricultural ural LandsLGED pays for the stamp duty, sphysical development of the site,and provides water supply andsanitation facility


Entitlement Entitled Person

1. CUL from DC which includes 50% premium or Legal owner of the pond toreplacement cost of pond, including cost of land get compensation for landand digging, whichever is greater area while usufruct right

2 EPs are allowed to harvest and keep the fish holder, legal or sociallystock recognized, to get compen-

sation for fish stock3. If the pond is under lease from GOB,

compensation from DC as per lease conditions

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Application Guidelines Implementation ResponsibilityIssues

1. Guidelines 1 to 4 of Loss Magnitude of fish As in Nos 1, 2Category 1 stock and value to be and 3 indicated

determined by JIV for Loss of2. If the fishpond is on public land according to the Agricultural

and not under lease from GoB, Fishery Department Landsthe EP is entitled to compensation standards and marketfor 25% of the existing fish stock, pricesbut is allowed to retain the entirefish stock.


Entitlement Entitled Person

1 Legal Owners. CUL which includes 50% 1. Legal owner as determined bypremium, or the replacement value, DC during the CUL paymentwhichever is greater process and/or determined by

2. Legal Owners. House Construction Grant court in cases of legal(HCG) at one-eighth of the replacement disputesvalue 2. Owners of shiftable houses

3 Squatters For shiftable structures/houses /structures built on publicHouse Transfer Grant (HTG) and HCG lands, as found during the

4 Owners to be permitted to retain the PAP Censussalvageable building materials

Application Guidelines Implementation Issues

1 Legal Owners Applicable to all 1 Issues Nos 1, 2, 3, 4houses/structures standing on the acquired and 5 as identified forprivate lands at the time of issuance of Notice-3 Loss of Agricultural

2. Squatters Owners of shiftable Lands.houses/structures standing on public lands, and 2 JIV to verify floor areasfound during the PAP Census. and materials based on

3. Shiftable houses/structures are those built with Census data.materials which could be salvaged without much 3 HCG to be paid whendamages (e g , houses with Cl sheet walls and EP is ready to startroofs, or with bamboo walls and Cl sheet roofs construction of newand the like) house

4. Non-shiftable houses/structures on public lands 4. The PAP Census willare not eligible for compensation (Non-shiftable establish the cut-off datestructures those component materials (wall/roof) for all structures notwhich are not salvageable more or less intact covered under CUL(e.g., bnck walls with RCC roof, brick walls withCl sheet roof, etc )

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Application Guidelines Implementation Issues

5 Small structures on poles, which can be shiftedwithout dismantling are not eligible forcompensation (roadside small pan-bidi shops,groceries, tea stalls, etc.).

6 For shiftable structures on public lands, HCGpayable to all @ Tk 20 per sft. with minimum Tk2000 and maximum Tk 3000.


As in Nos 1, 2 and 3 indicated for Loss of Agricultural Lands.


Entitlement Entitled Person

1. Timber trees and bamboos Current market value 1. Legal owners as

2 Frult-beanng trees (without Timber). If the tree is at determined by DCor near fruit-bearing stage, estimated current value ausmng CULof the fruit determined by JIV. assessment process.

3 Fruit-beanng trees (with Timber) If the tree is at or 2 Socially recognizednear fruit-bearing stage, estimated market price of owners, such astimber and fruits squatters

4. Banana Groves Estimated current value of one lease from GOBtime crop of each grown-up tree asen foeO

agencies5. Trees grown under publiciNGO sponsored 4. Groups sponsored by

program. Same as 1, 2, 3, and/or 4 above public agencies!

Owners will be permitted to fell and retain the trees NGOs.and frults, after payment of compensation.

Application Guidelines Implementation ResponsibilityIssues

1. Estimated market value of different Where ownership As in Nos. 1, 2species of different trees, based on belongs to groups, and 3 indicatedcategorization: big medium, small LGED will ensure for Loss ofand plants. that the compen- Agricultural

2. Value of perennial fruits to be sation is distributed Landsdetermined as three years' value of among the membersthe crop at the harvest price as per agreements.

3. Where ownership is in group,compensation will not be paid tothe any individual or thesponsoring agency. _

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Entitlement Entitled Person

1. Compensation for standing crops, if 1. Cultivator (person who planted theany, affected at the time of land crop) whether owner, leasehandover. holder, tenant, sharecropper, etc.

2. Cultivator will retain the plants and (formal or informal arrangements)crops, if any as determined by JIV.

Application Guidelines Implementation Issues Responsibility

1. Estimated market value at 1. Market value at harvest As in Nos 1, 2harvest, to be determined by- will be established by and 3 indicatedJIV. JIV through on-site for Loss of

2. Advance notice to be issued verification before Agriculturalin time to harvest the handover. Lands.standing crop. If not possible 2 Verify whether or notthe value of the crop at full crop is in existence onharvest price is to be paid the acquired lands at

the time of handover.


Entitlement Entitled Person

1 Compensation for loss of 1 Any businessman operating in thebusiness/trading income premises, at the time of issuance of

2 Compensation for loss of Notice-3, or during PAP Censusrental income from rented-out 2. Owner of the rented-out premisespremises situated on privatelands

Application Guidelines Implementation Issues Responsibility

1 Compensation for loss of 1. Eligible premises are As in Nos 1, 2business income based permanently fixed to and 3 indicated foron average daily net the ground with walls Loss of Agricul-income prorated for and roofs (not shiftable tural Landsmaximum one month, in intact condition).determined by JlIV. 2 Eligibility to be based

2 Three months' rent to on verification ofowner of the premise on tenants and owners ofpnvate land, as the premises, deter-determined by JIV mined by JIV

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Entitlement Entitled Person

Grant to cover temporary loss of Persons employed continuously for at leastregular wage income. six months in businesses displaced from

private and public lands

Application Guidelines Implementation Issues Responsibility

Grant = daily wage rate x 30 The length of employment to LGED will makedays, to be determined by be determined by JIV. the payments.JIV.


Entitlement Entitled Person

Compensation as per categories 1 & 2 1. Persons with legal agreementsabove, to be shared as per usufruct/ 2 Persons with verbal agreementsmortgage contracts

Application Guidelines Implementation 1 ResponsibilityIssues

1 Legal Agreement Legal owner 1 Where the contract As in Nos 1, 2and mortgagee/leaseholder will is verbal, JIV will and 3 indicatedbe paid CUL by DC as per the verify the persons for Loss oflaw with interests in Agricultural

2. Verbal Agreement. Legal the acquired Landsowner will pay the outstanding assets due toliabilities to the interested mortgage, lease orpersons upon receipt of CUL khai-khalashi rightfrom the DCs 2 Any disputes over

3. In cases, if CUL is smaller than verbal agreementsreplacement value, legal owner to be resolvedwill get the top-up from LGED (i) through grievanceif all liabilities are already paid redress procedureup; (ii) if not, the legal owner willget the residual after allliabilities are paid up. If theliability exceeds the amount tobe paid by LGED, thelandowner will pay it

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Entitlement Entitled Person

Other impacts that may have remained unknown Legal owners, squatters andshall be mitigated based on the same principles others with an interest onapplied for other impacts described in the Policy the landsMatrix. The nature of entitlements and supportmechanism shall be approved by GOB and IDA.

Application Guidelines Implementation Issues Responsibility

To be based on PAP To be agreed upon by As in Nos 1, 2 and 3Census and nature of the GOB and IDA indicated for Loss ofimpacts. Agricultural Lands


The costs of land acquisition have been estimated by using theinformation from identical project documents, the PAP censusconducted for the first phase, and the costs incurred in the SecondRural Roads and Markets Improvement Project (RRMIMP-1I), which hasalready executed by LGED. The cost items and their projectedquantities/numbers are based on the acquisition needs and PAPcensus for first phase works, and the estimated item-wise costs arethose required to carry out land acquisition and resettlement perkilometer of the roads. The unit costs used to prepare the budget areas follow

Land: Taka 583,000 per acre

Houses/Structures: Taka 17,200 per kilometer of the road

Trees, etc.: Taka 16,000 per kilometer of the road

Others: Taka 16,560 per kilometer of the road

These unit costs have been used to propose the land acquisition andresettlement budget for the first year Compared with the costs ofresettlement under RRMIMP-11, which include land acquisition andcompensation for non-land affected assets, the proposed budgetreflects an overall increase of nearly 29% per acre of acquired land

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Estimated Resettlement Budget(in Taka)

Cost Items Phase-I

Land Acquisition 80,279,100 00Houses/Structures 4,644,000.00Trees, etc 4,320,000 00Others 4,471,200 00

TOTAL 93,714,300.00

The first phase RAPs will detail the resettlement budgets in terms ofthe loss categories. The unit cost of each cost item will be brokendown in terms of their qualitative and other characteristics that maymake a difference in actual costs and compensation


Monitoring and Evaluation is on the most important factor on which thesuccessful completion of the project is dependent In Para 1 8 of frameworkmodalities, task and responsibilities discussed in full length. For readyreference the specific portion is quoted below.

Assisted by the Resettlement Specialist, the project staff, especially the PDand XENs will directly liaises with the DCs and monitor progress in both landacquisition and RAP implementation. Monitoring will consist of an array ofsteps related to land acquisition, phase-wise RAP preparation andimplementation, as well as those involved in the process leading tocommencement of the civil works The DSM consultants will be responsiblefor setting up and operating an integrated system by using verifiableindicators to monitor and report progress and performance in terms of theintegrated schedule of these tasks. The system will use the followingindicators in keeping with the sequence of the major tasks that are to becompleted before beginning the civil works

Land Acquisition. The following are the major and time-consuming steps

Engineering Designs: Once the engineering designs are finalizeddetermining the acquisition requirements and their locations on the ground,the activities which are to be monitored are

* Preparation of the land acquisition proposals (LAPs)

* Dates LAPs submitted to the LGRD Ministry for administrative approval

* Dates administrative approval received from the LGRD Ministry

* Dates LAPs submitted to the Deputy Commissioners

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* Dates LAPs approved by the District Land Acquisition Committees(DLACs)

* Dates LAPs approval by the Ministry of Land

* Dates Notice-3 issued by the DCs

* Dates Notice-6 issued by the DCs

* Dates Notice-7 issued by the DCs

* Dates Compensation Budgets submitted by the DCs to LGED

* Dates LGED forwarded the Compensation Budgets to the LGRD Ministryfor approval

* Dates LGRD Ministry appro.ved the Compensation Budgets

* Dates LGED placed the Compensation funds with the DCs

* Dates the DCs start the payment of the 'compensation under the law'(CUL)

* Continuing monitoring of progress in CUL payment

RAP Implementation For the first year programme detailed EngineeringDesigns, indicating the locations and amount of land is already known.LGED has already obtained administrative approval from the LocalGovernment Division, Ministry of LGRD Cooperative and sent those toExecutive Engineer for submitting necessary LA proposal to the DeputyCommissioner Now following major tasks has to be monitored.

* Review of the schedule that integrates land acquisition, RAPimplementation and civil works, in order to allow sufficient time toimplement the RAP

* Census of the PAPs and cut out dates for squatters have already beenfixed.

* Review of the mitigation policies, after issue of notice under Section-7 willstart, if necessary

* Consultation and information campaign with regard to compensationpayment procedure and the documents required to claim thecompensation should also start after issue of notice under Section-3 / 7

* Setting up the Grievance Redress Committees and make themoperational (The grievance process in itself will be a subset of themonitoring system to ensure fairness and transparency)

* Survey of replacement value/market prices of different kinds of affectedassets

* Preparation of the Joint On-Site Inventory of the affected assets ofindividual PAPs

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Valuation of the assets in terms of replacement value/market prices

* Preparation of the individual entitlement files

* Preparation of the Compensation Budgets for squatters (and the top-uppayment as the CUL payment data from DCs keeps coming)

* Approval of the top-up budgets by LGED

* Dates top-up payment process begins under each of the contracts

* Continuing monitoring and reporting progress in CUL and top-uppayment

* Timing of vacation of plots by the PAPs

The RF contains a number of formats suggested for routine monitoring of thedifferent tasks involved in the land acquisition, and RAP preparation andimplementation processes (Annex 11 - 20). These formats are subject tomodifications as and when necessary for better understanding and anysteps/tasks, which may have remained unknown so far, will be monitoredwith appropriate instruments.

Vacation of Lands and Civil Works. Various steps in the appointment ofcivil works contractors will be closely monitored and the award of contractsand beginning of the civil works on the ground will be timed to allowcompletion of full payment of the CUL, top-up and any other entitlementsdue to the PAPs

Reporting LGED will provide the World Bank with the following informationfor its review of performance and compliance with the Operational Policy(OP) 4 12

* Monthly report indicating progress in land acquisition and RAPimplementation,

* Contract-wise updates on land acquisition and compensation paymentactivities, as and when the World Bank is requested for contractclearance and disbursements, and

• Updates for formal supervision missions, if the report produced for thecurrent month is deemed not sufficiently informative

An independent review will also be carried out before the mid-term review toevaluate as to how effectively and efficiently land acquisition and RAPimplementation has been carried out

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To ensure timeliness and compliance with OP 4 12, land acquisition, RAPimplementation and the award of the civil works contracts, are integrated intoone schedule. Land acquisition process has already commenced, withLGED's preparation and submission of the land acquisition proposals to theDCs with administrative approval .

This timetable requires, first of all that there will be no change in the roadsselected for improvement Any possibilities in this regard can be consideredonly in those selected for the later years, and only if the changes causes nodelays in Engineering Design and initiation of the RAP preparation processfor the 2nd Phase. The timetable for the first year programme have carefullyadvance planed considering Engineering Design of Roads and landacquisition is needs Monitoring format shown in Annexure-1 1, (3 sheets = 1of 3, 2 of 3 and 3 of 3).

The End

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FINAL DRAFTAnnex-ISheet I oft3

Summary of Data Interms of Roads (Refer to Para 2.1 of Text)

SL Name of Road Sex Schooling Occupation fl of male If of Agri. Land Bhiti Land Other Total Land Primary Inc SourceNo. (3) (6) (7) member Female (1 1) (12) lands (14) (16)

1 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(9) member (13)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d 0 1 3 4 6 7 9 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ (10)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13 4 ~~2 4 5 6 7j

IRajabari -Kakonhal 195 20 16- 198 119 13 0 1 26 0 1 0 38 16 924 826 80648 00 9186 00 0 00 89834 00 125 1 10 1 26 0 1 0 33 142 Jhalmoliaha -Mollahpatahal 389 32 119 293 283 27 0 0 22 0 5 0 35 37 1383 1254 108784 00 7575 65 2CO0000 116559 65 298 23 0 0 21 0 4 0 33 353 0ublia -Srit-kal 123 7 87 43 66 35 0 7 9 2 2 2 4 8 480 433 28671 00 6936 00 2589 00 38196 00 68 35 0 3 9 2 2 2 6 44 Sanlli,a 24 Mile-Azhar Alsar 119 13 91 42 71 26 0 4 9 0 3 0 9 2 593 532 38862 00 6838 00 2897 00 48597 00 72 28 0 3 6 0 0 0 5 1S Laxmipuir-D3urappur 288 32 54 262 371 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 3 1217 1100 63799 00 16990 00 2588 00 83377 00 2631 81 2 1 15 1 29 0 13 06 Chatra -Mohadevpur 333 34 296 66 29 3 0 3 19 2 2 1 6 10 1588 1584 111530 00 10600 50 8/70 30 130900 80 333 6 3 1 9 0 0 T 6r 37 Kansat Glial -Khaser hat 104 16 58 62 75 13 T 4 4 0 0 0 4 15 512 543 57740 00 5493 00 2913 00 66146 00 87 1 10 5 6 0 10 0 6 68 Sullangan -Perirlhat 212 28 220 1 7 190 54 0 8 1491 012 0 3 29 710 690 351 545 124 7875 1 961 47829 25 91 52 0 7 49 0 1 0 4 259 Shaniakandi-Chandanbasia 364 13 255 103 263 4 0 2 25 0 0 0 6 32 1287 1274 72539 53 8084 64 714 69 81338 86 285 I 1 1 15 0 0 0 4 2210 8irgra,n -Khaina Mazrra 183 23 181 24 147 6 2 1 17 1 1 0 1 23 712 720 42582 00 11915 00 419 00 54916 00 162 8 1 0 10 0 1 0 1 211 1Dhupchanchia -Tindrghi -Namul 53 4 54 3 29 18 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 6 190 202 10331 00 2840 80 1905 00 15076 801 30 1710 0 1 0 01 1 2. 412 Boalia R&H - -Solonga GC 228 271 94 177 -230 3 (1 5 12 3 1 (1 2 0 1189 1 1082 48053 001 6295 20 1746 00 56094 20 212 6 1 13 17 3 2 0 6 013 Sealkola -Bohuli hat 192 1 1 127 76 143 14 0 2 1 18 0 0 0 6 1 1253 1189 33946 00 4418 00 1080 00 39444 00 138 15 0 119 I11 0 10 0 19 114 Hrinathpur-Ohekuria GCM 212 40 59 156 151 1 3 0 9 22 0 1 0 4 15 1123 993 61951 00 8998 00 904 00 71853 00 176 9 0 14 9 0 11 0 5 015 Dhaka Arictha RHD-Kalatiapara 100 20 71 49 58 20 0 3 131 5 1 0 0 20 422 364 8024 00 I1135 50 639 25 9799 75 1 7 4 0 1 4 4 1 0 0 516 DhakaAiichaRHD-Mugrakanda 14 2 4 12 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 41 302 00 64 00 0 00 366 00 13 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 KapasaMorrohar'dr ~232 14 29 1 14 39 0 6 7 0 0 5 24 104 2 000 8900 00 3900000 73300 00 141 39,0 8 26 0 0 0 5 22

1 8Balirlek-Harirainipur 169 161 165 117 87 44 4 1 14 013 0 1 26 708 662 6484 00 2468 30 1/9 60, 9131 90 89 4 13 3 20 0 0 0 2 1 7

19 Lauhaganj-Goali Mandrahat 21 10 17 2 121 3 0 0 4 0h 0 0 0 0 138 128 808 80 1427 00 1758 00 3993 80 9 6 0 10 4 0 0 0- 0

20 Sreenazgar -Tanltof 32 0 21 9 29 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 77 78 11059 00 403 00 0 00 11462 00 32 0 00 0 0 10 0 0 021lBetka -Tongibarn 22 1 19 4 4 6 0 8 1 0 0 0 1 3 103 92 1230 00 47 00 0 00 1277 00 7 5 0 5 2 0 0 0 1 322 IKanchan GC-Sarnakhali Bazar-C 270 8 189 81 148 53 3 8 1 1 1 4 1 0 4T 174 1202 32282 00 6245 856 39383 00 160 39 2 7 1 1 1 2 2 1 2323 Shibpur-Belabo via Jallara Bazar 381 1 1 198 182 27/ 22 0 1 6 29 1 3 1 9 1 3 1687 1642 74075 00 45608 00 50 00 119733 00 277 23 0 25 30 0 4 1 9 1 324 Madhabdi Khraria 259 5 232 32 151 71 2 2 15 0 0 0 15 8 1378 1213 26444 00 5289 00 110 00 31843 00 149 70 2 2 15 0 0 0 15 125 Atgram -Zakiganj 40 0 28 1 2 15 1 0 T 0 6 04 0 3 5 139 144 8881 00 2202 00 0 00 I11030 19 7 0 0 5 0 4 0 2 326 Gobirrdapurbazar-Alghor-Ralgao 1 2 62 21 52 6 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 240 236 34678 00 2171 00 0 00 3890 5

27 Munshibazar-Mokambazar via SC17 4 6 104 140 8 0 0 13 0 0 0 3 7 2 1 880 640 20 4691 5

Total 4773 38 013 204 3 4-07 F5-28 1-2 10 3172 1 6 3 5 44 298 178 16358 1704 448 3231 45461 1 2 15 6 2

Notes & CodesOccujpationI Agijiculluic 6t 1 shrlg7 Eshibli"dhed 13tiwiiess 7 Rick'rhawNani'r llei3 1 lawkei 8 Molorized 1 rarusporl Worker4 Seasonial lUSInIeSS 9 Day Labor er5 Sflaried Job 10 Olheis

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FINAL DRAFTAnnex-ISheet 2 of 3

Summary of Data Interms of Roads (Refer to Para 2.1 of Text)

Name of Road Secondary Inc Source Who earned Membership Name Land Type Amount Total Appro Price Inherited IBough # of % of Area of HS

(17) Male Female Yes No of Amount (dec) (dec) Land (per dec) 1 2 Owners Land remain

(18) (19) (20) (21) NGO Agri Bhbti (24) (25) (28) (30) Affected unaffected

_______ _______ _______ ______ 1 2 3 1 4 15 6 7 18 1 9 1 0 (22) Others 3 )32

Ralabar -Kakonhat 0 0 0 0 0 0 070 0 0 244 0 1 219 - 147 24 100 31 0 70 248 25 4000 00 64 147 476 0 28 89585 75

Jhalmoliahat -Mollahparahat 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 452 3 5 415 736 29 193 99 12 40 942 68 5750 00 166 239 899 0 81 115616 97

Dublia -Sreekal 49 0 3 48 0 2 2 0 3 1 3071 3 0 131 220 37 7313 0 00 293 50 2000 00 80 50 423 0 77 37902 50

Santhia 24 MlIe-AzharAfsar 45 0 0 86 0 0 0 0 0 15 335 3 0 133 346 70 118 73 14 77 480 20 200000 70 60 380 0 99 4811680

Laxmipur-Dorappur 01 3 1 26 5 0 11 44 56 168 584 127 2 334 0 4228 8334 000 12562 792300 347 0 363 015 8325138

Chatra -Mohadevpur 4 11 1 9 7 0 00 5 1 678 49 37 325 124 03 6 26 2 40 132 68 7750 00 218 137 898 0 10 130768 12

KansatGhat-Khaserhat 16 23 5 45 4 0 0 0 3 7 296 7 11 108 30698 7151 3280 41129 1125000 72 49 516 062 6573471

Sultanganj -Perirhal 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 250 12 7 228 0 319 82 229 61 0 549 43 38200 00 84 146 419 1 15 47279 82

Shariakandi-Chandanbasia 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 502 1 0 326 0 674 58 407 71 16 57 1098 86 56500 00 200 105 910 1 35 80240 00

Birgram - Kharna-Mazira 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243 4 1 209 0 41143 170 92 10 56 592 91 3150000 133 65 351 108 54323 09

Dhupchanchia -Tlndighi - Namuja 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 1 0 57 - 0 00 41 90 29 57 71 47 2750 00 11 45 136 0 47 15005 33

Boalia R&H -Solonga GC 11 6 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 1 4 257 382 44 163 39 56 50 602 33 9394 00 143 120 746 107 55491 87

Sealkola - Bohuli hat 3 2 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 2 478 12 38 173 0 192 27 96 75 18 25 307 27 146100 93 122 429 0 78 39136 73

Horinathpur-Ohekuria GCM 7 17 0 7 113 0_ 10 1 0 268 6 8 246 0 62 25 56 42 0 00 118 67 12033 00 119 132 662 0 17 71734 33

Dhaka Ancha RHD-Kalatiapara 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 36 0 0 119 0 23 21 38 48 31 54 93 23 10223 00 41 25 103 0 95 9706.52

Dhaka Aricha RHD-Mugrakanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 16 0 1 19 10 11 0 00 11 30 32080 00 3 13 20 3 09 354 70

Kapasia -Monohardi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 310 0 0 247 - 336 73 98 54 0 00 435 27 14000 00 174 66 419 0 59 7286473

Balirtek-Harirampur 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 281 8 26 158 0 21 57 123 50 4 68 149 75 654276 40 80 94 228 1 64 898215

Lauhaganj-Goali Mandrahat 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 31 0 0 21 0 00 99 88 0 00 99 88 8500 00 7 13 146 2 50 3893 92

Sreenagar - Tantor 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 8 44 0 0 32 55 40 0 00 0 00 55 40 15000 00 9 23 50 0 48 11406 60

Betka -Tongibari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 24 68 00 21 00 34 00 123 00 9000 00 19 4 122 9 63 1154 00

Kanchan GC-Sarnakhali Bazar-Ch 12 0 0 3 1 2 1 0 0 7 272 5 1 278 - 103 07 211 24 0 00 314 31 24032 58 192 85 831 0 80 39068 69

Shibpur-Belabo via Jallara Bazar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 485 2 20 365 153 78 426 30 1 10 581 18 15000 00 253 161 776 0 49 119151 82

Madhabdi- Kharia 90 0 17 83 2 0 4 0 56 0 376 1 0 0 187 64 26616 25 00 478 80 8500 00 229 37 581 1 50 31364 20

Atgram -Zakiganj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68 0 0 40 81 00 41 00 0 00 122 00 7500 00 29 1 1 80 1 10 10961 00

Gobindapurbazar-Atghor-Ratgaon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 3 0 71 0 360 61 27 44 25 00 413 05 35191 52 13 58 112 1 12 36435 95

Munshibazar-Mokambazar via Son 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 286 1 0 163 0 777 79 50 61 0 00 828 40 427831 93 92 85 404 1 90 42820 70

243 96 31 313 47 4 19 44 124 213 7634 249 161 4695 - 6136 66 3228 23 315.84 9680 73 2941 2092 11480 1322352.38

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FINAL DRAFTAnnex-ISheet 3 of 3

Summary of Data Interms of Roads (Refer to Para 2.1 of Text)

Name of Road Houses/Structures Trees Other

Struc. Floor Materials Age Value Remarks Number_(accordin to Size) Value (by size) in Taka AffectedType Area Floor Wall Roof of (Taka) (Appearan Plant Small Medium Large Plant Small Medium Large Total Value Assets

_______________ _ 3__ (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) Struct (40) ce/Physica (42) (43)1 (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

Rajabari -Kakonhat . 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 000 0 00

Jhalmoliahat -Mollahparahat = = = 0 11 89 35 0 00 0 00 46750 00 67000 00 113750 00

Oublia - Sreekal 59 111 182 110 1690 00 21590 00 144520 00 109790 00 277590 00

Santhia 24 Mile-Azhar Afsar 1 126 369 124 140 00 35360 00 288409 00 71880 00 395789 00

Laxmipur-Dorappur 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00Chatra - Mohadevpur 0 3 5 0 0 00 1500 00 7000 00 0 00 8500 00

Kansat Ghat -Khaser hat _ 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00

Sultanganj -Perirhat 417 231 108 122 12350 00 26000 00 83500 00 51000 00 172850 00

Shariakandi-Chandanbasia 230 402 192 66 12350 00 51100 00 66300 00 75000 00 204750 00

Birgram - Kharna-Mazira 0 89 0 0 0 00 12500 00 0 00 0 00 12500 00

Dhupchanchia -Tindighi -Namuja _ 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 ..

Boalia R&H - Solonga GC 44 214 448 24 3700 00 32158 33 362380 00 233200 00 631438 33Sealkola -Bohuli hat _ 28 47 127 0 650 00 7160 00 78200 00 0 00 86010.00

Honnathpur-Dhekuria GCM 653 873 1273 49 16030 00 70555 00 390933 00 91000 00 568518 00Dhaka Aricha RHD-Kalatiapara 12 7 7 9 1050 00 16000 00 8000 00 36000 00 61050 00

Dhaka Aricha RHD-Mugrakanda 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 000 0o00 0o00 Kapasia -Monohardi _____1009 1505 2368 2818 271717 00 1234770 00 1582350 00 1212740 00 4301577 00Balhrtek-Harirampur I_ 837 910 1222 349 117277 00 90691 65 513477 87 572181 40 1293627 92

Lauhaganj-Goali Mandrahat _ 78 253 578 466 9400 00 34000 00 326100 00 461100 00 830600 00

Sreenagar -Tantor I 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 00 0o00 0 00Betka -Tongibari 0 16 223 16 0 00 8150 00 165100 00 11500 00 184750 00

Kanchan GC-Sarnakhali Bazar-Ch _1504 1623 997 1948 162651 429150 00 926950 00 757110 2275861 00Shibpur-Belabo via Jallara Bazar _ 1662 1961 2691 2560 171004 00 766900 00 1105400 00 860980 00 2904284 00Madhabdi- Kharia _ 63 516 602 204 7000 00 314500 00 1973200 00 692300 00 2987000 00Atgram - Zakiganl 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00

Gobindapurbazar-Atghor-Ratgaon ___ 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00

Munshibazar-Mokambazar via Son _ 203 226 9 4 21000 00 25000 00 30000 00 2300 00 78300 00

' Result in corporated In Annexure-3 6800 9124 11490 8904 808009 00 3177084 98 8098569 87 5305081.40 17388745.25

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Annex - 2

Land Acquisition and Affected Landowners

Si Road Land Total Per PAP AverageNo Roads Length Acqd Number Acquisition Present Residual

(km) (Acre) of PAPs (Dec.) Ownership Ownership(Acre) (Acre)

1 Ralabari -Kakonhat 13 450 2 483 476 0 522 1 887 1 8822 Jhalmoliahat - Mollahpara hat 15 018 9 427 899 1049 1297 12863 Dublia - Sreekol 10 027 2 935 423 0 694 0 903 0 8964 Sathia 24-Mile - Azahar Afsar 4 289 4 802 380 1264 1279 12665 Laxmipur - Dorappur 7 350 1256 363 0 346 2297 22936 Chatra-Mohadevpur (Kuntoban) 13 529 1327 898 0 148 1 458 14567 Kansat Ghat - Khaser Hat 8 562 4113 516 0 797 1282 12748 Sultangani-Perirhat 4 625 5 494 419 1311 1142 11289 Sariakandi - Chandanbasia 12 984 10 989 910 1208 0 894 0 88211 Birqram-Khoma-Malira 5 319 5 929 351 1689 1 565 1 54810 Dhuchanchia-Tindlghi-Namula 13126 0 715 136 0 526 1109 110312 Boalia R&H-Solonga GC 6 429 6 023 746 0 807 0 752 0 74413 Sealcola R&H -Bohuli hat 3 245 3 073 429 0 716 0 919 0 91214 Horinathpur-Dhekuria GCM 6 041 1 187 662 0 179 1 085 1 08415 Dhaka Aricha highway-Kalatiapara GC via Vakurta 8 130

bazar 0932 103 0905 0951 094216 Dhaka-Aricha RHD-Mugrakanda M Pur City prot 4 300

Embank 0113 20 0 565 0153 017717 Kapasia-Monohardi 14 228 4 353 419 1039 1 749 173918 Balirtek - Harirampur 3 011 1497 228 0 657 0 401 0 39419 Lauhalong -Goali Mandra Hat 2195 0 999 146 0 684 0 274 0 26720 Sreenagar-Tantar 8173 0554 50 1108 2292 228121 Betka - Tongibari 3 850 1230 122 1008 0105 0 09522 Kanchan GC-Sarnakhali bazar Chanpara R&H 8 075 3143 831 0 378 0 474 0 47023 Shibpur-Belabo via Jaliara bazar 13 118 5812 776 0749 1543 153524 Madhabdi-Kharia 6 019 4788 581 0 824 0 548 0 54025 Atgram - Zakiganj 11 950 1_220 80 1 525 1385 137026 Gobindapur bazar-Atghor-Ratgaon 8 756 4130 112 3 688 3 290 3 25327 Munshi bazar-Mokam bazar via Sonatiki 10 66 8 284 404 2 051 1 080 1 060

OVERALL 226.459 96.807 11480

LA not reouireI28 Anulia - Mohanganj 9 39029 Arani-Galimpur Ferry Ghat 1 50030 Chowgram - Kaliganj GC 7 94731 Gurudaspur - Dharabarisa 6 85032 Abadpukur hat - Kalrganj hat 5650 =_ _ _ __ _ _

33 Bongpur - Dobar Mohir 7 225 _ _ _ _ _ _

34 Kumargaon -Badhaghat- Shibarbazar 4 531

OVERALL 269.552

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Annex - 3

Houses/Structures Affected on Private Lands

SL. Residential Houses/Structures Commercial + Other Structures

No. Total # of Ave Floor Total # of Total # of Ave Floor Total # ofStructures Area Owners Structures Area Owners

1 Rajabari -Kakonhat 21 172 79 162 Jhalmoliahat - Mollahpara hat 11 493 67 113 Dublia - Sreekol 1 275 1 1 377 30 14 Sathia 24-Mile - Azahar Afsar 19 1697 05 12 3 229 62 35 Laxmipur - Dorappur 6 512 30 56 Chatra-Mohadevpur (Kunioban) 1 387 36 17 Kansat Ghat - Khaser Hat 1 270 1 3 220 29 18 Sultanqanl-Penrhat 8 401 61 8 4 59 77 49 Sariakandi - Chandanbasia 45 267 97 32

10 Dhuchanchia-Tindighi-Namuja 10 310 21 10 3 247 48 311 Birgram-Khorna-Majira hat 9 273 9 92 612 Boalia R&H-Solonga GC 34 289 21 21 5 114 66 1313 Sealcola R&H - Bohuli hat 46 265 82 41 7 264 05 614 Horinathpur-Dhekuria GCM 17 234 46 14 35 226 16 1015 Dhaka Aricha highway-Kalatiapara GC via Vakurta 10 270 4 28 1 192 1

bazar16 Dhaka-Aricha RHD-Mugrakanda M Pur City prot 14 210 5 14 2 60 175 2

Embank17 Kapasia-Monohardi 14 901 18 12 10 289 68 1218 Balirtek - Harirampur 36 419 18 23 23 470 74 1619 Lauhalong - Goali Mandra Hat 7 112 98 1720 Sreenagar - Tantar 3 79 9 321 Betka - Tongibari 10 448 69 1022 Kanchan GC-Sarnakhali bazar Chanpara R&H 25 291 13 22 13 121 73 31

23 Shibpur-Belabo via Jaliara bazar 17 24 81 12 23 406 02 4124 Madhabdi-Kharia 22 29 47 31 5 102 54 1925 Atgram - Zakiganj26 Gobindapur bazar-Atghor-Ratgaon 1 288 1 2 83 47 227 Munshi bazar-Mokam bazar via Sonatiki 7 270 6 4 95 5 4

OVERALL 392 355 147 1 72

LA not required28 Anulia - Mohangan_29 Arani-Galimpur Ferry Ghat30 Chowgram - Kaliganj GC _31 Gurudaspur- Dharabansa32 Abadpukur hat - Kaliganj hat33 Bongpur - Dobar Mohir34 Kumargaon -Badhaghat - Shibarbazar

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Annex - 4

Houses/Structures Affected on Public Lands

SL. Residential Houses/Structures Commercial + Other Structures

No. RoadsTotal # of Total # of Total Floor Ave Total # Total # of Total Ave FloorOwners StFUctur, Area Floor Owners Structures Floor Area

_ Area Area1 Ralabari -Kakonhat 24 27 10836 00 401 33 4 4 864 00 216 0(2 Jhalmoliahat- Mollahpara hat 13 14 472 06 33 72 0 0 00

3 Laxmipur - Dorappur 4 6 2844 00 474 00 0 0 0 0(4 Kansat Ghat - Khaser Hat 3 3 563 00 187 67 0 0 0 005 Sariakandi - Chandanbasia 56 83 1546 39 18 63 6 7 142 45 20 356 Dhuchanchia-Tindighi-Namula 0 0 0 00 0 00 3 4 368 55 92 17 Sealcola R&H - Bohuli hat 6 6 609 07 101 51 0 0 0 008 Balirtek - Horirampur 2 4 63 70 15 93 3 3 27 00 909 Betka - Tongibari 3 3 85 00 28 33 0 0 0 00

10 Kanchan GC-Sarnakhali bazar Chanpara 10 11 3201 75 291 07 22 24 2223 39 92 64

R&H11 Shibpur-Belabo via Jaliara bazar 4 4 718 16 179 54 2 2 582 12 291 0612 Gobindapur bazar-Atghor-Ratgaon 3 3 326 86 108 95 0 0 0 0013 Munshi bazar-Mokam bazar via Sonatiki 3 3 9182 00 3060 67 1 1 117 00 117 00

OVERALL 131 167 30447.99 41 45 4324 51 7

' Overall Average Floor Area per structure 30447.991167 = 182.32Overall Average Floor Area per structure 4324.51/45 = 96 10

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Annex - 5

Trees Affected on Private and Public Lands

SL. On Private Lands On Public LandsNo. Roads


E Ecl) _ _ _ _ ) _ _ _ _

1 Ralabari -Kakonhat _ a_E____ __a_E__

2 Jhalmoliahat - Mollahpara hat 35 89 11 0 0 2 03 Dublia - Sreekol 110 182 111 52 =

4 Sathia 24-MIle - Azahar Afsar 124 369 126 15 Laxmipur - Dorappur _6 Chatra-Mohadevpur (Kunjoban) 5 3 33 _

7 Kansat Ghat - Khaser Hat _8 Sultanganl-Perirhat 122 108 231 4179 Sariakandi - Chandanbasia 66 192 402 230 598 378 231 110 Dhuchanchia-Tindighi-Namuia 274 61111 Birgram-Khorna-Malira hat 89 _

12 Boalia R&H-Solonga GC 24 448 214 44 _

13 Sealcola R&H - Bohuli hat 127 47 28 23 8 16 614 Horinathpur-Dhekuria GCM 49 1273 873 653 _

15 Dhaka Aricha highway-Kalatiapara GC via Vakurta 9 7 7 12bazar

16 Dhaka-Aricha RHD-Mugrakanda M Pur City prot____ Embank _

17 Kapasia-Monohardi 2818 2368 1505 1009 _

18 Balirtek - Harirampur 153 1027 649 52919 Lauhalong - Goali Mandra Hat 466 578 253 78 _20 Sreenagar - Tantar21 Betka - Tongibari 16 223 16 222 Kanchan GC-Sarnakha[i bazar Chanpara R&H 1977 1414 1847 1819 1 27 49 0

23 Shibpur-Belabo via Jaliara bazar 2560 2691 1961 1662 200 50 0 2424 Madhabdi-Kharia 204 602 516 63 .

25 Atgram - Zakigani 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 026 Gobindapur bazar-Atghor-Ratgaon27 Munshi bazar-Mokam bazar via Sonatiki 4 9 226 203

OVERALL 8737 11712 9087 6840 822 737 911 31

LA not required28 Anulia - Mohanganj29 Arani-Galimpur Ferry Ghat30 Chowgram - Kaliganj GC31 Gurudaspur- Dharabarisa32 Abadpukur hat - Kaliganj hat33 Bongpur - Dobar Mohir34 Kumargaon -Badhaghat - Shibarbazar

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Annex - 6

Selected Socioeconomic Information

SL. Total Ave Male as Male HH Heads Female HH Heads # of Inc. EarnerNo Roads Ta vlol

# of HHs HH % of HH Total Ave Total Ave % of # of Male # ofSize Members # of HH Age # of HH Age Schoolin Female

I~~ ~~~~~ _

1 Ralabar -Kakonhat 215 (583 33) 52 80 195 51 6 20 52 1 0 92 244 02 Jhalmoliahat - Mollahpara hat 421 879 00 52 44 389 47 26 32 43 7 0 28 452 33 Dublia - Sreekol 130 ODIV/01 52 57 123 55 52 7 48 29 0 56 307 34 Sathia 24-Mile -AzaharAfsar 132 5 23 52 71 119 5-6 13 537 0 68 335 3S Laxmipur- Dorappur 320 5 50 52 52 288 4_ _ 32 51 07 0 16 584 1276 Chatra-Mohadevpur (Kunjoban) 367 24 40 50 06 333 46 56 34 42 27 0 8 678 49

7 Kansat Ghat - Khaser Hat 120 7 99 48 53 104 616 16 63 8 0 5 296 78 Sultanganl-Perirhat 240 438 51 24 212 47 74 28 52 26 0 80 250 129 Sariakandi - Chandanbasia 377 6 98 50 25 364 51 06 13 46 08 0 54 502 110 Birgram-Khurna-Malira 206 11 93 49 72 183 49 12 23 49 39 0 91 243 411 Dhuchanchia-Tindighi-Namuja 57 1 63 48 47 53 47 57 4 46 25 0 49 68 112 Boalia R&H-Solonga GC 255 6 02 52 36 228 52 17 27 53 28 0 36 557 113 Sealcola R&H - Bohuli hat 203 11 85 51 31 192 52 7 11 47 5 0 62 478 1214 Horinathpur-Dhekuria GCM 252 37 12 53 07 212 53 57 40 52 64 025 268 615 Dhaka Aricha highway-Kalatiapara GC via 120 3 08 53 69 100 51 06 20 42 6 059 36 0

Vakurta bazar

16 Dhaka-Aricha RHD-Mugrakanda M Pur City 16 0 43 52 87 14 32 1 2 50 0 25 29 0Drot Embank _____

17 Kaoasia-Monohardi 246 8 04 54 52 232 51 27 14 38 1 0 93 310 018 Balirtek - Harirampur 185 11 42 51 03 169 48 16 52 1 0 89 281 819 Lauhalona - Goali Mandra Ha: 21 12 66 51 52 21 51 0 Nli 0 89 31 020 Sreenacar - Tantar 32 063 49 36 32 54 93 0 Nil 072 44 021 Betka - Tongibari 23 1 05 52 82 22 52 23 1 50 0 86 25 022 Kanchan GC-Samnakhali ba7ar On,anoara R&H 278 113 14 48 86 270 52 40 8 56 83 C071 27

23 Shibpur-Belabo via Jaliara bazar 392 104 03 50 67 381 52 28 11 44 3 0 57 4D8 2

24 Madhabdi-Kharia 264 112 65 53 18 259 51 86 5 43 4 085 376 125 Atgram - Zakioanl 40 1 02 49 12 40 52 06 0 Nil 0 7 68 026 Gobindapur bazar-Atqnor-Ratcaon 73 1 21 50 42 71 52 66 2 37 5 0 5 129 327 Munshi bazar-Mokam bazar via Sonatiki 171 4 67 50 32 167 54 01 4 37 75 0 25 286 1

TOTAL 5156 4773 383 7634 249________ LA not req ired

28 Anulia -Mohanganl29 Arani-Galimpur Ferry Ghat30 Chowqram -Kaligani GC31 Gurudaspur -Dharabarisa32 Abadpukur hat -KaliganI hat33 Bonqpur -Dobar Mohir34 Kumarpaon -Badhaghat -Shinarbazar .

Note: % of Male House Hold Head 93% of Female House Hold Head 7

a) Average Age of Male House Hold Head 51b) Average Age of Female House Hold Head 39

'Average House Hold Size is 8 54

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Annex - 7

Occupations/lincome Sources of the PAPs

S~i, Total Primary Occupation Secondary OccupationNo. Roads Number

of House _Hold Heads . _.

1 Rajabari -Kakonhat 215 119 13 38 26 18 0 0 02 Jhalmoliahat - Mollahpara nat 421 283 27 35 22 42 1 1 03 Dubia - Sreekol 130 66 35 4 9 16 49 48 114 Sathia 24-Mile - Azahar Afsar 132 71 26 9 9 9 45 86 155 Laxmipur - Dorappur 320 317 1 1 0 3 0 39 2856 Chatra-Mohadevpur (Kunioban) 367 299 13 6 19 18 4 20 147 Kansat Ghat- Khaser Hat 120 75 13 4 4 20 16 68 198 Sultanqanj-Perirhat 240 90 54 3 49 39 0 1 59 Sariakandi - Chandanbasia 377 263 4 6 25 34 0 14 010 Btrgram-Khorna-Majira 206 147 6 1 17 28 2 0 011 Dhuchanch1a-Tindiqhi-Namuia 57 29 18 2 1 7 0 0 012 Boalia R&H-Solonga GC 255 230 3 2 12 9 11 10 013 Sealcola R&H - Bonuli nat 203 143 14 6 18 22 3 3 1214 Honnatnpur-Dhekuna GCM 252 151 13 4 22 25 7 24 1515 Dhaka Aricha highway-KalatiaDara GC via Vakurta 120 58 20 0 13 29 1

bazar I_4 316 Dhaka-Aricha RHD-Muarakarda M Pur City prot 16 8 8 0 0 0 0

_ mbank 0 017 Kapasia-Monohardi 245 143 39 5 27 31 0 0 018 Balirtek - Harirampur 185 87 44 1 14 34 2 3 219 Lauhalong - Goali Manara Hat 21 12 3 0 4 0 0 2 120 Sreenagar - Tantar 32 29 1 0 2 0 0 0 1021 Betka - Tongibari 23 4 6 1 1 11 0 0 022 Kanchan GC-Sarnakhati bazar Chanpara R&H 278 148 53 0 11 58 12 3 1123 Shibpur-Belabo via Jaliara bazar 392 277 22 9 29 34 0 0 024 Madhabdi-Kharia 264 151 71 15 15 12 90 83 7925 Atoram - Zakigan} 40 15 7 3 6 9 0 0 026 Gobindapur bazar-4tqhor-Ratqaon 73 52 6 0 4 0 0 0 027 Munshi bazar-Mokam bazar via Sonatiki 171 140 8 3 13 7 0 0 0

OVERALL 5156 3407 528 158 372 515 243 409 482LA not r equired

28 Anuhia -Mohanoanj _29 Arani-Galimpur Ferry Ghat _ _

30 Chowgram -Kaltiant GC31 Gurudaspur -Dharabarisa32 Abadpukur hat -Kaliaant hat33 Bonupur -Dobar Mohir34 Kumaroaon -Badhaqha, -Shibarbazar -

Notes: Primary Occupation of Other Profession about 10% of House Hold HeadsPrimary Occupation of Regular Job = 7.22% of House Hold HeadsPrimary Occupation of Wage Labour = 3.07% of House Hold Heads.Primary Occupation of Business = 10.24% of House Hold Heads.Primary Occupation Agriculture = 69.48% of House Hold Heads.

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Distribution of Landowners and loss of Lands in different Holding Size Groups.

Number & Percentage of Landowners LOST Different Proportion of the Total Holdings<10% >10-=20% >20-=50%. >50--=80% >0

NS. RoadlContract !2 - t

-J0 J _0 -J-6 0 - 0 0a - C,o 0 o 0 a 0

1 2 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1741 Rajabarn -Kakonhat 472 89767 468 99 15 34 1 3 1630 33 1 12102 Jhalmoliahat - Mollahpara hat 867 115034 835 96 31 507 6 19 2 11 935 5 1 1 1 223 80 1 1112 1 75 1 01I1

3 Dublia -Sreekol 423 38196 423 100 00

4 Sathia 24-Mile - Azahar Afsar 380 48597 380 100 005 Laxmipur -Dorappur 324 227928 285 87 96 537 18 4 595 149 16 4.40 714 2 550 29 13 8266 Chatra-Mohadevpur (Kurijoban) 898 130908 898 100 007 Kansat Ghat -Khaser Hat 512 66065 508 99 22 8 1 4 78 -__

8 Sultangan1-Penrhat 412 4267 2 405 98 30 133 6 1 252 7 1 909 Sanakandi -Chandanbasia 889 78834 868 97 64 1905 8 879 591 1 2 1 32 a 1 109-1 0 Dhuchanchia-Tindighi-Namu1a 135 15074 134 99 26 3 1 7351 1 Birgram -Khoma-Majira 333 53187 315 94 59 374 7 2 22 1280 7 2 22 75 4 1 261 2 Boalia R&H-Solonga GC 715 53908 684 95 66 1183 9 122 2 94 9911 8 1 07 1 1 1 0 13413 Sealcola R&H - Bohuli hat 428 2986 427 99 77 3 I I1 4 Honnathpur-Dhekuria GCM 650 4498 638 98 15 1190 8 11208 87 3 10453 6 1 0 1511 5 Dhlaka Aricha hrghway-Kalatiapara GC via 100 9800 97 97 00 0 169 3 2 91 - -___

V__ __ _ 9 m,ri hA?Ar_ _ _ _ _

16 Dhaka-Aricha RHO-Mugrakanda M Pur City 13 335 6 46 15 30 6 37 5 1 5 1 6 25___ r__ a ri mhAw)k_ _ _ _

1 7 Kapasia-Monohardi 418 567 417 997116 163 1 0 24 - - - - -

1 8 Balsliek -Harirampur 208 4757 188 90 38 371 8 3 51 182 7 3 07 67 2 0 877 1221 3 1 31519 Lauha)ong - Goash Manora Ha, 146 84074 146 100 0020 Sreenagar - Tantar 50 17792 50 100 0021 SeAia -Tongrbari 1t2 2 1277 122 100 0022 Kanchan GC-Sannakf,ali bazar Ornanpara 611 49762 79 1 97 53 1453 14 1 43 114 3 306 8 306

R&H I I I I I I 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~23 Shibpur-Belabo via Jaliara bazar 769 118903 762 99 09 415 5 0 65 20 1 128 250 1 0 13 ___

24 Madhabdi-Khana 568 31611 555 97 71 168 8 1 38 114 4 0 688 4 1 0 172 __

25 Algram - Zakrganj 80 11083 80 100 00 I1

26 Gobindaput bazaf-Alghor-Ratgaon 100 36331 88 88 00 360 6 56 153 5 4 46 5 1 0 8927 Munsni bazar-Mokam bazar via Sonatik; 377 4 227 5 350 92 84 11071 14 3 46 226 1 2 272 41 2 0 4951

TOTAL 112001 13762391 109201 10018 16 4882 5] 9 1269 20 J12 Q s[ 8

LA not required28 Aniulia -Mohanganj ____

29 Arars-Galimpur Perry Gha1,

30 Chowgram -Kal.ganj GC31 Gurudaspur -Dharabarisa

32 Abadpukur hat -Kaliganj hat33 Bongpur - Dobar Mohsr

F34 Kumargaon -Badhaghal Shibarbazar

N BA 161 land owners are losting > 10% -<20% of the their total lands, which accounts only 2 44% of total affected lands ownersB 91 land owners are lossing >20% -<25%/o f the total lands, which accounts only 1 40%/ of total affcted land ownersC 20 land owners are lossing >50%- <80% of the total lands, which accounts only 0 170/ of total affected land ownersD B Land owners are lossing >8O0/ of total landt holdings which accounts only C 0 7 %/ of total affected land owners

280 persons

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Annex - 9

Mejor Income Source: Frequency Distribution

SI. Primary Occupation/lncome Source Secondary Occupationtlncome SourceNo.

Road/Contract Co , X 2 O C1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 0

1 Ralaban -Kakonhat 125 33 12 26 15 1 0 1 0 02 Jhalmoliahat - Mollahpara hat 298 33 23 21 39 49 3 48 0 63 Dublia - Sreekol 68 6 38 9 10 45 0 86 0 154 Sathia 24-Mile - Azahar Afsar 72 5 31 6 1 0 56 39 5 2245 Laxmipur - Dorappur 263 3 9 5 32 4 5 20 7 26 Chatra-Mohadevpur (Kuntoban) 333 6 7 9 7 16 3 68 4 127 Kansat Ghat - Khaser Hat 87 6 16 6 6 0 0 1 1 48 Sultangani-Perirhat 91 4 59 49 26 0 0 14 0 G9 Sariakand; - Chandanbasia 285 4 2 15 23 2 0 0 0 0

10 Biroram-Khorna-Malira 1o2 1 8 10 23 0 0 0 0 011 Dhuchanchia-Tindighi-Namuia 30 2 17 1 5 11 0 10 0 012 Boalia R&H-Solonga GC 212 6 19 17 6 3 0 3 10 213 Sealcola R&H - Bohul, hat 138 19 34 11 1 7 1 24 1314 Horinathpur-Dhekuria GCM 176 5 23 9 1 1 0 d 0 315 Ohaka Archa highway-Kalatiapara GC via 17 0 5 4 10 0 0 0 0 0

_ ________n _______ ____

16 Dhaka-Archa RHD-Mugra'.anda M Pur City prot 13 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 CZmh;rk _n_hr

17 Kapasia-Monohardi 141 5 47 26 22 2 0 3 1

18 Balilek - Hariamour 89 2 44 20 20 0 0 2 1 019 Lauhaiona - Goalr Mandra Hat 9 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 2 a20 Sreenaqar - Tantar 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 021 Betka - Tonoibari 7 1 10 2 3 12 0 3 1 1022 Kanchan GC-Sarnakhali bazar Cnanpara R&H 160 1 46 11 30 0 0 0 0 0

23 Shibour-Belabo via Jaliara bazar 277 9 48 30 18 90 56 83 2 2124 Madhabdi-Kharia 149 15 72 15 3 0 0 0 0 025 Atqram - Zakiqanj 19 2 7 5 7 0 0 0 0 026 Gobindapur bazar-Atqhor-Ratgaon 52 0 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 .027 Munshi bazar-Mokam bazar via Sonatiki 150 0 7 9 5

TOTAL 3455 168 595 322 316 243 124 409 47 311LA not required

28 AnuLia -Mohangani ___ _29 Arani-Gatimpur Ferry Ghat _ _= _30 Chowaram -Kaligani GC31 GurudasDur -Dharabarisa _

32 Abadpukur hat - Kaligant hat33 Bongiur -Dobar Mohir _34 Kumargaon -Badhaghat - Shiba,bazar

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Annex- 10Selected Demographic and Other Information

Total Average Average # of HH Ave, # of HH Ave # of Income # of HH inHHs HH Members Heads Schooling of Earners NGO Prog

Si Size _____ _ HH IHeadsNo. C)C)C

_ E ~ 2 3-~E E 5Road/Contract vww.1 2 3 ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~4 5 1 6 7 8 9 Th0 it 12 13

1 Rajabari -Kakonhat 215 814 4 298 3 842 0 907 0 093 16 0 244 0 1

2 Jhalmoliahat - Mollahpara hat 421 6 264 3 285 2 979 0 924 0 076 119 0 452 3 53 Oubtia - SrCeeol 130 7 023 3 692 3 331 0 946 0 054 85 2 307 3 04 Sathia 24-MIle - Azahar Afsar 132 8 523 4 492 4 03 0 902 0 098 87 4 335 3 05 Laxmipur - Dorappur 320 7 241 3 803 3 438 0 900 0 100 52 2 584 127 26 Chatra-Mohadevpur (Kunjoban) 367 8 643 4 327 4 316 0 907 0 093 278 18 678 49 377 Kansat Ghat - Khaser Hat 120 8 792 4 267 4525 0 867 0 133 55 3 296 7 118 Sultanganj-Perirhat 215 5 428 3140 2 647 0 884 0 116 164 20 195 9 19 Sariakandi - Chandanbasia 377 6 793 3 530 3379 0 966 0 034 248 7 502 1 0

10 Ohuchanchia-Tindighi-Namuta 57 6 877 3 333 3 544 0 930 0 070 49 5 68 1 011 Birgram-Khorna-Maltra 206 6 951 3 890 3 495 0 888 0 112 160 21 243 4 112 Boalia R&H-Solonga GC 255 8 906 4 663 4 243 0 894 0106 90 4 557 1 413 Sealcola R&H - Bohuli hat 203 12 03 6 172 5 857 0 946 0 054 122 5 478 12 3814 Horinathpur-Dhekuria GCM 252 8 397 4 456 3 94 0 841 0159 54 5 268 6 815 Dhaka Aricha highway-Kalatiapara GC via 120 6 55 3 517 3 033 0 833 0 167 57 14 36 0 0

16 Dhaka-Aricha RHD-Mugrakanda M Pur Clty 16 5 438 2 875 2 563 0 875 0 125 4 0 29 0 017 Kapasia-Monohardi 246 8 232 4 488 3 744 0 943 0 057 217 12 310 0 018 Balirtek - Harrampur 185 7 313 3 731 3 581 0 913 0 088 134 9 244 8 2419 Lauhajong - Goali Mandra Hat 19 32 947 17 684 15 263 1000 0 17 0 31 0 020 Sreenagar - Tantar 32 4 844 2 405 2 438 1000 0 21 0 44 0 021 Betka - Tongibari 23 8 478 4 478 4 000 0 957 0 043 18 1 25 0 022 Kanchan GC-Sarnakhali bazar Cnanpara 278 8 981 4 389 4 592 0 975 0 025 219 4 314 5 123 Shibpur-Belabo via Jaliara bazar 392 8 492 4 304 4 189 0 972 0 028 194 4 485 2 2024 Madnabdi-Kharia 264 9 814 5 22 4595 0 981 0 019 228 4 376 1 025 Atgram - Zakiganj 40 7 075 3 475 3 600 1 0 28 0 68 0 026 Gobindapur bazar-Atghor-Ratgaon 73 6 520 3 380 3 232 0 973 0 027 61 1 129 3 027 Munshi bazar-Mokam bazar via Sonatiki 171 7 210 3 719 3585 0 977 0 023 66 1 286 1 0

TOTAL 5129 231,903 121.01 3 4951 25.1 0 2843 21 7584 4 153

LA not required _ _ _ .28 Anulia -Mohangant __i____

29 Arani-Galimpur Ferry Ghat _ _ ______

30 Chowgram -Kaliganj GC

31 Gurudaspur -Dharabarisa

32 Abadpukur hat -Kaliganj hat

33 Bongpur -Dobar Mohir

34 Kumargaon -Badhaghat -Shibarbazar

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Annex-11ANNEX-3 of (RF)

Sheet 1 of 3


_ ~~~~~~~~~Year20Yer03MAJOR TASKS Responsibility J J A S ON J F M A M J J A SO NDLAND ACQUISITION _ D J F M _ N D

Env & Soc Screening Completed LGED/DSMStakeholder Consultation Completed LGED/DSM_Engineering Designs Finalized DSMAcquisition & Locations Determined DSMLAPs Preapared OSM

LAPs Approved by Ministry MOLGRDLAPs Submitted to DCs LGEDLAPs Approved_

At District Level DLACAt Ministerial Level MOL

Notice-3 Issued DC

JIV Completed DC/LGED/DSMNotice-6 Issued DCCUL Budgets Prepared DC

LGED Local Government Engineering Department, MOLGRD Ministry of Local Government & Rural Development, DC Deputy Commissioner. DLAC District LanldAcquisition Committee, DSM Design, Supervision & Monitoring Consultants. LAP Land Acquisition Proposal, JIV Joint On-Site Inventory, CUL Compensation-Under-Law

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Sheet 2 of 3



May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Major Tasks Responsibility

LAND ACQUISITION (Contd)CUL Budgets Submitted to LGED DC

CUL Budgets Submitted to MOLGRD LGED

CUL Budgets Approved MOLGRD_

CUL Funds Placed with DCs LGED

Notice-7 Issued DC

CUL Payment Begins DC


Consultation & Information Campaign LGED/DSM


Market Price Surveys Completed LGED/DSM

Assets Valuation thru JIV Completed DC/LGED/DSM

* Compensation Budgets for Squatters Prepared LGED/DSM

* Compensation Budget for Squatters Approved LGED/MOLGRD

* Payment to Squiatters Completed LGED/DSM

LGED Local Government Engineering Department, MOLGRD Ministry of Local Govermient & Rural Development, DC Deputy Commissioner, DLAC District LandAcquisition Committee, DSM Design, Supervision & Monitoring Consultanits, LAP Lanid Acquisitiorn Proposal, JIV Joint On-Site Inventory, CUL Compensation-Under-Law

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Annex-11ANNEX-3 of (RF)

Sheet 3 of 3



Major Tasks Responsibility Jan Feb Mar Ap Ma Ju Ju Aug Sep Oct Nov Decr y n


CUL Funds Placed with DCs _IGLDNotice-7 Issued (ref. Land Acquisition) DC

CUL Payment Begins DC . _ 'Top-UP Calculation Begins LGED/DSM _ _Top-Up Budgets Approved MOLGRD _ _ _Top-Up Payment by LGED LGED/DSM _ _PAP Relocation LGED/DSM _ _Site Handover LGED/DSM

CIVIL WORKSContract Tendering and Award _tt_ _ _ _

Construction Begins

LGED Local Government Engineering Department, MOLGRD Ministry of Local Government & Rural Development, DC Deputy Commissioner, DLAC District LandAcquisition Committee, DSM Design, Supervision & Monitoring Consultants, LAP Land Acquisition Proposal, JIV Joint On-Site Inventory, CUL Compensation-Under-Law

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Annex-12ANNEX-4 of (RF)


Physical Component: (FRB, RR1, Market, Jetty, etc.). District_ Date Updated.

Contract # Date Civil Lands Dates of LAC LAC Dates of _ Dates DCs' Budget Notice-7& Code Works Reqd To DC DLAC Approval Nos Notice-3 Nohice-6 To LGED To Ministry Approve Funds Start Number

-2______ _ --- --- 6- -- = - -9 10 1 127 d 13 14 Dt

2 3 _. _ _ ___ ___ __6 ____ __ 12 _3141

Columns.1 Contract Number and Code of the component (FRB, RR1, Market, Jetty, etc), 2 If not fixed, approximate date around which civil works under the individual contracts will beginon the ground requiring the PAPs vacate the lands, 3 Total amount of private lands determined for each contract through detailed engineering designs of the improvements, 4Dates on which the Land Acquisition Cases (LAC) for the individual contracts submitted to the DCs, 5 The dates on which District Land Acquisition Committees met to review theacquisition cases, 6 Dates of approval of the individual LA cases by DLAC, or by a higher authority (e g , Land Ministry), 7 These are the numbers assigned by the DC officesand will be used as references by acquisition officials, 8 & 9 Issuance dates of the Legal Notices 3 and 6 for the individual LA cases, 10 The dates on which the DCssubmitted the Land Acquisition Budgets for the individual LA cases to LGED, 11 The dates on whiich LGED submitted the budgets to the LGRD Ministry for review and approval,12 Dates on whichi LGED placed the acquisition fundis with the DCs, 14 The dates on whiich DCs started to issue Legal Notice-7, 15 The total number of Notice-7 that willhave to be served under the iiidividual LA cases

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LInII' I E,lLYtliI

Annex-13ANNEX-5 of (RF)


Report,9g DateRoadl District LAG Land CrTotal # CU LPayment # of Compensation Cases in Followinq CateqoriesContract Number Acqrd Of EPs Full Partial Documen Court Veste Waqf Khas More More

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t d e tc1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Overall __- = = = _ = = = = = = _

Note: A road and/or contract may fall in more than one district. Performance in CUL payment is based on Districts and Land Acquisition Cases (LAC Number)


3 The Land Acquisltionl Case numbers recorded in DC offices, 4 Total arnount of lands being acquired under each LAC, 5 Total number of EPs (Persons Entitled toCompensation) as determined by the DCs, under each LAC, 6&7 DCs are sometimes seen to make part payments of the total CUL As such, CUL payments are to bedivide into Full' and Partial', 8-12 Will record the cases involving issues that may delay CUL payment 8 Number of cases lacking legal documents like mutation and otherswhichi the landowners could procure, 9 Number of cases contested in thie courts of law, 10 Number of cases identified by DCs as vested propertlies, 11 Number of waqfcases as determined by DCs. 12 Number payments due to khas or landcs that belong to any GOB departrments If thlere are more reasons for which CUL payment might bedelayed, they shiould also be added to the table

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Annex-14ANNEX-6 of (RF)


Progress As Of (Month)

Road/ Total Number & Percentage of Entitled Persons (Ps) Paid (cumulative) by DCs for

Contract District LAC No. # of Land HouselStructure Trees Amenities Others LossesEPs #ofEPs #&%of f tofEPs #&%of #of #& %of #of #&%of #of #&%of

EPs Paid EPs Paid EPs EPs Paid EPs EPs Paid EPs EPs Paid

Overall __ _ ____ = __

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Annex-15ANNEX-7 of (RF)


Progress As Of (Month)_

Contracti Total # of EPs Number & (Percentage) of EPs Paid Top-UP by LGED for Loss of

Road Foutjnd Paid Eligible Lands (All) Houses/Struct:ures Trees (All) Oth7er Losses . -

By DC By DC for TopUP Eligible Paid Eligible Paid Eligible Paid Eligible Paid

TOTAL _ __ _ _ __ __ __ ___ _ _

Annex-16ANNEX-8 of(RF)



Progress As Of (Month)Number & (Percentage) of EPs Paid bv LGED for

ContractiRoad Total No. of EPs Loss of Business Loss of Rental Loss of Wage Stamp Duty For Other LossesNo. of Eligible for HTG HCG Income Income IncomeEPs Grants _ I

TOAL ___g_e___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Annex-1 7ANNEX-9 of (RF)


Progress As Of (Mo th)Total # Number & (Percentag e) of EPs Eligible & Paid by LGED for

Contract of EPs Total # House Transfer House Construction Business Rental Wage Other& EP Groups of EPs Grant (HTG) Grant (HCG) Income Income Income _ Losses

Eligible Eligible Paid Eligible Paid Eligible Paid Eligible Paid Eligible Paid Eligible Paid1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Contarct No:SquatterShopkeeper ______ _ ________ ____=

Etc _ _ _ _ _

Contract No:Squatter_ ___Shopkeeper _ . = =

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Annex-18ANNEX-10 of(RF)


Progress as Of (Month) _ _ -

# of # of Grievances Lodged, of Grievances Reviewed, By Reasons and Affected Groups # of GrievancesCoritracU Meet- By Reasons and Affected Groups (Cumulave Cumulative) Accepted for RedressUnion ings Reasons _ Loed By_ - Reasons _ Reviewed For (Cumulative)

(cumu) 1 2 3 4 5 | 9 Legal S-R Other 2 3 4 5 9 Legal S-R Others Legat S-R OthersEPs EPs EPs EPs EPs EPs

TOTAL _ _____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ _ _ ______ __ ___ _ I

Reasons 1-5 for Five Major Reasons, and 9 for all other reasons (Name the major reasons listed under the codes)Affected Groups Legat EPs - Owners recognized by taw, S-R EPs - Socially-Recognized Owners (squatters, etc). Others - persons not identified by socioeconomic survey,or persons and community groups acting ndependenitly or on behatf of the PAPs

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Annex-19ANNEX-11 of (RF)

Sheet I ol 2


St No - Contrac # and District Dates Dates Dates Dates Land Dates Dates Dates LA Number Dates RemarksPhysical Component Screening Consultation Engineering LAPs to be LAPs Admin Proposal of LA Civil

Completed Completed Design Finalized Acquired Submitted Approval Submitted Proposal WorksCompleted for Admin Received To DCs Begin

____________ ~~~~Approval _ _ _ _ _ _

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 Rajabari -Kakonhat Ralsliahi | 282 2002 15 10 2002 119 2002 *4 12003 318 09 09 2002 17 10 2002 *-Nov 03 Due to26 2 2003 change of

2 Jhalmoliahat hat By Pass 2812 2002 13 10 2002 1 9 2002 0 652 99 2002 17 10 2002 -do3 Anulia-Mohangant 28 12 2002 14 102002 2952002 1 122002 LA not N/A NIA N/A N/A -do-

_____________ ~~equired__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4 Aram-Galimpur Ferry Ghal 28 12 2002 18 10 2002 11 9 2002 9 9 2002 LA not N/A N/A N/A N/A -do-

5 Dublia - Sreekol Pabna 28 12 2002 17 10 2002 16 9 2002 23 9 2002 2 9907 30 12 2002 172 2003 -do-

6 Sathia 24-Mile - Azahar Alsar 28 12 2002 18 10 2002 1 6 2002 002 17 10 2002 _T__20_0_ -do-7 Laxmipur- Dorappur Natore 2812 2002 20 10 2002 14 9 2002 18 9 2002 5 7642 19 9 2002 17102002 512003 -do

8 Ctiowgram-Katigant GC 28 12 2002 19 10 2002 14 9 2002 23 10 2002 LA nol N/A N/A N/A NIA -do-

Gurudaspur-Dharabarisha 2812 2002 17102002 16 9 2002 26 10 2002 LA not N/A N/A N/A N/A -do- DLACwllequired . held shorthly

10 Chalra-Mohadevpur (Kunjoban) Naogaon 28 12 2002 12 10 2002 11 9 2002 1 9 2002 3 156 99 2002 17 10 2002 14 1 2003 -do- DLACd s lheld shohy

11 Abadpukur hat-Kaliganl hat 28 12 2002 13 10 2002 14 9 2002 12 10 2002 LA not N/A N/A N/A N/A -do-_____________ ~~~~ ~~equired _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

12 KansatGhat-Khaser Hat Nawabganl 2812 2002 16-17 10 02 11 92002 *6 12003 5 907 09 09 2002 1710 2002 14 12003 -do- 'Due to26 2 2003' change

of alignment13 Bongpur-Dobar Motrr 28 12 2002 13-14 10 02 29 52002 '1 12 2002 LA not N/A N/A N/A N/A -do-

____________ _____________ ~~ ~~equired _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

14 Sullanganl-Perirhat Bogra 2812 2002 13 10 2002 15 92002 *24 2 2003 5e6725 26 2 2003 13 3 2003 -do-

15 Birgrain-Khorna-Majira 2812 2002 14 10 2002 14 12003 *24 2 2003 S 9482 26 2 2003 13 3 2003 -do-

16 Sanakandi - Chandanbasta 28 12 2002 002 191 2003 242 2002 1i 0973 2622003 1332003 -do-17 Dhuchanchia-Tindighli-Namuja _ 2812 2002 18.10 2002 16 9 2002 23 10 2002- 10 731 _ 30 122002 1722003_ ___ _ _ _do _ _

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Annex-19ANNEX-n1 o f(RF)


SI No. Contract # and District Dates Dates Dates Dates LAPs Land Dates LAPs Dates Dates LA Number Dates RemarksPhysical Component Screening Consultation Engineering Finalized to be Submitted Admin Proposal of LA Civil

Completed Completed Design Acquired for Admin Approval Submitted Proposal WorksCompleted Approval Received To OCs Beg1n

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

18 Boalia R8H-Solonga GC Siraigan, 28 12 2002 17 10 2002 17 9 2002 31 12 2002 6 05 151 2003 17 2 2003 -do-

19 Sealcofa R&H - Bohubi hat 28 12 2002 14 10 2002 17 9 2002 31 12 2002 4 97 15 1 2003 17 2 2003 -do-

20 Horinathpur-Dhekuria GCM Siraiganj 28 12 2002 20 10 2002 179 2002 4 1 2003 5 58 15 1 2003 17 2 2003 -do-

21 DhakaArichahighway-KalabaparaGCvia Dhaka 28122002 1610 2002 28 8 2002 24 2 2003 1 2678 26 2 2003 13 3 2003 -do-Vakurta bazar ._24_2_2003 _ 52 6203 1323-d

22 Dhaka-Ancha RHD-Mugrakanda M Pur 2812 2002 16 10 2002 11 9 2002 2422003 1 512 2622003 1332003 -City prot Embank Nov 03

23 Kapasia-Monohardi Gazipur 28 12 2002 1210 2002 13 10 2002 2310 2002 4 936 3012 2002 17 2 2003 Nov0324 Balirtek -Harirampur Manikgani 2812 2002 1610 2002 99 2002 612003 2 02 1512003 17 2 2003 -dO-25 Lauhajong-Goali Mandra Hat Munshiganj 28 122002 19 102002 15 9 2002 18 92002 5 656 19 9 2002 17 10 2002 20 2 2003 -do-26 Sreenagar - Tantar 2812 2002 1 810 2002 2812 2002 19 2002 0 8826 9 9 2002 1 710 2002 20 2 2003 -do-27 Betka - Tongiban 28 12 2002 20 10 2002 15 9 2002 12 10 2002 3 0605 30 12 2002 17 2 2003 -doI28 Kanchan GC-Sarnakhabi bazar Chanpara Narayangarnl 28 12 2002 17 10 2002 12 1 2003 19 92002 3 897 9 9 2002 17 10 2002

R &H ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

29 Shibpur-Belabovia Jaiaia bazar Narshingdi 28 122002 17 10 2002 510 2002 310 2002 5942 30 12 2002 17 2 2003 2 3 2003 4-do-30 Madhabdi-Kharia 28 12 2002 19 10 2002 5 10 2002 12 10 2002 5 304 30 12 2002 17 2 2003 2 3 2003 -do-31 Atgram - Zakigani Sylhet 28 12 2002 1910 2002 13 10 2002 31 12 2002 0 41 3012 2002 1722003 -32 Kumargaon-Badaghat 28 12 2002 16 10 2002 19 10 2002 LA not N/A N/A N/A N/A -do-

_____ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ _ ___ _____ ____ required _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

33 Gobindapur bazar-Atghor-Ratgaon Moulavibaza 28 12 2002 18 10 2002 30 11 2002 24 2 2003 4r5045 26 2 2003 13 3 2003 -do-

34 Munshi bazar-Mokam bazarvia Sonatiki 2812 2002 1510 2002 2611 2002 24 2 2003 16 02 26 2 2003 13 3 2003 -do-

_____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 156 3735 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 Screeing was completed in one day based on data collected 8om the field2 Consultantion took place based on preliminery Desing

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Annex-20ANNEX-12 of (RF


Date Updated

Contract t' and _Dates Dates r Dates Engg Dates LACs Land Dates LACs Dates Admin Dates LAC Number Dates Civil RemarksPhlysical District SccIenirig Consultation Designl Fiinali,ed to be Subinitted for Admin Approval Submitted of LACS Works

Component Completed Completed Completed Acquired Approval Received to DCs Begin

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