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    Android Application Development(26th 27th May, 2011)

    Held at C-DAC Knowledge Park, Bangalore

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    Report- Workshop on Android Application Development

    About the workshop

    The workshop was an initiative of C-DAC, Bangalore as a 2-day workshop on Android Applicationdevelopment, with an aim of giving detailed insight into the Open Source platform of Android, its

    architecture and its abilities for development of a wide variety of mobile applications.

    The primary focus of the workshop was on understanding the key concepts, best practices and insights of

    the Android architecture, and learning of some basic skills of Android Application development usingAndroid SDK.


    Duration of Workshop : 26th 27th May, 2011

    Timings : 09:30am 06:00pm

    Venue : CDAC Knowledge Park No.1, Old Madras Road

    Byyapanahalli, Bengaluru 560038

    Trainers : Sh. C V Ramdass, CDAC, BangloreMr. Satish Patel, Texas Instruments

    Mr. Utkarsh Mankad, CDAC, Banglore

    Mr. Parimal Naigaonkar, CDAC, BangloreMr. DSR Praveen Varma, CDAC, Hydrabad

    Materials Provided : Detailed schedule of the workshop

    A CD (with sample code, setups and slides)

    Workshop Participation Certificate (at theend of the session)

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    DAY 1 26th May, 2011

    Topic : Registration and issuing of ID Cards & goodies

    Welcome Address and Inauguration Ceremony

    Timings : 09:30am 09:45am

    Topic : Current Mobile Platform trends and Activities

    Timing : 10:00am 10:30am

    Lead Speaker: Sh. C V Ramdass

    Details :

    The session was a briefing about:

    Current technological trends in the market

    Rising no of mobiles

    Everything on mobile and tabs

    Mobile platform most popular development platform currently

    Gartner Says 428 Million Mobile Communication Devices Sold Worldwide in First

    Quarter 2011, a 19 Percent Increase Year-on-Year

    Available mobile platforms



    Java ME, etc

    Statistical data about the presence &

    popularity of various mobile platforms

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    Reason for selecting android as a platform

    36 OEMs

    215 Carriers

    450000 Android Developers

    310 devices in 112 Countries

    400000 Android devices are activated daily

    A brief history of Android

    Android, Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California, United States in October, 2003 by

    Andy Rubin

    Google acquired Android Inc. in August, 2005

    At Google, the team led by Rubin developed a mobile device platform powered by the

    Linux kernel

    On the November 5, 2007 the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of several companies

    unveiled itself

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    Topic : Porting of Android

    Timing : 10:45am 12:30pm

    Lead Speaker: Mr. Satish Patel, Texas Instruments

    Details :

    The session was regarding the porting of android over hardware. In this session the participants were

    over the following topics:

    Why is Android popular?

    Excellent GUI

    Freely available

    Faster application development

    Open Source

    Linux Kernel based

    Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)

    Game Development

    Part of Open Handset Alliance (OHA)

    Why Android is Open Source?

    Fourth vector of PARTICIPATION in:

    o Content

    o Applications

    o Capabilities

    General benefits of being open source

    o Faster Innovation

    o Better solutions

    o Faster feedback

    Why do people participate in Open Source?

    Scratch an itch

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    Fame and Glory

    Great opportunity for fresher to show their skills

    Contribution of Open Source

    Programming languages

    o PHP - Scripting language suited for the web

    o Python - General purpose programming language

    Operating systems

    o GNU Project a sufficient body of free software

    o Linuxoperating system kernelbased onUnix

    o Symbian real-time mobile operating system


    o Apache HTTP web server

    o Tomcat web server web container

    o Eclipse software development environment comprising an

    integrated development environment (IDE)

    Client software

    o Mozilla Firefox web browser

    o office suite

    Benefits of Android

    Attractive Licensing (from Apache 2.0)

    o The Android Open Source Project uses a few open source initiative

    approved open source licenses for our software.


    The preferred license for the Android Open Source Project is theApache Software License, 2.0("Apache 2.0"), and the majority of the Android software

    is licensed with Apache 2.0. While the project will strive to adhere to the preferred

    license, there may be exceptions which will be handled on a case-by-case basis. For

    example, the Linux kernel patches are under the GPLv2 license with system exceptions,

    which can be found

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    Open Source Licenses

    o GPL -Linux Kernel and modules, bluez

    o BSD -Bionic

    o Apache -almost everything else

    Closed source Components

    o HTC RIL (radio interface) library and data files(this is glue between

    the telephony layer in android and the AT/QMI control channels provided via GPL

    kernel drivers)

    o - Qualcomm/ati opengl ES library

    o camera library

    o akmd-software to process and adjust compass/accelerometer events

    o Qualcomm h264 codec front end (does some processing the DSP

    cannot do)

    o Front end HW accel codec

    o "Google apps" -Maps, Gmail, etc.

    Open Source

    Large Ecosystems

    Committed roadmap

    Unlimited documentation

    Basic features of Android

    Application frameworkenabling reuse and replacement of components

    Dalvik virtual machine optimized for mobile devices

    Integrated browser based on the open sourceWebKit engine

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    Optimized graphics powered by a custom 2D graphics library; 3D graphics based on the

    OpenGL ES 1.0 specification (hardware acceleration optional)

    SQLite for structured data storage

    Media support for common audio, video, and still image formats (MPEG4, H.264, MP3,


    GSM Telephony (hardware dependent)

    Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and WiFi (hardware dependent)

    Camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer (hardware dependent)

    Rich development environment including a device emulator, tools for debugging,

    memory and performance profiling, and a plugin for the Eclipse IDE

    How Android is different from Linux?


    Android is an open source mobile device operating system developed by Google based on theLinux 2.6 kernel. The Linux kernel was chosen due to its proven driver model, existing drivers,

    memory and process management, networking support along with other core operating system

    services. In addition to the Linux kernel various libraries were added to the platform in order tosupport higher functionality. Many of these libraries originate from open source projects; however

    the Android team created their own C library, for example, in order to resolve licensing conflicts.

    They also developed their own Java runtime engine, optimized for the limited resources available

    on a mobile platform called the "Dalvik Virtual Machine." Lastly, the application framework wascreated in order to provide the system libraries in a concise manner to the end-user applications.

    Target Architecture

    The Linux kernel supports many different target architectures. However only two are fully

    supported by Android at this time: x86 and ARM. The x86 architecture for Android is mainly

    targeted mainly at Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) whereas the ARM platform is prevalent on

    mobile phones. These architectures are typically used for very different computer systems. Thex86 platform is used for general purpose desktop/laptop/server computing whereas ARM is widely

    in use on mobile devices.

    Kernel Modifications

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    Android is based on the Linux, but does not use a standard Linux kernel. The kernel enhancements

    of Android include alarm driver, ashmem (Android shared memory driver), binder driver(Inter-Process Communication Interface), power management, low memory killer, kernel debugger and

    logger. All these kernel enhancements have been contributed back to the open source community

    under the GNU Public License (GPL). Here is a summary of the most substantial components:

    alarm driver: provides timers to wake devices up from sleep

    ashmem: allows applications to share memory and manages the sharingin kernel levels.

    binder driver: facilitates inter-process communication since data can be

    shared by multiple applications through the use of shared memory. A service registered as

    an IPC service do not have to worry about different threads because binder will handle,

    monitor and manage them. Binder also takes care of synchronization between processes.

    power management: built on the top on standard Linux Power

    Management (PM) and take a more aggressive policy to manage and save power.

    BIONIC: Standard C Library

    On most Linux distributions the GNU C library is used to provide the library routines specified bythe ISO C standard for C language programs. Many developers view the GNU C library as being

    inappropriate for memory constrained platforms such as embedded systems. Furthermore, this

    library is licensed under the GNU Lesser Public License (LGPL) and therefore restricts licensingof derivative works. These concerns led the developers of Android to instead create their own C

    library called "Bionic". This library was designed to have fast execution paths, avoid edge cases

    and remain a simple implementation. It is composed partly from the BSD C library combined withAndroid original source code. This results in a combination of the BSD and Android licenses

    covering the entire library.

    Dalvik Virtual Machine

    Many of the top cell phone manufacturers such as Nokia, Motorola and Samsung include a mobile

    optimized version of the Java virtual machine called Java 2, Micro Edition (J2ME). In contrast to

    these vendors Android uses their own Dalvik Virtual Machine. This development process isidentical to the developer as a standard Java platform. Application developers write their program

    in Java and compile java class files. However, instead of the class files being run on a J2ME

    virtual machine, the code is translated after compilation into a "Dex file" that can be run on theDalvik machine. A tool called dx will convert and repack the class files in a Java .jar file into a

    single dex file with several shared constant pools. This is used to reduce the duplicated arguments

    and make the dex file more compact. The virtual machine itself is optimized to perform well on

    mobile devices with a slow CPU, limited memory, no operating system swap space and mostimportantly limited battery power. These constraints can be quite tight. The Dalvik VM is

    optimized for low memory compared to other standard VMs due to the following changes:

    The VM was slimmed down to use less space.

    Dalvik has no just-in-time compiler

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    The constant pool has been modified to use only 32-bit indexes to

    simplify the interpreter.

    It uses its own bytecode, not Java bytecode.

    File System

    Android uses the YAFFS flash file system, the first NAND optimized Linux flash file system. Formobile devices, hard disks are too large in size, too fragile and consume too much power to be

    useful. In contrast, flash memory provides fast read access time and better kinetic shock resistancethan hard disks. There are fundamentally two different types of flash memory based on their

    construction technique: NOR and NAND. NOR is low density, offers slow writes and fast reads.

    NAND is low cost, high density and offers fast writes and slow reads. Embedded systems areincreasingly using NAND flash for storage and NOR for code and execution.

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    Comparison with other file system

    YAFFS (flash file system) and Ext3 (disk file system) have fundamental differences with eachother, since the design principles of these two file system are based on the physical differences

    of each storage media. These differences can be summarized as follows:

    File accessibility: disk file systems are optimized to avoid disk seeks whenever possibledue to high seeking cost; flash memory devices have no seek latency and can randomly access


    Block erasing: it is easy to erase a file on a disk; for flash devices it is quite timeconsuming therefore it should be done while the device is idle.

    Wear leveling techniques: only flash file systems have to deal with limited lifetime.

    Power Management

    Android has its own Linux power extension, PowerManager. The core power was added to the

    Linux kernel in order to facilitate this functionality. This module provides low level drivers inorder to control the peripherals supported by the Power Manager. These peripherals currently

    include: screen display and backlight, keyboard backlight and button backlight. Each peripheral's

    power is controlled through the use ofWakeLocks. These locks are requested through the APIwhenever an application requires one of the managed peripherals to remain powered on. If no

    wake lock exists which "locks" the device, then it is powered off to conserve battery life. In the

    case of multiple power settings the transition is managed through the use of delays based on

    system activity. In addition to WakeLocks the PowerManager also monitors the battery life andstatus of the device. This service coordinates with the power circuitry charging in the battery and

    also powers down the system when the battery reaches a critical threshold.

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    Topic : Android Internals

    Timing : 12:30pm 01:30pm

    Lead Speaker: Mr. Parimal Naigaonkar

    Details :

    The session was the briefing of following topics:

    Android Architecture

    Android Internals

    Android is based on the Linux kernel

    Android is not Linux

    No native windowing system

    No glibc

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    Does not include full set of standard linux utilities

    Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as

    security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model

    The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and

    the rest of the software stack.

    It comes up with several patch for kernel enhancement to support


    Hardware support

    Bluetooth BlueZ through D-BUS IPC (to avoid GPL contamination it



    Display-Std framebuffer driver (/dev/fb0)








    Keymaps and Keyboards Std input event (/dev/event0)

    Audio-Manufacturer-provided use ALSA underneath

    Camera-Manufacturer-provided use V4L2 kernel

    driver underneath ...

    Power Management-Wakelocks kernel patch



    Magnetic Field




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    Radio Layer Interface-Manufacturer-provided libril--


    Wifi wpa_supplicant

    Directory tree of android

    Why kernel for android?

    Great memory and process management

    Great permissions based security model

    Proven driver model

    Support for shared libraries

    Its already open source

    Further modifications

    Low memory killer Kernel debugger


    Android debug bridge (ADB)

    Hardware specific driver

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    Kernel Enhancements:


    Driver to facilitate inter-process communication

    High performance through shared memory

    Per-process thread pool for processing requests

    Reference counting and mapping of object references across processes

    Synchronous calls between processes.

    Power management

    Built on top of standard Linux power management

    More aggressive power manager

    Components make requests to keep power via wake locks

    Supports different types of wake locks


    Android Security Model

    Each Android application runs inside its own Linux Process. Additionally, each

    Application has its own sandbox file system with its own set of preferences and its own database.

    Other applications cannot access any of its data, unless it is explicitly shared.

    Layer Interaction

    App -> Runtime Service -> Lib

    App -> Runtime Service -> Native Service -> Lib

    App -> Runtime Service -> Native Daemon -> Lib

    It will depend on the type of app and type of native library which method works best.

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    Topic : Hello Android

    Timing : 02:15pm 03:45pm

    Lead Speaker: Mr. Utkarsh Mankad

    Details :

    The session was the briefing of following topics:

    Setting up of Android Application Development Environment

    Basic System requirements

    Supported Operating Systems

    Windows XP (32-bit), Vista (32-or 64-bit), or Windows 7 (32-or 64-bit)

    Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later (x86 only)

    Linux (tested on Ubuntu Linux, Lucid Lynx)

    Supported Development Environments

    Eclipse IDE

    JDK 5 or JDK 6 (JRE alone is not sufficient)

    Android Development Tools plug-in(recommended)

    Not compatible with Gnu Compiler for Java (gcj)

    Other development environments or IDEs

    Apache Ant 1.8 or later

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    Installing ADT Plug-in on Eclipse IDE

    Open the Eclipse IDE, click on the tab "Workbench", this will take we to the work bench.

    Go to Help -> Install New Software

    Now in the work with tab, click on Add button, and then follow the instructions given in

    the ADT (Android Development Tool) installation link -The ADT URL is -follow the

    instructions in the installation. Then click on next, and then let the installation finish.

    Once theIDEhas restarted, go to Window -> Preferences. Then click on the "Android"

    tab on the screen coming on the left hand side

    Then, again go to Windows -> Android Device and AVD manager, then click on

    Available packages tab, in the list coming on the left hand side of the screen, in the main

    window, a list of currently available Android version and other extensions for application

    development will be shown

    Setting up Android Virtual Device (AVD)

    An AndroidVirtualDevice (AVD) is an emulator configuration that lets us model an actual

    device by defining hardware and software options to be emulated by the Android Emulator

    o Features of AVD

    A hardware profile: Defines the hardware features of the virtual

    device. For example, we can define whether the device has a camera, whether it uses a

    physical QWERTY keyboard or a dialing pad, how much memory it has,

    A mapping to a system image: we can define what version of the

    Android platform will run on the virtual device.

    Other options: we can specify the emulator skin we want to use

    with theAVD, which lets we control the screen dimensions, appearance, and so on. We

    can also specify the emulated SD card to use with theAVD.

    A dedicated storage area on our development machine: the

    device's user data (installed applications, settings, and so on) and emulated SD card are

    stored in this area.

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    o What can we do with AVD

    Emulate SD card

    Emulate GPS, accelerometer, camera, video recorder etc

    Run internet

    Load applications inside the emulated SD card.

    Enter real time data

    Use QWERTY key board

    Multiple language support.

    Use native emulator apps like google maps etc. Perform real time debugging

    Customize settings and themes.

    Debugging android applications

    The main components that comprise a typical Android debugging environment are:

    Adb - adb acts as a middleman between a device and our development system. It provides

    various device management capabilities, including moving and syncing files to the emulator,

    running a UNIX shell on the device or emulator, and providing a general means to

    communicate with connected emulators and devices.

    Dalvik Debug Monitor Server - DDMS is a graphical program that communicates with

    our devices through adb.DDMScan capture screenshots, gather thread and stack information,

    spoof incoming calls and SMS messages, and has many other features. Device or Android

    Virtual Device our application must run in a device or in anAVD so that it can be debugged.

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    o Android Debugger Bridge (ADB)

    Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile tool lets us manage the state of an emulator

    instance or Android-powered device. It is a client-server program that includes three


    A client, which runs on our development machine. We can invoke a

    client from a shell by issuing an adb command. Other Android tools such as theADT

    plug-in andDDMSalso create adb clients.

    A server, which runs as a background process on our development

    machine. The server manages communication between the client and the adb daemon

    running on an emulator or device.

    A daemon, which runs as a background process on each emulator or

    device instance.

    o Dalvik Debugger Monitor Server (DDMS)

    Android ships with a debugging tool called the DalvikDebug Monitor Server (DDMS),

    which provides port-forwarding services, screen capture on the device, thread and heap

    information on the device, logcat, process, and radio state information, incoming call and

    SMS spoofing, location data spoofing, and more.

    Viewing heap usage for a process

    DDMSallows us to view how much heap memory a process is using. This information is

    useful in tracking heap usage at a certain point of time during the execution of our

    application. To view heap usage for a process:

    In the Devices tab, select the process that we want to see the heap

    information for.

    Click the Update Heap button to enable heap information for the


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    In the Heap tab, click Cause GC to invoke garbage collection,

    which enables the collection of heap data. When the operation completes, we will see a

    group of object types and the memory that has been allocated for each type. We can

    clickCause GC again to refresh the data.

    Click on an object type in the list to see a bar graph that shows the

    number of objects allocated for a particular memory size in bytes.

    Tracking memory allocation of objects

    DDMSprovides a feature to track objects that are being allocated to memory and to see

    which classes and threads are allocating the objects. This allows us to track, in real time,

    where objects are being allocated when we perform certain actions in our application.

    To track memory allocation of objects:

    In the Devices tab, select the process that we want to enable

    allocation tracking for.

    In the Allocation Tracker tab, click the Start Tracking button to

    begin allocation tracking. At this point, anything we do in our application will be


    Click Get Allocations to see a list of objects that have been allocated

    since we clicked on the Start Tracking button. we can click on Get Allocations again to

    append to the list new objects that that have been allocated.

    To stop tracking or to clear the data and start over, click the Stop

    Tracking button.

    Click on a specific row in the list to see more detailed information

    such as the method and line number of the code that allocated the object.

    Working with an emulator or device's file system

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    DDMSprovides a File Explorer tab that allows us to view, copy, and delete files on the

    device. This feature is useful in examining files that are created by our application or if we

    want to transfer files to and from the device. To work with an emulator or device's file


    In the Devices tab, select the emulator that we want to view the file

    system for.

    To copy a file from the device, locate the file in the File Explorer

    and click the Pull file button.

    To copy a file to the device, click the Push file button on the File

    Explorer tab.

    Examining thread information

    The Threads tab inDDMSshows we the currently running threads for a selected process.

    In the Devices tab, select the process that we want to examine the threads for.

    Click the Update Threads button.

    In the Threads tab, we can view the thread information for the selected process.

    Starting method profiling

    Method profiling is a means to track certain metrics about a method, such as number of

    calls, execution time, and time spent executing the method. Before we start method

    profiling inDDMS, be aware of the following restrictions:

    To start method profiling:

    On the Devices tab, select the process that we want to enable method

    profiling for.

    Click the Start Method Profiling button.

    Interact with our application to start the methods that we want to


    Click the Stop Method Profiling button.DDMSstops profiling our

    application and opens Trace view with the method profiling information that was

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    collected between the time we clicked on Start Method Profiling and Stop Method


    Using LogCat

    LogCatis integrated intoDDMS, and outputs the messages that we print out using the Log

    class along with other system messages such as stack traces when exceptions are thrown.

    When we have set up our logging, we can use theLogCatfeature of DDMS to filter certain

    messages with the following buttons:






    We can also setup our own custom filter to specify more details such as filtering messages

    with the log tags or with the process id that generated the log message. The add filter, edit

    filter, and delete filter buttons let we manage our custom filters.

    Changing network state, speed, and latency

    Voice -unregistered, home, roaming, searching, denied

    Data -unregistered, home, roaming, searching, denied


    Latency -GPRS, EDGE, UMTS

    Spoofing calls or SMS text messages

    Voice -Enter a number in the Incoming number field and click Call to send a simulated call

    to the emulator or phone. Click the Hang up button to terminate the call.

    SMS -Enter a number in the Incoming number field and a message in the Message: field

    and click the Send button to send the message.

    Setting the location of the phone

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    Manual -set the location by manually specifying decimal or sexagesimal longitude and

    latitude values.

    GPX -GPS eXchange file

    KML -Keyhole Markup Language file

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    Hello Android Application

    Create a new project by file -> New Project -> Android Project.

    Enter the details

    o Project Name HelloWorldBuild

    o TargetAndroid 2.2 (API 8)

    o Application NameHello Android

    o Package name

    o Activity name HelloWorldActivity

    Click on finish, and wait for the project to be created.

    Then build your project.

    Then click on the play icon in the taskbar on the top, or right click on the project folder in

    the workspace, and then select android application

    Select the AVD corresponding to the build target, and then wait for the emulator to load.

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    Topic : Activities

    Timing : 04:00pm 06:00pm

    Lead Speaker: Mr. Utkarsh Mankad

    Details :

    The session was the briefing of following topics:

    File Structure of Android project

    src - an assets folder

    Thissrc folder, contains the actual source code

    res and assets folder

    TheResource aka res folder, contains all the resource files

    which are divided into generally 5 folders

    drawable hdpi

    drawable ldpi drawable mdpi



    Apart from all other files are added to the assets folder like java projects.

    The gen folder

    Thegen folder contains the This file is auto generated

    R.Java contains set of unique precompiled IDs assigned to every resource in the res folder.

    The file

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    This file generally contains the information regarding the version of Android used to make the

    application. But, in order to specify or change the build environment or parameters well modify

    this file.

    Android Manifest File

    The manifest lets you define the structure and metadata of your application, its components, and its


    Activity tag To describe any new activity in the application

    Application, intent-filter tag

    Android Permissions (uses-application tag) - The Android permissions are the set of

    hardware/software permissions to be taken by the current application.

    Android Activity

    An Activity is an application component that provides a screen with which users can interact in order to

    do something, such as dial the phone, take a photo, send an email, or view a map.

    The very first step in developing an Android application is making an Activity. Your application must

    have at least one Activity.

    Importance of an Activity

    An activity is a single, focused thing that the user can do. Almost all activities interact with the

    user, so the Activity class takes care of creating a window for you in which you can place your UI.

    Creating an Activity

    To create an activity, you must create a subclass of Activity (or an existing subclass of it). In your

    subclass, you need to implement the most important callback methods are:


    The system calls this when creating your activity.

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    Most importantly, this is where you must call setContentView() to define the layout for the

    activity's user interface.


    This is usually where we should commit any changes that should be persisted beyond the currentuser session (because the user might not come back).

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    Activity Lifecycle

    The entire lifetime of an activity happens

    between the call to onCreate() and the call

    to onDestroy(). Your activity should

    perform setup of "global" state (such as

    defining layout) in onCreate(), and release

    all remaining resources in onDestroy().

    For example, if your activity has a thread

    running in the background to download

    data from the network, it might create that

    thread in onCreate() and then stop the

    thread in onDestroy().

    The visible lifetime of an activity happens

    between the call to onStart() and the call

    to onStop(). During this time, the user can

    see the activity on-screen and interact with

    it. For example, onStop() is called when a

    new activity starts and this one is no

    longer visible. Between these two methods, you can maintain resources that are needed to show the

    activity to the user. For example, you can register a BroadcastReceiver in onStart() to monitor changes

    that impact your UI, and unregister it in onStop() when the user can no longer see what you are displaying.

    The system might call onStart() and onStop() multiple times during the entire lifetime of the activity, as

    the activity alternates between being visible and hidden to the user.

    The foreground lifetime of an activity happens between the call to onResume() and the call to onPause().

    During this time, the activity is in front of all other activities on screen and has user input focus. An

    activity can frequently transition in and out of the foregroundfor example, onPause() is called when the

    device goes to sleep or when a dialog appears. Because this state can transition often, the code in these

    two methods should be fairly lightweight in order to avoid slow transitions that make the user wait.

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    DAY 2 27th May, 2011

    Topic : Basic UI Elements in Android and Event Handling

    Timing : 09:00am 11:30am

    Lead Speaker: Mr. DSR Praveen Varma

    Details :

    The session was a briefing about:

    Basic UI Elements

    UI Widgets

    o TextView

    o EditText

    o CheckBox

    o RadioGroup etc


    o Frame Layout

    o Linear Layout

    o Relative Layout

    o Tabular Layout

    o Absolute Layout

    The Web View and the Web Kit Browser

    The Android browser is based on WebKit, the same engine that powers Apple's Safari Web


    Android uses the WebView widget to host browsers pages

    Applications using the WebView component must requestINTERNETpermission.

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    Creating Menus

    Creating menu resource requires creating an XML file inside the project's res/menu/ directory and

    build the menu with the following elements:

    Defines a Menu, which is a container for menu items. A element must be the root node

    for the file and can hold one or more and elements.

    Creates a MenuItem, which represents a single item in a menu. This element may contain a nested

    element in order to create a submenu.

    An optional, invisible container for elements. It allows you to categorize menu items so

    they share properties such as active state and visibility

    Inflating Menus

    From the application code, inflate a menu resource (convert the XML resource into a

    programmable object) using MenuInflater.inflate() during the onCreateOptionsMenu() callback


    Responding to user actions

    When the user selects a menu item from the Options Menu, the system calls your activity's

    onOptionsItemSelected() method.

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    A dialog is usually a small window that appears in front of the current Activity.

    The underlying Activity loses focus and the dialog accepts all user interaction.

    Dialogs are normally used for notifications that should interrupt the user and to perform

    short tasks that directly relate to the application in progress (such as a progress bar or a login


    Types of Dialog

    Alert Dialog

    A dialog that can manage zero, one, two, or three buttons, and/or a list of selectable items that

    can include checkboxes or radio buttons. The AlertDialog is capable of constructing most

    dialog user interfaces and is the suggested dialog type.

    Progress Dialog

    A dialog that displays a progress wheel or progress bar. Because it's an extension of the

    AlertDialog, it also supports buttons.

    Creating and dismissing Dialog

    Creating a Dialog

    o onCreateDialog(int)

    To change any properties of the dialog each time it is opened

    o onPrepareDialog(int, Dialog)

    Showing a Dialog

    o showDialog(int)

    Closing a Dialog

    o dismiss()

    o dismissDialog(int)

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    A toast notification is a message that pops up on the surface of the window.

    It only fills the amount of space required for the message and the user's

    current activity remains visible and interactive.

    The notification automatically fades in and out, and does not accept

    interaction events.

    A toast can be created and displayed from an Activity or Service. If a toast

    notification is created from a Service, it appears in front of the Activity currently in focus.

    Using resources

    General project structure

    o Resource directories supported

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    Configuration Qualifiers

    One can specify multiple qualifiers for a single set of resources, separated

    by dashes.

    o drawable-en-rUS-land/

    The qualifiers must be in the order listed in Configuration qualifier table.

    o Wrong: drawable-hdpi-port/

    o Correct: drawable-port-hdpi/

    Values are case-insensitive.

    Only one value for each qualifier type is supported.

    R Class

    All resource IDs are defined in the project's R class, which the aapt tool automatically


    A resource ID is composed of:

    The resource type: Each resource is grouped into a "type," such as string,

    drawable or layout.

    The resource name, which is either: the filename, excluding the extension;

    or the value in XML android:name attribute.

    Accessing resources

    In Code:

    o Using a static integer from a sub-class of R class.

    In XML:

    o Using @/ access the resource form R class.

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    Topic : Intents, Services and Broadcast receivers, Databases and Content providers

    Timing : 11:20am 01:30pm

    Lead Speaker: Mr. Utkarsh Mankad

    Details :

    The session was a briefing about:


    Intent in Android Intents are used as a message-passing mechanism that works both within

    application, and between applications. Intents in Android are used to fulfill the intentions to

    An Activity or Service be started to perform an action, usually with (or on) a

    particular piece of data

    Broadcast that an event (or action) has occurred

    Explicitly start a particular Service or Activity

    Types of Intents

    Explicit Where the Activity or the Service class to be loaded is

    explicitly defined

    Implicit Where an action be performed on a piece of data is requested

    Intent Filters

    Intent Filters are used to register Activities, Services, and Broadcast Receivers as being capable of

    performing an action on a particular kind of data. Using Intent Filters, application components

    announce that they can respond to action requests from any application installed on the device.

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    Android Notifications

    Notification message is shown on the top of the screen, to alert users that events have occurred that

    may require attention. The NotificationManager class is responsible for handling the Notifications-Its

    capability are:

    Create new status bar icons

    Display additional information (and launch an Intent) in the extended status barwindow

    Flash the lights/LEDs

    Vibrate the phone

    Sound audible alerts (ringtones, Media Store audio)

    Android Service

    A Service is an application component that can perform long-running operations in the background

    and does not provide a user interface. Additionally, a component can bind to a service to interact with

    it and even perform Interprocess Communication (IPC).

    Importance and use

    A facility for the application to tell the system about something it wants to be doing in the

    background (even when the user is not directly interacting with the application).

    Creating a service

    Create a class that extends the Serviceclass

    Add this new Service to the manifest by adding a new service tag within

    the application node. Override the onStartCommandand onCreate. Set the return type of the

    onStartCommandmethod from one of these to set the service behavior



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    To start a Service, call startService; we can either use an action to

    implicitly start a Service with the appropriate Intent Receiver registered, or we can

    explicitly specify the Service using its class. If the Service requires permissions that our

    application does not have, the call tostartService will throw a SecurityException.

    To stop a Service use stopService, passing an Intent that defines the

    Service to stop.

    Service Life Cycle

    Mode 1 - Context.startService()

    If someone calls Context.startService() then the system will retrieve the

    service (creating it and calling its onCreate() method if needed) and then call its

    onStartCommand(Intent, int, int) method with the arguments supplied by the client.

    The service will at this point continue running until

    Context.stopService() orstopSelf() is called.

    Mode 2 - Context.bindService()

    On calling Context.bindService() to obtain a persistent connection to a

    service creates the service if it is not already running (calling onCreate() while doing so),

    but does not call onStartCommand().

    The client will receive theIBinderobjectthat the service returns from its

    onBind(Intent) method, allowing the client to then make calls back to the service. The

    service will remain running as long as the connection is established (whether or not the

    client retains a reference on the service'sIbinder

    Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)

    It allows us to define the programming interface that both the client and service agree upon in order to

    communicate with each other using Interprocess Communication (IPC).When you build each

    application that contains the .aidlfile, the Android SDK tools generate an IBinderinterface based on

    the .aidl file and save it in the project's gen/ directory. The service must implement the

    IBinderinterface as appropriate. To create a bounded service usingAIDL, follow these steps:

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    Create the .aidlfile This file defines the programming interface with method


    Implement the interface The Android SDK tools generate an interface in the

    Java programming language, based on our .aidlfile. This interface has an inner abstract class

    named Stub that extends Binder and implements methods from our AIDL interface. We must

    extend the Stub class and implement the methods.

    Expose the interface to clients Implement a Service and override onBind() to

    return our implementation of the Stub class.

    Broadcast Recievers

    A broadcast receiver is a class which extends BroadcastReceiver class and which is registered as a

    receiver in an Android Application via the AndroidManifest.xml(or via code). This class will be able to

    receive intents via thesendBroadcast() method.

    Broadcast receiver is a component that responds to system-wide broadcast announcements.

    Broadcast receivers are implemented in order to monitor and respond any changes in the intents which are

    registered with it.

    SQLite Databases

    Android provides full support forSQLite databases. Any databases we create will be accessible by name

    to any class in the application, but not outside the application.

    To create a new SQLite database is to create a subclass ofSQLiteOpenHelperand override the onCreate()

    method, in which we can execute a SQLite command to create tables in the database.

    getWritableDatabase() and getReadableDatabase() - to write and read from database. Their return type

    is SQLiteDatabase class that provides methods for database operations.

    SQLiteDatabasequery() methods to execute queries, these methods takes various parameters, for

    various quires.

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    Cursor - It is the return type of any SQLite query and the mechanism with which we can navigate results

    from a database query and read rows and columns.

    Content Providers

    Content providers are interfaces to store and retrieve data and make it accessible to all applications.

    They're the only way to share data across applications

    Using content providers

    We should expose a public static CONTENT_URIproperty that returns the full URI of this

    provider. We will use the URI matcher for this.

    Then expose queries and transactions on ourContentProviderby implementing the delete, insert,

    update, and query methods.

    Using content resolvers

    The ContentResolver is the interface that is used to obtain the underlying data using its various

    abstract methods.

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    Topic : GPS Capabilities

    Timing : 02:15pm 03:30pm

    Lead Speaker: Mr. DSR Praveen Varma

    Details :

    The session was all about using android.location package and Google maps external library. Following

    topics were covered in the session:

    Location Services

    The central component of location framework is the LocationManager system service,

    which provides APIs to determine location and bearing of the underlying device.

    Request an instance of LocationManager from the system by calling


    Once the application has aLocationManager, it can do three things:

    Query for the list of allLocationProviders for the last known user location.

    Register/unregister for periodic updates of the user's current location from a

    location provider (specified either by criteria or name).

    Register/unregister for a given Intent to be fired if the device comes within a

    given proximity (specified by radius in meters) of a given lat/long.

    Requesting user permissions

    To receive location updates from NETWORK_PROVIDER


    To receive location updates from GPS_PROVIDER


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    Finding Providers Based on Requirement

    Accuracy (fine or coarse)

    Power use (low, medium, high)


    To return values for altitude, speed and bearing


    If more than oneLocationProvidermatch the criteria, one with the greatest accuracy is returned.

    If no Location Providers meet the requirements, criteria are loosened in the following order until a

    provider is found:

    Power use


    Ability to return bearing, speed, and altitude

    Using the Geocoder

    Geocoding lets you translate between street addresses and longitude/latitude

    map coordinates

    The Geocoder class provides access to following geocoding functions:

    Forward Geocoding Finds the latitude and longitude of an address.

    Reverse Geocoding Finds the street address for a given latitude and longitude

    Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(getApplicationContext(),Locale.getDefault());

    Creating Map-Based Activities MapView is the actual view of map(control).

    MapActivity is the base class extended to create a new Activity that can include

    a MapView.

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    Overlay is the class used to annotate maps. Using Overlays, a Canvas can be

    drawn onto any number of layers that are displayed on top of a Map View.

    MapController is used to control the map, allowing to set the center location

    and zoom levels.

    Configuring and Using Map Views

    The MapView class is a View that displays the actual map; it includes several

    options for deciding how the map is displayed.

    The type of map can be chosen as follows

    o mapView.setSatellite(true);

    o mapView.setStreetView(true);

    o mapView.setTraffic(true);

    Display the standard map zoom controls

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    Topic : Android Native Development

    Timing : 03:30pm 04:30pm

    Lead Speaker: Mr. Parimal Naigaonkar

    Details :

    The session was about learning how to use Native Programming in android applications. Following topics

    were covered:

    Java Native Interface (JNI)

    JNI defines naming and coding convention so that Java VM can find and call native code. JNI is built intoJVM to provide access to OS I/O and others.

    The following examples illustrate when you need to use Java native methods:

    The standard Java class library does not support the platform-dependent features

    needed by the application.

    You already have a library written in another language, and wish to make it

    accessible to Java code through the JNI.

    You want to implement a small portion of time-critical code in a lower-level

    language such as assembly.

    By programming through the JNI, you can use native methods to:

    Create, inspect, and update Java objects (including arrays and strings).

    Call Java methods.

    Catch and throw exceptions.

    Load classes and obtain class information.

    Perform runtime type checking.

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    Native Development Kit (NDK)

    Whats in NDK

    Tools to build and compile your native code for the device architecture (such as ARM)

    A set of native system headers that will be supported for the future releases of Android

    platform (libc, libm, libz,liblog, JNI headers, some C++ headers, and OpenGL)

    A way to package your library into the APK file so you can distribute your application easily

    (some) documentation, sample code and examples

    It provides a set of system headers for stable native APIs that are guaranteed to be supported in

    all later releases of the platform:

    libc(C library) headers

    libm(math library) headers

    JNI interface headers

    libz(Zlibcompression) headers

    liblog(Android logging) header

    OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0 (3D graphics libraries) headers

    libjnigraphics(Pixel buffer access) header (for Android 2.2 and above).

    A Minimal set of headers for C++ support

    OpenSLES native audio libraries

    Android native application APIS

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    Why NDK?

    NDK allows you to develop parts of your Android application in C/C++. You cannot develop

    native-only apps in NDKyour app is still subject to security sandboxing. Main motivation for

    native code is performance.

    Using NDK

    The Android framework provides two ways to use native code:

    Write your application using the Android framework and use JNI to access the APIs

    provided by the Android NDK. This technique allows you to take advantage of the

    convenience of the Android framework, but still allows you to write native code when

    necessary. You can install applications that use native code through the JNI on devices that run

    Android 1.5 or later.

    Write a native activity, which allows you to implement the lifecycle callbacks in native

    code. The Android SDK provides the Native Activity class, which is a convenience class that

    notifies your native code of any activity lifecycle callbacks (onCreate(), onPause(),

    onResume(), etc). You can implement the callbacks in your native code to handle these events

    when they occur. Applications that use native activities must be run on Android 2.3 (API Level

    9) or later. You cannot access features such as Services and Content Providers natively, so if

    you want to use them or any other framework API, you can still write JNI code to do so.