Download - Work mag.

Page 1: Work mag.

Main image

SkylineAttracts the eye.

The left third

Cover lines

Lead article

Pull quote


shows the most important information which is going to be in the magazine for the reader. This is because on a shelf the first thing that we see is the left third.

This is very big to attract the eye. Also, the writing seems to be cracked or smashed as if someone punched it this connotes that the audience is aggressive and very

upfront. The main person is looking and smiling at us which connotes he is friendly and inviting us into his personal life. He also seems to want everyone to know the he is very manly because of his tattoos, posture and hat but he is cooking so it shows his feminine side as well.

The pull quote is very strange and ‘outside the box’. This connotes the audience is a little weird and is not interested in the straight forward type of band. Also the audience are less interested in this band because its not in the left third.

This shows clearly that the audience is very fascinated by different types of bands.

The fact that its ‘exclusive’ and ‘at home with Corey Taylor’ are with the same text makes it as if it was a whole sentences. Also ‘exclusive’ connotes that no one else will have it and it makes the audience feel special in a way. ‘At home with Corey Taylor’ shows that he is welcoming the audience into his home and his world. Stonesour is a band but the fact that they only put one member shows that he is the one that the target audience are going to be most interested in. On the front cover they have connected all the colours together because they only have 4 main colours. This is shown because there is yellow, green, black and white that stand out the most.

Page 2: Work mag.

Pull quote

Strap line

Lead image

The image seems to go nicely with the pull quote because all time low are obviously going to come out with a new album and its going to be a surprise and new. The image shows them experimenting and it connotes that they plotting for a new look.

The pull quote shows that all time low are making a change in their music and experimenting. Also the audience is going to be interested and want to know more.

The word “special” connotes that the new all time low are going to be unique and better. This makes the reader take an interest because they are eager to find out how they are going to change. The word ‘concoct’ connotes that they are mixing and experimenting something new.

Drop cap

Attracts the eye and connects with the pull quote.

3 column double page spread and its flashed left

Page 3: Work mag.

Main image

The main image seems to make it clear that this magazine is aimed at teenagers and the fact that they want to have fun and go to concerts. The picture also connotes that the audience are a little crazy but friendly.


The font seems to be the same as the magazine title but with a slight change. The colour makes it stand out and the font seems quite large.

Use of colour

The use of colour seems plain because they wanted to put the main focus on the pictures. They only put 3 main colours: white, black and yellow to connect with the whole page.

Contents page

The contents page needs to help the reader navigate the magazine. The priority needs to be clarity.

The contents page is attractive to appeal to the target audience.

The page numbers seem to be clearly laid out. By line

Picture by line

Tone and Register appeals to the target audience.

Page 4: Work mag.

Mast head

This is very big to attract the eye. Also, the writing seems to be cracked or smashed as if someone punched it this connotes that the audience is aggressive and very upfront.

Pull quote

The quote is very aggressive and straight forward but the thing that is going to interest the reader is why is it personal and what is it. These questions are going through the readers mind so they are going to want to read it and know why.

Left third

The left third has a lot of information that will attract the target audience like the word ‘WIN’ and ‘PLUS’ which will get the readers want pick up and read on.

Lead article

The lead article is very clear to the fact that the band are going to bear all and this is going to interest the reader. The reader will want to know every step that the band is going to take so the fact that its exclusive and special makes the reader want to know more.

The lead article is very bright and stands out because the other colours are very passive on the cover. For example there is black, blue and white but they are not as bright as yellow. Yellow is going to catch the eye but also the righting is in big text to attract the eye

Cover lines

These are bands that the audience is going to be interested about.

Main image

The main image seems to connote that the band is not very polite or nice because they all seem to be angry and not smiling. Also the picture seem to be took from a low angle to make them seem superior and powerful. The lead singer is more forward then the rest to show he is the most important.

Sky line

This informs the reader about their main interest.

Page 5: Work mag.

Main image

The main image goes well with the pull quote because they are a group of friends. The pose I quite fun, friendly and welcoming. This is shown by the band having a sort of smile on their face and looking at the audience.

The main member is at the front and doing a fun pose which connotes he doesn’t take himself too seriously which goes well with the “the one you fart out becomes the big hit”. They seem like a group of mates hanging about and getting the reader involved.

Pull quote

The pull quote is suggesting that this band treasures friendship. It can also mean that in the music industry its hard to know if someone likes for who you really are so, they are saying that you should stick to your roots.

Stand first

This shows the reader a bit on what to expect on the article.


this quote suggests that the artists don’t like to show that they take particular care about their music and that they can be childish and fun. This shows that they are not too serious. This show that they don’t try too hard but they still succeed.

This also connotes that they songs come from deep with in and they are totally themselves and comfortable with that. They like to have a laugh and joke.


The columns seem fun and slightly tilted.

Page 6: Work mag.

Use of colour

The use of colour seems to be the same every issue.

Main image

The main image is scruffy and manly. This connotes that the audience is interested in the band but also that it doesn’t take their look to serious.


The font also seems to be the same every issue.

Tone and Register appeals to the target audience.

By line

Picture by line

Contents page

The contents page seems to provide the target audiences needs and desires. The page numbers are well laid out. Its quite clear how to navigate the magazine.

Page 7: Work mag.

Mast head

The righting is simple and connects with the rest of the cover. The words ‘rock sound’ makes it very clear to the target audience to what the magazine is going to be about.

This picture.

Stands out in the front cover.

Most colours are the same. There seems to be 4 main colours: blue, white, yellow and black.

The left third

Has most information that the audience is going to be interested in. The target audience is mostly interested in muse because it seems to stand out at the top. Also at the bottom there seems to be loads of bands featured in this magazine, this connotes that the target audience is really interested in rock music. The main audience seem to be intrigued by bands, interviews, poster, rock music and the dark side.

Main image

The main image is interesting because Oly.S. is no saint but he still has a halo on his head to make him look like an angel, as if he is a good role model. Also the lighting make him look angelic. Although the tattoos seem to be a bit more sinner and tough. This gives two different sides of Oly which will grab the readers attention.

The fact that he has tattoos and piercing suggests that the reader is going to be a rock type and going to have piercings and tattoos too. This connotes that the reader wants to be unique, stand out, want attention and feel wanted.

Pull quote

The pull quote seems to want to draw the reader in because makes you think what has he done which is so bad. It also makes him seem like a rebel. The quote “Saint or sinner” makes the audience reflect on whether to have second thoughts on the Oly.

Cover lines

This shows that the audience is very interested in music and bands.

Lead article

The lead article is about Olly Sykes. ‘Bring me the horizon’ is his band name so the producers have clearly put that in big righting to attract the eye. The fact that Oly is in the main image on the front cover connotes that the readers are mostly interested in him and not the rest of the band.

Page 8: Work mag.

Main image

The main image seems very calm and chilled. The camera shot is mid shot which shows clearly what they look like and the sort of location they are standing on. This image shows All Time Low in a more open way because the first band member on the left seems to connote that he wants to show all that he has got in him. Also Alex has a t-shirt which says: “No pig deal”. This shows that he doesn’t take himself too seriously. The guy next to him has a pig on his t-shirt which connects with Alex’s t-shirt and shows that the band can be fun and silly at time. The back round location seems as if they are getting ready to go on tour and its sunny which shows that they are in a happy place.

Pull quote

The pull quote clearly shows that people didn’t used to like the ‘old’ All Time Low but they are trying to change and show people that they are nice people even though they have done bad things in the past. They want to show that audience that its hard to be who they are but that they are grateful.


Quite neat and there is a lot of information to please the audience.

Stand first

The stand first clearly shows that All Time Low are becoming more famous but want to be seen as more mature. All Time Low seem to want to show the audience exactly what they are. They are asking for the target audiences to help them become more known for their music.

Drop cap

Attracts the eye, stands out and is the same font as the “All Time Low”.


The article has a contrast because it says: “all time low” and then “high times”. This could connote that the band when they started they didn’t have the best time but now everything is getting better.

The article writes about how All Time Low want everyone to know that they are real and write their own song but also that they are unique. They want people to know them for who they really are and strip down all the detail and rumours. Also they say that they have made a change to their life and that change has gone for the better.

Page 9: Work mag.

Main image

The main image appears to be quite chilled out and classic but also it stands out because it shows the band from top to bottom. This shows clearly what the main target audience is interested in.

Use of colour

The red seems stand out of this page to attract the readers attention and to show the important features of the magazine.

This page seems to be quite plain with the use of colour because it only has 3 main colours : black, white and red.

Pull quote

This interests the reader and gives the reader a little preview on what the article is about.


The font is different on this page

Tone and Register appeals to the audience.

Contents page

Seems to feature all different bands that appeal to the target audience and a description underneath.

On this contents page some of the pictures have quotations to grab the reader attention.

It’s a nicely laid out page and its very clear to the reader as to which band is where. It’s a very plain page but in some aspects less is more. This page helps the reader navigate the magazine.

The righting is clear and the pictures stand out.