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  • 7/23/2019 words regarding prohibition


    oh, why is it so silent as a general thing on the liquor traffic? Why are so many of its

    members in this devil's work?what a retribution will be theirs when it will be proven that

    instead of clothing the naked they have robbed children of clothes. nstead of feeding

    the hungry they have allowed them to starve because their bread was taken to buy

    drink. !hey sent souls to prison and did not minister to them"

    #$cerpt %rom& arry (melia )ation. !he *se and )eed of the +ife of arry (. )ation.

    !he written word was a powerful tool for the !emperance movement. ooks, pamphlets, and

    posters all informed the public of the dangers of alcohol. !he contents of alcohol were a popular

    target. !he movement had the word of doctors that it was made with various poisonous

    substances, like hemlock, tobacco, nu$ vomica, and opium.

    -any people are made cray by the use of alcoholic liquors. n some asylums where these

    people are kept, it has been found that nearly one half of the cray people were made cray

    from this cause. )ot all of these were drinkers themselves. t often happens that the children of

    those who drink have weak minds or become cray as they grow older...

    sometimes one is sick or suffers very much because of wrong things that his parents or grand/

    parents did.... 0ver in the poor/house is a man who does not know as much as most children

    four years old ... because he is the child of drinking parents whose poisoned life blood tainted

    his own. -any men and women are insane because they inherit disordered bodies and minds,

    caused by the drinking habits of their parents1 and the descendants of 2moderate drinkers2 differ

    in this way as well as those of the drunkard....

    Will you have a cockroach or a cocktail? 3ev. !. 4. 5unt, of Wyoming, 4ennsylvania, says that a

    winemaker of that 6tate told him that&

    !o give the peculiar flavor of -adeira to some liquor which he intended to sell for 2-adeira2

    wine, he put a bag of cockroaches into the liquor and left it there till they were dissolved. 5e

    also stated that this was a common practice.

    !he 7uice of this dirty, stinking, ravenous bug tastes e$actly like the best -adeira wine.

    %rom the book leaves of healing

    ( noted scientist, 8r. (nstie, made the following e$periment&

    nto the stomach of a large, healthy cat he in7ected an ounce of alcohol mi$ed with water. !he

    cat soon became drowsy, its limbs became paralyed, and in two and one/quarter hours it died.

    8o you know what fusel oil is? t is a poison so deadly that physicians dare not prescribe it for

    any purpose. t is made in large quantities and is used in adulterating liquors. (lcohol and fuseloil are present in all fermented and distilled liquors.

    Will you take beer? %rederick (ccum, a chemist of +ondon, wrote&

    !o increase the into$icating qualities of beer, the deleterious vegetable substance called

    cocculus indicus is employed. 0pium, nu$ vomica and tobacco have also been used.

    (merican beers are also adulterated with poisons. 8r. 4arris testified that nu$ vomica, tobacco,

    hemlock, oil of vitriol and quassia are used in all malt liquors. esides these, 7alap, potash,

    wormwood, nutgalls, green copperas and sugar of lead are used.

  • 7/23/2019 words regarding prohibition


    We believe that such an era of health, happiness and

    prosperity would be inaugurated thereby that many of the

    social problems of the present age would be solved.#$cerpt %rom& arry (melia )ation. !he *se and )eed of the +ife of arry (. )ation.

    I believe that, on the whole, tobacco has done

    more harm that intoxicating drinks. The tobacco

    habit is followed by thirst for drink. The face of the

    smoker has lost the scintillations of intellect andsoul. The odor of the person is vile, his blood


    I find that drink causes so much enmity between

    the sexes. Drinking men neglect their wives. Their

    wives become jealous. en often go with

    abandoned women under the influence of that

    drink that animates the animal passions and asks

    not for the association of love, but the gratification

    of lust.!

    "xcerpt #rom$ %arry &melia 'ation. The (se and 'eed of the )ife of %arry &. 'ation.!


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  • 7/23/2019 words regarding prohibition


  • 7/23/2019 words regarding prohibition


  • 7/23/2019 words regarding prohibition


  • 7/23/2019 words regarding prohibition


  • 7/23/2019 words regarding prohibition


  • 7/23/2019 words regarding prohibition


  • 7/23/2019 words regarding prohibition
