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Page 1: Words Easily Confused

Words easily confused

Task – a piece of work that has to be done

Job - work for which you receive regular payment

Career- a job that offers chances for professional development

Profession- what you do for a living

Occupation- anything you do for a living, but any other way you spend your time too

Vocation – the job of a priest, doctor, journalist or teacher

Avocation- an artistic hobby you do in your spare time

Cost of living- the price of consumer goods and services in retail stores and other establishments

Standard of living – the ration of salary earnings to the cost of living

Quality of life – determined by the standard of living as well as social, cultural and political environment

Rat race- contemporary industrial society, especially in large cities, ruthlessly competitive and inhumane

A Dog –eat –dog society- a society marked by ruthless competition

Pecking order – hierarchy of power in business or politics

Public sector- enterprises controlled by the government

Private sector – enterprises not controlled by the government

Meritocracy – the system where jobs are allocated on the basis of merit

Page 2: Words Easily Confused

Nepotism- the system where jobs are offered to individuals who have connections

An approach to a subject is a particular way of thinking about it or dealing with it

Attitude toward an aspect of life is the stance toward it as reflected in behavior

A person’s outlook on life is his philosophical position

A group’s mentality or mindset is the way of thinking that distinguishes them from other cultures or groups

A person’s stance on a social issue is the official position he has concerning that issue

A perspective , standpoint, angle is a point of view


We say :

Adherence to a norm of behavior vs deviation from a norm

Develop a habit vs kick a habit

Be in step with the times vs be out of tunes with the times/ environment

Be in your elements vs be out of your depth

Meet a social obligation vs neglect a social obligation