Download - Women and men of the Republic of Belarus

  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus







  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




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    3 2008 1286

    2008-2010 ,







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  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus


    2007-2010 ;



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    ISBN 978-985-6858-55-3


    2010 .

    e-mail: [email protected]

  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus


    Editorial board:

    E.I.Kukharevich Editorial board chairman

    A.A. Tarasenko, T..Goryainova, E.M.Palkovskaya, N.G.Abramovich

    The gender policy of the Republic of Belarus is based on the generally accepted international

    standards fixed by the UN Conventions and other international documents intended to eliminate all

    forms and manifestations of gender inequality and to arrange conditions enabling each individual,

    irrespective of his or her sex, to completely realise his or her personal potential.

    The principle of equality between women and men is fixed in the Constitution of the Republic

    of Belarus. The fulfilment of the principle is ensured by the following legal acts: Code of Marriage and

    Family, Labour Code, Criminal Code, the Law of the Republic of Belarus On employment of the

    population of the Republic of Belarus.

    Legal, organizational and administrative measures aimed at ensuring comprehensive

    development of women, raising their social status and protecting their rights and interests are currently

    taken in the country.

    One of the efficient ways to secure equal opportunities for women and men is a development

    and realisation of national plans and programmes. The National Action Plan for Gender Equality for

    2008-2010, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of

    September 3, 2008 1286, is a third programme document developed in order to facilitate

    coordination of activities of state authorities, public organizations in the field of implementation of

    gender policy.

    The statistical book Women and Men in the Republic of Belarus is prepared in accordance

    with the National Action Plan for Gender Equality for 2008-2010 and continues the series of

    publications on gender statistics. It contains the following sections: Population; Health; Education;

    Employment and Unemployment; Standards of Well-Being, Social Security and Social Assistance;

    Crime; Data of Sociological Research Carried Out within the National Programme of Demographic

    Security for 2007-2010, International Comparisons.

    The book presents statistics on the number of women and men, life expectancy, migration

    flows, population morbidity, educational attainment level, education of students of secondary and

    higher education institutions, employment of women and men by branches of the economy, wages

    and salaries, as well as other information characterising the status of women and men in the Republic

    of Belarus.

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    The publication prepared by the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus is

    based on the information submitted to and compiled by the bodies of state statistics, as well as that

    coming from administrative sources.

    Explanation of symbols::

    - not applicable

    ... data not available

    0,0 negligible magnitude

    ISBN 978-985-6858-55-3 National Statistical Committee

    of the Republic of Belarus, 2010

    e-mail: [email protected]

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    ................................................................................................ 1. ............................................................................................................ 15


    1.1. ... 18

    Population and vital statistics in dynamics by sex

    1.2. . ............................. 19

    Women and men by regions and Minsk City

    1.3. , . ................................................................................... 20

    Selected indicators characterizing demographic situation in regions and Minsk City

    1.4. , . 23

    Births, deaths and natural increase of population by sex

    1.5. , . 24

    Crude rates of birth, death and natural increase of population by sex

    1.6. .. 25

    Life expectancy at birth

    1.7. . 26

    Life expectancy at birth by regions and Minsk City

    1.8. .. 29

    Live births by birth order

    1.9. .... 30

    Distribution of live births by birth order

    1.10. . ... 31

    Live births by age and marital status of mother by regions and Minsk City

    1.11. . 43

    Average age of mother at child birth

    1.12. ... 44Deaths by sex and age groups

    1.13. . 2009 .. 46

    Deaths by sex and age groups by regions and Minsk City in 2009

    1.14. .... 49

    Deaths grouped by main death cause by sex

    1.15. 53

    Death rates grouped by main death cause by sex

    1.16. . 57

    Deaths from homicides and suicides by regions and Minsk City


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    1.17. ... 63

    Maternal mortality

    1.18. 64

    Infant mortality

    1.19. . 65

    Child mortality

    1.20. , 66

    Marriages, divorces and crude marriage and divorce rates

    1.21. , . .. 67Marriages, divorces and crude marriage and divorce rates by regions and Minsk City

    1.22. . 69Marriages by age of bride and groom

    1.23. .. 71

    Distribution of brides and grooms by age groups

    1.24. . 72

    Share of first marriages and remarriages by age of partners

    1.25. ... 73

    Marriage partners by previous marital status

    1.26. 2009 .. 74

    Marriage partners by age groups and previous marital status in 2009

    1.27. 2009 . 76

    Marriages by educational attainment of bride and groom in 2009

    1.28. ... 78

    Marriages by citizenship of bride and groom

    1.29. .... 80

    Average age at marriage

    1.30. .. 81

    Divorces by age of former spouses

    1.31. ... 82

    Divorces by duration of marriage

    1.32. . . 83

    Dissolved marriages by number of common children

    1.33. . 2009 .. 86

    Migration of women and men by regions and Minsk City in 2009

    1.34. ... 87

    International migration of population by sex and age groups

    1.35. 2009 89

    International migration of population by sex and nationality in 2009


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    2. .................................................................................................... 95

    HEALTH ..........................................................................................................

    2.1. ... 98Incidence of selected diseases among women and men

    2.2. .. 99Incidence rate of selected diseases among women and men

    2.3. - 2009 ... 100Incidence of malignant neoplasms among women and men by age groups in 2009

    2.4. -. 2009 . 100

    Incidence rate of malignant neoplasms among women and men by regions andMinsk City in 2009

    2.5. 2009 ...................................................... 101Incidence of malignant neoplasms among women and men by certain localizations in 2009

    2.6. 2009 ..................................................................... 103Incidence of active tuberculosis among women and men by age groups in 2009

    2.7. . 2009 .................................................................... 103Incidence rate of active tuberculosis among women and men by regions and MinskCity in 2009

    2.8. 2009 ........................................................................................................ 104Incidence of s hilis amon women and men b a e rou s in 2009

    2.9. . 2009 ........................................................................................ 104Incidence rate of syphilis among women and men by regions and Minsk City in 2009

    2.10. 2009 ........................................................................................................ 105Incidence of gonorrhea among women and men by age groups in 2009

    2.11. . 2009 ........................................................................................ 105Incidence rate of gonorrhea among women and men by regions and Minsk City in 2009

    2.12. . 2009 ............................................................... 106Incidence rate of mental disorders among women and men by regions and MinskCity in 2009

    2.13. . 2009 ............................................ 107Incidence rate of alcoholism and alcoholic psychoses among women and men byregions and Minsk City in 2009

    2.14. . 2009 ............................................................... 108Incidence rate of drug and toxic substance addiction among women and men by

    regions and Minsk City in 2009


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    2.15. .................................................................................................. 109Number of induced abortions

    2.16. 18 , .................................................................................. 110Number of newly recognised disabled women and men aged 18 and over

    2.17. 0-17 , 2009 . 110Number of newly recognised disabled children aged 0-17 in 2009

    2.18. 18 , , , . 2009 ........................................................................ 111Disabled women and men aged 18 and over registered with agencies for labour,employment and social protection by regions and Minsk City as of the end of 2009

    2.19. - 0-17 , , , . 2009 ........................................................................... 112Disabled children aged 0-17 registered with agencies for labour, employment andsocial protection by regions and Minsk City as of the end of 2009

    2.20. 2009 .................................................................................... 113Distribution of medical personnel by qualification categories in 2009

    2.21. ....... 114Number of employment injuries


    . 2009 .................................................................... 115Number of employment injuries by regions and Minsk City in 2009

    2.23. 2009 ..................................................................... 116Number of employment injuries by economic branches in 2009

    2.24. .................................... 117Occupational diseases of women and men

    3. ............................................................................................ 121EDUCATION ...................................................................................................

    3.1. ...................................................................................... 123Number of students by type of educational institution as of the beginning of academic year

    3.2. , , 2009/2010 125Number of students of higher education institutions by field of education as of thebeginning of 2009/2010 academic year

    3.3. , , 2009/2010 ..................................................................... 128Number of students of secondary specialised education institutions by field of

    education as of the beginning of 2009/2010 academic year


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    3.4. , , 2009/2010 ........................ 131

    Principals of institutions providing general secondary education as of the beginningof 2009/10 academic year

    3.5. -, , 2009 132

    Teaching workers of higher education institutions as of the end of 2009

    3.6. - , , 2009/2010 .................................................................................. 133Number of female lecturers in secondary specialised and higher education institutions asof the beginning of 2009/10 academic year

    3.7. 2009 ................ 134Number of postgraduates by field of science as of the end of 2009

    3.8. 2009 .............. 135Number of doctorants by field of science as of the end of 2009

    4. ................................................................... 136EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT ......................................................

    4.1. ........................................ 139Economically active population

    4.2. 2008 ........................................................................................... 140Working women and men by categories as of the end of 2008

    4.3. ........ 141Working women and men by economic branches

    4.4. 2008 ......................................................................... 143Working women by staff categories and economic branches as of the end of 2008

    4.5. 2008 ......................................................................... 145Working men by staff categories and economic branches as of the end of 2008

    4.6. 2008 ........................................................................................... 147

    Working women and men by age group as of the the end of 2008

    4.7. 2008 ......................................................................... 148Working women by age group and economic branches as of the end of 2008

    4.8. 2008 ......................................................................... 150Working men by age group and economic branches as of the end of 2008

    4.9. 2008 ........................................................................................... 152Working women and men by educational attainment as of the end of 2008


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    4.10. 2008 ......................................................................... 153

    Working women by educational attainment and economic branches as of the end of 2008

    4.11. 2008 ......................................................................... 155Working men by educational attainment and economic branches as of the end of 2008

    4.12. 1 2010 ........................................................................................................... 157Composition of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus as of January 1, 2010

    4.13. , -, .. 158Government employees of state administration bodies, judicial and legal institutions

    4.14. ,

    , ............................... 159Government employees of republican bodies of state administration by positions

    4.15. , , ............. 160Government employees of regional and Minsk City bodies of state administration bypositions

    4.16. , , 161Government employees of district and town bodies of state administration by positions

    4.17. , , .................................................. 162

    Government employees of rural and village executive committees by positions

    4.18. , , . ............................................................. 163Government employees of state administration bodies by regions and Minsk City

    4.19. . 2009 ............................... 164Gross nominal average monthly wages and salaries of women and men by regionsand Minsk City in December 2009

    4.20. 2009 ................................ 165Gross nominal average monthly wages and salaries of women and men by economicbranches in December 2009

    4.21. , , ..................................................................... 167Number of unemployed registered with agencies for labour, employment and socialprotection

    4.22. , ,, . ........................... 168Number of unemployed registered with agencies for labour, employment and socialprotection by regions and Minsk City

    4.23. , ,, ............................ 169Number of unemployed registered with agencies for labour, employment and social

    protection by age groups


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    4.24. , ,, ........................... 170

    Number of unemployed registered with agencies for labour, employment and socialprotection by educational attainment

    4.25. , ,, ..... 171Number of unemployed registered with agencies for labour, employment and socialprotection by unemployment duration

    4.26. , ,, .............................................................................. 172Number of unemployed registered with agencies for labour, employment and socialprotection by dismissal reason and their latest occupation

    5. , ................................................................................ 177STANDARD OF WELL-BEING, SOCIAL

    SECURITY AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE.......................................................

    5.1. 2009 ............... 179Population by sex and age across average per capita disposable resources in 2009


    .............................................................................................................. 180Population with per capita disposable resources below subsistence level budget indistribution by sex-age groups

    5.3. , ,


    ................................................................................................................ 181Pensioners registered with agencies for labour, employment and social protectionand average size of their pensions

    5.4. , ,


    . 2009 ..................................... 182Pensioners registered with agencies for labour, employment and social protection

    and average size of their pensions by regions and Minsk City at the end of 2009

    5.5. ,

    , , .

    2009 ................................................................................................ 183Working pensioners registered with agencies for labour, employment and socialprotection by regions and Minsk City at the end of 2009


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    6. ........................................................................................... 184CRIME .............................................................................................................

    6.1. , ....................................................... 185Composition of crime committers

    6.2. .......................................................................................... 185Composition of convicted

    6.3. , ,

    .................................................................................................... 186Number of disclosed crime committers by type of crime

    6.4. ,

    .................................................................................................................... 187Number of convicted on whom sentences were passed that came into legal force

    6.5. , ,

    ........................................... 188Number of juvenile crime committers and number of juvenile convicted

    6.6. , 2009 .......................................... 188Persons deprived of parental rights in 2009


    2007 2010 .................................................................................. 189DATA OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH CARRIED OUT WITHIN THE


    FOR 2007-2010 ..............................................................................................

    7.1. , ........................................................................................................... 191Motives of women and men for entering into marriage

    7.2. .................................................................................................... 192Attitude to marriage contract depending on marital status of respondents

    7.3. ............................................................... 193Female attitude to reproduction

    7.4. ........................................ 194Average ideal and average desired number of children in a family basing on theresults of sociological youth survey depending on the number of children inrespondents' paternal family

    7.5. .......................................................................................... 196Distribution of family duties in a modern family


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    7.6. , (, ) ..................................................... 197

    Circumstances leading to family disruption (percent of married respondents)

    7.7. , (, ) ............................... 198Circumstances leading to family disruption (percent of respondents who dissolvedmarital relations)

    7.8. , ..................................................................................................... 199Measures contributing to family strengthening and increase of child birth

    8. .............................................................. 200INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS ...............................................................

    8.1. .......................................... 201Number of women and men in CIS countries

    8.2. ................................. 202Life expectancy at birth

    8.3. ................................................................................. 204Maternal mortality


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    , , , ,

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    . ()







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    , , ,

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    . 100000 .

    2002 .,


    , (

    1989 .).

    , 100000 .


    , .


    The section contains data on the number and age structure of women and men, on the

    number of births and deaths, including by causes of death, and data on migration flows in the Republic

    of Belarus in total as well as in a breakdown by regions and Minsk City.

    Data on births, deaths and marriages are based on the annual data contained in the copies of

    registration records of births and deaths filled out in vital registration offices. The number of births

    includes live births only. Data on divorces are taken from record cards containing information on

    persons dissolving marriages that are filled out by judicial bodies.

    Natural increase is the difference between the annual number of births and deaths. Net

    migration is the difference between the number of in- and out-migrants. Total population increase is

    the sum of natural increase and net migration.

    Crude natural increase rates are used mainly to assess the changes in the population size

    affected by fertility and mortality. Crude birth and death rates are computed as the ratios of the

    number of live births and deaths respectively during a calendar year to the average annual population.

    Natural increase rate is the difference of crude birth and death rates.


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    Crude marriage and divorcerates are computed as the ratios of the number of marriages

    and divorces in a given calendar year to the average annual population.

    Life expectancy at birth refers to a mean number of years to be lived by a person from a

    hypothetical cohort, assuming the mortality level for every age remains the same as for the given

    period of time. The expectation of life is the most adequate summary characteristic of mortality level

    for all ages in a given period.

    The source of information on causes of death are inscriptions in medical death certificates

    made by physicians on diseases, accidents, homicides, suicides or other external causes resulting in

    death. Such inscriptions make the basis for specifying the cause of death in vital records maintained

    by vital registration offices. The copies of such death records are provided to state statistical bodies for

    the compilation of mortality data by cause of death.

    Cause-specific death rates are computed as ratios of the number of deaths from specified

    causes to the average annual population. They are computed per 100000 population.

    Starting 2002, the Abbreviated List of Death Causes based on the International Statistical

    Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (WHO, X Revision, 1989) has been used.

    Maternal mortality is a number of womens deaths caused by complications of pregnancy,

    delivery and postnatal complications, per 100 000 live births.

    Statistical data on migration of the population in the Republic of Belarus are developed based

    on the migration registration cards presented by the internal affairs bodies. These cards are drawn up

    in case of change of the place of residence within the country, immigration or emigration.


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    Population and vital statistics in dynamics by sex


    women men girls boys women men

    1995 5430,8 4779,6 48736 52408 64995 68780

    2000 5316,3 4703,2 45512 48179 64665 70202

    2001 5302,7 4687,7 44278 47442 66650 73649

    2002 5284,5 4666,4 43091 45652 69072 77583

    2003 5260,9 4637,7 42885 45627 67177 76023

    2004 5238,9 4610,2 43275 45668 65971 74093

    2005 5217,0 4583,1 44107 46401 66325 75532

    2006 5195,2 4555,3 46872 49849 65199 73227

    2007 5179,5 4535,0 50220 53406 63295 69698

    2008 5168,4 4521,4 52278 55598 63466 70413

    2009 5069,6 4423,6 52940 56323 64532 70565

    2010 5063,3 4416,9

    The data on the population size as of the beginning of 2009-2010 are based on current population records

    and taking account of the provisional results of 2009 Population Census.

    1) 2009-2010 .

    2009 .


    Deaths, persons

    beginning of year1)

    , thsd.


    Births, persons




    Population as of


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    1.2. . ()

    Women and men by regions and Minsk City(beginning of year)

    . ,

    As of total number of population, percent

    - - - - - - - -

    women men women men women men women men

    5217,0 4583,1 5063,3 4416,9 53,2 46,8 53,4 46,6

    Republic of Belarus



    /Brest 769,3 685,7 743,0 655,7 52,9 47,1 53,1 46,9

    /Vitebsk 699,4 608,0 659,8 568,8 53,5 46,5 53,7 46,3

    /Gomel 800,9 694,4 770,2 668,1 53,6 46,4 53,6 46,4

    /Grodno 603,1 532,0 570,8 498,8 53,1 46,9 53,4 46,6

    . /Minsk City 947,0 818,8 989,4 844,8 53,6 46,4 53,9 46,1

    /Minsk 783,7 699,9 750,8 668,1 52,8 47,2 52,9 47,1

    / Mogilev 613,6 544,3 579,3 512,6 53,0 47,0 53,1 46,9

    The data on the population size as of the beginning of 2010 are based on current population records

    and taking account of the provisional results of 2009 Population Census.

    Thsd. persons

    2005 20101) 2005

    1) 2010 .

    2009 .



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    1.3. ,



    1), , Women per

    . 1000 men



    , thsd.

    women men women men

    Total population

    Republic of Belarus

    2005 5195,2 4555,3 75,1 62,9 1140

    2009 5063,3 4416,9 76,4 64,7 1146

    : / Regions:

    / Brest

    2005 764,9 680,7 75,7 63,3 1124

    2009 743,0 655,7 76,8 65,4 1133

    / Vitebsk

    2005 693,0 601,7 74,5 62,1 1152

    2009 659,8 568,8 75,8 64,0 1160

    / Gomel

    2005 795,8 689,3 75,0 62,5 1154

    2009 770,2 668,1 75,9 63,6 1153

    / Grodno

    2005 597,7 525,8 74,5 61,5 1137

    2009 570,8 498,8 76,5 64,6 1144

    . / Minsk City

    2005 956,9 823,8 77,2 67,0 11612009 989,4 844,8 78,3 67,7 1171

    / Minsk

    2005 779,1 695,0 74,0 61,3 1121

    2009 750,8 668,1 75,4 63,1 1124

    / Mogilev

    2005 607,8 539,0 74,1 61,8 1128

    2009 579,3 512,6 75,7 64,2 1130

    Selected indicators characterizing demographic situation in regions and

    Minsk City

    Life expectancy at birth, years



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    1000 1), , Women per

    . 1000 men



    , thsd.

    women men women men

    Urban population

    Republic of Belarus

    2005 3766,0 3293,0 76,1 64,9 11442009 3783,6 3274,5 77,3 66,5 1155

    : / Regions:

    / Brest

    2005 485,0 430,5 76,2 65,0 1127

    2009 490,3 429,1 77,6 67,0 1143

    / Vitebsk

    2005 493,2 422,8 75,3 64,2 1167

    2009 486,0 411,7 76,8 65,7 1180

    / Gomel

    2005 564,6 487,1 75,9 64,2 1159

    2009 565,5 486,0 76,7 65,5 1164

    / Grodno

    2005 395,2 349,4 75,8 64,2 1131

    2009 395,2 344,7 77,6 66,7 1147

    . / Minsk City

    2005 956,9 823,8 77,2 67,0 1161

    2009 989,4 844,8 78,3 67,7 1171

    / Minsk

    2005 422,5 380,2 75,4 63,9 1111

    2009 417,6 369,8 76,6 65,4 1129

    / Mogilev

    2005 448,6 399,2 75,0 63,7 1124

    2009 439,6 388,4 76,6 66,1 1132

    Life expectancy at birth, years



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    1000 1), , Women per

    . 1000 men



    , thsd.

    women men women men

    Rural population

    Republic of Belarus

    2005 1429,2 1262,3 72,7 58,2 1132

    2009 1279,7 1142,4 73,9 60,3 1120

    : / Regions:

    / Brest

    2005 279,9 250,2 74,5 60,4 1118

    2009 252,7 226,6 75,4 62,2 1115

    / Vitebsk

    2005 199,8 178,9 72,6 57,4 1117

    2009 173,8 157,1 72,6 59,8 1107

    / Gomel

    2005 231,2 202,2 72,6 58,2 1143

    2009 204,7 182,1 73,8 58,9 1124

    / Grodno

    2005 202,5 176,4 71,8 56,6 1148

    2009 175,6 154,1 74,1 60,3 1139

    / Minsk

    2005 356,6 314,8 72,3 58,4 1133

    2009 333,2 298,3 73,9 60,5 1117

    / Mogilev

    2005 159,2 139,8 70,9 57,0 1139

    2009 139,7 124,2 72,6 58,9 1126

    1) 2009 .

    2009 .

    The data on the population size as of the end of 2009 are based on current population records and taking

    account of the provisional results of 2009 Population Census.


    Life expectancy at birth, years


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    1.4. , ()

    Births, deaths and natural increase of population by se(persons)

    -Years Women Men

    - - - - - - -

    births deaths - , births deaths - , 1000

    (-) (-)

    1 natural 1 natural Boys

    of which increase, of which increase, born

    infant deaths decrease (-) infant deaths decrease (-) per 1000

    under 1 year under 1 year girls born

    / Total population

    1995 48736 64995 538 -16259 52408 68780 824 -16372 1075

    2000 45512 64665 359 -19153 48179 70202 513 -22023 10592001 44278 66650 356 -22372 47442 73649 483 -26207 1071

    2002 43091 69072 298 -25981 45652 77583 397 -31931 1059

    2003 42885 67177 276 -24292 45627 76023 409 -30396 1064

    2004 43275 65971 250 -22696 45668 74093 364 -28425 1055

    2005 44107 66325 251 -22218 46401 75532 389 -29131 1052

    2006 46872 65199 254 -18327 49849 73227 333 -23378 1064

    2007 50220 63295 225 -13075 53406 69698 309 -16292 1063

    2008 52278 63466 188 -11188 55598 70413 295 -14815 1064

    2009 52940 64532 210 -11592 56323 70565 301 -14242 1064

    / Urban population

    1995 33540 29937 348 3603 36211 36740 517 -529 1080

    2000 33222 31260 219 1962 35040 38643 344 -3603 10552001 32117 32487 230 -370 34495 40388 305 -5893 1074

    2002 31591 34120 191 -2529 33500 42900 263 -9400 1060

    2003 31435 33330 167 -1895 33379 42090 273 -8711 1062

    2004 31577 33334 159 -1757 33461 41152 227 -7691 1060

    2005 32287 34111 160 -1824 33972 42341 238 -8369 1052

    2006 34335 33690 181 645 36851 41747 226 -4896 1073

    2007 37373 33560 148 3813 39764 40457 191 -693 1064

    2008 39567 34363 124 5204 42076 41173 193 903 1063

    2009 40018 35019 133 4999 42762 41610 212 1152 1069

    / Rural population

    1995 15196 35058 190 -19862 16197 32040 307 -15843 1066

    2000 12290 33405 140 -21115 13139 31559 169 -18420 10692001 12161 34163 126 -22002 12947 33261 178 -20314 1065

    2002 11500 34952 107 -23452 12152 34683 134 -22531 1057

    2003 11450 33847 109 -22397 12248 33933 136 -21685 1070

    2004 11698 32637 91 -20939 12207 32941 137 -20734 1044

    2005 11820 32214 91 -20394 12429 33191 151 -20762 1052

    2006 12537 31509 73 -18972 12998 31480 107 -18482 1037

    2007 12847 29735 77 -16888 13642 29241 118 -15599 1062

    2008 12711 29103 64 -16392 13522 29240 102 -15718 10642009 12922 29513 77 -16591 13561 28955 89 -15394 1049


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    1.5. ,

    ( 1000 )

    Crude rates of birth, death and natural increase of population by sex(per 1000 population of relevant sex)

    Years Women Men

    - - - -

    deaths , deaths ,

    births (-) births (-)

    natural increase, natural increase,

    decrease (-) decrease (-)

    / Total population

    1995 9,0 12,0 -3,0 11,0 14,4 -3,4

    2000 8,6 12,2 -3,6 10,3 15,0 -4,72001 8,4 12,6 -4,2 10,1 15,7 -5,62002 8,2 13,1 -4,9 9,8 16,7 -6,9

    2003 8,2 12,8 -4,6 9,9 16,4 -6,52004 8,3 12,6 -4,3 9,9 16,1 -6,22005 8,5 12,7 -4,2 10,2 16,5 -6,32006 9,0 12,6 -3,6 11,0 16,1 -5,1

    2007 9,7 12,2 -2,5 11,8 15,4 -3,62008 10,1 12,3 -2,2 12,3 15,6 -3,32009 10,4 12,7 -2,3 12,7 16,0 -3,3

    / Urban population

    1995 9,1 8,2 0,9 11,1 11,3 -0,2

    2000 9,0 8,4 0,6 10,7 11,7 -1,02001 8,6 8,7 -0,1 10,5 12,2 -1,72002 8,5 9,1 -0,6 10,2 13,0 -2,82003 8,4 8,9 -0,5 10,1 12,8 -2,7

    2004 8,4 8,9 -0,5 10,1 12,5 -2,42005 8,6 9,1 -0,5 10,3 12,9 -2,62006 9,1 8,9 0,2 11,2 12,7 -1,52007 9,9 8,9 1,0 12,0 12,3 -0,3

    2008 10,4 9,0 1,4 12,7 12,4 0,32009 10,6 9,3 1,3 13,1 12,7 0,4

    / Rural population

    1995 8,7 20,0 -11,3 10,7 21,2 -10,5

    2000 7,7 20,9 -13,2 9,4 22,5 -13,12001 7,7 21,8 -14,1 9,4 24,1 -14,72002 7,5 22,7 -15,2 9,0 25,6 -16,62003 7,6 22,5 -14,9 9,2 25,6 -16,42004 7,9 22,1 -14,2 9,4 25,3 -15,9

    2005 8,2 22,3 -14,1 9,8 26,0 -16,22006 8,9 22,3 -13,4 10,4 25,2 -14,82007 9,3 21,5 -12,2 11,1 23,9 -12,82008 9,4 21,5 -12,1 11,3 24,4 -13,12009 10,0 22,7 -12,7 11,7 25,1 -13,4


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    1.6. ()

    Life expectancy at birth(years)

    Years Total population Urban population Rural population

    - - - - - -

    - - -

    women men women men women men

    women women women

    and men and men and men

    1995 68,6 74,3 62,9 69,3 74,6 63,8 66,6 73,2 60,6

    2000 69,0 74,7 63,4 70,0 75,4 64,6 66,1 72,9 60,4

    2001 68,5 74,5 62,8 69,8 75,3 64,3 65,2 72,6 59,2

    2002 68,0 74,1 62,3 69,4 75,1 63,9 64,4 71,9 58,5

    2003 68,5 74,7 62,7 70,1 75,7 64,4 64,7 72,5 58,6

    2004 69,0 75,0 63,2 70,6 75,9 65,0 65,0 72,6 59,0

    2005 68,8 75,1 62,9 70,5 76,1 64,9 64,5 72,7 58,2

    2006 69,4 75,5 63,6 71,0 76,5 65,3 65,3 73,0 59,2

    2007 70,3 76,2 64,5 71,8 77,1 66,2 66,4 73,9 60,3

    2008 70,5 76,5 64,7 71,9 77,3 66,3 66,6 74,4 60,4

    2009 70,5 76,4 64,7 72,1 77,3 66,5 66,4 73,9 60,3


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus



    1.7. .


    Life expectancy at birth by regions and Minsk City


    Years Total population Urban population Rural population

    - - - - - -- - - women men women men women men

    women women women

    and men and men and men

    / Brest region

    1995 69,5 74,9 64,4 70,1 75,0 65,2 68,4 74,5 62,82000 69,8 75,6 64,2 70,7 76,1 65,2 68,0 74,8 62,22001 69,4 75,2 63,9 70,2 75,6 64,8 67,7 74,2 62,02002 68,9 75,0 63,1 70,0 75,3 64,6 66,8 74,2 60,6

    2003 69,0 75,1 63,2 70,1 75,8 64,5 66,9 74,1 60,92004 69,5 75,5 63,8 70,6 76,2 65,0 67,4 74,1 61,72005 69,3 75,7 63,3 70,6 76,2 65,0 66,7 74,5 60,42006 70,3 76,3 64,6 71,5 76,9 66,1 67,9 75,1 61,7

    2007 71,0 76,5 65,6 72,1 77,1 66,8 68,9 75,5 63,12008 71,1 77,0 65,3 72,2 77,3 66,8 68,7 76,3 62,32009 71,0 76,8 65,4 72,5 77,6 67,0 68,2 75,4 62,2

    / Vitebsk region

    1995 68,0 74,0 62,1 69,1 74,8 63,1 65,8 72,4 60,0

    2000 68,4 74,1 62,9 69,5 74,9 63,9 65,8 72,3 60,32001 67,9 74,1 62,2 69,4 75,0 63,7 64,6 71,9 58,7

    2002 67,5 73,6 61,9 68,9 74,6 63,2 64,4 71,3 58,82003 67,8 73,9 62,2 69,4 75,2 63,6 64,4 71,3 58,92004 68,2 74,1 62,7 69,9 75,2 64,5 64,2 71,4 58,52005 68,1 74,5 62,1 69,9 75,3 64,2 64,0 72,6 57,42006 68,6 74,5 63,0 70,1 75,5 64,5 64,9 72,1 59,2

    2007 69,8 75,7 64,0 71,3 76,6 65,7 65,9 73,3 60,02008 69,9 75,8 64,3 71,5 76,7 65,9 66,1 73,6 60,32009 69,8 75,8 64,0 71,4 76,8 65,7 65,6 72,6 59,8

    / Gomel region

    1995 68,5 74,0 62,8 69,2 74,3 64,0 66,1 72,7 59,6

    2000 68,5 74,3 62,9 69,7 75,1 64,2 65,6 72,2 59,82001 67,8 74,2 61,8 69,1 75,0 63,3 64,6 72,3 58,3

    2002 67,5 73,6 61,8 68,7 74,4 63,1 64,4 71,6 58,52003 68,3 74,6 62,2 69,5 75,3 63,8 65,0 73,0 58,42004 68,7 74,9 62,8 70,2 75,8 64,5 65,1 72,5 58,92005 68,5 75,0 62,5 70,1 75,9 64,2 64,6 72,6 58,2

    2006 68,8 75,3 62,7 70,3 76,1 64,4 65,0 72,8 58,72007 69,5 75,8 63,5 70,9 76,5 65,1 65,8 73,7 59,32008 69,8 75,9 63,8 71,4 76,8 65,7 65,6 73,5 59,22009 69,6 75,9 63,6 71,2 76,7 65,5 65,4 73,8 58,9


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    Years Total population Urban population Rural population

    - - - - - -- - -

    women men women men women men

    women women women

    and men and men and men

    / Grodno region

    1995 68,5 74,2 62,8 69,8 74,7 63,9 66,9 73,3 61,2

    2000 69,0 74,9 63,3 70,3 75,8 64,8 66,3 73,2 60,5

    2001 68,3 74,5 62,4 69,9 75,2 64,5 65,0 72,9 58,8

    2002 67,5 74,0 61,6 69,5 75,2 63,9 63,7 71,8 57,5

    2003 67,7 74,4 61,6 69,8 75,5 64,2 63,6 72,3 57,2

    2004 67,9 74,5 61,7 70,0 75,7 64,5 63,3 72,1 56,8

    2005 67,7 74,5 61,5 70,1 75,8 64,2 63,0 71,8 56,6

    2006 68,5 75,1 62,3 70,6 76,5 64,6 63,8 72,3 57,4

    2007 70,2 76,4 64,1 71,9 77,6 66,1 66,5 74,2 60,4

    2008 70,4 76,8 64,3 72,1 77,8 66,2 66,6 74,4 60,2

    2009 70,5 76,5 64,6 72,3 77,6 66,7 66,4 74,1 60,3

    . / Minsk-City

    1995 69,7 75,1 63,9 69,7 75,1 63,9 - - -

    2000 70,8 76,0 65,3 70,8 76,0 65,3 - - -

    2001 71,1 76,1 65,8 71,1 76,1 65,8 - - -

    2002 70,9 76,2 65,3 70,9 76,2 65,3 - - -

    2003 71,7 76,8 66,1 71,7 76,8 66,1 - - -

    2004 72,1 77,2 66,7 72,1 77,2 66,7 - - -

    2005 72,3 77,2 67,0 72,3 77,2 67,0 - - -

    2006 72,4 77,4 66,9 72,4 77,4 66,9 - - -

    2007 72,9 77,8 67,4 72,9 77,8 67,4 - - -

    2008 73,0 78,0 67,5 73,0 78,0 67,5 - - -

    2009 73,2 78,3 67,7 73,2 78,3 67,7 - - -


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    Years Total population Urban population Rural population

    - - - - - -- - -

    women men women men women men

    women women women

    and men and men and men

    / Minsk region

    1995 67,5 73,9 61,4 68,5 74,2 62,8 66,2 73,4 59,8

    2000 67,8 73,8 62,1 69,4 74,8 64,1 65,7 72,6 59,8

    2001 67,0 73,5 61,1 68,9 74,7 63,2 64,8 72,2 58,8

    2002 66,3 72,9 60,4 68,4 74,2 62,7 63,7 71,3 57,7

    2003 66,9 73,6 60,9 69,0 74,8 63,2 64,4 72,1 58,2

    2004 67,6 74,2 61,7 69,5 75,3 63,9 65,3 72,7 59,2

    2005 67,3 74,0 61,3 69,6 75,4 63,9 64,6 72,3 58,4

    2006 67,8 74,4 61,9 70,0 75,7 64,4 65,3 72,8 59,3

    2007 68,6 75,0 62,8 70,9 76,3 65,3 66,1 73,4 60,0

    2008 68,9 75,6 62,8 70,9 76,9 64,9 66,5 74,1 60,3

    2009 69,0 75,4 63,1 71,1 76,6 65,4 66,5 73,9 60,5

    / Mogilev region

    1995 68,5 74,2 62,8 69,1 74,3 63,7 66,3 72,9 60,2

    2000 68,2 74,0 62,8 69,3 74,7 63,9 65,1 71,7 59,5

    2001 67,6 73,7 61,9 68,9 74,4 63,4 63,8 71,6 57,9

    2002 67,2 73,6 61,4 68,6 74,4 62,9 63,2 70,9 57,4

    2003 67,7 74,0 62,0 69,2 74,8 63,7 63,6 71,8 57,4

    2004 67,7 73,9 62,0 69,3 74,6 64,0 63,1 71,5 56,8

    2005 67,7 74,1 61,8 69,3 75,0 63,7 62,9 70,9 57,0

    2006 68,5 74,7 62,8 70,1 75,8 64,5 63,8 71,5 57,8

    2007 69,5 75,5 63,8 71,0 76,2 65,7 64,5 72,8 58,2

    2008 69,7 75,8 63,9 71,1 76,4 65,7 64,8 72,9 58,6

    2009 69,8 75,7 64,2 71,5 76,6 66,1 64,8 72,6 58,9


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    Years Of which by birth order

    - - - - -

    Live births 5th

    1st 2nd 3rd 4th 6th+ not stated

    Total population

    1995 101144 58835 31554 6785 2049 936 982 3

    2000 93691 54156 29955 6336 1800 786 653 5

    2001 91720 52575 29495 6366 1850 744 681 9

    2002 88743 51652 28114 6067 1691 642 565 12

    2003 88512 52316 27562 5784 1594 674 571 11

    2004 88943 52739 27354 6040 1629 655 507 19

    2005 90508 52689 28427 6440 1749 679 505 19

    2006 96721 55549 30849 7235 1870 678 513 27

    2007 103626 57357 34523 8378 2037 830 489 12

    2008 107876 59067 36768 8704 2021 820 476 20

    2009 109263 59010 38270 8633 2050 782 512 6

    1995 69751 44573 20847 3078 729 267 255 2

    2000 68262 42889 21140 3134 639 247 209 4

    2001 66612 41357 20956 3151 694 243 205 62002 65091 40688 20300 3074 641 211 168 9

    2003 64814 40977 19894 2919 599 239 178 8

    2004 65038 41114 19800 3069 657 212 169 17

    2005 66259 40869 20827 3410 711 247 179 16

    2006 71186 43125 22938 3916 754 266 169 18

    2007 77137 44670 26196 4898 851 328 186 8

    2008 81643 46553 28473 5256 847 317 181 16

    2009 82780 46270 29685 5298 987 321 214 5

    1995 31393 14262 10707 3707 1320 669 727 1

    2000 25429 11267 8815 3202 1161 539 444 1

    2001 25108 11218 8539 3215 1156 501 476 3

    2002 23652 10964 7814 2993 1050 431 397 3

    2003 23698 11339 7668 2865 995 435 393 3

    2004 23905 11625 7554 2971 972 443 338 2

    2005 24249 11820 7600 3030 1038 432 326 3

    2006 25535 12424 7911 3319 1116 412 344 9

    2007 26489 12687 8327 3480 1186 502 303 4

    2008 26233 12514 8295 3448 1174 503 295 42009 26483 12740 8585 3335 1063 461 298 1

    Rural population

    1.8. ()

    Live births by birth order(persons)

    Urban population


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus



    1.9. (, )

    (percent of total live births)


    Years Of which by birth order

    - - - - -

    Live births 5th

    1st 2nd 3rd 4th


    Total population

    1995 100 58,2 31,2 6,7 2,0 0,9 1,0

    2000 100 57,8 32,0 6,8 1,9 0,8 0,7

    2001 100 57,3 32,2 6,9 2,0 0,8 0,8

    2002 100 58,2 31,7 6,9 1,9 0,7 0,6

    2003 100 59,1 31,1 6,5 1,8 0,8 0,7

    2004 100 59,3 30,8 6,8 1,8 0,7 0,6

    2005 100 58,2 31,4 7,1 1,9 0,8 0,6

    2006 100 57,4 31,9 7,5 2,0 0,7 0,5

    2007 100 55,3 33,3 8,1 2,0 0,8 0,5

    2008 100 54,7 34,1 8,1 1,9 0,8 0,4

    2009 100 54,0 35,0 7,9 1,9 0,7 0,5

    Urban population

    1995 100 63,9 29,9 4,4 1,0 0,4 0,4

    2000 100 62,8 31,0 4,6 0,9 0,4 0,3

    2001 100 62,1 31,5 4,7 1,0 0,4 0,3

    2002 100 62,5 31,2 4,7 1,0 0,3 0,3

    2003 100 63,2 30,7 4,5 0,9 0,4 0,3

    2004 100 63,2 30,5 4,7 1,0 0,3 0,3

    2005 100 61,7 31,4 5,1 1,1 0,4 0,3

    2006 100 60,6 32,2 5,5 1,1 0,4 0,2

    2007 100 57,9 34,0 6,4 1,1 0,4 0,2

    2008 100 57,0 34,9 6,5 1,0 0,4 0,2

    2009 100 55,9 35,9 6,4 1,2 0,4 0,2

    Rural population

    1995 100 45,5 34,1 11,8 4,2 2,1 2,3

    2000 100 44,3 34,7 12,6 4,6 2,1 1,7

    2001 100 44,7 34,0 12,8 4,6 2,0 1,9

    2002 100 46,4 33,0 12,7 4,4 1,8 1,7

    2003 100 47,8 32,4 12,1 4,2 1,8 1,7

    2004 100 48,6 31,6 12,4 4,1 1,9 1,4

    2005 100 48,7 31,3 12,5 4,3 1,8 1,4

    2006 100 48,7 31,0 13,0 4,4 1,6 1,3

    2007 100 47,9 31,4 13,1 4,5 1,9 1,2

    2008 100 47,7 31,6 13,2 4,5 1,9 1,12009 100 48,1 32,4 12,6 4,0 1,8 1,1

    Distribution of live births by birth order


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    . ()

    Live births by age and marital status of mother by regions and Minsk City(persons)

    , -

    Total live births -

    Of which to women in

    unregistered marriage births to women of

    corresponding age

    2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009

    Total population

    Republic of Belarus

    90508 109263 21868 21766 24,2 19,9Total

    , :of which to mothers aged:

    20 8277 7030 3515 2800 42,5 39,8under 20

    20-24 34459 36398 7639 6816 22,2 18,7

    25-29 27386 36615 5381 5813 19,6 15,930-34 14381 20237 3428 3926 23,8 19,435-39 4907 7589 1460 1947 29,8 25,740-44 954 1288 330 394 34,6 30,6

    45-49 51 50 25 14 49,0 28,050-54 3 - - - - -

    Brest region

    14882 17166 2489 2588 16,7 15,1Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 1432 1173 421 340 29,4 29,0under 20

    20-24 5821 5929 807 731 13,9 12,325-29 4385 5610 614 663 14,0 11,8

    30-34 2278 3052 404 548 17,7 18,035-39 812 1167 192 239 23,6 20,540-44 136 220 39 59 28,7 26,845-49 9 8 3 1 33,3 12,550-54 - - - - - -

    Percent of total live


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    , -

    Total live births -

    Of which to women in

    unregistered marriage

    2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009

    Vitebsk region

    10733 12579 3410 3327 31,8 26,4Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 1083 986 582 456 53,7 46,2under 20

    20-24 4175 4398 1282 1188 30,7 27,0

    25-29 3078 3930 789 804 25,6 20,5

    30-34 1708 2226 495 557 29,0 25,0

    35-39 560 888 199 267 35,5 30,1

    40-44 105 135 40 43 38,1 31,9

    45-49 3 5 2 1 66,7 20,050-54 - - - - - -

    Gomel region

    14119 17133 4259 4414 30,2 25,8Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 1416 1316 719 598 50,8 45,4

    under 20

    20-24 5559 5949 1523 1486 27,4 25,0

    25-29 4134 5545 1031 1186 24,9 21,4

    30-34 2123 2991 645 721 30,4 24,1

    35-39 731 1135 259 351 35,4 30,9

    40-44 124 182 55 60 44,4 33,0

    45-49 7 7 2 4 28,6 57,1

    50-54 - - - - - -

    Percent of total live

    births to women of

    corresponding age


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    , -

    Total live births -

    Of which to women in

    unregistered marriage

    2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009

    Grodno region

    10041 12396 1562 1721 15,6 13,9Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 899 835 263 253 29,3 30,3under 20

    20-24 3874 4442 513 518 13,2 11,7

    25-29 3005 3978 377 434 12,5 10,9

    30-34 1571 2140 246 301 15,7 14,1

    35-39 586 850 133 172 22,7 20,2

    40-44 100 145 28 40 28,0 27,6

    45-49 5 4 1 1 20,0 25,050-54 - - - - - -


    Minsk City

    16536 21190 2845 2802 17,2 13,2Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 872 625 308 199 35,3 31,8

    under 20

    20-24 5588 5466 805 639 14,4 11,7

    25-29 5751 8411 794 890 13,8 10,6

    30-34 3074 4697 598 635 19,5 13,5

    35-39 987 1692 251 365 25,4 21,6

    40-44 228 277 61 63 26,8 22,7

    45-49 11 14 6 3 54,5 21,4

    50-54 3 - - - - -

    Percent of total live

    births to women of

    corresponding age


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    , -

    Total live births -

    Of which to women in

    unregistered marriage

    2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009

    Minsk region

    13743 16504 3781 3548 27,5 21,5Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 1497 1171 668 470 44,6 40,1under 20

    20-24 5425 5887 1381 1133 25,5 19,2

    25-29 3964 5270 924 940 23,3 17,8

    30-34 1991 2917 512 641 25,7 22,0

    35-39 714 1055 233 290 32,6 27,5

    40-44 136 189 50 63 36,8 33,3

    45-49 7 6 4 2 57,1 33,350-54 - - - - - -

    Mogilev region

    10454 12295 3522 3366 33,7 27,4Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 1078 924 554 484 51,4 52,4

    under 20

    20-24 4017 4327 1328 1121 33,1 25,9

    25-29 3069 3871 852 896 27,8 23,1

    30-34 1636 2214 528 523 32,3 23,6

    35-39 517 802 193 263 37,3 32,8

    40-44 125 140 57 66 45,6 47,1

    45-49 9 6 7 2 77,8 33,3

    50-54 - - - - - -

    Percent of total live

    births to women of

    corresponding age


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    , -

    Total live births -

    Of which to women in

    unregistered marriage

    2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009

    Urban population

    Republic of Belarus

    66259 82780 13824 13922 20,9 16,8


    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 5055 4173 1880 1467 37,2 35,2under 20

    20-24 24679 26218 4551 4003 18,4 15,3

    25-29 21003 29154 3630 3949 17,3 13,5

    30-34 11108 16290 2427 2797 21,8 17,2

    35-39 3637 5945 1026 1412 28,2 23,8

    40-44 664 924 217 246 32,7 26,645-49 34 35 17 7 50,0 20,0

    50-54 3 - - - - -

    9586 11553 1513 1492 15,8 12,9Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 772 618 208 157 26,9 25,4under 20

    20-24 3720 3831 476 396 12,8 10,3

    25-29 2924 3976 396 407 13,5 10,2

    30-34 1546 2185 270 346 17,5 15,8

    35-39 543 800 133 154 24,5 19,3

    40-44 68 133 21 27 30,9 20,3

    45-49 5 5 1 - 20,0 -

    50-54 - - - - - -

    Percent of total live

    births to women of

    corresponding age

    Brest region


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    , -

    Total live births -

    Of which to women in

    unregistered marriage

    2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009

    Vitebsk region

    7705 9377 2092 2020 27,2 21,5Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 637 573 305 224 47,9 39,1under 20

    20-24 2948 3098 759 645 25,7 20,8

    25-29 2323 3116 517 537 22,3 17,2

    30-34 1303 1785 336 395 25,8 22,1

    35-39 398 701 132 184 33,2 26,2

    40-44 77 93 25 27 32,5 29,0

    45-49 2 3 1 - 50,0 -50-54 - - - - - -

    Gomel region

    9862 12391 2486 2647 25,2 21,4Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 797 727 337 286 42,3 39,3under 20

    20-24 3792 4035 841 824 22,2 20,4

    25-29 3072 4300 656 768 21,4 17,9

    30-34 1580 2356 431 497 27,3 21,1

    35-39 517 841 167 232 32,3 27,6

    40-44 78 123 31 33 39,7 26,8

    45-49 5 3 2 1 40,0 33,3

    50-54 - - - - - -

    Percent of total live

    births to women of

    corresponding age


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    , -

    Total live births -

    Of which to women in

    unregistered marriage

    2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009

    Grodno region

    7295 9561 954 1073 13,1 11,2Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 572 514 134 139 23,4 27,0under 20

    20-24 2829 3372 295 296 10,4 8,8

    25-29 2265 3235 251 291 11,1 9,0

    30-34 1151 1686 166 203 14,4 12,0

    35-39 407 654 89 120 21,9 18,3

    40-44 68 96 18 23 26,5 24,0

    45-49 2 3 - - - -50-54 - - - - - -



    16536 21190 2845 2802 17,2 13,2Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 872 625 308 199 35,3 31,8under 20

    20-24 5588 5466 805 639 14,4 11,7

    25-29 5751 8411 794 890 13,8 10,6

    30-34 3074 4697 598 635 19,5 13,5

    35-39 987 1692 251 365 25,4 21,6

    40-44 228 277 61 63 26,8 22,7

    45-49 11 14 6 3 54,5 21,4

    50-54 3 - - - - -

    Percent of total live

    births to women of

    corresponding age


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    , -

    Total live births -

    Of which to women in

    unregistered marriage

    2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009

    Minsk region

    7464 9156 1703 1692 22,8 18,5Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 703 541 278 194 39,5 35,9under 20

    20-24 2875 3212 593 526 20,6 16,4

    25-29 2247 2948 433 437 19,3 14,8

    30-34 1172 1717 248 335 21,2 19,5

    35-39 404 631 124 159 30,7 25,2

    40-44 54 96 19 31 35,2 32,3

    45-49 4 2 3 1 75,0 50,0

    50-54 - - - - - -

    Mogilev region

    7811 9552 2231 2196 28,6 23,0Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 702 575 310 268 44,2 46,6under 20

    20-24 2927 3204 782 677 26,7 21,1

    25-29 2421 3168 583 619 24,1 19,5

    30-34 1282 1864 378 386 29,5 20,7

    35-39 381 626 130 198 34,1 31,6

    40-44 91 106 42 42 46,2 39,6

    45-49 5 5 4 2 80,0 40,0

    50-54 - - - - - -

    births to women of

    corresponding age

    Percent of total live


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    , -

    Total live births -

    Of which to women in

    unregistered marriage

    2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009

    Rural population

    Republic of Belarus

    24249 26483 8044 7844 33,2 29,6Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 3222 2857 1635 1333 50,7 46,7under 20

    20-24 9780 10180 3088 2813 31,6 27,6

    25-29 6383 7461 1751 1864 27,4 25,0

    30-34 3273 3947 1001 1129 30,6 28,6

    35-39 1270 1644 434 535 34,2 32,5

    40-44 290 364 113 148 39,0 40,745-49 17 15 8 7 47,1 46,7

    50-54 - - - - - -

    5296 5613 976 1096 18,4 19,5Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 660 555 213 183 32,3 33,0under 20

    20-24 2101 2098 331 335 15,8 16,0

    25-29 1461 1634 218 256 14,9 15,7

    30-34 732 867 134 202 18,3 23,3

    35-39 269 367 59 85 21,9 23,2

    40-44 68 87 18 32 26,5 36,8

    45-49 4 3 2 1 50,0 33,3

    50-54 - - - - - -

    Percent of total live

    births to women of

    corresponding age

    Brest region


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    , -

    Total live births -

    Of which to women in

    unregistered marriage

    2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009

    Vitebsk region

    3028 3202 1318 1307 43,5 40,8Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 446 413 277 232 62,1 56,2under 20

    20-24 1227 1300 523 543 42,6 41,8

    25-29 755 814 272 267 36,0 32,8

    30-34 405 441 159 162 39,3 36,7

    35-39 162 187 67 83 41,4 44,4

    40-44 28 42 15 16 53,6 38,1

    45-49 1 2 1 1 100,0 50,050-54 - - - - - -

    Gomel region

    4257 4742 1773 1767 41,6 37,3Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 619 589 382 312 61,7 53,0under 20

    20-24 1767 1914 682 662 38,6 34,6

    25-29 1062 1245 375 418 35,3 33,6

    30-34 543 635 214 224 39,4 35,3

    35-39 214 294 92 119 43,0 40,5

    40-44 46 59 24 27 52,2 45,8

    45-49 2 4 - 3 - 75,0

    50-54 - - - - - -

    Percent of total live

    births to women of

    corresponding age


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    , -

    Total live births -

    Of which to women in

    unregistered marriage

    2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009

    Grodno region

    2746 2835 608 648 22,1 22,9


    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 327 321 129 114 39,4 35,5under 20

    20-24 1045 1070 218 222 20,9 20,7

    25-29 740 743 126 143 17,0 19,2

    30-34 420 454 80 98 19,0 21,6

    35-39 179 196 44 52 24,6 26,5

    40-44 32 49 10 17 31,3 34,7

    45-49 3 1 1 1 33,3 100,050-54 - - - - - -

    Minsk region

    6279 7348 2078 1856 33,1 25,3Total

    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 794 630 390 276 49,1 43,8under 20

    20-24 2550 2675 788 607 30,9 22,7

    25-29 1717 2322 491 503 28,6 21,7

    30-34 819 1200 264 306 32,2 25,5

    35-39 310 424 109 131 35,2 30,9

    40-44 82 93 31 32 37,8 34,4

    45-49 3 4 1 1 33,3 25,0

    50-54 - - - - - -

    births to women of

    corresponding age

    Percent of total live


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    , -

    Total live births -

    Of which to women in

    unregistered marriage

    2005 2009 2005 2009 2005 2009

    Mogilev region

    2643 2743 1291 1170 48,8 42,7


    , :

    of which to mothers aged:

    20 376 349 244 216 64,9 61,9

    under 20

    20-24 1090 1123 546 444 50,1 39,5

    25-29 648 703 269 277 41,5 39,4

    30-34 354 350 150 137 42,4 39,1

    35-39 136 176 63 65 46,3 36,9

    40-44 34 34 15 24 44,1 70,6

    45-49 4 1 3 - 75,0 -

    50-54 - - - - - -

    Percent of total live

    births to women of

    corresponding age


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus



    1.11. ()

    Average age of mother at child birth(years)

    Years At child birth At first child birth

    c c

    total urban rural total urban rural

    population population population population population population

    1995 25,1 25,2 24,8 22,9 23,3 21,7

    2000 25,6 25,6 25,4 23,3 23,6 22,2

    2001 25,6 25,7 25,4 23,3 23,6 22,1

    2002 25,7 25,9 25,4 23,5 23,8 22,3

    2003 25,8 25,9 25,4 23,6 23,9 22,3

    2004 25,9 26,1 25,5 23,7 24,1 22,4

    2005 26,2 26,4 25,5 23,9 24,3 22,5

    2006 26,3 26,6 25,7 24,0 24,4 22,6

    2007 26,6 26,9 25,9 24,2 24,6 22,8

    2008 26,8 27,0 25,9 24,4 24,8 22,9

    2009 27,0 27,3 26,1 24,6 25,0 23,1


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus


    1.12. ()

    Deaths by sex and age groups(persons)

    / Women / Men

    1995 2000 2005 2009 1995 2000 2005 2009

    Total population

    - 64995 64665 66325 64532 68780 70202 75532 70565

    Total deaths


    of which:

    5 711 483 340 271 1048 663 497 396

    under 5

    5-9 119 57 37 39 185 89 85 77

    10-14 85 88 47 38 162 156 91 65

    15-19 195 191 138 92 531 438 411 281

    20-24 245 238 233 191 917 1005 908 767

    25-29 269 297 319 285 1173 1251 1282 1069

    30-34 441 410 475 451 1822 1655 1775 1450

    35-39 715 667 597 579 2677 2530 2334 1953

    40-44 937 1066 1027 779 3304 3559 3717 2753

    45-49 1295 1443 1641 1377 3886 4270 5381 4585

    50-54 1616 1764 2129 2113 4387 4838 6265 6050

    55-59 3353 2173 2844 2902 7581 5242 6642 7005

    60-64 4496 4561 3182 3032 8561 9261 6802 7093

    65-69 7088 6346 6426 4230 10087 9426 10520 7031

    70 43416 44831 46859 48136 22431 25593 28677 29928

    70 and over 14 50 31 17 28 226 145 62



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  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus



    1.13. . 2009


    Deaths by sex and age groups by regions and Minsk City in 2009


    Of which by regions

    Republic of - - - - . -

    Belarus Minsk City Minsk

    Brest Vitebsk Gomel Grodno Mogilev

    Total population

    64532 9350 9811 10146 7800 8067 11161 8197Women

    5 271 52 32 58 25 38 38 28under 5

    5-9 39 8 4 5 5 8 3 610-14 38 7 6 6 4 5 4 615-19 92 16 18 15 11 10 15 720-24 191 24 27 25 18 26 40 3125-29 285 24 36 50 29 54 59 3330-34 451 49 68 80 45 72 68 6935-39 579 71 74 118 51 87 114 6440-44 779 106 118 124 77 122 142 9045-49 1377 163 194 210 177 248 219 16650-54 2113 276 319 332 233 329 376 24855-59 2902 344 427 465 304 508 488 366

    60-64 3032 451 437 407 351 511 485 39065-69 4230 591 629 638 572 555 748 49770 48136 7168 7418 7612 5898 5487 8361 619270 and over 17 0 4 1 0 7 1 4

    70565 10246 10235 11256 8533 9652 11999 8644Men

    5 396 69 45 71 45 69 50 47under 5

    5-9 77 13 13 11 4 8 16 1210-14 65 9 9 13 6 8 9 1115-19 281 29 46 51 35 28 63 2920-24 767 117 125 112 76 112 141 84

    25-29 1069 138 143 163 130 164 196 13530-34 1450 192 190 288 166 189 264 16135-39 1953 273 244 389 227 233 376 21140-44 2753 394 382 453 334 389 504 29745-49 4585 619 603 725 574 684 826 55450-54 6050 823 862 996 639 939 1064 72755-59 7005 972 1063 1103 711 1055 1198 90360-64 7093 1029 1051 1082 780 1099 1154 89865-69 7031 1014 1023 1001 922 1035 1176 860

    70 29928 4553 4419 4792 3882 3622 4958 370270 and over 62 2 17 6 2 18 4 13


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus





    Of which by regions:

    Republic of - - - - . -Belarus Minsk-City Minsk

    Brest Vitebsk Gomel Grodno Mogilev

    Urban population

    35019 4115 5354 5491 3373 8067 4006 4613


    5 171 27 20 41 15 38 16 14

    under 5

    5-9 31 5 4 3 5 8 2 4

    10-14 24 4 3 2 4 5 2 415-19 57 11 9 10 4 10 8 5

    20-24 115 15 14 15 8 26 17 20

    25-29 196 17 19 37 18 54 28 23

    30-34 307 24 47 59 30 72 27 48

    35-39 394 44 42 82 29 87 64 46

    40-44 534 72 82 86 52 122 68 52

    45-49 958 98 124 135 116 248 118 119

    50-54 1454 176 210 226 148 329 186 179

    55-59 2100 224 292 336 208 508 257 275

    60-64 2092 274 303 276 212 511 254 262

    65-69 2508 294 364 355 276 555 340 324

    70 24066 2830 3818 3827 2248 5487 2619 323770 and over 12 - 3 1 - 7 1

    41610 5084 6006 6523 4194 9652 4924 5227


    5 265 43 24 47 33 69 19 30

    under 5

    5-9 40 7 2 5 3 8 8 7

    10-14 38 4 3 10 2 8 5 6

    15-19 161 15 28 28 22 28 25 15

    20-24 480 61 75 64 44 112 71 53

    25-29 702 79 93 109 82 164 89 86

    30-34 890 104 117 174 75 189 134 9735-39 1160 131 160 231 115 233 152 138

    40-44 1668 209 220 269 175 389 225 181

    45-49 2828 340 378 410 326 684 359 331

    50-54 3912 487 551 598 381 939 498 458

    55-59 4628 586 668 698 430 1055 578 613

    60-64 4782 600 696 716 466 1099 572 633

    65-69 4334 523 643 615 466 1035 516 536

    70 15672 1893 2335 2543 1572 3622 1672 2035

    70 and over 50 2 13 6 2 18 1 8


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus





    Of which by regions:

    - - - - - Minsk

    Brest Vitebsk Gomel Grodno Mogilev

    5235 4457 4655 4427 7155 3584Women

    5 25 12 17 10 22 14under 5

    5-9 3 - 2 - 1 2

    10-14 3 3 4 - 2 215-19 5 9 5 7 7 220-24 9 13 10 10 23 1125-29 7 17 13 11 31 1030-34 25 21 21 15 41 21

    35-39 27 32 36 22 50 1840-44 34 36 38 25 74 3845-49 65 70 75 61 101 4750-54 100 109 106 85 190 6955-59 120 135 129 96 231 91

    60-64 177 134 131 139 231 12865-69 297 265 283 296 408 173

    70 4338 3600 3785 3650 5742 295570 and over 0 1 0 0 1 3

    5162 4229 4733 4339 7075 3417


    5 26 21 24 12 31 17under 5

    5-9 6 11 6 1 8 5

    10-14 5 6 3 4 4 5

    15-19 14 18 23 13 38 14

    20-24 56 50 48 32 70 31

    25-29 59 50 54 48 107 49

    30-34 88 73 114 91 130 6435-39 142 84 158 112 224 73

    40-44 185 162 184 159 279 116

    45-49 279 225 315 248 467 223

    50-54 336 311 398 258 566 269

    55-59 386 395 405 281 620 290

    60-64 429 355 366 314 582 265

    65-69 491 380 386 456 660 324

    70 2660 2084 2249 2310 3286 166770 and over 0 4 0 0 3 5

    Republic ofBelarus




















    Rural population







  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    Deaths grouped by main death cause by sex


    Deaths, persons Of which at working age

    2000 2005 2009 2000 2005 2009


    64665 66325 64532 6052 6540 5854Total deaths f rom all causes

    :/ of which from:


    199 291 254 69 169 150certain infectious and parasitic diseases

    / neoplasms 7921 7740 7440 1644 1564 1387

    7857 7663 7309 1611 1541 1348of which malignant



    41 36 32 6 9 5diseases of blood, blood-forming organs and

    certain disorders involving immune



    456 361 238 78 50 46endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases

    425 323 197 65 35 26of which from diabetes mellitus

    149 199 397 58 81 57psychic and behavioural disorders

    381 308 481 151 125 129diseases of nervous system

    and sense organs

    9 4 7 3 1 2of which from diseases of sense


    38806 41052 37310 1543 1607 1430diseases of circulatory system

    897 780 742 54 29 22of which from acute myocardial infarction

    2142 1353 1091 153 149 345diseases of respiratory system


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    Deaths, persons Of which at working age2000 2005 2009 2000 2005 2009

    1170 1762 2121 307 554 576diseases of digestive organs

    () 104 81 99 5 16 17

    of which from ulcer (all types)

    28 22 40 9 9 6

    diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue


    127 118 111 30 33 31

    diseases of musculo-skeletal system andconnective tissue

    511 467 432 120 90 81

    diseases of urogenital system


    93 101 88 - - -

    certain conditions originating in perinatalperiod



    / congenital anomalies, 205 153 129 30 35 47

    deformations and chromosomal abnormalities



    9024 8776 11366 117 168 118

    symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and

    laboratory findings

    3392 3577 3001 1717 1888 1445

    external causes

    :/ of which from:


    475 491 373 262 301 231

    motor vehicle traffic accidents

    482 719 558 298 427 274

    accidental poisoning with alcohol

    183 166 120 76 84 49

    accidental drownings

    / suicides 506 461 505 258 248 283

    / homicides 384 288 208 236 174 132


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus





    Deaths, persons Of which at working age

    2000 2005 2009 2000 2005 2009


    70202 75532 70565 24745 28684 25891

    Total deaths f rom all causes

    :/ of which from:


    753 1250 921 529 1033 764

    certain infectious and parasitic diseases

    / neoplasms 11651 10833 10733 3396 3386 3654 11581 10760 10619 3359 3359 3619

    of which malignant



    26 30 41 10 19 16

    diseases of blood, blood-forming organs and

    certain disorders involving immune



    293 213 174 123 94 80endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases

    248 181 144 106 76 63

    of which from diabetes mellitus

    318 552 578 227 399 332

    psychic and behavioural disorders

    494 499 691 285 310 339

    diseases of nervous system

    and sense organs

    4 7 8 4 5 6of which from diseases of sense


    33595 38220 35730 7570 9072 8643

    diseases of circulatory system

    1168 1014 960 395 363 338

    of which from acute myocardial infarction

    4544 3933 3026 991 1107 1069

    diseases of respiratory system


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus





    Deaths, persons Of which at working age

    2000 2005 2009 2000 2005 2009

    1795 2511 2886 945 1470 1679

    diseases of digestive organs

    () 268 205 190 124 105 110of which from ulcer (all types)

    41 26 37 25 18 13diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue


    48 60 51 18 36 25diseases of musculo-skeletal system and

    connective tissue

    605 531 507 237 162 147diseases of urogenital system

    , 187 172 122 - - -certain conditions originating in perinatal



    / congenital anomalies, 257 205 177 55 66 65deformations and chromosomal abnormalities

    , , 3174 3208 3996 580 865 599symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and

    laboratory findings

    12421 13289 10895 9754 10647 8466external causes

    :/ of which from:


    1419 1573 1215 1149 1322 1000motor vehicle traffic accidents

    1786 2551 1937 1553 2217 1636accidental poisoning with alcohol

    816 967 717 644 765 568accidental drownings

    / suicides 2985 2554 2238 2362 2062 1801

    / homicides 755 576 387 636 490 331


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    ( 100 000 )

    Death rates grouped by main death cause by sex(deaths per 100000 population of corresponding sex)

    / Death rates

    2000 2005 2009


    1217,9 1274,0 1273,7Total deaths f rom all causes

    : / of which from:

    3,7 5,6 5,0certain infectious and parasitic diseases

    / neoplasms 149,2 148,7 146,8

    148,0 147,2 144,3of which from malignant

    , , 0,8 0,7 0,6diseases of blood, blood-forming organs and

    certain disorders involving immune


    , 8,6 6,9 4,7endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases

    8,0 6,2 3,9of which from diabetes mellitus

    2,8 3,8 7,8

    psychic and behavioural disorders

    7,2 5,9 9,5diseases of nervous system

    and sense organs 0,2 0,1 0,1of which from diseases of senseorgans

    730,9 788,5 736,4diseases of circulatory system

    16,9 15,0 14,6of which from acute myocardial infarction

    40,3 26,0 21,5diseases of respiratory system


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    / Death rates

    2000 2005 2009

    22,0 33,8 41,9diseases of digestive organs

    () 2,0 1,6 2,0

    of which from ulcer (all types)

    0,5 0,4 0,8

    diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue


    2,4 2,3 2,2

    diseases of musculo-skeletal system and

    connective tissue

    9,6 9,0 8,5

    diseases of urogenital system


    1,8 1,9 1,7

    certain conditions originating in perinatal



    3,9 2,9 2,5

    congenital anomalies, deformations and

    chromosomal abnormalities



    170,0 168,6 224,3

    symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and

    laboratory findings

    63,9 68,7 59,2

    external causes

    : / of which from:


    8,9 9,4 7,4motor vehicle traffic accidents

    9,1 13,8 11,0

    accidental poisoning with alcohol

    3,4 3,2 2,4

    accidental drownings

    / suicides 9,5 8,9 10,0

    / homicides 7,2 5,5 4,1


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    / Death rates

    2000 2005 2009


    1495,1 1653,1 1596,4Total deaths f rom all causes

    :/ of which from:

    16,0 27,4 20,8certain infectious and parasitic diseases

    / neoplasms 248,1 237,1 242,8

    246,6 235,5 240,2of which malignant



    0,6 0,7 0,9diseases of blood, blood-forming organs and

    certain disorders involving immune



    6,2 4,7 3,9endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases

    5,3 4,0 3,3of which from diabetes mellitus

    6,8 12,1 13,1psychic and behavioural disorders

    10,5 10,9 15,6diseases of nervous system

    and sense organs

    0,1 0,2 0,2of which from diseases of sense


    715,5 836,5 808,3diseases of circulatory system

    24,9 22,2 21,7of which from acute myocardial infarction

    96,8 86,1 68,5diseases of respiratory system


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    / Death rates

    2000 2005 2009

    38,2 55,0 65,3diseases of digestive organs

    () 5,7 4,5 4,3

    of which from ulcer (all types)

    0,9 0,6 0,8

    diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue


    1,0 1,3 1,2

    diseases of musculo-skeletal system and

    connective tissue

    12,9 11,6 11,5

    diseases of urogenital system


    4,0 3,8 2,8

    certain conditions originating in perinatal



    5,5 4,5 4,0

    congenital anomalies, deformations and

    chromosomal abnormalities



    67,6 70,2 90,4

    symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and

    laboratory findings

    264,5 290,8 246,5

    external causes

    :/ of which from:


    30,2 34,4 27,5motor vehicle traffic accidents

    38,0 55,8 43,8

    accidental poisoning with alcohol

    17,4 21,2 16,2

    accidental drownings

    / suicides 63,6 55,9 50,6

    / homicides 16,1 12,6 8,8


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    ( 100 000 )

    Deaths from homicides and suicides by regions and Minsk City(per 100 000 population of corresponding sex)

    - - - - . -

    Years Minsk

    Republic of City Minsk

    Belarus Brest Vitebsk Gomel Grodno region Mogilev

    region region region region region

    / Mortality from homicides

    /Total population

    / Women

    1995 7,6 5,7 10,1 8,1 6,6 6,3 6,8 10,0

    2000 7,2 3,8 10,4 6,0 6,3 6,3 8,6 9,9

    2001 7,3 6,0 9,0 7,0 7,6 4,8 8,3 9,2

    2002 7,1 4,9 10,6 9,2 6,0 2,9 8,0 8,9

    2003 6,1 3,2 9,3 7,9 4,3 2,8 8,4 7,1

    2004 6,4 3,0 9,4 8,0 8,4 2,4 7,4 7,6

    2005 5,5 3,7 7,2 6,3 5,5 2,8 6,5 8,0

    2006 4,5 2,9 6,1 6,6 4,9 2,0 5,0 5,1

    2007 3,9 2,5 5,1 4,4 4,6 0,9 5,7 5,8

    2008 3,8 2,6 4,6 4,7 4,6 1,7 4,9 4,0

    2009 4,1 2,4 6,0 3,8 3,5 2,4 6,6 4,6

    1995 16,8 10,5 25,0 12,5 13,0 15,5 16,0 27,3

    2000 16,1 13,3 21,7 15,1 13,9 14,9 15,6 18,9

    2001 15,7 9,3 21,2 19,5 12,5 11,3 18,8 18,1

    2002 16,4 10,8 21,8 19,7 12,6 13,2 18,4 19,3

    2003 14,4 9,4 20,5 16,5 9,8 8,9 19,7 16,6

    2004 13,1 7,3 22,2 15,1 12,5 7,2 13,9 15,5

    2005 12,6 8,1 21,5 12,1 11,5 6,5 15,2 16,1

    2006 10,8 6,3 15,0 14,1 9,7 5,3 13,6 13,4

    2007 10,0 5,5 12,3 14,6 6,6 4,2 13,8 14,8

    2008 10,0 6,7 13,7 12,6 8,7 4,1 14,0 12,5

    2009 8,8 7,5 13,8 8,7 10,8 3,1 11,2 8,9

    / Men



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    - - - - . -

    Years Minsk

    Republic of City Minsk Belarus Brest Vitebsk Gomel Grodno region Mogilev

    region region region region region

    /Urban population

    / Women

    1995 6,7 6,8 6,4 7,5 4,9 6,3 5,8 9,0

    2000 6,7 3,1 10,7 6,2 4,8 6,3 8,7 6,9

    2001 6,2 4,4 8,3 5,8 7,6 4,8 5,9 8,2

    2002 5,6 4,8 9,1 6,3 5,3 2,9 5,9 7,1

    2003 5,0 3,5 7,3 7,2 3,8 2,8 6,6 5,3

    2004 5,1 2,7 7,5 5,8 6,8 2,4 6,8 6,2

    2005 4,2 3,1 5,5 4,6 4,6 2,8 4,0 6,2

    2006 3,2 1,4 4,5 4,1 2,5 2,0 4,7 4,0

    2007 2,6 2,0 3,2 2,7 3,0 0,9 4,0 4,2

    2008 2,8 2,4 4,3 3,7 2,5 1,7 3,3 2,9

    2009 3,2 2,0 4,3 3,4 2,3 2,4 5,3 3,6

    / Men

    1995 16,6 12,0 25,2 12,4 12,1 15,5 15,3 24,2

    2000 15,7 12,7 21,8 15,4 12,2 14,9 15,1 17,7

    2001 14,8 9,2 21,1 21,3 10,2 11,3 16,9 15,0

    2002 15,2 9,7 21,8 18,1 10,2 13,2 14,8 18,8

    2003 12,9 9,5 17,7 16,3 8,0 8,9 17,5 15,2

    2004 11,2 6,3 18,7 14,1 9,7 7,2 12,0 13,7

    2005 10,5 7,7 18,6 9,6 10,3 6,5 10,2 15,0

    2006 9,2 6,3 12,8 14,2 8,0 5,3 11,1 9,8

    2007 7,7 5,1 11,6 10,9 4,6 4,2 9,2 10,8

    2008 8,0 6,2 14,0 10,0 6,2 4,1 9,7 9,3

    2009 6,9 6,3 10,2 6,2 8,5 3,1 10,5 8,0


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    - - - - -

    Republic of Minsk Belarus Brest Vitebsk Gomel Grodno region Mogilev

    region region region region region

    /Rural population

    / Women

    9,5 4,1 17,2 9,2 9,2 7,7 12,2

    8,6 4,9 9,8 5,4 8,7 8,5 17,1

    9,8 8,7 10,6 9,5 7,5 10,9 11,5

    10,7 5,1 14,1 15,8 7,3 10,3 13,5

    8,7 2,7 14,1 9,5 5,1 10,5 11,6

    9,6 3,5 14,0 13,0 11,4 8,0 11,4

    9,0 4,6 11,4 10,3 7,3 9,5 13,0

    8,1 5,4 10,2 12,7 9,5 5,4 8,3

    7,7 3,3 9,9 8,9 7,7 7,7 10,5

    6,4 3,0 5,4 7,3 9,1 6,9 7,4

    6,7 3,1 10,7 4,8 6,1 8,3 7,8

    / Men

    17,4 8,2 24,5 12,7 14,5 16,8 34,5

    17,0 14,1 21,5 14,4 16,8 16,3 21,6

    17,9 9,4 21,6 15,6 16,7 21,0 25,9

    19,6 12,5 21,6 23,3 17,1 22,5 20,8

    18,1 9,2 27,0 17,1 13,3 22,3 20,6

    17,7 9,0 30,4 17,4 18,0 16,1 20,5

    18,0 8,7 28,2 18,1 14,0 21,2 19,0

    15,0 6,4 20,4 14,0 13,2 16,6 23,9

    16,3 6,2 13,9 23,9 10,6 19,3 26,8

    15,7 7,6 13,0 19,3 14,0 19,2 22,1

    14,1 9,6 23,2 15,2 15,9 12,0 11,9

























  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    - - - - . -

    Years Minsk

    Republic of City Minsk Belarus Brest Vitebsk Gomel Grodno region Mogilev

    region region region region region

    / Mortality from suicides

    /Total population

    / Women

    1995 9,5 7,4 16,3 5,1 8,5 9,1 10,3 10,3

    2000 9,5 6,9 14,0 8,4 6,4 8,0 13,9 8,8

    2001 9,3 7,2 13,6 6,1 8,7 7,2 13,6 9,3

    2002 9,7 4,5 12,6 7,2 10,1 7,3 14,8 12,6

    2003 10,3 6,1 14,7 8,2 10,2 7,8 13,4 13,2

    2004 9,2 6,1 13,2 8,8 8,4 5,9 9,9 14,1

    2005 8,9 7,0 12,6 9,5 8,3 4,5 11,1 10,3

    2006 8,0 5,9 14,6 7,2 7,7 3,8 8,5 10,6

    2007 8,8 6,0 11,4 7,7 8,3 4,9 13,1 12,1

    2008 9,1 6,7 12,7 7,9 9,9 4,6 11,7 13,2

    2009 10,0 5,9 17,5 7,5 9,1 5,1 13,3 14,6

    / Men

    1995 56,4 44,1 77,2 47,9 63,8 43,6 64,8 57,2

    2000 63,6 52,1 85,8 60,2 68,9 32,0 84,1 69,6

    2001 60,3 48,4 81,6 54,8 65,7 27,6 86,0 66,6

    2002 60,0 52,4 80,5 55,6 66,9 28,0 76,7 69,5

    2003 63,3 55,8 84,1 55,3 72,7 33,6 83,2 68,2

    2004 60,7 53,4 79,5 60,8 70,1 26,3 76,8 70,02005 55,9 51,5 80,3 61,0 63,2 22,2 63,8 61,5

    2006 53,0 47,4 69,5 52,4 64,0 20,6 67,4 63,0

    2007 48,7 39,8 64,2 53,2 54,1 19,9 65,9 54,8

    2008 48,5 43,9 66,3 47,8 52,1 21,6 61,1 58,2

    2009 50,6 47,8 69,6 50,8 51,8 20,6 68,4 57,7


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    - - - - . -

    Years Minsk

    Republic of City Minsk Belarus Brest Vitebsk Gomel Grodno region Mogilev

    region region region region region

    /Urban population

    / Women

    1995 9,0 7,7 13,6 4,6 8,0 9,1 9,8 10,7

    2000 8,1 5,4 12,1 8,1 3,3 8,0 10,8 8,0

    2001 7,8 6,6 10,1 4,9 6,9 7,2 11,7 8,2

    2002 8,5 4,1 10,3 6,5 7,3 7,3 13,9 11,8

    2003 8,9 5,2 12,1 5,7 8,4 7,8 13,6 12,2

    2004 7,6 3,5 12,7 7,6 4,8 5,9 8,0 12,0

    2005 7,5 6,2 11,5 7,4 7,3 4,5 10,9 8,0

    2006 6,0 3,9 10,5 5,7 5,1 3,8 8,5 6,7

    2007 7,0 5,9 11,2 6,4 4,3 4,9 9,5 9,1

    2008 7,1 4,4 10,1 6,5 6,5 4,6 9,9 10,5

    2009 7,8 5,3 14,4 6,0 5,6 5,1 10,8 10,7

    / Men

    1995 47,1 33,2 59,2 43,7 46,7 43,6 55,1 52,8

    2000 48,0 40,8 66,3 46,3 54,5 32,0 54,0 58,2

    2001 45,1 37,9 59,5 45,4 46,4 27,6 62,1 54,3

    2002 44,3 43,0 57,6 41,0 47,8 28,0 53,6 55,7

    2003 45,6 40,0 61,1 41,3 43,2 33,6 58,1 54,9

    2004 43,0 40,5 56,7 46,0 43,6 26,3 52,8 51,12005 39,4 40,8 56,8 42,0 36,3 22,2 49,9 44,5

    2006 35,3 29,7 48,5 35,8 39,2 20,6 45,3 44,4

    2007 33,0 28,8 42,5 37,6 38,6 19,9 42,2 35,9

    2008 33,0 32,2 42,3 32,8 30,9 21,6 41,1 42,7

    2009 33,6 32,7 47,4 33,9 31,8 20,6 43,8 39,9


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus




    - - - - -

    Republic of Minsk Belarus Brest Vitebsk Gomel Grodno region Mogilev

    region region region region region

    /Rural population

    / Women

    10,5 6,9 21,4 6,0 9,2 10,8 9,4

    12,9 9,2 18,0 8,9 11,7 17,2 10,7

    12,9 8,0 21,2 8,7 12,0 15,6 12,1

    12,7 5,1 17,7 8,9 15,0 15,9 14,7

    13,6 7,6 20,6 14,0 13,5 13,2 15,7

    13,4 10,5 14,5 11,8 15,2 12,1 19,8

    12,3 8,5 15,3 14,6 10,2 11,4 16,7

    13,4 9,4 24,9 10,9 13,0 8,5 21,7

    13,7 6,3 12,0 11,2 16,5 17,3 21,0

    14,9 11,0 19,3 11,4 17,1 13,8 21,6

    16,3 7,0 26,0 11,6 16,8 16,4 26,8

    / Men

    76,3 60,6 112,2 56,9 90,7 74,7 67,3

    100,1 70,1 127,1 90,9 94,1 117,8 98,3

    96,8 65,3 129,5 76,0 100,2 113,1 98,1

    98,2 68,0 131,2 89,0 101,7 103,3 105,8

    107,2 82,0 136,5 87,7 127,8 112,5 103,8

    105,7 75,0 132,3 95,9 120,8 105,3 121,9

    98,5 69,8 135,5 106,4 115,7 80,5 109,3

    99,6 78,1 119,5 92,8 113,8 94,1 116,8

    91,0 59,5 117,1 91,7 86,1 94,9 110,7

    91,2 65,6 126,2 85,9 97,7 85,8 105,2

    98,6 75,9 126,7 95,4 95,5 98,7 113,0

























  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus



    1.17. (, ,

    , 100 000 )

    Maternal mortality(deaths caused by pregnancy, delivery and postnatal

    period complications per 100 000 live births)

    2000 2005 2009

    / Total population

    21 10 1

    Republic of Belarus

    : / Regions

    / Brest - - 6

    / Vitebsk 17 19 -

    / Gomel 20 7 - / Grodno 18 20 -

    . / Minsk City 39 6 -

    / Minsk 29 7 -

    / Mogilev 27 19 -

    / Urban population

    23 12 -

    Republic of Belarus

    : / Regions

    / Brest - - -

    / Vitebsk 12 26 -

    / Gomel 9 10 -

    / Grodno 26 14 -

    . / Minsk City 39 6 -

    / Minsk 38 13 -

    / Mogilev 35 26 -

    / Rural population

    16 4 4

    Republic of Belarus

    : / Regions

    / Brest - - 18

    / Vitebsk 30 - - / Gomel 48 - -

    / Grodno - 36 -

    / Minsk 17 - - / Mogilev - - -


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus



    1.18. (, 1 , 1000


    Infant mortality(deaths under 1 year per 1000 live births of corresponding sex)

    Years Girls Boys

    / Total population

    1995 10,9 15,6

    2000 7,9 10,7

    2001 8,0 10,2

    2002 6,9 8,6

    2003 6,4 9,0

    2004 5,8 8,02005 5,7 8,4

    2006 5,5 6,8

    2007 4,5 5,9

    2008 3,6 5,3

    2009 4,0 5,4

    / Urban population

    1995 10,3 14,1

    2000 6,6 9,9

    2001 7,1 8,8

    2002 6,0 7,8

    2003 5,3 8,22004 5,0 6,8

    2005 5,0 7,0

    2006 5,3 6,2

    2007 4,0 4,9

    2008 3,2 4,6

    2009 3,3 5,0

    / Rural population

    1995 12,3 18,7

    2000 11,3 12,7

    2001 10,3 13,7

    2002 9,1 10,92003 9,5 11,1

    2004 7,8 11,2

    2005 7,7 12,2

    2006 5,9 8,3

    2007 6,0 8,7

    2008 5,0 7,56,0 6,6


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus



    1.19. (, 5 , 1000


    Child mortality(deaths under 5 years per 1000 live births of corresponding sex)

    Years Girls Boys

    / Total population

    1995 13,8 19,1

    2000 10,7 13,8

    2001 10,0 13,0

    2002 9,4 12,2

    2003 8,3 11,4

    2004 7,7 10,52005 7,7 10,7

    2006 7,5 9,0

    2007 6,0 7,9

    2008 4,8 7,0

    2009 5,2 7,2

    / Urban population

    1995 12,0 16,8

    2000 8,7 12,2

    2001 8,2 10,8

    2002 7,8 10,2

    2003 6,6 9,62004 6,4 8,3

    2005 6,5 8,5

    2006 6,7 7,8

    2007 5,1 6,3

    2008 4,0 5,9

    2009 4,4 6,4

    / Rural population

    1995 18,0 24,5

    2000 15,5 17,7

    2001 14,5 18,8

    2002 13,6 17,62003 12,9 16,2

    2004 11,0 16,5

    2005 11,2 16,9

    2006 9,6 12,5

    2007 8,2 12,5

    2008 7,2 10,3

    2009 7,8 9,8


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus



    1.20. ,

    Marriages, divorces and crude marriage

    and divorce rates 1000

    Years Marriages Per 1000 population


    marriages divorces

    / Total population

    1995 77027 42119 7,6 4,1

    2000 62485 43512 6,2 4,3

    2001 68697 40850 6,9 4,1

    2002 66652 37386 6,7 3,8

    2003 69905 31679 7,1 3,2

    2004 60265 29133 6,1 3,02005 73333 30531 7,5 3,1

    2006 78979 31814 8,1 3,3

    2007 90444 36146 9,3 3,7

    2008 77201 36679 8,0 3,8

    2009 78800 35056 8,3 3,7

    / Urban population

    1995 56887 34932 8,2 5,0

    2000 49589 35662 7,1 5,1

    2001 55060 33612 7,8 4,8

    2002 53838 31066 7,7 4,4

    2003 57028 26453 8,1 3,82004 49001 24597 6,9 3,5

    2005 60114 25810 8,5 3,7

    2006 64965 26928 9,2 3,8

    2007 74894 31315 10,6 4,4

    2008 64281 31739 9,0 4,5

    2009 65149 30221 9,3 4,3

    / Rural population

    1995 20140 7187 6,2 2,2

    2000 12896 7850 4,3 2,6

    2001 13637 7238 4,6 2,5

    2002 12814 6320 4,4 2,22003 12877 5226 4,5 1,8

    2004 11264 4536 4,1 1,6

    2005 13219 4721 4,9 1,7

    2006 14014 4886 5,3 1,8

    2007 15550 4831 6,0 1,9

    2008 12920 4940 5,1 1,92009 13651 4835 5,6 2,0


  • 7/28/2019 Women and men of the Republic of Belarus



    1.21. , .

    Marriages, divorces and crude marriageand divorce rates by regions and Minsk City

    1000 Years Marriages Per 1000 population


    marriages divorces

    /Brest region

    1995 11386 4758 7,6 3,2

    2000 9453 5343 6,4 3,6

    2001 10172 5051 6,9 3,4

    2002 10074 4831 6,8 3,3

    2003 10533 4211 7,2 2,9

    2004 9115 3711 6,2 2,5

    2005 10660 3826 7,4 2,6

    2006 11413 4112 7,9 2,9

    2007 12671 4614 8,8 3,2

    2008 10878 4745 7,6 3,3

    2009 11106 4445 7,9 3,2

    /Vitebsk region

    1995 10571 6465 7,4 4,5