Download - Wolfgang Essentials 2016 - Migrating Offline Budget Online


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Growing Faster

Across Europe, growth of digital ad spend averaged at 13.1pc.However, Ireland topped the poll with a 29pc surge in digital ad spend.This is more than double the European average of 13% growth - See more at: there another version of this graph


Total Digital Spend in Ireland for 2015.

340 million

Total digital spending reached an estimated 340 million in 20153

This represent 41% (combining IAB digital figures with Core Media market figures). Globally its 30%.4

Is that a big deal?

Emarketer.Were about 4 years behind the UK. They were at 41% back in 2012 5

This represent 41% (combining IAB digital figures with Core Media market figures). Globally its 30%.What can we do to stimulate further growth in digital advertising spend


Bigger Overall Budgets?

Harder sell to the boss to get more budget So maybe it has to come from somewhere else 7

Media Consumption

Source: Digital Day Diary 20%

2014 of our time is spent on press Look at 2012 media scope report for consumption of digital media 8

Hands up if

Who picked up a newspaper 9

Claims a ROAS of 391 in 4 of all sales driven by media are driven by print advertising


Claims a ROAS of 391 in 4 of all sales driven by media are driven by print advertising


Paid over 70 million. One of the biggest pay packets in the coporoate world


Admitted that they were uncomfortable with the proportion of ad spend going on pressThey were brave enough to do something about it13

Find a sustainable & effective strategy for communicating Tesco trade offers online ..with 30% of the typical monthly press budget.




Press Reach


Facebook ~ 1.6 Million Daily

Give the Facebook reach figure here18

Creating a Journey

Show creatives 19

Our creative approach to building this journey was going to be particularly important, especially for metrics beyond reach. For example, we were conscious that we didnt want to negatively impact engagement rate on Facebook.20




Audience Building

Need to build a universal list that can be segmented.25

Results - Reach

ChannelReachCost / Reach




Emarketer.Were about 4 years behind the UK. They were at 41% back in 2012 26

Incrementally more reach Encourages advocacy Builds trust

Results Dark Social

When is the last time you cut out a press ad and gave it to your friend?


Results Niche Targeting

Targeting dog owners, dog training, people who like particular dog breeds77% uplift in store vs the previous when the sale was also on?28

What does 30% of monthly press spend get you?

Emarketer.Were about 4 years behind the UK. They were at 41% back in 2012 29

Takeaways Youre spending too much on press.

Understand how your customer consumes media to help guide marketing channel selection.

If reach is a KPI, Facebook will win and will be cheaper.

Use digital to help you build a multi-channel approach.