Download - [WMD 2015] Qualaroo >> Sean Ellis, "Rhythm Is A Hacker: The Advantages & Challenges Of High-Tempo Testing"


Sean Ellis @seanellis

High Tempo TestingMoving Beyond Hustle to Building

a Predictable Growth Machine

Sean Ellis @seanellis

3,2,1... Hustle!

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Early Growth: Twitter Focused

Feedback: “I find growth articleson Twitter”

Followers: Easy to find people that tweet growth articles

Content: Long tail of content ideal for Twitter

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Goal: Keep Conversation Going

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Some Vacations...

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Viability Achieved by Month 3

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Goals Not Met After First Year

3 Flat Months!

Sean Ellis @seanellis

“Inputs are what youactually control.”

Andrew Chen

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Problem: Limited Testing

Had specific growth goals, but just said “test more”.

Team was too busy for much testing...

Building product

Executing Twitter Playbook

Engaging with community

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Solution: High Tempo Testing

Launch 3 Tests Per Week(Clear “input” goal)

Sean Ellis @seanellis


Started high tempo testing

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Hustle › Growth Process

Sean Ellis @seanellis

High Tempo Testing Process





Sean Ellis @seanellis

Challenges of High Tempo Testing

1. Enough ideas: Ideas are fuel for tempo

2. Prioritizing ideas: Finding best ideas to test

3. Implementing tests: Getting the resources

4. Accurate testing: Instrumenting & analyzing

5. Avoiding repeats: Not running same tests

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Challenge 1: Enough Ideas

Unbridled ideation from full team

Ideas across all vectors

Individual & Team Accountability

Acqusition ActivationRetention


Sean Ellis @seanellis

Challenge 2: Prioritizing Ideas

Formalize ideas in “Experiment Doc”

Include research, hypothesis, target lever...

Score on impact, confidence & ease

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Challenge 3: Implementing Ideas

Weekly growth meeting to plan/assign current week’s tests. Accountability for previous week.

Recommend Autonomous growth team with dedicated development, design, analysis...

Empower less technical team members w tools

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Challenge 4: Accurate Testing

ReadPeep Laja(Next presenter)

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Challenge 5: Avoiding Repeats

Capture all tests in Knowledge Base

Ensure knowledge base shared, clear & searchable

Worked Failed Inconclusive

Sean Ellis @seanellis

High Tempo Test Requirements

Process People System





Sean Ellis @seanellis

High Tempo Testing Process





Sean Ellis @seanellis

Winning Test Example via Process

Moved email collector from bottom to top.

Result: 700% increasein collected emails

Impact prediction was4/10

Sean Ellis @seanellis

High Tempo Testing Advantages

1. Predictable Growth

2. Scaleable Growth

3. Easier Hiring

4. Address Bottlenecks

Sean Ellis @seanellis

Thank you!@seanellis