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& Personality Development1.Expressing abilityHe can drive. I can drive a car, but not a lorry. The door was struck, but he was able to open it. When I was your age, I could run a mile in 5 minutes. Hes better able to do it than her. Hes quite an expert at this sort of work.

She knows how to swim. He finished the work on his own without help from anyone else. He has ability, but he is lazy. Shes capable of passing the exam if she tries harder. Hes a good painter. Hes a good carpenter.Will you be able to come to the meeting tomorrow? Shes good at guessing things. I wouldnt put it past him to do a thing like that. You can do much better, Im sure. He has the ability to make decisions. She can speak Spanish fluently. Youre capable of doing better, you know.

2. Expressing inability

He cannot do it without help. She cant speak Telugu very well. He couldnt understand a thing she said. Im sorry, I wont be able to come. I couldnt answer her questions. He wont be able to type so fast. Shes incapable of behaving rudely to anyone. I wasnt able to pass the driving test the first time. Hes incapable of hard work. Hes incapable of telling a lie. Hes unable to help her. I cant swim as far as you. I tried to do more it, but I couldnt I want to come, but Im unable to. Ive never been any good at repairing things.

3. Asking about ability or inability

Can you swim across the river? Can you drive a car? Can you ride a bike? Can you type? Is she able to understand the instructions? Were you able to solve the problem? Cant you explain it more simply? Isnt he able to read or write? Is he unable to walk without crutches?

5. Accepting sth ( = something)

( See Function (Fn).no.18 Accepting an apology,

Accepting help, Accepting an invitation,

Accepting an offer of food or drink, and Agreeing to

Accepting a request. See also Expressing agreement).

6. Expressing admiration

(See also Expressing appreciation, Expressing approval, and Complimenting sb).

Thats the most magnificent performance Ive ever seen! You dont say! You mean you made it? Look at the building. Isnt it beautiful? I just adore this colour. Ive never seen anything like it! Youre the prettiest girl Ive ever seen! Oh, thats marvelous! Ah, really wonderful! Its really wonderful! Its really something! Isnt that fantastic! Its quite extraordinary, really! Oh, thats lovely! What a grand view! Well, I never! Thats incredible! Really fantastic! Its absolutely splendid! Thats quite fantastic! This dress looks really stunning on you. Terrific! What glorious roses! Ah. Super! Oh, smashing! Oh, lovely! My! Oh, its the most impressive speech Ive ever heard! Ive never met anyone so attractive.

Admitting something(Yes, its possible. Im sorry. It was a mistake on my part. Well. Perhaps I should have handled it with some more care. Ive been wrong about that. It was my mistake entirely. I think it was wrong of us not to invite them. Well, perhaps I may have been a little careless about it. I guess I didnt have the nerve. Well, it could be true. No one is to blame but myself. Yes, OK, it looks as though Ive slipped up. Look, Im not able to do thisI find it too difficult. Ive made a mistake in inviting them. I dont know much Tamil. Yes, all right. I admit that I was absent minded. He may be able to do it. Yes. So what if I broke the vase? It wasnt intentional, you know. Im sorry. Youre quite right about it. It was my fault entirely. This was all my own fault, really. What I said was quite wrong. I know. Well, perhaps we ought to have been a bit more careful. Im entirely to blame for it. Oh dear, I seem to have made a mistake. Theres something in what he says. I made the mistake of trusting him with money. I had a part in that decision, too,. I admit that.

7. Admonishing sb ( = somebody)

(See also Fn.No.168 Warning sb).

Dont repeat the same mistake again. Dont try to harass me Im warning you. Youll be more careful in future, wont you? Dont give me any more cause for complaint. Therell be serious consequences if you try to cheat us again. I think youre making a mistake. I dont think that was very wise. Let me warn you: Dont interfere in my affai9rs in future. Be more careful in future. Next time,. I wont forgive this kind of behaviour . You had better watch out! You had better not make another mistake. Dont all talk together. I wouldnt do such a thing again, if I were you. Just be more considerate in future. If you do this again, Ill come down hard on you.

8. Advising sb

Youd better explain everything to her. Youd better not do it,. If I were you, Id leave now. You ought to call the police. Wait till the proper time. If you want to pass the exam, you must work harder. You should meet him today.

The best thing to do would be to send him a letter. If I were you, Id sack him right now. If you play your radio here, youll have everyone complaining. I think you shouldnt put it off any longer. Its quicker to travel by train. Take it from me , its no use waiting for them. Why dont you let him have his way? You really should go and see the Eiffel Tower while youre in Paris. If you take my advice, youll turn a deaf ear to his complaints. Dont you think you ought to send them some money? You should see a doctor about that cough. Try something else. You really must read that book. Its wonderful. In your place, Id wait for some time. If you feel ill, dont take any exercise. I think itd be best if you returned it to them. You really ought to work harder. I wouldnt quarrel with him, if I were you. I wouldnt do it. You ought to consult a doctor before it gets worse. Youd better be quick or youll miss the flight. You should stop smoking.

9. Asking for advice

What do you think I should do? Im sorry to worry you with my problems, but I really do need some advice. What should I do? What do you advice me to do? When should they start from here? Im thinking of resigning Id like to ask your advice. Would you remain silent, if you were me? I cant make up my mind whether to go or not Can you tell me what I should do? Could you give me a bit of advice? Do you think I must give up without a fight? I

Have no idea how to go about doing it How should I dress/ How do you think can I persuade him to do it? Should I travel by bus or by taxi?

10. Expressing agreements

(See Agreeing with an opinion, Agreeing to/

Accepting a request, Agreeing with a suggestion, and Agreeing reluctantly. See also Accepting sth).

11. Expressing disagreement

(See Disagreeing with an opinion, Refusing a request , with a suggestion, and Disagreeing tactfully, See also Rejecting sth).

12. Agreeing reluctantly

Perhaps you may have a point there. Well, I suppose so. Yes, I suppose so. Well, maybe. Yes, as far as I know. No, I suppose not. Yes, you could be right. Yes, you may be right about that. Well, you know, its a bit difficult, but Ill try,. Oh well, Ill give it a try. Well, I suppose youre right. I dont know much myself, but I could try. Well yes, Ill do it, if you like. Perhapd youre right about it. Well, Ill try, but I cant promise anything. Well, maybe youre right about that.

13. Disagreeing tactfully

Yes, OK, but I shouldve thought that he was a hard worker. Yes, but dont you agree that hes the best player we have? Im not sure I agree with you. Im afraid I disagree with you. I think hes avery good typist. Well, yes, but dont forget that its only a rough estimate. I dont think Id go as far as that. Oh, I wouldnt say that exactly. After all, hes only a beginner, isnt he? Well, you have a point, but he didnt do it deliberately. I think you may be partly right, but nobody could have expected such a thing to happen. True, but how about all the good things he has done? Yes, but wouldnt you say that he was absolutely sincere? Yes, but take the case of Manish. Didnt he also do the same thing? Yes, but what about yesterday? I know, but did the figures tally? Im not really sure youre quite right, you know. Youre probably right, but is he telling the truth? Perhaps, but dont you think it was a bit odd? Yes, youre quite right, of course, but how can we convince him of it? Dont you think thats bit extreme, actually? Yes, but the point is, its not a valuable item. Do you think so? Actually, I found the book a bit difficult to understand. Yes, thats OK as far as it goes, but couldnt he have sent her a telegram at least? I dont think Id say that about him. Thats quite true, but they couldnt help it, could they? Yes, many of them were not co-operative, but some of them were really helpful, dont you think? I see what you mean, but wasnt it very kind of him to help us yesterday?

14. Asking whether sb agrees or not

Do you agree? Dont you agree? Dont you think? How about it? Dont you think so? OK? All right? I dont think were going to agree on this, are we? Wouldnt you agree?

Note: All question tags (is it, isnt it, does it?, doesnt it?, has it, hasnt

It?, etc) help you ask someone whether they agree with what youre saying or not. (Well take up question-tags for detailed studying a later Lesson).

15. Expressing anger

(See also Rebuking sb).

How dare you speak to me like that? Whats all this nonsense about? Who do you think you are? What the hell do you mean? Look, this is getting us nowhere. Oh, stop complaining you make me sick. Where on earth have you been? What a nuisance! I think theres very little point in my relling you all this!. Who the hell is that at the front door? What on earth is happening there? Thats a ridiculous suggestion. Stop shouting your head off. Whats all the fuss about? I hate the whole rotten system. Are you suggesting that I should have apologized? Wherever did you put it? I put trust in you, but you failed me. I dont give a damn what you think of me. Has it occurred to you that he could be telling the truth? How dare you! You kind your own business. That damn cat! Id like to wring its neck. Well, really! What the hell do you want? Damn that stupid salesman! Get on with your work, cant you? Dont waste my time. Ill be damned if I agree! Ive got a bone to pick with you! You thought I wouldnt find it out? Theres no way were going to agree, is there? What a rotten nasty trick! What incompetence! Are you trying to make a fool of me? Oh, no! I havent got time for this nonsense. I dont care what it is. Its none of your business. Did it never occur to you that they were waiting for you? Im tired of hearing about his stupid car. Ive come to the end of my patience. Dont try any nonsense with me. Ohleave it out. Leave me alone, will you? Dont fuss. But this is ridiculous! Go to hell. How could you have been so silly? I knew it! What impertinence!

What nonsense! Whenever are you going to be sensible? He spent all weekend working on his rotten car. These figures make a nonsense of your estimates. That isnt my fault, is it? A fat lot youll ever save!. Good God! Do you expect me to bring it you?. The things I do are my business, not yours. Im talking to you. Damn you! Damn! Ive left my key behind. Are

you accusing me? Is that all youve got to say? Look, lets just leave it, shall we? Varma, whatever happened? But this is ridiculous! Oh, hell! Ive forgotten my money!. Shes always boasting about her family. Hes always complaining about something. Shes always telling lies. Never heard of such a nonsense! Your mind is filled with nonsense! Ive put up with a lot, but I wont put up with this.

16. Expressing annoyance

(See expressing anger, Rebuking sb).

17. Apologizing

Sorry, Im not ready yet. Look, I really must apologize for what Ive done. Im sorry youve had to wait so long. Im sorryI really am. Im very sorry that this has happened. I didnt mean it. I am sorry if I worried you. Sorry, I havent finished it yet. Sorry about that. I hope you dont mind. IM afraid Ive botched it up. Im awfully sorry. I hope Im not disturbing you. Im terribly sorry. This is all entirely my own fault. How stupid of me! I wasnt thinking. Sorry, Anil! Will you forgive me? Im sorry. It was only meant as a joke. Im sorry Im late. Sorry, I got held up. Sorry, I cant find it anywhere. Please forgive me for all this confusion. I do beg your pardon. Im sorry Im a little late for my appointment. Id like to apologize for all that. I cant begin to say how sorry Im about it. Julie, I seem to have done something I have to apologize for. I really am sorry about it,. Please excuse me for it. Im so very sorry for saying all that. Im sorry, weve really let you down, and theres no excuse. Oh, you must forgive me. I had no idea. I have to leave early. I hope youll excuse me. Look, I didnt mean to upset you.18. Accepting an apology

(See also Forgiving sb)

Not at all. Please dont worry. Forget it. I dont want you to feel bad about it. Thats all right. Thats perfectly all right. Its OK. It doesnt matter but dont let it happen again, will you? Dont worry about it. Anyone can make a mistake. Oh well, I suppose its all right. It doesnt matter this time, but dont repeat it.

19. Rejecting an apology

Its no use apologizing now. You should have done it earlier. Its too late to apologize now. Whats the use of saying sorry? Look at the damage done to my car. Its easy to say sorry, but how are you going to compensate me for my lost opportunity? You walk in an hour late, and all you can say is Im sorry. Im afraid saying sorry just isnt enough. Youll have to do something about it. Its all very well to say youre sorry, but what are you to do about it?

20. Making appointments

(See also Arranging to meet sb).

Id like to make an appointment to see the Managing Director, please. Id like to make an appointment with Mr. Bhaskar please. How soon could I have an appointment? Would Sunday evening be all right? Five oclock? Is there any chance of making it slightly earlier? Is there any other time I could come tomorrow? Can you give me an appointment on Thursday? Next week would suit me best. Is there any other time I could come tomorrow? Could we arrange day after tomorrow, then? Could I possibly come on Friday? Im sorry, I cant come then. Can I come earlier in the evening? Can I come later in the morning? Will Thursday or Friday suit you best? Id like to come in the morning, please. Could I come on Saturday afternoon? Could you manage Friday? Can you make it 12 oclock then, or would 3 oclock be more convenient? Tuesday will suit me best. Id like to make an appointment to see Dr.Narayan, please. Yes, afternoon would do very well. What about Thursday at 8.30? Can you fit me in nearer the end of the day today? Which day of this week will be more convenient for you?

21. Expressing appreciation

(See Expressing admiration, Expressing approval and Fn.No.41 complimenting sb)

Its very good. I like that. Splendid! Great. Wonderful!

Marvellous! Its very nice. First rate. She had a pleasant voice. Its the best

Film Ive seen for a long time. It was most impressive. Thats an excellent idea. These stripes make your shirt look smart. I think it was first rate. I havent tasted fish like that for a long time. However did you do that? Oh, you mustnt miss this film. It looks quite nice, doesnt it? I like the way you do your hair, Laila. I think it was superb. You certainly know how to draw. The style of the dress is very good for you. Its not bad at all. Its a good thing you reminded me.

22. Expressing approval

(See expressing admiration, Expressing appreciation Complimenting sb. See also Expressing satisfaction)

Im very happy that that. Fine! Great! Very good! Well done! Excellent! Right! Im happy with his work. Its very good indeed! Im happy about the whole idea. I think he is quite right in saying that. Good thing for you. Im glad of the chance. This soup tastes very nice. Quite right! I rather like your Friend. This shirt looks well on you. Thats fine! I quite like your shirt. What you did was right. I think its a good idea. I dont think Ive ever seen anything quite so good. Im very glad you said that. I very much approve of the idea. Im in favour of that. I do like your dress. That was magnificent . What you said was right. I think they were quite right to reject it. I have no objections. He played brilliantly, didnt he? I think it is a good thing that he has decided to do it. I love the way you dress. Thats lovely dress you have on. Hes quite an interesting person. Its really nice. Oh, its delicious. You cook very well. What a marvellous movie! These are rather pretty. You handled the situation very well. Its very pretty. Hes a warm and friendly person. Shes a very well-behaved girl.

23. Expressing approval in a reserved or qualified way

Not bad, really. Its all right, I suppose. Only, its a bit bright. Most of it was good, but some parts were rather dull. It isnt too good. Itll do for a start. It was quite good on the whole. Its not bad at all, really. It wasnt a bad film, was it? I think it wouldve been better if it hadnt been so sweet. Ive seen worse. Its quite good, rally, but its a bit loose for you, I think. He may be very clever, but he cant do anything practical. Parts of it are OK, but on the whole, theres much that you can do to improve it. They look fairly good.

24. Expressing disapproval

I didnt think much of that movie. Its absolutely dreadful. I think you behaved very badly towards them. It isnt up to much. You shouldnt say that. Im afraid I didnt like that. You shouldnt have done it. Its entirely your fault. I dont like it, Im afraid. Its all very well for you to criticize, but it doesnt help the situation. I didnt enjo y it at ll. Its a pity you didnt bring it. I didnt find it interesting. I cant say I like it. These people are really the limit! Thats a bit old, isnt it? I cant bear it. I didnt think the play was much good. I cant stand the sight of that fellow,. What an awful day! Im not in favour of that . Good God! You look a mess! Id hoped you wouldve done better than this. I dont think thats wise. No one seems to give a damn about anything. Its not very nice. Why on earth did you do that? It was a bit boring. Your hair looks a wreck, Mallika. I thought the party was dreadful. Its much smaller than I though. Oh, the food was terrible. It doesnt taste very nice. I didnt think much of it, actually. I dont think thats advisable. He complains too much. This colour doesnt suit you. What dreadful weather!

25. Expressing disapproval in a tactful way

I think you shouldve explained it to them personally. It wouldve been better it you had refused it. Dont you think it wouldve been better if youd brought him along? Does it look a bit too small for you? Did you have to be so tough with them? Does it look a little faded? Was it really necessary to look into all these things? Do you think the other one would have been better? Why did you do a think like that?

26. Arranging to meet sb

(See also Making appointments).

Meet me in front of the Library at about 4.00 Ill meet you at 6 0clock by the office. Shall we meet at the station? Ill pick you up at the station. Ill collect you from there in half an hour. OK, 6 oclock in the book shop, then. OK, well meet for lunch, then. Ill pick you up at about 6.00. Ill come and meet you at the station. Shall we make it 6.00 outside the church? If its okay with you, Ill come at about 8. Ill meet you at the bus stop next to the Town Hall.

27. Attracting attention

(See also Pointing things out).

Note: Pay special attention to the words before the first bracket. Hand on a second (I think I know his name). Half a minute ( let me finish this), Excuse me ( is there a hotel near here?) Just a second (, where did you say hes from?) Half a second ( Ill soon be ready). Now listen to what Im going to say. Look (, if theres something you want o tell me, why dont you come back later?) Listen (, Hasinas been promoted). Just a minute (, how much did you pay for this?) Bear in mind that all this happened at night. What a minute (,I think youve got it all wrong). Now remember this. I beg your pardon (, I didnt hear you), Now this is how it llbegan. Shyam (,theres a call for you). Have a look at this photo. Sorry to bother you (, but theres something I want to show you). Hey, Seema! (What are you doing here?). Hey you (, come here!)

28Making bookings

Id like to reserve two seats on the coach to Baroda tomorrow. Id like to book my car in for a service, please. Do you think I need to book a seat? How many days in advance do I have to book? Is the first-show fully booked? Are there any second class seats available? Id like to book three seats for Tuesday the 6th please. What price are tickets, please? Do you have any seats for the evening? Have you got any seats for Saturday evening? Are any seats available for the matinee? Id like to book two seats for the first-show today, please. Is Sunday completely booked up? Oh, thats a pity. Well, thank you, anyway. Ill be there on the 14th . Can you book a hotel room for me? Book five seats on the Bangalore Express. We have booked a seat for you on the Chennai flight. Then book two seats for us on that bus.

28. Breaking the ice

(See Open ing a conversation with a stranger).

30Buying things

How much is that? How much does that sell for? How much are these oranges? Give me a kilo of apples. Pick out big ones, please. Excuse me. Id like a shirt for myself. A packet of cigarettes, please. Id like a kilo apples. They must have no spoiled sports in them. Id like to see some belts, please. Let me see what you have in handkerchiefs. Give me a tube of toothpaste. I dont suppose you have anything cheaper? Can I have a 10-rupee postal order please? Which of these do you think are better? Im looking for a radio. I think I will take this one. Have you got a bigger size? Whats the price of this washing machine? Well, Ill take half a dozen of those, please. Oh , its more expensive , is it? Have you got a different style? These are small. Have you any that are slightly larger? Let me see some pens, please. Twenty 50-paise stamps, please. I want some one-rupee stamps. Give me 29, please. Are they my size? Have you got a lighter colour? What kind of material is this? Have you got a looser style? Have you got this one in any other colours? You sell them by the kilo or by the dozen? Do you have something like this in some other material except cotton? Thats 10 rupees, isnt it? How do you sell these apples? How much are they? How are the potatoes today? Id like a kilo. Be sure theyre small and solid. Can I have ten envelopes please? This is too big. Do you have a smaller size? I think I can give you the right money. Three hundred rupees? Thats more than I care to spend. Will you wrap it up, please? This one is cheaper, isnt it?

31 Expressing capability

(See Expressing ability)

32. Expressing incapability

(See Expressing inability)

33. Expressing certainty

Im sure hes right. Without doubt, hes one of the best players we have. Theyll come, Im sure ofit. Its quite certain he was trying to fool you. Im convinced that we cant trust him. Theyll be here in time, Im sure. Im sure hes done the right thing. I know what hes going to do. Im absolutely sure that she comes from Australia. Theres no doubt that he comes from a rich family. They must have left by now. Im certain that hes the one who did it. Its clear that she knows him. Theres no doubt about it in my mind. Obviously, he is against the proposal. There was no mistaking him. Arun will only start tomorrow, Im certain about that. We were at fault. I have no doubt about it. Im quite positive that they had met earlier. Hes innocent. Im convinced of it. I certainly believe that he was in the wrong. I feel quite sure that it was Susan. He doesnt stand a chance of winning. I dont doubt that he wanted to help her. Its impossible that he could have seen her there.

34. Expressing uncertainty

(See also Expressing doubt and Expressing undecision)

Im just not sure. I dont think so. Im not sure about it. I cant make up my mind. I cant decide if I should invite them. I dont think youre right.

I havent a clue. Im not sure whether he knows it. Do you think I should call him? Im in two minds whether to accept it or not. I dont know whether to do it or not. Oh, I feel in such a muddle. Oh, I must say I find that very odd. He cant have known about it. I cant decide what to do. I dont believe that he can do it. He cant do it, I think. If only I knew what to do. I cant decide whether to take it back to the shop or not. I cant believe it, I really cant. I dont believe this is true. Tell me a way out. Im in two minds about doing it.

35. Asking about certainty and uncertainty

Do you think hell come? How do you know? Are you quite sure? Are you absolutely certain it was Amjad? Do you believe that he did it? So youre quite sure, are you? Are you sure that hes her brother? You couldnt have been mistaken, could you? Are you absolutely sure? Was it, really? Do you think so? How sure are you? Do you suppose that hes right?

36. Changing the topic

(See also introducing a conversational topic)

Note: Pay special attention to the words in italics.

Oh, that reminds me. Has he given you the key of the house? Now then, where has Ravi gone? Have you closed the door? Right, pull that chair and sit down. Talking of money, has Tom paid back the bank loan? Now listen! I have a plan. Right, what time is it now? Okay then, are we all ready to go? Oh by the way, tomorrow is a holiday , isnt it? All right then, Ill see you tomorrow. Right then, do we still have time to go for a film? Now, let me think. Speaking of marriage, did you know Rahul is going to marry Madhu? Now, whod like some more porridge? Now then, are we all ready to go? Hell easily find another job. Incidentally, wheres his brother now? Right then, what was I saying? All right then, lets remove this from here. Well now, are there any questions?

37. Checking up (facts, agreement, understanding, etc.)

Are you quite certain? Is it true what he said? They mustnt go there, must they? So that made her cry, did it? That must be why he said no. Do you get my drift? There is no door there. Is that right? Do you understand what I mean? So thats Meena? I assume youre not a vegetarian, Ravi? He mustnt come to know youre here, do you see what I mean? Hes satisfied with that, isnt he? So thats the switch I must press, is it? The train leaves at ten, doesnt it? So youre quite sure, are you? Id like to make sure the train is not late. You mean hes a reasonable man at heart? Their rate is a bit too high, what do you think? Theyll bring it with them, wont they? This date is right? Isnt that your friend over there? You dont want it, do you? Do you get me? Do you get it? Are you saying that Tuesday would suit you better? We shouldnt have done it, dont you agree? Let me just check Ive got it right. First, I must .. then, I must We cant pay cash, can we? It sounds like youre saying you dont like it, right? Did you say crux? Thats a Honda, isnt it? Can I check that with you, please/ You want me to buy x, y, and z right?

Note: All question tags help you check up facts, agreements etc. (Well take up question-tags for detailed study in another lesson)

38. Asking for clarifications

(See Checking up, Expressing doubt, Fn.No.77 Asking for information)

39. Making a complaint

I bought this radio from you only last week. It doesnt work. It doesnt even make a sound. Id like a replacement, please. The potatoes you sold me are full of spoiled spots. I dont want them. Pick me out a few unspoiled ones, please. I have a complaint to make. Its about the TV I bought from you yesterday. Its not working. I cant get a picture at all. I bought this shirt from you yesterday. When I got home, I saw it had a hole in the collar Id like to exchange it for another one. Im sorry to trouble you, but this clock doesnt work. I bought it from you last week. These oranges are greenI want ripe ones firm and ripe. Im not interested in getting it repaired. I want a refund on it. These trousers are too tight across the seat. Can you change them, please? These trousers have a big tear in one leg. There seems to be something wrong with this camera Ive been using the flash, but all the pictures it takes are completely dark. I bought these shoes from you two days back. Theyre defective. This shirt is too tight for me. Can you let it out a little? I bought these shoes from you yesterday. Im afraid its faulty. Can I have another, please? These trousers dont fit. Theyre much too loose round the waist. I bought this briefcase from you last week. When I lifted it today, the handle came off in my hand. Id like a refund, please. Im not satisfied with this mixer. It shakes whenever it works. And it makes a lot of noise. These lemons are soft and no good. I want firm, unspoiled ones. I bought this dress from you. Its too small for me. Could I have a larger size? You delivered a new washing machine yesterday. It doesnt work. These apples look green. I want ripe ones, please. These apples are bruised. Can you change them please? I bought these scissors here. They arent sharp enough. I want you to replace them. I bought these shoes here yesterday. Ive only worn them once. One heel is already loose.

40. Complaining about peoples behaviour

Will you please stop making so much noise? You shouldnt have said that. Thats what hurts me most. Will you stop testing me? This is really going too far. Im sorry, but this has got to stop. Ive just about had enough! Now stop it! How cine youre in such a bad mood today? Thats really going a bit too far. Im sorry to have to say this, but youre making fun of me, and I want you to stop doing that. You have absolutely no right to behave like that. Thats your radio, isnt it? Will you please turn the volume down a bit, please? You dont have to be rude. I only asked you a simple question. What do you think youre doing? I feel bad about what you said now. If you dont stop smoking. Ill have to complain to the conductor. Have you gone off your head? Must you always shout at her like this? This is really too much! Would you mind making less noise? Stop shouting! Ive had enough of this. Why dont you stop using such foul language? How can you ignore me like thisafter everything I have done for you? What are you so angry about? What gives you the right to behave like that?

41. Complimenting sb

(See also Expressing admiration, Fn.No.21 expressing appreciation, and Fn.No.22 Expressing approval)

How nice you look! You have a beautiful voice. You look lovely. You

Look very nice today. I like your sari. The colours are terrific. You finished it in record time. Thats great! You always dress very nicely. That dress really suits you. Yours shoes look nice. How could you do it so quickly? What a nice shirt!. Thats splendid idea, Imran. Youve got a brilliant mind. This sari really suits you. You cant have been married 25 years. You look so young. You put a lot of extra effort into your work this weekend, Rupa. Otherwise, we wouldnt have been able to meet the deadline. You have a really nice way of putting things. You look lovely with your hair short. That colour does suit you. You re always so beautifully dressed. Mira. That shirt really looks nice on you. How could you figure out a solution so easily? I love you in this sari.

42. Answering a compliment

Thanks, Im glad you like it. Thank you. Really? Im not. Sure about it, actually. Thank you. I think it looks nice on me, too. Nice of you to say so. Its nice, isnt it?

43. Inviting compliments and comments

See this dress? How does it look? What do you think of my hair style? Do you think so? Whats it about my hairstyle thats bad? Look at his antique vase. Dont you think its beautiful? How about its shape? Do you like my new sari? Whats it about my sari that makes me look good? I think this shirt suits me. Dont you? I dont understand. Whats it about my shirt that makes me look bad?

44. Expressing condolences

(See Expressing sympathy)

I heard what happened. My deepest sympathy, Atul. Im very sorry to hear your father has died. George, my deepest sympathy on your sad loss. I heard about your tragic loss. Im extremely sorry. I hear your grandmother has died. Im sorry. Please accept my condolences. Im very sorry to hear about your uncle. He was such a good man.

45. Congratulating sb

Congratulations, Paul!. Many, many congratulations! Congratulations! Your essay has won first prize. Im so glad! My heartiest congratulations! Im so happy for you! I hear youve had a baby. Congratulations! I do think youre lucky man. Hey, youve got that job? Congratulations. Well done! Lt me offer you my congratulations. I think you deserve it! I was delighted to hear about it. Splendid! You must be very pleased. I couldnt have been more pleased! I congratulate you. Youve done a fine job, Deepak! That was excellent. Congratulations! Im so pleased for you! I was thrilled to hear about your new job. You deserve all the luck in the world!

46 Contradicting sb

(See Denying sth).

47 Trying to convince sb of sth

(See also Trying to persuade sb).

Yes, really. Its quite true. I tell you, its a fact. Dont you feel that he could have been mistaken? I am absolutely feel that he could have been mistaken? I am absolutely certain. I saw him just now, really. You see, the service there certain. I saw him just now, really. You see, the service there is excellent. I tell you, its true. But surely you must agree that this is not a normal case. Hes innocent, I can assure you. It must be true. Its here in black and white. Honestly, its quite true. I can guarantee that youll have a good time. But dont you agree that he was away at that time? This is the best price we can get theres no doubt about it. Isnt possible that he doesnt know anything about it? Look, I saw it myself. I tell you, its certain. But cant you see that hes interested in the idea? Thats all I know, honestly. But you must admit that he did all he could. I have made doubly sure that there are no mistakes. I saw it with my own eyes.

48. Correcting sb or sth

I went there on Tuesday I mean, Wednesday. No, theres nothing to worry about. Thats not right, do it like this. No, its a black one not a blue one. Next week, I wont be here that is, from Tuesday. No, that isnt true. No. He gave no reason. Thats not the proper way to eat noodles. No, nobody knows it, really. A square board? Are you sure?I shouldve thought it was a rectangular one. No, to the right not to the left. Ill be with you in about 15 minutes no, youd better make that 30 minutes. No, thats not the one. I heard no such thing. No, not exactly.Thats the wrong way to hold the bat. He said nothing of the sort. No, not like that, actually. I never said any such thing. In front of the Town Hall, you mean. I dont think so. No, that isnt correct. Mind you, hes no fool. No, its the third one. That isnt the right one. Dont get me wrong I am not against the plan. No, before the cross-roads, in fact. His uncle? His father, you mean? I saw them at least, I think I saw them. No, in fact Ive never seen him. Wasnt it bigger than that? Thats wrong, really.

49. Criticizing sb or sth

(See Expressing disapproval, Expressing sarcasm)

50. Denying sth

Thats not what I said, Theres nothing in these rumours. Im quite sure Id never have told you to do it. I hate to contradict you, but I think youre wrong. She definitely hasnt met me. No. Im afraid thats not what really happened. Surely not. But I did not do that. No, I didnt.

No. you havent told me. Thats not what I intended, actually. I hate to contradict you, but I didnt say that. I think youre mistaken. He wasnt there, really. Never. No, there isnt any milk left. No. Im afraid you havent . Dont be so ridiculous! I hardly know her. What youre saying is absolutely wrong. I certainly did not. be so ridiculous! I hardly know her. What youre saying is absolutely wrong. I certainly did not. be so ridiculous! I hardly know her. What youre saying is absolutely wrong. I certainly did not. be so ridiculous! I hardly know her. What youre saying is absolutely wrong. I certainly did not. be so ridiculous! I hardly know her. What youre saying is absolutely wrong. I certainly did not. be so ridiculous! I hardly know her. What youre saying is absolutely wrong. I certainly did not. be so ridiculous! I hardly know her. What youre saying is absolutely wrong. I certainly did not.

51. Describing sb

Hes a man of powerful build, with a severe face. Hes a muscular and broad-shouldered man. Shes slender and has long, dark hair. Shes not very tall. Hes of average build. Hes dressed in jeans and shirt with selves rolled up. Hes a tall, powerfully-built man, barrel-chested, and muscular. She has a pleasant, frank look. Hes rather fat. He was dressed in uniform. Hes a nice-looking young boy in blue jeans, active and alert. He was wearing trousers and white shirt. Shes a tall business-like woman of about 35. She has a good-natured face and has a friendly, charming manner. His hair is close cropped. He has deep-set eyes. Shes altogether a little showy. Shes very pleasing and graceful in appearance. Hes dressed in a black shirt and must be just over thirty. Hes quite tall. Her eyes were alert and greedy. She has a charming smile and engaging manner. Hes not particularly good-looking. Hes ten or twenty kilos overweight. Hes a short man in the early fifties, with a bald head. She dressed very quietly. Her eyes were wide and dark. He looked very young, about 17. Hes fairly tall with short, black hair and bushy eyebrows. Hes of medium height, neither far nor thin, and clean shaven. Hes about 35 years old, with dashing good looks. Shes very simply and neatly dressed. Shes seventeen, tall and slender, with searching eyes. She has long, black hair. His stomach is flat. She has big, dark eyes. He has a cheerful manner. Hes a man of about 40, tall and good-looking. Hes a tall elderly man with grey hair and of healthy appearance. Shes very slim and is in the late thirties. Hes a large, dark man ofmore than 50, with a high forehead. His nose is long and thin. She has a slender waist.. Hes an elderly man with a pleasant face. His mouth turns down slightly at the corners. Shes very attractive. Hes shrewd-faced man in his earlyfifties. She has a supple, well-curved figure.

52. Describing a house

There are six rooms in that house, not including the kitchen andthree bathrooms. His house has an entrance hall, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bath. From the hall, a door opens into another room. That house has a sloping roof. His house has a flat roof. On the right, there are two windows looking out on the garden. The room has a large window on the left. At right, front, there is a swinging door leading to the sitting room. A door on the left leads to the stairs. This room to the left is a bedroom. In the rear, theres a door to the dining room. A door on the left leads into a long corridor. The house faces the main road. That house has three big bedrooms and one small one. The floor is of white tiles. The room opens at the back upon a wide porch. This room is a little small, but there is

room for a bed and a table. From the corridor, doors open to three bedrooms. In the middle of the left wall, theres a window. The living room is fairly large. The back door opens into a verandah. There is a window on the right, looking out on the street. Her flat is on the third floor. The downstairs bedroom is fairly large. Theres a bathroom at the end of the corridor. He lives in a two-storey-house. Thats a big house with a glass porch. You have good cross-ventilation. Theres a door on the right leading into the backyard. There are two windows to the left of the main door. On the left, theres doorway leading into a large bedroom. This is the kitchen. The living room walls are papered with wallpaper having a beautiful design. Its a big house. It has seven rooms. Theres a door leading out on to a balcony. His bedroom is on the first floor. In the rear wall, right, is the stairway to the upstairs rooms. This is the bathroom to the right. The doors are painted white. On the right, at the end of the room, theres a small door leading to the bathroom. His house is a single-storey-building. His house has two double bedrooms. Next to the kitchen, theres a pantry.

53. Asking about sbs description

What sort of build is he? Could you describe him for me? Whats your brother like? How does the dress? Is he good looking? Does she have a good complexion? What does Tina look like? Does he walk with a stoop? Does he walk with a had limp? What colour is her sari? How was she dressed? Does she have long hair? How tall is she? Tell me what she looks like. How old is he?

54. Directing sb to a place

This road goes straight to Andheri. Its a about 5miles. His shop is over there on the left, next to the book shop. Its on the other side of the road. Stay on this road for a kilometer, then turn right. Thats Augustus Road. This office is quite easy to find. Its a just opposite the post office over there. Walk down this road as far as the Post Office, and turn left into Convent Road. Our house is the third on the left. Go down here, and its the second on the right. Its near the Jewellery Junction. Take the Rajaji Road, and turn right at the first roundabout. Follow the road round to the left, and youll see the book shop on the right. When you reach the supermarket, turn sharp left. The first turning on the right is Park Lane. Take the first turning to the left after passing the police station. The road you want is called College Road. You should take the first right after the cross-roads. Its an old building some-where along the road. Turn right there on to the main road. Turn right off the main road. Dont turn off there stay on this road for two kilometers. Get off the bus when you see a great big building. Then turn left, got it? Go east along that road as far as the Police Station. Then turn left. When youve got to the Bakers Junction, turn right. Its about a mile past the church. Carry straight on as far as the cross-roads with the traffic lights. Follow this road until you come to the traffic lights. When you come to the police station, turn left. Then Youll be in Brigade Road. The road turns off for Ooty there. When youve passed the traffic lights, come to the next junction. This place is a bit further down at the end of the road. Its the tallest building in the road, so its easy to find. His office is straight down the hall, the fourth room to the right. At the second cross-roads, you turn left and go as far as the Town Hall. Its not very far, actually. Turn left at the end of the street. Then youll be in Bakshi Road. Turn right at the cross-roads, understand? Its good two miles to the station. Its on the way to the church. Indira Nagar is north of Balaji Nagar. Turn right outside this building, and walk to the end of the road, and its on the right, next to the garage. Its a few yards up on the left.

55. Expressing disappointment

Oh no, what a shame! Thats a pity. How disappointing! I had hoped that Id be able to meet him. Oh, dear! What fools we were!. It was an absolute waste of money. Its a great shame. I was so looking forward to meeting them. Id so hoped that Id get selected this time. Things always go wrong. Its a little bit disappointing, isnt it? Oh, no! Oh, thats a nuisance! Its very upsetting that his has happened. Oh, damn! Oh dear! Ive spilt the milk. Oh well, never mind. Thats a great pity. Oh no,. what a letdown. Oh, it was all unnecessary. If only I had known! Its just my hard luck that he changed his mind at the last minute. Oh, I was so looking forward to meeting him. It wasnt as good as I thought it was going to be. Im sorry to hear that. Oh no, thats the second time! Its most unfortunate. Whats the point of giving a party now? I wish that someone had let me know. Ive never been so disappointed in my life. Oh well, it cant be helped, I suppose. But what good will it do? Im very sorry to hear that. It meant so much to me. Im disappointed in him. I thought he could do better. Unfortunately, I couldnt reach there in time. When I think of it! Well, theres nothing we can do about it, I suppose. Oh, no! Not again!

56. Expressing doubt

(See also Expressing uncertainty and Expressing indecision)

Im not sure. Im not certain. Oh, I dont know. I think hes the man, but I cant be certain. I find this hard to believe. That means he didnt actually meet her? He may call on us on his way there. Why was tht, then? That cant be true. That seems unlikely, you know. Surely, you could have explained it to him? Im not sure Whether hes telling the truth. You did hear him say that, didnt you? Perhaps. Its not clear to me why he did such a thing. Are you absolutely sure he has left? I doubt if hell reach there in time. Thats odd. I thought they were supposed to be good at it. Its a bit odd that he hasnt written to us so far. Why did he close the door/ I wonder. Come off it! This cant be the shop. You did see him there, didnt you? Thats difficult to believe. You couldnt have given it ot anyone? Perhaps hell comeIm not sure. Maybe, she was waiting for

Us. I cant believe that. Youre joking. I dont understand why he didnt speak to her, Go on with you! You must be dreaming. I wonder if thats right. I suppose its all right to wear this dress. I doubt whether she knew. Could you not have given it to her? Are you sure of that? I dont see that it makes much difference, do you? It sounded like her. Are you telling me he isnt going to come? I doubt if we shall get there by 10. That seems a bit strange. What was the reason? Is it really size 38? Amith? You must have got the wrong name. I cant believe theres any truth in that. Are you sure thats true? Thats strange. I never received it. How do you mean? I doubt him. I dont think hes telling the truth

57. Making friendly enquiries

Where have you been lately? What are you doing these days? How are you getting on at work? Hows the family? Has your headache gone yet? I havent seen you for quite a while. How are you setting down in the new place? What have you been doing since we last met? I see youve got a new scooter How are you enjoying your new job? I hear youve got a new car. Is Julia all right? Do you cook your meals yourself? Did you have a good flight? Do you have any idea what happened to Jack? How was Goa? How are you getting along these days? Have you got any children? Hows your business going, Ajai? What is your new job like? Im a Gemini! What sign are you? Virgo? Tell me about your work. How is he getting on at school? You live in the city or on the outskirts? Where has Tina been this past week? What are you studying there? I heard Veenas father is laid up in bed. Did you have a good outing? I heard your mother had been ill quite recently. Hows she now? How long have you been living there? Whats your brother doing nowadays? How are you finding life as a nurse? How are you enjoying your stay in Bangalore? Did you have a nice journey? I hear Susan has had a baby Whats in that bag? I thought you were in Baroda. Tell me what youve done. Do you play any sports? Where did you buy this sari? Did you have a good time in kochi? How are your parents? Did everything go off all right? Neetha speaks about you often.

58. Expressing fear

(See Expressing worry or fear)

59. Forgiving sb

( See also Accepting an apology)

It doesnt matter. Its OK, but dont do it again, will you? All is forgiven. Its quite all right. I do wish youll be more careful. Dont worry about it. Its all right. Well, all right, Everybody makes mistakes sometimes. It doesnt matter at all. Never mind.

60. Saying good-bye

(See Taking leave of s

61. Expressing gratitude

(See also Responding to thanks)

Many thanks. It was terribly kind of you. Thats very kind of you. Thank you. Thank you for inviting us. It was very kind of you to help us. Thank you for everything. Thanks for a great lunch. Youve been a great help, thank you very much. Its good of you to say so. Thanks a lot. Youve been so kind. It was nice of you to arrange everything on such short notice. Im very grateful to you. Thanks for a really lovely meal! A present! Oh, you shouldnt have bothered. Youve been most helpful. Thank you for a wonderful party. It was very nice of you to come. Thank you for comingso quickly. I cant tell you how grateful I am. Thank you. Its just what I wanted. Thanks for a marvelous time. I dont know how to thank you. I cant thank you enough. Thank you very much. Were most grateful to you. Thank you for an entertaining evening. Thanks very much. I dont know how I can thank you enough! Youve been most kind. Thanks for giving such a good time. Thank you very much indeed How can I thank you enough? It was very thoughtful of you. Thank you . Thats really great of you.

62. Greeting people you already know

(See also Introducing people and responding to introductions)

Hello there? Hello, Sandra! Hi! Hello, Tom. How are you? Hows everything? Jacob! How nice to see you! Look whos here. Hi, hows things? (Note: In this word group, is is more common than are. Hows things?, with anis in the middle, has become an idiomatic expression. But note this, too: How are things? is not rare, either. People do useHow are things also at times).

What a nice surprise! Dolly! How nice to see you again! Hi, Geetha! I havent seen you for quite a while. Sharma! Its months since I saw you! Hows it going? Kiran! I havent seen you for ages. Hi, Manu! What are you doing here? Hello, Anil! Where hve you been lately? Fancy meeting you here! Ravi Nice to see you again!

There are four points you should keep in your mind about greeting somebody:

1) The expressions Good morning, Good afternoon and

Good evening are polite greetings and are somewhat formal. Close friends and relations usually use Hi and Hello instead. These are informal greetings.

2) You shouldnt ask Hows everything? How are you getting on ? Hows things? or How are things? when you meet a stranger. You should use these forms of greetings only when you meet someone you already know. (See Greeting sb youve just met for the first time in Supplement 2).

3) When you greet someone whos in poor health, you often use one of the following forms:

Hello, I hope you are well.

Hello, Jim, how are you feeling today?

Hi, aunty, how are you these days?

4) You should say Nice to meet you only when you greet someone you meet for the first time. If you want to use this structure to greet someone you already know, use the word see in place of meet. That is, you must say Nice to see you.

63. Responding to greetings from sb you already know

Take a look at these everyday greetings:

.How are you?

.Hows things?

Hows everything?

.Hows it going?

Structurally, theyre all questions. But theyre all greetings, too. In fact, pragmatically, a question like this is more a greeting than a question. Yes, its a greeting in the first place, and a question only in the second place. Normally, its from someone you already know, rather than from a person you meet for the first time, that you get a greeting of this kind.

The most common responses to these greetings are:

Fine, thanks. And how are/about you?

Very well, thanks. And how are/about you?

You can answer other greetings like Hi, Hello, etc. with a return Hi or Hello, -- or with one of the other greetings given at Sl.No.62 (Greeting people you already know). Or you can use a combination of a Hi (or Hello) and one of the other greetings given there. For example, you can say:

Hi, what a nice surprise!

Hello, Alfredo! Fancy meeting you here!

64. Greeting sb youve just met for the first time

(See Sl.No.82 Introducing people and responding to introductions).

65. Sending greetings through sb to sb else

. Please give my regards to your father, will you? Dont forget to remember me to Ashok. Say hello to Rekha. Give my best wishes to your mother. Give my love to the children. Give my regards to Julia. Please remember me to Sumitra.

66. Offering help

Can I help you? Can I give you any help? Do you need any help? Is there anything I can do to help? Why dont you let me help you with the cooking? Ill it, shall I? Maybe, I could help you do it. Im going to the post office. Would you like me to get anything for you? Can I help? Everything all right? Ill help you. Ill ring for the office boy. Want me to try? Please let me help you. Can I help you with it? Do you want me to help with the washing up? Can I be of any help? Do you need some kind of help? Allow me to do it for you. Its cold in here. Would you like me to shut the windows? Ill do it for you. Is there anything else? Perhaps I could be of some help? Would you like me to try? Ill be glad to help, if you need it. Do you want me to have a look? If you like, Ill phone him up. Let me carry your bag. I suppose you want something else, do you? Shall see if I can help you ? I can help, if you like. If you like, Ill help you with your work. Lets have a look. Could I give you a hand to complete it? Here, Ill show you how to do it. Permit me to help you. Can I help you with anything? Well, if you have any more trouble, just let me know. It looks heavy. Could I give you a hand with it? You seem to be having some problem. Whats wrong? I havent got much, but you can borrow what money I have. Perhaps I could help you do it. Let me help you. Ill help you, if you like.

67. Accepting help

Oh, thats very kind/thoughtful of you. Could you? Youre most kind.Yes, please. Id appreciate it. Oh, could you do that? Thatd be very helpful. Thatd be lovely/great. Id be delighted if you could. Would you? Thats extremely good of you. Id appreciate it if you could. If youre sure itss no trouble for youId be glad if you could. Thanks. Thatd be a great help. Thanks very much. Id be glad if you would.

68. Declining help

No, thank you. Dont bother. No, please dont bother---I can manage. Dont worry. Thats very kind of you. Thank you, but I can manage. Id rather do it myself, thank you. No, thanks. Im fine. Thats OK, thanks. Id better do it myself, Thank you. Im all right, thank you.

69. Asking for help

(See Requesting others to help you or to do sth or to give you sth)

70. Expressing hope

I just hope shell be able to come. I was hoping for something different this time. We hope to go there next month. I hope so. I think youll like our food. I very much hope theyd realize its importance. I hope we can make them feel welcome. I only hope hell be able to help them out. Hopefully, hell bring it with him. I hope to see her soon. I hope you havent paid for it. I hope hell do it. Lets hope hell get better soon. Im rather hoping the weatherll be good.

71. Identifying sb or sth

It could be Anitha. Thats her, isnt it? This is the bag he had with him. Maybe, its that contractor. Its me. Its us. Its them. Thats her. Its him. Shes here. It could be a Honda. Yes, it is. Theres a big mole on his right cheek. That girl on his left is his younger sister. I think thats her husband. Its Ashok Malhotra from next door. I suppose that must be him. Its a very good book. Shes got a wart on her nose. I know theman shes standing beside. Thats him, your friend. Ah, theres the man I told you about. I think hes an electrician or something. I think its a rools Royce. Yes, she is. Its your father on the phone. He has a slight limp. These are his clothes. I think thats the one. I am a client of his. Yes, its her all right. This is the book you wanted, isnt it? He has a scar on hisforehead. Perhaps its a Honda. Well, there he is. Hes a mechanic.

72. Asking about identity

Who are you? May I know who you are? Are you Mr.Iyengar? Whos that man over there? What make of TV is it? Is that you, Asha? Who did you see at the bank? What the hell is that? Which Sharma do you meanhis brother-in-law or his neighbour? See that man? Whos he? What sort of book is it? Do you know who she is? Whore those people? What in the world is it? Are you policemen? Who are you phoning? Excuse me. Are you the teacher of VIII A? What colour is it? Who on earth told you that? Whats the name of that girl? That man standing over there. Do you know him? See that thing there? What is it? Isnt that your father? Do you recognize that man in a blue shirt? Do you know what that thing is? Who are you going to meet? What on earth is that thing in your bag? Do you hve some identification with you? Do you know hat that woman is? Isnt that you bag? What kind of typewriter is it? An electronic one? Thats your uncle, isnt it? Who is that packet for? Which of these bags is yours? What make is your car? Whos he talking to? What type of oil do you use?

73. Not identifying

I dont recognize him. Im afraid Ive no idea. I dont know who it was. I know his face, but I cant place him. Ive no idea what it is. Theres some man at the door. Sorry, I dont know. I only saw his back. Im not certain. Theres something on the floor. He just reminds me of someonw. But I cant put a name to his face. I havent the faintest idea. I have no idea who that is. I have no idea what his name is. No. I dont think so. I havent a clue. This isnt mine. It must be somebody elses. God knows. Im not sure.

74. Imagining a situation

(See Speculating about things).

75. Expressing indecision

(See also Expressing uncertainty and Expressing doubt).

Look, I dont know what to do. I cant decide whether to invite him or not. Oh, I dont know. Maybe I shouldnt do it. Perhaps I should write to his deputy first. Im in two minds whether or not to do it. I dont know what to tell them. Yes, I suppose so. Ill possibly be able to do it. Maybe Ill buy it, maybe I wont. Im a bit uncertain about this. Well, of course. Its up to you. Im not sure. Hes possibly one of our best workers. Well maybe. Im not sure what to do next. I dont know whether to accept it or not.

76. Expressing indifference

It makes no difference to me. It makes no difference. Do what you like. I dont care. I suppose so. How should I know? Its all the same to me. I shouldnt worry if I were you. I dont care! I dont mind what you do? Its your decision. I dont mind. Look, why dont you relax? It doesnt matter. Go ahead, do it. If you like. I wouldnt mind. Why should I? I know hell be angry, but I dont care. Who cares! Who knows! It makes no difference either way. Im easy (= I dont mind, I have no preference). As you like. I couldnt care less. So what? You can say whatever you like. Do as you like.

77. Asking for information

Excuse me. Do you know the way to the Railway station? Could you tell me which bus goes to Colaba? Im looking for a place to eat. Is there a good restaurant around here? Could you tell me why todays GT express was cancelled? What time is the Bangalore Express due in, please? Do you think you could tell me how to get to this address? I want to catch the Dadar bus. Could you tell me where the bus-stop is, please? Could you help me? How much is the fare to Madurai? How much are you asking for the rent? What time is it? What are your rates? What time is the news on? You wouldnt know if theres any other way, would you? How much does a ticket to Delhi cost, please? Who can I ask for some information? Whats the date today? What sort of time did you want to go? Im sorry to trouble you, but do you happen to know where the canteen is? Could you tell me when the bus for London leaves, please? Any idea how long hell be here? Do you know how far its to the next petrol station? Whens the next bus to Adayar due, please? Excuse me. Im trying tofind my way to my hotel. Could you tell me how to get to the bus station? Im trying to find my way to the Stock exchange. Can you direct me? I wonder if you could help me. Id like to know what time the next bus leaves for Mysore. Excuse me. Wheres the number 107 bus-stop, please? Where does the 107 go from? You havent got a clue, have you? Whats the telephone number there? I wonder if you could tell me something. How often are there trains from here to Bombay? Are you on the phone? How much does the house rent for? Where can I find the toilet, please?

78. Insisting on sth or on doing sth

You must go and meet her. You simply must do it. Im afraid youll have to do it. I want to know when youll do it. Im not leaving until I know. Do stay for dinner. You really must help him. Youll have to finish it by this evening. You must stay for lunch, I insist. Im sorry. I cant accept that. I insist you do it. You must stay for tea. I dont mind waiting. Its very important. You will come before fourI insist. Its essential that you meet him. I wont go until you give me a full refund. I insist on a written report from him. If you cant help me, Id like to see the manger.

79. Instructing or directing sb what to do and what not to do

You should always carry some money with you. Buy the best you can afford. Save me a place in the queue. Go to that counter over there. Make out a cheque for Rs.1,500.00. Be careful not to cross the road there. Make a note of those numbers. Move to the rear.. First of all, you must clear up the mess. See that all the doors are locked. Wrap it up ion a piece of paper. Ask him to telephone me at my residence. You should never go there again. Take only one of them. Keep moving everybody. Dont leave the iron on when youre not using it. Be careful to turn the gas as low as possible. First, you must turn this key to the left. Dont make the sleeves too long. Move along, everybody. Then you must press this green button. Never turn this box upside down. Keep him warm. Give him an aspirin every four hours. After youve done that, join these two sections of the tube together. Make sure you dont let the wires touch. Then you cut the sheet down the middle. Sit on this side. Come about 8 oclock. I want you to send someone out there right now. Make out a receipt, will you? Better dont wait for them. Have your money ready before you get on the bus. Bring me that book. Clean out the cupboards, will you? Always wear a helmet inside the factory. Stand back from the door, will you? When youve washed it, wipe it dry with a cloth. Signal when you turn. Dont accept anything but the best. Have your change ready. Finally, you give it a rub with a polishing cloth. See that everybody starts on time. Push it back a little.

80. Expressing intention

(see also Answering questions about plans)

Im going to cut it into four equal pieces. Ill wait until they come. I certainly dont intend to wait here all day. I have no intention of leaving. Heres what I intend to do. Intend to marry her. Im visiting my parents this weekend. Im considering leaving this place. I think I should visit them more often. Im not going to listen to this rubbish any longer. Im going to stay in and watch TV. I dont intend to argue about it. I plan to invite them all. Ive got something fixed up for tomorrow. Im thinking of taking up another job. Ill help you, and I mean it. My idea is to go to the exhibition tomorrow. Im planning to go to Bombay this weekend. I intend showing it to him. Ive arranged to meet her after work. Ive decided to go alone. Im hoping to be able to complete it by tomorrow. Ill ring you up as soon as I can. Im hoping to visit Nagpur before returning to Delhi. I dont intend resigning. Ive decided not to invite them. Ive made up my mind to remain here for a few weeks. Maybe, I should lock the house up for the holidays.

81. Asking about intention

(See also Asking about plans)

Do you intend to do anything about it? Are you going to do the washing today? What do you plan to do about it? Will you deny the charge? What do you intend to do about it? Arent you going to do anything about it? What are you thinking of doing about it? What are you going to do? Id like to know what you intend to do about it? Are you thinking of going out today? What are you going to do about it?

82. Introducing people and responding to introductions

(See also Greeting people you already know).

Youll get a clear idea about both these functions from the following exchanges:

1) You: Dileep, Id like you to meet Mr.Arora. Hes our electrical contractor:

Dileep: (To Arora) How do you do?

Arora: (To Dileep) How do you do? (Formal)

2) You: Dileep, this is Arun. Hes the person I was telling you about

Yesterday. Arun, Dileep is one of my best friends.

Dileep: (To Arun) Hi!

Arun: (To Dileep) Hi! (Informal)

3) You: Dileep, I dont think Youve met Arun. Arun, this is Dileep,

Dileep: (To Arun) Hello!

Arun: (To Dileep) Hello! (Neutral)

4) You: Dileep, do you know Arun? Hes my cousin.

Dileep: No, we havent met. (To Arun) Hello!

Arun: (To Dileep) Nice to meet you, Dileep.

5) You: Dileep, meet Arun. He works with me.

Dileep: (To Arun) Hello, Arun!

Arun: Hi, there!

6) You: Dileep, Have you met Arun? Arun is my business partner. He knows you.

Dileep: (To Arun) Pleased to meet you.

Arun: (To Dileep) The pleasure is mine.

7) You: Dileep, Mr.ChatterjiSushmas father.

Dileep: (To Chatterji) Mr. Chartterji, How nince!

Chatterji: (To Dileep) Glad to meet you.

8) Anil: (To Ramesh) Hello, how do you do? My name is Sharma Anil Sharma.

Ramesh: (To Anil) Pleased to meet you, Mr.Sharma. Im Saxena Ramesh Saxena.

9. Anil: (To Madhu) Hello, Im AnilAnil Sharma.

Madhu: (To Anil) hello, Im MadhuMadhu Mukherji

10. Anil: Youre Madhu, arent you? My name isAnil, Im your next-door neighbour.

Madhu: Hello, Anil. Nice to meet you.

11. Anil: My name is Anil. Whats yours?

Madhu: Madhu Madhu Mukherji.

Anil: Nice to meet you, Madhu!

Madhu: Nice to meet you

Heres something you should remember: You shouldnt use How do you do? to greet someone you already know. No. You should only use this word group (How do you do?) when you want to greet someone youve met for the first time. Normally, you use this word group after both you and the other person get introduced to each other. Heres an important point you should remember while using this expression: How do you do is not a questionleast of all, a question that seeks an answer about the health or well-being of the addressee. Its only a phrase that simply means I greet you, stranger. The addressee often responds to this greeting with

The same greeting How do you do?

X: How do you do? Y: How do you do? The addressee may also respond to

How do you do? with one of these expressions: Pleased to meet you, Glad to meet you or Nice to meet you.

So if the stranger Youre introduced to greets you with a How do you do?, never acknowledge the greeting with a reply like Fine, thanks, Pretty well, thanks, and you? ,etc. You must always keep this point in mind.

Now let me clear up a doubt that some of you may perhaps have: What Ive said just now doesnt mean that you cannot use How are you? to greet a stranger. No. In fact, you can use both How are you? and How do you do? to greet a stranger when somebody introduces him to you, especially if the situation is not formal. Yes, you can use How are you?, to greet a stranger as well as a person you already know. But you can use How do you do? only to greet a stranger, and not to greet a person you already know. Understand this difference in convention.

83. Introducing a conversational topic

(See Changing the topic, and Opening a conversation with a stranger).

Have you heard? )Sushil has got a promotion). Havent you heard? (Ahmad and Priya are getting married!). Have you heard about last nights party? Do you want to know something? (Theyve vowed never to discuss the subject again). Guess what? (They divided the money fifty-fifty). You know something? (Murthy offered her a lift, and she refused it). Look, have you seen the news?. Have you heard the news? Ive got something I must tell you. Do you know? (I think therell be a token woman on the committee). Ill tell you what. (Lets go to the cinema tonight). You know, a strange thing happened to me yesterday. Have you heard what happened? Do you know? Its incredible (Jose says he saw the boss with Laila in Bangalore). Sad about Choudhari, isnt it? You know what? (Were out of touch with whats going on). Did you hear about Sunils PA? Look, Ive got a great idea,. Why dont we go for a picnic tomorrow? Theres something I want to tell you. Did you watch television last night? A very strange thing happened to me on my way home yesterday. Look, Sita, Ill tell you what well do. Well.. You know Gopal, (I think youll like Lindashes quite a personality). I know what.

(Well go for a walj). Isnt it funny) (He hasnt sent us a letter so far).

Have you ever heard of such a thing? Raju, Im afraid Ive got something to tell you.

84. Making an invitation

Are you busy? How about a cup of tea? Will you join us for a cup of tea? Come on in. Im giving a party tomorrow. Would you like to come? Do you feel like going for a walk? Can you stay for lunch? What about a cup of coffee? Help yourself to some food, Sushil. Perhaps youd like to have a cup of tea? Were thinking of going on a picnic this Sunday. Why dont you join us? Help yourself to snacks. How would you like to join us for lunch? Why dont you stay the night here? Come in and sit down. Look, I was thinking of going to a movie. Would you like to come? Ah Reddy, come and join us. Would you like to go for a walk? How about joining me for a cup of tea? Would you like to go to the movies today evening? Were having a party next Sunday night. I thought you might like to come. And bring your wife along. Do you fancy having a bite to eat before we leave? Come and have some more coffee. Wouldnt you like to stay for dinner? I thought I might have a party on Sunday. Would you like to

come? How would you like to come and spend some time with us? Why dont you lunch with me today? Id like you to have lunch with us tomorrow. Im going for a cup of coffee. Coming? Come in and make yourself at home. Shall we go and see a film? Im giving a party. Do come to my house this evening. Can I give you a lift? What about having lunch with us tomorrow? Look, Asha, theres a good film on at the Rex, I thought we could go together. Do you feel like a cup of tea? Do you like a walk?

Remember this: Before making an invitation, you must normally prepare the ground by engaging the addressee in a Preliminary exchange. This is especially so before you make important invitations, such as invitations to parties, lunches, dinner etc. Here is such a preliminary exchange:

You: Are you free this Sunday?

Addressee: Well, yes. Ive got no plans.

You: You know, were giving a party this Sunday night. Its our 10th wedding a

Anniversary, you see.

Addressee: Is that so? Congratulations!

You: Noting elaborate. Just an informal party. Five or six of my closest friends and their wives. Thats all. Would you like to come?

Addressee: Id love to. Many thanks.

You: Come to our place by seven, will you? And dont forget to bring you


Remember that the preliminary question you ask is mainly a gambit to pave the way for the invitation. Even if the addressee replies that hes busy or that he has made some plans, you normally go ahead and make the invitation.

For more word groups that you can use as prefaces to invitations, see Asking about plans. For responses, see Answering questions about plans.

85. Accepting an invitation

Thank you very much. What sort of time do you want me to come? Many thanks. Fine, Id love to. Ill be happy to. Thats very kind o you. With pleasure! Sunday? Good idea! yes. Thanks a lot. Thatd be lovely, thank you. If you really insist Im most grateful. Thatd be nice. What time would you like me to come? Thatd be fine. Who else is going with us? Its very kind of you. Well, if you insist. Id like that very much. Id be glad to. Where do we meet, then? Yes. Great! Delighted! Id love to. All right. Where shall we met, then? What a good idea! Thanks very much. Thank you so much. Its very good of you.

86. Refusing an invitation

Im afraid I wont be able to come this time. You see, Ive already arranged to do something on Sunday. How about another day? Id love to, but I am afraid I have something else on Tuesday. Thatd be very nice, but Im afraid I cant. You see, my daughter is ill, and I must stay home to look after her. Thanks all the same. Thats very kind of you, but you see, I wont be free this evening. Id rather not. Ive got a headache, and Id like to lie down for some time. Im afraid Im busy on Saturday. How about Sunday? Im terribly sorry. I dont think Ill be able to come. Ill certainly try. Im afraid Ive already promised to attend another meeting on that day. Oh, Ajit, I have too much work to do, and I wont be able to leave the office before seven. Im afraid I cant, Anand. You see, I have some guests coming this evening. Thanks anyway. I wish I could, but Im afraid Im already booked up for that day. Sorry Suresh, I have something else fixed up for that day. Perhaps we could get together some other day? (When someone offers to give you a lift). No, Id like to walk. Thanks anyway. What a pity! You see, Im leaving for Bangalore today evening. Thank you very much for asking me, but I dont think I can. Im afraid I cant. Ill be away on that day,. Thanks all the same.

87. Expressing irritation

(See anger and Rebuking sb)

88. Taking leave of sb

Bye! Bye-bye! Goodbye! I must hurry, otherwise Im going to be late. Well, bye then, Iqbal! See you! Goodbye for now! I am terribly sorry, but I have to go now! Well, I must be off! Its getting late. WE have to leave now. I must hurry. Im really pressed for time. Ill see you next week! Im sorry, but Ive really got to go! So long! Im afraid I must be going. Its getting dark. I must fly! I have an engagement now. Cheers! Im glad to have seen you, Gupta! See you again soon! Well, its been a real pleasure to talk to you. See you again soon! Well, its been a real pleasure to talk to you. See you then, Suresh! Please excuse me, wont you? Ive got to be going now. Until next week, then! Bye! See you in the evening! Bye, everybody! I think I have to go now. Im in quite a hurry. So long! Take care! Well, I had better be going! Well,, I must be off, then! Oh, Raju, is that the time? I really must be going! See you again sometime, Bye now! Good night! Im afraid I must think about going now. Take care. Bye! Take care of yourself! Bye bye, all! I must dash! Well, it was really nice talking to you! Im glad we were able to have this little chat together. Goodbye, everyone!

Here are two points you must remember:

1) You must use the following word groups only when you take leave of someone youve met for the first time (and not when you take leave of someone you already know):

. Its been nice knowing you. Its been nice meeting you. Im glad to have met you. Nice to have met you.

2) Good day! Is an old-fashioned and formal expression. Avoid it. Use Have a nice day! instead.

89. Responding to sb whos taking leave of you

Im sorry you have to go now. Goodbye, uncle! I hope you have a good week-end! So long, then! Thanks for coming. Look after yourself. Thank you very much for coming to see us. Must you go so soon? But youve only just come! Bye! Have a good trip! Hope youve enjoyed your stay. It was pleasant to talk to each other again., Its only 9.00. Why dont you stay for some more time? Goodbye, then! See you next time! I hope we can get together again. Ill be looking forward to seeing you again. Dont forget to write. Come on, you dont have to go already, do you? See you later. But theres still plenty of time. Have a good week-end! Ive got to leave in a few minutes, too. Come back soon. At least, stay still 10.00. Bye! Have a good time. It was nice to have seen you! Dont forget to look us up next time youre here. Bye! Have a good journey.

90. Expressing likes

(See Expressing pleasure and Expressing preference).

91. Expressing dislikes

(See Expressing displeasure, and Expressing preference).

92. Asking about likes and dislikes

(See Asking about pleasure and displeasure, likes and dislikes).

93. Expressing likelihood

(See Expressing probability. See also Expressing certainty and Expressing possibility).

94. Stating logical conclusions

You saw her with Pedro? So Anand was right. Did he say that? That means he doesnt know anything about it. If he is not there, he must be with jack. Dont you have it with you? Then it must be with the Head Clerk. Everybody must have left for the eveningbecause nobody is

answering the phone. This means that he has been telling the truth. That can

100. Accepting an offer of food or drink

Yes, thanks. Thanks very much. Thanks. Id love some. Good idea. Ill have a coffee. Yes, please. Thanks. Id like one. I wouldnt mind a cup of coffee. Well, if its not too much trouble, Ill have a coffee. Thanks, Ill have a lemon juice, please. Thanks. Id like some. Yes, Just a drop. Thank you. Lovely! A piece, please. Yes, thank you. Ill have some more. Thanks you. Thatd be nice. Ok. Thank you. I wont mind a cup of tea. Thank you very much. Thank you, I would. Just a little, please.

101. Showing reluctance to accept an offer

Oh no, noIm afraid not. Look, I cant possibly let you.. Oh no.. I couldnt eat any more.. Well, if I have to. No, no .. please. I dont think I can accept this, you know.. Well, if you insist. Well, if you really want me to. Look, theres no need.. No, no.. Ive only just had lunch.. If its all the same to you. I wont Well, if you really think so. Some other time, perhaps.. No, its far too much, really. Id rather not. Im not sure I can accept this, thank you.

102. Declining an offer of food or drink

No, thank you. Its really superb, but I really couldnt. No, not for me. Thanks. Not for the moment. Thank you. Not this time, thanks. I really cant eat another thing. Thanks. Im afraid I dont eat fish. Not just at the moment. Thank you. No, please dont bother. No, Im not very fond of it. Thanks all the same. The cutlets are delicious. But Im afraid I couldnt. Thank you. Ive had enough. Thank you. No, thank you. Im just leaving. Im afraid I dont drink coffee. Id love to, but Im afraid I cant. Ive had plenty. Thanks. It looks delicious, but Im afraid I couldnt. No, thank you. I cant manage any more.

103. Opening a conversation with a stranger

(See also Introducing a conversational topic)

You played very well, Do you play often? Say, you spoke very well. I agree with youmore and more people must be encouraged to become self-employed. (At a bus-stop): Are you waiting for the 107? Its a bit late today, isnt it? I like your shoes. Where did you buy them? Very cold, isnt it? I like your shoes. Where did you buy them? Very cold, isnt it? I like your shoes. Where did you buy them? Very cold, isnt it? I like your shoes. Where did you buy them? Very cold, isnt it? She sings very well, dont you think so? These queues are awful, arent they? Nice party, isnt it? We havent met, have we? Im TilakTilak Iyer. Ov er here on business, are you? Thats a Perry Mason novel, isnt it? How do you like it? There seems to be some delay. They havent announced the flight, have they? Very cold in here, isnt it? What miserable weather! Very cold again. Forgive me for asking, but where did you get that dress? The traffic seems to get worse every day, doesnt it? Youre Nishas cousin, arent you? Terrible rain again. The music is pretty good, isnt it? Lovely day, isnt it? Youre related to Ashok, arent you? Is this seat taken? The views from here are lovely, arent they? Especially, the view of those mountains. Are you going far? How far are you going?

104. Giving an opinion

Hes angry with her, I think. Hes quite popular among them, I feel. It didnt work, did it? I always think cricket is much more exciting than football. As I see it he has no alternative but to resign. I think youre making a mistake. Im

sorry, but I do believe this is an unfair decision. Hes a good sort. Wonderful film, wasnt it? I believe he was worried about something. I dont think so., He thinks he can dictate to everybody. If I were the judge, Id hang them. I thought it was very boring. Surely, it cant be that bad? Well, if you ask me, hes a lousy player. Well, I dont know about you, but I think its an excellent plan. In my opinion, they treated him badly. Personally, I think its no good talking to him. He played very badly, didnt he? Well, I dont want to be difficult, but I do feel we shouldnt have done it. She was a bit careless, wasnt she? I find hes quite competent in his work, whatever they say.

105.Not giving an opinion

I dont know enough to form an opinion about these things. I dont really know. I have no strong opinion on matters like these. Im afraid Ive no idea. Ive never been interested in politics, you know. I dont feel strongly either way, actually. Im not much good at these things. Oh, who cares! I dont know much about sports, you know. Im not aware of all the facts, you know. I dont know enough about it, Im afraid. Im afraid I dont know. Thats really outside my domain. No comment. Politics has never been of great interest to me. You know. I can see both points of view.

106. Asking someones opinion

Do you like her? Do you think its going to rain? What do you think about her dress? Does it look very bad? Do you feel that I should have accepted it? How do you like this, then? Was the lecture interesting? Do you have any views on the suggestions theyve made? Dont you think that this colour suits me? How will it look if you mend it? How about his, then? Could I ask what your opinion is? How do you feel about the way she behaved? What did you think of the book? What do you think of this? Whats your opinion of your new boss? Is this all right? Do you think he was right? Do you think I ought to ring him up? Wouldnt you say that he had a strange look on his face? Do you think this is all right? How do you think Id look in that dress? Do you have any views about this proposal? Whats your opinion about the stand he has taken?

107. Agreeing with an opinion

Uh huh. Sure. Yes. I know. Yes, Im afraid it was. I agree with you. Thats right. Yes, I agree. Yeah, sure. Yes,. I suppose so. Absolutely. I agree with that. Of course. How true. Right. Yes, Im in favour of it, too. Yes, Im against it, too. Yes, you have a point there. Yes, it was superb. I think so, too. Of course not. Youre right. I believe so. I quite agree. Itd seem so. Youre quite right there. Quite right. True enough. Exactly. Definitely. Certainly. I cant help thinking the same. Yes, it is. I fully agree with you there. I couldnt agree more. Yes, youre absolutely right.

108. Disagreeing with an opinion

I dont think so. No, it isnt. Im afraid I dont agree. No, thats not correct. Nonsense! I dont think its true. What nonsense! I cant really agree with you there. Oh, surely not! But it cant be. Oh, come on! You cant be serious. No, no, no. I dont agree. Im sorry. I just cant agree with you. Thats not true. You cant mean that. Oh no, I dont agree with you. Oh, come off it! Youve got it all wrong! It certainly isnt I think you may be wrong there, you know. Im afraid I cant agree with that. Rubbish! Im not sure that I agree. Im not so sure about that. No, I cant accept that. Im not sure Id go along with you there. Oh no. not again! I dont think I can agree with you on that. Why not? I did not. Youre joking. Arent you?

109. Giving permission

Yes, you can. By all means. You can have as many as you want. Yes, certainly. OK. You can, if you want. I suppose so, But just this once. Sure, go ahead. No, I dont mind. Not at all. (I dont mind it all). Yes, I you want. You may, if you like. Yes, all right. Go right ahead. Well, go ahead, if you must. Yes, if you must. I can see no objection. Yes, of course. Yes, thats fine. You have my permission.

110. Asking someones permission.

Can I come in? May I have a word with you, sit? If you dont mind, Id like to have a smoke. Id like to stay behind for some time, if you have no objection. Would you mind if I smoked? Could I see you for a moment? Its very hot in here. Can I open the window/ Do you mind if I use your phone? Could I possibly take the car? Would you let me take it home for a day? Can I go too? Would you object if I took my dog inside? You dont mind if Im a bit late tomorrow, do you? Would it be all right if I brought him in now? Can I go with you? Have you any objection to my leaving it here? I dont suppose anybodyd mind if I opened the window? Is it all right to stay up till midnight? I wonder if I could borrow this book for a few days? I may be a little late tomorrowI suppose you dont mind that. Is it all right if I join the train at Pune?

111. Refusing permission

(See Sl. No.135 Expressing prohibition).

Im sorry. Sorry, you cant. Im sorry you cant do it. Youre not allowed to do it. Im afraid its out of the question. No, you mustnt do it. Smoking is not allowed, Im afraid. Look, the answer is No. Its out of the question, Im afraid. No, dont go there today. Its OK with me, but you must ask Arjun. Youre not supposed to do it. Im sorry I cant let you do it. I cant allow you to do it. Theres no way Im going to let you do it. No, you mustnt open it now. Youd better ask her. You must be joking!

112. Asking wheth