Download - Wireless GIS (w-GIS) for r eal time d ata logging

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Wireless GIS (w-GIS) for real time data logging

Nitin K. Tripathi (Speaker)

Asian Institute of Technology, [email protected]

Phisan Santitamnont , CU

Pakorn Apaphant , GISTDA

Prasad R. Bauchkar, AIT

Vasan Choengsa-ard, AIT

Asian Institute of Technology


-Geo Informatic s & Space Tech

nology Develo pment Agency

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• Emerging technologies, Internet, Wireless communication and mobile computing device changing way of using GIS

• Growing demand for Internet due to real time information needs

• Traditional static GIS became Wireless and operations possible on the fly

• Wireless + Mobile Technology Ready-to-Use GIS

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• Traditional GIS is in static environment -Limitation

• GIS analysis should be possible through any browser

(no GIS software needed)

• Real time GIS needs data acquisition, upload, update and retrieval directly from field

• Non-availability of comprehensive system for real time data updating

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Mainframe GIS

Mainframe GIS

Desktop GIS

Desktop GIS

Internet GIS

Internet GIS

Wireless GIS

Wireless GIS






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Wireless GIS GPRS Network Operator


TCP/IP access to GPRS network

Web Server+Dastabase+Applications

PDA + GPS+Digital camera+mobile phone

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- 3 Tiers Architecture

PDAWeb Browser

GPS Autoloading Program

Spatial Data


Web Application

GIS Data

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Benefits - Open Source Software

• Cut down budget

• Opportunity for technology exploration

• On-the-job training and education

• Prototyping and demo

• Excellent tools for research and development

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Minnesota MapServer

• Developed at UMN Remote Sensing Lab • Funded by NASA “Mission to Planet Earth”• Started as Arc/Info AML generation script• Built on top of standard Open-source projects like

GD, FreeType, Proj.4 and libTIFF, Shapelib• Implemented as a CGI program• Written in ANSI C• Source distribution : UNIX, Window

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Interfacing with MapServer

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Spatial Database Offerings

• ESRI ArcSDE (on top of several different DBs)

• Oracle Spatial• IBM DB2 Spatial Extender• Informix Spatial DataBlade• MS SQL Server (with ESRI SDE)• Geomedia on MS Access• PostGIS / PostgreSQL

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PostgreSQL/Post GIS = SFSQL Spatia l DB

• PostGIS spatially enables PostgreSQL by adding spatial objects, functions, and indexing.

• PostGIS aims to be an “OpenGIS Simple Features for SQL” compliant spatial database

• PostGIS is free software (GPL)• PostGIS follows the OpenGIS Simple Features

for SQL • PostGIS is an important component in open

and free GIS.• PostGIS is an important building block for all

future open source spatial projects.

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PostgreSQL/Post GIS = SFSQL Spatia l DB

• Why choose PostgreSQL/PostGIS?– No cost (open source)– Supports most of the SQL standard– Ability to add new data-types– No limit on column size– Easy to add custom functions– One of the only open, respected standards– Participation by the major GIS/DB organizations– Other spatial DB are at least partially compliant– SFSQL provides complex functionality required

by Web Feature Server / Web Map Server

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Wireless Spatial Data Logger Process

MapServer RDBMS



Raster file

Shape file

GIS Data

Wireless Network

Web Server







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Map Viewer Process

MapServer RDBMS



Raster file

Shape file

GIS Data

Wireless Network

Web Server





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Spatial Relational Database Design

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Hardware ProfileHardware Feature

Laser itouch P600 Pocket PC 2002

ipaq 3970 Pocket PC 2002

Compact Flash GPS Inbuilt Antenna GPS Receiver

Compact Flash Camera Mobile Device Camera

Extension Slot Extension for Compact Flash cards

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Field Test

1. Locate point of interest

3. View result

2. Submit upload form

4. Query by point

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Samples of user interaction and availablemaps

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Using the tool

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Field Test

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Flood Monitoring

Forest Fire

Farm Management

Map Updating


Natural disaster and hazard management


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Contact Dr. Nitin K. TripathiAssociate

ProfessorAsian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, ThailandPhone : +66-2-5246392Email : [email protected]

Dr.-Ing. Phisan Santitamnont

Assistant ProfessorSurvey Engineering Department

Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand Tel : +66 (0) 2218-6661

E-mail : [email protected]

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Workshop on Wireless/Handheld Spatial

Data Logger Nitin K. Tripathi

Phisan Santitamnont

Prasad R. Bauchkar

Vasan Choengsa-ard

Asian Institute of Technology

Chulalongkorn University

The Asian Federation of Information Technology in Agriculture

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Introduction Emerging technologies; Internet, Wireless communication

and mobile computing device changing way of using GIS

Traditional static GIS became Wireless and operations

possible on the fly

Growing demand for Internet due to real time information


Wireless + Mobile Technology Ready-to-Use GIS

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Mainframe GIS

Desktop GIS

Internet GIS

Wireless GIS






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Problems Traditional GIS is in static environment

Real time GIS needs data acquisition, upload, update and

retrieval directly from field.

Non availability of system for real time data updating

GIS analysis should be possible through any browser

without GIS software installed

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Internet GIS

Similar to the client-server architecture of the web

Users can access, manipulate and retrieve GIS data without necessity of GIS software.

GIS + WWW Internet GIS

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Thick client (Client) : Display client request.

Client Side

Thin client ( Server) : Store information and executes client request

Server Side

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Wireless GIS

Inexpensive hardware, standardized communication protocols and innovative software made possible to deploy GIS functionality in a mobile computing environment

Mobility + Wireless connectivity + GIS = Wireless GIS

Provide the facility to extract particular sets of information where it is needed

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Mobile Switching Center

Web Hosts/Servers

A Simplified Cellular Network

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• Wireless Technologies

Third Generation (3G)

General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)

Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)

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• 3G

ITU specification for the third generation of mobile communications technology.

Bandwidth, up to 384 Kbps when a device is stationary or moving at pedestrian speed, 128 Kbps in a car, and 2 Mbps in fixed applications.

Work over wireless air interfaces such as GSM, TDMA, and CDMA.


Standard for wireless communications

Runs at speeds up to 115 kilobits per second

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A digital cellular technology that uses spread-spectrum techniques

CDMA does not assign a specific frequency to each user Instead, every channel uses the full available spectrum


A type of local-area network that uses high-frequency radio waves rather than wires to communicate between nodes

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Open Source

Free to use – no licensing fees

Duplicate software and installed on any machine

Full Access to source code

Highly responsive to end-user requirements

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• Web Map Service (WMS)Produces maps of georeferenced data

Maps are rendered in a pictorial format such as PNG, GIF or JPEG,

GetCapabilities (required): Obtain service-level metadata, which is a machine-readable (and human-readable) description of the WMS's information content and acceptable request parameters

GetMap (required): Obtain a map image whose geospatial and dimensional parameters are well-defined

GetFeatureInfo (optional): Ask for information about particular features shown on a map.

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• Web Feature Service (WFS)

Retrieve geospatial data encoded in Geography Markup Language (GML) from multiple Web Feature Services

Support INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, QUERY and DISCOVERY operations on geographic features using HTTP as the distributed computing platform


Web Feature Service(WFS)

WFS Request WFS Response

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Minnesota MapServer

• Originally developed as free map server software containing various freeware systems - Shapelib, FreeType, Proj.4, libTIFF etc.

• Runs under Windows and UNIX operating systems, supports various formats both raster and vector datasets.

• Relies on the CGI mode program, Map file and Template file.

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Library SupportGD C library for the dynamic creation of images PNG, JPEG

PNG PNG support

Proj.4 Cartographic projection library

Freetype TrueType font support

OGR Simple Features Library, C++ open source library supports vector formats –ESRI Shape files, MapInfo tab, GML, Arc/Info coverage, DGN, PostgreSQL

GDAL Translator library supports raster geospatial data formats – TIFF/GeoTIFF, JPEG, Arc/Info Grid, ENVI ESRI header, ERDAS


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Map file

• Presented as ASCII file. configures basic information for Minnesota Map Server mechanism such as map’s unit, projection and the path of the data.

• Used for object definition. Every mechanism is considered as object in Map file like map object, label object, layer object, projection object, legend object, class object and so forth.

Template file

• Required for rendering image on user's web browser

• HTML file with specially tagged replaceable parameters designated with square brackets.

• When the map server receives queries from users, it reads the Template file and generates map objects to reply to the users. The parameters in the square brackets would be replaced by the exact path of the output file.

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MapServer Using CGIWeb Browser

CGI-Request (Mapserv)

Minnesota MapServer (WMS)

PostgreSQL Geodatabase





Spatial Database

The CGI mode program

The CGI mode program of Minnesota Map Server is called Mapserv – a component to store all freeware systems.

Map Server executable is called directly from CGI mode, and renders the entire HTML page based on parameters passed in the query string, and static configuration files stored on the web server.

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Map File ExampleMAP

NAME "thai" STATUS ON EXTENT -231930.03916 459597.455047 1673801.76813 2365717.07906 SIZE 500 500 SHAPEPATH "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/Thailand/data/" SYMBOLSET "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/Thailand/etc/symbols.sym" FONTSET "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/Fonts/fonts.list" IMAGECOLOR -1 -1 -1 UNITS METERS IMAGETYPE JPEG

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TEMPLATE "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/indice/indice.html" IMAGEPATH "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/tmp/" HEADER QHead.html TEMPLATE main.html FOOTER QFoot.html

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WMS Result

PNG, JPEG, GIF Query Map

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PostgreSQLObject-Relational DBMS

Uses a client-server model of communication

PostgreSQL can be extended by the user in many ways, for example by adding new Data types Functions Operators Aggregate functions Index methods Procedural languages

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Adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database

Spatially enables, the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend spatial database for geographic information systems

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Spatial Data Logger• System Development


Minnesota MapServer

Spatial Database

Client Interface Application Software Data Server


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Software ProfileSoftware Function

Apache Server 2.0.47 HTTP Web Server

Minnesota MapServer 4.0 MapServer

PostgreSQL 7.3.5 RDBMS

PostGIS 0.7.5 PostgreSQL extend

PHP 4.3.2 Server Scripting Language

Webmin System Administration for Unix

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Hardware ProfileHardware Feature

Laser itouch P600 Pocket PC 2002

ipaq 3970 Pocket PC 2002

Compact Flash GPS Inbuilt Antenna GPS Receiver

Compact Flash Camera Mobile Device Camera

Extension Slot Extension for Compact Flash cards

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Prototype Development

PHP PostgreSQL

GIS Data

Minnesota Mapserver


Web Server

Application Server

Data Server

RequestWireless Network

HTML Pages


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• System Flow

• CGI interfaces the client’s request with the apache web server which further sends it to PHP compiler.• PHP executes the request by invoking the necessary SQL sentences for updating, uploading and deleting the information into the PostgreSQL/PostGIS database.• The request is now retrieved into the database and ready to display through MapServer.• The PostGIS layer is connected with MapServer through the internal map file configuration providing geo-database access.

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• PostGIS Layer LAYER # This Layer is connected to the PosetgresSQL database table stationrid by postGIS CONNECTIONTYPE postgis NAME "stationrid" CONNECTION "user=postgres password=star123 dbname=test host=localhost port=5432" DATA "the_geom from stationrid" STATUS ON DUMP TRUE TYPE POINT TOLERANCE 16 TEMPLATE "QStationrid.html"

CLASSITEM “stat_name”LABELITEM “stat_name”






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Upload Data Using Open GIS Function


$sid = $_GET["ID"];

$sname = $_GET["NAME"];

$lat = $_GET["XX"]; $lon = $_GET["YY"];

$con = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=test user=postgres password=star123");

$res = pg_exec("INSERT INTO stationrid(id,stat_name,the_geom,srid) VALUES($sid,'$sname',GeometryFromText('POINT($lat $lon)',23846),'$sid')"); pg_close($con);


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ResultsThe prototype is publicly available on the Internet at :

Available Actions

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• Samples of user interaction and available maps

Ratchathawi, Bangkok Map

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Upload Data Query Data

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PostgreSQL Database

Database of Uploaded Points

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Spatial Data Logger (SDL)

SDL Ready to use GIS in real time.

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Field Verification

1. Locate point of interest 2. Submit upload form

3. View result 4. Query by point

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Field Test

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Flood Monitoring

Forest Fire

Map Updating


Natural disaster and hazard management


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Cost Estimation

• Software

• Hardware

No licensing fees for Open Source softwares

Freeware Softwares

Device Cost (Baht)

Laser P600 25000

Camera 6500

GPS 8000

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Contact Dr. Nitin K. Tripathi

Associate ProfessorAsian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, ThailandPhone : +66-2-5246392Email : [email protected]

Dr.-Ing. Phisan Santitamnont

Assistant ProfessorSurvey Engineering Department

Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand Tel : +66 (0) 2218-6661

E-mail : [email protected]